Results for 'epistemic decoloniality'

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  1.  33
    Epistemic injustice and coloniality of power. Contributions to thinking about decoloniality in Latin America.Diana María López Cardona - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:79-96.
    What relationship can be established between the theory of epistemic injustices and the theory of the coloniality of power to think Latin America? This article proposes a dialogue between both theories to think about the actions of subaltern groups in Latin America that, by generating processes of struggle and organization, make epistemic injustices visible as part of their demands. This inquiry is presented in three moments: in the first, the conceptual field of epistemic injustices is defined —from (...)
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  2. Epistemic Disobedience, Independent Thought and Decolonial Freedom.Walter D. Mignolo - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):159-181.
    Once upon a time scholars assumed that the knowing subject in the disciplines is transparent, disincorporated from the known and untouched by the geo-political configuration of the world in which people are racially ranked and regions are racially configured. From a detached and neutral point of observation (that Colombian philosopher Santiago Castro-Gómez describes as the hubris of the zero point ), the knowing subject maps the world and its problems, classifies people and projects into what is good for them. Today (...)
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    The decolonial Aquinas? Discerning epistemic worth for Aquinas in the decolonial academy.Callum David Scott - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (1):40-54.
    As the ideological constructor of the destruction of colonised peoples and knowledge, Western philosophy must bear its burden for complicity. Decoloniality is amid the discourses of critique contra modernity and its denigration of the colonised. In the South African academy, for instance, much support has been validly rendered to decoloniality, consequently those employing “Western” frameworks should be challenged to constant re-evaluation. Here, the virtues and vices of decoloniality will not be considered. Rather a discernment will be undertaken (...)
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  4. Decoloniality and Phenomenology: The Geopolitics of Knowing and Epistemic/Ontological Colonial Differences.Walter D. Mignolo - 2018 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 32 (3):360-387.
    In the abstract I sent to the organizing committee of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, I announced that I would attempt a dialogue between phenomenology and decoloniality, understanding that both are theoretical frames by means of which transcendental phenomenology and the lifeworld, on the one hand, and modernity/coloniality, on the other, came into being. Phenomenology and transcendental consciousness/lifeworld are mutually constitutive. One cannot exist without the other; and so it is for the mutual constitution of decoloniality (...)
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    Decolonial pluriversalism: epistemes, aesthetics, and practices.Zahra Ali & Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun (eds.) - 2025 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This book explores how decolonial epistemologies are concretely translated in thinking and theorizing about cultural and political practices. Chapters draw on Latin American and Caribbean philosophies and concepts of creolization and racialization, Afropean aesthetics, arts and cultural productions, religion, feminisms, education, and architecture.
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    A decolonial wrong turn: Walter Mignolo's epistemic politics.David Myer Temin - forthcoming - Constellations.
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    Comparative Philosophy and Decolonial Struggle: The Epistemic Injustice of Colonization and Liberation of Human Reason.Grant J. Silva - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (S1):107-134.
    This essay explores the extent to which comparative philosophy can assist decolonial struggle. In order to accomplish this task, I offer not only a description of philosophy's colonization but also an account of how this discipline remains subject to the coloniality of knowledge. In short, insofar as race, gender, class, and sexuality are considered irrelevant or accidental to the production of philosophical knowledge, professional philosophy replicates, if not continues, what Rajeev Bhargava terms the epistemic injustice of colonialism. One response (...)
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    Intersectionality and Epistemic Erasure: A Caution to Decolonial Feminism.K. Bailey Thomas - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):509-523.
    In this article I caution that María Lugones's critiques of Kimberlé Crenshaw's intersectional theory posit a dangerous form of epistemic erasure, which underlies Lugones's decolonial methodology. This essay serves as a critical engagement with Lugones's essay “Radical Multiculturalism and Women of Color Feminisms” in order to uncover the decolonial lens within Crenshaw's theory of intersectionality. In her assertion that intersectionality is a “white bourgeois feminism colluding with the oppression of Women of Color,” Lugones precludes any possibility of intersectionality operating (...)
