Results for 'difficult motherhood'

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  1. Surrogate Motherhood and Abortion for Fetal Abnormality.Ruth Walker & Liezl van Zyl - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (8):529-535.
    A diagnosis of fetal abnormality presents parents with a difficult – even tragic – moral dilemma. Where this diagnosis is made in the context of surrogate motherhood there is an added difficulty, namely that it is not obvious who should be involved in making decisions about abortion, for the person who would normally have the right to decide – the pregnant woman – does not intend to raise the child. This raises the question: To what extent, if at (...)
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    Motherhood According to Kristeva: On Time and Matter in Plato and Kristeva.Fanny Söderbäck - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (1):65-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Motherhood According to KristevaOn Time and Matter in Plato and KristevaFanny SöderbäckThe state of the maternal has been disputed among feminists for quite some time. Julia Kristeva, whose work will be my focus of attention here, has been criticized for her emphasis on the maternal, particularly with regards to her alleged equation of maternity with femininity. Critics have suggested that such equation risks reducing woman to the biological (...)
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    An African Perspective on Surrogacy and the Justification of Motherhood.Akande Michael Aina - 2018 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):18-25.
    Surrogacy as a practice is supported by science, technology, morality and legality. It follows that the issues concerning it cut across all facets of life. And different arguments have being advanced for and against this practice. The belief espouse in this paper is that one cannot discuss successfully the moral, the science or the legality of surrogacy without delving into the cultural question of who is a mother. In other words, it is possible to have simple scientific and legal understandings (...)
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    ‘I had to work through what people would think of me’: negotiating ‘problematic single motherhood’ as a solo or single adoptive mum.Jai Mackenzie - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (1):88-105.
    ABSTRACT This article considers how five single mothers, who used adoption or donor conception to bring children into their lives, negotiate a persistent and pervasive discourse of ‘problematic single motherhood’ in their interview talk. Tactics of intersubjectivity (Bucholtz & Hall [2005]. Identity and interaction: A sociocultural linguistic approach. Discourse Studies, 7(4–5), 585–614.), especially the overlapping strategies of distinction, authorisation and illegitimation, are shown to be particularly salient for these parents, as they work to legitimise their routes to motherhood (...)
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    Postpartum Maternal Tethering: A Bioethics of Early Motherhood.Katherine A. Mason - 2021 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 14 (1):49-72.
    We must reconceive the ethical relationship between mothers and their newborn babies. The intertwinement of mother and baby does not disappear with birth but rather persists in the form of postpartum maternal tethering. Drawing upon three years of ethnographic fieldwork and training in the United States and China, I argue that dependencies associated with postpartum maternal tethering make it extremely difficult for postpartum mothers to act autonomously, even in the relational sense. Breaching this tether opens up new possibilities for (...)
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    Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood by Julie Langford (review).Lien Foubert - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (4):678-682.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood by Julie LangfordLien FoubertJulie Langford. Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. xiv + 203 pp. 20 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $55.It is now well-established that, through various media, imperial propaganda was aimed at different groups in Roman society. Ever since Jaś Elsner’s influential publication (Art and (...)
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    Procreative liberty, biological connections, and motherhood.Margaret Olivia Little - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):392-396.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Procreative Liberty, Biological Connections, and MotherhoodMargaret Olivia Little (bio)Given the complex and dramatic array of issues currently facing us in reproductive ethics, bioethicists working on the topic might be forgiven feelings of trepidation when they cast their minds toward the next century. Currently, technologies such as artificial insemination by donor (AID), once the source of intense controversy, are used on a routine basis; mainstream newspapers carry advertisements offering “excellent (...)
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    Social Exclusion of Mothers of Children on the Autism Spectrum as Presented in Popular Publications.Agnieszka Żabińska - 2024 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (3).
    The text provides an introduction to analyses of the social exclusion of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders. The aim is to highlight and discuss several stories from the increasing number of printed accounts by mothers describing their daily struggles with disability and social judgment. The discourses of exclusion concerning this social group are a hihgly interesting research topic due to its multidimensionality and stereotypes ingrained in society.
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  9. (1 other version)Intentional Parenthood and the Nuclear Family.Liezl van Zyl - 2002 - Journal of Medical Humanities 23 (2):107-118.
