Results for 'conjunctive propositions'

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  1.  18
    Aristotle on Conjunctive Propositions.P. T. Geach - 1963 - Ratio (Misc.) 5 (1):33.
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    P. T. Geach. Aristotle on conjunctive propositions. Ratio , vol. 5 no. 1 , pp. 33–45.Storrs McCall - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (4):661-662.
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    On the discussive conjunction in the propositional calculus for inconsistent deductive systems.Stanisław Jaśkowski - 1999 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 7:57.
  4.  71
    A reduction of classical propositional logic to the conjunction-negation fragment of an intuitionistic relevant logic.Kosta Došen - 1981 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 10 (4):399 - 408.
  5. The Principle of Sufficient Reason Defended: There Is No Conjunction of All Contingently True Propositions.Christopher M. P. Tomaszewski - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (1):267-274.
    Toward the end of his classic treatise An Essay on Free Will, Peter van Inwagen offers a modal argument against the Principle of Sufficient Reason which he argues shows that the principle “collapses all modal distinctions.” In this paper, a critical flaw in this argument is shown to lie in van Inwagen’s beginning assumption that there is such a thing as the conjunction of all contingently true propositions. This is shown to follow from Cantor’s theorem and a property of (...)
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    Jankov V. A.. Conjunctively indecomposable formulas in propositional calculi. English translation of XXXVII 206. Soviet mathematics, vol. 3 no. 1 , pp. 17–35. [REVIEW]C. G. McKay - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (1):186-186.
  7. Conjunctive paraconsistency.Franca D’Agostini - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6845-6874.
    This article is a preliminary presentation of conjunctive paraconsistency, the claim that there might be non-explosive true contradictions, but contradictory propositions cannot be considered separately true. In case of true ‘p and not p’, the conjuncts must be held untrue, Simplification fails. The conjunctive approach is dual to non-adjunctive conceptions of inconsistency, informed by the idea that there might be cases in which a proposition is true and its negation is true too, but the conjunction is untrue, (...)
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    On a Contraction-Less Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Conjunction and Fusion.Romà J. Adillon & Ventura Verdú - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (1):11-30.
    In this paper we prove the equivalence between the Gentzen system G LJ*\c , obtained by deleting the contraction rule from the sequent calculus LJ* (which is a redundant version of LJ), the deductive system IPC*\c and the equational system associated with the variety RL of residuated lattices. This means that the variety RL is the equivalent algebraic semantics for both systems G LJ*\c in the sense of [18] and [4], respectively. The equivalence between G LJ*\c and IPC*\c is a (...)
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  9. Truthmaking, entailment, and the conjunction thesis.Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra - 2006 - Mind 115 (460):957-982.
    In this paper I undermine the Entailment Principle according to which if an entity is a truthmaker for a certain proposition and this proposition entails another, then the entity in question is a truthmaker for the latter proposition. I argue that the two most promising versions of the principle entail the popular but false Conjunction Thesis, namely that a truthmaker for a conjunction is a truthmaker for its conjuncts. One promising version of the principle understands entailment as strict implication but (...)
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    In conjunction with qualitative probability.Tim Fernando - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 92 (3):217-234.
    Numerical probabilities are eliminated in favor of qualitative notions, with an eye to isolating what it is about probabilities that is essential to judgements of acceptability. A basic choice point is whether the conjunction of two propositions, each acceptable, must be deemed acceptable. Concepts of acceptability closed under conjunction are analyzed within Keisler's weak logic for generalized quantifiers — or more specifically, filter quantifiers. In a different direction, the notion of a filter is generalized so as to allow sets (...)
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  11. Propositions.D. Goldstick - 1993 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 45 (1):105-116.
    Propositions - truths and falsehoods - are "eternal" objects of possible ("de dicto") belief and disbelief, potential points of agreement and disagreement. Accordingly the criterion of two sentence-tokens "expressing tiie same proposition" will be tiie logical impossibility of beheving (disbelieving) what one expresses without believing (disbelieving) what the other expresses. This involves an ultra-thight synonymity relation ("semantic equivalence") and a sharing of denotations as between corresponding Unguistic expressions in each. Only locutions containing names, indexicals, etc. which commit speakers to (...)
