Results for 'elliptic Fourier analysis'

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  1. Cultural Identity and Intergroup Conflicts: Testing Parochial Altruism Model via Archaeological Data.Hisashi Nakao - 2023 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 32:75-87.
    The present research used archaeological data, i.e., the data obtained from kamekan jar burials in the Mikuni Hills of the northern Kyushu area in the Mid- dle Yayoi period, to test the parochial altruism model. This model argued that out-group hate and in-group favor coevolved via prehistoric intergroup conflicts. If this model is accurate, such an out-group hate and in-group favor could be re- flected in the archaeological remains, such as pottery making; the more frequent intergroup conflicts are and the (...)
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  2. Is Fourier Analysis Conservative over Physical Theory?Nicholas Danne - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
    Hartry Field argues that conservative rather than true mathematical sentences facilitate deductions in nominalist (i.e., abstracta-free) science without prejudging its empirical outcomes. In this paper, I identify one branch of mathematics as nonconservative, for its indispensable role in enabling nominalist language about a fundamental scientific property, in a fictional scientific community. The fundamental property is electromagnetic reflectance, and the mathematics is Fourier analysis, which renders reflectance ascribable, and nominalist reflectance claims utterable, by this community. Using a recent characterization (...)
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    Results of fourier analysis and line breadth measurements on molybdenum filings.O. P. Agnihotri - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (89):741-751.
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  4. Spatial and spatial frequency characteristics of receptive fields of the visual cortex and piecewise Fourier analysis.V. D. Glezer - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson, Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley. pp. 265--272.
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    Antiplane analysis for an elliptical inclusion in 1D hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystal composites.Junhong Guo, Zhiying Zhang & Yongming Xing - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (4):349-369.
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  6. The analysis of the synthesis of the analysis... two moments of a chiasmus: Viete and Fourier.J. Dhombres - forthcoming - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
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    Incomplete descriptions: problems of elliptical analysis, situation semantics and relevance.Roger Vergauwen & Raymond Lam - 2002 - Logique Et Analyse 45 (177-178):129-153.
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    Kepler, elliptical orbits, and celestial circularity: A study in the persistence of metaphysical commitment.J. Bruce Brackenridge - 1982 - Annals of Science 39 (2):117-143.
    SummaryThe metaphysical commitment to the circle as the essential element in the analysis of celestial motion has long been recognized as the hallmark of classical astronomy. What has not always been clear, however, is that the circle continued to serve Kepler as a central element in his astronomy after the discovery of the elliptical orbit of Mars. Moreover, the circle also functioned for Kepler in geometry to select the basic polygons, in music to select the basic harmonies, and in (...)
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    Kepler, elliptical orbits, and celestial circularity: A study in the persistece of metaphysical commitment.J. Bruce Brackenridge - 1982 - Annals of Science 39 (3):265-295.
    The metaphysical commitment to the circle as the essential element in the analysis of celestial motion has long been recognized as the hallmark of classical astronomy. Part I of this paper contains...
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    Assessment of the Effects of Sensory Perturbations using Fourier–Bessel Expansion Method for Postural Stability Analysis.David Hewson & Ram Bilas Pachori - 2011 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 20 (2):167-186.
    Center of pressure measurements are often used to identify balance problems. A new method for COP signal analysis using mean frequency is proposed in this paper. The computation of mean frequency is based on the Fourier–Bessel expansion that is suitable for use in non-stationary COP signals. In addition, FB expansion provides better frequency resolution and low frequency detectability. Seventeen subjects were tested under eyes open and eyes closed conditions, with different vibration frequencies applied for the eyes closed condition (...)
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    Marx on the Dialectics of Elliptical Motion.Thomas Weston - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (4):3-38.
    It is a widespread view that Marx did not apply dialectics to nature, and that Engels’s writings on this subject are a distortion of his outlook. This paper examines Marx’s discussion of elliptical motion and some other physical phenomena, and shows that he did indeed find contradictions and oppositions in nature, and thus recognised a dialectics of nature. In addition to analysing relevant passages in Marx’s texts, his study of the physics and mathematics of elliptical motion is reviewed and compared (...)
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  12.  21
    Variations on a theme: Clifford’s parallelism in elliptic space.Alberto Cogliati - 2015 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 69 (4):363-390.
