Results for 'contradiction, coherence, inconsistency, tension, paradox, informal logic, paraconsistent logic, dialethieism'

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  1. Ambivalence: A Philosophical Exploration.Hili Razinsky - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Ambivalence (as in practical conflicts, moral dilemmas, conflicting beliefs, and mixed feelings) is a central phenomenon of human life. Yet ambivalence is incompatible with entrenched philosophical conceptions of personhood, judgement, and action, and is denied or marginalised by thinkers of diverse concerns. This book takes a radical new stance, bringing the study of core philosophical issues together with that of ambivalence. The book proposes new accounts in several areas – including subjectivity, consciousness, rationality, and value – while elucidating a wide (...)
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    Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation.Walter Carnielli & Marcelo Esteban Coniglio - 2016 - Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. Edited by Marcelo Esteban Coniglio.
    This book is the first in the field of paraconsistency to offer a comprehensive overview of the subject, including connections to other logics and applications in information processing, linguistics, reasoning and argumentation, and philosophy of science. It is recommended reading for anyone interested in the question of reasoning and argumentation in the presence of contradictions, in semantics, in the paradoxes of set theory and in the puzzling properties of negation in logic programming. Paraconsistent logic comprises a major logical theory (...)
  3.  18
    Measuring coherence using LP-models.Carlos A. OLLER - 2004 - Journal of Applied Logic 2 (4):451-455.
    This paper introduces a technique for measuring the degree of (in)coherence of inconsistent sets of propositional formulas. The coherence of these sets of formulas is calculated using the minimal models of those sets in G. Priest's Logic of Paradox. The compatibility of the information expressed by a set of formulas with the background or domain knowledge can also be measured with this technique. In this way, Hunter's objections to many-valued paraconsistent logics as instruments for measuring (in)coherence are addressed.
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  4. Paraconsistency: Logic and Applications.Francesco Berto, Edwin Mares, Koji Tanaka & Francesco Paoli (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    A logic is called 'paraconsistent' if it rejects the rule called 'ex contradictione quodlibet', according to which any conclusion follows from inconsistent premises. While logicians have proposed many technically developed paraconsistent logical systems and contemporary philosophers like Graham Priest have advanced the view that some contradictions can be true, and advocated a paraconsistent logic to deal with them, until recent times these systems have been little understood by philosophers. This book presents a comprehensive overview on paraconsistent (...)
  5.  41
    Saving Proof from Paradox: Gödel’s Paradox and the Inconsistency of Informal Mathematics.Fenner Stanley Tanswell - 2016 - In Peter Verdée & Holger Andreas, Logical Studies of Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 159-173.
    In this paper I shall consider two related avenues of argument that have been used to make the case for the inconsistency of mathematics: firstly, Gödel’s paradox which leads to a contradiction within mathematics and, secondly, the incompatibility of completeness and consistency established by Gödel’s incompleteness theorems. By bringing in considerations from the philosophy of mathematical practice on informal proofs, I suggest that we should add to the two axes of completeness and consistency a third axis of formality and (...)
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  6.  21
    The Dissolution of Bar-Hillel-Carnap Paradox by Semantic Information Theory Based on a Paraconsistent Logic.Samir Gorsky - 2018 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 22 (1):139-151.
    Several logical puzzles, riddles and problems are defined based on the notion of games in informative contexts. Hintikka argues that epistemology or the theory of knowledge must be considered from the notion of information. So, knowledge cannot just be based on the notions of belief and justification. The present proposal will focus on the logical structure of information, and not only on the quantification of information as suggested by Claude A. Shannon. In many cases, the information bits, although seemingly or (...)
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  7. How to Sell a Contradiction: The Logic and Metaphysics of Inconsistency.Francesco Berto - 2007 - College Publications.
    There is a principle in things, about which we cannot be deceived, but must always, on the contrary, recognize the truth – viz. that the same thing cannot at one and the same time be and not be": with these words of the Metaphysics, Aristotle introduced the Law of Non-Contradiction, which was to become the most authoritative principle in the history of Western thought. However, things have recently changed, and nowadays various philosophers, called dialetheists, claim that this Law does not (...)
