Results for 'doctrine, doctrinal deviation'

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  1.  21
    ‘Three Subsistences … One Substance’: the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Second London Confession.Steve Weaver - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (1):9-21.
    This article examines the doctrine of the Trinity taught in the Second London Confession of Faith of 1677. It begins by examining a trinitarian controversy among the Particular Baptists of England in the mid-seventeenth century. After outlining the doctrinal deviations of Thomas Collier, the article proceeds to describe some of the responses to Collier from the Particular Baptist community. In many ways the Second London Confession can be seen as a response to Collier. The article also explores the theology (...)
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    „Interpretative Play“ by Courts and their Doctrinal Assumptions.Giedrė Lastauskienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1343-1359.
    A practising lawyer is not always aware of the fact that case decisions are more determined by legal doctrine – attitudes of authoritative lawyers and scientific legal discussion of other forms – than by changes in positive law. Regulations of specific case decisions are directly reliant on the ideas and statements of legal discussions – as one of the factors influencing the decisions of the courts. During the twenty years of independence, the form, content and argumentation of the Lithuanian court (...)
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  3. On Thomas Aquinas' doctrine of materia signata.Dezhi Duan & Dunhua Zhao - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (4):552-562.
    Aquinas’ doctrine of materia signata or “designated matter” is an important deviation from the traditional doctrines on matter. Through in-depth typological and genetic analyses of the related concepts, this essay explores materia signata’s ontological qualities, generative mechanism and function, as well as its academic significance in the history of both Christian theology and Western philosophy.
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  4. Critique of the doctrine of inalienable, natural rights.Jeremy Bentham - unknown
    The Declaration of Rights -- I mean the paper published under that name by the French National Assembly in 1791 -- assumes for its subject-matter a field of disquisition as unbounded in point of extent as it is important in its nature. But the more ample the extent given to any proposition or string of propositions, the more difficult it is to keep the import of it confined without deviation, within the bounds of truth and reason. If in the (...)
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    " Disconnected at the.Catholic Social Doctrine - 2005 - In Nicholas Capaldi (ed.), Business and religion: a clash of civilizations? Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
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  6. Marţian iovan.Reflections On Christian, Democratic Doctrine & Social Action - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (23):159-165.
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  7. Organ donation and transplantation.Human Organs & Substituted Judgement Doctrine - 1984 - Bioethics Reporter 1 (1).
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  8. Aquinas, Thomas (1997) Aquinas on Creation. Trans. by Steven E. Baldner and William E. Carroll. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 166 pp. Audi, Robert (1997) Moral Knowledge and Ethical Character. New York: Oxford University Press, 304 pp. Bencivegna, Ermanno (1997) Freedom: A Dialogue. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett. [REVIEW]John Paul Ii & Christian Doctrine - 1998 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 43:191-193.
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    Grotius Resurgens⊕.Jonkheer W. J. M. Van Eysinga - 1980 - Grotiana 1 (1):5-15.
    The doctrine of international law, while proclaiming Grotius to be its Founding Father, has deviated on some important issues from the latter's teachings. However, the development of international law itself may force writers on international law to renew acquaintance with Grotius' own conceptions. This article tries to illustrate these conclusions by giving some examples.
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    Can Strict Criminal Liability for Responsible Corporate Officers be Justified by the Duty to Use Extraordinary Care?Kenneth W. Simons - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (3):439-454.
    The responsible corporate officer doctrine is, as a formal matter, an instance of strict criminal liability: the government need not prove the defendant’s mens rea in order to obtain a conviction, and the defendant may not escape conviction by proving lack of mens rea. Formal strict liability is sometimes consistent with retributive principles, especially when the strict liability pertains to the grading of an offense. But is strict liability consistent with retributive principles when it pertains, not to grading, but to (...)
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    Toward a Cognitive Science of Christianity.Justin L. Barrett - 2012 - In J. B. Stump & Alan G. Padgett (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 317-334.
    This chapter contains sections titled: * Cognitive Science of Religion in Brief * The Naturalness of Christianity * How Christianity Deviates from Natural Religion * Is Cognitive Science a Threat to Theism? * Conclusion * Notes * References * Further Reading.
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  12. Max Stirner as Hegelian.Lawrence S. Stepelevich - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46 (4):597.
