Results for 'antropocen'

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  1. Antropocene, storia e politica. Sfide e itinerari critici.Furio Ferraresi - 2025 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (71):125-147.
    Il saggio affronta alcune questioni che il concetto di Antropocene pone non solo alla teoria politica ma anche alle scienze umane e sociali. Lungo un percorso critico fra teorie e autori diversi (da Chakrabarty a Latour, da Moore e Malm fino all'ecofemminismo), il saggio discute il concetto di Antropocene con un approccio di “ecologia politica”. L'obiettivo è di tenere insieme la dimensione comune - umana e non umana - dell’appartenenza agli eco-sistemi terrestri, con la capacità di leggere criticamente e genealogicamente (...)
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    Antropocen – potrzeba refleksji filozoficznej, ale także archeologicznej.Dawid Kobiałka - 2019 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:599-608.
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    Antropocene e bene comune: tra nuove tecnologie, nuove epistemologie e nuovi virus.Simona Langella, Marco Damonte & Alma Massaro (eds.) - 2022 - Genova: Genova University Press.
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    L'Antropocene, o la favola delle api che distruggono l'alveare.Gianfranco Pellegrino - 2019 - Società Degli Individui 65:7-10.
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    Antropocene e democrazia.Marcello Di Paola - 2019 - Società Degli Individui 65:39-56.
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    Antropocene, nazionalismo e cosmopolitismo: prospettive per i cittadini del mondo.Guido Montani - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Naturen i Antropocen.Roar Høstaker - 2021 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (1-2):350-372.
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  8. (1 other version)Social versus Antropocene in Husserl's, Heidegger's and Merleu-Ponti's Phenomenology (Conference Presentation).Ihor Karivets' - 2016 - In A. Konvers'kyi And Others (ed.), The Days of Science in Philosophical Faculty - 2016. International Scientific Conference, 20-21 April, Kyiv. Materials of Presentations and Speeches. Part Two. - Kyiv: Kyiv University Press, 2016. pp. 114-115.
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    Hegel, anerkjennelse og antropocen.Sigurd Hverven - 2022 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 40 (1):10-38.
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    Dopo l'Antropocene.Felice Cimatti - 2019 - Società Degli Individui 65:11-24.
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    Ingegneria delle infrastrutture viventi: l'economia biopolitica delle architetture di pioppo nell'Antropocene.Erica Borg & Amedeo Policante - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (69):89-112.
    Nel contesto della presente crisi climatica ed ambientale, istituzioni pubbliche e private promuovono la costruzione di ‘infrastrutture viventi’. L’articolo analizza l’economia biopolitica che caratterizza questi progetti, concentrandosi sull’infrastrutturalizzazione del pioppo: un genus botanico ampiamente utilizzato come ‘barriera contro la desertificazione’, ‘struttura di fitorisanamento’, e ‘pozzo di assorbimento di anidride carbonica’. Questi progetti mobilizzano il metabolismo della cellula vivente, dando forma a nuove reti di potere bio-infrastrutturale ed elaborate strategie di accumulazione del capitale.
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    Abitare il deserto. La geologia trascendentale di Merleau-Ponty alla prova dell’Antropocene.Gianluca De Fazio - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:125-139.
    Drawing on Merleau-Ponty’s hypothesis about transcendental geology in the final phase of his work, this article examines the debate about the Anthropocene from the perspective of philosophy of history. Firstly, we follow the author through the preliminary materials for The Visible and The Invisible by situating transcendental geology within the book’s complex theoretical architecture, and by foregrounding the necessity of rethinking the notion of Earth through the reading that the French philosopher offers of Husserl’s phenomenology. We will thus focus on (...)
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    Il postanimale: la natura dopo l'Antropocene.Felice Cimatti - 2021 - Roma: DeriveApprodi.
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    Il posto del negativo: filosofia e questione dell'umano alla luce dell'Antropocene.Paolo Missiroli - 2023 - Milano: Meltemi.
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    L’arca terra si muove. Merleau-Ponty e il dibattito sull’Antropocene.Paolo Missiroli - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:157-170.
    In this article, I examine the debate about the Anthropocene through the lens of two images that animate this debate like presuppositions: that of the Globe and that of the Earth. After analyzing the characteristics of the former, I attempt to define the status of the concept of Earth in Merleau-Ponty’s works in relation to the concepts of Nature, life, and background. In a final section, I attempt to valorize the main theoretical objectives achieved by reading Merleau-Ponty in the direction (...)
