Results for 'expérience sémiotique'

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  1.  29
    (1 other version)Le pouvoir sémiotique de l’espace. Vers une nouvelle conception de l’exposition?Jean Davallon - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 61 (3):, [ p.].
    La question du statut de l’espace est au cœur même de la sémiotique des expositions. Revenir sur l’évolution des technologies de mise en exposition – spécialement l’évolution de la muséologie de point de vue – est proposé comme moyen pour aborder l’importance accordée à l’espace dans la conception de certaines des expositions actuelles et, tout particulièrement, pour comprendre la manière dont l’espace est utilisé afin de faire signifier celles-ci. L’examen de deux expositions emblématiques de cet usage de l’espace – (...)
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    La sémiotique des formes de vie, un nouveau tournant?Colas-Blaise Marion - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (221):301-313.
    Résumé Ce compte rendu de Formes de vie de Jacques Fontanille cherche à montrer que l’ouvrage s’inscrit dans une certaine continuité, notamment par rapport à Pratiques sémiotiques, mais qu’il constitue aussi un nouveau tournant, qui fait évoluer la sémiotique et la positionne dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales. D’abord, nous discutons le fait que, selon Jacques Fontanille, les formes de vie font « vaciller » la frontière entre la nature et la culture. Nous soulignons le fait que (...)
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    La sémiotique de Greimas: Une épistémologie (discursive) immanente.Waldir Beividas - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):55-74.
    The concept of immanence occupies today a central and, at the same time, uncomfortable place among semioticians. Some criticize it overtly, others feel the concept has fulfilled its role as a methodological regulator of descriptions and its scope that should be enlarged so as to integrate context, practices, interactions, in short, the human experience. This paper presents immanence through another light. According to Hjelmslev’s.
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    Sémiotique de l’espace, l’espace de la sémiotique : La Chambre bleue de Sohrab Sépehri, une redéfinition de l’espace sémiotisant.Akram Ayati & Najmeh Akbari - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (233):179-204.
    Résumé Les études déjà menées depuis des années 1970 autour de la sémiotique de l’espace montrent que les fondements méthodologiques et épistémologiques de cette approche se situent bel et bien, dans la lignée de la sémiotique structurale. Pourtant, certains espaces et le sens qui y émerge en acte ne peuvent pas être réduits à un cadre théorique si restreint. Cet article se propose de montrer, à travers l’analyse d’une chambre décrite par Sohrab Sépehri, poète et peintre moderne iranien, (...)
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    Vers une sémiotique sadienne.Sergio Torres-Martínez - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (241):139-158.
    RésuméLa présente étude aborde la question de savoir comment l’œuvre du Marquis de Sade reste sur les développements des jeux du langage wittgensteniens, c’est-à-dire des pratiques langagières associées à la communication dans un contexte donné. Tout d’abord, une identification de la règle (en tant qu’élément organique d’une pratique langagière), et du rôle de l’abduction peircienne pour son application, montre que pour Sade « faire la même chose » (c’est-à-dire suivre la règle) lui permet de créer un système sémiotique pour (...)
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    La passion du café dans les publicités de Carte Noire : analyse sémiotique du goût et du désir.Atmane Seghir - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (244):115-130.
    Résumé L’intérêt pour le café ne date pas d’aujourd’hui, mais les discours promotionnels sur ce breuvage mythique ne cessent de se multiplier depuis l’arrivée d’Internet. Pour mieux comprendre le domaine spécifique des récits gustatifs qui se construisent autour de la passion pour le café, nous avons privilégié une démarche innovante en sciences du langage, la sémiotique du goût. Le site internet de la marque Carte Noire, en misant sur l’expérience gustative euphorisante et la tautologie du désir, offre un (...)
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    Quelques expériences pour développer l’expression de sens en cartographie thématique.Laurent Jégou - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (230):167-188.
    La cartographie thématique vise à produire des représentations visuelles de données comportant une dimension spatiale. Structurée dans les années 1970 selon une approche explicitement sémiotique, elle s’est peu à peu détachée des recherches dans ce domaine pour se stabiliser autour de pratiques largement standardisées. Ce constat, et celui de l’écart avec ce que peut produire une approche plus artistique par des infographistes, a motivé une recherche d’outils accessibles pour aider à comprendre cette sémiose. On a tout d’abord cherché à (...)
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    International Experience of Legal Regulation of Freedom of Speech in the Global Information Society.Yuriy Onishchyk, Liudmyla L. Golovko, Vasyl I. Ostapiak, Oleksandra V. Belichenko & Yurii O. Ulianchenko - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (3):1325-1339.