    From its first appearance in 1844, Max Stirner’s major work, Der Einzige und sein Eigentum ,[1] has produced little agreement among its many interpreters. The very first of these interpreters was Friedrich Engels, who suggested that Stirner’s doctrines would be quite compatible with Benthamite utilitarianism, which he then admired, and even saw in these doctrines the potential of benefiting communism.[2] Marx, in short order, corrected this optimistic deviation, and then—with a surely repentant Engels—set forth the orthodox gospel for all (...)
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    Plato's Method in Timaeus.Aryeh Finkelberg - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (3):391-409.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Plato's Method in TimaeusAryeh FinkelbergIIn the long dispute between advocates of the metaphorical and the literal interpretations of the Timaeus creation story the exegetic potential of the dialogue has been exhaustively presented, yet with no decisive outcome,1 for, as has been repeatedly recognized, the issue can hardly be settled by a direct appeal to the text.2 This being the case, assistance has been sought in the evidence of Plato's (...)
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  14. Possible Worlds in the Tahafut al-tahafut: Averroes on Plenitude and Possibility.Taneli Kukkonen - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (3):329-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Possible Worlds in the Tahâfut al-tahâfut:Averroes on Plenitude and PossibilityTaneli Kukkonen1.It has become customary to credit John Duns Scotus with having first systematically laid out the basis for treating the modal terms as referring to synchronic alternative states of affairs. This has been viewed as constituting a genuine shift in modal paradigms, as no former model had included the idea of genuine synchronic alternative possibilities. Historians of modal logic (...)
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  15.  22
    The COVID-19 Pandemic and Debudgetisation of Polish Public Finances.Jolanta Szołno-Koguc - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):547-569.
    The aim of the article is to analyse the provisions regulating the organisation and principles of financial management of the COVID-19 Counteracting Fund in the context of progressive debudgetisation of public finances. The first part presents the concept, sources and effects of debudgetisation of public finances, with emphasis on earmarked funds as the basic example of this process. The second part assesses the regulations concerning the organisation and tasks of the COVID-19 Counteracting Fund, and presents the sources of financing and (...)
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    Total War.Sergej Cvetkovski - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):391-426.
    Total war continues to be a topic of debate and research in modern conflicts.Technological inventions and the interconnectedness of the global community amplifythe effect of the consequences of warfare. We reexamine the totality of modern armedconflicts through an analysis of the achievement and level of destruction that pose newethical, legal and political challenges. The author answers the questions about: the deeppsychological and political implications that extend beyond the battlefield that transmitin depth and encompass the entire (global) society. We define total (...)
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    Philosophic and clinical discourse of the twentieth century.V. M. Skyrtach, R. S. Martynov & A. O. Karpenko - 2016 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 10:17-23.
    The purpose is to identify common and distinctive features of concepts and methodology of the problem of subject within different discourses, implicitly or explicitly relevant to the definition of "clinical" mode of human existence. The research methodology combines techniques of discourse analysis and basic principles of historical and philosophical studies. Originality of the research lies in definition of the clinical philosophical discourse as a special communicative process, where utterances not only focus on disease syndromes, and reveal phenomenology of inner experience (...)
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  18. Man.Joseph Agassi - unknown
    1. The Real Claim of the Chicago School If anything dramatic has happened in economic theory over the last one hundred years – namely, since the advent of marginalism – then, everyone agrees, it was not the rise of the Chicago neo -classical school which, after all, only synthesized the various versions of marginalism, but the Keynesian Revolution. Assessments of this revolution were repeatedly invited, particularly by opponent, chiefly from Chicago. F. A. von Hayek has explicitly and bitterly blames Keynes (...)
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    Post-Hellenistic Philosophy: A Study of Its Development from the Stoics to Origen.R. W. Sharples - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (4):573-575.
    This is a relatively short but important book. Boys-Stones argues for the following : Both Platonists and Christians from the end of the first century A.D. onwards grounded the authority of a doctrine in its antiquity. Christian writers claimed that Christianity is the expression of an ancient wisdom from which both Judaism and pagan philosophy are deviations. Platonists claimed that Plato gave the fullest expression to an ancient wisdom also preserved, though less perfectly, in the supposed writings of Orpheus and (...)
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    Ab Uno Disce Omnes.Antonie Vos - 1999 - Bijdragen 60 (2):173-204.
