Results for 'elementary embedding'

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  1.  76
    (1 other version)Elementary embeddings and infinitary combinatorics.Kenneth Kunen - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):407-413.
    One of the standard ways of postulating large cardinal axioms is to consider elementary embeddings,j, from the universe,V, into some transitive submodel,M. See Reinhardt–Solovay [7] for more details. Ifjis not the identity, andκis the first ordinal moved byj, thenκis a measurable cardinal. Conversely, Scott [8] showed that wheneverκis measurable, there is suchjandM. If we had assumed, in addition, that, thenκwould be theκth measurable cardinal; in general, the wider we assumeMto be, the largerκmust be.
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  2. On elementary embeddings from an inner model to the universe.J. Vickers & P. D. Welch - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1090-1116.
    We consider the following question of Kunen: Does Con(ZFC + ∃M a transitive inner model and a non-trivial elementary embedding j: M $\longrightarrow$ V) imply Con (ZFC + ∃ a measurable cardinal)? We use core model theory to investigate consequences of the existence of such a j: M → V. We prove, amongst other things, the existence of such an embedding implies that the core model K is a model of "there exists a proper class of almost (...)
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  3.  29
    Nonabsoluteness of elementary embeddings.Friedrich Wehrung - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):774-778.
    Ifκis a measurable cardinal, let us say that a measure onκis aκ-complete nonprincipal ultrafilter onκ. IfUis a measure onκ, letjUbe the canonical elementary embedding ofVinto its Ultrapower UltU. Ifxis a set, say thatUmovesxwhenjU≠x; say thatκmovesxwhen some measure onκmovesx. Recall Kunen's lemma : “Every ordinal is moved only by finitely many measurable cardinals.” Kunen's proof and Fleissner's proof are essentially nonconstructive.The following proposition can be proved by using elementary facts about iterated ultrapowers.Proposition.Let ‹Un: n ∈ ω› be a (...)
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  4.  36
    On colimits and elementary embeddings.Joan Bagaria & Andrew Brooke-Taylor - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (2):562-578.
    We give a sharper version of a theorem of Rosický, Trnková and Adámek [13], and a new proof of a theorem of Rosický [12], both about colimits in categories of structures. Unlike the original proofs, which use category-theoretic methods, we use set-theoretic arguments involving elementary embeddings given by large cardinals such as $\alpha$-strongly compact and $C^{(n)}$-extendible cardinals.
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  5.  95
    Lifting elementary embeddings j: V λ → V λ. [REVIEW]Paul Corazza - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (2):61-72.
    We describe a fairly general procedure for preserving I3 embeddings j: V λ → V λ via λ-stage reverse Easton iterated forcings. We use this method to prove that, assuming the consistency of an I3 embedding, V = HOD is consistent with the theory ZFC + WA where WA is an axiom schema in the language {∈, j} asserting a strong but not inconsistent form of “there is an elementary embedding V → V”. This improves upon an (...)
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  6.  1
    The Uniqueness of Elementary Embeddings.Gabriel Goldberg - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1430-1454.
    Much of the theory of large cardinals beyond a measurable cardinal concerns the structure of elementary embeddings of the universe of sets into inner models. This paper seeks to answer the question of whether the inner model uniquely determines the elementary embedding.
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  7.  64
    Perfect trees and elementary embeddings.Sy-David Friedman & Katherine Thompson - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):906-918.
    An important technique in large cardinal set theory is that of extending an elementary embedding j: M → N between inner models to an elementary embedding j*: M[G] → N[G*] between generic extensions of them. This technique is crucial both in the study of large cardinal preservation and of internal consistency. In easy cases, such as when forcing to make the GCH hold while preserving a measurable cardinal (via a reverse Easton iteration of α-Cohen forcing for (...)
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  8.  32
    Iterated elementary embeddings and the model theory of infinitary logic.John T. Baldwin & Paul B. Larson - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (3):309-334.
  9.  17
    Reflection of elementary embedding axioms on the L[Vλ+1] hierarchy.Richard Laver - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 107 (1-3):227-238.
    Say that the property Φ of a cardinal λ strongly implies the property Ψ. If and only if for every λ,Φ implies that Ψ and that for some λ′<λ,Ψ. Frequently in the hierarchy of large cardinal axioms, stronger axioms strongly imply weaker ones. Some strong implications are proved between axioms of the form “there is an elementary embedding j:Lα[Vλ+1]→Lα[Vλ+1] with ”.
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  10.  50
    The spectrum of elementary embeddings j: V→ V.Paul Corazza - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 139 (1):327-399.
