Results for 'alternation-free modal mu-calculi'

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  1.  7
    Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 7: Papers From the Seventh Advances in Modal Logic Conference, Held in Nancy, France, September 2008.Carlos Areces & Robert Goldblatt (eds.) - 2008 - London, England: College Publications.
  2.  14
    A decision procedure for alternation-free modal μ-calculi.Yoshinori Tannabe, Koichi Takahashi & Masami Hagiya - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 341-362.
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    Dynamic Semantics of Quantified Modal Mu-Calculi and Its Applications to Modelling Public Referents, Speaker's Referents, and Semantic Referents.Norihiro Ogata - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi, New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 109--122.
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    Focus-Style Proofs for the Two-Way Alternation-Free μ-Calculus.Jan Rooduijn & Yde Venema - 2023 - In Helle Hvid Hansen, Andre Scedrov & Ruy J. G. B. De Queiroz, Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 29th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2023, Halifax, NS, Canada, July 11–14, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 318-335.
    We introduce a cyclic proof system for the two-way alternation-free modal μ-calculus. The system manipulates one-sided Gentzen sequents and locally deals with the backwards modalities by allowing analytic applications of the cut rule. The global effect of backwards modalities on traces is handled by making the semantics relative to a specific strategy of the opponent in the evaluation game. This allows us to augment sequents by so-called trace atoms, describing traces that the proponent can construct against the (...)
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    Maehara-style modal nested calculi.Roman Kuznets & Lutz Straßburger - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):359-385.
    We develop multi-conclusion nested sequent calculi for the fifteen logics of the intuitionistic modal cube between IK and IS5. The proof of cut-free completeness for all logics is provided both syntactically via a Maehara-style translation and semantically by constructing an infinite birelational countermodel from a failed proof search. Interestingly, the Maehara-style translation for proving soundness syntactically fails due to the hierarchical structure of nested sequents. Consequently, we only provide the semantic proof of soundness. The countermodel construction used (...)
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    Cut-free completeness for modular hypersequent calculi for modal logics K, T, and D.Samara Burns & Richard Zach - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):910-929.
    We investigate a recent proposal for modal hypersequent calculi. The interpretation of relational hypersequents incorporates an accessibility relation along the hypersequent. These systems give the same interpretation of hypersequents as Lellman's linear nested sequents, but were developed independently by Restall for S5 and extended to other normal modal logics by Parisi. The resulting systems obey Došen's principle: the modal rules are the same across different modal logics. Different modal systems only differ in the presence (...)
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  7. Classical modal display logic in the calculus of structures and minimal cut-free deep inference calculi for S.Rajeev Gore - manuscript
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    Investigations into intuitionistic and other negations.Satoru Niki - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):532-532.
    Intuitionistic logic formalises the foundational ideas of L.E.J. Brouwer’s mathematical programme of intuitionism. It is one of the earliest non-classical logics, and the difference between classical and intuitionistic logic may be interpreted to lie in the law of the excluded middle, which asserts that either a proposition is true or its negation is true. This principle is deemed unacceptable from the constructive point of view, in whose understanding the law means that there is an effective procedure to determine the truth (...)
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    Philosophical Problems in Logic. [REVIEW]P. M. R. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (3):556-556.
    The essays in this volume are based on addresses given during a colloquium on free logic, modal logic, and related areas held at the University of California in 1968. The majority of the contributors are well known for their writings in these fields and their papers are as illuminating as they are technical. In the first paper, Lambert and Bas C. Van Fraassen apply free logic to several controversies in quantified modal logic. One of these is (...)
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    Proof Systems for Two-Way Modal Mu-Calculus.Bahareh Afshari, Sebastian Enqvist, Graham E. Leigh, Johannes Marti & Yde Venema - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-50.
    We present sound and complete sequent calculi for the modal mu-calculus with converse modalities, aka two-way modal mu-calculus. Notably, we introduce a cyclic proof system wherein proofs can be represented as finite trees with back-edges, i.e., finite graphs. The sequent calculi incorporate ordinal annotations and structural rules for managing them. Soundness is proved with relative ease as is the case for the modal mu-calculus with explicit ordinals. The main ingredients in the proof of completeness are (...)
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    Cut-free tableau calculi for some propositional normal modal logics.Martin Amerbauer - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (2-3):359 - 372.
