Results for 'descriptive metaphysics, transcendental philosophy, metaphysics of appearance, I. Kant, R.G. Collingwood, P.F. Strawson'

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  1.  15
    The Project of the Transcendental Philosophy of I. Kant and the Descriptive Metaphysics of P. Strawson: Similarities and Differences.Sergey Katrechko - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1).
    The paper discusses the Strawsonian concept of descriptive metaphysics and its various implementations in conceptions of I. Kant, R.G. Collingwood and P.F. Strawson, their similarities and differences. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of Kant's transcendental philosophy (resp. transcendental idealism), or its metaphysics of appearance as a pioneer version of descriptive metaphysics and its comparison with the version of descriptive metaphysics of P. Strawson himself.
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    Kant’s Transcendentalism as Metaphysics of Possible Experience and its Realistic Interpretation in Analytical Philosophy.Sergey L. Katrechko & Катречко Сергей Леонидович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):659-676.
    In the “Critique of Pure Reason” and subsequent “Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics...”, “Metaphysical Principles of Natural Science”, “Opus Postumum” Kant develops one of the modes of his transcendentalism, the metaphysics of possible experience, whose task is to study the transcendental conditions for the possibility of our (cognition), which, according to Kant, has a priori character. P. Strawson calls this mode of metaphysicsdescriptive metaphysics ’ and connects it with the analyzing the (...)
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    Descriptive Metaphysics and Kant.Maksim Evstigneev - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1).
    P.F. Strawson is famous for his contribution to the Kant-scholarship (especially for his book The Bounds of Sense). On the other hand, Strawson is recognized as an independent and origional philosopher. This text presents an analysysis of the intersection of these two themes: I present an analysis of Strawson's conception of descriptive mataphysics and aplly its results to the Kant's critical philosophy and to Strawson's interpretation of it. It gives me an opportunity to show that (...)
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    Strawson P.F.: From Hume to Kant and Back Again.Maksim D. Evstigneev & Евстигнеев Максим Дмитриевич - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):644-658.
    P.F. Strawson is one of the most famous Kantian philosophers and interpretators of Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason”. This study is dedicated to reconstruction of this interpretation. It is also dedicated to the analysis of the story and place of Strawson’s interpretation in the history of his own philosophical career. I show how Strawson reads Kant’s text, what strategies of interpretation he adopts and what problems he faces. In “Individuals” and “The Bounds of Sense” Strawson explicitly (...)
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  5.  55
    Individuals.P. F. Strawson - 1959 - Garden City, N.Y.: Routledge.
    Since its publication in 1959, Individuals has become a modern philosophical classic. Bold in scope and ambition, it continues to influence debates in metaphysics, philosophy of logic and language, and epistemology. Peter Strawson's most famous work, it sets out to describe nothing less than the basic subject matter of our thought. It contains Strawson's now famous argument for descriptive metaphysics and his repudiation of revisionary metaphysics, in which reality is something beyond the world of (...)
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  6.  14
    The philosophy of P.F. Strawson.Lewis Edwin Hahn (ed.) - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
    The twenty-sixth volume in the highly acclaimed Library of Living Philosophers series is devoted to the work of British philosopher of logic and metaphysician, P. F. Strawson. Following the Library of Living Philosophers series format, the volume contains an intellectual autobiography, twenty critical and descriptive essays by leading philosophers from around the world, Strawson's replies to the essays, and a bibliography of Strawson's works. Born in 1919, Strawson was a leading proponent of ordinary language philosophy. (...)
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  7.  32
    The Later Philosophy of R. G. Collingwood (review). [REVIEW]George E. Derfer - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):143-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 143 sensual reason is supposed to develop the powers of observation and reasoning to the highest degree but not the spiritual intuition into the essence of things. Steiner proposed a theory of reincarnation; he also created a special kind of Christology which is based on the assumption that there were two Jesus-boys, one of whom incarnated the spirit of Zarathustra. As for Christ he descended into the (...)
