Results for 'cultivation of mind'

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  1.  8
    Confucian Cultivation of Mind and Meditation - The Care Model of Cultivation Applied by Toe-gye' {The Method on Preservation of Human mind (活人心方)}. 이연도 - 2010 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 28 (28):363-386.
    이 논문은 유가 공부론과 명상의 관계에 대해 살펴본 것이다. 최근 우리 사회에는 마음의 병에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 흔히 세계관과 인생관, 가치관에 대한 왜곡된 인식에서 비롯된 마음의 병은 정신의학적 방법으로 치료될 수 없다는 점에서 신경정신과적 질병과는 구분된다. 철학을 비롯하여 문학, 예술 등 다양한 인문학을 활용한 대체치료가 주목받고 있는 것도 이러한 이유에서이다. 명상 또한 이들 가운데 하나이다. ‘명상’은 흔히 불교에서 발전해 온 것으로 생각되지만, 유학과도 밀접한 연관성을 가지고 있다. 불교의 명상은 현실의 삶을 부정하지만, 유가의 명상 철학은 현실과 자아를 인정하는 데서 출발하고 (...)
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    Cultivation of Mind through Ritual: Focused on Viewpoint of Merleau-Ponty.Kwang-Min Kim - 2018 - Journal of Moral Education 30 (3):1-21.
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    Transcendental Philosophy and the Cultivation of Mind-Nature : Moral Implication of Kant's Concept of a priori.Cheol-Hyeon Roh - 2009 - The Journal of Moral Education 20 (2):49.
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    Objectives Model and Cultivation of Mind.Sang-Cheol Park - 2006 - Journal of Moral Education 18 (1):113.
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    Lixue (理學 Ihak) the Lost Art: Confucianism as a form of cultivation of mind.Hyong-Jo Han - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (1):75-84.
    This article approaches Confucianism as a lost art of living and asks how we can make it relevant again for us. Central to this approach is the cultivation of heart-mind designed to help cure ourselves of self-oblivion and self-centeredness so prevalent in our culture today. It is based on the idea of Li, the same as Spinoza’s God, the absolute Being that has nothing to do with human aspirations at all. To seek this, Li is therefore to gain (...)
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    Is Possible the Model of Cultivation of Mind in Curriculum?Hye-Jin Cheong - 2007 - Journal of Moral Education 18 (2):171.
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    Meaning of Music in ‘Record of Music’ of Li Ki - Cultivation of Mind by means of Symbolism -.Chun-Ho Shin - 2017 - The Journal of Moral Education 29 (1):19.
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    Medium of Mind Cultivation Based on the Theory of Buddhist Practice.Ju-Yeon Yoon - 2014 - The Journal of Moral Education 26 (1):141.
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    Narrative as a Method of the Cultivation of Mind : An Implication of Vygotsky's Theory of Development.Hyeon-Jin Park - 2009 - The Journal of Moral Education 20 (2):147.
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    The Life and Work of Hyangwoon Jung Tae-Hyuk: Pursuit of the truth, cultivation of mind, and dedication to training younger scholars.Seung Suk Jung - 2014 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 42:33-60.
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    The cultivation of the female mind: enlightened growth, luxuriant decay and botanical analogy in eighteenth-century texts.Sam George - 2005 - History of European Ideas 31 (2):209-223.
    Enlightenment optimism over mankind's progress was often voiced in terms of botanical growth by key figures such as John Millar; the mind's cultivation marked the beginning of this process. For agriculturists such as Arthur Young cultivation meant an advancement towards virtue and civilization; the cultivation of the mind can similarly be seen as an enlightenment concept which extols the human potential for improvable reason. In the course of this essay I aim to explore the relationship (...)
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  12.  33
    Words as cultivators of others minds.Theresa S. S. Schilhab - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  13.  30
    A Theory on Cultivation of Human Nature and Mind - Mencius and Xunzi.Jae-Mun Park - 2009 - The Journal of Moral Education 20 (2):1.
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    Preventive Metaphysical Analysis of Mind-Body Relation through Psychology and Medical Science for Giving a Positive Cultivated Message to the Present Young Cohort.Bandyopadhyay S. - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (1):1-9.