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  12. Propositions: Individuation and Invirtuation.Kris McDaniel - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (4):757-768.
    The pressure to individuate propositions more finely than intensionally—that is, hyper-intensionally—has two distinct sources. One source is the philosophy of mind: one can believe a proposition without believing an intensionally equivalent proposition. The second source is metaphysics: there are intensionally equivalent propositions, such that one proposition is true in virtue of the other but not vice versa. I focus on what our theory of propositions should look like when it's guided by metaphysical concerns about what is true (...)
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  13. Bringing about and conjunction: A reply to Bigelow on omnificence.Ghislain Guigon - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):452-458.
    Church and Fitch have argued that from the verificationationist thesis “for every proposition, if this proposition is true, then it is possible to know it” we can derive that for every truth there is someone who knows that truth. Moreover, Humberstone has shown that from the latter proposition we can derive that someone knows every truth, hence that there is an omniscient being. In his article “Omnificence”, John Bigelow adapted these arguments in order to argue that from the assumption "every (...)
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  14. Walter the Banker: The Conjunction Fallacy Reconsidered. [REVIEW]Stephan Hartmann & Wouter Meijs - 2012 - Synthese 184 (1):73-87.
    In a famous experiment by Tversky and Kahneman (Psychol Rev 90:293–315, 1983), featuring Linda the bank teller, the participants assign a higher probability to a conjunction of propositions than to one of the conjuncts, thereby seemingly committing a probabilistic fallacy. In this paper, we discuss a slightly different example featuring someone named Walter, who also happens to work at a bank, and argue that, in this example, it is rational to assign a higher probability to the conjunction of suitably (...)
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    Conjunction Closure without Factivity.Jakob Koscholke - 2021 - Logos and Episteme 12 (3):369-374.
    Francesco Praolini has recently put pressure on the view that justified believability is closed under conjunction introduction. Based on what he calls ‘the hybrid paradox,’ he argues that accepting the principle of conjunction closure for justified believability, quite surprisingly, entails that one must also accept the principle of factivity for justified believability, i.e. that there are no propositions that are justifiably believable and false at the same time. But proponents of conjunction closure can do without factivity, as I argue (...)
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  16. (1 other version)The Combinatorics of Stoic Conjunction.Susanne Bobzien - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 40:157-188.
    ABSTRACT: The 3rd BCE Stoic logician "Chrysippus says that the number of conjunctions constructible from ten propositions exceeds one million. Hipparchus refuted this, demonstrating that the affirmative encompasses 103,049 conjunctions and the negative 310,952." After laying dormant for over 2000 years, the numbers in this Plutarch passage were recently identified as the 10th (and a derivative of the 11th) Schröder number, and F. Acerbi showed how the 2nd BCE astronomer Hipparchus could have calculated them. What remained unexplained is why (...)
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    Bayesianism and irrelevant conjunction.Patrick Maher - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (4):515-520.
    Bayesian confirmation theory offers an explicatum for a pretheoretic concept of confirmation. The “problem of irrelevant conjunction” for this theory is that, according to some people's intuitions, the pretheoretic concept differs from the explicatum with regard to conjunctions involving irrelevant propositions. Previous Bayesian solutions to this problem consist in showing that irrelevant conjuncts reduce the degree of confirmation; they have the drawbacks that (i) they don't hold for all ways of measuring degree of confirmation and (ii) they don't remove (...)
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  18.  35
    Constrained Pseudo-Propositional Logic.Ahmad-Saher Azizi-Sultan - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (4):523-535.
    Propositional logic, with the aid of SAT solvers, has become capable of solving a range of important and complicated problems. Expanding this range, to contain additional varieties of problems, is subject to the complexity resulting from encoding counting constraints in conjunctive normal form. Due to the limitation of the expressive power of propositional logic, generally, such an encoding increases the numbers of variables and clauses excessively. This work eliminates the indicated drawback by interpolating constraint symbols and the set of (...)
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  19.  5
    A Propositional Cirquent Calculus for Computability Logic.Giorgi Japaridze - 2024 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 33 (4):363-389.