    The article presents the results of the analysis of international legal regulation of the protection of freedom of speech, the right to freedom of expression within the UN and the Council of Europe. A comparative analysis of the definition of the right to express views and beliefs in various international legal acts was made. The case law of the European Court of Human Rights in cases related to the exercise of the right to express one's views and beliefs on the (...)
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    How to Undo (and Redo) Words with Facts: A Semio-enactivist Approach to Law, Space and Experience.Mario Ricca - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (1):313-367.
    In this essay both the facts/values and facticity/normativity divides are considered from the perspective of global semiotics and with specific regard to the relationships between legal meaning and spatial scope of law’s experience. Through an examination of the inner and genetic projective significance of categorization, I will analyze the semantic dynamics of the descriptive parts comprising legal sentences in order to show the intermingling of factual and axiological/teleological categorizations in the unfolding of legal experience. Subsequently, I will emphasize the translational (...)
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    On the Cultural Meaning of The New Yorker ‘Lawyer Cartoon:’ An Experiment in Ethnography of Communication.Alexander V. Kozin - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (4):801-823.
    This essay concerns itself with the Lawyer cartoon, a thematic subgenre of the “The New Yorker Magazine” cartoon, which focuses on the legal profession in the US context. An examination of the cultural meaning of this phenomenon is carried out on the strength of ethnography of communication, which discloses the cartoon as a cultural, social and rhetorical artifact. Among the findings of this study are the structural components, functions, and the rules of configuring the Lawyer cartoon toward it becoming a (...)
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    ‘Mind-forg’d Manacles’: Virtual Experience and Innocent Publication.Francine Rochford - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (5):2193-2206.
    In _Fairfax Media Publications Pty Ltd v Voller_ (‘_Voller_’) the Australian High Court held that media companies maintaining Facebook comment pages could be liable for the defamatory posts of commenters on those sites. The decision focussed entirely on whether, by maintaining the Facebook page, the companies had ‘published’ the statements of commenters. Hearings on other aspects of the tort litigation continue. This paper considers the implications of the tort of defamation on public participation on political will formation where, as is (...)
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    Imagining New Social Legal Futures: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Pre-Law Students’ Experiences with Discourse Communities of Legal Practice.Courtney Hanny - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (1):87-120.
    This paper considers the ways that concepts such as social justice and law were used as semiotic objects-in-tension by a group of five US undergraduates considering law school to make sense of their ideas about entering the discourse communities and communities of practice associated with being a lawyer. This group was made up of undergraduate women who had completed a summer residency program sponsored by the Law School Admissions Council to increase enrollment of students from under-represented groups. Of the five (...)
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  13.  43
    Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity): A New Legal System Where the Will of People with Disabilities Really Matters? The Portuguese Experience.Joana Isabel Taveira Ferreira Neto - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):745-765.
    Law 49/2018, of August 14, created the Portuguese legal regime of the assisted decision-making (capacity), thus eliminating the legal institutes of interdiction and disqualification, provided for in the Civil Code (CC). The aim of this legal regime was to embed a new vision of disability based on a model of rights, that grants people with disabilities an independent and autonomous life and reflects the acceptance of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) guidelines. This paper intends (...)
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    Musine Kokalari and the Power of Images: Law, Aesthetics and Memory Regimes in the Albanian Experience.Agata Fijalkowski - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):577-602.
    Tarot cards are one means to unlocking an image. In this article, the image is that of the Albanian writer and political dissident Musine Kokalari at her 1946 trial. Her photograph features in Albanian discourses about its communist past. I argue that the image provides clues as to the manner in which the country has faced up to its own history. For what is certain is that the Albanian account of the Enver Hoxha dictatorship remains incomplete. Drawing on Walter Benjamin’s (...)
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    Use and Misuse of Language in Judicial Decision-Making: Russian Experience. [REVIEW]Anita Soboleva - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (3):673-692.
    In my paper I will analyze decisions of the Russian Constitutional Court and courts of general jurisdiction, in which they interpret ordinary and seemingly unambiguous words and phrases. In a number of cases this interpretation is made in a manner, which is suspect from a linguistic point of view. The analysis shows that there is no consistency in the application by Russian courts of the “plain language” rule and that literal interpretation may be used selectively as a means of legitimizing (...)
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    Elements for a noetics of the novel.Pierre Vinclair - 2015 - Methodos 15.