    A close observation on the rapid change in the mind of young cohort has been made. Our Surveillance is before and after pandemic periods compels us to re-write some pre-occupied conceptions in the core of Philosophy and Psychology. We have worked on mind-body & mind-soul relationship from three angles that are Medical Science, Psychology and Philosophy. It is seen that the level of confidence is gradually diminishing among the youth due to different impetus and as a result (...)
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    (1 other version)The Meaning of Mind-Cultivation in Chu Hsi's Theory of Education : A Metapractical Perspective.Chun-Ho Shin - 2011 - Journal of Moral Education 22 (2):99.
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  16. Contemplative Practices: The Cultivation of Discernment in Mind and Heart,”.Cognitive Error - 2009 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 29:59-79.
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    Cultivating Strength of Mind: Hume on the Government of the Passions and Artificial Virtue.Lauren Kopajtic - 2015 - Hume Studies 41 (2):201-229.
    Several authors have recently noted Hume’s relative silence on the virtue of strength of mind and how it is developed. In this paper I suggest that Hume had good reasons for this silence, and I argue that Hume’s discussion of artificial virtue, especially the virtue of allegiance, reveals a complex view of the limitations on human efforts at self-reform. Further, it reveals the need for government and externally-imposed regulative structures to enable the development of strength of mind. I (...)
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    Cognitive Error and Contemplative Practices: The Cultivation of Discernment in Mind and Heart.Wesley J. Wildman - 2009 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 29:61-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cognitive Error and Contemplative Practices:The Cultivation of Discernment in Mind and HeartWesley J. WildmanBrains are amazing organs in all creatures with central nervous systems and especially in human beings. But they are not perfect. Without forgetting the larger success story of cognitive evolution, I want to explore the way that cognitive biases sometimes produce errors in both religious and secular social settings and how such errors can (...)
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    Hume on the Cultivation of Moral Character.Philip A. Reed - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (1):299-315.
    This paper attempts to give a complete and coherent account of how Hume’s moral psychology can explain the cultivation of moral character. I argue that the outcome of a fully formed moral character is an agent who strengthens her calm moral sentiments into settled principles of action. I then take up the question of how the process of strengthening moral sentiments might occur, rejecting the possibilities of sympathy, “reflection,” and “resolution” because either they are too weak or else they (...)
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  20.  10
    Christianity as a Project for Cultivating the Mind: A Metapractical Point of View.Hong-Woo Lee - 2019 - Journal of Moral Education 31 (2):239-263.
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    Francis Bacon, Natural Philosophy, and the Cultivation of the Mind.Peter Harrison - 2012 - Perspectives on Science 20 (2):139-158.
    This paper suggests that Bacon offers an Augustinian (rather than a purely Stoic) model of the “culture of the mind.” He applies this conception to natural philosophy in an original way, and his novel application is informed by two related theological concerns. First, the Fall narrative provides a connection between the cultivation of the mind and the cultivation of the earth, both of which are seen as restorative of an original condition. Second, the fruit of the (...)
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  22.  18
    Holism and the Cultivation of Excellence in Sports and Performance: Skillful Striving.Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza - unknown
    Holism and the Cultivation of Excellence in Sports and Performance is a multi-methodological and cross-cultural examination of how we flourish holistically through performative endeavors, e.g., sports, martial and performing arts. Relying primarily on sport philosophy, value theory, phenomenology, philosophy of mind, pragmatism, and East Asian philosophies (Japanese and Chinese), it espouses thick holism. Concerned with an integrative bodymind gradually achieved through performance that aims at excellence, the process of self-cultivation proper of thick holism relies on an ecologically (...)
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  23.  9
    A Study of Xiong Xhi Li's Xing Zhi Cultivation of the mind. 정병석 & 김대수 - 2012 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 71 (71):233-263.
