Results for 'fungible'

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  1.  30
    Fungibility in Quantum Sets.Kenji Tokuo - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (3):297-310.
    It can be intuitively understood that sets and their elements in mathematics reflect the atomistic way of thinking in physics: Sets correspond to physical properties, and their elements correspond to particles that have these properties. At the same time, quantum statistics and quantum field theory strongly support the view that quantum particles are not individuals. Some of the problems faced in modern physics may be caused by such discrepancy between set theory and physical theory. The question then arises: Is it (...)
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    Astroethics and the Non-Fungibility Thesis.Michael Aaron Lindquist - 2022 - Environmental Ethics 44 (3):221-246.
    This paper approaches the question of terraforming—the changing of extraterrestrial environments to be capable of harboring earth-based life—by arguing for a novel conception of moral status that accounts for extraterrestrial bodies like Mars. The paper begins by addressing pro-terraforming arguments offered by James S. J. Schwartz before offering the novel account of moral status. The account offered builds on and modifies Keekok Lee’s No External Teleology Thesis (NETT), while defending a proposed Non-Fungibility Thesis (NFT). The NETT is modified and defended (...)
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    The "fungible life" in “the war we have not seen”.Adriana María Ruiz Gutiérrez - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:109-124.
    Com formidável velocidade, as máquinas de guerra, diferentes dos aparelhos de Estado, transformam a vítima em instrumento de guerra (acionável, intercambiável e matável), até à sua exaustão final. Assim, categorias inteiras de “populações negadas”, inertes e precárias, são transformadas em ferramentas (úteis e vivas) de violência armada, colocadas, hoje, ao serviço daqueles que reivindicam o direito de matar, e da mesma forma, em “realidades”. “perdidos” que não deixam vestígios de sua passagem pelo mundo. Aqui está a forma inédita e concreta (...)
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  4. Attempting Redress: Fungibility, Ethics, and Redressive Practice in the Work of Saidiya Hartman.Eyo Ewara - 2022 - Theory and Event 25 (2):364-391.
    This paper explores Saidiya Hartman's undertheorized account of 'redress' in conversation with the extensive uptake of her work on Black fungibility, subjection, and critiques of emancipation. Although Hartman uses the term in nearly all of her writing, little work has been done to clarify how Hartman conceptualizes redress as a response to the constitution of Black lives as abstract, exchangeable, and disposable. This paper offers an account of how Hartman theorizes redress, showing how it both resists, and acts as a (...)
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    The Political Life of Fungibility.Stephen H. Marshall - forthcoming - Theory and Event 15 (3).
  6.  34
    Identical but not interchangeable: Preschoolers view owned objects as non-fungible.Stephanie McEwan, Madison L. Pesowski & Ori Friedman - 2016 - Cognition 146:16-21.
    Owned objects are typically viewed as non-fungible-they cannot be freely interchanged. We report three experiments (total N=312) demonstrating this intuition in preschool-aged children. In Experiment 1, children considered an agent who takes one of two identical objects and leaves the other for a peer. Children viewed this as acceptable when the agent took his own item, but not when he took his peer's item. In Experiment 2, children considered scenarios where one agent took property from another. Children said the (...)
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    A Confucian Solution to the Fungibility Problem of Friendship: Friends like Family with Particularized Virtues.Chenyang Li - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (4):493-508.
    When asked why we are friends with someone, we often point to her good virtues as reasons. If these are the reasons, we have equal reasons to be friends with anyone with such virtues, and we can even replace current friends with anyone with the same or better virtues without substantive loss in friendship. However, it does not seem right that a particular friend is replaceable by just any other person with the same or better virtues. This is the fungibility (...)
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  8. Otros marcos de representación de la guerra, que no hemos escuchado: de la «vida fungible» a la vida biográfica de un excombatiente en proceso de reintegración.Adriana María Ruiz Gutiérrez & Conrado de Jesús Giraldo Zuluaga - 2024 - Perseitas 12:401-424.
