Results for 'anthropologische Psychiatrie'

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  1.  15
    Die unintegrierbare Zeit.Daniel Broschmann - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (1).
    Durch den Kontrast zu psychischen Erkrankungen zeigt sich die enge Verwobenheit zwischen Zeitlichkeit und gutem Leben. Im Gegensatz zur Depression und Schizophrenie ist die Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung bisher wenig unter einer zeitpsychopathologischen Perspektive untersucht worden. Tatsächlich kann diese aber mit ausgeprägten Störungen des Zeiterlebens einhergehen: Diese soll als unintegrierbare Zeitlichkeit beschrieben werden und lässt sich durch eine sich-aufdrängende, gegenwärtige Vergangenheit, eine unsichere Gegenwart und eine verkürzte Zukunftsperspektive charakterisieren.
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    Kierkegaard's Truth: The Disclosure of the Self.Joseph H. Smith & Forum on Psychiatry and the Humanities - 1981
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    Enactive psychiatry.Sanneke de Haan - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The need for a model -- Currently available models in psychiatry -- Introduction to enactivism -- Body and mind - and world -- The existential dimension and its role in psychiatry -- Enriched enactivism : existential sense-making, values, and socio-cultural worlds -- Enactive psychiatry : psychiatric disorders are disorders of sense-making -- An enactive approach to causes, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders.
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    Die Anthropologische Differenz: Der Geist der Tiere in der Frühen Neuzeit Bei Montaigne, Descartes Und Hume.Markus Wild - 2006 - Walter de Gruyter.
    "Die anthropologische Differenz" befasst sich mit dem Geist der Tiere in der frühneuzeitlichen Philosophie und dem Problem der anthropologischen Differenz zwischen Mensch und Tier. Anhand des Gemäldes Las Meninas werden einleitend die Antwortstrategien auf die Frage nach der Mensch-Tier-Unterscheidung aufgezeigt. Montaignes Verteidigung der Tiervernunft setzt sich skeptisch von einem aristotelischen Hintergrund ab. Descartes schlägt eine folgenreiche Betrachtungsweise vor: Tiere als Maschinen. Humes naturalistischer Betrachtungsweise unseres Geistes setzt sich von Descartes ab und greift auf montaignesche Überlegungen zurück. In der Neuzeit (...)
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    Critical psychiatry: the limits of madness.D. B. Double (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Psychiatry is increasingly dominated by the reductionist claim that mental illness is caused by neurobiological abnormalities such as chemical imbalances in the brain. Critical psychiatry does not believe that this is the whole story and proposes a more ethical foundation for practice. This book describes an original framework for renewing mental health services in alliance with people with mental health problems. It is an advance over the polarization created by the "anti-psychiatry" of the past.
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  6. Psychiatry as Cognitive Neuroscience: Philosophical Perspectives.Matthew Broome & Lisa Bortolotti (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Neuroscience has long had an impact on the field of psychiatry, and over the last two decades, with the advent of cognitive neuroscience and functional neuroimaging, that influence has been most pronounced. However, many question whether psychopathology can be understood by relying on neuroscience alone, and highlight some of the perceived limits to the way in which neuroscience informs psychiatry. -/- Psychiatry as Cognitive Neuroscience is a philosophical analysis of the role of neuroscience in the study of psychopathology. The book (...)
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  7. Externalist Psychiatry.Will Davies - 2016 - Analysis 76 (3):290-296.
    Psychiatry widely assumes an internalist biomedical model of mental illness. I argue that many of psychiatry’s diagnostic categories involve an implicit commitment to constitutive externalism about mental illness. Some of these categories are socially externalist in nature.
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  8. Anthropologischer und ethischer Naturalismus.Geert Keil - 2004 - In Bernd Goebel, Anna Hauk & Gerhard Kruip (eds.), Probleme des Naturalismus: Philosophische Beiträge. mentis. pp. 65-100.