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  8. Paraconsistency in Mathematics.Zach Weber - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Paraconsistent logic makes it possible to study inconsistent theories in a coherent way. From its modern start in the mid-20th century, paraconsistency was intended for use in mathematics, providing a rigorous framework for describing abstract objects and structures where some contradictions are allowed, without collapse into incoherence. Over the past decades, this initiative has evolved into an area of non-classical mathematics known as inconsistent or paraconsistent mathematics. This Element provides a selective introductory survey of this research program, distinguishing (...)
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    Metaphysics, Deep Pluralism, and Paradoxes of Informal Logic.Jeremy Barris - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (1):59-84.
    The paper argues that metaphysical thought, or thought in whose context our general framework of sense is under scrutiny, involves, legitimates, and requires a variety of informal analogues of the ‘true contradictions’ supported in some paraconsistent formal logics. These are what we can call informal ‘legitimate logical inadequacies’. These paradoxical logical structures also occur in deeply pluralist contexts, where more than one, conflicting general framework for sense is relevant. The paper argues further that these legitimate logical inadequacies (...)
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  10.  40
    Paraconsistent Quasi-Set Theory.Décio Krause - unknown
    Paraconsistent logics are logics that can be used to base inconsistent but non-trivial systems. In paraconsistent set theories, we can quan- tify over sets that in standard set theories, if consistent, would lead to contradictions, such as the Russell set, R = fx : x =2 xg. Quasi-set theories are mathematical systems built for dealing with collections of indiscernible elements. The basic motivation for the development of quasi-set theories came from quantum physics, where indiscernible entities need to be (...)
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    Paradoxes and Inconsistent Mathematics.Zach Weber - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Logical paradoxes – like the Liar, Russell's, and the Sorites – are notorious. But in Paradoxes and Inconsistent Mathematics, it is argued that they are only the noisiest of many. Contradictions arise in the everyday, from the smallest points to the widest boundaries. In this book, Zach Weber uses “dialetheic paraconsistency” – a formal framework where some contradictions can be true without absurdity – as the basis for developing this idea rigorously, from mathematical foundations up. In doing so, Weber directly (...)
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  12.  26
    The psychological aspects of paraconsistency.Konrad Rudnicki - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1):4393-4414.
    The creation of paraconsistent logics have expanded the boundaries of formal logic by introducing coherent systems that tolerate contradictions without triviality. Thanks to their novel approach and rigorous formalization they have already found many applications in computer science, linguistics and mathematics. As a natural next step, some philosophers have also tried to answer the question if human everyday reasoning could be accurately modelled with paraconsistent logics. The purpose of this article is to argue against the notion that human (...)
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  13. Conjunctive paraconsistency.Franca D’Agostini - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6845-6874.
    This article is a preliminary presentation of conjunctive paraconsistency, the claim that there might be non-explosive true contradictions, but contradictory propositions cannot be considered separately true. In case of true ‘p and not p’, the conjuncts must be held untrue, Simplification fails. The conjunctive approach is dual to non-adjunctive conceptions of inconsistency, informed by the idea that there might be cases in which a proposition is true and its negation is true too, but the conjunction is untrue, Adjunction fails. While (...)
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  14.  77
    Belief, Contradiction and the Logic of Self-Deception.Newton C. A. da Costa & Steven French - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (3):179 - 197.
    The apparently paradoxical nature of self-deception has attracted a great deal of controversy in recent years. Focussing on those aspects of the phenomenon which involve the holding of "contradictory" beliefs, it is our intention to argue that this presents no "paradox" if a non-classical, "paraconsistent", doxastic logic is adopted. (On such logics, see, for example, N. C. A. da Costa, 'On the theory of inconsistent formal systems', Notre Dame J Formal Logic 11(1974), 497-510, and A. I. Arruda, 'A survey (...)
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    Minimal-Inconsistency Tolerant Logics: A Quantitative Approach.Christian Strasser & Sanderson Molick Silva - 2025 - Australasian Journal of Logic 22 (3):308-365.
