Results for 'Bojan Bilic'

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  1.  25
    Yugoslav anti-war engagement: A research topic awaiting attention.Bojan Bilic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (4):83-107.
    Yugoslav anti-war contention has remained an under-theorised topic almost twenty years after the end of the wars of Yugoslav succession. Rather than focusing on the?ontogenesis? of individual pacifist enterprises, this paper examines the reasons for which Yugoslav anti-war activisms have been marginalised in recent East European sociological scholarship. I argue that a thorough appreciation of these phenomena requires a Yugoslav/regional approach which has not been favoured by post-Yugoslav social science scholars. This article also offers a critical reading of the existing (...)
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    Search algorithms, hidden labour and information control.Paško Bilić - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    The paper examines some of the processes of the closely knit relationship between Google’s ideologies of neutrality and objectivity and global market dominance. Neutrality construction comprises an important element sustaining the company’s economic position and is reflected in constant updates, estimates and changes to utility and relevance of search results. Providing a purely technical solution to these issues proves to be increasingly difficult without a human hand in steering algorithmic solutions. Search relevance fluctuates and shifts through continuous tinkering and tweaking (...)
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    Is there an effective approach to deterring students from plagiarizing?Lidija Bilic-Zulle, Josip Azman, Vedran Frkovic & Mladen Petrovecki - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):139-147.
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of plagiarism detection software and penalty for plagiarizing in detecting and deterring plagiarism among medical students. The study was a continuation of previously published research in which second-year medicals students from 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 school years were required to write an essay based on one of the four scientific articles offered by the instructor. Students from 2004/2005 (N = 92) included in present study were given the same task. Topics of (...)
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    Odnos kompetentnosti, percipirane ozbiljnosti nasilne situacije i intervencija učitelja u slučajevima vršnjačkog nasilja.Vesna Bilić - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (1):67-96.
    In recent times, teachers are considered to play a key role in dealing with the problem of peer violence and their competence is very important for quality interventions. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between competence and perceived severity of a violent situation in predicting teacher intervention in cases of peer violence. The research was conducted on a nationally representative sample of primary school teachers in the Republic of Croatia, average age 43 years. In addition to (...)
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    The connection between peer relationships, school engagement and learning success.Vesna Bilić - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 31 (1):39-64.
    Since social interactions are the basis for many activities in modern schools, they also have an impact on students' school engagement. Therefore, the aim of this article is to analyze how peer relationships affect students' school engagement and achievement by systematizing findings from the literature. To better understand the aforementioned relationship, the role of some individual student characteristics (gender, age, self-esteem) and processes that contribute to the understanding of peer relationships and their connection to school engagement will be further explored. (...)
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    Does an educative approach work? A reflective case study of how two Australian higher education Enabling programs support students and staff uphold a responsible culture of academic integrity.Carol Carter, Michelle Picard, Snjezana Bilic, Tamra Ulpen & Anthea Fudge - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    IntroductionEnabling education programs, otherwise known as Foundation Studies or Preparatory programs, provide pathways for students typically under-represented in higher education. Students in Enabling programs often face distinct challenges in their induction to academic culture which can implicate them in cases of misconduct. This case study addresses a gap in the enabling literature reporting on how a culture of academic integrity can be developed for students and staff in these programs through an educative approach.Case descriptionThis paper outlines how an educative approach (...)
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  7. Prevalence of Plagiarism in Recent Submissions to the Croatian Medical Journal.Ksenija Baždarić, Lidija Bilić-Zulle, Gordana Brumini & Mladen Petrovečki - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):223-239.
    To assess the prevalence of plagiarism in manuscripts submitted for publication in the Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ). All manuscripts submitted in 2009–2010 were analyzed using plagiarism detection software: eTBLAST , CrossCheck, and WCopyfind . Plagiarism was suspected in manuscripts with more than 10% of the text derived from other sources. These manuscripts were checked against the Déjà vu database and manually verified by investigators. Of 754 submitted manuscripts, 105 (14%) were identified by the software as suspicious of plagiarism. Manual verification (...)
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    Generative AI and human–robot interaction: implications and future agenda for business, society and ethics.Bojan Obrenovic, Xiao Gu, Guoyu Wang, Danijela Godinic & Ilimdorjon Jakhongirov - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The revolution of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI, and its implications for human–robot interaction (HRI) opened up the debate on crucial regulatory, business, societal, and ethical considerations. This paper explores essential issues from the anthropomorphic perspective, examining the complex interplay between humans and AI models in societal and corporate contexts. We provided a comprehensive review of existing literature on HRI, with a special emphasis on the impact of generative models such as ChatGPT. The scientometric study posits that due to (...)
