Results for 'contextualisation'

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  1.  14
    Contextualiser l’atrocite? Le musee de la memoire et Des droits de l’homme au chili.Mauro Basaure - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):183-207.
    Mauro Basaure Cet article cherche à innover dans le cadre de la controverse sur le musée de la Mémoire et des Droits de l’homme du Chili : devrait-il ou non intégrer dans sa muséographie la période antérieure au 11 septembre 1973, c’est-à-dire le contexte du coup d’État? Je défends la thèse selon laquelle le MMDH peut intégrer une dimension contextuelle sans trahir sa mission, sa vision et sa fonction, tant qu’il répond à une approche de la notion de contexte-sans-causalité. Selon (...)
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    Contextualising Causation Part II.Julian Reiss - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (11):1076-1090.
    In recent years, a number of philosophers have attempted to fix paradoxes of the counterfactual account of causation by making causation contrastive. In this framework, causation is understood to be not a two-place relationship between a cause and an effect but a three or four-place relationship between a cause, an effect and a contrast on the side of the cause, the effect or both. I argue that contrasting helps resolving certain paradoxes only if an account of admissibility of the chosen (...)
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    La contextualisation : un problème étique?Maud Verdier - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 27 (HS).
    Décrire adéquatement la signification d’un terme, ou d’un énoncé, suppose souvent de faire appel au co-texte ou au contexte. Le linguiste doit alors recourir à des corpus authentiques et proposer des procédures de contextualisation. Une telle démarche, que l’on peut à bon droit qualifier d’étique, est loin d’être suffisante. Elle ne tient pas compte des stratégies de contextualisation et de recontextualisation des discours par les locuteurs eux-mêmes, sans aucun doute liées à l’existence d’une compétence métalinguistique et métapragmatique. La (...)
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    Contextualiser pour didactiser : le copier-coller dans le champ des littératies universitaires.Fanny Rinck - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 27 (HS).
    La pratique du copier-coller chez les étudiant.e.s est assimilée à du plagiat et la réponse apportée par l’institution se résume à « surveiller et punir ». Cette pratique mérite cependant d’être interrogée dans le cadre des littératies universitaires par rapport à la nécessaire prise en compte des littératies numériques. Le fait qu’elle soit conçue comme une « méconduite » d’un point de vue déontologique est à comprendre par rapport à un cadre normatif qui en appelle à l’honnêteté académique et institue (...)
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  5. Contextualising Knowledge: Epistemology and Semantics.Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The book develops and synthesises two main ideas: contextualism about knowledge ascriptions and a knowledge-first approach to epistemology. The theme of the book is that these two ideas fit together much better than it's widely thought they do. Not only are they not competitors: they each have something important to offer the other.
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  6. Contextualisation Des programmes Des cours en fonction du type d'homme à former.Jean C. Kapumba Akenda - 2003 - In Luke G. Mlilo & Nathanaël Yaovi Soédé (eds.), Doing theology and philosophy in the African context =. Frankfurt am Main: IKO, Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation.
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    Contextualisation, Intertextuality, and Paul's Soteriology.Rollin G. Grams - 2006 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 23 (1):3-16.
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  8. La compétence de contextualisation au coeur de la situation d’enseignement-apprentissage.Laetitia Sauvage Luntadi & Frédéric Tupin - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):102-117.
    The notion of «professional situation,» as we propose to examine it, entails questioning simultaneously the place of contexts and the role of actors in teaching-learning situations. We propose to examine the contextualization of the teaching process in light of the groups welcomed and the conditions in which the teacher’s profession is practiced. Defining contextualization as «an art of doing» in line with a professional competency thus means postulating the legitimacy of the «context(s)» as an explanatory medium or media. The conceptual (...)
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    Contextualising ethics in AIDS research: or, the morality of knowledge production in ethnographic fieldwork on 'the unspeakable'.Hansjörg Dilger - 2011 - In Wenzel Geissler & Catherine Molyneux (eds.), Evidence, ethos and experiment: the anthropology and history of medical research in Africa. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 99.
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    National curriculum vs curricular contextualisation: teachers’ perspectives.Carlinda Leite, Preciosa Fernandes & Carla Figueiredo - 2019 - Educational Studies 46 (3):259-272.