    La vulnerabilidad narrativa, producto de la exclusión de los marcos de representación del contexto, que priva a algunos de ser vistos, escuchados y sentidos por la mayoría, implica la precariedad de amplias generaciones transformadas en “vidas fungibles”, esto es, en instrumentos vivos y animados de las máquinas de la guerra. Estos hombres y mujeres, empero, no son engranajes de la destrucción, sino seres con un nombre y una historia singular. Su capacidad de traducir narrativamente la realidad ofrece otro encuadre de (...)
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    Conceptually Misaligned: Black Being, the Human, and Fungibility.Jasmine Wallace - 2023 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37 (3):333-344.
    ABSTRACT This article concerns the ways in which Afropessimist Calvin Warren misuses and overextends both Wynter’s historiography of the Human and Hartman’s concept “fungible commodity.” First, Calvin Warren flattens the ontology of the political subject described in Wynter’s concept “genres of Man” to argue that the contemporary Black US person exists as “being,” that is, non-being. Second, Warren misaligns with Wynter’s account of the period of historical rupture between the Human and nonhuman. Whereas, for Wynter, this rupture was constituted (...)
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    A critical professional ethical analysis of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).Dr Catherine Flick - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Technology 12 (C):100054.
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  11. Digital Inheritance in Web3: A Case Study of Soulbound Tokens and the Social Recovery Pallet within the Polkadot and Kusama Ecosystems.Justin Goldston, Tomer Jordi Chaffer, Justyna Osowska & Charles von Goins Ii - manuscript
    In recent years discussions centered around digital inheritance have increased among social media users and across blockchain ecosystems. As a result digital assets such as social media content cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens have become increasingly valuable and widespread, leading to the need for clear and secure mechanisms for transferring these assets upon the testators death or incapacitation. This study proposes a framework for digital inheritance using soulbound tokens and the social recovery pallet as a use case in the Polkadot (...)
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  12.  22
    What, If Anything, Is Wrong with Offsetting Nature?Karin Edvardsson Björnberg - 2020 - Theoria 86 (6):749-768.
    Biodiversity offsetting is an increasingly popular policy instrument used to compensate for losses in biodiversity and ecosystem services caused by development projects. Although evidence suggests that offsetting can yield significant environmental benefits, application of the policy instrument is surrounded by controversy. Among other things, critics argue that offsetting builds on normatively contentious assumptions regarding the value of nature and the fungibility of biodiversity components, such as species, habitats, ecosystems, and landscapes. A large portion of the criticism targets the allegedly illegitimate (...)
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    Beyond markets: The DADA case for NFTs in art.Tara Merk - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (1):73-89.
    The rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has been astonishing, in particular for the arts and creative industries. The dominant discourse both in mainstream media and in academia today focuses predominantly on what this new technology can do for the art market rather than art itself. However, framing NFTs in art in the context of money and markets draws attention away from the more subtle and creative role of NFTs. Consequently, this article asks: What is the role of NFTs in (...)
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  14. What Counts as Scientific Data? A Relational Framework.Sabina Leonelli - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):810-821.
    This paper proposes an account of scientific data that makes sense of recent debates on data-driven and ‘big data’ research, while also building on the history of data production and use particularly within biology. In this view, ‘data’ is a relational category applied to research outputs that are taken, at specific moments of inquiry, to provide evidence for knowledge claims of interest to the researchers involved. They do not have truth-value in and of themselves, nor can they be seen as (...)
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    Enabling Demonstrated Consent for Biobanking with Blockchain and Generative AI.Caspar Barnes Mateo Riobo Aboy Timo Minssen Jemima Winifred Allen Brian D. Earp Julian Savulescu Sebastian Porsdam Mann A. Harvard Medical Schoolb AminoChain - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-16.