    Reproductive techniques and practices, ranging from ordinary birth-control measures and artificial insemination to embryo transfer and surrogate motherhood, have greatly enhanced our range of reproductive choices. As a consequence, they pose a number of difficult moral and legal questions with regard to the formation of a family and our conception of parenthood. A view that is becoming increasingly common is that parental rights and responsibilities should not be based on genetic relationships but should instead be seen as arising (...)
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  10.  43
    Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Resident Mothers and the Moral Dilemmas they Face During Custody Disputes. [REVIEW]Vivienne Elizabeth, Nicola Gavey & Julia Tolmie - 2010 - Feminist Legal Studies 18 (3):253-274.
    Recent scholarship has critiqued the tendency for separated mothers in custody disputes to be defined as hostile and alienating. Through the presentation of three case studies, drawn from an interview-based study with 21 women, we show how such pejorative constructions only arise when the conflicting gendered moral accountabilities of contemporary motherhood are overlooked. We found that mothers tend to believe that contact with non-resident fathers is generally in a child’s best interests. However, as a result of balancing complex moral (...)
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  11.  39
    Would you rather be a 'birth' or a 'genetic' mother? If so, how much?J. G. Thornton, H. M. McNamara & I. A. Montague - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (2):87-92.
    Judges face difficult choices when the birth and genetic mothers of a child are separate people who dispute maternal access; the views of the general population may help them. Fifty women were asked whether, if they were infertile and could have only one child, they would prefer to be birth mothers (to carry a baby which was not genetically theirs) or genetic mothers (to have another woman carry their genetic baby). Similarly, fifty men were asked about their preference for (...)
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  12.  42
    Introduction.Dena S. Davis & Suzanne Holland - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (3):219-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11.3 (2001) 219-220 [Access article in PDF] Introduction In the last couple of decades,commodification has become almost a buzz-word in bioethics. As we become technically more adept at detaching elements of human bodies and making use of them for others, it seems as if more and more things-from motherhood to gametes to kidneys to our very DNA-can be borrowed, rented, bought, and sold. (...)
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  13.  36
    Concealment of Birth: Time to Repeal a 200-Year-Old “Convenient Stop-Gap”?Emma Milne - 2019 - Feminist Legal Studies 27 (2):139-162.
    Feminists have long argued that women who offend are judged by who they are, not what they do, with idealised images of femininity and motherhood used as measures of culpability. The ability to meet the expectations of motherhood and femininity are particularly difficult for women who experience a crisis pregnancy, as evident in cases where women have been convicted of concealment of birth. The offence prohibits the secret disposal of the dead body of a child, to conceal (...)
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  14.  16
    Intentional Parenthood and the Nuclear Family.Liezl Zyl - 2002 - Journal of Medical Humanities 23 (2):107-118.
    Reproductive techniques and practices, ranging from ordinary birth-control measures and artificial insemination to embryo transfer and surrogate motherhood, have greatly enhanced our range of reproductive choices. As a consequence, they pose a number of difficult moral and legal questions with regard to the formation of a family and our conception of parenthood. A view that is becoming increasingly common is that parental rights and responsibilities should not be based on genetic relationships but should instead be seen as arising (...)
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  15.  30
    The Differences Barbara Johnson Makes: Introduction.Susan Gubar - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (1):73-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Differences Barbara Johnson Makes:IntroductionSusan Gubar (bio)On December 15, 2003, on the occasion of the publication of Barbara Johnson's Mother Tongues: Sexuality, Trials, Motherhood, Translation, Jonathan Culler, Jane Gallop, and Judith Butler spoke in a celebration at Harvard University. On December 28, 2004, Culler, Gallop, Lee Edelman, and Hortense Spillers spoke in an MLA session organized by Susan Gubar entitled "The Differences Barbara Johnson Makes." We publish these (...)
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    Gendered Testimonies: Autobiographies, Diaries and Letters by Women as Sources for Caribbean History1.Bridget Brereton - 1998 - Feminist Review 59 (1):143-163.
    Although history has been one of the main disciplines through which we can understand gender, the paucity of data written or recorded by women makes it more difficult for the historian to research women's lives in the past. In the Caribbean, this task has been made easier by the discovery of a few key sources which allow an insight into the private sphere of Caribbean women's lives. These records of women who have lived in the Caribbean since the 1800s (...)
