Results for 'decision-making for adolescents'

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  1.  19
    Decision-Making for Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria.Armand H. Matheny Antommaria - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (2):244-260.
    Legislation banning gender-affirming medical care (GAMC) for minors is inconsistent with the Consensus Recommendations for Pediatric Decision-Making (Salter et al. 2023). Gender dysphoria is a medical condition, and GAMC promotes adolescents’ health interests. The evidence for GAMC is comparable to the evidence for other types of pediatric medical care. Parents are permitted to consent for similar risks in the treatment of other conditions. Evaluation of the potential benefits, risks, and treatment alternatives is contingent on individual patients’ clinical (...)
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  2.  44
    An ethical approach to shared decision-making for adolescents with terminal illness.Hunter Smith, Vivian Altiery De Jesús, Margot Kelly-Hedrick, Cami Docchio, Joy Piotrowski & Zackary Berger - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):264-270.
    Shared decision-making is a well-recognized model to guide decision-making in medical care. However, the shared decision-making concept can become exceedingly complex in adolescent patients with varying degrees of autonomy who have most of their medical decisions made by their parents or legal guardians. The complexity increases further in ethically difficult situations such as terminal illness. In contrast to the typical patient-physician dyad, shared decision-making in adolescents requires a decision-making triad (...)
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    Decision-making by Adolescents and Parents of Children with Cancer Regarding Health Research Participation.Kate Read, Conrad Vincent Fernandez, Jun Gao, Caron Strahlendorf, Albert Moghrabi, Rebecca Davis Pentz, Raymond Carlton Barfield, Justin Nathaniel Baker, Darcy Santor, Charles Weijer & Eric Kodish - unknown
    Background: Low rates of participation of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) in clinical oncology trials may contribute to poorer outcomes. Factors that influence the decision of AYAs to participate in health research and whether these factors are different from those that affect the participation of parents of children with cancer. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of data from validated questionnaires provided to adolescents (>12 years old) diagnosed with cancer and parents of children with cancer at 3 (...)
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  4.  65
    Decision-making on therapeutic futility in Mexican adolescents with cancer: a qualitative study.Carlo Egysto Cicero-Oneto, Edith Valdez-Martinez & Miguel Bedolla - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1-13.
    Background The world literature shows that empirical research regarding the process of decision-making when cancer in adolescents is no longer curable has been conducted in High-income, English speaking countries. The objective of the current study was to explore in-depth and to explain the decision-making process from the perspective of Mexican oncologists, parents, and affected adolescents and to identify the ethical principles that guide such decision-making. Methods Purposive, qualitative design based on individual, fact-to-face, (...)
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  5.  47
    Adolescent Pediatric Decision-Making: A Critical Reconsideration in the Light of the Data.Brian Partridge - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (4):299-308.
    Adolescents present a puzzle. There are foundational unclarities about how they should be regarded as decision-makers. Although superficially adolescents may appear to have mature decisional capacity, their decision-making is in many ways unlike that of adults. Despite this seemingly obvious fact, a concern for the claims of autonomy has led to the development of the legal doctrine of the mature minor. This legal construct considers adolescents, as far as possible, as equivalent to adults for (...)
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  6.  44
    Navigating Evolving Ethical Questions in Decision Making for Gender-Affirming Medical Care for Adolescents.Caroline Salas-Humara, Samantha Busa, Jeremy Wernick, Baer Karrington, Kelly McBride Folkers & Laura Kimberly - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (4):307-321.
    As more young people feel safe to outwardly identify as transgender or gender expansive (TGE), meaning that their gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth, an increasing number of youth who identify as TGE seek gender-affirming medical care (GAMC). GAMC raises a number of ethical questions, such as the capacity of a minor to assent or consent, the role of parents or legal guardians in decisions about treatment, and implications for equitable access to care (...)
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  7.  74
    Parental Refusal of Life‐Saving Treatments for Adolescents: Chinese Familism in Medical DecisionMaking Re‐Visited.Edwin Hui - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):286-295.
    This paper reports two cases in Hong Kong involving two native Chinese adolescent cancer patients (APs) who were denied their rights to consent to necessary treatments refused by their parents, resulting in serious harm. We argue that the dynamics of the ‘AP‐physician‐family‐relationship’ and the dominant role Chinese families play in medical decisionmaking (MDM) are best understood in terms of the tendency to hierarchy and parental authoritarianism in traditional Confucianism. This ethic has been confirmed and endorsed by various Chinese (...)