    Alors que la narratologie prétendait dévoiler les structures du récit en général, Vincent Descombes, dans son livre sur Proust, affirme qu’une science conséquente de la littérature doit rendre compte de la manière particulière qu’a chaque genre littéraire de produire du sens. Nous présentons dans cet article une approche noétique des genres qui, tentant de dépasser l’opposition entre sémiologie et herméneutique, s’intéresse à la manière dont les structures symboliques créent des modes de pensée particuliers. En remarquant que les fondateurs de la (...)
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    De l’explosion dans Le Transperceneige de Joon-ho Bong.Junga Shin & Yong Ho Choi - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (227):127-143.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Social Action and its Sense: Historical Hermeneutics after Ricoeur.Sergey Zenkin - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (1):86-101.
    In the 1970s, particularly in his article “The Model of the Text: Meaningful Action Considered as a Text”, Paul Ricœur proposed a hypothesis concerning the homology between the text and social action. That hypothesis is not reducible to the narrative logic prevailing in late Ricœur’s writings, and we are searching to elucidate its further implications in social sciences. A new hermeneutics of social meanings can be founded upon it, enriched by the methodological experience of structural semiotics and taking into account (...)
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    Éléments pour une noétique du roman.Pierre Vinclair - 2015 - Methodos 15.
    Alors que la narratologie prétendait dévoiler les structures du récit en général, Vincent Descombes, dans son livre sur Proust, affirme qu’une science conséquente de la littérature doit rendre compte de la manière particulière qu’a chaque genre littéraire de produire du sens. Nous présentons dans cet article une approche noétique des genres qui, tentant de dépasser l’opposition entre sémiologie et herméneutique, s’intéresse à la manière dont les structures symboliques créent des modes de pensée particuliers. En remarquant que les fondateurs de la (...)
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    L'interprétation dans son espace phénoménologique.Basso Fossali Pierluigi - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (1):113-138.
    L’immanence de l’analyse a été une base méthodologique importante pour une éthique de l’interprétation, en retenant le texte comme la plateforme critique où les actes de communication doivent converger selon le principe régulateur de la consistance sémantique de l’entente ou du différend. Le périmètre textuel devrait fonctionner comme le plan d’homogénéisation des tensions herméneutiques potentiellement hétérogènes. Toutefois, l’hétérogénéité ne peut qu’émerger de nouveau dans la textualité; par exemple, pendant l’expérience perceptive de l’oeuvre d’art, les signifiants peuvent devenir des interprétants (...)
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    Logique de la mappemonde: note sur l'espace (pourquoi méditerranéen?).Alexandre Castant - 2012 - Trézélan: Filigranes Éditions.
    Les paysages méditerranéens? La construction de leur histoire comme l'expérience de leur aventure esthétique sont fécondées par les migrations, les nomadismes, les rencontres et les commerces géographiques (Fernand Braudel, La Méditerranée). Dans cette perspective, cet essai rend d'abord compte d'une poétique à l'oeuvre dans l'espace méditerranéen, puis d'une représentation en excès où se manifeste un goût des artistes méditerranéens pour l'art des contraires... Les paysages y apparaîtront, dès lors, comme une plate-forme de rencontres inter-sémiotiques, comme une mer des passages (...)
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  22. Les rythmes des signes et de la signification.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est la suite d'une réflexion présentée ici. Diderot manifeste une très forte attention à la question du langage. Il bénéficie sur ce plan de la réflexion de Locke, de Maupertuis et de Condillac, mais aussi, ce qui est probablement aussi important nous allons le voir, de ses propres expériences et réflexions d'écrivain. On sait que Locke a engagé, dans le livre III de son Essai sur l'entendement humain (1690), ce que certains spécialistes ont appelé une « révolution (...) ». Pour Locke, (...) - Philosophie – Nouvel article. (shrink)
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    Formes de vie.Fontanille Jacques - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (1):21-40.
    Science du sens et du questionnement, la sémiotique propose des méthodes pour interroger le sens des pratiques sociales et des productions culturelles humaines. Elle est donc en mesure d’appréhender sous quelles formes et avec quels effets sémiotiques les choix technologiques, politiques et de modèle social transforment nos cultures conçues comme des totalités porteuses de sens et comme des foyers d’identité pour chacun de nous. Il nous faut pour cela proposer un niveau de questionnement adéquat et de portée suffisante, un (...)
