Results for 'currency issuance'

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  1.  1
    On the Paper Currency of the Central Workers' Cooperative "Gornyak" in Baku.Habil Zeyniyev, Ganira Pirguliyeva & Sayavush Alizade - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (3):99-133.
    This article is the result of many years of research on the issuance of paper currency by the Central Workers' Cooperative "Gornyak" in Baku. For the first time, based on relevant literature and factual material (including unique, full-color illustrations of currency notes), the article provides information on the history, classification, cataloging, and complete nominal range of currency notes issued by this cooperative during 1924- 1925. Through the study of the material presented in the article, various types (...)
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    Arbitrage on Life, Differánce of the Flesh.Jonathan Beller - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):95-129.
    Who/what can be had at an ontological discount? By grasping the “anitrelationality” and “dismediation” of social relations by capital’s system of accounts, we discern not only the epistemicide and the expropriation of the cognitive-linguistic by capital, we shed new light on racial abstraction and gender abstraction. We grasp in “the coloniality of race and gender” the logistics of abstraction that at once code the social factory and give rise to what I have called the derivative condition—a condition in which the (...)
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    Теоретичні засади, стан і практика розвитку платіжних систем в україні.Chernomor Volodymyr - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):32-37.
    In modern conditions payment systems have an important role in the economy, as they must provide effective economic means of payments. Accordingly, the development of payment systems in Ukraine appears as a relevant theoretical and practical problem. In the article the theoretical basis and features of payment systems in Ukraine were researched. Preconditions of systemically important payment systems development been analyzed, which are performed by the key principles of their organization and functioning. Realization of principles of systemically important payment systems (...)
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    Just HODL? On the Moral Claims of Bitcoin and Ripple Users.Claus Dierksmeier - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (1):127-131.
    Money has come a long way from the substances and shapes it had in antiquity and early modernity to the ever more ephemeral forms it took on in the last decades. A further step in this direction to an increasingly virtual world of finance is digital money. Amongst digital currencies, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and the many hundred altcoins created lately, stand out because of the challenge they pose to the conventional contour and conception of monetary systems. In addition to private (...)
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  5. Countering Walter Block's "Heroic" Private Counterfeiter.Laura Davidson - 2013 - Libertarian Papers 5.
    In his book, Defending the Undefendable, Walter Block makes the case that an individual counterfeiter of fiat notes does not commit a natural law crime, because money issued by the government is itself counterfeit. Several authors, including Murphy, Machaj, and Davidson, have taken issue with Block’s argument. In Davidson, I maintain that while the issuance and use of fiat currency by the state violates the natural law, fiat notes are not counterfeit, and their use by ordinary people is (...)
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    Currency Warfare and Just War: The Ethics of Targeting Currencies in War.Ricardo Crespo - 2020 - Journal of Military Ethics 19 (1):2-19.
    Is Currency Warfare defined as, the use of monetary or military force directed against an enemy’s monetary power as part of a military campaign, a just way to fight a war? This article explores the...
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    Currency and Essence. A Reflection on Economy and Metaphysics in Plato’s Republic.Alfonso Flórez - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):143-154.
    Se indaga la relación que se da en la República entre los dos significados de ousia: como propiedad en el sentido de posesiones y riqueza, o en el sentido de esencia o sustancia. Aparte de las relaciones económicas asociadas al préstamo, al intercambio y al interés, se examina la función que, respecto de la ousia, cumple la moneda en la economía como recurso para disociar la riqueza de las posesiones, con lo cual logra un nivel de universalidad y equivalencia equiparable (...)
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  8. National currency, world currency, cryptocurrency: A Fichtean approach to the Ethics of Bitcoin.Tobey Scharding - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (2):219-238.
    I investigate ethical questions concerning a novel cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, using a Fichtean account of the ethics of currency. Fichte holds that currencies should fulfill an ethical purpose: providing access, in perpetuity, to the material welfare that underwrites citizens' basic rights. In his nineteenth‐century context, Fichte argues that currencies fulfill this purpose better when nations control them (i.e., when they are “national currencies”) than when foreigners freely trade them (as “world currencies”). After exploring conditions in which national currencies fail to (...)
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    The Currency of Justice: Fines and Damages in Consumer Societies.Pat O'Malley - 2009 - Routledge-Cavendish.