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  17.  22
    Catholic Conscience and Civil Disobedience: The Primacy of Truth.Angel Perez-Lopez & Israel Perez-Lopez - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):773-792.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Catholic Conscience and Civil Disobedience:The Primacy of TruthAngel Perez-Lopez and Israel Perez-LopezIntroductionSacred Scripture describes different examples of moral conscience dictating civil disobedience. For instance, think of the situation of Daniel (see Dan 6:6–10). In this and many other cases, we always find, above all, a defense of truth and of its primacy over conscience and civil authority.1 In a culture that rapidly abandons Christendom and rejects the Catholic social (...)
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    Mass Hysteria: Medicine, Culture, and Mothers' Bodies.Rebecca Kukla - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Mass Hysteria examines the medical and cultural practices surrounding pregnancy, new motherhood, and infant feeding. Late eighteenth century transformations in these practices reshaped mothers' bodies, and contemporary norms and routines of prenatal care and early motherhood have inherited the legacy of that era. As a result, mothers are socially positioned in ways that can make it difficult for them to establish and maintain healthy and safe boundaries and appropriate divisions between public and private space.
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    Ethical-anthropological dilemmas of gamete and embryo donation: commodification, altruism, morality, and the future of the genetic family.Larisa P. Kiyashchenko, Svetlana A. Bronfman & Farida G. Maylenova - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):113-124.
    ART and, in particular, IVF and ICSI, are essentially a laboratory experiment, but which, due to its specificity, goes beyond the disciplinary boundaries, explicitly acquiring an ethical-axiological dimension in the interaction zone of the members of a particular community involved in child-bearing. At the same time, it is noted that the activity and choice of a way to solve problems with childbirth has a characteristic severity, due to the traditions and level of civil and social maturity of a country, due, (...)
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  20. Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and Maternal Subjectivity.Alison Stone - 2011 - Routledge.
    In this book, Alison Stone develops a feminist approach to maternal subjectivity. Stone argues that in the West the self has often been understood in opposition to the maternal body, so that one must separate oneself from the mother and maternal care-givers on whom one depended in childhood to become a self or, in modernity, an autonomous subject. These assumptions make it difficult to be a mother and a subject, an autonomous creator of meaning. Insofar as mothers nonetheless strive (...)
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    Musha mukadzi: An African women’s religio-cultural resilience toolkit to endure pandemics.Martin Mujinga - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):7.
    Life among most African families and communities revolves around women. In both African religion and culture, women’s lives oscillate between two opposite extremes of being at the centre and periphery at the same time. Women are both the healers and the often wounded by the system that respects them when there are problems and displaces them whenever there are opportunities. Their central role is expressed by a Shona proverb musha mukadzi (the home is a woman). This proverb expresses how women (...)
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    Preface.Judith Gardiner & Neha Vora - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):8-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface At a time when access to safe abortions is being curtailed in the United States under the pretext of a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Feminist Studies issue focuses on abortion and women’s embodiment. The essays by Melissa Oliver-Powell, Rachel Alpha Johnston Hurst, and Jennifer L. Holland each contribute new approaches to the stillvexed topic of abortion, positioning movements for abortion access in relation to historical and (...)
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  23.  15
    Mindful Mothering.Sheryl Tuttle Ross - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff & Sheila Lintott (eds.), Motherhood ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 77–88.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Pregnancy and the First Noble Truth: Pain is Inevitable The Second Noble Truth: Pain Arises from Cravings and Attachment The Third Noble Truth: The End of Suffering is Possible, or How to Be a Feminist Buddhist Mommy Mommy Meditations Notes.
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    Postmenopausal motherhood: Immoral, illegal? A case study.Daniela Cutas - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (8):458–463.
    ABSTRACT The paper explores the ethics of post‐menopausal motherhood by looking at the case of Adriana Iliescu, the oldest woman ever to have given birth (so far 1). To this end, I will approach the three most common objections brought against the mother and/or against the team of healthcare professionals who made it happen: the age of the mother, the fact that she is single, the appropriateness of her motivation and of that of the medical team.
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    (1 other version)Motherhood - Philosophy for Everyone: The Birth of Wisdom.Fritz Allhoff & Sheila Lintott (eds.) - 2010 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    The complex world of motherhood is here unveiled. Covering issues ranging from whether we should occasionally lie to our children, to the unexpected challenges and complications of being a mother, _Motherhood - Philosophy for Everyone_ offers insightful, serious but often humorous essays that can be enjoyed by everyone - including husbands and fathers. Considers salient philosophical issues relating to pregnancy, birth, babycare, and raising a child Chapters include "The Days and Nights of a New Mother: Existentialism in the Nursery", (...)