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  9. Towards a Decolonial Analytic Philosophy: Institutional Corruption and Epistemic Culture.Paul C. Taylor - 2015 - In Pedro Tabensky & Sally Matthews (eds.), Being at Home: Race, Institutional Culture and Transformation at South African Higher Education Institutions. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. pp. 203-220.
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  10. Decoloniality and the (im)possibility of an African feminist philosophy.Dominic Griffiths - 2022 - South African Journal of Philosophy 41 (3):240-259.
    This article offers a prolegomenon for an African feminist philosophy. The prompt for this as an interrogation of Oluwole’s claim that an African feminist philosophy cannot develop until identifiable African worldviews that guide the relationship between men and women have been established. She argues that until there is general agreement about the nature of African philosophy itself, African feminist philosophy will remain impoverished. I critique this claim, unpacking Oluwole’s argument, and examine the contested nature of both African and Western philosophy. (...)
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    Decolonial Musings about Constitutionalism, the Constitution, and Democratic Future(s).Ntando Sindane - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):553-570.
    In “Two Cheers to Constitutionalism” Karl Klare and Dennis Davis take us through a longue durée analysis of South Africa’s constitutional democracy, its genesis, essence and implications for the future. Their reflections about the 25 years of South Africa’s constitution coincide with the 30-years milestone since the dawn of the so-called democratic breakthrough. In this article, I grapple with some of the epistemic and axiological specificities that define both the constitution of 1996 and the notion of a constitutional democracy (...)
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  12. The decolonial politics and philosophy of Ngugi wa Thiong'o.Brian Sibanda - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores Ngugi wa Thiong'o's epistemic journey from a communalist, communist, nationalist, post-colonial theorist, and ultimately an established decolonial spokesperson of the Global South. This book offers a fresh perspective for scholars and readers interested in decolonial theory and African philosophy.
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    Political discourse analysis: a decolonial approach.Yunana Ahmed - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (1):139-155.
    This paper draws attention to the significance of incorporating decolonial methodologies in analyzing political discourse in a postcolonial world, particularly in Africa. The decolonial approach to political discourse focuses on the ways politics in postcolonial context is imbricated in the logic of coloniality. Decolonial approach is considered necessary rather than sufficient in interrogating the hegemonic structure of colonialism in Africa's political discourse. The paper uses critical discourse analysis situated within decolonial methodologies to analyze former President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan's declaration-of-intent (...)
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    Secular Decolonial Woes.Rafael Vizcaíno - 2021 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 35 (1):71-92.
    This essay builds on a recent intervention made by Mariana Ortega, who has called on philosophers committed to decolonization to avoid reproducing “colonial impulses and erasures” in the very attempt to advance epistemic decolonization. When connected to “practices of un-knowing,” these tendencies become an “affliction,” which Ortega labels with the notion of “decolonial woes.” The author focuses on the reception of the spiritual elements in Anzaldúa’s work to identify a specifically secular form of a decolonial woe: the disregard for (...)
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    Unpacking ontological security: A decolonial reading of scholarly impact.Riyad A. Shahjahan & Anne E. Wagner - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (8):779-791.
    Despite the growing debate about scholarly impact, an analysis of the onto-epistemic grammar underlying impact has remained absent. By taking a different analytical approach to examining impact, we interrogate the concept through the lens of decolonial thought. We offer an empathetic review of the impact scholarship and illuminate the limits of the modern imaginary that circumscribe critiques of impact in the literature, making visible the Eurocentric and provincial horizons of modern reason underlying these critiques and impact in general. Drawing (...)
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  16.  20
    Towards a Decolonial Media Archaeology: The Absent Archive of Screenwriting History and the Obsolete Munshi.Rakesh Sengupta - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (1):3-26.
    Much has been written about how Foucault's archaeology of the modern episteme, emerging from early 19th-century Europe, was curiously divorced from its context of colonialism. Media archaeology, as Foucault's legacy, has also remained rather geopolitically insular and race agnostic in its epistemological reverse engineering of media modernity. Using screenwriting history as a case study, this article demonstrates how bringing decolonial thinking and media archaeology together can challenge linear narratives of modernity/coloniality in media history. The article connects two seemingly disparate histories (...)
