Results for 'biobricks'

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  1.  35
    Biobricks and Crocheted Coral: Dispatches from the Life Sciences in the Age of Fabrication.Sophia Roosth - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (1):153-171.
    ArgumentWhat does “life” become at a moment when biological inquiry proceeds by manufacturing biological artifacts and systems? In this article, I juxtapose two radically different communities, synthetic biologists and Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef crafters (HCCR). Synthetic biology is a decade-old research initiative that seeks to merge biology with engineering and experimental research with manufacture. The HCCR is a distributed venture of three thousand craftspeople who cooperatively fabricate a series of yarn and plastic coral reefs to draw attention to the menace (...)
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    From bricolage to BioBricks™: Synthetic biology and rational design.Tim Lewens - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4b):641-648.
    Synthetic biology is often described as a project that applies rational design methods to the organic world. Although humans have influenced organic lineages in many ways, it is nonetheless reasonable to place synthetic biology towards one end of a continuum between purely ‘blind’ processes of organic modification at one extreme, and wholly rational, design-led processes at the other. An example from evolutionary electronics illustrates some of the constraints imposed by the rational design methodology itself. These constraints reinforce the limitations of (...)
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  3. Reengineering Metaphysics: Modularity, Parthood, and Evolvability in Metabolic Engineering.Catherine Kendig & Todd T. Eckdahl - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (8).
    The premise of biological modularity is an ontological claim that appears to come out of practice. We understand that the biological world is modular because we can manipulate different parts of organisms in ways that would only work if there were discrete parts that were interchangeable. This is the foundation of the BioBrick assembly method widely used in synthetic biology. It is one of a number of methods that allows practitioners to construct and reconstruct biological pathways and devices using DNA (...)
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    Synthetische Biologie.Joachim Boldt - 2013 - In Armin Grunwald, Handbuch Technikethik. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 408-412.
    Das Forschungsfeld der Synthetischen Biologie lässt sich als eine Fortentwicklung der Gentechnik verstehen, bei der in besonderer Weise ingenieurwissenschaftliche Methoden und Paradigmen zum Tragen kommen. Die Synthetische Biologie profitiert dabei von den Fortschritten der Gensequenzierungs- und DNA-Synthesetechnologien und von neuen Verfahren des Genome Editing. DNA-Sequenzen bis hin zu ganzen Genomen einzelliger Organismen können rekombiniert und vollständig synthetisiert werden und die entsprechenden intra- und interzellulären Prozesse können zielgerichtet verändert werden. Mit dieser im Vergleich zur klassischen Gentechnik erhöhten Eingriffstiefe verbindet sich in (...)
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  5. Techniques et concepts du vivant en biologie synthétique.Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (31):237-240.
    [ENGLISH] This article discusses the potential of synthetic biology to address fundamental questions in the philosophy of biology regarding the nature of life and biological functions. Synthetic biology aims to reduce living organisms to their simplest forms by identifying the minimal components of a cell and also to create novel life forms through genetic reprogramming, biobrick assembly, or novel proteins. However, the technical success of these endeavors does not guarantee their conceptual success in defining life. There is a lack of (...)
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    ReGenesis: Leben als Laborartefakt.Gabriele Gramelsberger - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (5):750-767.
    Inspired by the success of synthesising organic substances by Friedrich Wöhler in 1828, the vision of creating life in the laboratory synthetically has become increasingly accessible for today’s synthetic biology and synthetic genomics, respectively. The engineering of biology – a contemporary version of the liaison of technology and organic form – creates cellular machines, biobricks, biomolecular ‘borgs’, and entire synthetic genomes of artificial organisms. Besides major ethical concerns, the shift in scientific epistemology is of interest. Unlike classical analytical science, (...)
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    Classifying, Constructing, and Identifying Life: Standards as Transformations of “The Biological”. [REVIEW]Brian Wynne, Lawrence Busch, Ruth McNally, Emma K. Frow, Rebecca Ellis, Claire Waterton & Adrian Mackenzie - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (5):701-722.
    Recent accounts of “the biological” emphasize its thoroughgoing transformation. Accounts of biomedicalization, biotechnology, biopower, biocapital, and bioeconomy tend to agree that twentieth- and twenty-first-century life sciences transform the object of biology, the biological. Amidst so much transformation, we explore attempts to stabilize the biological through standards. We ask: how do standards handle the biological in transformation? Based on ethnographic research, the article discusses three contemporary postgenomic standards that classify, construct, or identify biological forms: the Barcoding of Life Initiative, the (...) Assembly Standard, and the Proteomics Standards Initiative. We rely on recent critical analyses of standardization to suggest that any attempt to attribute a fixed property to the biological actually multiplies dependencies between values, materials, and human and nonhuman agents. We highlight ways in which these biological standards cross-validate life forms with forms of life such as publics, infrastructures, and forms of disciplinary compromise. Attempts to standardize the biological, we suggest, offer a good way to see how a life form is always also a form of life. (shrink)
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