    We give sound and complete tableau and sequent calculi for the prepositional normal modal logics S4.04, K4B and G 0(these logics are the smallest normal modal logics containing K and the schemata A A, A A and A ( A); A A and AA; A A and ((A A) A) A resp.) with the following properties: the calculi for S4.04 and G 0are cut-free and have the interpolation property, the calculus for K4B contains a restricted (...)
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    Cut-free tableau calculi for some intuitionistic modal logics.Mauro Ferrari - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (3):303-330.
    In this paper we provide cut-free tableau calculi for the intuitionistic modal logics IK, ID, IT, i.e. the intuitionistic analogues of the classical modal systems K, D and T. Further, we analyse the necessity of duplicating formulas to which rules are applied. In order to develop these calculi we extend to the modal case some ideas presented by Miglioli, Moscato and Ornaghi for intuitionistic logic. Specifically, we enlarge the language with the new signs Fc (...)
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  13. Independent alternatives: Ross’s puzzle and free choice.Richard Jefferson Booth - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (4):1241-1273.
    Orthodox semantics for natural language modals give rise to two puzzles for their interactions with disjunction: Ross’s puzzle and the puzzle of free choice permission. It is widely assumed that each puzzle can be explained in terms of the licensing of ‘Diversity’ inferences: from the truth of a possibility or necessity modal with an embedded disjunction, hearers infer that each disjunct is compatible with the relevant set of worlds. I argue that Diversity inferences are too weak to explain (...)
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  14.  54
    Free choice of alternatives.Anamaria Fălăuş - 2014 - Linguistics and Philosophy 37 (2):121-173.
    This paper contributes to the semantic typology of dependent indefinites, by accounting for the distribution and interpretation of the Romanian indefinite vreun. It is shown that its occurrences are restricted to negative polarity and a subset of modal contexts. More specifically, the study of its behavior in intensional environments reveals that vreun is systematically incompatible with non-epistemic operators, a restriction we capture by proposing a novel empirical generalization (‘the epistemic constraint’). To account for the observed pattern, we adopt the (...)
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  15. Free choice, modals, and imperatives.Maria Aloni - 2007 - Natural Language Semantics 15 (1):65-94.
    The article proposes an analysis of imperatives and possibility and necessity statements that (i) explains their differences with respect to the licensing of free choice any and (ii) accounts for the related phenomena of free choice disjunction in imperatives, permissions, and statements. Any and or are analyzed as operators introducing sets of alternative propositions. Free choice licensing operators are treated as quantifiers over these sets. In this way their interpretation can be sensitive to the alternatives any and (...)
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  16.  47
    Labeled sequent calculi for modal logics and implicit contractions.Pierluigi Minari - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (7-8):881-907.
    The paper settles an open question concerning Negri-style labeled sequent calculi for modal logics and also, indirectly, other proof systems which make (more or less) explicit use of semantic parameters in the syntax and are thus subsumed by labeled calculi, like Brünnler’s deep sequent calculi, Poggiolesi’s tree-hypersequent calculi and Fitting’s prefixed tableau systems. Specifically, the main result we prove (through a semantic argument) is that labeled calculi for the modal logics K and D (...)
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    Uniform Cut-Free Bisequent Calculi for Three-Valued Logics.Andrzej Indrzejczak & Yaroslav Petrukhin - 2024 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 33 (3):463-506.
    We present a uniform characterisation of three-valued logics by means of a bisequent calculus (BSC). It is a generalised form of a sequent calculus (SC) where rules operate on the ordered pairs of ordinary sequents. BSC may be treated as the weakest kind of system in the rich family of generalised SC operating on items being some collections of ordinary sequents, like hypersequent and nested sequent calculi. It seems that for many non-classical logics, including some many-valued, paraconsistent and (...) logics, the reasonably modest generalisation of standard SC offered by BSC is sufficient. In this paper, we examine a variety of three-valued logics and show how they can be formalised in the framework of BSC. We present a constructive syntactic proof that these systems are cut-free, satisfy the subformula property, and allow one to prove the interpolation theorem in many cases. (shrink)
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    Hypersequent Calculi for S5: The Methods of Cut Elimination.Kaja Bednarska & Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2015 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 24 (3):277–311.