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  9.  53
    Some scales require cognitive effort: A systematic review on the role of working memory in scalar implicature derivation.Bojan Luc Nys, Wai Wong & Walter Schaeken - 2024 - Cognition 242 (C):105623.
  10.  28
    The Enjoyment of Knowledge Sharing: Impact of Altruism on Tacit Knowledge-Sharing Behavior.Bojan Obrenovic, Diana du JianguoTsoy, Slobodan Obrenovic, Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan & Farooq Anwar - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Work-Family Conflict Impact on Psychological Safety and Psychological Well-Being: A Job Performance Model.Bojan Obrenovic, Akmal du JianguoKhudaykulov & Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  12.  55
    Imitation, focus of attention and social behaviours of children with autism spectrum disorder in interaction with robots.Sanja Šimleša, Jasmina Stošić, Irena Bilić & Maja Cepanec - 2022 - Interaction Studies 23 (1):1-20.
    Many studies have shown that using robot platforms can be effective for teaching children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The aim of this study was to compare performance on an imitation task, as well as focus attention levels and the presence of social behaviours of children with ASD and typically developing (TD) children during an imitation task under two different conditions, with robots and human demonstrators. The results suggested that TD children did not imitate more than children with ASD. Children (...)
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  13.  34
    Fact of Reason, Social Facts, and Evidence.Petar Bojanić & Igor Cvejić - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:85-99.
    The place of evidence regarding joint commitment and plural action is mostly reserved for documents and explicit linguistic expressions. This paper considers the problem of evidence in cases of engaged (jointly committed) social acts where there is no explicit expression or binding document, yet can still be ascribed to a plural subject. The argument rests on the double meaning of the term factum as fact (factum brutum) and deed (factum practica), as well as contemporary debates about the topic of fact (...)
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    Personality Traits and Self-Esteem in Combat and Team Sports.Željka Bojanić, Jasmina Nedeljković, Dušana Šakan, Petar M. Mitić, Ivana Milovanović & Patrik Drid - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  15.  24
    Plurality Is a conditio per quam of All Political Life.Sanja Bojanic - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (2):139-145.
    The book Phenomenology of Plurality: Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity is a contribution not only to the phenomenological tradition of thought and Hannah Arendt studies, but also political science and, most importantly, political philosophy. Sophie Loidolt advances an intervention that stands in contrast to contemporary phenomenological research which in certain times have had the tendency to perform depoliticized examination of the self and sociality, actually revealing the intention of Phenomenology of Plurality to articulate the numerous elements that comprise the methodological (...)
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    A propositional linear time logic with time flow isomorphic to ω2.Bojan Marinković, Zoran Ognjanović, Dragan Doder & Aleksandar Perović - 2014 - Journal of Applied Logic 12 (2):208-229.
  17.  13
    The acts of project(ion) / project acts or projacts.Petar Bojanić - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 71:92-100.
    I am interested in the epistemological status of «project(ion)», that is, the «act» or «strategy» of project(ion) in relation to various didactic protocols usually associated with an «author» and her intention or production. What is a plan, program, plot, platform, concept, conception, or even «meta-project»? Is a project or projection necessarily an «architectural matter»? Is it a prototypically Western or European procedure of specific use of time and space (literally, throwing forth into space/time)? I will attempt to explain some passages (...)
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  18.  24
    Derrida’s Counter-Institution and Its Ethics of Promise and Responsibility.Petar Bojanić & Andrea Perunović - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):169-180.
    In this article, we consider Derrida’s grasp on counter-institution and outline a peculiar modality of ethics that it engenders. After evoking his counter-institutional public engagements in the introduction, we begin an analysis of the word counter-institution. In the first place, the polysemy of its prefix “counter” is exposed, followed by the claim that in Derrida’s philosophy this term denotes proximity and contact, rather than opposition – thus determining the architecture of the counter-institution. Furthermore, we discuss Derrida’s critique of traditional, sovereign (...)
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  19.  27
    When Žižek met the Church Fathers: A contextual consideration.Bojan Koltaj - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (1).
    This article considers the functionality, method and import of the critical theorist Slavoj Žižek’s engagement with theology against the wider intellectual backdrop of the relationship between an idea and its cultural context. I propose that his engagement can be better understood and interpreted with reference to how Christian theology has historically come to understand its own cultural context. When Žižek’s appropriation of theology is read alongside theology’s appropriation of classical philosophy in the patristic period, a distinctly speculative understanding of theology (...)