    Participation in research is supposed to be voluntary and informed. Yet it is difficult to ensure people are adequately informed about the potential uses of their biological materials when they donate samples for future research. We propose a novel consent framework which we call “demonstrated consent” that leverages blockchain technology and generative AI to address this problem. In a demonstrated consent model, each donated sample is associated with a unique non-fungible token (NFT) on a blockchain, which records in its (...)
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  16. Each counts for one.Daniel Muñoz - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (10):2737-2754.
    After 50 years of debate, the ethics of aggregation has reached a curious stalemate, with both sides arguing that only their theory treats people as equals. I argue that, on the issue of equality, both sides are wrong. From the premise that “each counts for one,” we cannot derive the conclusion that “more count for more” or its negation. The familiar arguments from equality to aggregation presuppose more than equality: the Kamm/Scanlon “Balancing Argument” rests on what social choice theorists call (...)
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    To Provide and Protect: Gendering Money in Ukrainian Households.Nadina L. Anderson - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (3):359-382.
    In this article, I advance a theory of gendered money and demonstrate how couples give special symbolic meaning to men’s money in domestic exchanges. Unlike previous perspectives on gender and money such as resource theories and gender performance, this framework acknowledges money as a prop and tool that couples use to construct gender boundaries and signal normalcy in the marital relationship. Integrating concepts from economic sociology with Hochschild’s insights on the symbolism of domestic labor, I find that Ukrainians use money (...)
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  18. Love, Value and Supervenience.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (4):495-508.
    People are prone to ascribe value to persons they love. However, the relation between love and value is far from straightforward. This is particularly evident given certain views on the nature of love. Setting out from the idea that what causes us to have an attitude towards an object need not be found in the intentional content of the attitude, this paper depicts love as an attitude that takes non‐fungible persons as intentional objects. Taking this view as a starting (...)
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    The folk metaphysics of love.Ulrika Carlsson - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (4):1398-1409.
    I argue against the intellectualist view of love according to which we (must) love for reasons so that love is rational. Engaging primarily with the quality appraisal view of love, I concede that qualities can cause love but insist that it is misguided to think of love as having reasons. A number of features of human psychology complicate the issue of how lover relates to beloved's qualities. (a) The lover may be attracted to a quality without appraising that quality reflectively. (...)
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    Business Group Affiliation and Corporate Sustainability Strategies of Firms: An Investigation of Firms in India.Sougata Ray & Bikramjit Ray Chaudhuri - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (4):955-976.
    In spite of an overwhelming importance of business groups in the economic development of many countries, systematic inquiry on how the BGs and their affiliated firms approach and contribute to shared value creation and sustainable development is rare. In this paper we address this research gap by investigating two related questions—do BG-affiliated firms differ from non-BG firms in their corporate sustainability strategy and how does BG affiliation influence the relationship between stock of fungible resources and CSS of firms? Drawing (...)
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    Aura & Transvestment1.Pablo Somonte Ruano - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (3):365-381.
    Aura & Transvestment is a transmedia project consisting of a series of generative images, an experimental form of cryptomedia and a video essay. By describing its own powers and contradictions, the work explores notions of value, ownership, authenticity, artificial scarcity and abundance in the digital realm. The project is a critical analysis of non-fungible tokens used as proof of ownership for digital art, taking Walter Benjamin’s concept of aura as a starting point. It argues that, for tokenized art, cryptography (...)
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  22.  33
    The Current State of Vico Scholarship.David L. Marshall - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (1):141-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Current State of Vico ScholarshipDavid L. MarshallGiambattista Vico is one of those chameleon figures in the history of ideas who is so intellectually rich that he can be constantly reinvented. It is indicative of the rich ambiguity of his thought that two of the most prominent intellectual historians working today should have come to opposite conclusions about his relationship to the master-category of eighteenth-century intellectual history: for Mark (...)
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  23. Rethinking friendship.Mark Phelan - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (5):757-772.