    본 논문의 목적은 본성을 체인하는 熊十力의 性智 수양법의 특징과 이론적 근거를 규명하는데 있다. 이러한 목적을 원만히 수행하기 위해 먼저 기존 유학자들이 제시한 수양 방법과 성지 수양법을 비교ㆍ검토함으로써 그 특징적 차이를 부각시키고자 한다. 『대학』 ‘격물치지’ 구절에서 ‘격물’에 대한 해석을 둘러싸고 주자학과 양명학 간에 이치[理]의 所在와 본성에 대한 뚜렷한 입장 차이를 보이고 있다. 웅십력은 ‘격물치지’ 해석에 나타난 기존 학설의 앎에 이르는 수양 방법의 한계를 지적하고 본성의 의미를 재규정하고 있다. 본성과 관련해서 웅십력은 양명학의 ‘良知’ 개념을 적극 수용하고 있지만, 그 개념을 자신의 ‘체용론’ 틀 (...)
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    The problem of mind in Confucianism.Xunwu Chen - 2016 - Asian Philosophy 26 (2):166-181.
    ABSTRACTThis essay explores the Confucian theory of mind. Doing so, it first examines the early Confucian concept of the human mind as a substance that has both moral and cognitive functions and a universal nature. It then explores the neo-Confucian concept of the human mind, the original mind, and the relationships between the human mind and human nature, as well as between the human mind and the human body. Finally, it explores the Confucian concept (...)
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  25.  14
    An Integrative Habit of Mind: John Henry Newman on the Path to Wisdom.Frederick D. Aquino - 2012 - Northern Illinois University Press.
    Searching for better ways to inspire people to pursue wisdom, Frederick D. Aquino argues that teachers and researchers should focus less on state-of-the-art techniques and learning outcomes and instead pay more attention to the intellectual formation of their students. We should, Aquino contends, encourage the development of an integrative habit of mind, which entails cultivating the capacity to grasp how various pieces of data and areas of inquiry fit together and to understand how to apply this information to new (...)
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    The Mind Aspect of Mengzi’s Concept of Heart-Mind and Its Role in Self-Cultivation.Xiangnong Hu - forthcoming - Journal of East Asian Philosophy:1-18.
    “Heart-mind” has almost become the standard English translation of Mengzi’s concept of xin 心. However, it remains largely unsettled (1) on what basis xin can be regarded as possessing a mind aspect that allows it to function as a faculty that both feels and thinks, and (2) what role this mind aspect of xin plays in Mengzi’s ethics, which revolves around character formation. This paper aims to address these two questions through a detailed analysis of the original (...)
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    Interpreting the Virtues of Mindfulness and Compassion: Contemplative Practices and Virtue-Oriented Business Ethics.Kevin T. Jackson - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (1):47-69.
    The article aims to provide a standpoint from which to critically address two broad concerns. The first concern surrounds a naïve view of mindfulness, which takes it as a given that it is a good thing to cultivate mindfulness and attendant qualities like compassion because these virtues are key to improving the quality of life and bettering effective decisionmaking within business. Yet the virtue of mindfulness has roots in religious and spiritual traditions, and the virtue of compassion is complex and (...)
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  28. 王阳明之“真己”修养观:全球共同体 视域下发展开放性的自我认同 [The Cultivation of the ‘True Self’ (zhen ji 真己) in the Light of Wang Yangming: Perspectives on the Development of an Open Self-identity in Planetary Communality].David Bartosch - 2022 - Dangdai Zhongguo Jiazhiguan Yanjiu 当代中国价值观研究 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Values 38 (2):76-86. Translated by Yang Bin 杨彬.
    本文旨在探究王阳明之“真己”修养观,以相关同等理念“心之本体”以 及《传习录》中的“原只是个天理”为出发点,进而思考王阳明哲学中提出的“本体” “躯壳”“嘘吸”“同体”“形体”“灵明”等术语,以及更为久远的概括性词语,如“体” “躯”和“大体”。此外,通过“性”与“气”、“理”与“气”等关联词,王阳明的哲学箴 言“知行合一”、“气”不可分(即“一气流通”)以及“原无非礼”的观点(与其著名的 “良知”一词有关),阐述了他对于“已”的理解。文章还探究了王阳明为何会如此 关注“己”这一古词,以及他所提出的“真己”一词与旧词相比有着哪些重要变化。 最后,文章思考了当今全球共同体的背景下,我们应该如何利用王阳明思想建立 包容又开放的自我认知。王阳明提出的有关人的观点,例如“一嘘吸”和“体网络”——“活力系统”以及“身”——“具象人格”,均根植于“真己”这一概念。这些 思想必须自我修养而成,这也适用于满足当前全球时代精神的迫切需要。[The topic of this investigation centers around the idea of the cultivation of the 'true self' (zhen ji 真己) according to Wang Yangming. Starting from the related idea of an equiprimordiality of 'xin zhi benti 心之本体' and the 'source' (原) of tian li 天理 in Chuanxilu《传习录》, the examination proceeds to reflect on terms like 'benti 本体', 'quqiao 躯壳', 'xu-xi 嘘吸', 'tongti 同体', 'xingti 形体', 'lingming 灵明', etc . in the philosophy (...)