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  8.  24
    Rethinking individual autonomy in medical decision-making for young adults reliant on caregiver support: A case report and analysis.Alexia Zagouras, Elise Ellick & Mark Aulisio - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):452-457.
    There is a gap in the clinical bioethics literature concerning the approach to assessment of medical decision-making capacity of adolescents or young adults who demonstrate diminished maturity due to longstanding reliance on caregiver support, despite having reached the age of majority. This paper attempts to address this question via the examination of a particular case involving assessment of the decision-making capacity of a young adult pregnant patient who also had a physically disabling neurological condition. Drawing (...)
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  9. Adolescent decision-making: Giving weight to age-specific values.Rosalind Ekman Ladd & Edwin N. Forman - 1995 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 16 (4).
    Adults who give proxy consent for medical treatment for adolescents must decide how much weight to give to adolescents' own preferences. There is evidence that some adolescents choose treatments different from what adults see as most reasonable. It is argued that adolescents choose according to age-specific values, i.e. values they hold, as adolescents, and which fulfil important developmental needs. Because not fulfilling these needs may do serious psychological damage, it is urged that proxies give weight (...)
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  10.  22
    Clinical adolescent decision-making: parental perspectives on confidentiality and consent in Belgium and The Netherlands.Jana Vanwymelbeke, David De Coninck, Koen Matthijs, Karla Van Leeuwen, Steven Lierman, Ingrid Boone, Peter de Winter & Jaan Toelen - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (5):371-386.
    This study investigated Belgian and Dutch parental opinions on confidentiality and consent regarding medical decisions about adolescents. Through an online survey, we presented six cases (three on confidentiality, and three on consent) to 1,382 Belgian and Dutch parents. We studied patterns in parental confidentiality and consent preferences across and between cases through binomial logistic regressions and latent class analysis. Participants often grant the right to consent for a treatment to the adolescent, but the majority diverges from the adolescent’s preferences (...)
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  11.  22
    Evaluating an Adolescent’s Decision-Making Capacity Whilst in the Harsh World of Detention.Janine P. Winters, Fiona Owens & Elisif Winters - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):243-251.
    Reports of children participating in hunger strikes while detained in offshore detention centres raise interrelated ethical issues and recognizable challenges for the medical decision-makers at these sites. A composite case study, informed by reports in the public domain, is employed to explore the unique challenges of consent and decision-making in these circumstances and the perennial issues inherent in adolescents’ developing capacity and autonomy. We present an amalgamated case of a fourteen-year-old adolescent who refused to consent to (...)
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  12.  57
    End-of-Life Decision Making in Pediatrics: Literature Review on Children's and Adolescents’ Participation.Katharina M. Ruhe, Domnita O. Badarau, Bernice S. Elger & Tenzin Wangmo - 2014 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (2):44-54.
    Background: Pediatric guidelines recommend that children and adolescents participate in a developmentally appropriate way in end-of-life decision making. Shared decision making in pediatrics is unique because of the triadic relationship of patient, parents, and physician. The involvement of the patient may vary on a continuum from no involvement to being the sole decision maker. However, the effects of child participation have not been thoroughly studied. The aims of this literature review are to identify studies (...)
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  13.  38
    Adolescent Parents and Medical Decision-Making.K. de Ville - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (3):253-270.
    The growing phenomenon of teenage pregnancy introduces the problem of who should serve as surrogate decision makers for the children of adolescent parents. The justifications which sanction society's grant of presumptive decision making authority for adult parents, and the rationales and empirical evidence supporting a central role for adolescents who wish to make medical decisions regarding their own care, together suggest that older adolescent parents should be viewed as the presumptive decision makers for their children. (...)
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  14.  42
    Social Influence in Adolescent Decision-Making: A Formal Framework.Simon Ciranka & Wouter van den Bos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Adolescence is a period of life during which peers play a pivotal role in decision-making. The narrative of social influence during adolescence often revolves around risky and maladaptive decisions, like driving under the influence, and using illegal substances. However, research has also shown that social influence can lead to increased prosocial behaviors and a reduction in risk-taking. While many studies support the notion that adolescents are more sensitive to peer influence than children or adults, the developmental processes (...)
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  15.  65
    Balancing liberation and protection: A moderate approach to adolescent health care decision-making.Andy Piker - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (4):202-208.
