Results for 'familism'

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  1.  38
    Can Familism Be Justified?Kam-Yuen Cheng, Thomas Ming & Aaron Lai - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (8):431-439.
    This paper argues against the continued practice of Confucian familism, even in its moderate form, in East Asian hospitals. According to moderate familism, a physician acting in concert with the patient's family may withhold diagnostic information from the patient, and may give it to the patient's family members without her prior approval. There are two main approaches to defend moderate familism: one argues that it can uphold patient's autonomy and protect her best interests; the other appeals to (...)
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  2. Can familism be justified?Kam-Yuen Cheng, Thomas Ming & L. A. I. Aaron - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (8):431-439.
    This paper argues against the continued practice of Confucian familism, even in its moderate form, in East Asian hospitals. According to moderate familism, a physician acting in concert with the patient's family may withhold diagnostic information from the patient, and may give it to the patient's family members without her prior approval. There are two main approaches to defend moderate familism: one argues that it can uphold patient's autonomy and protect her best interests; the other appeals to (...)
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  3.  47
    Parental refusal of life-saving treatments for adolescents: Chinese familism in medical decision-making re-visited.H. U. I. Edwin - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):286–295.
    This paper reports two cases in Hong Kong involving two native Chinese adolescent cancer patients (APs) who were denied their rights to consent to necessary treatments refused by their parents, resulting in serious harm. We argue that the dynamics of the 'AP-physician-family-relationship' and the dominant role Chinese families play in medical decision-making (MDM) are best understood in terms of the tendency to hierarchy and parental authoritarianism in traditional Confucianism. This ethic has been confirmed and endorsed by various Chinese writers from (...)
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    Medical Individualism or Medical Familism? A Critical Analysis of China’s New Guidelines for Informed Consent: The Basic Norms of the Documentation of the Medical Record.Lin Bian - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (4):371-386.
    Modern Western medical individualism has had a significant impact on health care in China. This essay demonstrates the ways in which such Western-style individualism has been explicitly endorsed in China’s 2010 directive: The Basic Norms of the Documentation of the Medical Record. The Norms require that the patient himself, rather than a member of his family, sign each informed consent form. This change in clinical practice indicates a shift toward medical individualism in Chinese healthcare legislation. Such individualism, however, is incompatible (...)
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  5. Atomism, Communitarianism, and Confucian Familism.Andrew T. W. Hung - 2022 - Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 15.
    Charles Taylor criticizes many liberal theories based on a kind of atomism that assumes the individual self-sufficiency outside the polity. This not only causes soft-relativism and political fragmentation but also undermines the solidarity of the community, that is, the very condition of the formation of autonomous citizens. Taylor thus argues for communitarian politics which protects certain cultural common goods for sustaining the solidarity of the community. However, Brenda Lyshaug criticizes Taylor’s communitarianism as suppressing plurality and enhancing hostility among cultural groups. (...)
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    Parental Refusal of Life‐Saving Treatments for Adolescents: Chinese Familism in Medical Decision‐Making Re‐Visited.Edwin Hui - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):286-295.
    This paper reports two cases in Hong Kong involving two native Chinese adolescent cancer patients (APs) who were denied their rights to consent to necessary treatments refused by their parents, resulting in serious harm. We argue that the dynamics of the ‘AP‐physician‐family‐relationship’ and the dominant role Chinese families play in medical decision‐making (MDM) are best understood in terms of the tendency to hierarchy and parental authoritarianism in traditional Confucianism. This ethic has been confirmed and endorsed by various Chinese writers from (...)
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  7.  13
    The Duplicity of Confucian Familism - The duet between factionalism and authoritarianism -. 김도일 - 2018 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 135:1-22.
