Results for 'collective amnesia'

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  1. (1 other version)Collective amnesia and epistemic injustice.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Imperfect Cognitions.
    Alessandra Tanesini is a Professor of Philosophy at Cardiff University working on epistemology and philosophy of language. In this post she summarises some of her recent work on collective amnesia and epistemic injustice.
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    When ownership hurts: Remembering the in-group wrongdoings after a long lasting collective amnesia.Giovanna Leone & Mauro Sarrica - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (4):603-612.
    This study explores the effects of two different kinds of text addressed to young Italian students, which convey past in-group war-crimes either in a detailed or in an evasive way. After completing a first questionnaire (and confirming the social amnesia on these crimes) a sample of Italian university students (number: 103; average age: 21.79) read two versions (factual vs. evasive) of a same historical text on Italian invasion of Ethiopia (1935–36). The results show that participants reading a detailed text (...)
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    Spatial reification, or, collectively embodied amnesia, aphasia, and apraxia.Michael Landzelius - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (175):39-75.
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  4. Scraping down the past: Memory and amnesia in W. G. Sebald's anti-narrative.Kathy Behrendt - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (2):394-408.
    Vanguard anti-narrativist Galen Strawson declares personal memory unimportant for self-constitution. But what if lapses of personal memory are sustained by a morally reprehensible amnesia about historical events, as happens in the work of W.G. Sebald? The importance of memory cannot be downplayed in such cases. Nevertheless, contrary to expectations, a concern for memory needn’t ally one with the narrativist position. Recovery of historical and personal memory results in self-dissolution and not self-unity or understanding in Sebald’s characters. In the end, (...)
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    Les archives dans les guerres de mémoires : France, Allemagne, Russie.Sonia Combe - 2008 - Hermes 52:, [ p.].
    S'appuyant sur des exemples issus de l'étude de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ainsi que de l'histoire du passé récent dans les sociétés post-communistes, cet article tente de voir dans quelle mesure les modalités d'accès aux archives publiques peuvent être tenues pour responsables de phénomènes d'amnésie - ou d'hypermnésie - de la mémoire collective, de la fabrication de mythes et de légendes. Il est certain que sans l'accès aux archives du troisième Reich, Raul Hilberg n'aurait pu entreprendre son œuvre monumentale (...)
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    Open‐mindedness and ajar‐mindedness in history of philosophy.Michael Beaney - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (2-3):208-222.
    There was once a princess called Sophia,whose philosophy museum was superior.But most of the storesbecame locked behind doors,which led to collective amnesia.Then along came a band of ajar‐minders,who decided to issue remindersof the treasures insidethat hadn't yet died,and opened the doors to all finders.
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    'Finally a Human Being in this Palace': How 'Sissi' Deals with the Past.Sabine Müller - 2008 - New Readings 9:1-5.
    The article uses the Sissi trilogy as a case study to offer a new perspective on popular film in the 1950s in general and on Heimatfilm in particular. Rather than reading those films as the expression of a wilful collective amnesia, the article aims to show that, despite representing a sugar-coated world of royal romance, these films form a crucial part of people’s coping with the past. In adopting a phenomenological approach to cinematic representation, the article emphasises the (...)
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    Female Literature of Migration in Italy.Lidia Curti - 2007 - Feminist Review 87 (1):60-75.
    Starting symbolically from a place of transit and mobility such as the Galleria in Naples, I look at the pace of immigration movements to Italy from both ex-colonial territories and other countries. Precarity characterizes the migrant condition in Italy: entrance and stay permits; work and housing, which are difficult to obtain and always temporary; bureaucratic control is severe and the right to citizenship is distant. The collective amnesia of the colonial enterprise obscures the fact that at least some (...)
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    Historical Memory in Post-Soviet Gothic Society.Dina Khapaeva - 2009 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (1):359-394.
    The collective historical amnesia that reigns in contemporary Russia demands an explanation. In the first part of my article I will analyze the mechanisms that suppress historical memory. I will focus my attention on two historical representations of critical relevance for this matter. First, I will discuss the Western-oriented ideology of the post-Soviet intelligentsia. Second, I will analyze the functioning of the myth of the "Great Patriotic War." In the second part of my paper I will address the (...)