    1. Naturalismus in der theoretischen Philosophie 2. Anthropologischer Naturalismus 3. Die Natur des ethischen Naturalismus – einige Unterscheidungen 4. Naturalismus und die Natur des Menschen 5. Wie hängen ethischer und anthropologischer Naturalismus zusammen?
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  9. Psychiatrie, soins palliatifs et de fin de vie : des univers (ir)réconciliables? Le cas de madame Sanchez.Marie-Eve Bouthillier & Hugues Vaillancourt - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (2):43-53.
    Background: In psychiatry, the issue of providing palliative and end-of-life care for what would be a “terminal psychiatric condition” or considering a palliative approach to severe and persistent mental health problems is still a taboo. Methodology: This question is addressed through an analysis of a case arising during a clinical ethics consultation, using Hubert Doucet’s scenario method. It is about Mrs. Sanchez, a patient over 90 years of age with a psychiatric profile, expressing the desire to die by suicidal gestures, (...)
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    Psychiatrie et pensée philosophique: intercritique et quête sans fin.Claude-Jacques Blanc - 1998 - Paris: Editions L'Harmattan.
    La savoir pyschiatrique et la pensée philosophique entretiennent des relations étroites d'intercritique et d'éclairage réciproque. La dynamique de ces échanges est sans cesse relancée par la croissance des connaissances sur les maladies mentales, l'organisation du cerveau et par les mutations de la société. La sémiologie, les interprétations psychopathologiques, la thérapeutique entraînent le praticien au seuil des cercles de la métaphysique de la connaissance et de l'intersubjectivité. Le savoir de la psychiatrie incite à reformuler certaines interrogations philosophiques essentielles. Il permet (...)
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  11. Psychiatry in the Scientific Image.Dominic Murphy - 2005 - MIT Press.
    In _ Psychiatry in the Scientific Image, _Dominic Murphy looks at psychiatry from the viewpoint of analytic philosophy of science, considering three issues: how we should conceive of, classify, and explain mental illness. If someone is said to have a mental illness, what about it is mental? What makes it an illness? How might we explain and classify it? A system of psychiatric classification settles these questions by distinguishing the mental illnesses and showing how they stand in relation to one (...)
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  12. Viktor Frankl und die gegenwärtige philosophische Sinndiskussion: Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des sinnvollen Lebens in Psychotherapie, Psychiatrie und Philosophie.Roland Kipke - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 5 (2):243-282.
    Das sinnvolle Leben ist nicht nur in der gegenwärtigen Philosophie wieder verstärkt ein Thema, sondern auch in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Bereits seit langer Zeit jedoch spielt es eine zentrale Rolle in der Existenzanalyse und Logotherapie, die der Psychiater Viktor E. Frankl entwickelt hat. Frankls eigenständige Sinntheorie wird in der gegenwärtigen philosophischen Sinndebatte allerdings weitestgehend ignoriert. Das Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, diesen Zustand zu beenden und die heutige philosophische Sinndebatte mit Frankl ins Gespräch zu bringen. Einerseits geht es darum, (...)
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    (1 other version)Psychiatry's new manual (DSM-5): ethical and conceptual dimensions: Table 1.J. S. Blumenthal-Barby - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (8):531-536.
    The introduction of the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders in May 2013 is being hailed as the biggest event in psychiatry in the last 10 years. In this paper I examine three important issues that arise from the new manual: Expanding nosology: Psychiatry has again broadened its nosology to include human experiences not previously under its purview . Consequence-based ethical concerns about this expansion are addressed, along with conceptual concerns about a confusion of “construct validity” and “conceptual validity” (...)
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    Making psychiatry moral again: the role of psychiatry in patient moral development.Doug McConnell, Matthew Broome & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):423-427.
    Psychiatric involvement in patient morality is controversial. If psychiatrists are tasked with shaping patient morality, the coercive potential of psychiatry is increased, treatment may be unfairly administered on the basis of patients’ moral beliefs rather than medical need, moral disputes could damage the therapeutic relationship and, in any case, we are often uncertain or conflicted about what is morally right. Yet, there is also a strong case for the view that psychiatry often works through improving patient morality and, therefore, should (...)
