Results for 'conversion of the soul'

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  1. Plato's Parmenides: The Conversion of the Soul.Mitchell H. Miller - 1986 - Princeton NJ, University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The Parmenides is arguably the pivotal text for understanding the Platonic corpus as a whole. I offer a critical analysis that takes as its key the closely constructed dramatic context and mimetic irony of the dialogue. Read with these in view, the contradictory characterizations of the "one" in the hypotheses dissolve and reform as stages in a systematic response to the objections that Parmenides earlier posed to the young Socrates' notions of forms and participation, potentially liberating Socrates from his dependence (...)
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    Plato's Parmenides: The Conversion of the Soul (review).Kenneth Seeskin - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (1):180-181.
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    Mitchell H. Miller: Plato's Parmenides: The Conversion of the Soul[REVIEW]J. A. Towey - 1988 - American Journal of Philology 109:600-602.
    A review of Plato's Parmenides, The Conversion of the Soul, by Mitchell H. Miller Junior. The Parmenides is seen as offering readers a chance to appropriate fully by critical and conceptual inquiry what was given in the Republic in the modes of image and analogy.
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  4. Images of the Soul in Plato's Gorgias.Alessandra Fussi - 1997 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    This dissertation is a study of the images of the soul in the Gorgias. I analyze the relationship between power and omnipotence in the conceptions of the soul defended and/or exemplified by the characters of the dialogue. ;In chapter 1 I focus on the dramatic setting of the Gorgias, which lacks clear temporal and spatial indications. I show that the three conversations are dramatically linked to the last myth of judgment. My hypothesis is that Gorgias and his followers (...)
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  5. Miller, M.H., Plato's "Parmenides". The Conversion of the Soul[REVIEW]C. Steel - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50:706.
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  6. Mitchell Miller, Plato's Parmenides: The Conversion of the Soul[REVIEW]Kenneth Dorter - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (6):228-231.
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    The Soulful Machine, the Virtual Person, and the “Human” Condition: An Encounter with Jan M. Broekman, Knowledge in Change: The Semiotics of Cognition and Conversion (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2023). [REVIEW]Larry Catá Backer - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (3):969-1083.
    Humans create but do not regulate generative systems of data based programs (so-called “artificial” intelligence (“A.I.”) and generative predictive analytics and its models. Humans, at best, regulate their interactions with, exploitation of, and the quality of the output of interactions with these forms of generative non-carbon based intelligence. Humans are compelled to do this because they have trained themselves it believe that nothing exists unless it is rendered meaningful in relation to the human itself. Beyond that—nothing is worth knowing. It (...)
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    "Gregory of Nyssa on the Soul (and the Restoration): From Plato to Origen," in: Exploring Gregory of Nyssa: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, eds Anna Marmodoro and Neil McLynn, Oxford: OUP, 2018, ISBN: 9780198826422, pp. 110-141.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2018 - In Neil McLynn Anna Marmodoro (ed.), Exploring Gregory of Nyssa: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, eds Anna Marmodoro and Neil McLynn, Oxford: OUP, 2018, ISBN: 9780198826422. pp. pp. 110-141..
    This essay situates Gregory’s treatment of the soul—especially, but not exclusively, in his dialogue On the Soul and the Resurrection—within the philosophical tradition of treatises On the Soul (περὶ ψυχῆς, to which he significantly added the Christian component περὶ ἀναστάσεως) and in conversation with Origen’s complex psychology. While Origen never wrote a work On the Soul, for precise reasons, he did write one On the Resurrection. His older contemporary Tertullian composed both a work On the (...) and one On the Resurrection. Gregory opted for a synthesis—not in two separate treatises, but in the same dialogue—of the philosophical genre On the Soul with the Christian (for him Origenian) genre On the Resurrection (which in his view, as in Origen’s, coincided with restoration-apokatastasis) within the framework of a remake of a Platonic dialogue—namely, the Platonic dialogue on the immortality of the soul par excellence, the Phaedo. An investigation into the meaning of restoration with respect to the soul will be conducted in the light of Gregory’s philosophical definition of the soul and of the Platonic ideal of harmony and unity that are paramount in Gregory’s doctrine of the soul and nous. I shall finally tease out the role of the soul in what I call Gregory’s ‘theology of freedom’, deeply rooted in Plato’s philosophy, and the influence that he seems to have exerted on Evagrius’s theories of the threefold resurrection (of body, soul, and nous) and of the subsumption of body into soul and soul into nous (the so-called ‘unified nous’): it will be argued that the Christian Neoplatonist Eriugena was right to trace the latter doctrine back to Gregory of Nyssa. -/- . (shrink)
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  9. Dialectic and the Activity of the Soul when Reaching for Being and the Good in Plato’s Theaetetus 184b3–186e12.Jens Kristian Larsen - 2023 - In Melina G. Mouzala (ed.), Ancient Greek Dialectic and Its Reception. De Gruyter. pp. 129-156.
