Results for 'childism'

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  1.  9
    Childism and Minority Cultures in School.Itay Snir - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-20.
    While inequality between children and adults characterizes practically every aspect of contemporary society, school is considered a paradigmatic site of adult domination. Childist critiques tend to point to school as a place where adultism is not only conspicuous but also (re)produced. In this article, however, it is argued that the public school, obviously founded by adults for adult purposes, has an important childist dimension. Although it is based on a clear distinction between adult teachers and child students, school can problematize (...)
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    Rethinking the Democratic Role of Education Through Childism.Maria Louise Larsen Hedegaard - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-29.
    There is a strong tendency in both theory and practice to view education’s democratic role as that of equipping students with specific attributes presumed necessary for democratic life. Discussions thus center around identifying the required values, skills, and capabilities, as well as the types of educational endeavors that best foster them. What underpins such discussions is the assumption that the child is inherently lacking, which, I argue, leads to a conceptual dead end. In this article, I explore how the concept (...)
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    Childism: Confronting Prejudice against Children by Elisabeth Young-Bruehl: Yale University Press, 2012. [REVIEW]Rasa Baločkaitė - 2012 - Human Rights Review 13 (4):517-519.
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    Activismo ambiental y democracia deliberativa: una aproximación desde el enfoque del «Children´s Capabilitarianism» y el «Childism».Pedro Hernando Maldonado Castañeda - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):107-118.
    Este artículo presenta un análisis entre el activismo ambiental encabezado por niños, niñas y adolescentes y la democracia deliberativa. Sostengo que ya no basta solo con reconocer la importancia de las voces de los menores de edad, sino que es necesario un reconocimiento político. De este modo, se pone en primer plano la naturaleza transformadora de la democracia deliberativa entre adultos y los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Para comprender el impacto del activismo ambiental en la democracia deliberativa, es necesaria una (...)
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    Who’s Tired of Michel Foucault? Une Étude Sur Les Perspectives Foucaldiennes Pour Penser L’Articulation de la Production de L’Enfance Et Des Rapports de Colonialité.Ela Roland & Serena Iacobino - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-34.
    Cet article prend pour point de départ les généalogies de l’enfance de Michel Foucault disséminées dans son œuvre et complexifiées par les études foucaldiennes contemporaines, en particulier les recherches féministes de Silvia Federici (et ses généalogies des femmes) et les études postcoloniales d’Ann Laura Stoler (et ses généalogies des colonisés). Foucault passant sous silences l’histoire des femmes et des colonies, ce détour par des généalogies féministes et postcoloniales nous permettra de nous inscrire dans les débats sur l’intersectionnalité. En effet, depuis (...)
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  6.  10
    Children’s narrative identity formation: Towards a childist narrative theology of praxis.Jozine G. Botha, Hannelie Yates & Manitza Kotzé - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    This article explores children’s narrative identity formation and the impact of adult–child relationships on shaping a child’s narrative. The formation of identity in all children is vulnerable to a culture of ‘adultism’, wherein the authority wielded by adults can potentially subject children to abuse and neglect. Consequently, adultism has the aptitude to hinder the constructive development of a life-affirming identity in children. The primary objective of this article is to develop a childist narrative theology of praxis methodology, aimed at raising (...)
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    Confrontando El Adultocentrismo: Intervenciones Infancistas y Decoloniales En Las Filosofías e Instituciones Educativas.Tanu Biswas & Toby Rollo - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-11.
    “Confrontando el Adultocentrismo: Intervenciones Infancistas y Decoloniales en las Filosofías e Instituciones Educativas” explora el potencial transformador del infancismo (childism) como una orientación para criticar y transformar el adultismo y la colonialidad dentro de la educación. Editado por Tanu Biswas y Toby Rollo, el dossier especial se basa en las discusiones del Childism Institute para centrar a los niños como agentes epistémicos y desafiar la marginalización estructural de la infancia en los ámbitos sociopolíticos y filosóficos. El infancismo deconstruye (...)
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    The Philosophy of Liberation for/with Children: In Search of Liberation and the Creation of an Ageless Pueblo.Erick Javier Padilla Rosas - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-22.
    From its origins, the philosophy of liberation has had both a critical and a creative aspect. The first seeks to critically examine domination, dependency, and the permanent effects of colonization. The second aims to create and re-create the liberation of peoples, developing and reconstituting ways of existing, imagining, thinking, and philosophizing that surpass colonial ways of existing, imagining, thinking, and philosophizing. Thus, for the philosophy of liberation, the liberation of peoples is distinguished from the notions of emancipation and freedom that (...)
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  9.  23
    Who Needs Sensory Education?Tanu Biswas - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (3):287-302.
    Customarily, reflections on the need to educate sensory and bodily enactments with the world, take for granted that it is the child who must be educated. However, the educational passage of becoming 'rational' and 'grown up' often leaves the adult divorced from her own embodied self. As part of my engagement with childism in this article, I ask: Who needs sensory education? In response, I propose that it is adults who need sensory education more than their temporal others Reimagining (...)
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  10.  15
    Ethics in Light of Childhood.David Cloutier - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):195-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethics in Light of ChildhoodDavid Cloutier (bio)Review of Ethics in Light of Childhood John Wall Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2010. 204 pp. $34.95.John Wall’s ambitious volume contends that “considerations of childhood should not only have greater importance but fundamentally transform how morality is understood” (1). He rightly suggests that “the story of childhood cannot be told in one-dimensional formulas of either innocence and vulnerability or unruliness and (...)
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  11.  15
    "Ain't I a Person?": Reimagining Human Rights in Response to Children.John Wall - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (2):39-57.
    THE ETHICAL GROUNDS OF HUMAN RIGHTS FROM THE ENLIGHTENMENT TO today have been almost exclusively centered on the experiences of adults. This essay argues that human rights are not fully "human" unless their very bases are transformed in response to the third of humanity who are children. The essay is an exercise in what is broadly termed "childism": not just applying ethical norms to children but restructuring norms themselves in light of children's experiences. Human rights in particular should be (...)
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  12.  23
    The Children Who Have No Part: A Rancièrian Perspective on Child Politics.Itay Snir - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (1):43-59.
    Children have always been an essential part of politics. However, the political struggles in which children are involved are rarely, if at all, for the equality of children as such. Struggles for the benefit of children are nearly always led by adults, focusing on children’s rights in an adult-dominated world. In this paper, I develop the possibility of Children’s political struggle for equality, informed by the political philosophy of Jacque Rancière. I present the educational backdrop for Rancière’s claim that all (...)
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    Strikingly educational: A childist perspective on children’s civil disobedience for climate justice.Tanu Biswas & Nikolas Mattheis - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (2):145-157.
    In this paper, we offer a childist reading of school strikes for climate in an overheated world. We argue that school strikes can be understood as offering a dynamic counterweight to formal education, by providing opportunities for children to self-educate, and for others, especially adults, to learn from them. We suggest that taking school strikes seriously as sites of political appearance—which highlight interdependencies and vulnerabilities in the face of crises in Anthropocene neoliberalism requires rethinking the boundaries of democratic participation and (...)
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  14. the present and the future of doing philosophy with children.Georgios Petropoulos - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:1-13.
    This paper is an introduction to the dossier on “the present and the future of doing philosophy with children”, which itself drew inspiration from a conference on the same topic that was held in University College Dublin on the 24th of June 2022. While the conference aimed at building a case for the importance of engaging pre-college students in philosophical thinking, it also aspired to function as a forum where the participants can critically reflect on the practice of doing philosophy (...)
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