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  17.  30
    Hijacking Subaltern’s history : Decolonial critique of ‘Subaltern whiteness’ in South Africa.Chammah J. Kaunda - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    This article uses decolonial to critique the discourse of ‘subaltern whiteness’ by questioning some Afrikaner scholars’ morality of regarding ‘white Afrikaners as subaltern’. Subaltern designates submerged, subordinated, exploited or suppressed – those whose voices have been historically muted, their humanity stripped by those with sociopolitical and economic power. Within South Africa, this raises the question: to what extent can white Afrikaners be regarded as subaltern? The article proposes indivisibility of epistemic vulnerability and regenerative theological praxis both emerging within Afrikaner (...)
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  18.  35
    Cognitive (In)justice and Decoloniality in Amitav Ghosh’s The Nutmeg’s Curse.Goutam Karmakar & Rajendra Chetty - 2024 - Journal of Human Values 30 (2):119-133.
    Amitav Ghosh’s The Nutmeg’s Curse (2021) is an insightful deliberation on the layered inequities and asymmetries created by the intersection of colonialism and anthropogenic activities. In The Nutmeg’s Curse, Ghosh conceives the present-day climate and ecological crisis as fallouts of colonial thinking and its manifestations in dominant epistemic and ethical constructions. This article underscores Ghosh’s critique of the Eurocentric discourses for their instrumentality in producing the totalitarian binaries of human and non-human, in which the ‘human’ was always the whites (...)
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  19.  60
    Settler Xicana: Postcolonial and Decolonial Reflections on Incommensurability.Aimee Carrillo Rowe - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):525.
    Abstract:This paper takes Chicana/Xicana indigeneity as a productive and problematic site to consider the vexed conjuncture between decolonial and postcolonial approaches to critical knowledge production. I examine the intersection between Chicana and Native feminisms as a point of entry to consider how the incommensurabilities between these formations get played out within specific sites of knowledge production. I read my positionality as a Californio Rancho descendent to explore urgent questions of landedness raised by Indigenous studies scholars and consider how we might (...)
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  20.  20
    The Politics of Decolonial Investigations.Walter D. Mignolo & Walter D. Mignolo Walter D. Mignolo - 2021 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _The Politics of Decolonial Investigations_ Walter D. Mignolo provides a sweeping examination of how coloniality has operated around the world in its myriad forms from the sixteenth century to the twenty-first. Decolonial border thinking allows Mignolo to outline how the combination of the self-fashioned narratives of Western civilization and the hegemony of Eurocentric thought served to eradicate all knowledges in non-European languages and praxes of living and being. Mignolo also traces the geopolitical origins of racialized and gendered classifications, modernity, (...)
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  21.  41
    Learning to Unlearn: Decolonial Reflections From Eurasia and the Americas.Madina Vladimirovna Tlostanova & Walter Mignolo - 2012 - Ohio State University Press.
    _Learning to Unlearn: Decolonial Reflections from Eurasia and the Americas _is a complex, multisided rethinking of the epistemic matrix of Western modernity and coloniality from the position of border epistemology. Colonial and imperial differences are the two key concepts to understanding how the logic of coloniality creates ontological and epistemic exteriorities. Being at once an enactment of decolonial thinking and an attempt to define its main grounds, mechanisms, and concepts, the book shifts the politics of knowledge from “studying (...)
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  22.  98
    Latin American Decolonial Studies: Feminist Issues.Sandra Harding - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):624.
    Abstract:Latin American modernity/coloniality studies emerged in the early 1990s from a network of scholars focused on charting the nature and consequences of causal connections between the first appearances of modernity in Europe and Spanish and Portuguese colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1492. In this article, I address primarily epistemological and ontological issues raised by this literature for issues pertaining to the history and philosophy of science. The first section briefly summarizes the sixteenth century differences that were the starting point (...)
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  23.  11
    Living Phenomenology as a Decolonial Practice.Lewis R. Gordon - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (6):175.