    유가전통(儒家傳統)과 유가정치사상(儒家政治思想)은 한국정치 후진성의 원인으로 줄곧 지목된다. 이 통념에서 주로 지적되는 폐단은 유가적 정치원리가 가족적 질서를 국가 영역으로 확대·적용함으로써 궁극적으로 공공 영역 확립을 방해한다는 것이다. 이는 소위 “유교 가족주의”의 폐단이다. 본고는 이 폐단이 나올 수밖에 없는 그 사상 내적인 요인이 무엇인지 살펴본다. 특히 그 문제점이 파벌과 권위주의의 중첩에 있음을 지적하고, 이를 “유교 가족주의의 이중성”이라고 편의상 명명한다. 본고가 주목하는 요인은 유가정치사상의 특징 중 하나인 “의제(擬制)적 확대”이다. 이 기제가 유가전통의 두 중핵인 인(仁)과 의(義)에 연관되어 어떻게 작동하는지 살펴봄으로써, 파벌과 권위주의의 유교 내적 원인에 (...)
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    Political implications of confucian familism.Antonio Rappa & Sor-Hoon Tan - 2003 - Asian Philosophy 13 (2 & 3):87 – 102.
    The family could be mobilized as a political resource for economic 'development'. What kind of family would be compatible with a knowledge-based economy? We argue that authoritarian Confucian familism is incompatible with the knowledge-based economy; but it is possible to construct a different model of the ideal Confucian family which will be compatible with such an economy: a family ideal that emphasizes internal strengths of relationships rather than building barriers to keep out 'undesirable influences', that advocates a respect for (...)
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  9.  40
    Confucianism and familism: A comment on the debate between Liu and Guo.Heiner Roetz - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (1):41-44.
  10.  60
    The Prospect of Familism in the Global Era: A Study on the Recent Development of the Ethnic-Chinese Business, with Particular Attention to the Indonesian Context.Yahya Wijaya - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (3):311-317.
    The ethnic-Chinese business is often characterised by a central role of the family both in the structure of the firm and in its corporate culture. This has political, social as well as cultural reasons. The centrality of the family in business has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it enables a fast, efficient and flexible process of decision-making. On the other hand, it often contradicts modern business professionalism. The younger generation of ethnic-Chinese business actors tend to preserve crucial (...)
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  11.  46
    Taking the Role of the Family Seriously in Treating Chinese Psychiatric Patients: A Confucian Familist Review of China’s First Mental Health Act.Ruiping Fan & Mingxu Wang - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (4):387-399.
    This essay argues that the Chinese Mental Health Act of 2013 is overly individualistic and fails to give proper moral weight to the role of Chinese families in directing the process of decision-making for hospitalizing and treating the mentally ill patients. We present three types of reactions within the medical community to the Act, each illustrated with a case and discussion. In the first two types of cases, we argue that these reactions are problematic either because they comply with the (...)
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  12.  15
    Single Women and Familism: Challenge from the Margins.Tuula Gordon - 1994 - European Journal of Women's Studies 1 (2):165-182.
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  13.  51
    Fourier's “familism” against the household.René Schérer - 1997 - Angelaki 2 (1):125-132.
  14.  18
    “They Always Call Me an Investment”: Gendered Familism and Latino/a College Pathways.Sarah M. Ovink - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (2):265-288.
    In the past 20 years, Latinas have begun to outperform Latinos in high school completion and college enrollment, tracking the overall “gender reversal” in college attainment that favors women. Few studies have examined what factors contribute to Latinas’ increasing educational success. This article focuses on gender differences in college-going behavior among a cohort of 50 Latino/a college aspirants in the San Francisco East Bay Area. Through 136 longitudinal interviews, I examine trends in Latinos/as’ postsecondary pathways and life course decisions over (...)
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  15.  26
    The Ethics of Transnational Market Familism: Inequalities and Hierarchies in the Italian Elderly Care.Lena Näre - 2013 - Ethics and Social Welfare 7 (2):184-197.
    This article examines the recent transformations of the Italian welfare state from a familist welfare model to what I term transnational market familism. In this model, families buy in care labour, commonly provided by migrant workers. There is now a growing literature exploring both the transformations of the Italian welfare model and the experiences of migrant workers providing care in Italy. However, what has been overlooked in the current literature is the ethical aspect of this model of welfare provision, (...)
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  16.  48
    Nationalism into global familism.Jong Youl Yoo - 1980 - World Futures 16 (3):239-251.
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  17.  85
    Informed consent Hong Kong style: An instance of moderate familism.Ho Mun Chan - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (2):195 – 206.