    Cirquent calculus is a proof system with inherent ability to account for sharing subcomponents in logical expressions. Within its framework, this article constructs an axiomatization $$\text{ CL18 }$$ CL18 of the basic propositional fragment of computability logic—the game-semantically conceived logic of computational resources and tasks. The nonlogical atoms of this fragment represent arbitrary so called static games, and the connectives of its logical vocabulary are negation and the parallel and choice versions of conjunction and disjunction. The main technical result of (...)
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  20. Solving the Conjunction Problem of Russell's Principles of Mathematics.Gregory Landini - 2020 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 8 (8).
    The quantification theory of propositions in Russell’s Principles of Mathematics has been the subject of an intensive study and in reconstruction has been found to be complete with respect to analogs of the truths of modern quantification theory. A difficulty arises in the reconstruction, however, because it presents universally quantified exportations of five of Russell’s axioms. This paper investigates whether a formal system can be found that is more faithful to Russell’s original prose. Russell offers axioms that are universally (...)
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    Sobociński Bolesław. Axiomatization of a conjunctive-negative calculus of propositions. The journal of computing systems, vol. 1 no. 4 , pp. 229–242. [REVIEW]Gene F. Rose - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):303-304.
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    ''Every proposition asserts itself to be true'': A Buridanian solution to the Liar paradox?Simon Evnine - manuscript
    In this paper, I try to understand what Buridan means when he suggests that "every proposition, by its very form, signifies or asserts itself to be true." I show how one way of construing this claim - that every proposition is in fact a conjunction one conjunct of which asserts the truth of the whole conjunction - does lead to a resolution of the Liar paradox, as Buridan says, and moreover is not vulnerable to the criticism on the basis of (...)
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  23. Are propositions sets of possible worlds?A. Hoffmann - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):449-455.
    The possible-worlds analysis of propositions identifies a proposition with the set of possible worlds where it is true. This analysis has the hitherto unnoticed consequence that a proposition depends for its existence on the existence of every proposition that entails it. This peculiar consequence places the possible-worlds analysis in conflict with the conjunction of two compelling theses. One thesis is that a phrase of the form ‘the proposition that S’ is a rigid designator. The other thesis is that a (...)
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  24. First-Person Propositions.Michael Caie & Dilip Ninan - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    A central dispute in discussions of self-locating attitudes is whether attitude relations like believing and knowing are relations between an agent and properties (things that vary in truth value across individuals) or between an agent and propositions (things that do not so vary). Proponents of the proposition view have argued that the property view is unable to give an adequate account of relations like communication and agreement. We agree with this critique of the property view, and in this essay (...)
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  25. Propositions, Sets, and Worlds.Dale Jacquette - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (3):337-343.
    If we agree with Michael Jubien that propositions do not exist, while accepting the existence of abstract sets in a realist mathematical ontology, then the combined effect of these ontological commitments has surprising implications for the metaphysics of modal logic, the ontology of logically possible worlds, and the controversy over modal realism versus actualism. Logically possible worlds as maximally consistent proposition sets exist if sets generally exist, but are equivalently expressed as maximally consistent conjunctions of the same propositions (...)
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    Humberstone’s Paradox and Conjunction.Eric T. Updike - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (3):1183-1195.
    Humberstone has shown that if some set of agents is collectively omniscient (every true proposition is known by at least one agent) then one of them alone must be omniscient. The result is paradoxical as it seems possible for a set of agents to partition resources whereby at the level of the whole community they enjoy eventual omniscience. The Humberstone paradox only requires the assumption that knowledge distributes over conjunction and as such can be viewed as a reductio against the (...)
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  27. Generic truth and mixed conjunctions: Some alternatives.Aaron Cotnoir - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):473-479.
    Christine Tappolet posed a problem for alethic pluralism: either deny the truth of conjunctions whose conjuncts are from distinct domains of inquiry, or posit a generic global truth property thus making other truth properties redundant. Douglas Edwards has attempted to solve the problem by avoiding the horns of Tappolet's dilemma. After first noting an unappreciated consequence of Edwards's view regarding a proliferation of truth properties, I show that Edwards's proposal fails to avoid Tappolet's original dilemma. His response is not successful, (...)