    This paper examines phenomenology as a living form of thought with significance for decolonial epistemic practice. After discussing how phenomenology addresses concerns of living thought, the author outlines disciplinary decadence as a form of colonial epistemic practice and offers his theory of teleological suspensions of disciplinarity among the decolonial epistemic practices that could be devoted not only to the decolonization of thought but also ideas pertaining to normative life.
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    Epistemic freedom in Africa: deprovincialization and decolonization.Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
    Epistemic Freedom in Africa is about the struggle for African people to think, theorize, interpret the world and write from where they are located, unencumbered by Eurocentrism. The imperial denial of common humanity to some human beings meant that in turn their knowledges and experiences lost their value, their epistemic virtue. Now, in the twenty-first century, descendants of enslaved, displaced, colonized, and racialized peoples have entered academies across the world, proclaiming loudly that they are human beings, their lives (...)
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  25.  62
    Why Epistemic Decolonisation in Africa?Veli Mitova - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (6):739-752.
    The call to decolonise knowledge is gaining increasing popularity in African philosophy. But as scholarly attention to the topic intensifies, so do doubts about the usefulness of theorising it, especially in spaces – like Africa – that are riddled with deeper problems such as mass poverty and social disempowerment. I focus on three challenges that Bernard Matolino has recently issued. If these challenges are on the right track, they threaten to derail the whole project of epistemic decolonisation worldwide, since (...)
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  26.  69
    Whither Epistemic Decolonization.Bernard Matolino - 2020 - Philosophical Papers 49 (2):213-231.
    Epistemic decolonization, in its various conceptual formulations and presentations, could be taken to hold promise for either the completion of the anti-colonial struggle or the self-re-discovery of the formerly colonized and oppressed. In Africa this project has had a long history as both a counter to hegemonic histories of claimed Western epistemological superiority as well as theories of racism and racist practices against black people of African descent. What is not entirely clear are the precise achievements of decolonial thought (...)
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    Social Domination and Epistemic Marginalisation: towards Methodology of the Oppressed.Venkatesh Vaditya - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (4):272-285.
    Marginalisation is both a structural and an epistemic issue. The struggle against exclusion and marginalisation should take place within larger social structures. Moreover, we should address the legitimacy offered, through the knowledge production process itself, for exclusion and marginalisation. Knowledge production regarding the oppressed should document their lives, experiences and concerns. It must take place with an appropriate methodological struggle informed by alternative epistemologies. While creating alternative epistemologies, it is important to challenge the value-neutrality claim of mainstream research practices. (...)
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  28.  10
    Injustice and subaltern environmentalism: tribal ecosystem and decolonial practices in Bhoopal’s Forest, Blood & Survival: Life and Times of Komuram Bheem.Goutam Karmakar - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (4):333-352.
    A commitment to engage with the structural and historical processes that result in discrimination and injustice in the utilisation of natural resources and landscapes is an epistemic responsibility that must be achieved in order to imagine a just society in which environmental justice is a feasible possibility. Indian author Bhoopal’s Forests, Blood & Survival: Life and Times of Komuram Bheem (2023), translated from Telugu by P A Kumar, is one such literary narrative that vividly portrays the injustices endured by (...)
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  29.  15
    Extended Review of Political Choreographies, Decolonial Theories, Trans Bodies.Nina Cvar - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):419-32.
    This article offers a comprehensive review of Political Choreographies, Decolonial Theo-ries, Trans Bodies, the latest book, a volume edited by Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek in intensive collaboration with Nomusa Makhubu and Tjaša Kancler, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2023. This volume takes as its starting point the body as a structural signifier, which is conceptualized in seven chapters. Each of them addresses the question of movement, politics, revolt, action, etc., in a variety of ways to de-link ourselves (especially (...)
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  30.  7
    La utopía y el giro epistémico decolonial en la práctica social.Xavier Garaicoa Ortiz - 2019 - Isegoría 61:559-571.
    The episteme on which the scientific knowledge of the world was built was based on social, technological and historical processes by means of which the supremacy of an experimental type of practices was consecrated, excluding any other way of knowing, condemning these to oblivion, to contempt and submission. Over time, the need to recover these marginalized and colonized knowledge has been raised so that we can have a more complete and panoramic view of the world. The objective of the present (...)