    The premodern history of the European university can be divided into two triads of three centuries: the medieval university and the ‘medieval’ university of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. During these last three centuries Europe’s Christian university was a ‘confessional’ university: the catholic, Lutheran, reformed and Anglican university and the dissenter university of New England. The reformed university of these centuries offered a distinctive way of systematic thought. A specific doctrine of God was connected with a distinct ontology and (...)
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  21.  17
    The Death and Rebirth of Buddhism in Contemporary Japan.George Tanabe - 2007 - Buddhist Studies Review 23 (2):249-258.
    This paper examines the theme of the death and rebirth of Buddhism in contemporary Japan as treated in several works written by Buddhist priests, scholars, and writers for the general public. Though Buddhist rituals and customs are still widespread, most people and even many priests do not understand their meanings. This empty formalism is perceived as the death of Buddhism. There are many calls for reviving Buddhism, and they comprise two types. The first seeks the rebirth of Buddhism through socially (...)
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  22.  8
    The foundations of musical aesthetics.John Blackwood McEwen - 1917 - London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co..
    An excerpt from the INTRODUCTORY chapter: THE word "aesthetic," which originally meant perception by the senses, has had its meaning particularized so that it usually is associated with perception of a specific kind. In this sense it is applied to the appreciative attitude of the discerning mind towards the beautiful in art and in nature. Philosophy has spent not a little time and trouble on the attempt to formulate and define the essential nature of the beautiful; but what one regards (...)
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    A digressão sobre o conhecimento na Carta Sétima platônica.Henrique Guimarães - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):345-374.
    Na digressão da Carta Sétima (341c-d – 344d-e) Platão faz uma descrição do caminho filosófico e do limite dos discursos, sejam escritos ou falados, para se alcançar e comunicar o conhecimento dos seres e da virtude. A digressão critica a produção, por parte de Dionísio, jovem tirano de Siracusa, de um tratado sobre a filosofia platônica, visando suas ‘doutrinas’, como se já soubesse tudo sobre os princípios supremos da realidade. Nesse artigo pretendo ler a digressão acerca do conhecimento filosófico e (...)
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  24.  68
    Can Hume's Use of a Simple/Complex Distinction Be Made Consistent?David B. Hausman - 1988 - Hume Studies 14 (2):424-428.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:424 CAN HUME'S USE OF A SIMPLE/COMPLEX DISTINCTION BE MADE CONSISTENT? There is little doubt that Hume equivocates on the distinction between simple and complex impressions and ideas. Sometimes he identifies properties such as colors and shapes as simples. This is what he does, in fact, when he first introduces the distinction: Simple perceptions or impressions and ideas are such as admit of no distinction nor separation. The complex (...)
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  25.  24
    The Future of Democracy. Emancipatory Imagination and Reality of Capitalism in John Dewey's Later Works.Asim Mujkić - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):17-25.
    Što bi moglo poći krivo u liberalizmu, već je poodavno nagovješteno. Jedan od najvećih liberalnih mislilaca, John Dewey, napisao je niz tekstova u svojoj »kasnoj fazi« u kojima je jasno ukazao na apsolutistički defekt liberalističke doktrine koji je nevjerojatno aktualan i danas. Taj nam uvid može poslužiti kao upozorenje što bi liberali trebali izbjeći u budućnosti. U tekstu se analiziraju mogućnosti otvorene Deweyjevim ključnim stavom da se liberalizam mora obraniti od vlastitih esencijalističkih, odnosno apsolutističkih pretenzija. Jedan takav »de-esencijalizirani« liberalizam počiva (...)
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  26.  13
    The Doctrine of Moral Feeling.Keith Ward - 1972 - In The development of Kant's view of ethics. New York,: Humanities Press. pp. 21–33.
    There are many moral qualities which are valued in men. But the question of virtue, of the moral worth of the person as an agent, is quite a different question from that of whether or not he possesses these moral qualities. The problem with which Kant wrestled for many years was that of the nature of the relation between the ‘feeling’ and the ground or motivation of moral action. His Critical doctrine was that the moral feelings lie at the basis (...)