    In order to reason in a non-trivializing way with contradictions, paraconsistent logics reject some classically valid inferences. As a way to recover some of these inferences, Graham Priest proposed to nonmonotonically strengthen the Logic of Paradox by allowing the selection of “less inconsistent” models via a comparison of their respective inconsistent parts. This move recaptures a good portion of classical logic in that it does not block, e.g., disjunctive syllogism, unless it is applied to contradictory assumptions. In Priest’s approach (...)
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    Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation.Abilio Rodrigues - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 42 (3):300-306.
    The book Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation by Walter Carnielli and Marcelo Coniglio is the most thorough study of Logics of Formal Inconsistency...
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    Heidegger and the Contradiction of Being: An Analytic Interpretation of the Late Heidegger.Filippo Casati - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers a clear, analytic, and innovative interpretation of Heidegger's late work. This period of Heidegger's philosophy remains largely unexplored by analytic philosophers, who consider it filled with inconsistencies and paradoxical ideas, particularly concerning the notions of Being and nothingness. This book takes seriously the claim that the late Heidegger endorses dialetheism--namely the position according to which some contradictions are true--and shows that the idea that Being is both an entity and not an entity is neither incoherent nor logically (...)
  18.  84
    A Classical Prejudice?Patrick Allo - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (1):25-40.
    In this paper I reassess Floridi's solution to the Bar-Hillel-Carnap paradox (the information-yield of inconsistent propositions is maximal) by questioning the orthodox view that contradictions cannot be true. The main part of the paper is devoted to showing that the veridicality thesis (semantic information has to be true) is compatible with dialetheism (there are true contradictions), and that unless we accept the additional non-falsity thesis (information cannot be false) there is no reason to presuppose that there is no such thing (...)
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  19.  27
    Paraconsistent and Paracomplete Zermelo–Fraenkel Set Theory.Yurii Khomskii & Hrafn Valtýr Oddsson - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):965-995.
    We present a novel treatment of set theory in a four-valued paraconsistent and paracomplete logic, i.e., a logic in which propositions can be both true and false, and neither true nor false. Our approach is a significant departure from previous research in paraconsistent set theory, which has almost exclusively been motivated by a desire to avoid Russell’s paradox and fulfil naive comprehension. Instead, we prioritise setting up a system with a clear ontology of non-classical sets, which can be (...)
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    Should God believe the Liar? A non-dialetheist paraconsistent approach to God’s Omniscience.Guilherme Araújo Cardoso & Sérgio Ricardo Neves de Miranda - 2021 - Manuscrito 44 (4):518-563.
    In this paper, we discuss a family of arguments that show the inconsistency of the concept of omniscience, which is one of the central attributes of the theistic God. We introduce three member of this family: Grim’s Divine Liar Paradox, Milne’s Paradox and our own Divine Curry. They can be seen as theological counterparts of well-known semantic paradoxes. We argue that the very simple dialetheist response to these paradoxes doesn’t work well and then introduce our own response based on a (...)
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  21. Frontiers in Paraconsistent Logic.Diderik Batens, Chris Mortensen, Graham Priest & Jean Paul Van Bendegem (eds.) - 2000 - Research Studies Press.
    Paraconsistent logic, logic in which inconsistent information does not deliver arbitrary conclusions, is one of the fastest growing areas of logic, with roots in profound philosophical issues, and applications in information processing and philosophy of science. This book contains selected papers presented at the First World Congress on Paraconsistency, held in Ghent in 1997. It contains papers on various aspects of the subject. As such, it should be of interest to all who want to learn what the subject is, (...)
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  22.  42
    Inconsistency and Incompleteness, Revisited.Stewart Shapiro - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 469-479.
    Graham Priest introduces an informal but presumably rigorous and sharp ‘provability predicate’. He argues that this predicate yields inconsistencies, along the lines of the paradox of the Knower. One long-standing claim of Priest’s is that a dialetheist can have a complete, decidable, and yet sufficiently rich mathematical theory. After all, the incompleteness theorem is, in effect, that for any recursive theory A, if A is consistent, then A is incomplete. If the antecedent fails, as it might for a dialetheist, (...)