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    Maritain as an Interpreter of Aquinas on the Problem of Individuation.Jude P. Dougherty - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (1):19-32.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MARITAIN AS AN INTERPRETER OF AQUINAS ON THE PROBLEM OF INDIVIDUATION }UDE P. DOUGHERTY The Catholic University ofAmerica Washington, D.C. I T HE MEDIEVAL problem of individuation is not the contemporary problem of "individuals" or "particulars" discussed by P. F. Strawson, J. W. Meiland, and others.1 In a certain sense the problem of individuation originates with Parmenides, but it is Plato's philosophy of science that bequeaths the problem (...)
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  9.  42
    Van Cleave, Problems from Kant. [REVIEW]Rolf George - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):448-449.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 448-449 [Access article in PDF] James Van Cleve. Problems from Kant. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. xii + 340. Cloth, $45.00. The author acknowledges his debt to the "great Kant books of the 1960s, Jonathan Bennett's Kant's Analytic, and P. F. Strawson's The Bounds of Sense."Their analytical spirit lives on in this book, but the analyses (...)
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  10.  85
    On the putative possibility of non‐spatio‐temporal forms of sensibility in Kant.Simon R. Gurofsky - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (4):841-856.
    This paper defends Kant against a neo‐Hegelian line of criticism, recently advanced by John McDowell, Robert Pippin, and Sebastian Rödl, targeting Kant's alleged claim that forms of sensibility other than space and time are possible. If correct, the criticism identifies a deep problem in Kant's position and points toward Hegel's position and method as its natural solution. I show that Kant has the philosophical resources to respond effectively to the criticism, notably including the set of claims about the limits of (...)
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  11.  12
    An Evolutionary Paradigm For International Law: Philosophical Method, David Hume And The Essence Of Sovereignty.John Martin Gillroy - 2013 - New York, NY, USA: Palgrave MacMillan.
    Preface The status of sovereignty as a highly ambiguous concept is well established. Pointing out or deploring, the ambiguity of the idea has itself become a recurring motif in the literature on sovereignty. As the legal theorist and international lawyer Alf Ross put it, “there is hardly any domain in which the obscurity and confusion is as great as here.” 1 The concept of sovereignty is often seen as a downright obstacle to fruitful conceptual analysis, carried over from its proper (...)
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  12. The Critique of Pure Reason and Analytic Philosophy.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2010 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This paper critically examines three key works of analytic Kantianism: C. I. Lewis, Mind and the World Order (1929), P. F. Strawson, The Bounds of Sense (1966) and Wilfrid Sellars, Science and Metaphysics (1968), focusing on their very different approaches to Kant’s Transcendental Deduction.
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  13. Is there an ‘end’ to philosophical scepticism?Lilian Alweiss - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (3):395-411.
    P F Strawson advocates a descriptive metaphysics. Contrary to Kant, he believes that metaphysics should be ‘content to describe the actual structure of thought about the world’, there is no need of postulating a world that lies beyond our grasp. We neither need to refute nor accept scepticism since we can ignore it with good reasons. Yet this paper argues that Strawson fails to provide us with good reasons. He fails to realise that one cannot (...)
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  14.  16
    Introduction to the philosophy of mind: readings from Descartes to Strawson.Harold Morick (ed.) - 1970 - Sussex: Harvester Press.
    Introductory essay: the privacy of physiological phenomena, by H. Morick.--Meditations I, II, and VI, by R. Descartes.--Descartes' myth, by G. Ryle.--I think, therefore I am, by A. J. Ayer.--Of personal identity, by D. Hume.--Hume on personal identity, by T. Penelhum.--Paralogisms of pure reason, by I. Kant.--Self, mind, and body, by P. F. Strawson.--Soul, by P. F. Strawson.--The distinction between mental and physical phenomena, by F. Brentano.--Brentano on descriptive psychology and the intentional, by R. Chisholm.--Note on the text, (...)
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  15.  55
    Kant's Concept of Appearance: I.D. R. Cousin - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (62):169 - 184.