    Aiming to identify the importance given by teachers to the national curriculum and its contextualisation, this paper presents a study focused on teachers’ most-used curricular practices. The analys...
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    Contextualising Inequalities in Rates of School Exclusion in English Schools: Beneath the ‘Tip of the Ice-Berg’.Louise Gazeley, Tish Marrable, Chris Brown & Janet Boddy - 2015 - British Journal of Educational Studies 63 (4):487-504.
    There is an increasing emphasis internationally on better understanding the links between inequalities and processes within school systems. In England there has been a particular focus on rates of school exclusion because the national data has consistently highlighted troubling patterns of over-representation. This paper argues that a move away from recorded exclusion to other forms of sanction and provision makes more contextualised readings of these data key to better understanding their association with inequalities. It also explores the challenges faced by (...)
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    Contextualising the Interloper: Consistency and Inconsistency in Rylands Latin MS 164.Anne Kirkham - 2017 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 93 (1):23-44.
    Rylands Latin MS 164 is one of over forty manuscript books of hours in the John Rylands Library. It was made in France in the middle of the fifteenth century and its extensive, high quality illumination associates its production with the worshop of the so-called Bedford Master. However, it has not been the subject of any sustained published research and consequently the significance of variations in the mise-en-page of the books pages has not been scrutinised. This article focuses on the (...)
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    Contextualising the Story in Bioethics.Jacqueline Chin Joon Lin - 2010 - Asian Bioethics Review 2 (1):97-101.
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  14. Contextualiser et inculturer la philosophie et la théologie dans Les programmes de formation.Nathanaël Yaovi Soédé - 2003 - In Luke G. Mlilo & Nathanaël Yaovi Soédé (eds.), Doing theology and philosophy in the African context =. Frankfurt am Main: IKO, Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation.
  15.  20
    Contextualising consent.Michael Dunn - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (2):67-68.
  16. Contextualising Causation Part I.Julian Reiss - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (11):1066-1075.
    This is the first instalment of a two-part paper on the counterfactual theory of causation. It is well known that this theory is ridden with counterexamples. Specifically, the following four features of the theory suffer from problems: it understands causation as a relation between events; counterfactual dependence is understood using a metric of similarity among possible worlds; it defines a non-discriminatory concept of causation; and it understands causation as transitive. A number of philosophers have recently proposed that causation is contrastive (...)
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    Contextualising religious education – Different understandings of teaching in Sami confirmation courses.Johan Runemark Brydsten - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):8.
    For the last 30 years, the Church of Sweden, along with other institutions, has offered special confirmation courses for the church’s young Sami members. The organisers and teachers involved with these Sami confirmation courses all stress the necessity of adapting their teaching to fit Sami contexts. Their views are supported by various steering documents, but the wording of these documents leaves room for differing interpretations, which has resulted in multiple understandings of what concrete adjustments should be implemented in the teaching. (...)
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  18. Contextualising Malaysia's Islamic law : a nuanced perspective.Karen Meerschaut & Werner de Saeger - 2019 - In Norbert Oberauer, Yvonne Prief & Ulrike Qubaja (eds.), Legal pluralism in Muslim contexts. Boston: Brill.
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    Contextualising Professional Ethics: The Impact of the Prison Context on the Practices and Norms of Health Care Practitioners.Karolyn L. A. White, Christopher F. C. Jordens & Ian Kerridge - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (3):333-345.
    Health care is provided in many contexts—not just hospitals, clinics, and community health settings. Different institutional settings may significantly influence the design and delivery of health care and the ethical obligations and practices of health care practitioners working within them. This is particularly true in institutions that are established to constrain freedom, ensure security and authority, and restrict movement and choice. We describe the results of a qualitative study of the experiences of doctors and nurses working within two women’s prisons (...)
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    Contextualising Carl Schmitts concept of Grossraum.George Schwab - 1994 - History of European Ideas 19 (1-3):185-190.
  21. La contextualisation: un concept théologique?J. -F. Zorn - 1997 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 77 (2):171-189.
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    Contextualisations d’extraits de jeux vidéo et prises en compte des ressources multimodales pour une analyse des pratiques interactionnelles entre joueurs.Isabel Colón de Carvajal - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 27 (HS).