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  23. What is a Paraconsistent Logic?Damian Szmuc, Federico Pailos & Eduardo Barrio - 2018 - In Walter Carnielli & Jacek Malinowski, Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    Paraconsistent logics are logical systems that reject the classical principle, usually dubbed Explosion, that a contradiction implies everything. However, the received view about paraconsistency focuses only the inferential version of Explosion, which is concerned with formulae, thereby overlooking other possible accounts. In this paper, we propose to focus, additionally, on a meta-inferential version of Explosion, i.e. which is concerned with inferences or sequents. In doing so, we will offer a new characterization of paraconsistency by means of which a logic (...)
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    Contradictory Information: Better Than Nothing? The Paradox of the Two Firefighters.J. Michael Dunn & Nicholas M. Kiefer - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 231-247.
    Prominent philosophers have argued that contradictions contain either too much or too little information to be useful. We dispute this with what we call the “Paradox of the Two Firefighters.” Suppose you are awakened in your hotel room by a fire alarm. You open the door. You see three possible ways out: left, right, straight ahead. You see two firefighters. One says there is exactly one safe route and it is to your left. The other says there is exactly one (...)
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    Paraconsistent Logic, Evidence, and Justification.Melvin Fitting - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1149-1166.
    In a forthcoming paper, Walter Carnielli and Abilio Rodrigues propose a Basic Logic of Evidence whose natural deduction rules are thought of as preserving evidence instead of truth. BLE turns out to be equivalent to Nelson’s paraconsistent logic N4, resulting from adding strong negation to Intuitionistic logic without Intuitionistic negation. The Carnielli/Rodrigues understanding of evidence is informal. Here we provide a formal alternative, using justification logic. First we introduce a modal logic, KX4, in which \ can be read (...)
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    Keeping Globally Inconsistent Scientific Theories Locally Consistent.Michele Friend & María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz - 2018 - In Walter Carnielli & Jacek Malinowski, Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 53-88.
    Most scientific theories are globally inconsistent. Chunk and Permeate is a method of rational reconstruction that can be used to separate, and identify, locally consistent chunks of reasoning or explanation. This then allows us to justify reasoning in a globally inconsistent theory. We extend chunk and permeate by adding a visually transparent way of guiding the individuation of chunks and deciding on what information permeates from one chunk to the next. The visual representation is in the form of bundle diagrams. (...)
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  27. Real Analysis in Paraconsistent Logic.Maarten McKubre-Jordens & Zach Weber - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (5):901-922.
    This paper begins an analysis of the real line using an inconsistency-tolerant (paraconsistent) logic. We show that basic field and compactness properties hold, by way of novel proofs that make no use of consistency-reliant inferences; some techniques from constructive analysis are used instead. While no inconsistencies are found in the algebraic operations on the real number field, prospects for other non-trivializing contradictions are left open.
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    Inconsistencies in extensive games.Martin Dufwenberg & Johan Lindén - 1996 - Erkenntnis 45 (1):103 - 114.
    In certain finite extensive games with perfect information, Cristina Bicchieri (1989) derives a logical contradiction from the assumptions that players are rational and that they have common knowledge of the theory of the game. She argues that this may account for play outside the Nash equilibrium. She also claims that no inconsistency arises if the players have the minimal beliefs necessary to perform backward induction. We here show that another contradiction can be derived even with minimal beliefs, so there is (...)
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    The Unexpected Applicability of Paraconsistent Logic: A Chomskyan Route to Dialetheism. [REVIEW]Nicholas D. McGinnis - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (4):625-640.
    Paraconsistent logics are characterized by rejection of ex falso quodlibet, the principle of explosion, which states that from a contradiction, anything can be derived. Strikingly these logics have found a wide range of application, despite the misgivings of philosophers as prominent as Lewis and Putnam. Such applications, I will argue, are of significant philosophical interest. They suggest ways to employ these logics in philosophical and scientific theories. To this end I will sketch out a ‘naturalized semantic dialetheism’ following Priest’s (...)