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    Daseinsanalyse: phénoménologie et psychiatrie.Philippe Cabestan & Françoise Dastur - 2011 - Vrin.
    Que peuvent bien attendre les psychiatres, les psychotherapeutes, les psychologues, et avant tout leurs patients, de la Daseinsanalyse? On tentera de repondre a cette question en partant ici du trait distinctif qui fonde la singularite de la Daseinsanalyse: inscrire toute reflexion et toute pratique medicale dans le cadre d'une meditation ontologique en direction du mode d'etre de l'homme. En effet, une conviction, issue de l'oeuvre de Heidegger domine la Daseinsanalyse: l'homme n'est pas une chose mais un Dasein, un existant, un (...)
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  16. Digital psychiatry: ethical risks and opportunities for public health and well-being.Christopher Burr, Jessica Morley, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2020 - IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society 1 (1):21–33.
    Common mental health disorders are rising globally, creating a strain on public healthcare systems. This has led to a renewed interest in the role that digital technologies may have for improving mental health outcomes. One result of this interest is the development and use of artificial intelligence for assessing, diagnosing, and treating mental health issues, which we refer to as ‘digital psychiatry’. This article focuses on the increasing use of digital psychiatry outside of clinical settings, in the following sectors: education, (...)
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    Psychiatry and the control of dangerousness: on the apotropaic function of the term “mental illness”.T. Szasz - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):227-230.
    The term “mental illness” implies that persons with such illnesses are more likely to be dangerous to themselves and/or others than are persons without such illnesses. This is the source of the psychiatrist’s traditional social obligation to control “harm to self and/or others,” that is, suicide and crime. The ethical dilemmas of psychiatry cannot be resolved as long as the contradictory functions of healing persons and protecting society are united in a single discipline.Life is full of dangers. Our highly developed (...)
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  18. Can psychiatry refurnish the mind?Dominic Murphy - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (2):160-174.
    In this paper, I will argue that the NIMH’s new Research Domain of Criteria is a useful test of the philosophical hypothesis of eliminative materialism and demonstrates the superiority of a moderate eliminativism over integrationism, which is a rival philosophical framework for the cognitive sciences. I begin by going over the motivation for RDOC, which rests on the problems with the existing Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders framework in psychiatry. Then, I introduce the main tenets of RDoC before (...)
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    Why psychiatry is a branch of medicine.Samuel B. Guze - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Advance Praise: "A distillation of the wisdom accumulated over a lifetime by one of our leading thinkers in psychiatry. . . .It should interest. . .anyone who has thought seriously about the brain, the mind and the meaning of illness." --Albert J. Stunkard, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania.
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    Hegels anthropologischer Gesichtspunkt: Eine Annäherung.Stefan Köchel - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):123-127.
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    Forensic psychiatry, one subspecialty with two ethics? A systematic review.Gérard Niveau & Ida Welle - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):25.
    Forensic psychiatry is a particular subspecialty within psychiatry, dedicated in applying psychiatric knowledge and psychiatric training for particular legal purposes. Given that within the scope of forensic psychiatry, a third party usually intervenes in the patient-doctor relationship, an amendment of the traditional ethical principles seems justified. Thus, 47 articles, two book chapters and the guidelines produced by the World Psychiatric Association, the American Association of Psychiatry and the Law, as well as by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of (...)
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    Psychiatrie transculturelle : pour une éthique de tous les mondes.Audrey Mc Mahon, Rahmeth Radjack & Marie Moro - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (2):54-62.
    Transcultural psychiatry is at the confluence of culture, mental health and illness. It places the patient at the centre of the relationship while respecting his or her individual and collective way of thinking and doing. Culture defines ontological representations, explanatory models and therapeutic practices which influence expressions of suffering and specific modes of coping and healing, as diverse as the cultures from which they arise. Yet, Western psychiatry is just as indivisible from the culture from which it emerged, which brings (...)