    This paper examines the practice of informed consent in Hong Kong by drawing on structured interviews conducted with eleven physicians, three patients, and four family members primarily at a well-established public hospital in Hong Kong. The findings of this study show that the Hong Kong approach to medical decision-making lies somewhere between that of America on the one hand, and mainland China on the other. It is argued that the practice of medical decision-making in Hong Kong can be modeled by (...)
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  18.  85
    Beyond liberal civil society: Confucian familism and relational strangership.Sungmoon Kim - 2010 - Philosophy East and West 60 (4):476-498.
    In Conditions of Liberty, Ernest Gellner defines civil society as a unique modern condition in which a "modal self"—a moral agent liberated from "the tyranny of cousins or of rituals"—entertains an unprecedented amount of personal freedom.1 Otherwise stated, moral individualism is the foundation of a modern civil society where people encounter each other qua individuals (i.e., strangers). In line with this view, the predominant, formal-judicial, understanding of civil society in the recent social sciences2 is too limited, because its exclusive emphasis (...)
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  19.  17
    A Study on the Norm of Familism on Korean Cho-Pok Film. 최용성 - 2008 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (68):331-364.
    본 연구는 조폭영화가 오늘날 한국 사회의 사회문화적 맥락 속에 침잠되어 있는 가족주의 습속규범과 어떤 관계가 있는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 또한 조폭영화를 통해 2000년대 이후 이 시대의 사회문화적 맥락 속에서 살아 숨쉬고 있는 왜곡된 가족주의를 드러내고자 한다. 조폭영화에 드러난 가족주의는 도덕적 가족주의나 정서적 가족주의의 형태로 피상적으로 표층에 보이기도 한다. 그러나 도구적 가족주의, 이기적 가족주의, 유사 가족주의 등의 보다 심층적 형태가 기층에서 나타남을 보여주고 있다. 2000년대 초창기의 조폭영화들, 예컨대 이나 가 이기적 가족주의나 유사 가족주의를 기층으로 가지면서 가족주의를 풍자반영하면서도 피상적으로 옹호하는 성향을 가졌다면 는 (...)
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  20.  51
    Self-Perception of Parental Role, Family Functioning, and Familistic Beliefs in Italian Parents: Early Evidence.Elisa Delvecchio, Daniela Di Riso & Silvia Salcuni - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  21.  26
    Social Disintegration in Poland: Civil Society or Amoral Familism?E. Tarkowska & J. Tarkowski - 1991 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1991 (89):103-109.
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    A Qualitative Study on the Grief of People Who Lose Their Only Child: From the Perspective of Familism Culture.Yudi Zhang & Xiaoming Jia - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  23.  28
    The Limits of Individualizing Parenthood in Serbia: Study of Gender Socialization of Children.Jelena Ceriman - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (3):399-417.
    This paper seeks to explore the limits of individualizing parenthood in Serbia, gleaned from the example of gender socialization of children. The main thesis is that the noted limits to individualization of parenthood in contemporary society have a particular Serbian manifestation due to the country’s familism. The study traces the ideology of familism through normative aspects of gender structures within contemporary Serbian society, that is, by analyzing the presence and forms of expression of the patriarchal matrix in upbringing (...)
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  24.  82
    Corporate Social Responsibility and Crony Capitalism in Taiwan.Po-Keung Ip - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):167 - 177.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly popular in advanced economies in the West. In contrast, CSR awareness in Asia is rather low, both on the corporate and state level. However, recent events have shown that the CSR is receiving more attention by corporations in Asia. Recent development in CSR in Taiwan is one example of such a trend. A 2005 survey on the 700 publicly listed companies in Taiwan on␣CSR has highlighted the current CSR situation. Concurrently, the numbers of (...)
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  25.  32
    Rethinking Reconstructionist Confucianism’s Rethinking.Lauren F. Pfister - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (3):395-401.
    In this review of Fan Ruiping’s book, I am concerned first of all about how representative his account of Confucianism/Ruism is in relationship to the multiform traditions associated with that teaching through more than two thousand years of its existence. Fan emphasizes pre-imperial forms of Confucian traditions, but neglects many alternatives from later sources. Secondly, his account of “familism” lends itself to questions related to the problem of revenge that is associated with traditional Confucianism. This raises further ethical doubts (...)