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  30. Objects as Temporary Autonomous Zones.Tim Morton - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):149-155.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 149-155. The world is teeming. Anything can happen. John Cage, “Silence” 1 Autonomy means that although something is part of something else, or related to it in some way, it has its own “law” or “tendency” (Greek, nomos ). In their book on life sciences, Medawar and Medawar state, “Organs and tissues…are composed of cells which…have a high measure of autonomy.”2 Autonomy also has ethical and political valences. De Grazia writes, “In Kant's enormously influential moral philosophy, autonomy (...)
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    Paraconsistent Logical Consequence.Dale Jacquette - 1998 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 8 (4):337-351.
    ABSTRACT The concept of paraconsistent logical consequence is usually negatively defined as a validity semantics in which not every sentences is deducible or in which inferential explosion does not occur. Paraconsistency has been negatively characterized in this way because paraconsistent logics have been designed specifically to avoid the trivialization of deductive inference entailed by the classical paradoxes of material implication for applications in a system that tolerates syntactical contradictions. The effect of the negative characterization of paraconsistency has been (...)
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    Matrix- based logic for avoiding paradoxes and its paraconsistent alternative.Paul Weingartner - 2011 - Manuscrito 34 (1):365-388.
    The present article shows that there are consistent and decidable manyvalued systems of propositional logic which satisfy two or all the three criteria for non-trivial inconsistent theories by da Costa . The weaker one of these paraconsistent system is also able to avoid a series of paradoxes which come up when classical logic is applied to empirical sciences. These paraconsistent systems are based on a 6-valued system of propositional logic for avoiding difficulties in several domains of empirical science (...)
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  33. Communication vs. Information, an Axiomatic Neutrosophic Solution.Florentin Smarandache & Stefan Vladutescu - 2013 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 1:38-45.
    Study represents an application of the neutrosophic method, for solving the contradiction between communication and information. In addition, it recourse to an appropriate method of approaching the contradictions: Extensics, as the method and the science of solving the contradictions. The research core is the reality that the scientific research of communication-information relationship has reached a dead end. The bivalent relationship communicationinformation, information-communication has come to be contradictory, and the two concepts to block each other. After the critical examination of conflicting (...)
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  34. On philosophical motivations for paraconsistency: an ontology-free interpretation of the logics of formal inconsistency.Walter Carnielli & Abilio Rodrigues - manuscript
    In this paper we present a philosophical motivation for the logics of formal inconsistency, a family of paraconsistent logics whose distinctive feature is that of having resources for expressing the notion of consistency within the object language in such a way that consistency may be logically independent of non- contradiction. We defend the view according to which logics of formal inconsistency may be interpreted as theories of logical consequence of an epistemological character. We also argue that in order to (...)
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    Measuring Inconsistency in Generalized Propositional Logic.John Grant - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (3):331-356.
    Consistency is one of the key concepts of logic; logicians have put a great deal of effort into proving the consistency of many logics. Understanding what causes inconsistency is also important; some logicians have developed paraconsistent logics that, unlike classical logics, allow some contradictions without making all formulas provable. Another direction of research studies inconsistency by measuring the amount of inconsistency of sets of formulas. While the initial attempt in 1978 was too ambitious in trying to do this for (...)
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    Obtaining infinitely many degrees of inconsistency by adding a strictly paraconsistent negation to classical logic.Peter Verdée - 2020 - Synthese 198 (S22):5415-5449.
    This paper is devoted to a consequence relation combining the negation of Classical Logic ) and a paraconsistent negation based on Graham Priest’s Logic of Paradox ). We give a number of natural desiderata for a logic \ that combines both negations. They are motivated by a particular property-theoretic perspective on paraconsistency and are all about warranting that the combining logic has the same characteristics as the combined logics, without giving up on the radically paraconsistent nature of the (...)
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    The inapplicability of (selected) paraconsistent logics.Rafal Urbaniak & Paweł Siniło - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (4):368-383.
    In some cases one is provided with inconsistent information and has to reason about various consistent scenarios contained within that information. Our goal is to argue that filtered paraconsistent logics are not the right tool to handle such cases and that the problems generalise to a large class of paraconsistent logics. A wide class of paraconsistent logics is obtained by filtration: adding conditions to the classical consequence operation . We start by surveying the most promising candidates and (...)