    In 1873, W. K. Clifford introduced a notion of parallelism in the three-dimensional elliptic space that, quite surprisingly, exhibits almost all properties of Euclidean parallelism in ordinary space. The purpose of this paper is to describe the genesis of this notion in Clifford’s works and to provide a historical analysis of its reception in the investigations of F. Klein, L. Bianchi, G. Fubini, and E. Bortolotti. Special emphasis is placed upon the important role that Clifford’s parallelism played in (...)
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    Joseph Fourier, 1768-1830: A Survey of His Life and Work.Ivor Grattan-Guiness & Jerome R. Ravetz - 2003 - MIT Press.
    Beyond being the first substantial publication on Fourier, this work contains the text of Fourier's seminal paper of 1807 on the propagation of heat, marking the first time it has ever appeared in print. This paper incorporates many of the mathematical creations on which Fourier's fame rests, including derivation of the diffusion equation, the separation of the treatment of surface phenomena from internal phenomena, the use of boundary values and initial conditions, and the development of "Fourier (...)
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    Space distribution of EEG responses to hanoi-moving visual and auditory stimulation with Fourier Independent Component Analysis.Shijun Li, Yi Wang, Guangyu Bin, Xiaoshan Huang, Dan Zhang, Gang Liu, Yanwei Lv, Xiaorong Gao, Shangkai Gao & Lin Ma - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Counterexamples to Symmetry for Partially Overdetermined Elliptic Problems.Ilaria Fragalà, Filippo Gazzola, Jimmy Lamboley & Michel Pierre - 2009 - Analysis: International mathematical journal of Analysis and its Applications 29 (1):85-93.
    We exhibit several counterexamples showing that the famous Serrin's symmetry result for semilinear elliptic overdetermined problems may not hold for partially overdetermined problems, that is when both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are prescribed only on part of the boundary. Our counterexamples enlighten subsequent positive symmetry results obtained by the first two authors for such partially overdetermined systems and justify their assumptions as well.
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    An analysis of medieval solar theories.S. Mohammad Mozaffari - 2018 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 72 (2):191-243.
    From Antiquity through the early modern period, the apparent motion of the Sun in longitude was simulated by the eccentric model set forth in Ptolemy’s Almagest III, with the fundamental parameters including the two orbital elements, the eccentricity e and the longitude of the apogee λ A, the mean motion ω, and the radix of the mean longitude λˉ0 \bar{\lambda }_{0} λ¯0. In this article we investigate the accuracy of 11 solar theories established across the Middle East from 800 (...)
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    Recursive analysis of singular ordinary differential equations.Peter Buser & Bruno Scarpellini - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (1):20-35.
    We investigate systems of ordinary differential equations with a parameter. We show that under suitable assumptions on the systems the solutions are computable in the sense of recursive analysis. As an application we give a complete characterization of the recursively enumerable sets using Fourier coefficients of recursive analytic functions that are generated by differential equations and elementary operations.
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    Detection Analysis of Epileptic EEG Using a Novel Random Forest Model Combined With Grid Search Optimization.Xiashuang Wang, Guanghong Gong, Ni Li & Shi Qiu - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:424082.
    In the automatic detection of epileptic seizures, the monitoring of critically ill patients with time varying EEG signals is an essential procedure in intensive care units. There is an increasing interest in using EEG analysis to detect seizure, and in this study we aim to get a better understanding of how to visualize the information in the EEG time-frequency feature, and design and train a novel random forest algorithm for EEG decoding, especially for multiple-levels of illness. Here, we propose (...)
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    Comments on `two undecidable problems of analysis'.Bruno Scarpellini - 2003 - Minds and Machines 13 (1):79-85.
    We first discuss some technical questions which arise in connection with the construction of undecidable propositions in analysis, in particular in connection with the notion of the normal form of a function representing a predicate. Then it is stressed that while a function f(x) may be computable in the sense of recursive function theory, it may nevertheless have undecidable properties in the realm of Fourier analysis. This has an implication for a conjecture of Penrose's which states that (...)
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  20. Painted leaves, context, and semantic analysis.Stefano Predelli - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (3):351 - 374.