    S5 is one of the most important modal logic with nice syntactic, semantic and algebraic properties. In spite of that, a successful (i.e. cut-free) formalization of S5 on the ground of standard sequent calculus (SC) was problematic and led to the invention of numerous nonstandard, generalized forms of SC. One of the most interesting framework which was very often used for this aim is that of hypersequent calculi (HC). The paper is a survey of HC for S5 (...)
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    Modality-free pre-rough logic.Anirban Saha & Jayanta Sen - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):429-451.
    In this paper, we present a modality-free pre-rough algebra. Łukasiewicz Moisil algebra and Wajsberg algebra are equivalent under a transformation. A similar type of equivalence exists in our proposed definition and standard definition of pre-rough algebra. We obtain a few modality-free algebras weaker than pre-rough algebra. Furthermore, it is also established that modality-free versions for other analogous structures weaker than pre-rough algebra do not exist. Both Hilbert-type axiomatization and sequent calculi for all proposed algebras are presented.
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  20. Freedom and Control - On the modality of free will.Stephen Mumford & Rani Lill Anjum - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (1):1-12.
    Free will is a problem of modality, hampered by a commitment to modal dualism: the view that there is only necessity and pure contingency. If we have necessity, then things couldn't have been otherwise, against the Principle of Alternate Possibilities (AP). If there is complete contingency, then the agent seems to have no control over her actions, against the principle of Ultimate Authorship (UA). There is a third modality in natural causal processes, however. AP and UA can be (...)
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  21.  33
    Sequent Calculi for Intuitionistic Linear Logic with Strong Negation.Norihiro Kamide - 2002 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 10 (6):653-678.
    We introduce an extended intuitionistic linear logic with strong negation and modality. The logic presented is a modal extension of Wansing's extended linear logic with strong negation. First, we propose three types of cut-free sequent calculi for this new logic. The first one is named a subformula calculus, which yields the subformula property. The second one is termed a dual calculus, which has positive and negative sequents. The third one is called a triple-context calculus, which is regarded (...)
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  22.  68
    Norms and Alternatives : Logical Aspects of Normative Reasoning.Karl Nygren - 2022 - Dissertation, Stockholm University
    In this thesis, I develop and investigate various novel semantic frameworks for deontic logic. Deontic logic concerns the logical aspects of normative reasoning. In particular, it concerns reasoning about what is required, allowed and forbidden. I focus on two main issues: free-choice reasoning and the role of norms in deontic logic. -/- Free-choice reasoning concerns permissions and obligations that offer choices between different actions. Such permissions and obligations are typically expressed by a disjunctive clause in the scope of (...)
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  23. Free choice and homogeneity.Simon Goldstein - 2019 - Semantics and Pragmatics 12:1-48.
    This paper develops a semantic solution to the puzzle of Free Choice permission. The paper begins with a battery of impossibility results showing that Free Choice is in tension with a variety of classical principles, including Disjunction Introduction and the Law of Excluded Middle. Most interestingly, Free Choice appears incompatible with a principle concerning the behavior of Free Choice under negation, Double Prohibition, which says that Mary can’t have soup or salad implies Mary can’t have soup (...)
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  24. Freedom, Foreknowledge, and the Principle of Alternate Possibilities.Kadri Vihvelin - 2000 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):1-23.
    The traditional debate between compatibilists and incompatibilists was based on the assumption that if determinism deprives us of free will and moral responsibility, it does so by making it true that we can never do other than what we actually do. All parties to the debate took for granted the truth of a claim now widely known as "the principle of alternate possibilities": someone is morally responsible only if he could have done otherwise. In a famous paper, Harry Frankfurt (...)
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  25.  31
    Quantified Modal Logics: One Approach to Rule (Almost) them All!Eugenio Orlandelli - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (4):959-996.
    We present a general approach to quantified modal logics that can simulate most other approaches. The language is based on operators indexed by terms which allow to express de re modalities and to control the interaction of modalities with the first-order machinery and with non-rigid designators. The semantics is based on a primitive counterpart relation holding between n-tuples of objects inhabiting possible worlds. This allows an object to be represented by one, many, or no object in an accessible world. (...)
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    Displaying the modal logic of consistency.Heinrich Wansing - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1573-1590.
    It is shown that the constructive four-valued logic N4 can be faithfully embedded into the modal logic S4. This embedding is used to obtain complete, cut-free display sequent calculi for N4 and C4, the modal logic of consistency over N4. C4 is a natural monotonic base system for semantics-based non-monotonic reasoning.