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    Women on the Global Market: Irigaray and the Democratic State.Nicole Fermon - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):120-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Women on the Global Market: Irigaray and the Democratic StateNicole Fermon (bio)Best known for her subtle interrogation of philosophy and psychoanalysis, Luce Irigaray clearly also conducts a dialogue with the political, proposing that women’s erasure from culture and society invalidates all economies, sexual or political. Because woman has disappeared both figuratively and literally from society [see Sen, “More Than 100 Million Women Are Missing”], Irigaray conceives the contemporary ethical (...)
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    Poems Ancient and Contemporary.Helaine L. Smith - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):177-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Poems Ancient and Contemporary HELAINE L. SMITH On the cover of Like: Poems by A. E. Stallings is a double photograph of a double image: two ancient carved heads, in profile and facing each other, of the pole horses of a quadriga, a four-horse chariot, dated about 570 BC, and currently in the collection of The Acropolis Museum. The marble horse in profile on the right side of the (...)
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    The Spatial Learning Task of Lhermitte and Signoret (1972): Normative Data in Adults Aged 18–45.Alana Collins, Michael M. Saling, Sarah J. Wilson, Graeme D. Jackson & Chris Tailby - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:860982.
    ObjectiveThe Spatial Learning Task of Lhermitte and Signoret is an object-location arbitrary associative learning task. The task was originally developed to evaluate adults with severe amnesia. It is currently used in populations where the memory system either is not yet fully developed or where it has been compromised (e.g. epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, electroconvulsive therapy, cerebrovascular disease and dementia). Normative data have been published for paediatric cohorts and for older adults, however no data exist for the intervening adult years.MethodHere, (...)
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    Trauma and Healing 12th East-West Philosopher’s Conference May 24-31, 2024.East-West Center - forthcoming - Philosophy East and West.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CALL FOR PROPOSALS TRAUMA AND HEALING 12TH EAST-WEST PHILOSOPHER’S CONFERENCE MAY 24-31, 2024 The 12th East-West Philosopher’s Conference will explore the many dimensions of trauma and healing. While trauma can be physical, it can also be psychological, social, political, economic, and cultural—encompassing the immediate effects of global pandemics, the ongoing impacts of ethnic and gender bias, the intergenerational legacies of colonization and geopolitical strife, and the planetary ramifications of (...)
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    Forgetting.Sergio Della Sala (ed.) - 2010 - Psychology Press.
    Memory and forgetting are inextricably intertwined. In order to understand how memory works we need to understand how and why we forget. The topic of forgetting is therefore hugely important, despite the fact that it has often been neglected in comparison with other features of memory. This volume addresses various aspects of forgetting, drawing from several disciplines, including experimental and cognitive psychology, cognitive and clinical neuropsychology, behavioural neuroscience, neuroimaging, clinical neurology, and computational modeling. The first chapters of the book discuss (...)
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    New Essays in Philosophy of Mind: Series II.David Copp & John James MacIntosh - 1985 - Guelph, Ont. : Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy.
    G.E. Moore used to answer the question, 'What is philosophy?' by pointing to the books on his shelves & saying, 'Philosophy is what these books are about.' Philosophy of mind is what some of those books are about, & its enquiries frequently move into neighbouring areas, with logic, semantics, neurophysiology, literature, epistemology & metaphysics providing some obvious examples, as the papers in this collection reveal. Contents: The Connection Between Impressions & Ideas. Reid on Testimony & Perception. Searle on Programs & (...)
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    PERSPECTIVES ON TORTURE: Reports from a Dialogue Including Christian, Judaic, Islamic, and Feminist Viewpoints.Jonathan K. Crane - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (4):585-588.
    Torture continues to be a pressing political issue in North America, yet religious scholarly reflection on the ethics of torture remains all but sidelined in public discourse for a variety of complex reasons. These reasons are explored—and critiqued—in this collection of reflections by Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and feminist religious ethicists. These scholars find that historical amnesia, forced if not twisted readings of classical texts and contemporary human rights instruments, and sociological factors are but a few of the factors challenging (...)