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    Surrogate Motherhood.Rosemarie Tong - 2003 - In R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman (eds.), A Companion to Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 369–381.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Moral Arguments against and for Surrogate Motherhood Legal Remedies for Surrogate Motherhood Perspectives of Health‐care Practitioners on Surrogate Motherhood Perspectives of Society on Surrogate Motherhood Conclusion.
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    ‘Neoliberal motherhood’: workplace lactation and changing conceptions of working motherhood in the contemporary US.Kate Boyer - unknown
    Through an analysis of policy texts, population statistics and a targeted sample from the popular press, this paper both furthers knowledge about changing meanings of working motherhood in the contemporary US, and proposes a refinement to existing conceptual work relating to how wage-work and care-work are combined. I focus analysis on recent US social policy which grants new rights and protections for women seeking to combine lactation and wage-work (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2011). I critique (...)
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    Motherhood, mothering and care among Mongolian herder women.María E. Fernández-Giménez, Tugsbuyan Bayarbat, Chantsallkham Jamsranjav & Tungalag Ulambayar - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    As interest in women’s roles in agriculture increases, research on women livestock-keepers remains limited. Advances in feminist scholarship highlight farming women’s dual roles in agricultural production and biological and socio-cultural reproduction, including women’s uncompensated labor in child-bearing, child-rearing and home-making. To expand knowledge about women pastoralists’ lived experiences, we conducted life-history interviews with 25 herder women in two regions of Mongolia, following-up with participatory workshops in each region. As mothering and carework emerged as key themes, we drew on feminist care (...)
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    Motherhood and the moral load.Laura Frances Callahan - 2021 - Think 20 (58):55-68.
    Many of the decisions mothers face are morally intense. They're experienced as highly morally significant, and they are also often very morally complex, meaning that there aren't black-and-white, obvious answers to questions about what one morally may or must do. For example, I suggest that breastfeeding is complex in this way, despite a good deal of cultural pressure in favour of trying to do it. Acknowledging many of the decisions of motherhood as complex or as ‘grey areas’ is accurate, (...)
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    ‘Recombining’ biological motherhoods. Towards two ‘complete’ biological mothers.Emanuele Mangione - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Within feminist literature from the early 1970s to this day, assisted reproductive technologies have been largely known to divide, replace or eliminate biological motherhood. For example, while in the past biological motherhood was considered a continuous experience, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and IVF using egg donation allowed a split between two biological mothers, one providing eggs (genetic mother) and the other one gestation (gestational mother). This split was considered irreparable: the genetic mother could not be also gestational, and (...)
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    Surrogate motherhood regulation in South Africa: Medical and ethico-legal issues in need of reform.M. Labuschaigne, E. Auret & N. Mabeka - forthcoming - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law:e2482.
    Chapter 19 of the Children’s Act No. 32 of 2005 regulates the practice of surrogate motherhood in South Africa and provides legal certainty regarding the rights of the children born as a result of surrogacy, including the rights of the different parties involved. Despite the clarity regarding the legal consequences of human reproduction by artificial fertilisation of women acting as surrogate mothers, some legal gaps and inconsistencies regarding certain medical and ethico-legal issues remain. The purpose of this article is (...)
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    On Motherhood as Ambiguity and Transcendence: Reevaluating Motherhood through the Beauvoirian Erotic.Sara Cohen Shabot - 2021 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 13 (3):207-219.
    ABSTRACT This paper presents an analysis of motherhood as potentially ambiguous and empowering, using the Beauvoirian concept of the erotic. I argue that Beauvoir’s notion of the erotic can allow us to reevaluate “nonproductive,” repetitive, apparently immanent activities—such as going through pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, and raising a child—as projects through which we disclose freedom, and, thus, as projects that possibly lead to transcendence.It is often argued that Beauvoir considered these experiences to be ways of embracing immanence and avoiding (...)
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    Negotiating Motherhood: Variations of Maternal Identities among Women in the Illegal Drug Economy.Heidi Grundetjern - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (3):395-416.
