Results for 'deRaismes Combes'

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  1.  20
    The radiance of being: complexity, chaos, and the evolution of consciousness.Allan Combs - 1996 - St. Paul, Minn.: Paragon House.
    In this ground-breaking work, Allan Combs presents a wide-ranging survey of the nature and origins of consciousness research, viewing consciousness as a dynamic and self-organizing process with evolutionary potential. Combs reviews the work of evolutionary theorists such as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ken Wilber, Jean Gebser, and Sri Aurobindo. What emerges is a fascinating study of consciousness that discloses itself as a rich and ongoing act of self-creation, poised at the edge of chaos between past and future.
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  2. Simondon. Individu et collectivité. Pour une philosophie du transindividuel.MURIEL COMBES - 1999
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    Gilbert Simondon and the Philosophy of the Transindividual.Muriel Combes - 2012 - MIT Press.
    An accessible yet rigorous introduction to the influential French philosopher Gilbert Simondon's philosophy of individuation. Gilbert Simondon, one of the most influential contemporary French philosophers, published only three works: L'individu et sa genèse physico-biologique and L'individuation psychique et collective, both drawn from his doctoral thesis, and Du mode d'existence des objets techniques. It is this last work that brought Simondon into the public eye; as a consequence, he has been considered a “thinker of technics” and cited often in pedagogical reports (...)
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    Disembodying 'bodily' sensations.Richard Combes - 1991 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 107 (2):107-131.
  5. Dream sleep and waking reality: A dynamical view.Allan Combs & Stanley Krippner - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
  6.  20
    Historical Connections Between Process Thought and the Moral Consideration of Animals.Clinton Combs - 2013 - Process Studies 42 (2):175-180.
    This paper traces the use ofWhitehead’s work as a resource for the moral consideration of nonhuman animals and the relation of process thought to the environmental movement.
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    The Evolution of consciousness: A theory of Historical and personal transformation.Allan Combs - 1993 - World Futures 38 (1):43-62.
    (1993). The Evolution of consciousness: A theory of Historical and personal transformation. World Futures: Vol. 38, Theoretical Achievements and Practical Applications of General Evolutionary Theory, pp. 43-62.
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    Maladie et privation d'amour: de Christa Wolf à Canguilhem, pour un retour à la clinique.Sonia Combe - 2017 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau. Edited by Antoine Spire.
    En novembre 1984, Christa Wolf ouvrait la première conférence de l'association des gynécologues psy-chosomaticiens de RDA réunis à Mag-Debourg. Dans son discours intitulé "Maladie et privation d'amour", elle s'interrogeait sur l'évolution de la médecine moderne dont les progrès en matière d'appareils médicaux éloignaient toujours davantage les praticiens de leurs patients. Par-delà son regard sur la relation entre l'âme et le corps, Christa Wolf informait aussi des attentes des femmes qui avaient pris au mot les promesses d'égalité des sexes en régime (...)
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    Fondements des mathématiques.Michel Combès - 1971 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Le langage sur Dieu peut-il avoir un sens?Michel Combès - 1975 - Toulouse: Association des publications de l'Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail.
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    Preface.Eugene Combs - 1983 - In George Parkin Grant & Eugene Combs (eds.), Modernity and Responsibility: Essays for George Grant. University of Toronto Press.
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    Some latter-day religions.George Hamilton Combs - 1899 - New York: Revell.
    Æstheticism.- Theosophy.- Otherism.- Faith cure.- Pessimism.- Agnosticism.- Materialism.- Spiritualism.- Liberalism.- Mormonism.- Christian science.- Socialism.
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  13.  78
    Conscientious refusals to refer: findings from a national physician survey.M. P. Combs, R. M. Antiel, J. C. Tilburt, P. S. Mueller & F. A. Curlin - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (7):397-401.
    Background Regarding controversial medical services, many have argued that if physicians cannot in good conscience provide a legal medical intervention for which a patient is a candidate, they should refer the requesting patient to an accommodating provider. This study examines what US physicians think a doctor is obligated to do when the doctor thinks it would be immoral to provide a referral. Method The authors conducted a cross-sectional survey of a random sample of 2000 US physicians from all specialties. The (...)
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  14.  63
    Stanley Krippner and Allan Combs, The Neurophenomenology of Shamanism: An essay review.Stanley Krippner & Allan Combs - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (3):77-82.
    Michael Winkelman, who is a senior lecturer in the department of anthropology, Arizona State University, and director of its ethnographic field school, has provided a rich overview of the neurophenomenology of shamanism in his book, Shamanism: The Neural Ecology of Consciousness. Written in the tradition of Laughlin, McManus, and d'Aquili's 1992 classic, Brain, Symbol, and Experience: Toward a Neurophenomenology of Consciousness, Winkelman considers shamanism in many of its facets. He explores shamanism's social and symbolic content, and the implications of its (...)
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  15. Foreword.Ph D. Allan Combs - 2025 - In Shelli Renée Joye (ed.), The metaverse of consciousness: mapping the multiple dimensions of reality. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions.
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  16.  57
    A question of epistemology: Reflections on the Harman‐Laszlo dialogue.Allan Combs, Deryl Howard & Stanley Krippner - 1996 - World Futures 47 (2):115-120.