    Notre travail s’inscrit dans les ancrages théoriques de l’ethnométhodologie et de l’analyse conversationnelle. Notre intérêt est avant tout d’analyser les pratiques interactionnelles entre joueurs en situation de jeux vidéo ; et d’autre part, de comparer différents jeux sur le plan de leur organisation interactionnelle ainsi que leur structure séquentielle et multimodale. Á partir des pratiques de joueurs, nous questionnons les problèmes et contraintes rencontrés, d’une part lors des analyses de ces données en situation de jeux vidéo, et d’autre part lors (...)
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    Contextualising ideas.David Edmonds - 2012 - The Philosophers' Magazine 56 (56):70-74.
    To understand Machiavelli’s concerns it helps to know about his complex relationship with the Medicis. To comprehend what animates Thomas Hobbes we need to recognise that he was writing in the aftermath of the English civil war.
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  24. Contextualise/Zusammenhange herstelten. Kunstverein Hamburg and Kbln: DuMont Verlag, 2002, pp. 134-46. Baker, G.,'Editorial Introduction', October 110 (Fall 2004), pp. 49-50. [REVIEW]Art Press - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery (eds.), Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 52.
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    Contextualising biblical exegesis: What is the African biblical hermeneutic approach?Mbengu D. Nyiawung - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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    Contextualising Organised Labour in Expansion and Crisis: The Case of the US.Kim Moody - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (1):3-30.
    While, as Marx argued, periods of expanded accumulation present the best conditions for increasing working-class living standards, the expansion that began in 1982 was based in large part on the rapidfallin the value of labour-power in the US. This recovery and rapid rise in the rate of surplus-value in the US was enabled by the collapse of union-resistance beginning in 1979 and the strategic choices made by union-leaders across the economy from that time on. The expansion was sustained in the (...)
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    Is contextualised admission the answer to the access challenge?Anna Mountford-Zimdars, Joanne Moore & Janet Graham - 2016 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 20 (4):143-150.
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    Contextualising Early Christian Martyrdom.David M. Rodríguez Chaves - 2011 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 15 (2):221-225.
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    Les sphères de contextualisation. Réflexion méthodologique sur les passages de texte à texte(s) et la constitution des corpus.Vincent Capt, Jérôme Jacquin & Raphaël Micheli - 2009 - Corpus 8:129-147.
    Cet article propose d'interroger la notion de contextualisation à partir d'une perspective d'analyse textuelle des discours. La contextualisation est ici définie comme le processus par lequel le chercheur tente d’établir la pertinence d’une mise en relation entre un texte et un autre (ou plusieurs autres) et de leur regroupement au sein d’un corpus. Trois critères (générique, auctorial et thématique) sont identifiés, autorisant les passages de texte à texte(s) et dessinant ce que nous suggérons d'appeler des sphères de (...). Finalement, une hiérarchisation et des articulations possibles entre ces trois sphères sont envisagées. (shrink)
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    Contextualising Difficulties in Literacy Development: Exploring Politics, Culture, Ethnicity and Ethics.Janet Soler, Janice Wearmouth & Gavin Reid (eds.) - 2002 - Routledgefalmer.
    This book provides a range of interdisciplinary and international perspectives on difficulties in literacy development. The high-profile team of contributors provide ethical and policy discussions, as well as contextualizing individual and collective strategies to addressing difficulties in literacy development. The chapters break new ground by encompassing a wide range of perspectives related to critical literacy, socio-cultural, cognitive, and psychological viewpoints, to help inform practice, policy and research into literacy difficulties. This book will be of interest to postgraduate students, teachers, researchers, (...)
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    Promoting historical contextualisation in classrooms: an observational study.Tim Huijgen, Paul Holthuis, Carla van Boxtel & Wim van de Grift - 2018 - Educational Studies 45 (4):456-479.
    ABSTRACTThe aim of this observational study is to explore how history teachers promote historical contextualisation in their lessons. Historical contextualisation is the ability to situate phenomen...
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    Contextualising the Notion of Context in Jurilinguistic Studies.Edyta Więcławska - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (3):637-656.
    Context is a notion that is commonly invoked in many linguistic studies, either with very general reference or, more specifically, in the light of one of a number of research approaches which assign distinct definitions to context, ranging from factors that can be recovered from a text, through social parameters serving as an index for the appropriation of discursive performance, to factors that bring texts into being and give them meaning. This exploratory and descriptive research problematises the notion of context (...)