    Philosophers have tended to construe friendship as an intimate relationship involving mutual love, and have focused their discussions on this ‘true’ form of friendship. However, everyone recognizes that we use the word ‘friend’ and its cognates to refer, non-ironically, to those with whom we share various relationships that are not terribly intimate or which do not involve mutual love. I argue that there exists no general reason to restrict our philosophical focus to ‘true’ friendships, and allege that we can gain (...)
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    Blood money: Harvey's De motu cordis as an exercise in accounting.Michael J. Neuss - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (2):181-203.
    William Harvey's famous quantitative argument fromDe motu cordis about the circulation of blood explained how a small amount of blood could recirculate and nourish the entire body, upending the Galenic conception of the blood's motion. This paper argues that the quantitative argument drew on the calculative and rhetorical skills of merchants, including Harvey's own brothers. Modern translations ofDe motu cordisobscure the language of accountancy that Harvey himself used. Like a merchant accounting for credits and debits, intake and output, goods and (...)
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    Trust and reciprocity: A theoretical distinction of the sources of social capital.Eduardo Valenzuela & Florencia Torche - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (2):181-198.
    The social capital literature has focused on the functional and structural properties of social relations, partially neglecting the way in which they are experienced by individuals. Drawing on anthropological and social theory, this article distinguishes two ideal-typical forms of social capital — reciprocity and trust — based on the meaning of the social relations that embed them. Reciprocity is the type of social capital embedded within personal relations, triply defined in the factual, social and temporal dimensions by co-presence, reciprocity and (...)
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    Towards a semantic blockchain: A behaviouristic approach to modelling Ethereum.Giampaolo Bella, Domenico Cantone, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo & Daniele Francesco Santamaria - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (2):143-180.
    Decentralised ledgers are gaining momentum following the interest of industries and people in smart contracts. Major attention is paid to blockchain applications intended for trading assets that exploit digital cryptographic certificates called tokens. Particularly relevant tokens are the non-fungible tokens (NFTs), namely, unique and non-replicable tokens used to represent the cryptographic counterpart of assets ranging from pieces of art through to licenses and certifications. A relevant consequence of the hard-coded nature of blockchains is the hardness of probing, in particular (...)
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  27. What Can We Learn from Stringy Black Holes?Nick Huggett - 2018
    This paper aims to address conceptual issues concerning black holes in the context of string theory, with the aim of illuminating the ontological unification of gravity and matter, and the interpretation of cosmological models. §1 describes the central concepts of the theory: the fungibility of matter and geometry, and the reduction of gravity and supergravity. The ‘standard’ interpretation presented draws on that implicit in the thinking of many (but not all) string theorists, though made more explicit and systematic than usual. (...)
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    Utopia of abstraction: Digital organizations and the promise of sovereignty.Max Soar & Tim Corballis - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Digital organizations form part of the new wave of blockchain technologies, following Bitcoin and related cryptocurrencies. “Utopia ofion” offers an analysis of the utopian promise of digital organizations through a reading of one such project, Colony. We provide a critique of the ideology of Colony's white paper, supplemented by readings of pages from its website, as a member of a genre of texts that promote their products through seemingly neutral, technical descriptions. Colony's texts suggest an abstract, contextless and scaleless organizational (...)
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    Conceiving People: Genetic Knowledge and the Ethics of Sperm and Egg Donation by Daniel Groll.Melissa Moschella - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):141-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Conceiving People: Genetic Knowledge and the Ethics of Sperm and Egg Donation by Daniel GrollMelissa MoschellaGROLL, Daniel. Conceiving People: Genetic Knowledge and the Ethics of Sperm and Egg Donation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. 256 pp. Cloth, $74.00In Conceiving People, Daniel Groll argues that, generally speaking, those intending to conceive with the help of donor gametes have a moral obligation to use an open donor rather than (...)
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  30. Electronic Coins.Craig Warmke - 2022 - Cryptoeconomic Systems 2 (1).