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    Storia dell'idea di natura: dal pensiero greco alla coscienza dell'Antropocene.Paolo Vidali - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Una ontologia della tecnica al tempo dell'Antropocene: saggi su Heidegger.Chiara Agnello - 2023 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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    Mappare una controversia del nostro tempo: L’Antropocene.Simone Belli - 2019 - Scienza E Filosofia 21:97-120.
    Mapping a Controversy of our Time: The Anthropocene We offer a bibliometric analysis of the literature and authors of the controversial Anthropocene discipline. Thanks to digital tools, we comprehend this complexity by drawing on existing literature and digital networks. In order to appreciate the interdisciplinary character of the controversy, we show clusters of co-cited publications, co-authors, and co-occurring terms in the fields of social science, agricultural and biological science, environmental science, and Earth and planetary science. The multidisciplinary character of Anthropocene (...)
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  19. La democrazia (deliberativa) ai tempi dell’Antropocene.Edoardo Greblo - 2025 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (71):149-166.
    È ormai evidente da tempo che le democrazie si trovano in grande difficoltà quando devono affrontare la questione del cambiamento climatico. Ciò ha fatto sorgere una tendenza che si potrebbe definire «eco-autoritaria», basata sulla convinzione che la portata del problema sia tale da richiedere, in certi casi, la sospensione di alcune delle regole democratiche. A questo orientamento si oppone il cosiddetto «paternalismo libertario», secondo il quale è invece possibile strutturare il contesto decisionale in modo da spingere gli individui a compiere (...)
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    Considerazioni sulla nozione di mondo e di rapporto al mondo nell’epoca dell’Antropocene: saggio sulla filosofia del XXI secolo.Delio Salottolo - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 22:200-250.
    Considerations on the concept of world and of relationship to the world in the age of Anthropocene: essay on XXI century philosophy The essay intends to analyze the notion of “world” and “relationship to the world” as a crucial problem connected to the symbolic, economic and ecological crisis. The reflection starts from the analysis of the complex notion of “Anthropocene” (and why it should be conserved) and from the analysis of the notion of “world” (and why it should be conserved (...)
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    Introduzione. Pensare il dibattito sull’antropocene con Merleau-Ponty.Gael Caignard & Davide Scarso - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:35-38.
    The aim of this essay is to connect the notion of the Anthropocene with Merleau-Pontyan thought by drawing on two aspects of the author’s ontological reflection. First, I consider “the event of the Anthropocene” as an event that is part of an instituting dynamic, in reference to the ontological dimension of “Institution” that Merleau-Ponty borrows from Husserl and develops in an original way in his 1954-1955 lectures at the Collège de France. I then underline the difficulties that arise when multiple (...)
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    Per un’ecologia corporale. Rilievi merleau-pontiani nel pensiero ecologico, fra antropocene e crisi ambientale.Alessandra Scotti - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:71-87.
    In recent years, the concept of the Anthropocene has summoned such an archipelago of senses that the academic debate related to this term, which initially emerged in the natural sciences, has since penetrated the fields of philosophy, economy, history, and sociology. To draw a possible cartography of the Anthropocene, we wish before anything else to emphasize the intrinsic connection between the debate on the Anthropocene and the theme of climate change, and, more generally, of the environmental crisis. We will attempt (...)
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  23. Clive Hamilton, Den trotsiga jorden. Människans öde i antropocen[REVIEW]Frans Svensson - 2019 - Tidskrift För Politisk Filosofi 2019 (2).
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    Planet v obliki kocke.Knox Peden - 2016 - Filozofski Vestnik 37 (2).
    V današnjih humanističnih vedah ne manjka sklicevanj na antropocen in ontološke premike, ki naj bi jih ta domnevno sprožil. Esej se osredotoči na več fiktivnih in kritičnih del – predvsem na roman Paula Bowlesa The Sheltering Sky iz leta 1949 – zato da bi podal vrsto trditev glede težavnosti predstavljanja razmerja med naravo kot področjem kavzalnosti, ki se podreja naravnim zakonom, na eni strani ter nominalno človeškim ali razumskim področjem, kamor sodijo dejanja, namere in različni upravičeni ali neupravičeni razlogi, (...)
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    Narracja filozoficzna a koncepcje postwzrostowe.Tomasz S. Markiewka - 2023 - Civitas 30:17-31.
    Autor artykułu zastanawia się, czy istnieje jakaś narracja filozoficzna, która jest dopasowana do epoki antropocenu lub kapitalocenu. Stara się pokazać, że w kilku współczesnych nurtach filozoficznych widać zarysy takiej narracji, od teorii aktora-sieci po poststrukturalistyczny feminizm. Koncepcje postwzrostowe mogą być zaś mediatorem, który pomoże w spopularyzowaniu tych.