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    Embedded rationality and the contextualisation of critical thinking.James McGuirk - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):606-620.
    The present article addresses the question of whether, and to what extent, critical thinking should make attunement to current social and political landscapes central to its practice. I begin by outlining what I consider to be the basic positions in the debate about the political contextualisation of critical thinking, which are referred to as the crypto-Enlightenment and the critical pedagogical models. I argue, on the basis of various strands of research, that there is a prima facie case to be (...)
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  34.  15
    A contextualised reading of Matthew 6:22–23: ‘Your eye is the lamp of your body’.Francois P. Viljoen - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    Context and Contextualisation: Remarks on the Work of Ian Hunter.Peter Holbrook - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (1):1-7.
    Summary This essay focuses on a characteristic analytical and rhetorical strategy of the style of intellectual history practiced by Ian Hunter. It assesses the moral and political resources supplied by that strategy, as well as its implications for one particular humanities discipline, that of literary criticism.
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    The Lady of Lijiang: Contextualising a Forgotten Missionary Translator of Southwest China.Duncan Poupard - 2018 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 94 (2):95-114.
    Elise Scharten was a pioneering Dutch missionary who translated texts into and out of the language of the Naxi people, a Chinese minority group living in the Himalayan foothills of Yunnan province. She was the first to translate the Naxi creation story into English, and the only translator of a western text into Naxi. Her legacy has, however, been overshadowed by the achievements of more prominent Naxiologists. Today, Scharten is almost completely unknown. Nevertheless, Scharten’s unique contribution to the transmission of (...)
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    Contextualising Fichte.Douglas Moggach - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 45:133-153.
    An examination of the intellectual context in which Fichte develops his ethical program in the Jena period and its immediate aftermath (1794–1800) reveals the determining presence of Leibniz, and the complex heritage of Leibnizian perfectionist thought from which Kantian, and post-Kantian, ethics seek to extricate themselves. While Kant blocks any reversion to the older, Leibnizian perfectionism, his criticisms leave open a space for a new kind of perfectionist ethic, one whose object is the promotion not of any determinate notion of (...)
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    Contextualising mental health: interdisciplinary contributions to a new model for tackling social differences and inequalities in mental healthcare.Roxana Baiasu & Guilherme Messas - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):246-266.
    Many classical approaches in the area of phenomenological pscyhopathology focus on structures of lived experience of mental illness and overlook the role social context plays in the formation of lived experiences. The paper addresses this issue and contributes to recent research which has pointed out that there is a need for an approach to mental health which investigates the role of context in shaping lived experiences. We propose a conception of contextuality (or situatedness) which we develop in terms of two (...)
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    Contextualising and Decontextualising Knowledge: Extended Knowledge in Confucius, Mozi and Zhuangzi.Margus Ott - 2021 - In Karyn L. Lai (ed.), Knowers and Knowledge in East-West Philosophy: Epistemology Extended. Springer Nature. pp. 293-318.
    I discuss Extended Cognition theory in relation to Confucius’s Analects, the Mozi, and the Zhuangzi. Extendedness is treated as part of an approach that sees cognition as embodied, embedded, enacted, extended and affective. A common feature of extended cognition views is their resistance to the Cartesian split between extension and thinking and as squeezed between two other capacities that involve extension, namely perception and action. This creates the “classical sandwich”: extensive input —unextended symbolic processing —extensive output. In the Chinese tradition, (...)
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    Re-contextualising Argumentative Meanings: An Adaptive Perspective.Thanh Nyan - 2017 - Argumentation 31 (2):267-299.
    The study of context can benefit greatly from re-examining some of the concepts arising from Anscombre and Ducrot’s argumentation theory from an adaptive perspective. By focusing on discourse dynamism, AT provides fresh angles from which to view key issues, such as the nature of context triggers; whether context construction is necessarily a background activity; in what way utterances set themselves up as contexts for the upcoming discourse; and the nature of the inferences whereby background knowledge and information are accessed. The (...)
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    Contextualising Reform: Colette of Corbie's Relations with A Divided Church.Anna Campbell - 2016 - Franciscan Studies 74:353-373.