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  28. Truth-conditions and the nature of truth: Re-solving mixed conjunctions.Douglas Edwards - 2009 - Analysis 69 (4):684-688.
    Alethic pluralism, on one version of the view , is the idea that truth is to be identified with different properties in different domains of discourse. 1 Whilst we operate with a univocal concept of truth, and a uniform truth predicate, the thought is that the truth property changes from one domain to the next. So the truth property for talk about the nature and state of the material world may be different from the truth property for moral discourse .Tappolet (...)
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  29. How to Believe Long Conjunctions of Beliefs: Probability, Quasi-Dogmatism and Contextualism.Stefano Bonzio, Gustavo Cevolani & Tommaso Flaminio - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):965-990.
    According to the so-called Lockean thesis, a rational agent believes a proposition just in case its probability is sufficiently high, i.e., greater than some suitably fixed threshold. The Preface paradox is usually taken to show that the Lockean thesis is untenable, if one also assumes that rational agents should believe the conjunction of their own beliefs: high probability and rational belief are in a sense incompatible. In this paper, we show that this is not the case in general. More precisely, (...)
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  30. The degree of epistemic justification and the conjunction fallacy.Tomoji Shogenji - 2012 - Synthese 184 (1):29-48.
    This paper describes a formal measure of epistemic justification motivated by the dual goal of cognition, which is to increase true beliefs and reduce false beliefs. From this perspective the degree of epistemic justification should not be the conditional probability of the proposition given the evidence, as it is commonly thought. It should be determined instead by the combination of the conditional probability and the prior probability. This is also true of the degree of incremental confirmation, and I argue that (...)
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  31. On Possibly Nonexistent Propositions.Jeff Speaks - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (3):528-562.
    Alvin Plantinga gave a reductio of the conjunction of the following three theses: Existentialism (the view that, e.g., the proposition that Socrates exists can't exist unless Socrates does), Serious Actualism (the view that nothing can have a property at a world without existing at that world) and Contingency (the view that some objects, like Socrates, exist only contingently). I sketch a view of truth at a world which enables the Existentialist to resist Plantinga's argument without giving up either Serious Actualism (...)
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  32.  65
    Is propositional calculus categorical?Jaroslav Peregrin - manuscript
    According to the standard definition, a first-order theory is categorical if all its models are isomorphic. The idea behind this definition obviously is that of capturing semantic notions in axiomatic terms: to be categorical is to be, in this respect, successful. Thus, for example, we may want to axiomatically delimit the concept of natural number, as it is given by the pre-theoretic semantic intuitions and reconstructed by the standard model. The well-known results state that this cannot be done within first-order (...)
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    A complete many-valued logic with product-conjunction.Petr Hájek, Lluis Godo & Francesc Esteva - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 35 (3):191-208.
    A simple complete axiomatic system is presented for the many-valued propositional logic based on the conjunction interpreted as product, the coresponding implication (Goguen's implication) and the corresponding negation (Gödel's negation). Algebraic proof methods are used. The meaning for fuzzy logic (in the narrow sense) is shortly discussed.
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    Infinitary propositional normal modal logic.Slavian Radev - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (4):291 - 309.
    A logic with normal modal operators and countable infinite conjunctions and disjunctions is introduced. A Hilbert's style axiomatization is proved complete for this logic, as well as for countable sublogics and subtheories. It is also shown that the logic has the interpolation property.
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    The Creator-Determining Problem and Conjunctive Creationism about Fictional Characters.Min Xu - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (3):455-468.
    According to standard Creationism about fictional characters, each fictional character is created by its single author independently, or created by its co-authors cooperatively, or created by its independent authors independently. I argue that standard Creationism faces the Creator-Determining Problem. I propose a non-standard form of Creationism, i.e., Conjunctive Creationism, according to which each fictional character is conjunctively created. I argue that Conjunctive Creationism does not face the Creator-Determining Problem. By responding to four potential worries, I provide a further (...)