    In a crucial passage in the Parmenides, Parmenides states that the power of conversation (ten tou dialegesthai dynamin) depends on forms (135b-c) and indicates that this power is a prerequisite for philosophy. In chapter xx Kristian Larsen raises the question what implications this passage has for Plato’s conception of dialectic and argues that the discussion of the thesis that knowledge is perception in the Theaetetus, and in particular the conclusion to this discussion found at 184b3-186e12, provides an explanation of Parmenides’ (...)
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    John of the Cross, the Dark Night of the Soul, and the Jh?nas and the Ar?pa States.Elizabeth J. Harris - 2018 - Buddhist Studies Review 35 (1-2):65-80.
    This paper examines function and structure within the religious paths advocated by John of the Cross, and the Buddha, with particular reference to the jh?nas and the ar?pa states, as represented in selected suttas within the P?li texts. First, John of the Cross and the jh?na and ar?pa states are contextualised. The teaching in The Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Dark Night, and the S?maññaphala Sutta, the Niv?pa Sutta and the Anupada Sutta is then summarised. The two are then (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of the Soul: A Study of Heroic Individualism.Leslie Paul Thiele - 1990 - Princeton University Press.
    This book offers a conversation with Nietzsche rather than a consideration of the secondary literature, yet it takes to task many prevalent approaches to his work, and contests especially the way we often restrict our encounter with him to ...
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    The Soul of Development: Biblical Christianity and Economic Transformation in Guatemala.Amy L. Sherman - 1996 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Ever since Max Weber started an argument about the role of Protestantism in jump-starting northern Europe's economic development, scholars have clashed over the influence of religion and culture on a society's economic prospects. Today, many wonder whether the "explosion" of Protestantism in Latin America will effect a similar wave of growth and democratization. In this book, Sherman compiles the results of her field study and national survey of 1000 rural Guatemalan households. She offers persuasive evidence that, in Guatemala and throughout (...)
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    Plato's self-corrective development of the concepts of soul, forms, and immortality in three arguments of the Phaedo.Martha C. Beck - 1999 - Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press.
    This study argues both that the proofs are ultimately unconvincing and that Plato was aware of the problems. The Phaedo is shown as a truly dialectical philosophical conversation about the immortality of the soul.
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    Another conversion. Stanisław Brzozowski’s ‘diary’ as an early instance of the post-secular turn to religion.Agata Bielik-Robson - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (4):279-291.
    This essay is an attempt to analyze an important decision Brzozowski took at the end of his life, i.e. his late turn towards Catholicism, which, despite his own objections, we should nonetheless call a religious conversion. The main reason why Brzozowski resisted the traditional rhetoric of conversion lies in his often repeated conviction that faith cannot invalidate life, because “what is not biographical, does not exist at all.” Brzozowski, therefore, rejects conversion understood as a radical and abrupt (...)
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  15.  27
    Sin as an Ailment of Soul and Repentance as the Process of Its Healing. The Pastoral Concept of Penitentials as a Way of Dealing with Sin, Repentance, and Forgiveness in the Insular Church of the Sixth to the Eighth Centuries.Wilhelm Kursawa - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (1):21-45.
    Although the advent of the Kingdom of God in Jesus contains as an intrinsic quality the opportunity for repentance as often as required, the Church of the first five-hundred years shows serious difficulties with the opportunity of conversion after a relapse in sinning after baptism. The Church allowed only one chance of repentance. Requirement for the reconciliation were a public confession and the acceptance of severe penances, especially after committing the mortal sin of apostasy, fornication or murder. As severe (...)