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    Deleuze: l'usage de l'art.Bernard Benit - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    À la manière de Sartre, qui renonce à la question de l'essence de la littérature et lui préfère celle de son utilité, Deleuze interroge, non l'essence de l'art, mais son usage pour le philosophe. Selon Deleuze, l'art est nécessaire au philosophe pour penser sa propre condition. En effet, pour échapper à la représentation qui dénature et assujettit la pensée, la philosophie exige un détour par l'art qui transforme à la fois l'exercice de la pensée et les conditions de l'expérience. (...)
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  25. Émergence d'une anthropologie rythmique – Les rythmes des signes et de la signification.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est la suite d'une réflexion présentée ici. Diderot manifeste une très forte attention à la question du langage. Il bénéficie sur ce plan de la réflexion de Locke, de Maupertuis et de Condillac, mais aussi, ce qui est probablement aussi important nous allons le voir, de ses propres expériences et réflexions d'écrivain. On sait que Locke a engagé, dans le livre III de son Essai sur l'entendement humain (1690), ce que certains spécialistes ont appelé une « révolution (...) ». Pour Locke, (...) - Philosophie – Nouvel article. (shrink)
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    A History of Language Philosophies.Lia Formigari - 2004 - Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin.
    Theory and history combine in this book to form a coherent narrative of the debates on language and languages in the Western world, from ancient classic philosophy to the present, with a final glance at on-going discussions on language as a cognitive tool, on its bodily roots and philogenetic role.An introductory chapter reviews the epistemological areas that converge into, or contribute to, language philosophy, and discusses their methods, relations, and goals. In this context, the status of language philosophy is discussed (...)
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  27. Semnificatie si intelegere.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2006 - Hermeneia 6:27-34.
    La signification est un phénomène social qui ne peut être compris de manière satisfaisante que par rapport à deux entités duales : une communauté et un langage. Elle se manifeste dans la sphère publique en tant que réponse discriminative à un stimulus sémiotique, c'est-à-dire en tant que réaction typique à un stimulus vicariant (qui rend possibles les expériences indirectes). Les modèles ou les schémas d’action sémiotique émergent de la conformité générale des membres d’une communauté à certaines conventions de (...)
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    What Happened to Philosophy Between Aquinas and Descartes?John Deely - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):543-568.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WHAT HAPPENED TO PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN AQUINAS AND DESCARTES? JoHN DEELY Loras College Dubuque, Iowa INTRODUCTION a. Pondering the Imponderable HE NEO-THOMISTIC revival launched by Leo XIII eems to have run its main course with an almost exclusive ook at the works of Thomas himself without taking much into serious consideration the work of his Latin commentators. At this moment, we find that a book translated from the work of (...)
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  29. Gian Franco arlandi contenu 1. terme complexe. 2. perspective esthetique du romantisme. 3. perspective semiotique de la neuropsychologie. H. pers. Pective complexe en semiotique de la creativite'musicale. [REVIEW]Esthetique Romantique Et Semiotique Neuropsychologique - 1997 - In Gian Franco Arlandi (ed.), Music and sciences. Bochum: N. Brockmeyer. pp. 117.
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    Littérature et littérarité: Un essai de mise au point.Thomas Aron & Groupe de Recherches En Linguistique Et Sémiotique - 1984 - Paris: Presses Univ. Franche-Comté.
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    Rise of Conspiracy Theories in the Pandemic Times.Elżbieta Kużelewska & Mariusz Tomaszuk - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (6):2373-2389.
    COVID-19 pandemic occurred as an unexpected experience affecting all countries around the globe. In addition to the obvious health, economic and political effects, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered immense changes in the social spheres. People and institutions were forced to adjust to the new circumstances, change habits and move most or all of their activity online. In the completely virtual world, pandemic became a fertile ground for the bloom of the conspiracy theories already existing, but struggling for the global attention. The (...)
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    Legal Foundations and Social Responsibility of Freedom of Speech in Kazakhstan.Bekgzhan Ashirbayev, Nurzhan Kuantayev, Bolatbek Tolepbergen, Alibek Shegebayev & Askar Duisenbi - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-15.
    Despite the fact that in recent years there has been an active trend of growth of freedom of expression in Kazakhstan, domestic legislative and judicial practice lags far behind international standards. The purpose of the study is to examine the legal situation concerning freedom of expression in Kazakhstan, particularly with regard to the functioning of the media, and to find ways to effectively ensure and adequately regulate this issue in law. The methodological approach is based on the dialectical method used (...)