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    Rational acceptance and conjunctive/disjunctive absorption.Gregory Wheeler - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (1-2):49-63.
    A bounded formula is a pair consisting of a propositional formula φ in the first coordinate and a real number within the unit interval in the second coordinate, interpreted to express the lower-bound probability of φ. Converting conjunctive/disjunctive combinations of bounded formulas to a single bounded formula consisting of the conjunction/disjunction of the propositions occurring in the collection along with a newly calculated lower probability is called absorption. This paper introduces two inference rules for effecting conjunctive and (...)
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    (1 other version)Can whether one proposition makes sense depend on the truth of another? ( Tractatus 2.0211—2).R. M. White - 1973 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 7:14-29.
    Wittgenstein's Tractatus contains a wide range of profound insights into the nature of logic and language – insights which will survive the particular theories of the Tractatus and seem to me to mark definitive and unassailable landmarks in our understanding of some of the deepest questions of philosophy. And yet alongside these insights there is a theory of the nature of the relation between language and reality which appears both to be impossible to work out in detail in a way (...)
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  38. Conjunction without conditions in illative combinatory logic.M. Bunder - 1984 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 13 (4):207-213.
    In [3] the prepositional connectives were defined in terms of the combinators K and S and the illative obs Ξ and H . Given an elimination rate for Ξ and introduction rules for H and Ξ, all the standard intuitionistic propositional calculus results could be proved provided the variables were restricted to H. The intuition behind the particular introduction rule for Ξ of [2], that was used is [3], came from a three valued truth table for implication, the values of (...)
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  39. Leibniz's complete propositional logic.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1990 - Topoi 9 (1):15-28.
    I have shown (to my satisfaction) that Leibniz's final attempt at a generalized syllogistico-propositional calculus in the Generales Inquisitiones was pretty successful. The calculus includes the truth-table semantics for the propositional calculus. It contains an unorthodox view of conjunction. It offers a plethora of very important logical principles. These deserve to be called a set of fundamentals of logical form. Aside from some imprecisions and redundancies the system is a good systematization of propositional logic, its semantics, and a correct account (...)
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  40. Approaching the truth via belief change in propositional languages.Gustavo Cevolani & Francesco Calandra - 2009 - In M. Suàrez, M. Dorato & M. Rèdei (eds.), EPSA Epistemology and Methodology of Science: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Springer. pp. 47--62.
    Starting from the sixties of the past century theory change has become a main concern of philosophy of science. Two of the best known formal accounts of theory change are the post-Popperian theories of verisimilitude (PPV for short) and the AGM theory of belief change (AGM for short). In this paper, we will investigate the conceptual relations between PPV and AGM and, in particular, we will ask whether the AGM rules for theory change are effective means for approaching the truth, (...)
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    The existential fragment of second-order propositional intuitionistic logic is undecidable.Ken-Etsu Fujita, Aleksy Schubert, Paweł Urzyczyn & Konrad Zdanowski - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (1):55-74.
    The provability problem in intuitionistic propositional second-order logic with existential quantifier and implication (∃,→) is proved to be undecidable in presence of free type variables (constants). This contrasts with the result that inutitionistic propositional second-order logic with existential quantifier, conjunction and negation is decidable.
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    Simplified semantics for further relevant logics II: Propositional Constants.Tore Fjetland Øgaard - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy.
    It is shown how to model propositional constants within the simplified Routley-Meyer semantics. Various axioms and rules allowingthe definition of modal operators, implicative negations, enthymematical conditionals, and propositions expressing various infinite conjunctions anddisjunctions are set forth and shown to correspond to specific frame conditions. Two propositional constants which are both often designated as “the Ackermann constant” are shown to capture two such “infinite” propositions: The conjunction of every logical law and the conjunction of every truth – what Anderson (...)
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  43. II—Resemblance Nominalism, Conjunctions and Truthmakers.Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra - 2013 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 113 (1pt1):21-38.