    This essay aims at neutralizing the contextualist challenge against traditional semantics. According to contextualism, utterances of non-elliptical, non-ambiguous, and non-indexical sentences may be associated with contrasting truth-conditions. In this essay, I grant the contextualist analysis of the sentences in question, and the contextualist assessment of the truth-conditions for the corresponding utterances. I then argue that the resulting situation is by no means incompatible with the traditional approach to semantics, and that the evidence put forth by the contextualists may easily (...)
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  21.  30
    Effective Approach to Calculate Analysis Window in Infinite Discrete Gabor Transform.Rui Li, Yong Huang & Jia-Bao Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
    The long-periodic/infinite discrete Gabor transform is more effective than the periodic/finite one in many applications. In this paper, a fast and effective approach is presented to efficiently compute the Gabor analysis window for arbitrary given synthesis window in DGT of long-periodic/infinite sequences, in which the new orthogonality constraint between analysis window and synthesis window in DGT for long-periodic/infinite sequences is derived and proved to be equivalent to the completeness condition of the long-periodic/infinite DGT. By using the property of (...)
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  22.  26
    Qualitative vs quantitative conceptions of homogeneity in nineteenth century dimensional analysis.Sybil Gertrude De Clark - 2017 - Annals of Science 74 (4):299-325.
    ABSTRACTThe emergence of dimensional analysis in the early nineteenth century involved a redefinition of the pre-existing concepts of homogeneity and dimensions, which entailed a shift from a qualitative to a quantitative conception of these notions. Prior to the nineteenth century, these concepts had been used as criteria to assess the soundness of operations and relations between geometrical quantities. Notably, the terms in such relations were required to be homogeneous, which meant that they needed to have the same geometrical dimensions. (...)
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    Indexing ‘entrustment’: An analysis of the Japanese formulaic construction [N da yo N].Shoichi Iwasaki & Michiko Kaneyasu - 2017 - Discourse Studies 19 (4):402-421.
    Japanese conversations are known to contain a large amount of unexpressed information. When a speaker speaks with elliptical information, he or she assumes that the addressee will understand what is not overtly expressed based on the knowledge that is supposed to be shared textually, personally or culturally. The addressee, on the other hand, must determine what is not being expressed overtly using such shared knowledge. At the heart of this kind of communication is the existence of trust assumed among the (...)
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    Über die Variationsrechnung in Hilberts Werken zur Analysis.Rüdiger Thiele - 1997 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 5 (1):23-42.
    The paper deals with some of the developments in analysis against the background of Hilbert's contributions to the Calculus of Variations. As a starting point the transformation is chosen that took place at the end of the 19th century in the Calculus of Variations, and emphasis is placed on the influence of Dirichlet's principle. The proof of the principle (the resuscitation ) led Hilbert to questions arising in the 19th and 20th problems of his famous Paris address in 1900: (...)
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  25. Non-Local Interferometry: A Causal Explanation by Means of Local Wavelet Analysis[REVIEW]J. Marto & J. R. Croca - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (7):1091-1109.
    In the following we consider the possibility of interpretating recent non-local interferometric experiments according to the De Broglie causal model. With the help of a simplified mathematical model based on wavelet analysis it is indeed possible to explain it in a causal way. Furthermore we show the distinctions between the two formalisms and discuss some experimental conditions that may make these differences evident.
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    Quaternion-Based Texture Analysis of Multiband Satellite Images: Application to the Estimation of Aboveground Biomass in the East Region of Cameroon.Cedrigue Boris Djiongo Kenfack, Olivier Monga, Serge Moto Mpong & René Ndoundam - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (1):17-60.
    Within the last decade, several approaches using quaternion numbers to handle and model multiband images in a holistic manner were introduced. The quaternion Fourier transform can be efficiently used to model texture in multidimensional data such as color images. For practical application, multispectral satellite data appear as a primary source for measuring past trends and monitoring changes in forest carbon stocks. In this work, we propose a texture-color descriptor based on the quaternion Fourier transform to extract relevant information (...)
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    Time-Frequency Analysis and Target Recognition of HRRP Based on CN-LSGAN, STFT, and CNN.Jianghua Nie, Yongsheng Xiao, Lizhen Huang & Feng Lv - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Aiming at the problem of radar target recognition of High-Resolution Range Profile under low signal-to-noise ratio conditions, a recognition method based on the Constrained Naive Least-Squares Generative Adversarial Network, Short-time Fourier Transform, and Convolutional Neural Network is proposed. Combining the Least-Squares Generative Adversarial Network with the Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network with Gradient Penalty, the CN-LSGAN is presented and applied to the HRRP denoise. The frequency domain and phase features of HRRP are gained by STFT in order to facilitate feature (...)