    In 1970, K. Kunen, working in the context of Kelley–Morse set theory, showed that the existence of a nontrivial elementary embedding j:V→V is inconsistent. In this paper, we give a finer analysis of the implications of his result for embeddings V→V relative to models of ZFC. We do this by working in the extended language , using as axioms all the usual axioms of ZFC , along with an axiom schema that asserts that j is a nontrivial (...) embedding. Without additional axiomatic assumptions on j, we show that that the resulting theory is weaker than an ω-Erdös cardinal, but stronger than n-ineffables. We show that natural models of ZFC+BTEE give rise to Schindler’s remarkable cardinals. The approach to inconsistency from ZFC+BTEE forks into two paths: extensions of ZFC+BTEE+Cofinal Axiom and ZFC+BTEE+¬Cofinal Axiom, where Cofinal Axiom asserts that the critical sequence is cofinal in the ordinals. We describe near-minimal inconsistent extensions of each of these theories. The path toward inconsistency from ZFC+BTEE+¬Cofinal Axiom is paved with a sequence of theories of increasing large cardinal strength. Indeed, the extensions of the theory ZFC +“j is a nontrivial elementary embedding” form a hierarchy of axioms, ranging in strength from Con to the existence of a cardinal that is super-n-huge for every n, to inconsistency. This hierarchy is parallel to the usual hierarchy of large cardinal axioms, and can be used in the same way. We also isolate several intermediate-strength axioms which, when added to ZFC+BTEE, produce theories having strengths in the vicinity of a measurable cardinal of high Mitchell order, a strong cardinal, ω Woodin cardinals, and n-huge cardinals. We also determine precisely which combinations of axioms, of the form result in inconsistency. (shrink)
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  11.  27
    Elementary embeddings and games in adapted probability logic.Sergio Fajardo - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (1):49-58.
  12.  37
    Infinitary Jónsson functions and elementary embeddings.Masahiro Shioya - 1994 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 33 (2):81-86.
    We give an extender characterization of a very strong elementary embedding between transitive models of set theory, whose existence is known as the axiom I2. As an application, we show that the positive solution of a partition problem raised by Magidor would refute it.
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  13.  89
    Elementary embedding between countable Boolean algebras.Robert Bonnet & Matatyahu Rubin - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1212-1229.
    For a complete theory of Boolean algebras T, let MT denote the class of countable models of T. For B1, B2 ∈ MT, let B1 ≤ B2 mean that B1 is elementarily embeddable in B2. Theorem 1. For every complete theory of Boolean algebras T, if T ≠ Tω, then $\langle M_T, \leq\rangle$ is well-quasi-ordered. ■ We define Tω. For a Boolean algebra B, let I(B) be the ideal of all elements of the form a + s such that $B\upharpoonright (...)
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  14.  30
    Co-critical points of elementary embeddings.Michael Sheard - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1):220-226.
    Probably the two most famous examples of elementary embeddings between inner models of set theory are the embeddings of the universe into an inner model given by a measurable cardinal and the embeddings of the constructible universeLinto itself given by 0#. In both of these examples, the “target model” is a subclass of the “ground model”. It is not hard to find examples of embeddings in which the target model is not a subclass of the ground model: ifis a (...)
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  15. Indescribable cardinals and elementary embeddings.Kai Hauser - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (2):439-457.
  16.  36
    On generic elementary embeddings.Moti Gitik - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):700-707.
  17. Elementary embeddings and games in adapted probability logic Sergio Fajardo Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia Received October 25, 1989. [REVIEW]Sergio Fajardo - 1991 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30:49.
  18.  33
    Chang’s conjecture, generic elementary embeddings and inner models for huge cardinals.Matthew Foreman - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):251-269.
    We introduce a natural principleStrong Chang Reflectionstrengthening the classical Chang Conjectures. This principle is between a huge and a two huge cardinal in consistency strength. In this note we prove that it implies the existence of an inner model with a huge cardinal. The technique we explore for building inner models with huge cardinals adapts to show thatdecisiveideals imply the existence of inner models with supercompact cardinals. Proofs for all of these claims can be found in [10].1,2.
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  19.  75
    Strongly compact cardinals, elementary embeddings and fixed points.Yoshihiro Abe - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):808-812.
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  20.  47
    Generic extensions and elementary embeddings.Claes Åberg - 1975 - Theoria 41 (2):96-104.
  21.  33
    Kenneth Kunen. Elementary embeddings and infinitary combinatorics. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 36, no. 3 , pp. 407–413.James E. Baumgartner - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):331.
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  22.  48
    Double helix in large large cardinals and iteration of elementary embeddings.Kentaro Sato - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 146 (2):199-236.