  17.  8
    « Désormais il faut avoir l’esprit européen… ». La littérature européenne, entre littératures nationales et littérature mondiale.Dominique Combe - 2018 - Noesis 30:268-280.
    Tenant compte du contexte postcolonial et du développement de ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler la « littérature-monde », l’article propose de procéder à la généalogie de l’idée de « littérature européenne » et d’en interroger la pertinence au regard des littératures « nationales » aussi bien que de la littérature « mondiale ».
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  18. Structures of consciousness and creativity: Opening the doors of perception.Allan Combs & Stanley Krippner - 2007 - In Ruth Richards (ed.), Everyday Creativity and New Views of Human Nature: Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Perspectives. American Psychological Association. pp. 131-149.
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  19.  79
    The evolution of consciousness as a self-organizing information system in the society of other such systems.Allan Combs & Sally Goerner - 1997 - World Futures 50 (1):609-616.
    (1997). The evolution of consciousness as a self‐organizing information system in the society of other such systems. World Futures: Vol. 50, No. 1-4, pp. 609-616.
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  20.  77
    Relationships, Not Boundaries.Combs Gene & Freedman Jill - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (3):203-217.
    The authors find it more useful to payattention to relationships than to boundaries.By focusing attention on bounded, individualpsychological issues, the metaphor ofboundaries can distract helping professionalsfrom thinking about inequities of power. Itoversimplifies a complex issue, inviting us toignore discourses around gender, race, class,culture, and the like that support injustice,abuse, and exploitation. Making boundaries acentral metaphor for ethical practice can keepus from critically examining the effects ofdistance, withdrawal, and non-participation.The authors describe how it is possible toexamine the practical, moral, and ethicaleffects (...)
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  21. Spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness: Complexity, evolution, and the farther reaches of human nature.A. Combs & S. Krippner - 1999 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 18 (1):9-19.
    The question of whether evolutionary theories provide a useful approach to investigating the highest potentials of human consciousness and spiritual growth is addressed. Finding one-dimensional models overly simplistic, we have proposed a three-level model in which "states of mind" , "states of consciousness" , and "structures of consciousness" share a hierarchical relationship. States of consciousness contextualize various states of mind and structures of consciousness contextualize states of consciousness. Our model draws upon the "grand evolutionary synthesis," a phrase used in some (...)
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  22.  48
    Consciousness explained better: towards an integral understanding of the multifaceted nature of consciousness.Allan Combs - 2009 - St. Paul, Minn.: Paragon House.
    Consciousness is explored as a living stream of lucid experience composed of the essence of the moments of our lives. Grounded in Ken Wilber's model, consciousness is explained from many points of view: its historical evolution, its growth in the individual, its mystical dimensions, and the meaning of enlightenment"--Provided by publisher.
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  23.  38
    All-levels, all-quadrants a review of Ken Wilbers a theory of everything.Allan Combs - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (11):74-82.
    Through the eye of the developmentalist, human activity is everywhere characterized by evolution and growth. It is seen in the psychological makeup of individuals as well as in the lives of cultures and nations. Developmentalists from Sigmund Freud to Lawrence Kohlberg (1981), Robert Kegan (1994) and Clare Graves (1981; Beck & Cowan, 1996) have studied the growth of emotional, intellectual, and moral capabilities in individuals and extrapolated their findings to issues of cultural and international import. Ken Wilber's unique contribution, here (...)
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  24.  5
    Bibliography of George Grant.Eugene Combs - 1983 - In George Parkin Grant & Eugene Combs (eds.), Modernity and Responsibility: Essays for George Grant. University of Toronto Press. pp. 133-138.
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    Daddy, why are people so complex?Allan L. Combs - 2006 - World Futures 62 (6):464 – 472.
    The implications of Warren McCulloch's 1945 concept of heterarchy are analyzed in terms of human value and motivational systems. The results demonstrate the near-impossibility of predicting behavior on the basis of any hierarchical scheme, or even which among a set of hierarchical schemes will be selected as the basis of a behavioral choice. Thus, for example, people regularly say one thing and do another.
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    My Life in Chaos.Allan Leslie Combs - 2013 - World Futures 69 (4-6):248 - 268.
    (2013). My Life in Chaos. World Futures: Vol. 69, The Complexity of Life and Lives of Complexity, pp. 248-268.
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  27.  6
    Valeur et liberté.Joseph Combès - 1967 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Acknowledgments.Eugene Combs - 1983 - In George Parkin Grant & Eugene Combs (eds.), Modernity and Responsibility: Essays for George Grant. University of Toronto Press.
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    Frontmatter.Eugene Combs - 1983 - In George Parkin Grant & Eugene Combs (eds.), Modernity and Responsibility: Essays for George Grant. University of Toronto Press.
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  30.  15
    Les archives dans les guerres de mémoires : France, Allemagne, Russie.Sonia Combe - 2008 - Hermes 52:, [ p.].