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  26.  67
    What children really need: Towards a critical theory of family structure.Shelley Burtt - 2004 - In David Archard (ed.), The moral and political status of children. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 231--252.
    The ’new familists’ argue that sociological evidence on the relation between traditional two‐parent nuclear family and positive outcomes for their children justifies public‐policy measures aimed at promoting this type of family. But the success of such families is due to the fact that many other institutional arrangements advantage this type of family. Such a family typically involves a sexist division of domestic labour. A ’critical theory of family structure’ identifies the developmental needs of children and examines the ways in which (...)
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  27. Normatyvinis kartų solidarumas migracijos kontekste: vyresnio amžiaus tėvų, likusių Lietuvoje, požiūris.Margarita Gedvilaitė-Kordušienė - 2015 - Filosofija. Sociologija 25 (4).
    Straipsnyje analizuojamos vyresnio amžiaus tėvų, turinčių emigravusių vaikų, normatyvinės nuostatos dėl vaikų pareigų tėvams, atskleidžiami subjektyvūs priežiūros lūkesčiai ir normatyvinį solidarumą lemiantys veiksniai. Normatyvinis solidarumas lyginamas tarp dviejų transnacionalinės šeimos tipų: tėvų, kurių visi vaikai / vienintelis vaikas yra emigravę ir tėvų, turinčių emigravusių ir Lietuvoje gyvenančių vaikų. Remiantis logistinės regresijos rezultatais, analizuojami reikšmingi individualūs ir šeiminiai veiksniai, lemiantys pritarimą vaikų pareigoms tėvams.
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  28. Truth telling in medicine: The confucian view.Ruiping Fan & Benfu Li - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (2):179 – 193.
    Truth-telling to competent patients is widely affirmed as a cardinal moral and biomedical obligation in contemporary Western medical practice. In contrast, Chinese medical ethics remains committed to hiding the truth as well as to lying when necessary to achieve the family's view of the best interests of the patient. This essay intends to provide an account of the framing commitments that would both justify physician deception and have it function in a way authentically grounded in the familist moral concerns of (...)
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  29.  40
    Talis pater, talis filius: the role of discursive strategies, thematic narratives and ideology in Cosa Nostra.Fabio Indìo Massimo Poppi, Giovanni A. Travaglino & Salvatore Di Piazza - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (5):540-560.
    ABSTRACTThe discursive analysis of criminal organizations’ family dynamics and ideological devices may provide important insights into the inner functioning of these groups. In this article, we describe and analyze a specific set of discursive strategies and the thematic narratives emerging from a TV interview with Giuseppe Riina, a member of Cosa Nostra and the son of one of the most important mafia bosses. Our analyses demonstrate the existence of recurring ideological devices such as reductionism, amoralism, familism, verticalism, normalism, victimism (...)
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  30.  20
    Medical Professionalism in China and the United States: A Transcultural Interpretation.Joseph D. Tucker, Linying Hu, Yali Cong, Kirk L. Smith & Jing-Bao Nie - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (1):48-60.
    As in other societies, medical professionalism in the Peoples’ Republic of China has been rapidly evolving. One of the major events in this process was the endorsement in 2005 of the document, “Medical Professionalism in the New Millennium: A Physician Charter,” by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association (hereafter, the Charter). More recently, a national survey, the first on such a large scale, was conducted on Chinese physicians’ attitudes toward the fundamental principles and core commitments put forward in the Charter. Based (...)
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  31.  35
    Family-Based Consent and Motivation for Cadaveric Organ Donation in China: An Ethical Exploration.Ruiping Fan & Mingxu Wang - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (5):534-553.
    This essay indicates that Confucian family-based ethics is by no means a stumbling block to organ donation in China. We contend that China should not change to an opt-out consent system in order to enhance donation because a “hard” opt-out system is unethical, and a “soft” opt-out system is unhelpful. We argue that the recently-introduced familist model of motivation for organ donation in mainland China can provide a proper incentive for donation. This model, and the family priority right that this (...)