    In this paper I examine the debate between ‘protectionists’ and ‘liberationists’ concerning the appropriate role of minors in decision-making about their health care, focusing particularly on disagreements between the two sides regarding adolescents. Protectionists advocate a more traditional, paternalistic approach in which minors have relatively little input into the healthcare decision-making process, and decisions are made for them by parents or other adults, guided by a commitment to the patient's best interests. Liberationists, on the other (...)
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  16.  41
    Conflating Capacity & Authority: Why We're Asking the Wrong Question in the Adolescent DecisionMaking Debate.Erica K. Salter - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (1):32-41.
    Whether adolescents should be allowed to make their own medical decisions has been a topic of discussion in bioethics for at least two decades now. Are adolescents sufficiently capacitated to make their own medical decisions? Is the mature-minor doctrine, an uncommon legal exception to the rule of parental decision-making authority, something we should expand or eliminate? Bioethicists have dealt with the curious liminality of adolescents—their being neither children nor adults—in a variety of ways. However, recently (...)
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  17.  47
    Parental refusal of life-saving treatments for adolescents: Chinese familism in medical decision-making re-visited.H. U. I. Edwin - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):286–295.
    This paper reports two cases in Hong Kong involving two native Chinese adolescent cancer patients (APs) who were denied their rights to consent to necessary treatments refused by their parents, resulting in serious harm. We argue that the dynamics of the 'AP-physician-family-relationship' and the dominant role Chinese families play in medical decision-making (MDM) are best understood in terms of the tendency to hierarchy and parental authoritarianism in traditional Confucianism. This ethic has been confirmed and endorsed by various Chinese (...)
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  18.  44
    Consenting to invasive contraceptives: an ethical analysis of adolescent decision-making authority for long-acting reversible contraception.Rosemary Talbot Behmer Hansen & Kavita Shah Arora - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (9):585-588.
    Since USA constitutional precedent established in 1976, adolescents have increasingly been afforded the right to access contraception without first obtaining parental consent or authorisation. There is general agreement this ethically permissible. However, long-acting reversible contraception methods have only recently been prescribed to the adolescent population. They are currently the most effective forms of contraception available and have high compliance and satisfaction rates. Yet unlike other contraceptives, LARCs are associated with special procedural risks because they must be inserted and removed (...)
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  19.  33
    (1 other version)‘Harm threshold’: capacity for decision-making may be reduced by long-term pubertal suppression.Leena Nahata & Gwendolyn P. Quinn - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):759-760.
    We applaud Notini and colleagues for highlighting the clinical and ethical complexities of a case in which a non-binary individual desires indefinite treatment with puberty blockers.1 While we agree discontinuing treatment may cause psychological distress, we believe there are potential physical and neurocognitive harms caused by prolonged treatment that have been underestimated given the limited research conducted to date. Specifically, the impact of permanent pubertal suppression on the brain and decision-making capacity should be considered. In this context, we (...)
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  20. The Roles of Fluid Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in Affective Decision-Making During the Transition to Early Adolescence.Danfeng Li, Mengli Wu, Xingli Zhang, Mingyi Wang & Jiannong Shi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current study mainly explored the influence of fluid intelligence and emotional intelligence on affective decision-making from a developmental perspective, specifically, during the transition from childhood into early adolescence. Meanwhile, their age-related differences in affective decision-making were explored. A total of 198 participants aged 8–12 completed the Iowa Gambling Task, the Cattell’s Culture Fair Intelligence Test and the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Child Form. Based on the net scores of IGT, the development of affective decision-making (...)
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  21.  31
    How to deal with moral challenges around the decision-making competence in transgender adolescent care? Development of an ethics support tool.Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Annelou de Vries, Bert Molewijk & Irma Hein - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    Background Decision-making competence is a complex concept in the care for transgender and gender diverse adolescents, since this type of care concerns one’s developing gender identity and involves treatment options that often lack international consensus. Even despite competence assessments, moral challenges arise in the decision-making process. Here, traditional forms of clinical ethics support such as moral case deliberation might not fit as these do not provide thematic guidance. This study therefore aimed to develop a practice-oriented (...)
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  22.  81
    Adolescent and Parental Perceptions of Medical DecisionMaking in Hong Kong.Edwin Hui - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (9):516-526.