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  27.  11
    Measuring the distance between Locke and Toland: reason, revelation, and rejection during the Locke-Stillingfleet debate.Jonathan S. Marko - 2017 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Ever since Bishop Stillingfleet accused John Locke of having unwittingly paved the way with his Essay for the alleged heresy promulgated in John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious, the latter two thinkers and works have been consistently joined in histories of philosophy covering the rise of natural religion in England. While scholars have generally thought that Locke got the better of the good bishop in their subsequent written exchanges initiated by the charge, they appear merely to assume that Stillingfleet correctly read (...)
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    Rethinking Non-self.Tse-fu Kuan - 2009 - Buddhist Studies Review 26 (2):155-175.
    Scholars have pointed out that the arguments for not-self recurring in the Buddhist texts are meant to refute the “self” in the Upani?ads. The Buddha’s denial of the self, however, was not only pointed at Brahmanism, but also confronted various?rama?ic trends of thought against Brahmanism. This paper investigates the extant three versions of a Buddhist text which records a debate between the Buddha and Saccaka, an adherent of a certain?rama?ic sect, over the relationship of the self and the five aggregates. (...)
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  29. Fundamenta scientiae, 9, 1988, 189-202 (slightly revised) neo-classical economics as 18th century theory of.Joseph Agassi - manuscript
    1. The Real Claim of the Chicago School If anything dramatic has happened in economic theory over the last one hundred years – namely, since the advent of marginalism – then, everyone agrees, it was not the rise of the Chicago neo -classical school which, after all, only synthesized the various versions of marginalism, but the Keynesian Revolution. Assessments of this revolution were repeatedly invited, particularly by opponent, chiefly from Chicago. F. A. von Hayek has explicitly and bitterly blames Keynes (...)
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    The Salters’ Hall Controversy: Heresy, Subscription, or Both?Jesse F. Owens - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (1):35-52.
    The Salters’ Hall controversy was a watershed event in the history of English Dissent. Some historians have interpreted the controversy as an early sign of the theological demise of the English General Baptists and the English Presbyterians. Conversely, the controversy has also been used to demonstrate the theological steadfastness of the English Particular Baptists and Congregationalist in the eighteenth century. Yet some of the earliest accounts of the Salters’ Hall controversy maintain that the controversy was not about the doctrine of (...)
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  31. Choice-Based Cardinal Utility. A Tribute to Patrick Suppes.Jean Baccelli & Philippe Mongin - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (3):268-288.
    We reexamine some of the classic problems connected with the use of cardinal utility functions in decision theory, and discuss Patrick Suppes's contributions to this field in light of a reinterpretation we propose for these problems. We analytically decompose the doctrine of ordinalism, which only accepts ordinal utility functions, and distinguish between several doctrines of cardinalism, depending on what components of ordinalism they specifically reject. We identify Suppes's doctrine with the major deviation from ordinalism that conceives of utility functions (...)
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  32. The doctrine of double effect.David Simon Oderberg - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 324-330.
    Few moral theorists would disagree that the fundamental principle of morality – perhaps of practical rationality itself – is “ Do good and avoid evil. ” Yet along with such an uncontroversial principle comes a major question: Can you fulfi l both halves satisfactorily across your life as a moral agent? We all have opportunities to perform acts that do good with no accompanying evil, but these are not as common as we might think. We can avoid evil by doing (...)
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  33.  70
    Soviet legal philosophy.Hugh Webster Babb (ed.) - 1951 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
    The state, by V.I. Lenin.--The revolutionary part played by law and the state; a general doctrine of law, by P.I. Stuchka.--The theory of Petrazhitskii: Marxism and social ideology. Law, our law, foreign law, general law, by M.A. Reisner.--The general theory of law and Marxism, by E.B. Pashukanis.--The right deviation in the Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Political report of the Central (Party) Committee to the XVI Congress, 1930, by J.V. Stalin.-- The Soviet state and the revolution in law, by E.B. (...)
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    Sir Karl Popper and his philosophy of physics.Max Jammer - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (12):1357-1368.
    The eminent mathematical physicist Sir Hermann Bondi once said: “There is no more to science than its method, and there is no more to its method than Popper has said.” Indeed, many regard Sir Karl Raimund Popper the greatest philosopher of science in our generation. Much of what Popper “has said” refers to physics, but physicists, generally speaking, have little knowledge of what he has said. True, Popper's philosophy of science and, in particular, his realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics deviates (...)
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    Doctrine as security? A systematic theological critique of the operational theological framework of the controversial South African neo-Pentecostal prophets.Collium Banda - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-10.