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  32.  5
    Is Fairyland for Everyone? Mapping online discourse on gender debates in Hungary.Hanna Dorottya Szabó - forthcoming - Communications.
    Over the past decade, Hungary has become a noteworthy example of democratic backsliding, marked by a pronounced shift towards conservative values and traditional gender roles within government policies. This trend, centred around Christian principles, has manifested in political campaigns actively opposing LGBTQ+ rights and the challenging of normative family structure. The resultant media campaigns and policy implementations have ignited extensive public discourse on gender and sexuality, prominently visible on social media platforms. This study conducts a qualitative analysis of the online (...)
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  33. Reconsidering surrogate decision making: Aristotelianism and confucianism on ideal human relations.Ruiping Fan - 2002 - Philosophy East and West 52 (3):346-372.
    The rise in the recent Western pattern of surrogate decision making is not a necessary result of an increase in the number of elderly with decreased competence; it may rather manifest the dominant Western vision of human life and relations. From a comparative philosophical standpoint, the Western pattern of medical decision making is individualistic, while the Chinese is familistic. These two distinct patterns may reflect two different comprehensive perspectives on human life and relations, disclosing a foundational difference that can be (...)
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  34.  13
    Chinese Physicians’ Attitudes toward and Understanding of Medical Professionalism: Results of a National Survey.Jing-Bao Nie, Xiaolei Bao, Xiuyun Yin & Linying Hu - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (2):135-147.
    BackgroundMedical professionalism has been developing in the Peoples’ Republic of China as one way to better address perennial and new challenges in healthcare in an ever-changing society. Among many recent developments in this area is promotion by the national Chinese Medical Doctor Association of the principles and values contained in the international document, “Medical Professionalism in the New Millennium: A Physician Charter.”ObjectiveTo discover Chinese physicians’ attitudes toward and understanding of medical professionalism.MethodologyThe authors distributed a self-reporting questionnaire that included 34 statements (...)
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    “I Kind of Want to Want”: Women Who Are Undecided About Becoming Mothers.Orna Donath, Nitza Berkovitch & Dorit Segal-Engelchin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:848384.
    This study focuses on women who define themselves as being undecided about becoming mothers. It addresses the question of how these women navigate their lives between two main conflicting cultural directives and perceptions: pronatalism and familism entwined in perception of linear time on one hand; and individualism and its counterpart, the notion of flexible liquid society, on the other. The research is based on group meetings designated for these women, which were facilitated by the first author. Ten women participated (...)
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  36.  17
    Familismo como posibilidad vincular en la subjetivación de jóvenes en condiciones de pobreza en Córdoba.Francisco Ghisiglieri & Andrea Gigena - 2020 - Escritos 28 (60):93-108.
    The article considers the processes of subjectivation of youngsters in poverty condition of a neighborhood of Cordoba. From a Foucauldian analytic standpoint, it analyzes the ways in which subjects constitute themselves through a historical development and within a framework of practices of government and resistance. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to understand how the youngsters of the neighborhood built their subjectivities within a context of social exclusion. Particularly, it analyzes the relevance of kinship and the consequences for women. (...)
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  37.  18
    “There Is Nothing I Cannot Achieve”: Empowering Latin American Women Through Agricultural Education.Judith L. Gibbons, Zelenia Eguigure-Fonseca, Ana Maier-Acosta, Gladys Elizabeth Menjivar-Flores, Ivanna Vejarano-Moreno & Alexandra Alemán-Sierra - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:902196.
    Higher education, a key driver of women’s empowerment, is still segregated by gender across the world. Agricultural higher education is a field that is male-dominated, even though internationally women play a large role in agricultural production. The purpose of this study was to understand the experience, including challenges and coping strategies, of women from 10 Latin American countries attending an agricultural university in Latin America. The participants were 28 women students with a mean age of 20.9 ± 1.8 years. Following (...)