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    Pedagogikk, betydningstap og selvrefleksjonens grunnlag.Ingerid S. Straume - 2016 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 5 (1):3-17.
    The thesis explored in this essay is that contemporary educational thought has suffered a loss of significance, manifested when our language and concepts fail to be experienced as signifiers of commitment. A certain reluctance can be observed, among academics and others, against the notion of defending any cause or idea – with notable exceptions such as “respect for difference”. One may of course contest that a special kind of commitment is needed in education; but problems emerge when the educational values (...)
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    Utopia życia po kapitalizmie.Ewa Bińczyk - 2023 - Civitas 30:69-84.
    Tematem tekstu jest wizja społeczeństwa postkapitalistycznego brytyjskiego ekonomisty i badacza zrównoważonego rozwoju, Tima Jacksona. Jest to utopia unikatowa, możliwa do zrealizowania, budowana w oparciu o najnowsze ekonomiczne ustalenia empiryczne i raporty przyrodoznawców dotyczące powagi współczesnych zagrożeń środowiskowych. Artykuł systematycznie rekonstruuje jej najważniejsze założenia. Argumentacje Jacksona wymierzone są przeciwko „wzrościzmowi” (ang. growthism), to znaczy bezrefleksyjnej akceptacji samej logiki nie kończącego się wzrostu gospodarczego za wszelką cenę. Utopia budowana przez tego ekonomistę opiera się na filarach równowagi, dobrobytu (prosperity), psychologicznego przepływu (flow) i (...)
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  28. The Politics of Vulnerability and Care: An Interview with Estelle Ferrarese.Liesbeth Schoonheim, Tivadar Vervoort & Estelle Ferrarese - 2022 - Krisis 42 (1):77-92.
    In this interview, Estelle Ferrarese elaborates on her account of vulnerability and care to highlight its political and social, as opposed to its ethical, dimensions. Drawing on, amongst others, Adorno, Tronto, Castell, and Laugier, she argues that vulnerability and care should not be understood ontologically, as an antropological exposure of the body, but rather socially, as the normative expectations and material conditions under which care work takes place. Situating her approach in anglophone and francophone discussions on vulnerability and precarity, she (...)
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    Entre la parálisis y la acción: un punto de partida para pensar en la urgencia de continuar viviendo.Luciana Alvarez - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:77-90.
    One of the possibilities of critical thinking involves dealing with the problems we face and not only diagnosing and revealing them. However, this ability to devise creative and responsible solutions to urgent matters involves a singular starting point. If we wish to create space for questions where multiple, diverse and contingent compositions arise, at many levels – from sensitive, artistic and biological to political, legal and institutional – we need to set the outlines which enable such capacity. It seems necessary (...)
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    Capitalocene, ecological economics of degrowth and philosophy of Herbert Marcuse.Ewa Bińczyk - 2022 - Analiza I Egzystencja 59:117-134.
    Kluczowy kontekst artykułu stanowi najnowsza wiedza dotycząca powagi planetarnego kryzysu środowiskowego i jego reperkusji społeczno-gospodarczych (kompromitacja kapitalizmu paliw kopalnych i nierówności). Na tym tle teoretycznym zostaną ze sobą krytycznie porównane trzy ujęcia. Chodzi o filozofię Herberta Marcusego, krytykę tzw. „tanich natur” i kapitałocenu Jasona W. Moore’a oraz o ekonomię ekologiczną wystudzania wzrostu. Wszystkie z nich to postkapitalistyczne eko-utopie budowane w obliczu troski o samo przetrwanie cywilizacji. Tekst poszukuje antycypacji myśli Moore’a i idei ekonomistów ekologicznych w refleksji Marcusego na temat ekologii. (...)
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    On Speech as the Political Faculty in the Anthropocene. The Sensualities of Voice and Taste Combined.Urszula Lisowska - 2022 - Analiza I Egzystencja 58:17-33.
    The paper revises the idea of speech as a fundamental political faculty in response to the challenges of the Anthropocene. First, it is argued that, rather than as a subsystem of language, speech should be conceptualised as the expression of the embodied capacity of voice (in this respect, the paper follows Adriana Cavarero’s [2005] argument). Secondly, vocality is linked to the faculty of taste (understood as in Arendt’s reading of Kant) to locate politics in the broader order of materiality (physis).
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