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    Logical Options: An Introduction to Classical and Alternative Logics.John L. Bell, David DeVidi & Graham Solomon - 2001 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Logical Options introduces the extensions and alternatives to classical logic which are most discussed in the philosophical literature: many-sorted logic, second-order logic, modal logics, intuitionistic logic, three-valued logic, fuzzy logic, and free logic. Each logic is introduced with a brief description of some aspect of its philosophical significance, and wherever possible semantic and proof methods are employed to facilitate comparison of the various systems. The book is designed to be useful for philosophy students and professional philosophers who have (...)
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  28. Cognitive biases and the predictable perils of the patient‐centric free‐market model of medicine.Michael J. Shaffer - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (4):446-456.
    This paper addresses the recent rise of the use of alternative medicine in Western countries. It offers a novel explanation of that phenomenon in terms of cognitive and economic factors related to the free-market and patient-centric approach to medicine that is currently in place in those countries, in contrast to some alternative explanations of this phenomenon. Moreover, the paper addresses this troubling trend in terms of the serious harms associated with the use of alternative medical modalities. The explanatory theory (...)
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    On different intuitionistic calculi and embeddings from int to S.Uwe Egly - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (2):249-277.
    In this paper, we compare several cut-free sequent systems for propositional intuitionistic logic Intwith respect to polynomial simulations. Such calculi can be divided into two classes, namely single-succedent calculi (like Gentzen's LJ) and multi-succedent calculi. We show that the latter allow for more compact proofs than the former. Moreover, for some classes of formulae, the same is true if proofs in single-succedent calculi are directed acyclic graphs (dags) instead of trees. Additionally, we investigate the effect (...)
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    Bounded-analytic sequent calculi and embeddings for hypersequent logics.Agata Ciabattoni, Timo Lang & Revantha Ramanayake - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):635-668.
    A sequent calculus with the subformula property has long been recognised as a highly favourable starting point for the proof theoretic investigation of a logic. However, most logics of interest cannot be presented using a sequent calculus with the subformula property. In response, many formalisms more intricate than the sequent calculus have been formulated. In this work we identify an alternative: retain the sequent calculus but generalise the subformula property to permit specific axiom substitutions and their subformulas. Our investigation leads (...)
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    Free choice is a form of dependence.Magdalena Kaufmann - 2016 - Natural Language Semantics 24 (3):247-290.
    This paper refutes the widespread view that disjunctions of imperatives invariably grant free choice between the actions named by their disjuncts. Like other disjunctions they can also express a correlation with some factual distinction, but as with modalized declaratives used for non-assertive speech acts this needs to be indicated explicitly. A compositional analysis of one such indicator, depending on, constitutes the point of departure for a uniform analysis of disjunctions across clause types. Disjunctions are analyzed as sets of propositional (...)
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  32.  21
    A Formal Framework for Hypersequent Calculi and Their Fibring.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Martín Figallo - 2014 - In Arnold Koslow & Arthur Buchsbaum, The Road to Universal Logic: Festschrift for 50th Birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau, Volume I. New York: Springer. pp. 73-93.
    Hypersequents are a natural generalization of ordinary sequents which turn out to be a very suitable tool for presenting cut-free Gentzent-type formulations for diverse logics. In this paper, an alternative way of formulating hypersequent calculi (by introducing meta-variables for formulas, sequents and hypersequents in the object language) is presented. A suitable category of hypersequent calculi with their morphisms is defined and both types of fibring (constrained and unconstrained) are introduced. The introduced morphisms induce a novel notion of (...)
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    Modal Tree‐Sequents.Claudio Cerrato - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):197-210.
    We develop cut-free calculi of sequents for normal modal logics by using treesequents, which are trees of sequences of formulas. We introduce modal operators corresponding to the ways we move formulas along the branches of such trees, only considering fixed distance movements. Finally, we exhibit syntactic cut-elimination theorems for all the main normal modal logics.
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    On modal logic with propositional quantifiers.R. A. Bull - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (2):257-263.
    I am interested in extending modal calculi by adding propositional quantifiers, given by the rules for quantifier introduction: provided that p does not occur free in A.