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    Winning every moment: soul conversations with the Baal Hatanya.Yeḥiʼel Harari - 2020 - Edison, NJ: Gefen Books. Edited by Zalman Nelson.
    As soon as Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (the Baal HaTanya) formulated his method of self-mastery, more than two hundred years ago, it spread like wildfire. Within a few years, thousands had knocked on his door to get "therapy" with individually tailored advice for various emotional challenges. The Tanya was compiled over a twenty-year period to present a comprehensive framework that would serve as a substitute for a face-to-face encounter and last for generations to come. Rabbi Shneur Zalman's method sees (...)
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    William James and the Religious Character of the Sick Soul.Roger G. López - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (1):83-101.
    The scholarly attention lavished on William James’ case study in the “Sick Soul” lecture in The Varieties of Religious Experience of a man disturbed by the vision of an epileptic patient has generally not approached this case as a religious experience. To deepen our understanding of religious experience, I show that this case study can be understood as religious using elements of the theory of religion expounded throughout James’ text. I argue that it can be understood as a stage (...)
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  18.  13
    Atheism, Ethics, and the Soul.Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk - 2013 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk (eds.), 50 Great Myths About Atheism. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 59–78.
    This chapter deals with the following myths: without God there is no morality; atheists are moral relativists; atheists don't give to charity; atheists deny the sanctity of human life; and if there is no god we are soulless creatures. Atheists, informed by secular approaches to ethics, are more likely to be focused on what will cause, or prolong, or conversely, ameliorate, suffering, rather than taking the view that human life possesses some kind of transcendent or supernatural value. Many thinkers in (...)
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    Neuroscience and the Soul.Thomas M. Crisp (ed.) - 2016 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
    It is a widely held belief that human beings are both body and soul, that our immaterial soul is distinct from our material body. But that traditional idea has been seriously questioned by much recent research in the brain sciences.In Neuroscience and the Soul fourteen distinguished scholars grapple with current debates about the existence and nature of the soul. Featuring a dialogical format, the book presents state-of-the-art work by leading philosophers and theologians -- some arguing for (...)
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  20. By what is the soul nourished? - On the art of the physician of souls in Plato’s Protagoras.Jens Kristian Larsen - 2016 - In Olof Pettersson & Vigdis Songe-Møller (eds.), Plato’s Protagoras: Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry. Cham: Springer. pp. 79-97.
    This article explores the motif of psychic nourishment in Plato’s Protagoras. It does so by analyzing what consequences Socrates’ claim that only a physician of souls will be able adequately to assess the quality of such nourishment has for the argument of the dialogue. To this purpose, the first section of the article offers a detailed analysis of Socrates’ initial conversation with Hippocrates, highlighting and interpreting the various uses of medical metaphors. Building on this, this section argues that the warning (...)
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  21.  7
    The duty and blessing of a tender conscience: plainly stated and earnestly recommended to all who regard acceptance with God and the prosperity of their souls with an appendix of several sermons.Timothy Cruso - 1691 - Orlando: The Northampton Press. Edited by Don Kistler.
    The counterfeits of this blessed frame -- The true principle of a tender heart -- The proper ingredients of this tenderness of heart -- How God brings about this frame of heart -- The evidences and tokens of a tender conscience -- How this holy frame evidences itself to God -- Why this frame of heart finds acceptance with God -- The application -- The conclusion -- The necessity and advantage of an early victory over Satan -- The excellency of (...)
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    Conversing with God's Word: Scripture Meditation in the Piety of George Swinnock.J. Stephen Yuille - 2012 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 5 (1):35-55.
    In his list of essential reading, Richard Baxter includes a section on “affectionate practical English writers.” Among others, he mentions George Swinnock. While essentially forgotten today, Swinnock's contemporaries held him in high esteem as a skilful physician of the soul. The focus of this article is Swinnock's view of Scripture meditation as necessary for bridging the gap between head and heart in Christian experience. He encourages his readers to “retire out of the world's company, to converse with the word (...)