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    Psychiatry in a battle zone.Izet Pajević, Mevludin Hasanović & Alina Koprić - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):304-307.
    The authors describe the arrival and treatment of 164 severe chronic psychiatric patients who were displaced from the Serbian army-controlled Jakes psychiatric hospital and off-loaded on the afternoon of 28th of May, 1992 at the gates of the Psychiatry Clinic in Tuzla. Through analysis of their incomplete medical records, which arrived with the patients in Tuzla, and analysis of their activities during and after the war, they found that 83 of the patients (50%) were males and 147 (89.6%) were admitted (...)
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    Philosophisch-anthropologische Aspekte des Herstellungsbegriffs.Tobias Eichinger - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 28:175-180.
    Die Bestimmung des Herstellungsbegriffs setzt bei der aristotelischen Unterscheidung zwischen den Tätigkeitsformen der poiesis sowie praxis an. Anders als das selbstzweckliche Handeln ist das herstellende Hervorbringen immer zweckorientierte, auf etwas außerhalb ihrer selbst gerichtete Tätigkeit. Anthropologisch gewendet, lässt sich die entsprechende Fähigkeit zur instrumentellen Mittel erfindung und systematischen Mittelherstellung als zentrales Wesensmerkmal des Menschen bestimmen. Nach Hannah Arendt sind veschiedene Aspekte des Herstellens als einzigartiger Fähigkeit des Menschen zu unterscheiden. Auf der Seite des Herstellungsprozesses sind die eindeutig bestimmbare Abgeschlossenheit und (...)
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    Ce que la psychiatrie doit a la psychanalyse (réflexions sur l'identité de leur objet).Henri Ey - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (4):619 - 627.
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    Psychologie und Psychiatrie der Conversion.Ernest Harms - 1939 - Leiden,: A. W. Sijthoff.
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    Le certificat médical en psychiatrie.C. Jonas - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (52):1-2.
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    Vorausverfügungen in der Psychiatrie.Alfred Simon - 2017 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 22 (1):205-220.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 22 Heft: 1 Seiten: 205-220.
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    Psychiatry and Postmodern Theory.Bradley Lewis - 2000 - Journal of Medical Humanities 21 (2):71-84.
    Psychiatry, as a subspecialty of medicine, is a quintessentially modernist project. Yet across the main campus, throughout the humanities and social sciences, there is increasing postmodern consensus that modernism is a deeply flawed project. Psychiatry, the closest of the medical specialties to the humanities and social sciences, will be the first to encounter postmodern theory. From my reading, psychiatry, though likely defensive at first, will eventually emerge from a postmodern critique, not only intact, but rejuvenated. Postmodern theory, at its best, (...)
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  30. Essential philosophy of psychiatry.Timothy Thornton - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Essential Philosophy of Psychiatry is a concise introduction to the growing field of philosophy of psychiatry. Divided into three main aspects of psychiatric clinical judgement, values, meanings and facts, it examines the key debates about mental health care, and the philosophical ideas and tools needed to assess those debates, in six chapters. In addition to outlining the state of play, Essential Philosophy of Psychiatry presents a coherent and unified approach across the different debates, characterized by a rejection of reductionism and (...)
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    Empirical ethics in psychiatry.Guy Widdershoven (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Psychiatry presents a unique array of difficult ethical questions. However, a major challenge is to approach psychiatry in a way that does justice to the real ethical issues. Recently there has been a growing body of research in empirical psychiatric ethics, and an increased interest in how empirical and philosophical methods can be combined. Empirical Ethics in Psychiatry demonstrates how ethics can engage more closely with the reality of psychiatric practice and shows how empirical methodologies from the social sciences can (...)
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    Die anthropologische Bedeutung der Lehre von der Person Christi.Fritz Buri - 1959 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 1 (2):139-164.
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    Anthropologische Differenz und animalische Konvenienz: Tierphilosophie bei Thomas von Aquin.Tobias Davids - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    In consideration of current philosophical models (including major contributions to the debate on animal minds), this monograph analyzes and reconstructs the philosophy of animals developed by Thomas Aquinas. It also investigates into the methodological function that Thomas attaches to his reflections on the differences and similarities between animals and humans.