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    For a Genealogy of Decolonial Feminism: Living Archives of a Movement.Agustin Lao-Montes - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (3):582-600.
    The three volumes I am considering in this review essay constitute a living archive of the political and epistemic movement called decolonial feminism. Together, Tejiendo de Otro Modo: Feminismo, Epistemología, y Apuestas Descoloniales en el Abya Yala, Feminismo Descolonial: Nuevos aportes metodológicos a mas de una década, and Decolonial Feminism in Abya Yala, collect the principal contributions to the profoundly important production of critical theory and radical politics. The editors and contributors include a diversity of key figures in decolonial (...)
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  32. Resisting Structural Epistemic Injustice.Michael Doan - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (4).
    What form must a theory of epistemic injustice take in order to successfully illuminate the epistemic dimensions of struggles that are primarily political? How can such struggles be understood as involving collective struggles for epistemic recognition and self-determination that seek to improve practices of knowledge production and make lives more liveable? In this paper, I argue that currently dominant, Fricker-inspired approaches to theorizing epistemic wrongs and remedies make it difficult, if not impossible, to understand the (...) dimensions of historic and ongoing political struggles. Recent work in the theory of recognition— particularly the work of critical, feminist, and decolonial theorists—can help to identify and correct the shortcomings of these approaches. I offer a critical appraisal of recent conversation concerning epistemic injustice, focusing on three characteristics of Frickerian frameworks that obscure the epistemic dimensions of political struggles. I propose that a theory of epistemic injustice can better illuminate the epistemic dimensions of such struggles by acknowledging and centering the agency of victims in abusive epistemic relations, by conceptualizing the harms and wrongs of epistemic injustice relationally, and by explaining epistemic injustice as rooted in the oppressive and dysfunctional epistemic norms undergirding actual communities and institutions. (shrink)
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  33.  5
    Levinas and Decolonial Israel.Elad Lapidot - 2023 - Levinas Studies 17:107-129.
    This article reflects on the work of Emmanuel Levinas as a textual site for the critique of the notion of Jewish epistemic difference. The first part discusses critical readings of Levinas, which indicated how his Jewish otherness grounds powerful sameness, of oppressive and imperial nature. The strongest thrust of this critique is characterized as postcolonial. The second part suggests a hermeneutics perspective on Levinas’s work for a reading whereby Levinas himself anticipated contemporary critique and in response to it developed (...)
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  34.  9
    The colonisation of Setswana: A decolonial rereading of the 1840 Gospel of Luke.Itumeleng D. Mothoagae - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):7.
    In his 1840 translation of the Gospel of Luke from English into Setswana, Robert Moffat transfers Western numerals, geographic words and biblical names to Setswana. In this article, it is argued that in this translation, we see the beginning of the colonisation of Setswana. Furthermore, it is argued that in this translation, Moffat used epistemic privilege and the performance of power to facilitate the process of epistemicide on the linguistic heritage of Batswana and its indigenous knowledge system through an (...)
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    Epistemic (in)justice, social identity and the Black Box problem in patient care.Muneerah Khan & Cornelius Ewuoso - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (2):227-240.
    This manuscript draws on the moral norms arising from the nuanced accounts of epistemic (in)justice and social identity in relational autonomy to normatively assess and articulate the ethical problems associated with using AI in patient care in light of the Black Box problem. The article also describes how black-boxed AI may be used within the healthcare system. The manuscript highlights what needs to happen to align AI with the moral norms it draws on. Deeper thinking – from other backgrounds (...)
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  36. Embracing a Decolonial Epistemological Approach in African Higher Education.Björn Freter & Yvette Freter - 2021 - In Siseko H. Kumalo (ed.), The South African Epistemic Decolonial Turn: A Global Perspective. UKZN. pp. 127-150.