    The following discussion arises out of reflection upon a number of related topics. One of these is the problem of perception, and in particular of perceptual illusion. Another is the use which has been made, e.g. by Bradley, of the distinction between appearance and reality as a guiding principle of metaphysical inquiry. But the immediate occasion of the present inquiry is the attempt to discover what Kant in particular has to say upon these and similar problems. It is for this (...)
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  16. A Peculiar “Faith”: On R.G. Collingwood's Use of Saint Anselm's Argument.Michael J. O'Neill - 2006 - Saint Anselm Journal 3 (2):32-47.
    In this paper, I discuss the role of Anselm’s ontological argument in the philosophy of R.G. Collingwood. Anselm’s argument appears prominently in Collingwood’s Essay on Philosophical Method (1933) and Essay on Metaphysics (1940), as well as in his early work Speculum Mentis (1924). In the proof, Collingwood finds the central expression of the priority of “faith” in the first principles of thought to reason’s activities. For Collingwood, it is Anselm’s proof that clearly expresses this relationship between faith and reason. (...)
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  17.  6
    Esse as the Target of Judgment in Rahner and Aquinas.John F. X. Knasas - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):222-245.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ESSE AS THE TARGET OF JUDGMENT IN RAHNER AND AQUINAS 0 NE OF THE commanding currents of thought in Catholic circles since the Second Vatican Council has been Transcendental Thomism. Though its proponents differ among themselves, it is safe to say that the common inspiration is that Thomistic metaphysical conclusions can be arrived at through a Kantian-style transcendental method. The emphasis is on the knower's conditions of (...)
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  18. Descriptive versus Revisionary Metaphysics and the Mind-Body Problem.R. L. Phillips - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (160):105 - 118.
    I have appropriated the terms ‘descriptive’ and ‘revisionary’ metaphysics from P.F. Strawson's Individuals . In the Introduction to that work he draws a broad general distinction between two types of metaphysics. Descriptive metaphysics is concerned to ‘describe the actual structure of our thought about the world’ while revisionary metaphysics is ‘concerned to produce a better structure’. They also differ in that revisionary metaphysics requires justification of some sort whereas descriptive metaphysics (...)
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  19.  18
    Universals, Concepts and Qualities: New Essays on the Meaning of Predicates.P. F. Strawson & Arindam Chakrabarti - 2006 - Routledge.
    Are there universal properties grounding our sense of resemblance or qualitative identity among a number of distinct things or events which appear to form a class, a type or a kind of some other sort? Do universals such as humanness, triangularity, or being an Oak exist? Is being a laptop computer a universal, which has only recently come into existence? Do predicate expressions, adjectives or abstract nouns refer to objective properties or cognitive contents called concepts? The problem of universals has (...)
  20. Complex Non-linear Biodynamics in Categories, Higher Dimensional Algebra and Łukasiewicz–Moisil Topos: Transformations of Neuronal, Genetic and Neoplastic Networks.I. C. Baianu, R. Brown, G. Georgescu & J. F. Glazebrook - 2006 - Axiomathes 16 (1):65-122.
    A categorical, higher dimensional algebra and generalized topos framework for Łukasiewicz–Moisil Algebraic–Logic models of non-linear dynamics in complex functional genomes and cell interactomes is proposed. Łukasiewicz–Moisil Algebraic–Logic models of neural, genetic and neoplastic cell networks, as well as signaling pathways in cells are formulated in terms of non-linear dynamic systems with n-state components that allow for the generalization of previous logical models of both genetic activities and neural networks. An algebraic formulation of variable ‘next-state functions’ is extended to a Łukasiewicz–Moisil (...)
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  21.  40
    The Notion of Form in Kant’s Critique of Aesthetic Judgment. [REVIEW]K. R. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (2):369-370.
    The notion of form is "the most important notion within the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment". The sensible form involved in aesthetic judgment stands in no clear relation to the formal elements of the Transcendental Aesthetic and Logic—neither to the a priori forms of space and time, nor to the categories. It is held to be the same "kind of form" as the intuitable, "empirical form" mentioned infrequently in the Pure Reason. The author attempts to establish only "what Kant meant" (...)
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  22. Kant and Strawson on the Objectivity Thesis.Patrick Fleming - 2004 - Idealistic Studies 34 (2):173-180.