    ABSTRACT Objectives: To investigate whether Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong share similar perceptions with their Western counterparts regarding their capacity for autonomous decisionmaking, and secondarily whether Chinese parents underestimate their adolescent children's desire and capacity for autonomous decisionmaking. Method:‘Healthy Adolescents’ and their parents were recruited from four local secondary schools, and ‘Sick Adolescents’ and their parents from the pediatric wards and outpatient clinics. Their perceptions of adolescents' understanding of illnesses and treatments, maturity (...)
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  23.  70
    Adolescent and parental perceptions of medical decision-making in Hong Kong.H. U. I. Edwin - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (9):516-526.
    Objectives: To investigate whether Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong share similar perceptions with their Western counterparts regarding their capacity for autonomous decision-making, and secondarily whether Chinese parents underestimate their adolescent children's desire and capacity for autonomous decision-making.Method:‘Healthy Adolescents’ and their parents were recruited from four local secondary schools, and ‘Sick Adolescents’ and their parents from the pediatric wards and outpatient clinics. Their perceptions of adolescents' understanding of illnesses and treatments, maturity in judgment, (...)
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  24.  76
    Adolescent Psychological Development, Parenting Styles, and Pediatric Decision Making.B. C. Partridge - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (5):518-525.
    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child risks harm to adolescents insofar as it encourages not only poor decision making by adolescents but also parenting styles that will have an adverse impact on the development of mature decision-making capacities in them. The empirical psychological and neurophysiological data weigh against augmenting and expression of the rights of children. Indeed, the data suggest grounds for expanding parental authority, not limiting its scope. At the (...)
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  25.  23
    The Need for a Developmental Approach to Adolescent Decision-Making.Carol D. Berkowitz - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (5):77-78.
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  26.  13
    Types of Eating Disorder Prodrome in Adolescence: The Role of Decision Making in Childhood.Amy Harrison, Marta Francesconi & Eirini Flouri - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Psychiatric disorders like eating disorders might be underpinned by differences in decision making. However, little previous research has investigated this potential relationship using longitudinal data. This study aimed to understand how components of decision making measured by the Cambridge Gambling Task in the United Kingdom’s Millennium Cohort Study at age 11 might explain clusters/types of ED prodrome involving body dissatisfaction, intention to lose weight, dietary restraint, excessive exercise and significant under/overweight measured in the MCS at age (...)
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  27. Ignoring the Data and Endangering Children: Why the Mature Minor Standard for Medical Decision Making Must Be Abandoned.M. J. Cherry - 2013 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (3):315-331.
    In Roper v. Simmons (2005) the United States Supreme Court announced a paradigm shift in jurisprudence. Drawing specifically on mounting scientific evidence that adolescents are qualitatively different from adults in their decision-making capacities, the Supreme Court recognized that adolescents are not adults in all but age. The Court concluded that the overwhelming weight of the psychological and neurophysiological data regarding brain maturation supports the conclusion that adolescents are qualitatively different types of agents than adult persons. (...)
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  28.  2
    Ethical issues in vaccine trial participation by adolescents: qualitative insights on family decision making from a human papillomavirus vaccine trial in Tanzania.Lucy Frost, Ms Tusajigwe Erio, Hilary Whitworth, Ms Graca Marwerwe, Richard Hayes, Kathy Baisley, Silvia de SanJosé, Deborah Watson-Jones & Kirstin Mitchell - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-16.
    Background Research in children is essential for them to benefit from the outcomes of research but involvement must be weighed against potential harms. In many countries and circumstances, medical research legally requires parental consent until the age of 18 years, with poorly defined recommendations for assent prior to this. However, there is little research exploring how these decisions are made by families and the ethical implications of this. Aim To explore key ethical debates in decision-making for participation of (...)
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  29.  6
    Capacity to consent: a scoping review of youth decision-making capacity for gender-affirming care.Loren G. Marino, Katherine E. Boguszewski, Haley F. Stephens & Julia F. Taylor - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Transgender and gender expansive (TGE) youth often seek a variety of gender-affirming healthcare services, including pubertal suppression and hormone therapy requiring that TGE youth and their parents participate in informed consent and decision making. While youth must demonstrate the ability to understand and appreciate treatment options, risks, benefits, and alternatives as well as make and express a treatment choice, standardized approaches to assess the capacity of TGE youth to consent or assent in clinical practice are not routinely used. (...)