    This research article uses the theoretical framework of doctrine as believer's security to critique the theological framework behind the controversial activities reported amongst some South African neo-Pentecostal prophets, which include feeding congregants with grass, spraying them with insecticides and sexual violation of women congregants. The framework of the article falls within the discipline of systematic theology by raising the importance for South African Christians to develop a critical doctrinal framework for protecting themselves from controversial NPPs. The following main question (...)
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  36.  45
    The Doctrine of Double Effect in U.S. Law.Michael E. Allsopp - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (1):31-40.
    The doctrine of double effect has a firm, respected position within Roman Catholic medical ethics. Neil M. Gorsuch, a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, believes that this doctrine also enjoys a central place within U.S. law. This essay examines and assesses Gorsuch’s thesis. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11.1 (Spring 2011): 31–40.
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    Filosofi e animali in Roma antica: Modelli di animalità e umanità in Lucrezio e Seneca by Fabio Tutrone (review).Jo-Ann Shelton - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (4):709-713.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Filosofi e animali in Roma antica: Modelli di animalità e umanità in Lucrezio e Seneca by Fabio TutroneJo-Ann SheltonFabio Tutrone. Filosofi e animali in Roma antica: Modelli di animalità e umanità in Lucrezio e Seneca. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Pavia 126. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2012. 388pp. Paper, €34.The last decade has witnessed a proliferation, in many academic disciplines including Classics, of research into (...)
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  38. Joint Doctrine Ontology: A Benchmark for Military Information Systems Interoperability.Peter Morosoff, Ron Rudnicki, Jason Bryant, Robert Farrell & Barry Smith - 2015 - In Peter Morosoff, Ron Rudnicki, Jason Bryant, Robert Farrell & Barry Smith (eds.), Joint Doctrine Ontology: A Benchmark for Military Information Systems Interoperability. CEUR vol. 1325. pp. 2-9.
    When the U.S. conducts warfare, elements of a force are drawn from different services and work together as a single team to accomplish an assigned mission. To achieve such unified action, it is necessary that the doctrines governing the actions of members of specific services be both consistent with and subservient to joint Doctrine. Because warfighting today increasingly involves not only live forces but also automated systems, unified action requires that information technology that is used in joint warfare must be (...)
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  39. Aporia and Philosophy: A Commentary on Plato's "Meno".Joe Mccoy - 2001 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This dissertation concerns the central role of aporia in philosophical thought and Platonic philosophy. In contrast with the standard sense of aporia as a perplexity that clears away an interlocutor's ignorance and pretension, I argue that aporia is a necessary step in the movement from ignorance to knowledge. Aporia thus involves a kind of understanding that in principle leads one out of perplexity to knowledge. This conception of aporia also reveals, I argue a connection between Platonic metaphysical doctrines, such as (...)
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  40. The doctrine of God and the crisis of modernity.Jared Michelson - 2025 - New York: T&T Clark.
    Michelson traces contemporary debates on the doctrine of God back in time to the philosophical critiques of Hume and Kant. Charnock, Schleiermacher and Barth each offered accounts of the doctrine of God. This book offers a critical evaluation of these accounts and demonstrates how they were responding to early modern critiques of the possibility of knowing God. Indeed, this work also highlights how these critics built their arguments on faulty interpretations of classical theological tradition. In doing so, this book carves (...)
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    Damnation & deviance: the Protestant ethic and the spirit of failure.Mordechai Rotenberg - 1978 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The Calvinist view that man is predestined to be among the elect or the damned has profoundly influenced not only our views of criminals and deviants, but also the theoretical basis of correctional methods and psychotherapeutic techniques. In this provocative and original volume, Mordechai Rotenberg examines the impact of Protestant doctrine on Western theories of deviance. He explores the inherent contradiction between Protestant ethics, with its view of human nature as predestinated, and the "people-changing" sciences.Rotenberg presents empirical studies that show (...)
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    The Doctrine of Theosis: A Transformational Union with Christ.Michael W. Austin - 2015 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 8 (2):172-186.
    The doctrine of theosis is receiving increased attention from contemporary evangelicals. In this paper, I explore theosis and its importance for our understanding and practice of the Christian moral and spiritual life. I discuss the connection between theosis and how we understand the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, and conclude with some practical applications related to this doctrine.