    In the Transcendental Deductions, Kant attempts to establish the necessary applicability of the categories to what is encountered in experience. As I see it, the argument is intended to deduce two distinct, but, in Kant’s eyes, interrelated, claims. The first is that it is a necessity that experience be of an objective world. Call this rough idea the objectivity thesis. The second thesis is that the categoriesapply only to mere appearances, that is, the world insofar as we structure it. (...)
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  23.  28
    Kant. [REVIEW]B. P. R. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (2):448-450.
    There is a central issue which runs through most of the details of Walker’s interpretation—the relationship between what he calls, taking his cue from Strawson, "transcendental idealism" and "transcendental arguments." He argues often and, I think, correctly, that the contemporary attempt to reconstruct Kant "austerely" in terms of transcendental arguments alone is misguided, that transcendental arguments about "what must be the case in order for there to be experience at all" cannot accomplish their task, and (...)
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  24.  65
    A Logician‘s Landscape.P. F. Strawson - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (114):229-237.
    One of the most influential logicians of the day has assembled and in part rewritten a number of his essays on important questions of logical theory. 1 The result is a most impressive book, at once powerful and graceful, and breathing a certain intellectual hauteur r which accords well with its conspicuous property of being intellectually first rate. These are not humble analytical gropings, undertaken by the dim light of an author’s sense of the sensible; but a series of campaigns (...)
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  25.  17
    Kant's "Idea [project] of Transcendental Philosophy".Sergey Katrechko - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1).
    At the present time, there are several interpretations and modes of Kant’s transcendental philosophy (TP). Which of these interpretations and modes of transcendentalism most adequately express the spirit of TP, i.e. can claim the title of the transcendental ones? For the explication of the ‘idea of transcendental philosophy’ [KrV, A1], here I distinguish two transcendental shifts: methodological and metaphysical ones, which in their totality predetermine the essence and set the specificity of Kant’s transcendental idealism. The (...)
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  26.  47
    Strawson and the Refutation of Idealism.Gordon Steinhoff - 1990 - Idealistic Studies 20 (1):61-81.
    P.F. Strawson represents a philosophical tradition in Kant scholarship. Strawson is opposed to Kant’s transcendental idealism, but he finds much of value in Kant’s metaphysical views. Strawson’s goal in The Bounds of Sense is to separate what is of value in Kant’s thought from Kant’s transcendental idealism. His dislike of transcendental idealism is based upon a certain interpretation which Henry Allison calls “the standard picture”. This picture is shared by several of Kant’s commentators, but (...)
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  27.  19
    Space and Incongruence. [REVIEW]B. P. R. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):856-859.
    At various times in his "Pre-critical" and "Critical" periods, Kant presented an argument about the nature of space that has come to be called the "Incongruous Counterparts" argument. First presented in his 1768 essay, Concerning the Ultimate Foundation for the Differentiation of Regions in Space, the argument holds that two objects, such as two human hands, might be exact counterparts, that is, identical in "size and proportion and... the situation of the parts relative to each other," and yet might be (...)
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    Strawson and Schaumann on the Metaphysics of Transcendental Idealism.Scott Stapleford - 2008 - South African Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):273-279.
    The paper is a limited defence of one of P. F. Strawson's least popular declarations about the nature of Kant's transcendental idealism. An attempt is made to relate Strawson's reading to an interpretative controversy that emerged in the years immediately following the publication of the first edition of the Critique of Pure Reason in 1781. Johann Christian Gottlob Schaumann, an otherwise unremarkable figure, is considered as an early defender of the thoroughly idealistic interpretation in the distinctive form (...)
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    Kant's Idealism (review).Yolanda Estes - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):143-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant’s Idealism by Philip J. NeujahrYolanda EstesPhilip J. Neujahr. Kant’s Idealism. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1995. Pp. viii + 134. Paper, $16.00.In Kant’s Idealism, Philip Neujahr contends that the Critique of Pure Reason expresses no distinctively “transcendental” form of idealism. Neujahr disagrees with commentators, such as H. J. Paton and Henry Allison, who attempt to show that the Kantian project is in essence a coherent and (...)