    Fines and monetary damages account for the majority of legal sanctions across the whole spectrum of legal governance. Money is, in key respects, the primary tool law has to achieve compliance. Yet money has largely been ignored by social analyses of law, and especially by social theory. _The Currency of Justice_ examines the differing rationalities, aims and assumptions built into money’s deployment in diverse legal fields and sanctions. This raises major questions about the extent to which money appears as (...)
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    The Currency of Politics: The Political Theory of Money From Aristotle to Keynes.Stefan Eich - 2022 - Princeton University Press.
    Money in the history of political thought, from ancient Greece to the Great Inflation of the 1970s In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, critical attention has shifted from the economy to the most fundamental feature of all market economies—money. Yet despite the centrality of political struggles over money, it remains difficult to articulate its democratic possibilities and limits. The Currency of Politics takes readers from ancient Greece to today to provide an intellectual history of money, drawing on (...)
  11. the ethics of alternative currencies.Louis Larue, Camille Meyer, Marek Hudon & Joakim Sandberg - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (2):299 - 321.
    Alternative currencies are means of payment that circulate alongside—as an alternative or complement to—official currencies. While these currencies have existed for a long time, both society and academia have shown a renewed interest in their potential to decentralize the governance of monetary affairs and to bring people and organizations together in more ethical or sustainable ways. This article is a review of the ethical and philosophical implications of these alternative monetary projects. We first discuss various classifications of these currencies before (...)
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    Common Currencies, Multiple Systems and Risk Cognition: Evolutionary Trade-offs and the Problem of Efficient Choices.David Spurrett - 2016 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 16 (5):436-457.
    There is an enduring tension in thinking about the architecture of systems that select behaviours, including evolved organisms. One line of reasoning supports convergence in control systems and conversion of the values of all options into a common currency, in part because this seems the best or only way of trading off costs and benefits associated with outcomes of varying types. A competing consideration supports parallelism or other forms of fragmentation, because of inefficiencies associated with integration, and suspicion towards (...)
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    Alternative Currencies: a critical approach.Louis Larue - forthcoming - London: Routledge.
    A wide variety of new forms of money have been developed in recent decades as a challenge or complement to the official, dominant currencies. LETS, Local Currencies, Carbon Currencies and Bitcoins are all examples of this new trend. These currencies are at the heart of a larger movement that questions the present state of money and argues that new currencies might help to build resilient economies and “warmer” social relations. -/- This book focuses on radical alternative proposals as well as (...)
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    Living Currency.Samuel Talcott - 2018 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 10 (3):276-285.
    This review of the long-awaited English translation and edition of Pierre Klossowski’s Living Currency starts with a comparison of its historical context and our own in order to consider why this book remains important today. I support this comparison by examining its account of the “moral power” of industrial society to elicit the participation of the very people it exploits in their own exploitation. In short, Klossowski understands that this regime is based upon an affective arrangement that makes us, (...)
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  15. The case against alternative currencies.Louis Larue - 2021 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 21 (1):75-93.
    Local Currencies, Local Exchange Trading Systems, and Time Banks are all part of a new social movement that aims to restrict money's purchasing power within a certain geographic area, or within a certain community. According to their proponents, these restrictions may contribute to building sustainable local economies, supporting local businesses and creating “warmer” social relations. This article inquires whether the overall enthusiasm that surrounds alternative currencies is justified. It argues that the potential benefits of these currencies are not sufficient to (...)
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    Commensuration and Currency in Plato’s Phaedo .Rachana Kamtekar - 2024 - Rhizomata 12 (1):23-50.
    My aim in this paper is to show that Plato’s Phaedo makes an important contribution to the development of ideas about the commensuration in value of heterogeneous items that is needed for practical reasoning and rational choice. Because the passage I focus on, the so-called ‘right exchange’ passage at 69a-c, has not usually been read this way, I motivate the reading by showing how it resolves some puzzles local to the Phaedo concerning the stark contrast Socrates develops between the virtues (...)
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  17. On the Moral Currency of Human Needs.Martino Traxler - 1997 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    Human needs play a crucial role in the moral evaluation of distributions of goods and services. This role is attested by the rhetorical effectiveness of appeals to needs. But what moral currency do these appeals to needs. But what moral currency do these appeals have? Which needs are morally most important? ;I argue that our morally most important needs are what we require or find indispensable in order to avoid harm as damage, or as the impairment of our (...)
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  18. Confidence as a common currency between vision and audition.Vincent de Gardelle, Francois Le Corre & Pascal Mamassian - 2016 - PLoS ONE 11 (1).