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  35. Carnapian Modal and Epistemic Arithmetic.Heylen Jan - 2009 - In Carrara Massimiliano & Morato Vittorio, Language, Knowledge, and Metaphysics. Selected papers from the First SIFA Graduate Conference. College Publications. pp. 97-121.
    The subject of the first section is Carnapian modal logic. One of the things I will do there is to prove that certain description principles, viz. the ''self-predication principles'', i.e. the principles according to which a descriptive term satisfies its own descriptive condition, are theorems and that others are not. The second section will be devoted to Carnapian modal arithmetic. I will prove that, if the arithmetical theory contains the standard weak principle of induction, modal truth collapses (...)
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    Herbrand style proof procedures for modal logic.Marta Cialdea - 1993 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 3 (2):205-223.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we state and prove Herbrand's properties for two modal systems, namely T and S4, thus adapting a previous result obtained for the system D [CIA 86a] to such theories. These properties allow the first order extension?along the lines of [CIA 91]?of the resolution method defined in [ENJ 86] for the corresponding propositional modal systems. In fact, the Herbrand-style procedures proposed here treat quantifiers in a uniform way, that suggests the definition of a restricted notion (...)
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    Compatibilist Libertarianism: Why It Talks Past the Traditional Free Will Problem and Determinism Is Still a Worry.John Daniel Wright - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (4):604-622.
    Compatibilist libertarianism claims that alternate possibilities for action at the agential level are consistent with determinism at the physical level. Unlike traditional compatibilism about alternate possibilities, involving conditional or dispositional accounts of the ability to act, compatibilist libertarianism offers us unqualified modalities at the agential level, consistent with physical determinism, a potentially big advance. However, I argue that the account runs up against two problems. Firstly, the way in which the agential modalities are generated talks past the worries of the (...)
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    Benjamin Libet's ‘Free Will Experiment’, Scientific Criticisms and Kalāmic Perspective.Nursena ÇETİNGÜL - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):320-349.
    Free will, which is dealt with under the title of "acts of the servants" in the Kalām literature, is one of the fundamental issues of the science of Kalām. Benjamin Libet's famous experiment, which he conducted in order to seek an answer to the question of free will, caused the free will debates to move to the field of neuroscience. The logic of Libet's experiment is to compare the neural activity in the brain with the moment when (...)
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  39. Contingent Existence and the Reduction of Modality to Essence.Trevor Teitel - 2019 - Mind 128 (509):39-68.
    This paper first argues that we can bring out a tension between the following three popular doctrines: (i) the canonical reduction of metaphysical modality to essence, due to Fine, (ii) contingentism, which says that possibly something could have failed to be something, and (iii) the doctrine that metaphysical modality obeys the modal logic S5. After presenting two such arguments (one from the theorems of S4 and another from the theorems of B), I turn to exploring various conclusions we might (...)
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  40. Proof Analysis in Modal Logic.Sara Negri - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (5-6):507-544.
    A general method for generating contraction- and cut-free sequent calculi for a large family of normal modal logics is presented. The method covers all modal logics characterized by Kripke frames determined by universal or geometric properties and it can be extended to treat also Gödel-Löb provability logic. The calculi provide direct decision methods through terminating proof search. Syntactic proofs of modal undefinability results are obtained in the form of conservativity theorems.
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  41. On universal Free Choice items.Paula Menéndez-Benito - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):33-64.
    This paper deals with the interpretation and distribution of universal Free Choice (FC) items, such as English FC any or Spanish cualquiera. Crosslinguistically, universal FC items can be characterized as follows. First, they have a restricted distribution. Second, they express freedom of choice: the sentence You can take any card conveys the information that the addressee is free to pick whichever card she chooses. Under standard assumptions, the truth conditions of sentences like You can take any card are (...)
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  42. Causality, Modality, and Explanation.Graham White - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (3):313-343.
    We start with Fodor's critique of cognitive science in "The mind doesn't work that way: The scope and limits of computational psychology": he argues that much mental activity cannot be handled by the current methods of cognitive science because it is nonmonotonic and, therefore, is global in nature, is not context-free, and is thus not capable of being formalized by a Turing-like mental architecture. We look at the use of nonmonotonic logic in the artificial intelligence community, particularly with the (...)