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    The Conversion and Therapy of Desire: Augustine's Theology of Desire in the Cassiciacum Dialogues.Mark J. Boone - 2010 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick.
    The first fruits of the literary career of St. Augustine, the great theologian and Christian philosopher par excellence, are the dialogues he wrote at Cassiciacum in Italy following his famous conversion in Milan in 386 AD. These four little books, largely neglected by scholars, investigate knowledge, ethics, metaphysics, the problem of evil, and the intriguing relationship of God and the soul. They also take up the ancient philosophical project of identifying the principles and practices that heal human desires (...)
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    Religious conversion and identity: the semiotic analysis of texts.Massimo Leone - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    The way in which people change and represent their spiritual evolution is often determined by recurrent language structures. Through the analysis of ancient and modern stories and their words and images, this book describes the nature of conversion through explorations of the encounter with the religious message, the discomfort of spiritual uncertainty, the loss of personal and social identity, the anxiety of destabilization, the reconstitution of the self and the discovery of a new language of the soul.
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    Book Review: Godly Conversation: Rediscovering the Puritan Practice of Conference. [REVIEW]Laura K. Springer - 2012 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 5 (2):291-293.
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    Diaries as “Soul Portraits”? Interpretation and Theorization of Adolescents’ Self-Descriptions in the German-Speaking Youth Psychology of the 1920s and 1930s. [REVIEW]Carla Seemann - 2021 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 29 (3):319-345.
    In the first two decades of the twentieth century, the figure of the adolescent (Jugendlicher) was introduced into public discourse in the German-speaking world. The adolescent soon became an epistemic object for the still loosely defined field of psychology. Actors in the slowly differentiating scientific field of youth psychology were primarily interested in the normal development of adolescent subjects and sought out new materials and methods to research the inner life of young people. In order to access this inner life, (...)
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    Augustine's Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of a Christian Platonist.Phillip Cary - 2000 - Oup Usa.
    Phillip Cary argues that Augustine invented or created the concept of self as an inner space--as space into which one can enter and in which one can find God. This concept of inwardness, says Cary, has worked its way deeply into the intellectual heritage of the West and many Western individuals have experienced themselves as inner selves. After surveying the idea of inwardness in Augustine's predecessors, Cary offers a re-examination of Augustine's own writings, making the controversial point that in his (...)
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    An ecospirituality of nature’s beauty: A hopeful conversation in the current climate crisis.Lisanne D. Winslow - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):6.
    Since our earliest hominid ancestors, humans have found nature beautiful, feeling a sense of the numinous in its presence. However, evolutionary biology has been unsuccessful in providing a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon in terms of natural selection pressures. Firstly, the article takes a walk down anthropological memory lane, tracing the origins of why humans find nature beautiful, giving rise to religious and non-religious sensations. Secondly, the article explores why traditional natural selection mechanisms do not support a bio-aesthetic model that (...)
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    Adelard of Bath, Conversations with His Nephew: On the Same and the Different, Questions on Natural Science, and on Birds.Charles Burnett (ed.) - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Adelard of Bath was one of the most colourful personalities of the Middle Ages. He travelled to the Crusader kingdoms, to Sicily and south Italy, and translated texts on astronomy, astrology and magic from Arabic into Latin. He acquired a lasting reputation as a pioneering mathematician, and he was a gifted teacher. He addressed one of these works, on cosmology and the astrolabe, to the future King Henry II, and it is in the context of the education of the nobility (...)
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    What Can the Pastor Learn from Freud? A Historical Perspective on Psychological and Theological Dimensions of Soul Care.H. M. Dober - 2010 - Christian Bioethics 16 (1):61-78.
    How should we shape the practice of pastoral care, especially in the context of bioethical counseling? Martin Luther grounded it in a mutual dialogue of brethren. Friedrich Schleiermacher transformed this Protestant understanding according to the modern ideals of freedom and responsibility for oneself. In response to the other basic question of pastoral care: What is the human soul?, Sigmund Freud overcame the Platonic model undergirding Schleiermacher's account. Whoever seeks to care for his own soul and the soul (...)