    The idea of a common currency underlying our choice behaviour has played an important role in sciences of behaviour, from neurobiology to psychology and economics. However, while it has been mainly investigated in terms of values, with a common scale on which goods would be evaluated and compared, the question of a common scale for subjective probabilities and confidence in particular has received only little empirical investigation so far. The present study extends previous work addressing this question, by showing (...)
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    Currency, Trade, and Commerce in Plato's Laws.Steven Skultety - 2006 - History of Political Thought 27 (2):189-205.
    This article examines the grounds for Plato's negative attitude towards trade, commerce and currency in the Laws. The author shows that commerce and trade are condemned because they are fundamentally private, and demonstrates that Plato rejects gold and silver currency because its use encourages a kind of cosmopolitanism. Rather than condemning the competitiveness or licentiousness of the economic sphere, Plato critiques it for turning the citizens' attention away from civic life.
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    Currency and Moral Practice—Navigating the Commercial Environment.Jean Campbell - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (1):83-93.
    This article investigates the ethical foundations for both personal and commercial conduct, placing these a) for natural individuals with Kant’s categorical imperative as the standard for verification and b) for entities defined to conduct business with markets that freely determine prices among the participating actors at the moment of exchange. Pervasive digitization of transactions is noted. The concepts of currency and money are defined and examined in practice, drawing on the statements of international and US government agencies, economists as (...)
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  21. On the currency of egalitarian justice.G. A. Cohen - 1989 - Ethics 99 (4):906-944.
    In his Tanner Lecture of 1979 called ‘Equality of What?’ Amartya Sen asked what metric egalitarians should use to establish the extent to which their ideal is realized in a given society. What aspect of a person’s condition should count in a fundamental way for egalitarians, and not merely as cause of or evidence of or proxy for what they regard as fundamental?
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  22. Global reserve currencies from the perspective of structural global justice: distribution and domination.Lisa Herzog - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (7):931-953.
    This paper discusses global reserve currencies from the perspective of structural global justice. Drawing on notions of structural justice and background justice, it suggests that the structures of global finance, by creating positions of privilege and disadvantage, can lead to injustices both with regard to distributive outcomes and with regard to domination. While the role of the dollar and Euro as global reserve currencies are not the only factors that contribute to these structural injustices, they need to be taken into (...)
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  23. Making sense of Alternative Currencies: a summary.Louis Larue - 2019 - Reflets Et Perspectives de la Vie Économique 57 (4):63-72.
    The main goal of this thesis is to provide a clear basis for the analysis of alternative currencies, such as Bitcoin, LETS, Local currencies, the WIR or Carbon currencies. It attempts to determine whether alternative currencies might constitute just and workable alternatives, either in the form of small-scale experiments or in the form of more radical reforms. The first chapter proposes a new way to classify currencies. The second examines the case in favour of monetary plurality. The third analyses the (...)
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    (1 other version)Currency Board : théorie et exemple argentin.Olivier Bouzou Bertrand - 1999 - Labyrinthe 4:119-121.
    Les marchés financiers émergents présentent de fortes perturbations : bulles, crises, comportements mimétiques, évolutions inattendues. Or une condition nécessaire d'un développement économique harmonieux est une politique monétaire raisonnable, qui ne déstabilise pas le taux de change par une distribution erratique de crédit. Les régimes de changes flexibles sont imparfaits car ils laissent la possibilité aux gouvernements de pratiquer l'inflation, et les régimes de change fixes ajustables...
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  25. Medieval currencies : nominalism and art.C. D. Blanton - 2010 - In Andrew Cole & D. Vance Smith (eds.), The Legitimacy of the Middle Ages: On the Unwritten History of Theory. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  26. Imaginary currencies : contemporary art on the market : critique confirmation, or play.Olav Velthuis - 2009 - In Jack Amariglio, Joseph W. Childers & Stephen Cullenberg (eds.), Sublime economy: on the intersection of art and economics. New York: Routledge.
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    Currency Boards in Retrospect and Prospect.Holger C. Wolf, Atish R. Ghosh, Helge Berger & Anne-Marie Gulde - 2008 - MIT Press.
    Atish R. Ghosh is Chief of the Policy Review Division of the Policy Development and Review Department of the International Monetary Fund.
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    Green Bond Issuances: A Promising Signal or a Deceptive Opportunity?Han Yu, Radu Burlacu & Geoffroy Enjolras - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (2):218-255.