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    Nietzsche and Japanese Buddhism on the Cultivation of the Body: To What Extent Does Truth Bear Incorporation?André van der Braak - 2009 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 1 (2):223-251.
    In order to overcome the unhealthy perspective of body-mind dualism and become capable of holding the “higher” and healthier perspective of body and mind as will to power, Nietzsche stresses that one must engage in a process of cultivation of the body. Such a practice of self-cultivation involves leaving behind incorporated illusory and life-denying perspectives and incorporating more “truthful” and affirmative perspectives on life. In this article, Nietzsche’s views on the body and its cultivation will (...)
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    Education as the Cultivation of Second Nature: Two Senses of the Given.Koichiro Misawa - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (1):35-50.
    In philosophy, it is almost a platitude to argue that fact and value intertwine. However, in empirically oriented educational research, it is not. Hence, there is some affinity between logical positivism, which is no longer tenable in philosophy, and empirically based contemporary educational research in terms of assumptions each makes about “the given.” In this essay, Koichiro Misawa casts light on how fact and value intertwine by invoking the notion of “second nature” that John McDowell has reanimated. This will in (...)
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    The Emergence of Mind: Where Technology Ends and We Begin.Jeffrey Kane - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    ​While it may appear that generative AI has mastered the mystery of the human mind and released its full power, The Emergence of Mind: Where Technology Ends and We Begin demonstrates the profound and fundamental limitations of the technology and its use as a model of human thinking. In response, the book offers an emergent model of the human mind rooted in our experiences as living, sentient, social and conscious beings. The text explores the nature of meaning (...)
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    An Integrative Habit of Mind: John Henry Newman on the Path to Wisdom by Frederick D. Aquino.David Fleischacker - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):481-485.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:An Integrative Habit of Mind: John Henry Newman on the Path to Wisdom by Frederick D. AquinoDavid FleischackerAn Integrative Habit of Mind: John Henry Newman on the Path to Wisdom. By Frederick D. Aquino. DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2012. Pp. x + 129. $29.00 (cloth). ISBN: 978-0-87580-452-1.Frederick Aquino has spent a number of years digesting Newman’s thought and interfacing it with a number of (...)
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    The Journey of The Mind: Zen Meditation and Contemplative Prayer in the Korean Buddhist and Franciscan Traditions; with Special Reference to "Secrets on Cultivating the Mind" (修心訣 수심결, su shim gyol ) by Pojo Chinul (知訥, 1158–1210) and "The Journey of the Mind into God" ( itinerarium mentis in deum ) by Bonaventure of Bagnoregio (1217–1274). [REVIEW]S. S. F. Nicholas Alan Worssam - 2023 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 43 (1):3-32.
    abstract: This essay explores the parallels in the life and teaching of the Korean Zen master Pojo Chinul (1158–1210) and the Franciscan saint and theologian Bonaventure of Bagnoregio (ca. 1217–1274). Living during the same thirteenth century but on opposite sides of the world, both men committed their lives to reforming the religious life and to attaining the experience of awakening in their respective traditions. To this end, both encouraged the study of their foundational texts, together with the earnest practice of (...)
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    A further analysis of Zhu Xi’s theory of mind.Peiyuan Meng - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (3):377-395.
    Mind was the oneness of form and function. The change from an old theory to a new one about zhong 中 (the mean) and he 和 (harmony) was a shift from the idea of the separate form of nature and function of mind to one about both form and function of mind. Form was both the form of the spirit of the mind and of the substantiality of nature (not the same as substantial realities in substantialism); (...)