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    End of the Conversation or Recasting Constitutional Dialogue?Alun Gibbs - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (1):127-143.
    Constitutional dialogue has become an influential concept to understand the relationship between courts and other the institutional branches of the state, with the primary focus being on legislatures. More recently, the place of dialogue within the constitutional literature has been challenged as vague; providing a potential to over-reach or overstate the judicial role and distorting the reality of practices which in fact shape the relationship between courts and other institutions. Critics have placed into focus the question: should constitutional scholarship abandon (...)
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    Intellectual Property Tools in Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Chinese Perspective.Yuchang le ChengYuan - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (3):893-906.
    Intangible cultural heritage is an invaluable treasure for human being and China is a country endowed with rich ICH. Among all the measures of safeguarding ICH, intellectual property tools are effective while controversial. As China started relatively late in the legal protection of ICH, the gap between legislation and judiciary needs to be filled in. This study examines the IP protection of ICH in China based on the current laws and regulations and then provides a semiotic approach to the relevant (...)
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  35. Thought Experiments and the Epistemology of Laws.Thought Experiments - 1992 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 22:15-4.
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    Semiotics of art literature• painting• film.Sémiotique des Arts - 1971 - In Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove & Donna Jean Umike-Sebeok (eds.), Essays in semiotics. The Hague,: Mouton. pp. 397.
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  37. Xiang Chen.Experiment Appraisal - 1994 - In Peter Achinstein & Laura J. Snyder (eds.), Scientific methods: conceptual and historical problems. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co.. pp. 45.
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    Postmemory and Possession.Stephen Frosh - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (2):515-528.
    This paper examines the phenomena of ‘postmemory’ as a mode of possession that responds to experiences of suffering. As such, the hyper-connectivity it is concerned with is not that of the digitalisation of contemporary life but is rather ‘vertical’ hyper-connectivity indicating the disturbance of past injustices that have neither been mourned nor remedied and so keep returning to haunt the present and the future.
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    Charles Peirce’s Categories and the Growth of Reason.Carl R. Hausman - 2008 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 21 (3):209-222.
    Charles Peirce’s semeiotic is inseparable from his account of the three categories of experience and his metaphysics. The discussion summarizes his account of the categories and considers the way they have ontological implications. These implications are then focused on Peirce’s Apapism, which is his way of referring to a theory of evolution. Finally, some suggestions are offered for a way the semeiotic with the metaphysical implications, especially their relevance for a theory of evolution, propose how Peirce might apply them for (...)
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    Property as an Asset of Resilience: Rethinking Ownership, Communities and Exclusion Through the Register of Resilience.Lorna Fox O’Mahony & Marc L. Roark - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (4):1477-1507.
    This article sets out a new conception of ‘property as an asset of resilience’. Building on Fineman’s emphasis on ‘webs’ of resilience, and applying insights from Actor-Network Theory and Resilient Property Theory, we examine how the rhetorical claims asserted by owners and non-owners, individually and collectively, and the ways that law recognizes and endorses those claims, affect the production of property-as-resilience. Applying Fineman’s framework, we argue that the ‘embodiment’ and ‘embeddedness’ of human vulnerability is revealed by the necessary and inevitable (...)
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    Establishing Common Ground Using Low Technology Communication Aids in Intermediary Mediated Police Investigative Interviews of Witnesses with an Intellectual Disability.Tina Pereira - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (2):517-546.
    Establishing common ground in police investigative interviews is essential in preventing misperceptions and miscommunications, to enable a witness’s best evidence to be collected. However eliciting a consistent account of an allegation from individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ID) is dependent on the skill of the interviewing police officer and the communicative competence of a witness with ID. Acknowledging the specialist nature of this process, the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act in England and Wales allows trained intermediaries to facilitate communication (...)
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    Law’s Cultural Project and the Claim to Universality or the Equivocalities of a Familiar Debate.José Manuel Aroso Linhares - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (4):489-503.
    Do our present circumstances allow us to defend a specific connection (that specific connection) between «legal rules», «moral claims» and «democratic principles» which we may say is granted by an unproblematic presupposition of universality or by an «acultural» experience of modernity? In order to discuss this question, this paper invokes the challenge-visée of a plausible reinvention of Law’s autonomous project (a reinvention which may be capable of critically re-thinking and re-experiencing Law’s constitutive cultural-civilizational originarium in a «limit-situation» such as our (...)
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    “Iraqnophobia”: A Biomedical History of State-Rearing and Shock Doctrine in Iraq.Michael Hennessy Picard - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (1):81-114.