    This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the stock market reaction to green bond issuance announcements for a large, international sample of listed companies. Existing empirical studies find mixed results regarding this issue. Using a sample of 595 green bonds issued between 2014 and 2021, we conducted a series of event studies to analyze the changes in issuer returns and liquidity following the announcements. We find that the market reaction is significantly negative, more severe compared to conventional bond issues, (...)
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  29. Making sense of alternative currencies.Louis Larue - 2019 - Dissertation, Université Catholique de Louvain
    The main goal of this thesis is to provide a clear basis for the analysis of alternative currencies, such as Bitcoin, LETS, Local currencies, the WIR or Carbon currencies. It attempts to determine whether alternative currencies might constitute just and workable alternatives, either in the form of small-scale experiments or in the form of more radical reforms. The first chapter proposes a new way to classify currencies. The second examines the case in favour of monetary plurality. The third analyses the (...)
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    Comparing Currency Board Automatic Mechanism in Bulgaria, Estonia and Lithuania.Mihail Mihaylov, Kalin Hristov & Nikolay Nenovsky - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (4).
    The paper presents a cross-country analysis of the second generation of currency boards introduced in three East European countries: Bulgaria, Estonia and Lithuania. We focus on their institutional, legal and political characteristics which are closely associated with the operation of the automatic mechanism of currency boards. The presence of an automatic mechanism within the framework of the currency board is often cited as a major counterpoint to the “discretion and subjectivity” of a classical central bank. Since there (...)
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    Fitness, currencies, and models.Thomas Caraco - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):133-133.
  32. Holy Currencies: Six Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries.[author unknown] - 2013
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  33. The Currency of Education.Scott D. Moringiello - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2002 (122):183-188.
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    Negotiable Currencies: Hildegard of Bingen, Mysticism and the Vagaries of the Theoretical.Diana Neal & Sharon Jones - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (3):375-384.
    This article argues that, of the leading Continental feminist theorists who have expressed an interest in women's mysticism, most have inadvertently or otherwise taken up the theoretical model of William James, the early-twentieth-century scholar of religion. In particular, Simone de Beauvoir and Luce Irigaray have accepted the view that mysticism operates on an epistemological plane divorced from the categories of rationality and intelligibility. Both thinkers hold that the mystic is typically hysterical, although Irigaray takes a more positive view of the (...)
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  35. On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and Other Essays in Political Philosophy.Gerald A. Cohen - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    G. A. Cohen was one of the most gifted, influential, and progressive voices in contemporary political philosophy. At the time of his death in 2009, he had plans to bring together a number of his most significant papers. This is the first of three volumes to realize those plans. Drawing on three decades of work, it contains previously uncollected articles that have shaped many of the central debates in political philosophy, as well as papers published here for the first time. (...)
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    The Unit and Currency of Egalitarian Concern.David O’Brien - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (5):613-643.
    According to telic egalitarianism, it is, in one respect, noninstrumentally bad if some people are unfairly worse off than others. This paper is about two ambiguities in telic egalitarianism. The first ambiguity concerns the so-called temporal unit of egalitarian concern. This is the question of whether inequality during whole lives, inequality during certain segments of lives, or some combination of these, is what generates egalitarian concern. The second ambiguity concerns the so-called currency of welfarist egalitarian concern. In the present (...)
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    Antibodies as Currency: COVID-19’s Golden Passport.Katrina A. Bramstedt - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):687-689.
    Due to COVID-19, the fragile economy, travel restrictions, and generalized anxieties, the concept of antibodies as a “declaration of immunity” or “passport” is sweeping the world. Numerous scientific and ethical issues confound the concept of an antibody passport; nonetheless, antibodies can be seen as a potential currency to allow movement of people and resuscitation of global economics. Just as financial currency can be forged, so too is the potential for fraudulent antibody passports. This paper explores matters of science, (...)
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    Intelligent Digital Currency and Dynamic Coding Service System Based on Internet of Things Technology.Shanshen Li & Xin Jing - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-16.
    The amazing rise of digital currency is not only favored by investors but also attractive to lawbreakers for its anonymity and decentralization. This paper mainly discusses the intelligent digital currency and dynamic coding service system based on Internet of Things technology. In this paper, the RDCAR algorithm is used to realize the routing discovery process of the wireless network. When the intermediate node receives the RREQ message, first of all, to avoid the loop, it checks whether the same (...)