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  34. Benjamins anthropologischer Blick auf tanzender Körper und bewegliche Buchstaben.Gustav Frank - 2012 - In Carolin Duttlinger, Ben Morgan & Tony Phelan (eds.), Walter Benjamins anthropologisches Denken. Freiburg: Rombach.
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  35. Aristoteles' anthropologische Ethik.Kurt von Fritz - 1980 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 87 (2):242.
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    Psychiatry After Virtue: A Modern Practice in the Ruins.A. A. Michel - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (2):170-186.
    Contemporary psychiatry maintains the myth that it is value neutral by appeal to modern medical science for both its diagnostic categories and its therapeutic interventions, leaving the impression that it relies on reason—that is to say, reason divorced from tradition—to master human nature. Such a practice has a certain way of characterizing and defining humanity's lapses from acceptable human behavior—a lapse from human being. The modern practice of psychiatry applies a particular notion (largely influenced by Enlightenment ideals) of scientific instrumentation (...)
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    La connaissance du singulier en psychopathologie : l’approche typologique dans la psychiatrie germanophone du XX e siècle et la Daseinsanalyse.Elisabetta Basso - 2021 - Rue Descartes 100 (2):68-80.
    « Cet article a pour but d’interroger, selon une perspective à la fois historique et épistémologique, le lien que le courant phénoménologique de la psychopathologie a tissé avec la recherche typologique en psychologie et psychiatrie à partir des années vingt. Tout en évoquant les problématiques spécifiquement philosophiques inhérentes aux démarches de typification, j’analyse ces démarches en me concentrant sur les enjeux et les desiderata caractérisant certains des projets les plus influents qui, dans le contexte de la psychopathologie germanophone, se (...)
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    Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True.Anand Pandya & Craig L. Katz (eds.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    _Disaster Psychiatry: Intervening When Nightmares Come True_ captures the state of disaster psychiatry in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This emergent psychiatric specialty, which is increasingly separated from trauma and grief psychiatry on one hand and military psychiatry on the other, provides psychotherapeutic assistance to victims during, and in the weeks and months following, major disasters. As such, disaster psychiatrists must operate in the widely varying locales in which natural and man-made disasters occur, and they (...)
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    Psychiatry’s inchoate wish for a paradigm shift and bio-psych-social model of mental illness.Tim Thornton - 2018 - In Rethinking the Biopsychosocial Model. Oxford University Press.
    Psychiatry’s inchoate wish for a paradigm shift and the biopsychosocial model of mental illness’ critically examines the much discussed goal of a paradigm shift in psychiatric taxonomy. The chapter first highlights some illustrative calls for such a change and then sets these against the Kuhnian account of science from which the idea is taken, highlighting the connection to incommensurability. Relative to a distinction drawn from Winch, between putative sciences where the self-understanding of subjects plays no role and those where it (...)
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    Die anthropologische Ästhetik Arnold Gehlens und Helmuth Plessners: Entlastung der Kunst und Kunst der Entlastung.Michael Hog - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Seit dem 18. Jahrhundert gibt es zahlreiche theoretische Versuche, Asthetik und Kunst als Wesensmerkmale des Menschen auszuweisen. Aber erst mit der Entwicklung der modernen philosophischen Anthropologie im 20. Jahrhundert gelang es, philosophische, soziologische und naturwissenschaftliche Aspekte zu einem uberzeugenden Gesamtkonzept zu verknupfen. Dabei sind erstaunlicherweise die einschlagigen Reflexionen der beiden profiliertesten Vertreter der philosophischen Anthropologie, Arnold Gehlens und Helmuth Plessners, bisher kaum zur Kenntnis genommen worden, obwohl sie sich zeitlebens mit asthetischen und kunstgeschichtlichen Fragen beschaftigt haben. Michael Hog untersucht die (...)
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    Psychiatry observed.Geoff Baruch - 1978 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Edited by Andrew Treacher.