    This study examines negotiations of motherhood among women in the illegal hard drug economy in Norway. Based on interviews with mothers who are users and dealers, this study analyzes four predominant maternal identities: grieving mothers, detached mothers, motherly dealers, and working mothers. Particularly relevant factors explaining variations in maternal identities include the timing of pregnancy, time spent with children, control over drug use, and place in the drug market hierarchy. By revealing patterns of intra-group variations by gender performances and (...)
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    Surrogate Motherhood: The Legal and Human Issues.Judith Wilson Ross, Barbara Katz Rothman & Martha A. Field - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (5):46.
    Book reviewed in this article: Recreating Motherhood: Ideology and Technology in Patriarchal Society. By Barbara Katz Rothman. Surrogate Motherhood: The Legal and Human Issues. By Martha A. Field.
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    Motherhood, Abortion, and the Medicalization of Poverty.Michelle Oberman - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):665-671.
    This article considers the impact of laws and policies that determine who experiences unplanned pregnancy, who has abortions, and how economic status shapes one's response to unplanned pregnancy. There is a well-documented correlation between abortion and poverty: poor women have more abortions than do their richer sisters. Equally well-documented is the correlation between unplanned pregnancy and poverty. Finally, the high cost of motherhood for poor women and their offspring manifests in disproportionately high lifelong rates of poverty, ill-health and mortality (...)
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    Embodied Motherhood: Women’s Feelings about Their Postpartum Bodies.Elena Neiterman & Bonnie Fox - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (5):670-693.
    Based on in-depth interviews, this article examines a sample of 48 Canadian women’s feelings about their changed postpartum bodies, their sense of self, and the factors that affect both. Our findings suggest that understanding women’s postpartum feelings requires contextualizing them in the work of infant care and women’s life circumstances, as well as ideologies about mothering and feminine appearance. Motherhood afforded the women in this study a new appreciation of their bodies, and a positive embodied sense of themselves, but (...)
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    Raising Responsibility: Motherhood and Moral Luck.Sheryl Tuttle Ross - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (1):56-69.
    This paper extends Claudia Card's account of agency in the face of moral luck in order to theoretically ground the activities of feminist mothers who endeavor to raise responsible human beings. The paper addresses those who mother in gray areas—areas where mothers are victims of the evils of the institution of motherhood while having authority and influence over their children. -/- .
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    Cutting Motherhood in Two: Some Suspicions Concerning Surrogacy.Hilde Lindemann Nelson & James Lindemann Nelson - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (3):85-94.
    Surrogate motherhood-at least if carefully structured to protect the interests of the women involved-seems defensible along standard liberal lines which place great stress on free agreements as moral bedrocks. But feminist theories have tended to be suspicious about the importance assigned to this notion by mainstream ethics, and in this paper, we develop implications of those suspicions for surrogacy. We argue that the practice is inconsistent with duties parents owe to children and that it compromises the freedom of surrogates (...)
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  39. Motherhood and Mistakes about Defeasible Duties to Benefit.Fiona Woollard - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (1):126-149.
    Discussion of the behaviour of pregnant women and mothers, in academic literature, medical advice given to mothers, mainstream media and social media, assumes that a mother who fails to do something to benefit her child is liable for moral criticism unless she can provide sufficient countervailing considerations to justify her decision. I reconstruct the normally implicit reasoning that leads to this assumption and show that it is mistaken. First, I show that the discussion assumes that if any action might benefit (...)
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    Idealized Motherhood: Examples of the Gendered Worldview of the Pastoral Letters.Annette Huizenga - 2021 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 75 (4):294-304.
    In the Pastoral Letters, the roles and practices of mothering in a domestic household serve as benchmarks for the general instructions on how “one ought to behave in the household of God”. This article examines several passages in 1–2 Timothy and Titus in which the author employs an idealized and stereotypical view of motherhood in order to persuade female believers to fulfill this socially-appropriate condition and to restrict them from leadership positions in the community.
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    Motherhood and Personhood: The Canonization of Gianna Beretta Molla and the Figurativization of Catholic Norms.Jenny Ponzo - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1369-1392.
    This paper considers the cause for canonization of Gianna Beretta Molla, a pediatrician who died in 1962 because during her pregnancy she refused medical treatment that would have caused her to abort. The acts of Gianna’s cause contribute to the creation of a specific example mirroring and sustaining the position adopted by the Church in the 1960s and 1970s in matters of abortion, motherhood, family, and right to life. These issues were particularly delicate in those years, when the Catholic (...)