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    Religija, demokracija i solidarni personalizam: na putu ka svjetskoj kulturi i civilizaciji.Bojan Žalec - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):85-100.
    Na početku članka autor se bavi najnovijim radovima Petera Sloterdijka i Ulricha Becka, koji pokušavaju ocrtati kozmopolitsku kulturu i civilizaciju mira i tolerancije, pa i sudjelovanja, koja bi bila primjerena sadašnjoj situaciji. Autor upozorava na određene poteškoće, ograničenja ili manjkavosti njihovih pogleda i prijedloga i okreće se, u traženju odgovora o značaju i vrijednosti vjere za moderan svijet, radu Renéa Girarda. Njegov značaj ilustrira na primjeru problema faktičkog ostvarivanja ljudskih prava. Članak završava zagovorom solidarnog personalizma i obradom značaja vjere i (...)
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  21.  48
    Subjective Universality of Great Novelists as an Artistic Measure of History’s Advance towards Actualising Kant’s Vision of Freedom.Bojan Kovačević - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (4):567-585.
    The main idea behind this article is that in order to understand themeaning that Kant’s political philosophy is rendered to by the givensocio-historical context of a community we need to turn for help toartistic genius whose subjective “I” holds a general feeling of the worldand life. It is in this sense that authors of great novels can help us in twoways. First, their works summarise for our imagination artistic truth aboutman’s capacity for humanity, the very thing that Kant considers to (...)
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  22.  18
    What Is Seen Is Who You Are: Are Cues in Selfie Pictures Related to Personality Characteristics?Bojan Musil, Andrej Preglej, Tadevž Ropert, Lucia Klasinc & Nenad Č Babič - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  23.  11
    QAnon and the Epistemic Communities of the Unreal: A Conceptual Toolkit for a Sociology of Grassroots Conspiracism.Bojan Baća - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (4):111-132.
    The messy politics of combating the COVID-19 pandemic, compounded by the confusion caused by the global (dis)infodemic, have propelled conspiracism from the fringes of society into the public mainstream. Despite the growing political impact of digitally enabled conspiracy theories, they are predominantly delegitimized on three fronts – as psychopathology, pseudoscience, and/or parapolitics. In contrast, this article employs three non-pathologizing conceptual counteroffers borrowed from critical theory, deconstructionist historiography, and citizenship studies – namely, cognitive mapping, narrative emplotment, and performative citizenship – to (...)
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    To institute, to primally institute : Husserl’s first readers and translators in France: A possible origin of continental philosophy.Petar Bojanic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (2):235-245.
    In diesem Text wird die Bedeutung von Husserls ph?nomenologischen Forschungen zur Institution und zur Institutionalisierung. Es wird angenommen, dass die Bedeutung dieser nicht ausreichend bekannten Strategien nur in den unver?ffentlichten Handschriften gefunden werden kann, dass die unterschiedlichen Generationen der Konsultanten von Husserls Archiven eine identische?berzeugung von der Bedeutung der Husserlschen Entdeckungen bezeugt, dass Merleau- Pontys?bersetzung von Stiftung als "institution" dominiert und dass eben diese?bersetzung bewirkt hat, dass Husserl zu einer franz?sischen Angelegenheit wurde. Die Idee des Artikels ist, dass diese Theater (...)
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  25.  7
    Conceptual Analysis and Empirical Data.Petar Iaquinto Bojanić - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:3-6.
    Suppose you want to find out whether truth is a necessary condition for knowledge. What method should you apply? According to many philosophers, it is hard to see what kind of empirical data you could ever rely on. The best way to proceed – they continue – is to examine hypothetical circumstances in order to test our intuitions as to the correct application of the concept of knowledge. Can you imagine a case in which a given cognitive agent knows something (...)
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  26.  12
    Pro-emotional Consensus and the Critique of the Strategic Rationality of Emotion.Bojan Milunović - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (4):831-848.
    There is a growing pro-emotional consensus in contemporary literature on the relationship between emotions and practical rationality. Its proponents argue that emotions exhibit the properties of strategically rational states, i.e. that they can positively influence the cognitive mechanism of rational deliberation and lead an individual to choose an action based on its practical utility. In this paper, we will analyse the main claims of this consensus and examine their plausibility in light of three critical objections to the strategic rationality thesis. (...)
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    Institutional change and the paradox of (restitution and) restauration of the institution.Petar Bojanic - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (4):465-477.
