Results for 'ginkluotas konfliktas'

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  1.  66
    The Influence of Using Cyber Technologies in Armed Conflicts on International Humanitarian Law.Justinas Žilinskas - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):1195-1212.
    Cyber warfare is becoming a new reality with new battles fought everyday on virtual battlefields. For a century and a half, International Humanitarian Law has been a sentry for victims of wars guaranteeing their legal protection from the calamities of war, trying hard to respond to Clausewitz’s “chameleon of war”. Cyber conflict marks new chameleon’s colour together with the unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomic battle systems and other technologies deployed on battlefields. However, it would be greatly erroneous to claim that the (...)
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  2.  64
    “Just War” Doctrine and its Reflections in our Times.Justinas Žilinskas - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):1201-1214.
    The present article discusses a well-known religious philosophical and partially legal doctrine of the “Just war”, developed in the Christian tradition by St. Augustine, St. Tomas Aquinas, Francisco de Vittoria, Francisco Suarez, Hugo Grotius and many other thinkers. The main thesis of the doctrine is that war will be just only if it corresponds to certain criteria, such as autoritas principi (waged by the sovereign), justa causa (on just aim) and with recta intentio (animus) or the aim and will to (...)
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  3.  57
    Private Military and Security Companies and the Problems of their Regulation under International Humanitarian Law.Justinas Žilinskas - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):163-177.
    The use of private military force by states has been a long-standing phenomena in the history of warfare. Armies of mercenaries, privateering and recruitment of foreign nationals into armed forces have been common during the Middle Ages and later on. However, with the invention of effective firearms and artillery, standing regular armies, conscription and other developments that resulted in the essential rise of costs of war, the role of private military entrepreneurs diminished. By the end of XIXth century the state (...)
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    Filosofii︠a︡ konflikta: filosofskie osnovanii︠a︡ konfliktologii.Fedor Fedorovich Vi͡akkerev - 2005 - Vladivostok: Dalʹnevostochnyĭ gos. universitet.
  5.  15
    Filosofinių nuostatų ir religinės muzikos patirties konfliktas Šv. Augustino,,Išpažinimuose“.Miglė Miliūnaitė - 2022 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 111.
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  6. Neblėstantis Kanto aktualumas bei lietuvių-lenkų konfliktas: istorinio sambūvio principai.Eugenijus Žmuida - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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  7.  24
    Yugoslav anti-war engagement: A research topic awaiting attention.Bojan Bilic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (4):83-107.
    Yugoslav anti-war contention has remained an under-theorised topic almost twenty years after the end of the wars of Yugoslav succession. Rather than focusing on the?ontogenesis? of individual pacifist enterprises, this paper examines the reasons for which Yugoslav anti-war activisms have been marginalised in recent East European sociological scholarship. I argue that a thorough appreciation of these phenomena requires a Yugoslav/regional approach which has not been favoured by post-Yugoslav social science scholars. This article also offers a critical reading of the existing (...)
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  8.  41
    What did he actually say? About translation as politics and interpretation in factual literature.Jo Eggen - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (2):173-186.
    Twenty years ago, Slobodan Milosevic uttered a sentence which was afterwards repeated in the literature about the Yugoslav tragedy innummerable times. The sentence "Niko ne sme da vas bije" was directed to the Serb demonstrators in Kosovo. In this text, the author analyzes the ways this sentence was translated in factional literature and shows that different versions, apart from being different lexically and semantically, influence the political interpretation and understanding of the Yugoslav conflict. This text poses another, maybe even more (...)
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  9. Živali kot konflikti.Vesna Liponik - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    S pomočjo dveh absolutnih protijedrskih klasik vseh časov, novel Godzilla (1955) in Godzilla Raids Again (1955) avtorja Shigeruja Kayame, skušamo razmišljati ne le, kot je običajno, o živalih v konfliktih, ampak se osredotočimo na možnosti, ki jih omogoča razmišljanje o živalih kot konfliktih. Godzilla ni le jedrska alegorija in kot taka poosebitev, utelešenje konflikta, temveč tudi ≫alegorija≪ živalskega upora, utelešenje drugega, bolj temeljnega konflikta z vsemi njegovimi nujno (ne)alegoričnimi implikacijami. Naš namen je podrobneje raziskati ta vidik Godzille v kontekstu nedavnih (...)
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    Vyresnio amžiaus žmonių mitybos nuostatos ir praktikos – prielaida stratifikacijai pagal amžių?Sarmitė Mikulionienė & Gražina Rapolienė - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (2).
    Neretai vyresnio amžiaus žmones lyginame su jaunesniais, kalbame apie kartų atotrūkį, netgi konfliktą. Amžiaus skirtybės konstruojamos remiantis tiek besiskiriančia elgsena, tiek vertybinėmis nuostatomis. Straipsnyje mitybos įpročiai (nuostatos ir praktikos) nagrinėjami kaip viena galimų vyresniosios kartos socialinio kategorizavimo priemonių. Straipsnio tikslas dvejopas: 1) nustatyti, kaip skiriasi vyresnio ir jaunesnio amžiaus žmonių mitybos nuostatos ir praktikos ir kas labiau (jeigu) skiria jaunesniąją ir vyresniąją kartas – mitybos nuostatos ar praktikos; 2) atskleisti, ar vyresnių ir jaunesnių žmonių mitybos nuostatų ir praktikų skirtumai sudaro (...)
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  11.  43
    Akrasijos samprata D. Husako baudžiamosios atsakomybės teorijoje ir alternatyvios sampratos pranašumai.Gediminas Šataitis - 2024 - Problemos 105:116-129.
    Straipsnyje tyrinėjamos dvi akrasijos sampratos ir jų santykis su atsakomybės priskyrimu Douglaso Husako baudžiamosios atsakomybės teorijoje. Nuo Platono Protagoro laikų akrasijos problema filosofijoje glaudžiai siejama su moralinio žinojimo klausimu. Pasitelkiant Antikos bei krikščioniškajai etikai itin reikšmingus tekstus, taip pat šiuolaikinius akratiško elgesio tyrinėjimus, straipsnyje išryškinama kita – vidiniu konfliktu paremta akrasijos samprata. Husako teorijoje taikoma akrasijos samprata akcentuoja moralinį žinojimą-nežinojimą. Tačiau jos prielaidų šaltinis yra ne Antika, o šiuolaikiniai moralinės atsakomybės priskyrimo skeptikai, nors paties Husako teorija nėra skeptinė. Darbe išryškinami (...)
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  12.  48
    Preservation of Environment in Times of Non-International Armed Conflict. Legal Framework, Its Sufficiency and Suggestions.Indrė Lechtimiakytė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (2):569-590.
    Environmental protection in times of armed conflicts, irrespective internal or international, is rarely considered as a prioritized concern. Due to the concept of state sovereignty, this is especially problematic when examining interaction of warfare and environmental protection in non-international hostilities. Not only it is challenging to find any exhaustive and explicit legal provisions regulating the matter, but this issue has also been forgotten by international legal scholars. Therefore, in this article the author reviews written and customary norms laid down in (...)
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