    The history of Western foreign policy in the Middle East has long assimilated Arab culture to sickness. Specifically, the biological episteme of “contamination” has shaped American foreign policy in the Gulf for decades. In so doing, the US Government continually borrowed references from the natural sciences to frame its foreign policy, leading some commentators to claim that biology supplanted philosophy and religion as the primary political category. The article analyses the semantics of Iraqnophobic metaphors, from the British experience of “nursing” (...)
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    Modelling Perjury: Between Trust and Blame.Izabela Skoczeń - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):771-805.
    I investigate: to what extent do folk ascriptions of lying differ between casual and courtroom contexts? to what extent does motive to lie influence ascriptions of trust, mental states, and lying judgments? to what extent are lying judgments consistent with previous ascriptions of communicated content? Following the Supreme Court’s Bronston judgment, I expect: averaged lying judgments to be similar in casual and courtroom contexts; motive to lie to influence levels of trust, mental states ascriptions, and patterns of lying judgments; retrospective (...)
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    Cultural Heritage Accessibility in the Digital Era and the Greek Legal Framework.Marina Markellou - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (5):1945-1969.
    New technologies provide great opportunities for cultural heritage to become more widely accessible and for cultural experience to be more meaningful. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the strengths and vulnerabilities of the cultural heritage sector and the need to accelerate its digital transformation to make the most of the opportunities it provides. The Commission Recommendation on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation (2011/711/EU) concluded that there is an urgent need to protect and preserve European cultural (...)
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    Cultures in Orbit, or Justi-fying Differences in Cosmic Space: On Categorization, Territorialization and Rights Recognition.Mario Ricca - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (4):829-875.
    The many constraints of outer space experience challenge the human ability to coexist. Paradoxically, astronauts assert that on the international space station there are no conflicts or, at least, that they are able to manage their differences, behavioral as well as cognitive, in full respect of human rights and the imperatives of cooperative living. The question is: Why? Why in those difficult, a-terrestrial, and therefore almost unnatural conditions do human beings seem to be able to peacefully and collaboratively live together? (...)
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    Lethal Laws and Lethal Education: A Case Study of Soviet Genocide Against Polish Foresters and Five Decades of Infodemic.Dariusz J. Gwiazdowicz & Aleksandra Matulewska - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1521-1550.
    Genocide as a part of nation or ethnic group extermination process is not a well-defined concept. Its meaning is understood intuitively. When law intervenes, the issue of defining the term comes back. Nevertheless, the Polish nation has been recognized as subjected to genocide activities during the Second World War by the Nazi Germany and Soviet Union. The paper focuses on the genocide against mainly one group of Poles that is to say foresters. The martyrologic evidence proves that foresters were an (...)
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    Law, Justice, and Community in Kore-eda’s Shoplifters and Von Trier’s The House That Jack Built.Guilherme Vasconcelos Vilaça - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):529-560.
    Existing theoretical literature on justice, law, and community typically treats them as ideas studying them through an analytical and rational approach. In this article, I propose to investigate these concepts through aesthetic experience as an attempt to both sharpen our imagination of such concepts and demonstrate they are inseparable. I do this by painstakingly examining the movies Shoplifters by Kore-eda and The House That Jack Built by Von Trier. Rather than focusing on thematic analysis, I claim and show that film (...)
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    Black Panther’s Rage: Sovereignty, the Exception and Radical Dissent.Neal Curtis - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (2):265-281.
    Black Panther, directed by Ryan Coogler, became one of the highest grossing films of all time. It also received a lot of critical attention for its direct engagement with black experience and black politics. It speaks to the legacy of slavery and the exploitation of African-Americans and the ongoing post-colonial struggle represented most starkly by the Black Lives Matter Movement. However, the film was also criticised for supposedly leaving that radical black politics behind, even demonising it in its lead antagonist, (...)
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    “Sealfie”, “Phoque you” and “Animism”: The Canadian Inuit Answer to the United-States Anti-sealing Activism.Emiliano Battistini - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (3):561-594.
    A corpus made by online Canadian newspaper articles, coming from the archives of CBC News, Vice Canada and Huffington Post Canada, and related multimedia contents such us audio interviews, videos and especially links to images and comments shared on Twitter, allows us to reconstruct the debate on the seal hunt that involved Canadian media in 2014. In specific, we propose an interpretation of the pro-sealing discourse by Canadian Inuit and Newfoundlanders as an ironic and incisive answer to the serious United (...)
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