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  31. The Conversion of a Psychologist.W. Lutoslawski - 1922 - Hibbert Journal 21:697-710.
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    The biology of enlightenment: unpublished conversations of U.G. Krishnamurti after he came into the natural state (1967-71).U. G. Krishnamurti - 2010 - New Delhi: HarperCollins Publishers India, a joint venture with The India Today Group. Edited by Mukunda Rao.
    In this book we meet with the modern sage, U.G. Krishnamurti, and listen to his penetrating voice describing life and reality as it is. What is body and what is mind? Is there a soul? Is there a beyond, a God? What is enlightenment? Is there a life after death? Never before have these questions been tackled with such simplicity, candour and clarity. In these unpublished early conversations with friends, U.G.discusses in detail his search for the truth and how (...)
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  33. ‘The soul is, in a way, all beings’: Heidegger’s debts to Aristotle in Being and Time.Maciej Czerkawski - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (10):3930-3968.
    This paper develops a novel interpretation of Dasein, as we find it in Heidegger’s Being and Time. On this interpretation, Heidegger models this most famous of all his concepts after Aristotle’s account of the soul from De Anima as isomorphic with whatever it currently cognises. Indeed, Dasein proves central to the inquiry into Being he attempts in that book precisely because, like soul, it is capable of becoming like all beings.
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    The biology of enlightenment: unpublished conversations of U.G. Krishnamurti after he came into the natural state (1967-71).U. G. Krishnamurti - 2010 - New Delhi: HarperCollins Publishers India, a joint venture with The India Today Group. Edited by Mukunda Rao.
    In this book we meet with the modern sage, U.G. Krishnamurti, and listen to his penetrating voice describing life and reality as it is. What is body and what is mind? Is there a soul? Is there a beyond, a God? What is enlightenment? Is there a life after death? Never before have these questions been tackled with such simplicity, candour and clarity. In these unpublished early conversations with friends (1967-71), U.G.discusses in detail his search for the truth and (...)
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    Augustine Second Founder of the Faith.Joseph C. Schnaubelt & Frederick Van Fleteren - 1990 - Peter Lang.
    This volume, entitled "Collectanea Augustiniana," commemorates the celebration at Villanova University of the sixteenth centenary of the conversion and baptism of St. Augustine. Subtitled "Augustine: -Second Founder of the Faith-," the volume is divided into six sections. In the first, 'Conversion in the "Confessiones"', five authors discuss aspects of Augustine's conversion. The second section, 'Literary Structure in the "Confessiones"', is devoted to six analyses of the arrangement of Augustine's spiritual autobiography. The third section, "The City of God," (...)
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    Not a Battle of Giants, but a Revolution of the Soul: On War and Dialogue.Claudia Baracchi - 2002 - Méthexis 15 (1):7-27.
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    Political Use of Conversion in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Context: Some Cases From Salonica.Bülent Özdemir - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):155-169.
    The purpose of this study is to shed light on a period of time in Ottoman history when conversion policies and practices, influenced by the changes of times and, resulted in unprecedented socio-political directions. In order to do that, some conversion cases from the Ottoman society in Salonica will be presented. Conversion to Islam is of central importance in explaining the rise of empire and its formation in many scholarly studies. It was usually presented as an official (...)
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    Communicating Conversion: Penitential Turn Transmission in the Early Franciscan Fraternity.Krijn Pansters - 2022 - Franciscan Studies 80 (1):171-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Communicating Conversion:Penitential Turn Transmission in the Early Franciscan FraternityKrijn PanstersIntroductionThe literature on religious conversion shows that there is no comprehensive inventory of individual conversion stories that may provide the basic materials for a genealogy of Christian conversion, or of a further examination of its tradition.1 The scholarly interpretations that we have almost exclusively concern conversion narratives about anonymous masses, such as the Saxons under (...)
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    (1 other version)Gardener of souls : philosophical education in Plato's Phaedrus.Anne Cotton - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien (eds.), Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone: Cultivating Wisdom. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 232–244.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Education as Gardening: An Image of Natural Growth Do We All Possess Fertile Souls? The Gardener: What is His Contribution to the Growth of the Seeds? Gardening: Labor and Reward Plato as Gardener Dialogue Between Text and Reader: Cultivating the Seeds Teaching Us to Become Gardeners of Our Souls Plato's Literary Garden: A Corpus of Works Gardeners of Souls Notes.