    In the bitcoin whitepaper, Satoshi Nakamoto (2008: 2) defines an electronic coin as a chain of digital signatures. Many have since defined a bitcoin as a chain of digital signatures. This latter definition continues to appear in reports from central banks, advocacy centers, and governments, as well as in academic papers across the disciplines of law, economics, computer science, cryptography, management, and philosophy. Some have even used it to argue that what we now call bitcoin is not the real bitcoin. (...)
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    Entrepreneurial Error Does Not Equal Market Failure.Philipp Bagus, David Howden & Jesús Huerta de Soto Ballester - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (2):433-441.
    Barnett and Block claim that Bagus and Howden support indirectly the concept of market failure. In this paper, we show that maturity mismatching in an unhampered market may imply entrepreneurial error but cannot be considered a market failure. We demonstrate why fractional-reserve banking leads to business cycles even if there is no central bank and why maturity mismatching does not per se lead to clusters of errors in a free market. Finally, in contrast to the examples provided by Barnett and (...)
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    The logic of the fetish in the present.Jon Bialecki - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (4):674-676.
    Building on Pietz’s speculation about the construction of a “history of the fetish’ that might be related to, yet stand apart from the fetish as a historical construct, this paper asks if there might be novel yet unmarked contemporary fetish-formations. Taking the later chapters of Pietz’s volume, which focuses on capital and techno-political infrastructures, this essay suggests that non-fungible tokens, or “NFTs,” might be thought of as failed fetishes, objects that work to occlude the material infrastructure that supports blockchain, (...)
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    Does the ADA Discriminate Against Deaf People?Teresa Blankmeyer Burke - 2018 - In David Boonin (ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 383-394.
    As an unfunded federal mandate, the Americans with Disabilities Act requires public and private entities to ensure disability accommodations without providing state funding to pay for these accommodations. Disability accommodations under the ADA can take many forms, including audio description of a museum exhibit, designated parking for people with disabilities, or accessible toilet stalls. For each of these examples, once it is established or installed, the accommodation is available to serve the needs of numerous disabled individuals. Individualized service accommodations for (...)
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    Why Does Workplace Gender Diversity Matter? Justice, Organizational Benefits, and Policy.Cordelia Fine, Victor Sojo & Holly Lawford-Smith - 2020 - Social Issues and Policy Review 14 (1):36-72.
    Why does workplace gender diversity matter? Here, we provide a review of the literature on both justice‐based and organizational benefits of workplace gender diversity that, importantly, is informed by evidence regarding sex differences and their relationship with vocational behavior and outcomes. This review indicates that the sexes are neither distinctly different, nor so similar as to be fungible. Justice‐based gains of workplace gender diversity include that it may cause less sex discrimination and may combat androcentrism in products and services. (...)
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  35. Limitations on structural Principles of Distributive Justice: the Case of Discrete Idiosyncratic Goods.Richard Galvin & Chares Lockhart - 2012 - In Kjell Törnblom & Ali Kazemi (eds.), A Handbook of Social Resource Theory. Springer. pp. 351-372.
    Our aim is to draw a set of distinctions among types of goods which has significant implications for theories of distributive justice. We begin by providing a general account of two sets of properties--fungibility and nonfungibility, divisibility and indivisibility--and argue that goods can be distinguished according to these criteria. Further, we contend that these distinctions entail complications for structural principles of distributive justice (i.e., principles such as maximin that distribute payoffs to positions). As an example we consider James Fishkin’s discussion (...)
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    Reframing the conflicts of interest debacle: academic medicine, the healing alliance and the physician's moral imperative.N. J. Kachuck - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (9):526-527.
    The recent committee report from the Institute of Medicine in Washington, DC, containing proposals for controlling conflicts of interest 1 reflects the medical profession’s limited understanding of the actual scope of the issues and demonstrates how reactive academic physicians have become to media and congressional priorities instead of those of the medical field. The near-exclusive focus on the compromising of medical decision-making by the receipt of fungible support from the commercial sector fails to identify critical interdependencies of the relationship (...)