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    A journey through computability, topology and analysis.Manlio Valenti - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):266-267.
    This thesis is devoted to the exploration of the complexity of some mathematical problems using the framework of computable analysis and descriptive set theory. We will especially focus on Weihrauch reducibility as a means to compare the uniform computational strength of problems. After a short introduction of the relevant background notions, we investigate the uniform computational content of problems arising from theorems that lie at the higher levels of the reverse mathematics hierarchy.We first analyze the strength of the open (...)
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    Music Rhythm Detection Algorithm Based on Multipath Search and Cluster Analysis.Shuqing Ma - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    Music rhythm detection and tracking is an important part of the music comprehension system and visualization system. The music signal is subjected to a short-time Fourier transform to obtain the frequency spectrum. According to the perception characteristics of the human auditory system, the spectrum amplitude is logarithmically processed, and the endpoint intensity curve and the phase information of the peak value are output through half-wave rectification. The Pulse Code Modulation characteristic value is extracted according to the autocorrelation characteristic of (...)
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  30. How to make reflectance a surface property.Nicholas Danne - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 70:19-27.
    Reflectance physicalists define reflectance as the intrinsic disposition of a surface to reflect finite-duration light pulses at a given efficiency per wavelength. I criticize the received view of dispositional reflectance (David R. Hilbert’s) for failing to account for what I call “harmonic dispersion,” the inverse relationship of a light pulse's duration to its bandwidth. I argue that harmonic dispersion renders reflectance defined in terms of light pulses an extrinsic disposition. Reflectance defined as the per-wavelength efficiency to reflect the superimposed, infinite-duration, (...)
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    How Do Artificial Neural Networks Classify Musical Triads? A Case Study in Eluding Bonini's Paradox.Arturo Perez, Helen L. Ma, Stephanie Zawaduk & Michael R. W. Dawson - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13233.
    How might artificial neural networks (ANNs) inform cognitive science? Often cognitive scientists use ANNs but do not examine their internal structures. In this paper, we use ANNs to explore how cognition might represent musical properties. We train ANNs to classify musical chords, and we interpret network structure to determine what representations ANNs discover and use. We find connection weights between input units and hidden units can be described using Fourier phase spaces, a representation studied in musical set theory. We (...)
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  32. Why the big Bang singularity does not help the Kal M cosmological argument for theism.J. Brian Pitts - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (4):675-708.
    The cosmic singularity provides negligible evidence for creation in the finite past, and hence theism. A physical theory might have no metric or multiple metrics, so a ‘beginning’ must involve a first moment, not just finite age. Whether one dismisses singularities or takes them seriously, physics licenses no first moment. The analogy between the Big Bang and stellar gravitational collapse indicates that a Creator is required in the first case only if a Destroyer is needed in the second. The need (...)
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  33. A Counterexample to Deflationary Nominalism.Nicholas Danne - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (4):1721-1740.
    According to Jody Azzouni’s “deflationary nominalism,” the singular terms of mathematical language applied or unapplied to science refer to nothing at all. What does exist, Azzouni claims, must satisfy the quaternary condition he calls “thick epistemic access” (TEA). In this paper I argue that TEA surreptitiously reifies some mathematical entities. The mathematical entity that I take TEA to reify is the Fourier harmonic, an infinite-duration monochromatic sinusoid applied throughout engineering and physics. I defend the reality of the harmonic, in (...)
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    Microtiming in Swing and Funk affects the body movement behavior of music expert listeners.Lorenz Kilchenmann & Olivier Senn - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:152862.
    The theory of Participatory Discrepancies (or PDs) claims that minute temporal asynchronies (microtiming) in music performance are crucial for prompting bodily entrainment in listeners, which is a fundamental effect of the “groove” experience. Previous research has failed to find evidence to support this theory. The present study tested the influence of varying PD magnitudes on the beat-related body movement behavior of music listeners. 160 participants (79 music experts, 81 non-experts) listened to twelve music clips in either Funk or Swing style. (...)
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  35. An Extra-Mathematical Program Explanation of Color Experience.Nicholas Danne - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (3):153-173.