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  30. The philosophy of the body.Stuart F. Spicker - 1970 - Chicago,: Quadrangle Books.
    Of the nature and origin of the mind, by B. de Spinoza.--Spinoza and the theory of organism, by H. Jonas.--Man a machine, and The natural history of the soul, by J. O. de la Mettrie.--On the first ground of the distinction of regions in space, and What is orientation in thinking? by I. Kant.--Soul and body, by J. Dewey.--The philosophical concept of a human body, by D. C. Long.--Are persons bodies? By B. A. O. Williams.--Lived body, environment, and ego, by (...)
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  31.  15
    P. E. Strawson (1919–).P. F. Snowdon - 2001 - In Aloysius Martinich & David Sosa (eds.), A companion to analytic philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 334–349.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Life Themes Definite descriptions and reference Truth Logical theory Meaning and related notions Individuals Persons and states of mind Subjects and predicates The bounds of sense Responses to skepticism Freedom and resentment Conclusion.
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  32. Ethical Theory: Classical and Contemporary Readings.Louis P. Pojman - 1995 - Wadsworth. Edited by Louis P. Pojman.
    Part I: WHAT IS ETHICS? Plato: Socratic Morality: Crito. Suggestions for Further Reading. Part II: ETHICAL RELATIVISM VERSUS ETHICAL OBJECTIVISM. Herodotus: Custom is King. Thomas Aquinas: Objectivism: Natural Law. Ruth Benedict: A Defense of Ethical Relativism. Louis Pojman: A Critique of Ethical Relativism. Gilbert Harman: Moral Relativism Defended. Alan Gewirth: The Objective Status of Human Rights. Suggestions for Further Reading. Part III: MORALITY, SELF-INTEREST AND FUTURE SELVES. Plato: Why Be Moral? Richard Taylor: On the Socratic Dilemma. David Gauthier: Morality and (...)
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  33.  22
    The Definition of Morality. [REVIEW]D. L. R. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):375-375.
    This small anthology contains thirteen essays by eleven authors on the question: What are the defining characteristics of morality? What makes a judgment, an attitude, or an argument a moral one? The selection of articles is excellent. Ethicians included are: C. H. Whitely, A. MacIntyre, W. K. Frankena, C. C. W. Taylor, Neil Cooper, P. F. Strawson, T. L. S. Sprigge, P. Foot, K. Baier, G. E. M. Anscombe, D. F. Gauthier. An obvious objection to the pursuit of a (...)
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  34. Snapshot: P. F. Strawson.Anil Gomes - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 84:48-53.
    P.F. Strawson (1919-2006) was one of the most significant philosophers of the twentieth-century. His career centred around Oxford – first as Tutor and Fellow at University College, then as Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy at Magdalen College. His careful, thoughtful, and characteristically elegant written work was influential in moving Oxford philosophy from the anti-metaphysical leanings of A.J. Ayer and J.L. Austin to a renewed and rejuvenated era of traditional philosophy theorising, albeit domesticated in a distinctively Strawsonian fashion. His influence (...)
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    Reconsidering Kant’s Rejection of Indirect Arguments in Transcendental Philosophy.Marcel Buß - 2021 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (1):115-133.
    Immanuel Kant states that indirect arguments are not suitable for the purposes of transcendental philosophy. If he is correct, this affects contemporary versions of transcendental arguments which are often used as an indirect refutation of scepticism. I discuss two reasons for Kant’s rejection of indirect arguments. Firstly, Kant argues that we are prone to misapply the law of excluded middle in philosophical contexts. Secondly, Kant points out that indirect arguments lack some explanatory power. They can show that something (...)
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    I. Kant: metaphysical justification of aesthetics.Кормин Н.А - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 9:1-65.
    The subject of this article is a study of the problem of metaphysical substantiation of aesthetics in Kant's philosophy, conducted during the analysis of two editions of the introduction to the Critique of the Faculty of Judgment. The results of the conducted research allow us to find out to what extent Kant's interpretation of aesthetics is metaphysically loaded. For the first time since Plato and Aristotle, the metaphysical horizon opens up again in Kantian aesthetics. Special attention is paid to the (...)