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    10.5840/jbee2011815.Brian H. Kurbjeweit - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (1):55-62.
    A concept for teaching business ethics and its relationship with business law is developed. Legal regulations form the essential boundaries of the business game. Many students do not realize the degree to which law is dependent upon ethical actors to achieve its objectives. At least three examples are insightful in this regard: First, the interpretive requirements of legal rules often rely on the ethical character of the interpreting business actor to achieve their objectives. Second, law does not prohibit harms from (...)
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    The Relationship of Ethics and Law in Governing the Game of Business.Brian H. Kurbjeweit - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 8 (1):55-62.
    A concept for teaching business ethics and its relationship with business law is developed. Legal regulations form the essential boundaries of the business game. Many students do not realize the degree to which law is dependent upon ethical actors to achieve its objectives. At least three examples are insightful in this regard: First, the interpretive requirements of legal rules often rely on the ethical character of the interpreting business actor to achieve their objectives. Second, law does not prohibit harms from (...)
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  39. Understanding Objectification: Is There Special Wrongness Involved in Treating Human Beings Instrumentally?Evangelia Papadaki - 2012 - Prolegomena 11 (1):5-24.
    This article centres around objectification. It offers an analysis of the notions that are involved in this phenomenon, their moral wrongness, as well as the connections that exist between them. Martha Nussbaum has suggested that seven notions are involved in objectification: instrumentality, denial of autonomy, inertness, fungibility, violability, ownership, and denial of subjectivity. She espouses the view that the instrumentalisation of human beings is especially problematic as compared to the other ways in which we can treat human beings as objects (...)
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    Redenen voor liefde.Katrien Schaubroeck - 2015 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 107 (1):27-47.
    Reasons for love: why we can’t do otherwise than love what is lovable Harry Frankfurt famously argues that loving someone is not done for reasons. While focusing on the (plausible) claims that parents need no reasons for loving their children and that it is absurd to ascribe a duty (or reason) to love X to someone who does not happen to love X, he overlooks an aspect of love that does connect it to reasons in a particular way: in daily (...)
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  41. Love of Whole Persons.Ginger Clausen - 2019 - The Journal of Ethics 23 (4):347-367.
    According to quality theories of love, love is fitting by virtue of properties of the loved person. Despite their immediate plausibility, quality theories have met with many objections. Here I focus on two that strike at the heart of what makes the quality theory an appealing account of love, specifically, the theory’s ability to accommodate the fact that loving someone is a way of valuing them for who they are. The fungibility objection and the problem of love’s object maintain that (...)
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    Procedures, Products and Pictures.Rom Harré & Jean-Pierre Llored - 2018 - Philosophy 93 (2):167-186.
    In several recent publications in the philosophy of chemistry we have made use of a repertoire of analytical concepts to guide our investigations. Perhaps studies of other sophisticated knowledge garnering practices could benefit from adopting this analytical scheme if we want to understand their merits and drawbacks. Our suggestions for shaping methodologies for philosophical studies in particular fields of interest includes both the natural sciences, legal systems in action, economies and their management, warfare, preparing the dishes of a cuisine, and (...)
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  43. On the Existential Basis of Self-Sovereign Identity and Soulbound Tokens: An Examination of the “Self” in the Age of Web3.Tomer Jordi Chaffer & Justin Goldston - 2022 - Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability 17 (3).
    The blockchain social movement led to the emergence of Web3, a new, token-orchestrated iteration of the World Wide Web comprised of decentralized applications. With Web3, users can adopt a unique digital identity, known as a self-sovereign identity, that allows them to have access to their data and be central administrators of their transportable and interoperable identity. An inherent feature of digital identity in Web3 is that, in some cases, it can live forever. Web3 users, therefore, may accumulate digital assets, such (...)