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    "Not Heretofore Extant in Print": Where the Mad Ranters Are.Kathryn Gucer - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (1):75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.1 (2000) 75-95 [Access article in PDF] "Not heretofore extant in print": Where the Mad Ranters Are Kathryn Gucer In 1654 Ephraim Pagitt published the fifth edition of Heresiography, subtitled "a Description of the Hereticks and Sectaries of these latter times." On the title page Pagitt promoted this latest edition of the catalog by stressing the "Additions" he had made. Among the new (...)
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    Problems and the Potential Direction of Reforms for the Current Individual Medical Savings Accounts in the Chinese Health Care System.X. Kong, Y. Yang, F. Gong & M. Zhao - 2012 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 37 (6):556-567.
    Individual health savings accounts are an important part of the current basic medical insurance system for urban workers in China. Since 1998 when the system of personal medical insurance accounts was first implemented, there has been considerable controversy over its function and significance within different social communities. This paper analyzes the main problems in the practical implementation of individual medical insurance accounts and discusses the social and cultural foundations for the establishment of family health savings accounts from the perspective of (...)
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    The Forced Marriage of Minors: A Neglected Form of Child Abuse.Loretta M. Kopelman - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (1):173-181.
    The forced marriage of minors is child abuse, consequently duties exist to stop them. Yet over 14 million forced marriages of minors occur annually in developing countries. The American Bar Association concludes that the problem in the US is significant, widespread but largely ignored, and that few US laws protect minors from forced marriages. Although their best chance of rescue often involves visits to health care providers, US providers show little awareness of this growing problem. Strategies discussed to stop forced (...)
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    Economic Policy Uncertainty and Family Firm Innovation: Evidence From Listed Companies in China.Yong Qi, Shaoyu Dong, Simeng Lyu & Shuo Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the advancement of China’s economic transformation, the impact of economic policy uncertainty on family firms has become increasingly significant. The “familism” of family firms makes them more motivated to maintain family harmony, pursue innovative activities, and the long-term development of enterprises when faced with economic policy uncertainty. In this paper, we employed the data of listed Chinese family firms from 2010 to 2018 to analyze the impact of economic policy uncertainty on family business innovation activities, analyze the inherent (...)
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  42.  21
    The religious phenomenon of Juche ideology as a political tool.Fransiskus I. Widjaja, Noh I. Boiliu, Irfan F. Simanjuntak, Joni M. P. Gultom & Fredy Simanjuntak - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-7.
    This study aims to determine the motive that led to the establishment of Juche by Kim Il Sung amidst the influence of communism and its transformation into religion in North Korea. North Korea is a communist country dictated by Kim Jong-Un of the Kim dynasty and known for its cruelty. The country underwent several changes from Marxism-Leninism to familism to determine its strength in Juche. This ideology that acts as a religion was influenced and strengthened Kim Jong Il to (...)
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    Organ Donation Incentives in Mainland China: Ethical Commentaries and Reform Recommendations.Jian Tang, Guangkuan Xie & Yali Cong - 2023 - In Ruiping Fan (ed.), Incentives and Disincentives in Organ Donation: A Multicultural Study among Beijing, Chicago, Tehran and Hong Kong. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 55-68.
    This chapter makes further ethical commentaries in response to the findings as described in Chaps. 2 and 3. We contend that it is not the case that only one type of incentive can be justified to motivate organ donation in mainland China. In particular, we argue that while each of the three types of incentive (honorary, compensationalist, and familist) can work, some particular incentive measures can be ethically justified and be the most motivating in the context of mainland China. Based (...)
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  44.  20
    Kultur, soziale Institutionen und die ökonomische Entwicklung in China.Mengue Liu - 2013 - Analyse & Kritik 35 (2):423-448.
    One of the main concerns of New Institutional Economics is to explain the pervasive existence of inefficient political or economic arrangements. However, quite different explanations of this phenomenon are offered. Some authors consider it a result of formally established rules, others think it is caused by traditional cultural beliefs, yet others ascribe it to evolved social relations. But each of these approaches can only cover part of the truth. In this paper I suggest that societal development and endurance can only (...)