    We consider iterations of general elementary embeddings and, using this notion, point out helices of consistency-wise implications between large large cardinals.Up to now, large cardinal properties have been considered as properties which cannot be accessed by any weaker properties and it has been known that, with respect to this relation, they form a proper hierarchy. The helices we point out significantly change this situation: the same sequence of large cardinal properties occurs repeatedly, changing only the parameters.As results of our (...)
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  23.  31
    Supercompact cardinals, elementary embeddings and fixed points.Julius B. Barbanel - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (1):84-88.
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  24.  39
    Critical points in an algebra of elementary embeddings.Randall Dougherty - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65 (3):211-241.
    Dougherty, R., Critical points in an algebra of elementary embeddings, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65 211-241.Given two elementary embeddings from the collection of sets of rank less than λ to itself, one can combine them to obtain another such embedding in two ways: by composition, and by applying one to the other. Hence, a single such nontrivial embedding j generates an algebra of embeddings via these two operations, which satisfies certain laws . Laver has (...)
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  25.  38
    Skolem functions and elementary embeddings.Julia F. Knight - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (1):94-98.
  26.  45
    Applications of pcf for mild large cardinals to elementary embeddings.Moti Gitik & Saharon Shelah - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (9):855-865.
    The following pcf results are proved:1. Assume thatκ>ℵ0κ>ℵ0is a weakly compact cardinal. Letμ>2κμ>2κbe a singular cardinal of cofinality κ. Then for every regularView the MathML sourceλ sup{suppcfσ⁎-complete|a⊆Reg∩and|a|<μ}.Turn MathJax onAs an application we show that:if κ is a measurable cardinal andj:V→Mj:V→Mis the elementary embedding by a κ-complete ultrafilter over κ, then for every τ the following holds:1. ifjjis a cardinal thenj=τj=τ;2. |j|=|j)||j|=|j)|;3. for any κ-complete ultrafilter W on κ, |j|=|jW||j|=|jW|.The first two items provide affirmative answers to questions from Gitik (...)
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  27.  3
    On the consistency of ZF with an elementary embedding from [math] into [math].Farmer Schlutzenberg - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. According to a theorem due to Kenneth Kunen, under ZFC, there is no ordinal [math] and nontrivial elementary embedding [math]. His proof relied on the Axiom of Choice (AC), and no proof from ZF alone is has been discovered. [math] is the assertion, introduced by Hugh Woodin, that [math] is an ordinal and there is an elementary embedding [math] with critical point [math]. And [math] asserts that [math] holds for (...)
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  28.  9
    On the consistency of ZF with an elementary embedding from Vλ+2 into Vλ+2.Farmer Schlutzenberg - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    According to a theorem due to Kenneth Kunen, under ZFC, there is no ordinal [Formula: see text] and nontrivial elementary embedding [Formula: see text]. His proof relied on the Axiom of Choice (AC), and no proof from ZF alone is has been discovered. [Formula: see text] is the assertion, introduced by Hugh Woodin, that [Formula: see text] is an ordinal and there is an elementary embedding [Formula: see text] with critical point [Formula: see text]. And [Formula: (...)
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  29.  51
    Strong axioms of infinity and elementary embeddings.Robert M. Solovay - 1978 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 13 (1):73.
  30.  41
    Embeddings between the elementary ontology with an atom and the monadic second-order predicate logic.Mitio Takano - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (3):247 - 253.
    Let EOA be the elementary ontology augmented by an additional axiom S (S S), and let LS be the monadic second-order predicate logic. We show that the mapping which was introduced by V. A. Smirnov is an embedding of EOA into LS. We also give an embedding of LS into EOA.
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  31.  88
    Robert M. Solovay, William N. Reinhardt, and Akihiro Kanamori. Strong axioms of infinity and elementary embeddings. Annals of mathematical logic, vol. 13 , pp. 73–116. - Menachem Magidor. HOW large is the first strongly compact cardinal? or A study on identity crises. Annals of mathematical logic, vol. 10 , pp. 33–57. [REVIEW]Carlos Augusto Di Prisco - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1066-1068.
  32. CUMMINGS, J., Possible behaviours for the Mitchell ordering DOUGHERTY, R., Critical points in an algebra of elementary embeddings DOWNEY, R. and STOB, M., Splitting theorems in recursion theory. [REVIEW]J. Vaananen - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65:307.