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    In the Eye of the Wild.Charles Foster - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):245-246.
    Martin was a twenty-nine-year-old anthropologist working on animism in Siberia when a bear leaped on her. He raked her with his claws, put her head into his mouth, and was about to crush her skull when she stabbed him with her ice axe. He loped off into the woods, carrying part of Martin's lower jaw and, if Martin is right, half of her soul—but leaving half of his soul in return. Martin lay bleeding in the snow. She managed (...)
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  41. The soul of the runner.Charles Taliaferro & Rachel Traughber - 2007 - In Michael W. Austin (ed.), Running and Philosophy: A Marathon for the Mind. Wiley-Blackwell.
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  42. The passions of Doria, Paolo, mattia-the problem of passions of the soul in'vita civile'.Maurizio Torrini - 1983 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 3 (2):129-152.
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    Conversion of Forces and the Conservation of Energy.P. M. Heimann - 1974 - Centaurus 18 (2):147-161.
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    In search of the sense and the senses: Aesthetic education in germany and the united states.Alexandra Kertz-Welzel - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):102-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Search of the Sense and the Senses:Aesthetic Education in Germany and the United StatesAlexandra Kertz-Welzel (bio)The dream that art is able to humanize human beings is very old. One person fascinated by this idea claimed:The creative artist educates and perfects through his work the nation's capacity for appreciation, just as conversely the general feeling for art thus developed and sustained creates the fruitful soil which is the condition (...)
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    (1 other version)The Conversion of St. Augustine.Joseph McCabe - 1901 - International Journal of Ethics 12 (4):450.
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    Kierkegaard on the Transformation of the Individual in Conversion.William C. Davis - 1992 - Religious Studies 28 (2):145 - 163.
    From at least the time of the writing of The Philosophical Fragments , Søren Kierkegaard's work takes a special interest in both the transition from unbelief to faith and the character of the life of true faith. Trained in Lutheran dogma and convinced of the radical nature of human freedom, his work on this subject demonstrates a profound concern for and grasp of Lutheran orthodoxy, as well as a remarkable degree of subtlety. After all, it is no simple task to (...)
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    Kinêsis and the Value of tês and pros in the Plotinian Hypostases ‘Intellect’ and ‘Soul’.Alba Miriello - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1449-1458.
    In this paper, I argue that the term kinêsis bears different connotations when associated with two different Plotinian hypostases in the Enneads: Intellect and Soul1. I propose an interpretation of this term as intellectual movement when it is associated with the Intellect and spatial movement when it is associated with the Soul.In the first section, I evaluate the meaning of kinêsis in reference to the hypostasis Intellect. In the second section, I turn to a critical examination of kinêsis associated (...)
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    Hegel’s Account of the Unconscious and Why It Matters.Richard Eldridge - 2014 - Review of Metaphysics 67 (3):491-515.
    Hegel’s account of the unconscious and his broader philosophy of mind offer us a well worked out form of non-dualist, non-reductionist, non-eliminativist, non-representationalist naturalism. Hegel describes the development of discursively structured thought (and responsiveness to norms) in ethological terms as emerging from initial somatic-sensory states, from states and processes of bodily activity on the part of a feeling soul, and from structured habituation in relation to other subjects. Importantly, earlier, less organized states of sensory awareness and feeling persist as (...)
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  49. Ireneusz Ziemiński, Dusza i dualizm (Richard Swinburn, The Evolution of the Soul).Renata Ziemińska - 1997 - Etyka 30.
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    Voluntas et libertas : a philosophical account of Augustine's conception of the will in the domain of moral psychology.Tianyue Wu - 2007 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    Augustine’s insights into the will and its free decision have long been a focus of controversy since his lifetime. Nonetheless, in modern scholarship, little effort has been made to clarify the actual function of the will as a psychological force in the life of mind. It has often been taken for granted that the will is an independent faculty which underlies our moral responsibility by its free choice. Accordingly, much ink has been spilled over issues such as necessity and freedom, (...)
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