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    Currency Exchange Rate Forecasting with Neural Networks.Bona Patria Nasution & Arvin Agah - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (3):219-254.
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    The Currency and Financial System of Mainland China.J. M. P., Tadao Miyashita & J. R. McEwan - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):220.
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    The currency of fantasy: Discourses of popular culture in international relations.Ningchuan Wang - 2013 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 15 (1):21-33.
    ABSTRACT The “facts” of international politics constitute the first-order representations of political life and can be reflected in popular entertainment as second-order or fictional representations. This article demonstrates that discourses of popular culture are powerful and implicated in International Relations studies. The article makes two correlated claims: the first is that the humanist and anthropological methodology often used to analyse pop culture could also be used to analyse international issues, if appropriately contextualized; the second claim is that a nation can (...)
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    Decimal Currency in Britain.D. Neville Wood - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (3):352-353.
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    The Currency of the Far East. The Schjöth Collection at the Numismatic Cabinet of the University of Oslo, NorwayThe Currency of the Far East. The Schjoth Collection at the Numismatic Cabinet of the University of Oslo, Norway.Howland Wood, Fr Schjöth & Fr Schjoth - 1931 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 51 (4):341.
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    The Influence of Virtual Currencies on Conventional Currencies A Case Study on the Bitcoin and the Price of Gold.Kaibo Wang, Muhamad Khalil Omar & Idaya Husna Mohd - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:317-326.
    This research investigates the growing impact of virtual currencies, with a specific focus on how Bitcoin, a leading digital currency, influences gold prices. It delves into the evolving role of Bitcoin in the traditional financial sphere, examining its effect on gold, a classical asset and a benchmark of economic stability. Through this study, we aim to understand the nuances of this unique interaction and its implications for the broader financial landscape. This paper presents an in-depth case study that examines (...)
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  45. On revaluing the currency of human rights.Katherine Eddy - 2007 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 6 (3):307-328.
    In a recent spate of reflective writings on the concept of human rights, philosophers have been concerned to firm up the analytical boundaries of human rights discourse, without excluding welfare rights from the catalogue. The article considers three of these recent attempts to `revalue the currency' of human rights: the agency conception, the pluralist conception, and the negative duties conception. It ultimately defends a `dignity-based' account of human rights, in which any number of human interests and values may ground (...)
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    Narratives, probabilities, and the currency of thought.Samuel G. B. Johnson, Avri Bilovich & David Tuckett - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e110.
    Whereas most commentators agree about the centrality of narratives in decision-making, the commentaries revealed little consensus about the nature of radical uncertainty. Here we consider thirteen objections to our views, including our characterization of the uncertain decision environment and associated cognitive, affective, and social processes. We conclude that under radical uncertainty, narratives rather than probabilities are the currency of thought.
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    Cryptocurrencies, China's sovereign digital currency (DCEP) and the US dollar system.Michael A. Peters, Benjamin Green & Haiyang Yang - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1713-1719.
    The Central Bank of China is testing its Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) in the cities of Shenzhen, Suzhou, Chengdu and Xunan with the involvement of four large state-owned banks in the...
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    On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and Other Essays in Political Philosophy.Michael Otsuka (ed.) - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    G. A. Cohen was one of the most gifted, influential, and progressive voices in contemporary political philosophy. At the time of his death in 2009, he had plans to bring together a number of his most significant papers. This is the first of three volumes to realize those plans. Drawing on three decades of work, it contains previously uncollected articles that have shaped many of the central debates in political philosophy, as well as papers published here for the first time. (...)
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    Michael Flürscheim: From the Single Tax to Currency Reform.Lyman Tower Sargent - 2010 - Utopian Studies 21 (1):139-161.
    Michael Flürscheim was an important but now largely forgotten utopian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who was at the center of a nexus of economic and social reforms focusing on the single tax, land nationalization, and an improved currency. He wrote a number of utopias in both German and English, was involved with two intentional communities, and established exchange banks in New Zealand where people could exchange goods and services directly or through the notes the banks (...)
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  50. Welfare should be the currency of justice.Richard J. Arneson - 2000 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):497-524.
    Some theories of justice hold that individuals placed in fortunate circumstances through no merit or choice of their own are morally obligated to aid individuals placed in unfortunate circumstances through no fault or choice of their own. In these theories what are usually regarded as obligations of benevolence are reinterpreted as strict obligations of justice. A closely related view is that the institutions of a society should be arranged in a way that gives priority to helping people placed in unfortunate (...)
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