  33.  91
    Richard Laver. The left distributive law and the freeness of an algebra of elementary embeddings. Advances in mathematics, vol. 91 , pp. 209–231. - Richard Laver. A division algorithm for the free left distributive algebra. Logic Colloquium '90, ASL summer meeting in Helsinki, edited by J. Oikkonen and J. Väänänen, Lecture notes in logic, no. 2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, etc., 1993, pp. 155–162. - Richard Laver. On the algebra of elementary embeddings of a rank into itself. Advances in mathematics, vol. 110 , pp. 334–346. - Richard Laver. Braid group actions on left distributive structures, and well orderings in the braid groups. Journal of pure and applied algebra, vol. 108 , pp. 81–98. - Patrick Dehornoy. An alternative proof of Laver's results on the algebra generated by an elementary embedding. Set theory of the continuum, edited by H. Judah, W. Just, and H. Woodin, Mathematics Sciences Research Institute publications, vol. 26, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin. [REVIEW]Aleš Drápal - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (4):555-560.
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  34.  68
    George Boolos. The iterative conception of set. The journal of philosophy, vol. 68 , pp. 215–231. - Dana Scott. Axiomatizing set theory. Axiomatic set theory, edited by Thomas J. Jech, Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics, vol. 13 part 2, American Mathematical Society, Providence1974, pp. 207–214. - W. N. Reinhardt. Remarks on reflection principles, large cardinals, and elementary embeddings. Axiomatic set theory, edited by Thomas J. Jech, Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics, vol. 13 part 2, American Mathematical Society, Providence1974, pp. 189–205. - W. N. Reinhardt. Set existence principles of Shoenfield, Ackermann, and Powell. Fundament a mathematicae, vol. 84 , pp. 5–34. - Hao Wang. Large sets. Logic, foundations of mathematics, and computahility theory. Part one of the proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, London, Ontario, Canada–1975, edited by Robert E. Butts and Jaakko Hintikka, The University of Western. [REVIEW]John P. Burgess - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):544-547.
  35.  56
    Embedding the elementary ontology of stanisław leśniewski into the monadic second-order calculus of predicates.V. A. Smirnov - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (2-3):197 - 207.
    LetEO be the elementary ontology of Leniewski formalized as in Iwanu [1], and letLS be the monadic second-order calculus of predicates. In this paper we give an example of a recursive function , defined on the formulas of the language ofEO with values in the set of formulas of the language of LS, such that EO A iff LS (A) for each formulaA.
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  36.  57
    Strict embedding of the elementary ontology into the monadic second-order calculus of predicates admitting the empty individual domain.Vladimir A. Smirnov - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (1):1 - 15.
    There is given the proof of strict embedding of Leniewski's elementary ontology into monadic second-order calculus of predicates providing a formalization of the class of all formulas valid in all domains (including the empty one). The elementary ontology with the axiom S (S S) is strictly embeddable into monadic second-order calculus of predicates which provides a formalization of the classes of all formulas valid in all non-empty domains.
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  37.  25
    Thomas J. Jech. Two remarks on elementary embeddings of the universe. Pacific journal of mathematics, vol. 39 , pp. 395–400. [REVIEW]Richard Mansfield - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (2):335-336.
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  38.  18
    Embeddings Into Outer Models.Monroe Eskew & Sy-David Friedman - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1301-1321.
    We explore the possibilities for elementary embeddings $j : M \to N$, where M and N are models of ZFC with the same ordinals, $M \subseteq N$, and N has access to large pieces of j. We construct commuting systems of such maps between countable transitive models that are isomorphic to various canonical linear and partial orders, including the real line ${\mathbb R}$.
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  39.  23
    "[Product]"¹1-complete families of elementary sequences.Patrick Dehornoy - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 38 (3):257.
    If $j$ is an iterable elementary embedding of a model of ZFC into one of its submodels, and, for $\gamma: \omega\to\omega$, one defines $j_\gamma$ to be the sequence whose $n$th entry is the $\gamma(n)$th iterate of $j$, then the family of all sequences $j_\gamma$ is $\Pi_1^1$-complete.
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  40.  26
    A Correction to "Embedding the Elementary Ontology of Stanisław Leśniewski into the Monadic Second-Order Calculus of Predicates".V. A. Smirnov - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (2):231 -.
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  41.  91
    An elementary approach to the fine structure of L.Sy D. Friedman & Peter Koepke - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (4):453-468.
    We present here an approach to the fine structure of L based solely on elementary model theoretic ideas, and illustrate its use in a proof of Global Square in L. We thereby avoid the Lévy hierarchy of formulas and the subtleties of master codes and projecta, introduced by Jensen [3] in the original form of the theory. Our theory could appropriately be called ”Hyperfine Structure Theory”, as we make use of a hierarchy of structures and hull operations which refines (...)