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  35.  19
    Prescribing the Life of the Mind: An Essay on the Purpose of the University, the Aims of Liberal Education, the Competence of Citizens, and the Cultivation of Practical Reason.Charles W. Anderson - 1993 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    A distinguished political philosopher with years of experience teaching in undergraduate liberal arts programs, Anderson shows how the ideal of practical reason can reconcile academia’s research aims with public expectations for universities: the preparation of citizens, the training of professionals, the communication of a cultural inheritance. It is not good enough, he contends, to simply say that the university should stick to the great books of the classic tradition, or to denounce this tradition and declare that all important questions are (...)
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    (1 other version)Cultivating moral consciousness: The quintessential relation of practical reason and mind (Gemüt) as a bulwark against the propensity for radical evil.G. Felicitas Munzel - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (13):1371-1380.
    To perfect human beings with an innate propensity for radical evil is a formidable task. Kant explicitly says that the propensity for evil is not eradicable; it is rooted in human nature, specifically in the human power of choice-making. The task is to reorient the natural order of choice-making, to the moral order that takes the moral law as its supreme principle. I explicate the role of a specific capacity of the human subjective side of judging in this process; namely, (...)
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  37. Presence of Mind: A Political Posture.Saba Fatima - 2012 - Social Philosophy Today 28:131-146.
    The political posture often encouraged in liberatory movements is that of urgency. Urgency is based on the idea that if oppressed peoples do not act “now,” then their fate is forever sealed as subordinates within social and political power hierarchies. This paper focuses on a contrasting political posture, termed presence of mind, motivated by the current political atmosphere of distrust and disenfranchisement in which some Muslim-Americans find themselves. Presence of mind is defined as the ability to critically unpack (...)
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    Pragmatic Need of Mind-control as Propounded in Indian Philosophy.Kamala Kumari & Mukta Singh - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:65-70.
    The Indian philosophers lay emphasis on mind-control. Mind-control is not only negative practice. For, we are not only required to check and curb our evil tendencies but also employ them for a better purpose. The lower constituents of human beings can not be annihilated but can only be tamed and reformed. Cessation of bad tendencies is coupled with cultivation of good tendencies and is followed by good actions. According to Jainism & Buddhism, the path of liberation from (...)
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    Extending the Transformative Potential of Mindfulness Through Team Mindfulness Training, Integrating Individual With Collective Mindfulness, in a High-Stress Military Setting.Jutta Tobias Mortlock, Alison Carter & Dawn Querstret - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mindfulness has come to be considered an important approach to help individuals cultivate transformative capacity to free themselves from stress and suffering. However, the transformative potential of mindfulness extends beyond individual stress management. This study contributes to a broadening of the scope of contemplative science by integrating the prominent, individually focused mindfulness meditation literature with collective mindfulness scholarship. In so doing, it aims to illuminate an important context in which mindfulness interventions are increasingly prevalent: workplaces. Typically, the intended effect of (...)
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    The Collective Archives of Mind : An Exploration of Reasons from Metaethics to Social Ontology.Gloria Mähringer - unknown
    This monograph discusses the question of what it is to be a reason – mainly in practical ethics – and proposes an original contribution to metaethics.It critically examines theories of metaethical realism, constructivism and error theory and identifies several misunderstandings or unclarities in contemporary debates. Based on this examination, the book suggests a distinction between a conceptual question, that can be answered by pure first-personal thinking, and a material question, that targets responses to reasons as a natural phenomenon in space (...)
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    Virtue, Narrative, and Self: Explorations of Character in the Philosophy of Mind and Action.Joseph Ulatowski & Liezl Van Zyl (eds.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    Virtue, Narrative, and Self connects two philosophical areas of study that have long been treated as distinct: virtue theory and narrative accounts of personal identity. Chapters address several important issues and neglected themes at the intersection of these research areas. Specific examples include the role of narrative in the identification, differentiation, and cultivation of virtue, the nature of practical reasoning and moral competence, and the influence of life's narrative structure on our conceptions of what it means to live and (...)
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    Practical Knowledge and Habits of Mind.Will Small - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (2):377-397.
    Education aims at more than supplying learners with information, or knowledge of facts. Even when the transmission of information is at stake, abilities relevant to using that information are among the things that teachers aim, or ought to aim, to inculcate. We may think that abilities for critical reflection on knowledge, and critical thinking more generally, are central to what teachers should cultivate in their students. Moreover, we may hope that students acquire not merely the ability to (e.g.) think critically, (...)