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    Biblical discourse as a technology of ‘othering’: A decolonial reading on the 1840 Moffat sermon at the Tabernacle, Moorfields, London.Itumeleng D. Mothoagae - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    In his sermon to the directors of the London Missionary Society (LMS) in London in 1840, in ‘othering’ the Batswana (Africans), Moffat engages in biblical discourse. He uses biblical descriptions to ‘other’ them and the land they occupied. This article analyses the 1840 sermon by Moffat, and in it I will argue that through his sermon, Moffat engaged in biblical discourse and performed epistemic privilege in his exposition of the Batswana to his audience, namely the directors of the LMS. (...)
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    Los tropos como figuraciones de los saberes: una forma de contribuir al pensamiento decolonial.Sylvia Contreras-Salinas, Paloma Miranda-Arredondo & Mónica Ramírez-Pavelic - 2019 - Cinta de Moebio 64:68-81.
    Resumen: Este artículo se propone configurar la trama saber-tropo como estrategia para desvelar ataduras coloniales que aún persisten en las vidas cotidianas de sujetos situados y encarnados, cuyas existencias se desarrollan en condiciones de precariedad material, exclusión, explotación y no reconocimiento. Con un marcado carácter epistémico-metodológico, y tomando como base los postulados de la tropología, se discute sobre la noción de tropo y saber, además de señalar las posibles relaciones que entre ellos se pueden dar, para finalmente, en términos demostrativos, (...)
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    Complex Communication and Decolonial Struggles: The Forging of Deep Coalitions through Emotional Echoing and Resistant Imaginations.José Medina - 2020 - Critical Philosophy of Race 8 (1-2):212-236.
    This article elucidates and expands on María Lugones's account of complex communication across liminal sites as the basis for deep coalitions among oppressed groups. The analysis underscores the crucial role that emotions and resistant imaginations play in complex communication and world-traveling across liminal sites. In particular, it focuses on the role of emotional echoing and epistemic activism in complex forms of communication among oppressed subjects. It elucidates Gloria Anzaldúa's storytelling and Doris Salcedo's visual art as exemplary forms of (...) activism that issue coalitional gestures and critical provocations that can wake people up from their epistemic slumbers and instigate forms of complex communication that can create new possibilities for coalitional politics. (shrink)
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    Heinz Kimmerle’s intercultural philosophy and the quest for epistemic justice.Renate Schepen & Anke Graness - 2020 - Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa 15 (1).
    Since the 1990s epistemic justice has been a central issue of post-colonial and feminist studies. But only during the last decade the term has become paradigmatic and new aspects of the issue have been addressed – particularly because of the works of De Sousa Santos and Fricker. One of the pioneers of an intercultural approach to philosophy is the German philosopher Heinz Kimmerle, who in the 1980s began to focus his research on African philosophies. Intercultural philosophy aimed for more (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Ethnocentric Universalism: Its Nature, Epistemic Harm, and Emancipatory Prospects.Paul O. Irikefe - forthcoming - Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy.
    This paper does three interrelated things. First, it argues that the universalism that forms the target of criticism and attack by decolonial theorists from the Global South is a debased form of universalism, what might be termed “ethnocentric universalism.” Second, equipped with a conceptual grip on ethnocentric universalism, it shows that the picture on which ethnocentric universalism confers some innocuous epistemic privilege to members of dominant groups is not quite accurate—ethnocentric universalism is incompatible with the epistemic flourishing of (...)
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    The Aisthetic-Cosmological Dimension of María Lugone's Decolonial Feminism.Alejandro A. Vallega - 2020 - Critical Philosophy of Race 8 (1-2):61-83.
    In her work on decolonial feminism María Lugones expands and strengthens the task of decolonial thinking. On the one hand this occurs as gender becomes explicitly part of the very ways of being under modernity, and this means that gender, race, and labor are always entangled in the coloniality of power. As a result decolonial thought may only occur by the critique of one's concrete situation in the living intersectionality in which identities and power relations are founded. This turn to (...)
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    Reshaping Spirituality: Indigenous Decolonial Struggles for Justice in Mexico.Sylvia Marcos - 2021 - CLR James Journal 27 (1-2):67-79.
    Departing from Christian spiritualities, even those emerging from feminist theologians and Latin American eco feminist liberation theologies, the indigenous women´s movements started to propose their own “indigenous spirituality.” In some key meetings like the “First Summit of Indigenous Women of the Americas” and at other later meetings, their basic documents, final declarations, collective proposals have a spiritual component that departs from the influences of the largely Christian Catholic background of the country. Their discourses, demands, and live presentations have also expressed (...)