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    Lucrèce et la modernité: le vingtième siècle.Alain Gigandet (ed.) - 2013 - Paris: Armand Colin.
    La fortune à la fois littéraire et philosophique de Lucrèce ne s'est jamais démentie depuis la Renaissance. Mais comment notre temps a-t-il reçu le De rerum natura, ce poème didactique romain consacré à l'exposition de la physique d'Epicure? Si les contemporains ont exploré en historiens des aspects auparavant négligés ou minorés de la doctrine matérialiste exposée par Lucrèce (la théorie de l'imaginaire, l'analyse critique de l'amour), plusieurs d'entre eux sont entrés en un véritable dialogue spéculatif avec son poème, y cherchant (...)
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  44. Kant on the method of mathematics.Emily Carson - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):629-652.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kant on the Method of MathematicsEmily Carson1. INTRODUCTIONThis paper will touch on three very general but closely related questions about Kant’s philosophy. First, on the role of mathematics as a paradigm of knowledge in the development of Kant’s Critical philosophy; second, on the nature of Kant’s opposition to his Leibnizean predecessors and its role in the development of the Critical philosophy; and finally, on the specific role of intuition (...)
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  45. Three Remarks on “Reflective Equilibrium“.Dietmar Hübner - 2017 - Philosophical Inquiry 41 (1):11-40.
    John Rawls’ “reflective equilibrium” ranges amongst the most popular conceptions in contemporary ethics when it comes to the basic methodological question of how to justify and trade off different normative positions and attitudes. Even where Rawls’ specific contractualist account is not adhered to, “reflective equilibrium” is readily adopted as the guiding idea of coherentist approaches, seeking moral justification not in a purely deductive or inductive manner, but in some balancing procedure that will eventually procure a stable adjustment of relevant doctrines (...)
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    The doctrine of God: a global introduction.Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen - 2017 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic.
    In recent years, the doctrine of God has once again become a central focus of theological discussion and debate. Internationally respected scholar Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen offers a global survey of understandings of God in Scripture, Christian history, and contemporary theology. This new edition incorporates developments in theological research over the past decade and has been substantially updated throughout.
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  47. (1 other version)A new critique of theological interpretations of physical cosmology.A. Grünbaum - 2000 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (1):1-43.
    This paper is a sequel to my 'Theological Misinterpretations of Current Physical Cosmology' (Foundations of Physics [1996], 26 (4); revised in Philo [1998], 1 (1)). There I argued that the Big Bang models of (classical) general relativity theory, as well as the original 1948 versions of the steady state cosmology, are each logically incompatible with the time-honored theological doctrine that perpetual divine creation ('creatio continuans') is required in each of these two theorized worlds. Furthermore, I challenged the perennial theological doctrine (...)
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  48.  31
    Постметафізична онтологія та прагматика філософсько-клінічного дискурсу.Violeta Skyrtach & Vasyl Gontar - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):115-119.
    The purpose is to identify common and distinctive features of concepts and methodology of the problem of subject within different discourses, implicitly or explicitly relevant to the definition of "clinical" mode of human existence. The research methodology combines techniques of discourse analysis and basic principles of historical and philosophical studies. Scientific novelty of the research lies in definition of the clinical philosophical discourse as a special communicative process, where utterances not only focus on disease syndromes, and reveal phenomenology of inner (...)
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    The Doctrine of Illicit Intentions.Alec Walen - 2005 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (1):39-67.
    According to the Doctrine of Illicit Intentions, it is impermissible both to form and then to act on an illicit intention. An intention is illicit, roughly, if it causes the agent who has it to be, in a certain way, disposed to perform actions that are impermissible. If the range of actions an agent might be directed to perform by an intention includes impermissible actions, then it may be impermissible to form or act on that intention even if, in the (...)
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    The legacy of Jean Bodin: absolutism, populism or constitutionalism?J. H. M. Salmon - 1996 - History of Political Thought 17 (4):500-522.
    It is given to few political thinkers to be at once as innovative and as self- contradictory as Jean Bodin. This paper examines the way in which a number of his ideas were developed in the seventeenth century, and attempts made, principally in Germany, the Netherlands and England, either to reconcile apparent contradictions within his thought or to exploit their ambiguity for political advantage. Elsewhere in Western Europe there was a more hostile response. In Counter-Reformation Spain Bodin was almost universally (...)
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