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  45. 對MacKay教授論文的評論.慶新 王 - 2024 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 22 (2):57-61.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. This paper provides a brief introduction to Professor Kathryn Mackay’s review of the recent literature on public health ethics and her vision of the challenges faced by public health ethics in the future. The paper also reflects on the solutions that she provides for coping with public health-related ethical challenges and proposes Confucian familism as an alternative approach to deal with these challenges.
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  46.  13
    消失的吿別:「新冠」疫情下的臨終關懷與善終.S. U. N. Sihan - 2022 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (1):83-97.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 傳統意義下的臨終關懷,以全面的身心照料為中心,為瀕臨離世的病患及其家屬提供涵蓋生理、社會及心靈方面的支援及照護服務,使其消除焦慮和對死亡的恐懼,最終幫助病人有尊嚴地、舒緩平和地抵達人生盡頭,也慰藉患者 家屬走出失去至親的傷痛。然而,在「新冠」疫情的影響下,臨終關懷面臨著倫理困境,善終的意義也一度受到挑戰。本文以香港疫情下受限的探訪和殯葬安排為例,通過儒家思想中的以人文本、家庭主義和臨終禮儀,分析防疫 政策對臨終關懷和善終的影響並探究其倫理正當性,為今後突發公共衛生事件下臨終關懷必要性、執行過程和發展提供思考。 End-of-life care aims to provide supportive physical, social, mental, and spiritual care for terminally ill patients and their family members. Not only does it help patients approach the end of their lives with dignity and peace, but it also helps family members overcome the grief of losing a loved one. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, ethical dilemmas have emerged within the field of end-of-life care, and it (...)
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  47.  30
    Organ Donation: The Hong Kong Context.Ho Mun Chan & T.-Fai Yeung - 2023 - In Ruiping Fan (ed.), Incentives and Disincentives in Organ Donation: A Multicultural Study among Beijing, Chicago, Tehran and Hong Kong. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 173-193.
    This chapter gives an outline of the development of the human organ transplant system in Hong Kong, whose key features are a soft opt-in system and strict prohibitions on commercial dealings in human organs for transplant. It is argued that under such a system, there is a lack of incentives for either cadaveric or living organ donations and for family members to endorse deceased donation. This argument is followed by an investigation of the shortage of organ donations in Hong Kong, (...)
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  48.  21
    Organ Donation, Comprehensively Good Incentives, and the Family: A Comment on Hong Kong’s Interview Findings and Survey Results.Ruiping Fan - 2023 - In Incentives and Disincentives in Organ Donation: A Multicultural Study among Beijing, Chicago, Tehran and Hong Kong. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 237-259.
    This chapter provides conceptual and ethical comments on Hong Kong’s interview findings and survey results regarding the three types of incentive for organ donation. It focuses on three particular conceptual and ethical issues. First, it shows that there is not always a clear-cut distinction between an honorary and a compensationalist incentive measure for organ donation. Instead, a measure such as offering a public columbarium niche to a deceased donor in Hong Kong carries both honorary and compensationalist elements and can, as (...)
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  49.  20
    Organ Donation Incentives: A Multicultural Comparison.Lisa M. Rasmussen - 2023 - In Ruiping Fan (ed.), Incentives and Disincentives in Organ Donation: A Multicultural Study among Beijing, Chicago, Tehran and Hong Kong. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 263-273.
    This essay is a comparative analysis of results reported in this volume from studies in mainland China, the United States, Iran, and Hong Kong regarding organ donation incentives. They reveal widespread (but not unanimous) support for honorary incentives (such as notes or ceremonies of gratitude) and significant support for familist incentives (offering a donor’s family members priority should they need an organ transplant in the future). Opinions on financial incentives were much more mixed, with significant worries expressed regarding potential exploitation (...)
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  50.  36
    Incentives and Disincentives in Organ Donation: A Multicultural Study among Beijing, Chicago, Tehran and Hong Kong.Ruiping Fan (ed.) - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book provides the first systematic study on three types of incentives for organ donation. It covers extensive research conducted in four culturally different societies: Hong Kong, mainland China, Iran and the United States, and shows on the basis of the research that a new model of incentives can be constructed to enhance organ donation in contemporary societies. The book focuses on three types of incentives: honorary incentives, commonly adopted in the United States and other Western countries by offering things (...)
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