    S'appuyant sur des exemples issus de l'étude de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ainsi que de l'histoire du passé récent dans les sociétés post-communistes, cet article tente de voir dans quelle mesure les modalités d'accès aux archives publiques peuvent être tenues pour responsables de phénomènes d'amnésie - ou d'hypermnésie - de la mémoire collective, de la fabrication de mythes et de légendes. Il est certain que sans l'accès aux archives du troisième Reich, Raul Hilberg n'aurait pu entreprendre son œuvre monumentale et (...)
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  31.  19
    La question du genre dans la mémoire de femmes en Europe communiste.Sonia Combe - 2015 - Clio 41:229-238.
    Clio – Quelle est votre expérience d’histoire orale en pays communiste? SC : Membre d’une association constituée auprès de la BDIC (Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine) et du CNRS, j’ai effectué plusieurs missions en Europe de l’Est dans les années 1980, puis immédiatement après le changement de régime, au tournant des années 1980-1990. L’objectif de l’association était de collecter la mémoire d’acteurs et témoins d’événements historiques – ou considérés comme tels dep...
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  32. Le Rêve et la Personnalité.Marguerite Combes & André Lalande - 1935 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 119 (1):125-127.
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  33.  64
    Consciousness, evolution, and spiritual growth: A critique and model.Allan Combs & Stanley Krippner - 1999 - World Futures 53 (3):193-212.
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    Analysis of Legal Issues.Steven C. Combs - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (3).
  35.  6
    Contributors.Eugene Combs - 1983 - In George Parkin Grant & Eugene Combs (eds.), Modernity and Responsibility: Essays for George Grant. University of Toronto Press. pp. 139-139.
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    Conversations for a better world.Allan Combs - 1999 - World Futures 54 (4):377-388.
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    L'idée critique chez Kant.Joseph Combès - 1971 - Paris,: Presses universitaries de France.
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  38.  13
    Reason and Unreason in Today's French Historical Research.S. Combe - 1996 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1996 (108):149-164.
  39.  2
    (1 other version)Synchronicity: science, myth, and the trickster.Allan Combs - 1990 - New York: Paragon House. Edited by Mark Holland.
    Discusses synchronicity as illustrated in ancient and modern mythologies.
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    Dreaming and the self-organizing brain.Allan Combs, David Kahn & Stanley Krippner - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (7):4-11.
    We argue that the rapid eye movement dream experiences owe their structure and meaning to inherent self-organizing properties of the brain itself. Thus, we offer a common meeting ground for brain based studies of dreaming and traditional psychological dream theory. Our view is that the dreaming brain is a self-organizing system highly sensitive to internally generated influences. Several lines of evidence support a process view of the brain as a system near the edge of chaos, one that is highly sensitive (...)
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  41.  81
    Between Revisionism and Status Quo: China in International Regimes. China's behaviour in the global trade, non-proliferation and environmental regimes.Katherine Combes - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 6:2012.
  42.  42
    Cooperation: Toward a post-modern ethic introduction.Allan Combs - 1991 - World Futures 31 (2):1-1.
  43.  6
    Le Concept de concept formel.Michel Combès - 1969 - Toulouse,: Association des publications de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines de Toulouse.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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  44. Le reve et la personnalite.Marguerite Combes - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43:434.
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  45.  36
    Ockhamite reductionism.Richard Combes - 1988 - International Philosophical Quarterly 28 (3):325-36.
  46.  34
    World View and Belief, and Rites of Healing in a Spiritual Church in Los Angeles.Jo Anne Combs - 1990 - Anthropology of Consciousness 1 (1-2):6-9.
  47.  16
    Neurology the Mind at the Turn of the Century.Allan Combs - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (11-12):11-12.
    Trends in thought about consciousness, the mind, and the brain at the turn of the century were surprisingly similar to major trends in thinking about these topics today. For instance, some psychiatrists as well as physiologists considered all actions of the human mind, as well as all behaviours, entirely the product of the electrochemical actions of nerve cells, while others emphasized the importance of consciousness, free will, and even the soul. The action of nerve cells, and thus the brain itself, (...)
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  48. Process, structure, and form: An evolutionary transpersonal psychology of consciousness.Allan Combs & Stanley Krippner - 2003 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 22 (1):47-60.
    In the spirit of William James, we present a process view of human consciousness. Our approach, however, follows upon Charles Tart’s original systems theory analysis of states of consciousness, although it differs in its reliance on the modern sciences of complexity, especially dynamical systems theory and its emphasis on process and evolution. We argue that consciousness experience is constructive in the sense that it is the result of ongoing self-organizing and self-creating processes in the mind and body. These processes follow (...)
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  49.  38
    A Taxonomy of Technics.Richard Combes - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (1):5-24.
    Even as philosophers increasingly apply their analytical acumen to other subjects of intellectual study, technology is one area relegated to the sidelines. To help dispel such prejudice, this exercise in applied ontology explains why technology invites critical examination, enumerates the generic needs and perceived wants that it fulfills, and then supplies a taxonomy of technological devices individuated in terms of the functional roles that their designers or consumers intend for them. In light of the classificatory scheme developed, I conclude that (...)
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  50.  39
    Seeing into the sun: True intelligence.Allan Combs - 1997 - World Futures 49 (1):145-157.
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