    In the debate over whether mathematical facts, properties, or entities explain physical events (in what philosophers call “extra-mathematical” explanations), Aidan Lyon’s (2012) affirmative answer stands out for its employment of the program explanation (PE) methodology of Frank Jackson and Philip Pettit (1990). Juha Saatsi (2012; 2016) objects, however, that Lyon’s examples from the indispensabilist literature are (i) unsuitable for PE, (ii) nominalizable into non-mathematical terms, and (iii) mysterious about the explanatory relation alleged to obtain between the PE’s mathematical explanantia and (...)
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    A Cauchy-Dirac Delta Function.Mikhail G. Katz & David Tall - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):107-123.
    The Dirac δ function has solid roots in nineteenth century work in Fourier analysis and singular integrals by Cauchy and others, anticipating Dirac’s discovery by over a century, and illuminating the nature of Cauchy’s infinitesimals and his infinitesimal definition of δ.
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    Infinity: A Very Short Introduction.Ian Stewart - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Infinity is an intriguing topic, with connections to religion, philosophy, metaphysics, logic, and physics as well as mathematics. Its history goes back to ancient times, with especially important contributions from Euclid, Aristotle, Eudoxus, and Archimedes. The infinitely large is intimately related to the infinitely small. Cosmologists consider sweeping questions about whether space and time are infinite. Philosophers and mathematicians ranging from Zeno to Russell have posed numerous paradoxes about infinity and infinitesimals. Many vital areas of mathematics rest upon some version (...)
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  38. Indeterminism versus Causalism.J. R. Croca & R. N. Moreira - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 56 (1):151-182.
    The present work sets out to discuss in three main steps the roots of the indeterministic paradigm for quantum mechanics as against a causal explanation of reality. The first step is to present the fundamental role played by non-local Fourier analysis in the Copenhagen paradigm. The second is to present wavelet local analysis, a recent formalism that will perhaps allow the development of a new causal paradigm for physics. The third is to present the Heisenberg-Bohr uncertainty relations (...)
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    Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light.John D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, Joshua N. Winn & Robert D. Meade - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    Photonic Crystals is the first book to address one of the newest and most exciting developments in physics--the discovery of photonic band-gap materials and their use in controlling the propagation of light. Recent discoveries show that many of the properties of an electron in a semiconductor crystal can apply to a particle of light in a photonic crystal. This has vast implications for physicists, materials scientists, and electrical engineers and suggests such possible developments as an entirely optical computer. Combining cutting-edge (...)
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    Relativistic Quantum Mechanics as a Telegraph.O. Costa de Beauregard - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (5):837-848.
    A derivation by Fröhner of non-relativistic quantum mechanics via Fourier analysis applied to probability theory is not extendable to relativistic quantum mechanics because Schrödinger's positive definite probability density ψ*ψ is lost (Dirac's spin 1/2 case being the exception). The nature of the Fourier link then changes; it points to a redefinition of the probability scheme as an information carrying telegraph, the code of which is Born's as extended by Dirac and by Feynman. Hermitian symmetry of the transition (...)
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  41. Spectral representations.Mark Zangari & Dan Censor - 1997 - Synthese 112 (1):97-123.
    Is it possible to construct an alternative framework for the description of physical reality that is not based on space and time? According to Kant, because of the incorrigibility of the spatiotemporal scheme, the contents of any such alternative will be beyond our cognitive grasp. Nonetheless, the possibility of constructing such a descriptive scheme poses itself as an intriguing challenge. In this paper, we attempt to answer this challenge by exploiting an analytical tool extensively used by physicists and engineers: the (...)
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    A comparison of mental arithmetic performance in time and frequency domains.Anmar Abdul-Rahman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Heisenberg-Gabor uncertainty principle defines the limits of information resolution in both time and frequency domains. The limit of resolution discloses unique properties of a time series by frequency decomposition. However, classical methods such as Fourier analysis are limited by spectral leakage, particularly in longitudinal data with shifting periodicity or unequal intervals. Wavelet transformation provides a workable compromise by decomposing the signal in both time and frequency through translation and scaling of a basis function followed by correlation or (...)
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    Clarification, ellipsis, and the nature of contextual updates in dialogue.Jonathan Ginzburg & Robin Cooper - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (3):297-365.