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  30.  61
    Gillick competence: an inadequate guide to the ethics of involving adolescents in decision-making.Avraham Bart, Georgina Antonia Hall & Lynn Gillam - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):157-162.
    Developmentally, adolescence sits in transition between childhood and adulthood. Involving adolescents in their medical decision-making prompts important and complex ethical questions. Originating in the UK, the concept of Gillick competence is a dominant framework for navigating adolescent medical decision-making from legal, ethical and clinical perspectives and is commonly treated as comprehensive. In this paper, we argue that its utility is far more limited, and hence over-reliance on Gillick risks undermining rather than promoting ethically appropriate adolescent (...)
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  31.  39
    Feelings and Desires Are Not the Same as Treatment Preferences: Why the Health Care Decision-Making Framework Applied to Adolescents Should Not Be Applied to Persons in the Minimally Conscious State.Matthé Scholten & Jochen Vollmann - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (1):69-71.
    According to what members of our research team (Scholten and Gather 2017) have proposed to call “the competence model,” competence is a necessary condition for informed consent. This model entails...
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  32.  17
    Physicians’ Perspectives on Adolescent and Young Adult Advance Care Planning: The Fallacy of Informed Decision Making.Joan Liaschenko, Cynthia Peden-McAlpine & Jennifer S. Needle - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (2):131-142.
    Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that seeks to elicit patients’ goals, values, and preferences for future medical care. While most commonly employed in adult patients, pediatric ACP is becoming a standard of practice for adolescent and young adult patients with potentially life-limiting illnesses. The majority of research has focused on patients and their families; little attention has been paid to the perspectives of healthcare providers (HCPs) regarding their perspectives on the process and its potential benefits and limitations. Focus (...)
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    Aligning Ethics with Medical Decision-Making: The Quest for Informed Patient Choice.Benjamin Moulton & Jaime S. King - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (1):85-97.
    Medical practice should evolve alongside medical ethics. As our understanding of the ethical implications of physician-patient interactions becomes more nuanced, physicians should integrate those lessons into practice. As early as the 1930s, epidemiological studies began to identify that the rates of medical procedures varied significantly along geographic and socioeconomic lines. Dr. J. Alison Glover recognized that tonsillectomy rates in school children in certain school districts in England and Wales were in some cases eight times the rates of children in other (...)
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  34. Transformative Choice and Decision-Making Capacity.Isra Black, Lisa Forsberg & Anthony Skelton - 2023 - Law Quarterly Review 139 (4):654-680.
    This article is about the information relevant to decision-making capacity in refusal of life-prolonging medical treatment cases. We examine the degree to which the phenomenology of the options available to the agent—what the relevant states of affairs will feel like for them—forms part of the capacity-relevant information in the law of England and Wales, and how this informational basis varies across adolescent and adult medical treatment cases. We identify an important doctrinal phenomenon. In the leading authorities, the courts (...)
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  35.  30
    ‘We Should View Him as an Individual’: The Role of the Child’s Future Autonomy in Shared Decision-Making About Unsolicited Findings in Pediatric Exome Sequencing.W. Dondorp, I. Bolt, A. Tibben, G. De Wert & M. Van Summeren - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (3):249-261.
    In debates about genetic testing of children, as well as about disclosing unsolicited findings (UFs) of pediatric exome sequencing, respect for future autonomy should be regarded as a prima facie consideration for not taking steps that would entail denying the future adult the opportunity to decide for herself about what to know about her own genome. While the argument can be overridden when other, morally more weighty considerations are at stake, whether this is the case can only be determined in (...)
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  36. Deep Brain Stimulation in Children: Parental Authority Versus Shared Decision-Making.Farah Focquaert - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (3):447-455.
    This paper discusses the use of deep brain stimulation for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders in children. At present, deep brain stimulation is used to treat movement disorders in children and a few cases of deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders in adolescents have been reported. Ethical guidelines on the use of deep brain stimulation in children are therefore urgently needed. This paper focuses on the decision-making process, and provides an ethical framework for (future) treatment (...)
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  37.  28
    Altruistic reasoning in adolescent-parent dyads considering participation in a hypothetical sexual health clinical trial for adolescents.Noé Rubén Chávez, Camille Y. Williams, Lisa S. Ipp, Marina Catallozzi, Susan L. Rosenthal & Carmen Radecki Breitkopf - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (2):68-79.