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    Modality in Leibniz's Philosophy.Chloe D. Armstrong - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    Leibniz analyzes contingency in terms of a range of different notions: hypothetical necessity, per se contingency, infinite analysis, possible free decrees of God, and moral necessity. These have been interpreted as attempts to retreat from the neccesitarian view he adopts in his early work, but I defend the view that Leibniz’s commitment to necessitarianism—the claim that all truths are necessary—is an important and unwavering feature of his system. The core of Leibniz’s modal theory is the thesis that the (...)
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    Carnapian Modal and Epistemic Logic and Arithmetic with Descriptions.Jan Heylen - 2009 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    In the first chapter I have introduced Carnapian intensional logic against the background of Frege's and Quine's puzzles. The main body of the dissertation consists of two parts. In the first part I discussed Carnapian modal logic and arithmetic with descriptions. In the second chapter, I have described three Carnapian theories, CCL, CFL, and CNL. All three theories have three things in common. First, they are formulated in languages containing description terms. Second, they contain a system of modal (...)
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    Free choice and presuppositional exhaustification.Guillermo Del Pinal, Itai Bassi & Uli Sauerland - unknown
    Sentences such as Olivia can take Logic or Algebra (‘♢∨-sentences’) are typically interpreted as entailing that Olivia can take Logic and can take Algebra. Given a standard semantics for modals and disjunction, those ‘Free choice’ (FC) readings are not predicted from the surface form of ♢∨-sentences. Yet the standard semantics is appropriate for the ‘double prohibition’ reading typically assigned to ¬♢∨-sentences like Olivia can’t take Logic or Algebra. Several extant approaches to FC can account for those two cases, but (...)
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  46. Positive logic with adjoint modalities: Proof theory, semantics, and reasoning about information: Positive logic with adjoint modalities.Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (3):351-373.
    We consider a simple modal logic whose nonmodal part has conjunction and disjunction as connectives and whose modalities come in adjoint pairs, but are not in general closure operators. Despite absence of negation and implication, and of axioms corresponding to the characteristic axioms of _T_, _S4_, and _S5_, such logics are useful, as shown in previous work by Baltag, Coecke, and the first author, for encoding and reasoning about information and misinformation in multiagent systems. For the propositional-only fragment of (...)
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  47. Does the deduction theorem fail for modal logic?Raul Hakli & Sara Negri - 2012 - Synthese 187 (3):849-867.
    Various sources in the literature claim that the deduction theorem does not hold for normal modal or epistemic logic, whereas others present versions of the deduction theorem for several normal modal systems. It is shown here that the apparent problem arises from an objectionable notion of derivability from assumptions in an axiomatic system. When a traditional Hilbert-type system of axiomatic logic is generalized into a system for derivations from assumptions, the necessitation rule has to be modified in a (...)
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  48. Ground and modality.Alessandro Torza - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (6):563-585.
    The grounding relation is routinely characterized by means of logical postulates. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, I show that a subset of those postulates is incompatible with a minimal characterization of metaphysical modality. Then I consider a number of ways for reconciling ground with modality. The simplest and most elegant solution consists in adopting serious actualism, which is best captured within a first-order modal language with predicate abstraction governed by negative free logic. I also explore (...)
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  49. Proofnets for S5: sequents and circuits for modal logic.Greg Restall - 2007 - In C. Dimitracopoulos, L. Newelski & D. Normann, Logic Colloquium 2005: Proceedings of the Annual European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Held in Athens, Greece, July 28-August 3, 2005. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 151-172.
    In this paper I introduce a sequent system for the propositional modal logic S5. Derivations of valid sequents in the system are shown to correspond to proofs in a novel natural deduction system of circuit proofs (reminiscient of proofnets in linear logic, or multiple-conclusion calculi for classical logic). -/- The sequent derivations and proofnets are both simple extensions of sequents and proofnets for classical propositional logic, in which the new machinery—to take account of the modal vocabulary—is directly (...)
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  50. Refining Labelled Systems for Modal and Constructive Logics with Applications.Tim Lyon - 2021 - Dissertation, Technischen Universität Wien
    This thesis introduces the "method of structural refinement", which serves as a means of transforming the relational semantics of a modal and/or constructive logic into an 'economical' proof system by connecting two proof-theoretic paradigms: labelled and nested sequent calculi. The formalism of labelled sequents has been successful in that cut-free calculi in possession of desirable proof-theoretic properties can be automatically generated for large classes of logics. Despite these qualities, labelled systems make use of a complicated syntax (...)
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