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    A Dollar Is a Dollar Is a Dollar, or Is It? Insights From Children's Reasoning About “Dirty Money”.Arber Tasimi & Susan A. Gelman - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12950.
    Money can take many forms—a coin or a bill, a payment for an automobile or a prize for an award, a piece from the 1989 series or the 2019 series, and so on—but despite this, money is designed to represent an amount and only that. Thus, a dollar is a dollar, in the sense that money is fungible. But when adults ordinarily think about money, they think about it in terms of its source, and in particular, its moral source (...)
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  45. Commodification Arguments for the Legal Prohibition of Organ Sale.Stephen Wilkinson - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (2):189-201.
    The commercial trading of human organs, along withvarious related activities (for example, advertising)was criminalised throughout Great Britain under theHuman Organ Transplants Act 1989.This paper critically assesses one type of argumentfor this, and similar, legal prohibitions:commodification arguments.Firstly, the term `commodification' is analysed. Thiscan be used to refer to either social practices or toattitudes. Commodification arguments rely on thesecond sense and are based on the idea that having acommodifying attitude to certain classes of thing(e.g. bodies or persons) is wrong. The commodifyingattitude consists (...)
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    The Danger of White Innocence: Being a Stranger in One’s Own “Home”.George D. Yancy - 2021 - Schutzian Research 13:11-25.
    This paper explores how whiteness as the transcendental norm shapes the meaning structure of Black-being-in-the-world. If home is a place, a site, a dwelling of acceptance, where one is allowed to feel safe, to relax, to let one’s guard down, then being Black in white supremacist America is anathema to being at home for Black people. Indeed, to be Black is to be a stranger, something “strange,” “scary,” “dangerous,” an “outsider.” To be Black within white America belies what it means (...)
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    UN Human Rights Shaming and Foreign Aid Allocation.Bimal Adhikari - 2021 - Human Rights Review 22 (2):133-154.
    Does public condemnation or shaming of human rights abuses by the United Nations influence foreign aid delivery calculus across Western donor states? I argue that countries shamed in the United Nations Human Rights Council encourage donor states to channel more aid via international and local non-governmental organizations. Furthermore, I find this effect to be more pronounced with increased media coverage. The findings of this paper suggest that international organizations do influence advanced democracies’ foreign policy. Moreover, the paper also finds that (...)
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    Commerce Before Capitalism in Europe, 1300–1600.Martha C. Howell - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Martha C. Howell challenges dominant interpretations of the relationship between the so-called commercial revolution of late medieval Europe and the capitalist age that followed. She argues that the merchants, shopkeepers, artisans, and consumers in cities and courts throughout Western Europe, even in the urbanized Low Countries that are the main focus of this study, were by no means proto-capitalist and did not consider their property a fungible asset. Even though they freely bought and sold property using sophisticated financial techniques, (...)
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    Hume on pleasure and value and the Kantian challenge.André Klaudat - 2018 - Filosofia Unisinos 19 (2).
    In this paper I examine Hume’s claims about the nature of moral sentiments (mainly in T 3.1.2) using as a foil the Kantian challenge to all material practical principles: they are all of the same type, being based on self-love and making all choices, including moral ones, hedonically fungible. The paper explores Hume’s views on pleasure as constitutive of moral sentiment as an answer to that challenge arguing that for him only pleasure is essentially valuable for beings like us. (...)
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    Rythmus and the critique of political economy.Thomas H. Ford - 2010 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 1 (2):215-224.
    In his late unfinished work on aesthetic theory, Adam Smith develops the concept of rythmus to explore such arts as music, dance and poetry. Smith argues that rythmus communicates emotion in a very specific way. For Smith, narrative arts, such as drama or the novel, predominately seek to recreate or represent in the minds of their readership or audience the emotions of the characters that are portrayed. But what we experience through rythmus, by contrast, is an original, and not a (...)
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