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    (1 other version)Postures of the Mind: Essays on Mind and Morals.Don Locke & Annette Baier - 1981 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (145):571.
    _Postures of the Mind _was first published in 1985. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. Annette Baier develops, in these essays, a posture in philosophy of mind and in ethics that grows out of her reading of Hume and the later Wittgenstein, and that challenges several Kantian or analytic articles of faith. She questions the assumption that intellect has authority (...)
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    (1 other version)What measures justice? What justifies happiness? Emersonian moral perfectionism and the cultivation of political emotions.Naoko Saito - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-10.
    This article will highlight the distinctive role of Cavell in renewing a dawn of American philosophy. Following Emerson’s remark, ‘the inmost in due time becomes the outmost’, Cavell develops his distinctive line of antifoundationalist thought. To show how unique and valuable Cavell’s endeavor to resuscitate Emerson’s and Thoreau’s voice in American philosophy is, this paper discusses the political implications of Cavell’s Emersonian moral perfectionism. This involves a reconsideration of what measures justice and what justifies happiness. While Cavell is sometimes said (...)
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  45. A Good Enough Heart: Kant and the Cultivation of Emotions.Krista K. Thomason - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (3):441-462.
    One way of understanding Kant’s views about moral emotions is the cultivation view. On this view, emotions play a role in Kantian morality provided they are properly cultivated. I evince a sceptical position about the cultivation view. First, I show that the textual evidence in support of cultivation is ambiguous. I then provide an account of emotions in Kant’s theory that explains both his positive and negative views about them. Emotions capture our attention such that they both (...)
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  46.  8
    Enjoyment and the Activity of Mind: Dialogues on Whitehead and Education.Foster N. Walker (ed.) - 2000 - Rodopi.
    This book urges educational institutions to contemplate the harm they have caused to individual and society by their tragic suppression of the energy essential to the flowering of the mind's full potential. No more strident and uncompromising a voice is to be found on this topic than Whitehead's, in The Aims of Education and Other Essays. Walker's interpretation of these essays is set in a story of the lives of several teachers, education students, parents, and a professor. Whitehead's presence (...)
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    Cultivating character : spiritual exercises, remedial virtues, and the formation of the heart.Ryan D. West - 2016 - Dissertation, Baylor University
    According to philosophical situationists, empirical psychology suggests that most people are not virtuous, and that we should be skeptical about the possibility of cultivating virtue. I argue against the second claim by offering an empirically informed model of character formation. The model begins with ancient formational wisdom emphasizing emotion education, the practice of spiritual exercises, self-monitoring, and willpower, and is confirmed, nuanced, and supplemented by insights from recent empirical psychology. Many ancient philosophers, recent social psychologists, and philosophers of emotion agree (...)
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    The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution: Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the Cultivation of Virtue.Matthew L. Jones - 2006 - University of Chicago Press.
    Amid the unrest, dislocation, and uncertainty of seventeenth-century Europe, readers seeking consolation and assurance turned to philosophical and scientific books that offered ways of conquering fears and training the mind—guidance for living a good life. _The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution_ presents a triptych showing how three key early modern scientists, René Descartes, Blaise Pascal, and Gottfried Leibniz, envisioned their new work as useful for cultivating virtue and for pursuing a good life. Their scientific and philosophical innovations stemmed (...)
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    Self-Compassion and Subjective Well-Being Mediate the Impact of Mindfulness on Balanced Time Perspective in Chinese College Students.Jingjing Ge, Jun Wu, Kesheng Li & Yong Zheng - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:323160.
    Balanced time perspective is associated with optimal social functioning and facilitates adaptation to pressure and changes in the environment. Previous studies have found that mindfulness is positively associated with and might promote balanced time perspective. However, the mechanism through which mindfulness affects balanced time perspective remains unexplored. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of self-compassion and subjective well-being in the relationship between mindfulness and balanced time perspective. A total of 754 Chinese college students, aged (...)
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  50. Of Two Minds: Philo On Cultivation.David Konstan - 2010 - The Studia Philonica Annual 22:131-138.
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