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    C.L.R. James’s Decolonial Humanism in Theory and Practice.Alyssa Adamson - 2018 - CLR James Journal 24 (1):153-176.
    This paper argues for the concept of a decolonial humanism at the heart of C.L.R. James’s theoretical and political engagements. In exploring the concept of decolonial humanism, the paper moves through three major sections dealing with some of the definitive epistemic and political aspects of James’s work: a critique of Enlightenment Humanism and European Marxism without disavowing the aspirations of universal human emancipation; James’s work with the Johnson-Forest Tendency, the Pan-Africanist movement, and his attempts at labor organizing in Trinidad (...)
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  45.  26
    Education, Colonial Sickness: A Decolonial African Indigenous Project.Njoki Nathani Wane (ed.) - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    In the last two decades, we have witnessed the quest for decolonization; through research, writing, teaching, and curriculum across the globe. Calls to decolonize higher education have been overwhelming in recent year. However, the goal of decolonizing has evolved past not only the need to dismantle colonial empires but all imperial structures. Today, decolonization is deemed a basis for restorative justice under the lens of the psychological, economic, and cultural spectrum. In this book, the editor and her authors confront various (...)
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  46. Towards a decolonial paradigm of justice.Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 2025 - In Ricardo Sanín Restrepo, Marinella Machado Araujo & Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds.), Decrypting justice: from epistemic violence to immanent democracy. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  47. Migration Research, Coloniality and Epistemic Injustice.Karl Landström & Heaven Crawley - 2024 - In Heaven Crawley & Joseph Kofi Teye (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of South–South Migration and Inequality. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 83-104.
    In this chapter, we take stock of existing critiques of contemporary migration research and bring these debates into contact with ongoing debates among decolonial scholars and in feminist social epistemology. We illustrate how the ethical and epistemic concerns voiced by migration scholars in regard to the socio-epistemic functioning of their field can be understood using the conceptual apparatus that has been developed around the notions of epistemic injustice and oppression. In so doing, we illustrate the relevance and (...)
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    Extractivism and Territorial Dispossession in Rural Colombia: A Decolonial Commitment to Campesinas’ Politics of Place.Laura Rodriguez Castro - 2021 - Feminist Review 128 (1):44-61.
    Linked to extractive practices, territorial dispossession can be traced back to the colonisation of Abya Yala. From a decolonial commitment, this article complicates notions of dispossession and extractivism as merely emerging from war in Colombia and focuses on their presence in Campesinas territories. Based on the conceptualisations of the coloniality of power and coloniality of gender, I narrate how territorial dispossession and extractivism are felt in women’s ‘body-lands’ through foreign tourism/conservation development and new export crops in two rural veredas in (...)
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    Creolizing the Canon: Philosophy and Decolonial Democratization?Jane Anna Gordon, Gopal Guru, Sundar Sarukkai, Kipton E. Jensen & Mickaella L. Perina - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (2):94-138.
    How does creolization fare as a social-scientific concept? While Jane Gordon seeks to underscore the potential such a concept might have in the social sciences and philosophy, her discussants Gopal Guru, Kipton E. Jensen, Mickaella Perina, and Sundar Sarukkai draw attention to descriptive and normative issues that need to be addressed before arguments formulating and enacting creolization processes can be brought into domains of life from which they have been historically excluded.
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    Kimmerle's intercultural philosophy and beyond: the ongoing quest for epistemic justice.Renate Schepen - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book offers a concise overview of the development of intercultural philosophy since the early 1990s, focusing on one of its key pioneers Heinz Kimmerle (1930-2016). Building on influences from Gadamer, Heidegger and Derrida, Kimmerle's approach to intercultural philosophy is radical and fosters epistemic justice. Kimmerle critically reflected on his own western philosophical tradition, highlighting the problems of a discourse based on a dominant concept of rationality, and of excluding different approaches and participants. Instead, Kimmerle developed an alternative way (...)
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