    Altruism is a well-established reason underlying research participation. Less is known about altruism in adolescent-parent decision-making about clinical trials enrolling healthy adolescents. This qualitative investigation focused on identifying spontaneous statements of altruism within adolescent-parent (dyadic) discussions of participation in a hypothetical phase I clinical trial related to adolescent sexual health. Content analysis revealed several response patterns to each other’s altruistic reasoning. Across 70 adolescent-parent dyads in which adolescents were 14 to 17 years of age and 91% (...)
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    Her own decision: impairment and authenticity in adolescence.A. T. Campbell, S. F. Derrington, D. M. Hester & C. D. Lew - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (1):47-55.
    This case describes an adolescent in a crisis of a chronic medical condition whose situation is complicated by substance abuse and mental illness. D. Micah Hester provides an analytic approach, teasing apart the multiple layers of medical, developmental, and moral issues at hand and describing possible responses and outcomes. Amy T. Campbell examines existing legal guidelines for adolescent decision making, arguing that greater space exists for clinical discretion in these matters than commonly thought. Cheryl D. Lew discusses the (...)
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    Adapting ethical guidelines for adolescent health research to street-connected children and youth in low- and middle-income countries: a case study from western Kenya.L. Embleton, M. A. Ott, J. Wachira, V. Naanyu, A. Kamanda, D. Makori, D. Ayuku & P. Braitstein - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundStreet-connected children and youth in low- and middle-income countries have multiple vulnerabilities in relation to participation in research. These require additional considerations that are responsive to their needs and the social, cultural, and economic context, while upholding core ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. The objective of this paper is to describe processes and outcomes of adapting ethical guidelines for SCCY’s specific vulnerabilities in LMIC.MethodsAs part of three interrelated research projects in western Kenya, we created procedures to (...)
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  40. How Parenting Styles Link Career Decision-Making Difficulties in Chinese College Students? The Mediating Effects of Core Self-Evaluation and Career Calling.Xiaoyan Tian, Bijuan Huang, Hongxia Li, Shaowen Xie, Komal Afzal, Jiwei Si & Dongmei Hu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between parenting styles and career decision-making difficulties in college students, and uncovered the mediating roles of core self-evaluation and career calling. A total of 1,127 undergraduates were recruited to complete the questionnaires about parenting styles, core self-evaluation, career calling, and career decision-making difficulties. The results showed that: Positive and negative parenting styles could positively predict career decision-making difficulties in college students. Core self-evaluation and career (...)
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  41. The Counseling, Self-Care, Adherence Approach to Person-Centered Care and Shared Decision Making: Moral Psychology, Executive Autonomy, and Ethics in Multi-Dimensional Care Decisions.Anders Herlitz, Christian Munthe, Marianne Törner & Gun Forsander - 2016 - Health Communication 31 (8):964-973.
    This article argues that standard models of person-centred care (PCC) and shared decision making (SDM) rely on simplistic, often unrealistic assumptions of patient capacities that entail that PCC/SDM might have detrimental effects in many applications. We suggest a complementary PCC/SDM approach to ensure that patients are able to execute rational decisions taken jointly with care professionals when performing self-care. Illustrated by concrete examples from a study of adolescent diabetes care, we suggest a combination of moral and psychological considerations (...)
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  42.  24
    Targeting and tailoring an intervention for adolescents who are overweight.K. Riiser, K. Londal, Y. Ommundsen, N. Misvaer & S. Helseth - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (2):237-247.
    There are important ethical issues to be examined before launching any public health intervention, particularly when targeting vulnerable groups. The aim of this article is to identify and discuss ethical concerns that may arise when intervening for health behavior change among adolescents identified as overweight. These concerns originate from an intervention designed to capacitate adolescents to increase self-determined physical activity. Utilizing an ethical framework for prevention of overweight and obesity, we identified three ethical aspects as particularly significant: the (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue on Pediatric Decision-Making.Erica K. Salter - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (2):181-185.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Introduction to the Special Issue on Pediatric Decision-MakingErica K. SalterUnlike in the traditional decisional dyad in adult-based care, pediatric decision-making typically involves a triadic relationship among the patient, their parents, and the health-care providers. This complex relationship raises questions and concerns regarding each party’s expectations, obligations, and authority. For example, should a parent be allowed to withhold a poor diagnosis from an adolescent patient? Should an (...)