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    Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience (review).Timothy C. Lord - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):232-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 232-233 [Access article in PDF] Giuseppina D'Oro. Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience. New York: Routledge, 2002. Pp. xi + 179. Cloth, $80.00. There is a resurgence of interest in Collingwood among philosophers and political theorists in the English-speaking world. One of the scholars leading this resurgence is Giuseppina D'Oro, whose fine monograph on Collingwood's metaphysics and epistemology appears (...)
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    Beyond All Appearances. [REVIEW]F. R. G. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (3):570-571.
    In this work, Weiss presents his latest views on the fundamental questions of being and knowing which have concerned him throughout his career. He seems to have accepted his own challenge "... that were I to take advantage of what is said in Philosophy In Process and revise the Modes of Being, the result, in effect, would be a new philosophic ‘Aristotelianized’ account." Here, "Aristotelian" refers to any systematic attempt to give categories to "map the universe." This is, in part, (...)
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    The idea of transcendental analysis: Kant, Marburg Neo-Kantianism, and Strawson.Guido Kreis - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (2):293-314.
    In this paper, I shall discuss the assumption that Kant’s method in the Critique of Pure Reason is a transcendental analysis of experience. In order to do this, I will consider the conception of transcendental analysis that Marburg Neo-Kantianism powerfully introduced into Kant interpretation. I shall first develop a general model of transcendental analysis in the Marburg sense. I shall then ask whether this is a suitable model for the interpretation of the first Critique. Kant’s distinction between (...)
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    The Hume Literature for 1978.Roland Hall - 1979 - Hume Studies 5 (2):131-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:131. THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1978 The Hume Literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship : A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; J¿ 5.50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. Publications of the year 1977 were listed in Hume Studies last November. What follows here will bring the record up to the end of 1978. (...)
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    Heidegger's Metahistory of Philosophy. [REVIEW]J. G. R. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):358-359.
    This book aims at remedying the deficiency which the author sees in the fact that not a single critical study of Heidegger's treatment of the history of philosophy has appeared in English. Magnus finds the basic theme of Heidegger's later works to lie in this treatment. He is concerned that "no sustained efforts have hitherto been made to come to grips with the methodological questions which Heidegger's hermeneutic occasions," and considers Heidegger's treatment of Nietzsche in order to make such an (...)
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    An introduction to moral and social philosophy.Jeffrie G. Murphy - 1973 - Belmont, Calif.,: Wadsworth Pub. Co..
    Plato. Crito.--Mill, J. S. Utilitarianism.--Rawls, J. Two concepts of rules.--Kant, I. Fundamental principles of the metaphysic of morals.--Rawls, J. Justice as fairness.--Benn, S. I. and Peters, R. S. Society and types of social regulation.--Hobbes, T. Leviathan, abridged.--Hayek, F. A. The principles of a liberal social order.--Marx, K. Alienation and its overcoming in Communism.--Lukes, S. Alienation and anomie.--Garver, N. What violence is.--Zinn, H. The force of nonviolence.--Caudwell, C. Pacifism and violence; a study in bourgeois ethics.--Bennett, J. Whatever the consequences.--Foot, P. Abortion (...)
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  43. Kant’s Theoretical Philosophy: The ‘Analytic’ Tradition.James O'Shea - 2022 - In Sorin Baiasu & Mark Timmons (eds.), The Kantian Mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
    ABSTRACT: In a previous article (O’Shea 2006) I provided a concise overview of the reception of Kant’s philosophy among analytic philosophers during the periods from the ‘early analytic’ reactions to Kant in Frege, Russell, Carnap and others, to the systematic Kant-inspired works in epistemology and metaphysics of C. I. Lewis and P. F. Strawson, in particular. In this chapter I use the recently reinvigorated work of Wilfrid Sellars (1912–1989) in the second half of the twentieth century as the (...)