    The paper investigates an elliptical construction, Clarification Ellipsis, that occurs in dialogue. We suggest that this provides data that demonstrates that updates resulting from utterances cannot be defined in purely semantic terms, contrary to the prevailing assumptions of existing approaches to dynamic semantics. We offer a computationally oriented analysis of the resolution of ellipsis in certain cases of dialogue clarification. We show that this goes beyond standard techniques used in anaphora and ellipsis resolution and requires operations on highly structured, (...)
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    3.4 extensions.Author unknown - manuscript
    Given the above analysis for answer fragments, there is an obvious extension to other kinds of fragments which have often been analyzed as involving a kind of clausal ellipsis, such as stripping in its various manifestations and other related ‘elliptic conjunctions’, as well as perhaps gapping. The analysis of fragment answers proposed here is particularly reminiscent of movement approaches to stripping and gapping, as proposed in Sag 1976 and Pesetsky 1981, and articulared more recently in Johnson 1996, (...)
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    The Ontology of Production in Marx.David R. Lachterman - 1996 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19 (1):3-23.
    Praxis is the identifying signature of the most prevalent contemporary versions of the reception and interpretation of Marx and of the movements of thought inspired or provoked by him. This view seems to accord well with the early “Theses on Feuerbach” and is frequently mobilized in support of the further claim that the “mature” or “scientific” Marx, the Marx of Das Kapital, above all had left behind his former preoccupations with philosophy in anything like a traditional sense, in order to (...)
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  46. Dwa typy modalnego fikcjonalizmu.Piotr Warzoszczak - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (1).
    The main aim of the article is a comparison of two types of modal fictionalism (which is, to put it roughly, the antirealist view concerning the existence of possible worlds). The most popular version of modal fictionalism, proposed by Gideon Rosen, is compared with the modal fictionalism based on Stephen Yablo's ideas concerning object fictionalism. Both views aim to: (i) deliver an interpretation of existential quantifiers ranging over possible worlds, according to which quantifying over possible worlds does not imply ontological (...)
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  47. Ellipsis and higher-order unification.Mary Dalrymple, Stuart M. Shieber & Fernando C. N. Pereira - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (4):399 - 452.
    We present a new method for characterizing the interpretive possibilities generated by elliptical constructions in natural language. Unlike previous analyses, which postulate ambiguity of interpretation or derivation in the full clause source of the ellipsis, our analysis requires no such hidden ambiguity. Further, the analysis follows relatively directly from an abstract statement of the ellipsis interpretation problem. It predicts correctly a wide range of interactions between ellipsis and other semantic phenomena such as quantifier scope and bound anaphora. Finally, (...)
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    Self as Enterprise.Lois McNay - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):55-77.
    This article considers Foucault’s analysis of ordoliberal and neoliberal governmental reason and its reorganization of social relations around a notion of enterprise. I focus on the particular idea that the generalization of the enterprise form to social relations was conceptualized in such exhaustive terms that it encompassed subjectivity itself. Self as enterprise highlights, inter alia, dynamics of control in neoliberal regimes which operate through the organized proliferation of individual difference in an economized matrix. It also throws into question conceptions (...)
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    The Geometry Of Vision And The Mind Body Problem.Robert E. French - 1987 - Lang.
    In this thesis, I both analyze the phenomenology of vision from a geometrical point of view, and also develop certain connections between that geometrical analysis and the mind body problem. In order to motivate the need for such an analysis, I first show, by means of a refutation of direct realism, that visual space is never identical with any of the physical objects being indirectly "seen" by constituting color arrangements in it. It thus follows that the geometry of (...)
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    Stimulus Parameters Underlying Sound‐Symbolic Mapping of Auditory Pseudowords to Visual Shapes.Simon Lacey, Yaseen Jamal, Sara M. List, K. Sathian & Lynne C. Nygaard - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12883.
    Sound symbolism refers to non‐arbitrary mappings between the sounds of words and their meanings and is often studied by pairing auditory pseudowords such as “maluma” and “takete” with rounded and pointed visual shapes, respectively. However, it is unclear what auditory properties of pseudowords contribute to their perception as rounded or pointed. Here, we compared perceptual ratings of the roundedness/pointedness of large sets of pseudowords and shapes to their acoustic and visual properties using a novel application of representational similarity analysis (...)
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