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    Complex Decisions.Laura Haupt - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (6):2-2.
    Essays and articles in the November‐December 2022 issue of the Hastings Center Report explore the complexities of medical decisionmaking. A case‐study essay, for example, argues that the dismaying decision to perform resuscitation efforts on a patient who had obviously been dead for some time can be understood in the context of the harmful practice of defensive medicine. A narrative essay concerns whether an adolescent with locked‐in syndrome should be asked her wishes about life‐sustaining interventions, and the articles (...)
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  45.  28
    No Need for Parental Involvement in the Vaccination Choice of Adolescents.M. Brusa & Y. M. Barilan - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):47-54.
    Parental decision making is necessary for contracting medical interventions that require personal risk–benefit evaluation, and for overseeing matters of education. In the nineteenth century, exemptions from obligatory vaccination were granted for religious and conscientious reasons. Then and today, religion and moral values play marginal roles in vaccine hesitancy and denialism. Rather, the key values invoked by vaccine hesitants and denialists are liberty and pluralism. Neither is compatible with limiting adolescents’ choice. Because vaccination does not require assessment of (...)
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    Targeting and tailoring an intervention for adolescents who are overweight.Kirsti Riiser, Knut Løndal, Yngvar Ommundsen, Nina Misvær & Sølvi Helseth - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (2):237-247.
    There are important ethical issues to be examined before launching any public health intervention, particularly when targeting vulnerable groups. The aim of this article is to identify and discuss ethical concerns that may arise when intervening for health behavior change among adolescents identified as overweight. These concerns originate from an intervention designed to capacitate adolescents to increase self-determined physical activity. Utilizing an ethical framework for prevention of overweight and obesity, we identified three ethical aspects as particularly significant: the (...)
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    Not just a tragic compromise: The positive case for adolescent access to puberty-blocking treatment.Danielle M. Wenner & B. R. George - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (9):925-931.
    Within bioethics as well as in broader clinical practice, support for transgender and gender‐questioning adolescent access to pubertal suppression has often relied heavily on the desire to prevent risky, self‐destructive, and suicidal behavior. We argue that framing justifications for access to puberty suppression in this way can actually be harmful to both individual patients as well as to the broader trans population. This justification for access to care makes such access precarious, limits its scope, and introduces perverse incentives to the (...)
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    Assessing the Impact of Religious Beliefs on Ethical Decision-Making in Modern Society.Emily Jiayi - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):251-265.
    A belief in one or more superhuman or divine living things is commonly a component of religion, which may be demarcated as a collection of values, beliefs, and behaviours regarding the nature of the cosmos and existence. Many faiths have diverse beliefs, practices, and values, and there may be substantial differences even within the same religion. Many faiths offer ethical and moral principles to contribution individuals in directing difficult moral problems and making activities that are reliable with their beliefs. (...)
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    Does Recent Research on Adolescent Brain Development Inform the Mature Minor Doctrine?L. Steinberg - 2013 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (3):256-267.
    US Supreme Court rulings concerning sanctions for juvenile offenders have drawn on the science of brain development and concluded that adolescents are inherently less mature than adults in ways that render them less culpable. This conclusion departs from arguments made in cases involving the mature minor doctrine, in which teenagers have been portrayed as comparable to adults in their capacity to make medical decisions. I attempt to reconcile these apparently incompatible views of adolescentsdecision-making competence. (...) are indeed less mature than adults when making decisions under conditions that are characterized by emotional arousal and peer pressure, but adolescents aged 15 and older are just as mature as adults when emotional arousal is minimized and when they are not under the influence of peers, conditions that typically characterize medical decision-making. The mature minor doctrine, as applied to individuals 15 and older, is thus consistent with recent research on adolescent development. (shrink)
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    Error trawling and fringe decision competence: Ethical hazards in monitoring and address patient decision capacity in clinical practice.Thomas Hartvigsson, Christian Munthe & Gun Forsander - 2018 - Clinical Ethics 13 (3):126-136.
    This article addresses how health professionals should monitor and safeguard their patients’ ability to participate in making clinical decisions and making subsequent decisions regarding the implementation of their treatment plan. Patient participation in clinical decision-making is essential, e.g. in self-care, where patients are responsible for most ongoing care. We argue that one common, fact-oriented patient education strategy may in practice easily tend to take a destructive form that we call error trawling. Illustrating with empirical findings from (...)
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