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    Distinguishing Charity as Goodness and Prudence as Rightness: A Key to Thomas’s Secunda Pars.James F. Keenan - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):407-426.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DISTINGUISHING CHARITY AS GOODNESS AND PRUDENCE AS RIGHTNESS: A KEY TO THOMAS'S SECUNDA PARS JAMES F. KEENAN, S.J. Weston School of Theology Cambridge, Massachusetts HE RESPECTIVE functions of charity and prudence Thomas Aquinas's moral theology provide a key to his nderstanding of the virtues. Charity and prudence serve distinct functions. In Thomas's position, a person can have the acquired virtues without having charity; such a person has a virtuous (...)
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  45.  6
    Preliminaries to artificial consciousness : a multidimensional heuristic approach.Kathinka Evers, Michele Farisco, R. Chatila, B. D. Earp, I. T. Freire, F. Hamker, E. Nemeth, P. F. M. J. Verschure & M. Khamassi - unknown
    The pursuit of artificial consciousness requires conceptual clarity to navigate its theoretical and empirical challenges. This paper introduces a composite, multilevel, and multidimensional model of consciousness as a heuristic framework to guide research in this field. Consciousness is treated as a complex phenomenon, with distinct constituents and dimensions that can be operationalized for study and for evaluating their replication. We argue that this model provides a balanced approach to artificial consciousness research by avoiding binary thinking (e.g., conscious vs. non-conscious) and (...)
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    Methodological conservativism in Kant and Strawson.John J. Callanan - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (2):422-442.
    I argue that Kant’s transcendental idealism and Strawson’s descriptive metaphysics are both examples of what I call methodological conservativism. Methodological conservativism involves the claim that a subset of common first-order beliefs is immune to revision. I argue that there are striking differences between their respective commitments to this position, however. For Kant, his conservativism is based upon a commitment to the reliability of particular results of the sciences of his day. For Strawson, in contrast, his (...)
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  47. This Is Art: A Defence of R. G. Collingwood's Philosophy of Art.James Camien McGuiggan - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Southampton
    R. G. Collingwood’s 'The Principles of Art' argues that art is the expression of emotion. This dissertation offers a new interpretation of that philosophy, and argues that this interpretation is both hermeneutically and philosophically plausible. The offered interpretation differs from the received interpretation most significantly in treating the concept of ‘art’ as primarily scalarly rather than binarily realisable (this is introduced in ch. 1), and in understanding Collingwood’s use of the term ‘emotion’ more broadly (introduced in ch. 2). -/- After (...)
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    Cinematics. [REVIEW]F. R. G. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (1):154-155.
    This brief, well-written book expands Weiss’ philosophy of art to include the making of films, and in doing so helps one to better understand much of his philosophy as a whole. For example, the shift from Modes of Being to Beyond All Appearances can partly be understood as the fuller appreciation of what actualities are that has followed from Weiss’ further reflections on the status of art objects. The book presents an argument which is shaped by an exemplary structure, divided (...)
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    Logico-Linguistic Papers.P. F. Strawson - 1971 - Burlington, VT: Routledge.
    P.F. Strawson has been a major and influential spokesman for ordinary language philosophy throughout the late twentieth century, studying the relationship between common language and the language of formal logic. This reissue of his collection of early essays, Logico-Linguistic Papers, is published with a brand new introduction by Professor Strawson but, apart from minor corrections to the text, these classic essays remain original and intact. Logico-Linguistic Papers contains Strawson's major essay, 'On Referring', in which he disputed Bertrand (...)
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    Formation of R.G. Collingwood's early critique of 'realism'.Junichi Kasuga - unknown
    In spite of the evident centrality of philosophical 'realism' in Collingwood's autobiographical account of his own intellectual development, his critique of 'realism' has hardly been investigated as a central theme in his philosophy. Collingwood's arguments against contemporary 'realism' and his stated move beyond 'idealism' have mostly been treated as a minor question subordinate to other questions. By contrast, I have tried in this thesis to reconstruct Collingwood's philosophy as a critical development of the realism/idealism dispute of his day, focusing on (...)
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