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    Surrogacy and the Motherhood Question in Yoruba Culture.Oyekan Adeolu Oluwaseyi & Ani Amara Esther - 2018 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):26-32.
    One of the arguments against surrogacy is that it is harmful to both the surrogate mother and the child. Numerous strands of this argument are collectively referred to as the ‘harm factor’. A version of the argument says that surrogacy interrupts the Mother-fetal affection which develops between the surrogate mother and the child. If this is true, what implication does it have for the concept of motherhood? Does the biological connection between the fetus and the surrogate put the latter (...)
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    Motherhood and Apple Pie.Geoff Hodgson - 2000 - Journal of Critical Realism 3 (1):41-43.
  44. Motherhood and the Workings of Disgust.Sherri Irvin - 2011 - In Sheila Lintott & Maureen Sander-Staudt (eds.), Philosophical Inquiries into Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Mothering: Maternal Subjects. Routledge. pp. 79-90.
    I discuss two interrelated ways in which disgust functions in motherhood. First, relaxation of the mother’s sense of disgust allows her to nurture her child more effectively. Second, others’ responses of disgust are used to enforce social norms regarding the “good” mother. If the mother acquiesces, she must continually monitor and tidy her child, which may interfere with the child’s exploration of the world. If she does not, she is subject to ongoing signs that she is flawed or failing (...)
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  45. Motherhood, Sexuality, and Pregnant Embodiment: Twenty-Five Years of Gestation.Kelly Oliver - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (4):760-777.
    My essay is framed by Hypatia's first special issue on Motherhood and Sexuality at one end, and by the most recent special issue (as of this writing) on the work of Iris Young, whose work on pregnant embodiment has become canonical, at the other. The questions driving this essay are: When we look back over the last twenty-five years, what has changed in our conceptions of pregnancy and maternity, both in feminist theory and in popular culture? What aspects of (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Against Marriage and Motherhood.Claudia Card - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (3):1 - 23.
    This essay argues that current advocacy of lesbian and gay rights to legal marriage and parenthood insufficiently criticizes both marriage and motherhood as they are currently practiced and structured by Northern legal institutions. Instead we would do better not to let the State define our intimate unions and parenting would be improved if the power presently concentrated in the hands of one or two guardians were diluted and distributed through an appropriately concerned community.
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    Surrogate Motherhood Families.Olga B. A. Van den Akker - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This comprehensive book covers the research, theory, policy and practice context of unusual reproduction using third parties. Olga Van den Akker details the psychological adaptation required to continuing changes in public opinion, advances in technologies and new legislations in surrogate motherhood and discusses their impact at an individual, societal and global level. She describes the competing interests and interactions between legal, organisational, personal, social, psychological and cultural issues in relation to biological and genetic surrogate and commissioning parenthood. This book (...)
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    Fetal Motherhood: Toward a Compulsion to Generate Lives?Andrea L. Bonnicksen - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (1):19-30.
    A scientist at Edinburgh University announced in 1994 that he had removed ovaries from, mouse fetuses and transplanted them, to adult mice. The ovaries released eggs, and conceptions occurred. Although this was not the first such attempt with mice, the study attracted attention because the researcher suggested, that fetal to adult ovarian transplants were a theoretical possibility for humans. If aborted, fetuses were used, as egg sources in assisted conception, a new entity would arise: the never-born genetic mother. Using eggs (...)
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  49. Is Motherhood Compatible with Political Participation? Sophie de Grouchy’s Care-Based Republicanism.Sandrine Berges - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (1):47-60.
    Motherhood, as it is practiced, constitutes an obstacle to gender equality in political participation. Several options are available as a potential solution to this problem. One is to advice women not to become mothers, or if they do, to devote less time and energy to caring for their children. However this will have negative repercussions for those who need to be cared for, whether children, sick people or the elderly. A second solution is to reject the view that political (...)
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    Motherhood and the Machine.Miglena Nikolchina - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (2):62-69.
    In her conceptualization of the human as defined by the capacity for revolt Kristeva unavoidably touches upon issues of robotization, technology, and the virtual. The concepts of animal and machine, however, although they do appear occasionally and in important ways, are never at the focus of her inquiries and are absent in her “New Forms of Revolt.” Yet these two concepts to a large extent define the field of contemporary philosophical debates of the human giving rise to three major theoretical (...)
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