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  42. Elementary chains and C (n)-cardinals.Konstantinos Tsaprounis - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (1-2):89-118.
    The C (n)-cardinals were introduced recently by Bagaria and are strong forms of the usual large cardinals. For a wide range of large cardinal notions, Bagaria has shown that the consistency of the corresponding C (n)-versions follows from the existence of rank-into-rank elementary embeddings. In this article, we further study the C (n)-hierarchies of tall, strong, superstrong, supercompact, and extendible cardinals, giving some improved consistency bounds while, at the same time, addressing questions which had been left open. In addition, (...)
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  43.  35
    Reconstructing the Topology of the Elementary Self-embedding Monoids of Countable Saturated Structures.Christian Pech & Maja Pech - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (3):595-613.
    Every transformation monoid comes equipped with a canonical topology, the topology of pointwise convergence. For some structures, the topology of the endomorphism monoid can be reconstructed from its underlying abstract monoid. This phenomenon is called automatic homeomorphicity. In this paper we show that whenever the automorphism group of a countable saturated structure has automatic homeomorphicity and a trivial center, then the monoid of elementary self-embeddings has automatic homeomorphicity, too. As a second result we strengthen a result by Lascar by (...)
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  44.  73
    Extenders, Embedding Normal Forms, and the Martin-Steel-Theorem.Peter Koepke - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):1137-1176.
    We propose a simple notion of "extender" for coding large elementary embeddings of models of set theory. As an application we present a self-contained proof of the theorem by D. Martin and J. Steel that infinitely many Woodin cardinals imply the determinacy of every projective set.
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  45.  47
    Regular embeddings of the stationary tower and Woodin's Σ 2 2 maximality theorem.Richard Ketchersid, Paul B. Larson & Jindřich Zapletal - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (2):711-727.
    We present Woodin's proof that if there exists a measurable Woodin cardinal δ, then there is a forcing extension satisfying all $\Sigma _{2}^{2}$ sentences ϕ such that CH + ϕ holds in a forcing extension of V by a partial order in V δ . We also use some of the techniques from this proof to show that if there exists a stationary limit of stationary limits of Woodin cardinals, then in a homogeneous forcing extension there is an elementary (...)
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  46.  18
    Rank-to-rank embeddings and steel’s conjecture.Gabriel Goldberg - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):137-147.
    This paper establishes a conjecture of Steel [7] regarding the structure of elementary embeddings from a level of the cumulative hierarchy into itself. Steel’s question is related to the Mitchell order on these embeddings, studied in [5] and [7]. Although this order is known to be illfounded, Steel conjectured that it has certain large wellfounded suborders, which is what we establish. The proof relies on a simple and general analysis of the much broader class of extender embeddings and a (...)
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  47.  17
    Self-Embeddings of Models of Arithmetic; Fixed Points, Small Submodels, and Extendability.Saeideh Bahrami - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (3):1044-1066.
    In this paper we will show that for every cut I of any countable nonstandard model $\mathcal {M}$ of $\mathrm {I}\Sigma _{1}$, each I-small $\Sigma _{1}$ -elementary submodel of $\mathcal {M}$ is of the form of the set of fixed points of some proper initial self-embedding of $\mathcal {M}$ iff I is a strong cut of $\mathcal {M}$. Especially, this feature will provide us with some equivalent conditions with the strongness of the standard cut in a given countable (...)
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  48.  21
    Some Stable Non-Elementary Classes of Modules.Marcos Mazari-Armida - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):93-117.
    Fisher [10] and Baur [6] showed independently in the seventies that if T is a complete first-order theory extending the theory of modules, then the class of models of T with pure embeddings is stable. In [25, 2.12], it is asked if the same is true for any abstract elementary class $(K, \leq _p)$ such that K is a class of modules and $\leq _p$ is the pure submodule relation. In this paper we give some instances where this is (...)
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  49.  68
    Some elementary results in intutionistic model theory.Wim Veldman & Frank Waaldijk - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):745-767.
    We establish constructive refinements of several well-known theorems in elementary model theory. The additive group of the real numbers may be embedded elementarily into the additive group of pairs of real numbers, constructively as well as classically.
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  50.  63
    Embedding Coordinates for the Well-Dressed Quark.John P. Ralston - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (4):493-518.
    Traditional lore holds that there is only one way to represent local symmetry, leading to practically unique gauge theories. However there is more than one path to local symmetry. Here I discuss expressing the theory of dressed quarks, gluons and other particles using new variables. The gauge sector is expressed with fields ea μ which transform homogeneously like matter fields under the gauge group. Consistency requires further embedding in a larger global group. Many interesting topics of gauge theories, from (...)
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