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  38. Zeno's paradoxes and temporal becoming in dialectical atomism.Hristo Smolenov - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):169 - 180.
    The homogeneity of time (i.e. the fact that there are no privileged moments) underlies a fundamental symmetry relating to the energy conservation law. On the other hand the obvious asymmetry between past and future, expressed by the metaphor of the arrow of time or flow of time accounts for the irreversibility of what happens. One takes this for granted but the conceptual tension it creates against the background of time''s presumed homogeneity calls for an explanation of temporal becoming. Here, it (...)
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  39. A Critique of Dialetheism.Greg Littman & Keith Simmons - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb, The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-226.
    This dissertation is a critical examination of dialetheism, the view that there are true contradictions. Dialetheism's proponents argue that adopting the view will allow us to solve hitherto unsolved problems, including the well-known logical paradoxes. ;Dialetheism faces three kinds of challenge. Challenges of the first kind put in doubt the intrinsic coherence of dialetheism. It can be claimed, for example, that it is incoherent for a claim to be both true and false; that claims known to be false cannot be (...)
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    Montague’s Paradox, Informal Provability, and Explicit Modal Logic.Walter Dean - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (2):157-196.
    The goal of this paper is to explore the significance of Montague’s paradox—that is, any arithmetical theory $T\supseteq Q$ over a language containing a predicate $P$ satisfying $P\rightarrow \varphi $ and $T\vdash \varphi \,\therefore\,T\vdash P$ is inconsistent—as a limitative result pertaining to the notions of formal, informal, and constructive provability, in their respective historical contexts. To this end, the paradox is reconstructed in a quantified extension $\mathcal {QLP}$ of Artemov’s logic of proofs. $\mathcal {QLP}$ contains both explicit modalities $t:\varphi (...)
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    Contradiction in Bhedābheda Vedānta: A Paraconsistent and Glut-Theoretic Approach to Jīva’s Acintya Bhedābheda Theology.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - forthcoming - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology.
    Several Indian religious traditions associated with Vedānta offer conflicting descriptions of ultimate reality, Brahman. A prominent example is found in the Bhedābheda Vedānta tradition, which posits that Brahman is both different (bheda) and non-different (abheda) from the world and individual selves. At first glance, this seems like a contradictory statement. However, most Bhedābheda Vedānta thinkers attempt to reconcile the contradiction, asserting, for example, that Brahman is different from the world and individual selves in one sense, yet non-different in another, distinct (...)
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  42. A critique of dialetheism.Greg Littman & Keith Simmons - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb, The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-226.
    This dissertation is a critical examination of dialetheism, the view that there are true contradictions. Dialetheism's proponents argue that adopting the view will allow us to solve hitherto unsolved problems, including the well-known logical paradoxes. ;Dialetheism faces three kinds of challenge. Challenges of the first kind put in doubt the intrinsic coherence of dialetheism. It can be claimed, for example, that it is incoherent for a claim to be both true and false; that claims known to be false cannot be (...)
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  43. Contradictions and falling bridges: what was Wittgenstein’s reply to Turing?Ásgeir Berg - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (3).
    In this paper, I offer a close reading of Wittgenstein's remarks on inconsistency, mostly as they appear in the Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics. I focus especially on an objection to Wittgenstein's view given by Alan Turing, who attended the lectures, the so-called ‘falling bridges’-objection. Wittgenstein's position is that if contradictions arise in some practice of language, they are not necessarily fatal to that practice nor necessitate a revision of that practice. If we then assume that we have adopted (...)
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    The Berry Paradox.Neil Tennant - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Logic:1-20.
    Berry’s Paradox, like Russell’s Paradox, is a ‘paradox’ in name only. It differs from genuine logico-semantic paradoxes such as the Liar Paradox, Grelling’s Paradox, the Postcard Paradox, Yablo’s Paradox, the Knower Paradox, Prior’s Intensional Paradoxes, and their ilk. These latter arise from semantic closure. Their genuine paradoxicality manifests itself as the non-normalizability of the formal proofs or disproofs associated with them. The Russell, the Berry, and the Burali-Forti ‘paradoxes’, by contrast, simply reveal the straightforward inconsistency of their respective existential claims—that (...)