    My intention in this text is to present the most significant contribution of some French philosophers and anthropologists to the notion of reconstruction and advancement of institutions. The paradox of change, reform or transformation of the institution – is an entirely new institution possible? How do institutions die? – lies in the difficulty or even impossibility to change something that manifests what we are as a group. If institutions really present or represent the relations among all of us, how can (...)
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  28.  98
    On Not Knowing Who We Are: The Ethical Importance of Transcendent Anthropology.Bojan Žalec - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (1):105-115.
    The article is dealing with the ethical importance of the acceptance of the transcendence of every person. The author argues in favor of the following thesis: Transcendent anthropology is a positive factor of personalism; Violation of solidarity is fundamental evil; Apophatic anthropology is a realistic view; We should avoid the extreme positions regarding identities: nihilist or neutralist at one hand and non-critical acceptance and their ossification at the other. The proper approach to identities is critical realism and dialogic universalism; The (...)
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  29.  54
    Veber on knowledge and factuality.Bojan žalec - 2004 - Acta Analytica 19 (33):241-263.
    The article deals with the development of the philosophy of France Veber, the pupil of Meinong and a main Slovene philosopher. One of the most important threads of Veber’s philosophy is the consideration of knowledge and factuality, which may be seen as a driving force of its development. Veber’s philosophical development is usually divided into three phases: the object theory phase, the phase when he created his philosophy of a person as a creature at the crossing of the natural and (...)
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  30. The Body between Life and Corpse.Bojan Andjelkovic - 2012 - Filozofski Vestnik 33 (3).
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  31. Anthropologists Facing the Collapse of Yugoslavia.Bojan Baskar - 1999 - Diogenes 47 (188):51-63.
    In extreme situations such as war, genocide or refugee crises, anthropologists, who are usually closer to afflicted people than other scholars, face the crucial questions of the utility and responsibility of anthropology. However, anthropologists in particular are susceptible to the way of reasoning that concludes that anthropology as a science (or even as a technique or art) does not offer any answers to these questions. Some become engaged trying to help one way or the other, yet not as anthropologists, since (...)
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  32.  17
    Acting Compassionately.Petar Bojanić, Igor Cvejić & Olga Nikolić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (4):813-830.
    Our main goal is to describe the structure of engaged acts and compassion and their constitutive interrelation to explicate the key role of engaged and compassionate acts for group constitution. In the first part of the paper, we formulate our guiding idea: the key to understanding compassion lies in understanding engagement and vice versa. We then consider the problematic nature of engaged acts: On the one hand, they do not meet the conditions to be attributed to the plural subject; on (...)
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  33. Alegologias de uma analogia da soberania aos atributos da violéncia.Petar Bojanic - 2010 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 35:143-170.
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    Alergologias. De Uma Analogia da Soberania aos Atributos da Violência.Petar Bojanić - 2010 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (35):143-167.
    This paper is a reconstruction of Levinas’ reading of Hegel and his understanding of violence. Combining Franz Rosenzweig’s reflections which concem the sick philosopher and Hegel’s State, as well as Derrida’s interpretation of the different attributes of violence, our aim is also to give full evidence of Derrida’s critical reading of Levinas. The first part illustrates the various classifications of the figures of violence from the different periods of Hegel’s life and the traces that these figures have left in Levinas’ (...)
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    Allergologies Versus Homeopathies.Petar Bojanić - 2010 - Law and Critique 21 (1):1-16.
    This paper is a reconstruction of Levinas’ reading of Hegel and his understanding of violence. Combining Franz Rosenzweig’s reflections which concern the sick philosopher and Hegel’s state, as well as Derrida’s interpretation of the different attributes of violence, our aim is also to give full evidence of Derrida’s critical reading of Levinas. The first part illustrates the various classifications of the figures of violence from the different periods of Hegel’s life and the traces that these figures have left in Levinas’ (...)
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    Benjaminovo'Revolucionarno nasilje'i Korejeva banda-pobuna protiv Mojsija kao prva scena mesijanizma (Brojevi, 16).Petar Bojanić - 2008 - Theoria: Beograd 51 (2):19-33.
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  37.  21
    Conflict.Petar Bojanić - 1994 - Theoria 37 (4):19-35.
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    'Cet arrière-goût de violence': On violence against violence.Petar Bojanic - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (1):51-63.
    Pokusacu da objasnim vezu izmedju nasilja, potom mog ili Levinasovog ili drzavnog nasilja kao odgovora na ovo prvo nasilje i na kraju, nasilja koje preostaje u ustima, u grlu, u ukusu [gout] ili u gadjenju [degout]. 'Cet arri?re-go?t de violence' ili 'un quelconque arri?re-go?t de degout' [neki zaostali ukus gadjenja; a sort of aftertaste of disgust].