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    The Sublime Object of Psychiatry: Schizophrenia in Clinical and Cultural Theory.Angela Woods - 2011 - Oxford University Press, Usa.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Clinical Theory -- 1. Psychiatry on schizophrenia: clinical pictures of a sublime object -- 2. Schizophrenia: the sublime text of psychoanalysis -- Cultural Theory -- 3. Antipsychiatry: schizophrenic experience and the sublime -- 4. Anti-Oedipus and the politics of the schizophrenic sublime -- 5. Schizophrenia, modernity, postmodernity -- 6. Postmodern schizophrenia -- 7. Glamorama, postmodernity and the schizophrenic sublime -- Conclusion.
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    Legal Insanity: Explorations in Psychiatry, Law, and Ethics.Gerben Meynen - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book examines core issues related to legal insanity, integrating perspectives from psychiatry, law, and ethics. Various criteria for insanity are analyzed and recommendations for forensic psychiatric and legal practice are offered. Many legal systems have an insanity defense, in one form or another. Still, it remains unclear exactly when and why mental disorders affect a person’s moral or criminal responsibility. Questions addressed in this book include: Why should insanity be a component of our legal system? What should be the (...)
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    Psychiatry on the edge.Ronald William Pies - 2014 - New York: Nova Publishers.
    The philosophical and scientific foundations of psychiatry -- Psychiatric diagnosis and the DSM debates -- Grief, depression and the bereavement controversy -- Psychiatry in crisis -- Psychiatry and humane values.
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    Psychiatry in a battle zone.Mevludin HasanoviĆ Izet PajeviĆ - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):304-307.
    ABSTRACTThe authors describe the arrival and treatment of 164 severe chronic psychiatric patients who were displaced from the Serbian army‐controlled Jakes psychiatric hospital and off‐loaded on the afternoon of 28th of May, 1992 at the gates of the Psychiatry Clinic in Tuzla.Through analysis of their incomplete medical records, which arrived with the patients in Tuzla, and analysis of their activities during and after the war, they found that 83 of the patients were males and 147 were admitted to the Psychiatry (...)
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    Der anthropologische Naturalismus und seine Schranken.Julius Kraft - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 6:223-227.
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  47. Anthropologische Ethik.Wilhelm Reyer - 1963 - Köln,: Aulis Verlag Deubner.
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    Hegels anthropologische Axiomatik: zur Aktualität der Hegelschen Dialektik.Karin Weingartz-Perschel - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag.
    Am 28. August 2020 ware Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) zweihundertfunfzig Jahre alt geworden. Zu diesem Anlass setzt sich Karin Weingartz-Perschel mit der aktuellen Bedeutung der Hegelschen Dialektik fur die geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung auseinander. Sie pladiert dafur, dass Hegels anthropologische Axiomatik als das Bleibende und Vorwartsgerichtete an seinem philosophischen Wirken erachtet werden sollte. In Hegels Fruhwerk, der "Phanomenologie des Geistes", findet sich seine anthropologische Axiomatik, auf der sich sein ganzes Gedankengebaude erhebt. Nur hier lasst sich der Schlussel zu seiner (...)
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    Anthropologisch-psychologische Gesichtspunkte der Geschlechtserziehung'.Karl Horst Wrage - 1962 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 6 (1):231-242.
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    Psychiatry and philosophy.Erwin W. Straus - 1969 - New York,: Springer. Edited by Maurice Alexander Natanson & Henri Ey.
    The three essays reprinted in this book were first published in 1963 as individual chapters of a psychiatric treatise entitled Psychiatrie der Gegen wart (Psychiatry of the Present Day). The editors, W. H. GRUHLE (Bonn), R. JUNG (Freiburg/Br. ), W. MAYER-GROSS (Birmingham, England), M. MUL LER (Bern, Switzerland), had not planned an encyclopedic presentation; they did not intend to present a "handbook" which would be as complete as possible in details and bibliographic reference. Their intention was to "raze the (...)
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