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    Rhetoric in history as theory and praxis: A blast from the past.Thomas B. Farrell - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (4):pp. 323-336.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetoric in History as Theory and Praxis: A Blast from the PastThomas B. FarrellPhilosophies of history have fallen on hard times. Grand comic metanarratives were the first casualty, auguring ironically in the futility of their own pronouncements. Positive and negative teleologies were next to fall. But if finalized themes and Utopian schemes are not exactly in vogue, it remains the case that history—as systematic documentation and reminiscence about the (...)
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    Milan and its lost river: when surviving images represent unique narrations of invisible relationships.Andrea Oldani - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 39:79-89.
    One of the most predictable implications of photography consists of the ability to fix some images returning them in a variable timeframe for the observation. In all the major world cities, it is common to incur in some book where recent photos are compared to old ones searching the same point of view in order to make the comparison more accurate and stimulate the critical ability of the observer. An exercise that sometimes stimulates a sort of regret for the past, (...)
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    The Nature of Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts in Music Education.Elvira Panaiotidi - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):37-75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 13.1 (2005) 37-75 [Access article in PDF] The Nature of Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts in Music Education Elvira Panaiotidi North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute, Russia The advent of the praxial philosophy of music education in the mid-1990s and its systematic development in David Elliott's Music Matters: A New Philosophy of Music Education1 created an unprecedented situation in music education in North America. Having brought (...)
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    Crises of Memory and the Second World War.Patrick Gerard Henry - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):204-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Crises of Memory and the Second World WarPatrick HenryCrises of Memory and the Second World War, by Susan Rubin Suleiman; x & 286 pp. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006. $29.95.This excellent study deals widely and deeply with the crises of memory and World War II but generally focuses on France, Vichy and the Holocaust. The author defines a crisis of memory as "a moment of choice and sometimes (...)
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    Call for Proposals.Roger T. Ames, Tamara Albertini & Peter D. Hershock - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CALL FOR PROPOSALS TRAUMA AND HEALING 12TH EAST-WEST PHILOSOPHER’S CONFERENCE MAY 24-31, 2024 The 12th East-West Philosopher’s Conference will explore the many dimensions of trauma and healing. While trauma can be physical, it can also be psychological, social, political, economic, and cultural—encompassing the immediate effects of global pandemics, the ongoing impacts of ethnic and gender bias, the intergenerational legacies of colonization and geopolitical strife, and the planetary ramifications of (...)
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    (1 other version)Remembering, Second Edition: A Phenomenological Study.Edward S. Casey - 2000 - Indiana University Press.
    Remembering A Phenomenological Study Second Edition Edward S. Casey A pioneering investigation of the multiple ways of remembering and the difference that memory makes in our daily lives. A Choice Outstanding Academic Book "An excellent book that provides an in-depth phenomenological and philosophical study of memory." —Choice "... a stunning revelation of the pervasiveness of memory in our lives." —Contemporary Psychology "[Remembering] presents a study of remembering that is fondly attentive to its rich diversity, its intricacy of structure and detail, (...)
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  23. Steven Lukes.Conscience Collective - 1997 - In Raymond Boudon, Mohamed Cherkaoui & Jeffrey C. Alexander (eds.), The classical tradition in sociology: the European tradition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. pp. 3--216.
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  24. Jan Tore l0nning.Collective Readings Of Definite & Indefinite Noun Phrases - 1987 - In Peter Gärdenfors (ed.), Generalized Quantifiers. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 203.
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  25. è «WÜv'SV fr28ÀHf VcaÞwH¥ ef Vr@ Ûsc'tVÛ£ rséVefSVF'æ² éV fcTÛsrsHfH! c'ÝD Ûsc'tVHPe fS ÛsefWÜt vd F'v'rstTefHRç.Collecting Dialogs - 1999 - In P. Brezillon & P. Bouquet (eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 2182--20.
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    Part 3 Beyond Structural Wholes?Collectives Encompassment - 2010 - In Ton Otto & Nils Bubandt (eds.), Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 175.
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    Collective Agents and Cognitive Attitudes.Anthonie Meijers - 2002 - ProtoSociology 16:70-85.
    Propositional attitudes, such as beliefs, desires, and intentions, can be attributed to collective agents. In my paper I focus on cognitive attitudes, and I explore the various types of collective beliefs. I argue that there is a whole spectrum of collective beliefs, and I distinguish between two extremes: the weak opinion poll conception and the strong agreement-based conception. Strong collective beliefs should be understood in terms of the acceptance of a proposition rather than of belief proper. (...)