    The Colettine reforms took place at a time of profound crisis in the Western Church, yet Colette successfully navigated the ecclesiastical politics of the early fifteenth-century in order to effect far-reaching reform of the Poor Clares and Friars Minor in France and Flanders.2 The politics of the ‘Great Western Schism’ strongly influenced the course of the events of Colette’s career. Not only was it not possible for any religious reforms to exist in a vacuum, but her close association with the (...)
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  42. Contextualising law and emotion : past narratives and future directions.Heather Conway & John Stannard - 2016 - In Heather Conway & John Stannard (eds.), The emotional dynamics of law and legal discourse. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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  43. The De-contextualising of Engineering: A Myth or a Misunderstanding.William Grimson - 2015 - In Byron Newberry, Carl Mitcham, Martin Meganck, Andrew Jamison, Christelle Didier & Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (eds.), Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Springer Verlag.
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  44. On the Lithuanian question : contextualising Pashukanis' critique of the Legal Form.Eric Loefflad - 2025 - In Gian-Giacomo Fusco, Przemysław Tacik & Cosmin Sebastian Cercel (eds.), Legal form: Pashukanis and the Marxist critique of law. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Special Educational Needs: a Contextualised Perspective.Ruth Lupton, Martin Thrupp & Ceri Brown - 2010 - British Journal of Educational Studies 58 (3):267-284.
    The paper examines variations in the extent of special education needs (SEN) in different socio-economic contexts, drawing on data from 46 English primary schools. It examines the implications of variations in SEN for individual pupils and for school organisation and processes. It reviews funding allocations for SEN and what they mean for the provision of support in different settings.
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    Contextualising the role of the gatekeeper in social science research.Shenuka Singh & Douglas Wassenaar - 2016 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 9 (1):42-42.
    Accessing research participants within some social institutions for research purposes may involve a simple single administrative event. However, accessing some institutions to conduct research on their data, personnel, clients or service users can be quite complex. Research ethics committee chairpersons frequently field questions from researchers wanting to know when and why gatekeeper permission should be sought. This article examines the role and influence of gatekeepers in formal and organisational settings and explores pragmatic methods to improve understanding and facilitation of this (...)
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  47. Teaching historical thinking through contextualised sites, archives and artefacts.Robert Guyver - 2012 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 47 (3):52.
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    Christ’s redemption and giwu: Cultural contextualisation in Pamona, Indonesia.Pieter G. O. Sunkudon, Daud Daud, Juanda Juanda, Yewin Tjandra & Selmita Paranoan - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (1):8.
    This article examines the contextualisation of the concept of Christ’s redemption in Pamona culture in Central Sulawesi, focussing on the practice of giwu as a restorative mechanism against social and ethical transgressions. Giwu serves to restore social balance and relationship with Pue Mpalaburu, the Creator, similar to Christ’s redemption which restores human relationship with God. This research compares the similarities and differences between the two, identifying challenges and opportunities in integrating Christian teachings with giwu practices. With a faithful and (...)
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    Asymétrie de la cooccurrence et contextualisation. Le rôle de la flexion casuelle dans la structuration des réseaux cooccurrentiels d’un mot-pôle en latin.Dominique Longrée & Sylvie Mellet - 2012 - Corpus 11.
    Cet article essaye d’évaluer l’impact de la lemmatisation, ou, inversement, de la flexion casuelle sur les réseaux cooccurrentiels d’un mot-pôle en latin. Conjointement, il exploite cet impact pour approfondir l’examen de l’asymétrie des relations de cooccurrence.Nos précédents articles méthodologiques, consacrés notamment à l’asymétrie de la cooccurrence, reposaient en effet sur le dénombrement des cooccurrents d’un mot-pôle considéré et décompté sous sa forme de lemme. Or, si la cooccurrence est bien la « forme minimale du contexte » [Mayaffre 2008] qui contribue (...)
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  50. The Environment Ontology: Contextualising biological and biomedical entities.Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Norman Morrison, Barry Smith, Christopher J. Mungall & Suzanna E. Lewis - 2013 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 4 (43):1-9.
    As biological and biomedical research increasingly reference the environmental context of the biological entities under study, the need for formalisation and standardisation of environment descriptors is growing. The Environment Ontology (ENVO) is a community-led, open project which seeks to provide an ontology for specifying a wide range of environments relevant to multiple life science disciplines and, through an open participation model, to accommodate the terminological requirements of all those needing to annotate data using ontology classes. This paper summarises ENVO’s motivation, (...)
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