    The resemblance nominalist says that the truthmaker of 〈Socrates is white〉 ultimately involves only concrete particulars that resemble each other. Furthermore he also says that Socrates and Plato are the truthmakers of 〈Socrates resembles Plato〉, and Socrates and Aristotle those of 〈Socrates resembles Aristotle〉. But this, combined with a principle about the truthmakers of conjunctions, leads to the apparently implausible conclusion that 〈Socrates resembles Plato and Socrates resembles Aristotle〉 and 〈Socrates resembles Plato and Plato resembles Aristotle〉 have the same truthmakers, (...)
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  44. The propositional challenge to aesthetics.John Dilworth - 2008 - British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (2):115-144.
    It is generally accepted that Picasso might have used a different canvas as the vehicle for his painting Guernica, and also that the artwork Guernica itself necessarily represents a certain historical episode—rather than, say, a bowl of fruit. I argue that such a conjunctive acceptance entails a broadly propositional view of the nature of representational artworks. In addition, I argue—via a comprehensive examination of possible alternatives—that, perhaps surprisingly, there simply is no other available conjunctive view of the nature (...)
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    An Alternative Propositional Calculus for Application to Empirical Sciences.Paul Weingartner - 2010 - Studia Logica 95 (1-2):233 - 257.
    The purpose of the paper is to show that by cleaning Classical Logic (CL) from redundancies (irrelevances) and uninformative complexities in the consequence class and from too strong assumptions (of CL) one can avoid most of the paradoxes coming up when CL is applied to empirical sciences including physics. This kind of cleaning of CL has been done successfully by distinguishing two types of theorems of CL by two criteria. One criterion (RC) forbids such theorems in which parts of the (...)
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    The intuitionistic fragment of computability logic at the propositional level.Giorgi Japaridze - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 147 (3):187-227.
    This paper presents a soundness and completeness proof for propositional intuitionistic calculus with respect to the semantics of computability logic. The latter interprets formulas as interactive computational problems, formalized as games between a machine and its environment. Intuitionistic implication is understood as algorithmic reduction in the weakest possible — and hence most natural — sense, disjunction and conjunction as deterministic-choice combinations of problems , and “absurd” as a computational problem of universal strength.
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  47. On an interpretation of second order quantification in first order intuitionistic propositional logic.Andrew M. Pitts - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):33-52.
    We prove the following surprising property of Heyting's intuitionistic propositional calculus, IpC. Consider the collection of formulas, φ, built up from propositional variables (p,q,r,...) and falsity $(\perp)$ using conjunction $(\wedge)$ , disjunction (∨) and implication (→). Write $\vdash\phi$ to indicate that such a formula is intuitionistically valid. We show that for each variable p and formula φ there exists a formula Apφ (effectively computable from φ), containing only variables not equal to p which occur in φ, and such that for (...)
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  48.  48
    A note on the system of propositional calculus with primitive rule of extensionality.K. Hałkowska - 1967 - Studia Logica 20 (1):150-150.
    The present paper deals with a systemS of propositional calculus, conjunction, equivalence and falsum being its primitive terms.The only primitive rule inS is the rule of extensionality defined by the scheme: $\frac{{E\alpha \beta ,\Phi (\alpha )}}{{\Phi (\beta )}}$.
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    Extracting the resolution algorithm from a completeness proof for the propositional calculus.Robert Constable & Wojciech Moczydłowski - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (3):337-348.
    We prove constructively that for any propositional formula in Conjunctive Normal Form, we can either find a satisfying assignment of true and false to its variables, or a refutation of showing that it is unsatisfiable. This refutation is a resolution proof of ¬. From the formalization of our proof in Coq, we extract Robinson’s famous resolution algorithm as a Haskell program correct by construction. The account is an example of the genre of highly readable formalized mathematics.
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    Facts as Pleonastic Truth-Makers for Pleonastic Propositions.Giorgio Volpe - manuscript
    One often hears the claim that fact-based versions of the correspondence theory of truth face a disruptive dilemma: ‘if all true propositions correspond to the same fact, the notion is useless, and if every [true] proposition corresponds to a distinct fact, then the notion becomes idle’ (Engel 2002, 21). The assumption underlying this claim is that all conceptions of facts can be assigned to either of two categories. The first includes those conceptions according to which facts are so coarse-grained (...)
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