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    Everything is Burning.Raqs Media Collective - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (67).
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    The Event-Shaped Hole, and the Photographic Image.Raqs Media Collective - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):154-159.
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  30. Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Love: Feminist Review Issue 60.The Feminist Review Collective (ed.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  31. Suspended animation : thoughts recovered from the memory of first entering the ex-Alumix Factory.Raqs Media Collective - 2009 - In Eva Ebersberger, Daniela Zyman & Thordis Arrhenius (eds.), Jorge Otero-Pailos: The Ethics of Dust. Dist. By Art Publishers.
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  32. Collective Obligations: Their Existence, Their Explanatory Power, and Their Supervenience on the Obligations of Individuals.Bill Wringe - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):472-497.
    In this paper I discuss a number of different relationships between two kinds of obligation: those which have individuals as their subject, and those which have groups of individuals as their subject. I use the name collective obligations to refer to obligations of the second sort. I argue that there are collective obligations, in this sense; that such obligations can give rise to and explain obligations which fall on individuals; that because of these facts collective obligations are (...)
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    Combahee River Collective Statement.The Combahee River Collective - 2006 - In Elizabeth Hackett & Sally Anne Haslanger (eds.), Theorizing feminisms: a reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 362–72.
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    Consequentialism, Collective Action, and Blame.Andreas T. Schmidt - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy:1-33.
    Several important questions in applied ethics – like whether to switch to a plant-based diet, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or vote in elections – seem to share the following structure: if enough people ‘cooperate’ and become vegan for example, we bring about a better outcome; but what you do as an individual seems to make no difference whatsoever. Such collective action problems are often thought to pose a serious challenge to consequentialism. In response, I defend the Reactive Attitude Approach: (...)
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  35. Frederick R. post.Collaborative Collective Bargaining - 2001 - Ethics in the Workplace: Selected Readings in Business Ethics 1:64.
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  36. Collective nouns and the distribution problem.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Synthese.
    Intuitively, collective nouns are pseudo-singular: a collection of things (a pair of people, a flock of birds, etc.) just is the things that make ‘it’ up. But certain facts about natural language seem to count against this view. In short, distributive predicates and numerals interact with collective nouns in ways that they seemingly shouldn’t if those nouns are pseudo-singular. We call this set of issues ‘the distribution problem’. To solve it, we propose a modification to cover-based semantics. On (...)
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    Breaking the Boundaries Collective – A Manifesto for Relationship-based Practice.D. Darley, P. Blundell, L. Cherry, J. O. Wong, A. M. Wilson, S. Vaughan, K. Vandenberghe, B. Taylor, K. Scott, T. Ridgeway, S. Parker, S. Olson, L. Oakley, A. Newman, E. Murray, D. G. Hughes, N. Hasan, J. Harrison, M. Hall, L. Guido-Bayliss, R. Edah, G. Eichsteller, L. Dougan, B. Burke, S. Boucher, A. Maestri-Banks & Members of the Breaking the Boundaries Collective - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (1):94-106.
    This paper argues that professionals who make boundary-related decisions should be guided by relationship-based practice. In our roles as service users and professionals, drawing from our lived experiences of professional relationships, we argue we need to move away from distance-based practice. This includes understanding the boundary stories and narratives that exist for all of us – including the people we support, other professionals, as well as the organisations and systems within which we work. When we are dealing with professional boundary (...)
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  38. G. David Garson.Beyond Collective Bargaining - forthcoming - Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics.
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    Interpersonal and Collective Affective Niche Construction: Empirical and Normative Perspectives on Social Media.Michiru Nagatsu & Mikko Salmela - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (4):1169-1196.
    This paper contributes to the interdisciplinary theory of collective affective niche construction, which extends the extended mind (ExM) thesis from cognitive to affective phenomena. Although theoretically innovative, the theory lacks a detailed psychological account of how collective affectivity is scaffolded. It has also been criticized for its uncritical assumption of the subject qua the autonomous user of the affective scaffolding as disposable resources, abstracting away from embedded subjectivity in particular techno-political arrangements. We propose that the social motivation hypothesis, (...)