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    On Universally Free First-Order Extensions of Belnap-Dunn’s Four-Valued Logic and Nelson’s Paraconsistent Logic N4N{4}.Henrique Antunes & Abilio Rodrigues - 2025 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 54 (1):169-195.
    The aim of this paper is to introduce the logics FFDE\textit{FFDE} and FN4\textit{FN}{4}, which are universally free versions of Belnap-Dunn’s four-valued logic, also known as the logic of first-degree entailment ( FDE\textit{FDE} ), and Nelson’s paraconsistent logic NN^{-} (a.k.a. Q ⁣N4Q\!N {4} ). Both FDE\textit{FDE} and Q ⁣N4Q\!N {4} are suitable to be interpreted as information-based logics, that is, logics that are capable of representing the deductive behavior of possibly inconsistent and incomplete information in a database. Like Q ⁣N4Q\!N {4} and some (...)
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  46. On Universally Free First-Order Extensions of Belnap-Dunn’s Four-Valued Logic and Nelson’s Paraconsistent Logic N4N{4}.Henrique Antunes & Abilio Rodrigues - 2025 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 54 (1):169-195.
    The aim of this paper is to introduce the logics FFDE\textit{FFDE} and FN4\textit{FN}{4}, which are universally free versions of Belnap-Dunn’s four-valued logic, also known as the logic of first-degree entailment ( FDE\textit{FDE} ), and Nelson’s paraconsistent logic NN^{-} (a.k.a. Q ⁣N4Q\!N {4} ). Both FDE\textit{FDE} and Q ⁣N4Q\!N {4} are suitable to be interpreted as information-based logics, that is, logics that are capable of representing the deductive behavior of possibly inconsistent and incomplete information in a database. Like Q ⁣N4Q\!N {4} and some (...)
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  47. AGM-Like Paraconsistent Belief Change.Rafael R. Testa, Marcelo E. Coniglio & Márcio M. Ribeiro - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):632-672.
    Two systems of belief change based on paraconsistent logics are introduced in this article by means of AGM-like postulates. The first one, AGMp, is defined over any paraconsistent logic which extends classical logic such that the law of excluded middle holds w.r.t. the paraconsistent negation. The second one, AGMo , is specifically designed for paraconsistent logics known as Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs), which have a formal consistency operator that allows to recover all the classical inferences. (...)
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    A Paraconsistent Solution to the Problem of Moral Dilemmas.Helen Bohse - 2005 - South African Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):77-86.
    Moral dilemmas – situations in which an agent has a moral requirement to do each of two acts but cannot do both – seem to suggest some kind of inconsistency. I argue that the inconsistency felt intuitively is actually a logical inconsistency, and then go on to show that we can neither deny the existence of moral dilemmas nor give up the deontic principles involved in the deduction of a contradiction, as both our moral judgements and the deontic principles depend (...)
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    Measuring inconsistency in information.John Grant & Maria Vanina Martinez (eds.) - 2018 - [London]: College Publications.
    The concept of measuring inconsistency in information was developed by John Grant in a 1978 paper in the context of first-order logic. For more than 20 years very little was done in this area until in the early 2000s a number of AI researchers started to formulate new inconsistency measures primarily in the context of propositional logic knowledge bases. The aim of this volume is to survey what has been done so far, to expand inconsistency measurement to other formalisms, to (...)
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    The Time of the King: Gift and Exchange in Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio.Joan Ramon Resina - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (1):49-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.1 (2000) 49-77 [Access article in PDF] The Time of the King Gift and Exchange in Zorrilla's Don Juan Tenorio Joan Ramon Resina There is something paradoxical about José Zorrilla's revision of the Don Juan legend, a certain contradiction between the play's structure and the logic of the action. The character of the protagonist, the form and implications of Don Juan's salvation, the strategies and temporality of seduction, (...)
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