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    Charter and Institution.Petar Bojanić - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 57:165-171.
    This paper addresses the nature of the Charter as the basic document of the Institution, that is, the most important document that lends the institution its force. The “and” between Charter and Institution or the conjoining of Charter with Institution has two tasks to perform. Firstly, the Institution needs to be structured and incorporated as a Charter (and conversely, the Charter is the Institution embodied). In this sense, my question is: can the institute of the Charter be the starting point (...)
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  40. Certain trouble : mockumentaries and truth.Sanja Bojanic - 2019 - In Angela Condello & Tiziana Andina (eds.), Post-Truth, Philosophy and Law. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  41. Emancipation of women vs. misogyny.Sanja Bojanić - 2022 - In Marjan Ivković, Adriana Zaharijević & Gazela Pudar Draško (eds.), Violence and Reflexivity: The Place of Critique in the Reality of Domination. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  42. Ėtika voĭny v stranakh pravoslavnoĭ kulʹtury.Petar Bojanić (ed.) - 2022 - Sankt-Peterburg: "Vladimir Dalʹ".
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    “Fenomenologia dell’istituzionale”. Does “to Institutionalize” something mean, in fact, to document it?Petar Bojanić - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:37-52.
    Referring to Ferraris’ “Fenomenologia dell’istituzionale (Phenomenology of the Institutional)” is very appropriate to insist on some difficulties with the notion of “institution”. My intent is twofold: on the one hand, I would like to claim, against Ferraris and with Searle, that a theory (or phenomenology) of the institution is always the most important task in the construction of social ontology. Along the way, I would like to point to the importance of violence (and power) and violent strategies in the creation (...)
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  44. Franz Rosenzweig : war and atheism.Peter Bojaniç - 2009 - In Carlos João Correia (ed.), A religião e o ateísmo contemporâneo. Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade.
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  45. God the Revolutionist. On Radical Violence against the First Ultra-leftist.Petar Bojanić - 2008 - Filozofski Vestnik 29 (2):191 - +.
    If we attempt to find signs of messianism within the rebellion as such, if, for example Korah, "contrary to" but always "together with" Benjamin, is the "first left oppositionist in the history of radical politics," then the final and divine violence carried out by God would, in fact, be Benjamin's pure revolutionary violence perpetrated precisely against this first revolutionary. The circulation of the alternative title of this text ("Benjamin's 'Divine Violence' and the case of Korah") within the subtitle ("The Rebellion (...)
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    Granica, znanje, žrtvovanje.Petar Bojanić - 2009 - Beograd: Albatros plus.
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    How to be together beyond corporations and firms? Hegel at the “end of capitalism”.Petar Bojanic - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (3):563-578.
    The text examines different assumptions of Hegel?s understanding of the corporation across various versions of his Lectures of the Philosophy of Right, given recent contemporary reflections on?the end of capitalism.? My intention is to take Hegel?s thematization of the poor and poverty, as well as the significance Hegel ascribes to common work and the constitution of a working group as the foundation of civil society, and formulate these as real conditions of a potential reconstruction of the corporative model and new (...)
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    Introduction.Petar Bojanić & Snježana Prijić-Samaržija - 2014 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 10 (2):5-6.
    The main aim of this article is to analyze a recent text by Nenad Miščević dealing with social epistemology in the context of Foucault's theory of knowledge. In the first part, we briefly note Miščević's thoughts on the difference between analytic and continental philosophy and his thoughts on the latter. In the second part, we analyze both Miščević’s thesis about Foucault's dual understanding of knowledge and his placement of social epistemology as a proper framework for Foucault’s concept of “new” knowledge. (...)
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    Institucija grupe i genocidna delovanja.Petar Bojanić - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (3).
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    Ideja protiinstitucije. Saint-Simon z Jacquesom Derridajem.Petar Bojanić - 2017 - Filozofski Vestnik 38 (2).
    »Protiinstitucija« je »francoska stvar« in je del tistega, kar bi sam poimenoval francoski institucionalizem. Moj namen je tematizirati ta contre ali »proti«, to upiranje instituciji, a hkrati želim rekonstruirati nekaj več kot zgolj upiranje samo. Prvič, contre vedno implicira penser autrement, ki je na neki način povezno z utopijo. Drugič, zdi se mi, da je Saint Simon naš večni sodobnik in da je njegovo razglabljanje o Evropi še vedno aktualno – tako kot včasih je tudi danes Evropa autre chose in (...)
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