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    Remarks on Suzumura consistent collective choice rules.Susumu Cato - 2013 - Mathematical Social Sciences 65 (1):40–47.
    Suzumura consistency is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a weak-order extension. This paper provides some remarks on collective choice rules that generate Suzumura consistent social preferences. We examine the properties of such collective choice rules by introducing a procedural condition on collective choice rules. As applications of the procedural condition, we first investigate the decisive structure of a Paretian collective choice rule, and then consider the assignment of individual rights. In our analysis, (...)
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  41. A complete list of Sen's writings is available a t http://www. economics. harvard.Collective Choice & Social Welfare - 2009 - In Christopher W. Morris (ed.), Amartya Sen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  42. Collective harm and the inefficacy problem.Julia Nefsky - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (4):e12587.
    This paper discusses the inefficacy problem that arises in contexts of “collective harm.‘ These are contexts in which by acting in a certain sort of way, people collectively cause harm, or fail to prevent it, but no individual act of the relevant sort seems to itself make a difference. The inefficacy problem is that if acting in the relevant way won’t make a difference, it’s unclear why it would be wrong. Each individual can argue, “things will be just as (...)
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  43. Collective vice and collective self-knowledge.Lukas Schwengerer - 2023 - Synthese 201 (19):1-18.
    Groups can be epistemically vicious just like individuals. And just like individuals, groups sometimes want to do something about their vices. They want to change. However, intentionally combating one’s own vices seems impossible without detecting those vices first. Self-knowledge seems to provide a first step towards changing one’s own epistemic vices. I argue that groups can acquire self-knowledge about their epistemic vices and I propose an account of such collective self-knowledge. I suggest that collective self-knowledge of vices is (...)
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    From Individual to Plural Agency: Collective Action I.Kirk Ludwig - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Kirk Ludwig develops a novel reductive account of plural discourse about collective action and shared intention. Part I develops the event analysis of action sentences, provides an account of the content of individual intentions, and on that basis an analysis of individual intentional action. Part II shows how to extend the account to collective action, intentional and unintentional, and shared intention, expressed in sentences with plural subjects. On the account developed, collective action is a matter of there (...)
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  45. Collective Intentions and Actions.John Searle - 1990 - In Philip R. Cohen Jerry Morgan & Martha Pollack (eds.), Intentions in Communication. MIT Press. pp. 401-415.
  46. Collective responsibility and collective obligations without collective moral agents.Gunnar Björnsson - 2020 - In Saba Bazargan-Forward & Deborah Tollefsen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Collective Responsibility. Routledge.
    It is commonplace to attribute obligations to φ or blameworthiness for φ-ing to groups even when no member has an obligation to φ or is individually blameworthy for not φ-ing. Such non-distributive attributions can seem problematic in cases where the group is not a moral agent in its own right. In response, it has been argued both that non-agential groups can have the capabilities requisite to have obligations of their own, and that group obligations can be understood in terms of (...)
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    The Third Man—The Man Who Never Was, WILLIAM E. MANN.Collective Actions & Secondary Actions - 1979 - American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (3).
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    Collective Reflective Equilibrium in Practice (CREP) and controversial novel technologies.Julian Savulescu, Christopher Gyngell & Guy Kahane - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (7):652-663.
    In this paper, we investigate how data about public preferences may be used to inform policy around the use of controversial novel technologies, using public preferences about autonomous vehicles (AVs) as a case study. We first summarize the recent ‘Moral Machine’ study, which generated preference data from millions of people regarding how they think AVs should respond to emergency situations. We argue that while such preferences cannot be used to directly inform policy, they should not be disregarded. We defend an (...)
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    Collective behaviour.J. I. Cohen - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 30 (4):297.
  50. Participation, Collective Impact, and Your Instrumental Significance.Julia Nefsky - 2023 - Journal of Practical Ethics 11 (1).
    There are many sorts of day-to-day choices that are such that, if enough people were to choose one way rather than another, serious harm could be avoided or reduced, and yet it does not seem that any one such choice will itself make a difference. Consider, for example, how our collective consumer choices have various serious environmental and social consequences, and yet for many products, it is doubtful that one purchase more or less will itself make a difference to (...)
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