Results for 'incompleteness '

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  1.  20
    Normative validity through descriptive acceptability?Reality Is Incomplete - 2010 - In Jan G. Michel, Dirk Franken & Attila Karakus (eds.), John R. Searle: Thinking about the Real World. Frankfurt: ontos/de Gruyter. pp. 173.
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  2. Richard Harvey brown and Douglas Goodman.An Incomplete - 2001 - In Barry Smart & George Ritzer (eds.), Handbook of social theory. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. pp. 201.
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  3. Incompletable Grounding and Ontological Economy.Kelly Trogdon - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Defense of incompletable grounding and discussion of implications for ontological economy.
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  4. Einstein, Incompleteness, and the Epistemic View of Quantum States.Nicholas Harrigan & Robert W. Spekkens - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (2):125-157.
    Does the quantum state represent reality or our knowledge of reality? In making this distinction precise, we are led to a novel classification of hidden variable models of quantum theory. We show that representatives of each class can be found among existing constructions for two-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Our approach also provides a fruitful new perspective on arguments for the nonlocality and incompleteness of quantum theory. Specifically, we show that for models wherein the quantum state has the status of something (...)
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    An Incompleteness Theorem Via Ordinal Analysis.James Walsh - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):80-96.
    We present an analogue of Gödel’s second incompleteness theorem for systems of second-order arithmetic. Whereas Gödel showed that sufficiently strong theories that are $\Pi ^0_1$ -sound and $\Sigma ^0_1$ -definable do not prove their own $\Pi ^0_1$ -soundness, we prove that sufficiently strong theories that are $\Pi ^1_1$ -sound and $\Sigma ^1_1$ -definable do not prove their own $\Pi ^1_1$ -soundness. Our proof does not involve the construction of a self-referential sentence but rather relies on ordinal analysis.
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  6. Incompleteness, complexity, randomness and beyond.Cristian S. Calude - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (4):503-517.
    Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems have the same scientific status as Einstein's principle of relativity, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and Watson and Crick's double helix model of DNA. Our aim is to discuss some new faces of the incompleteness phenomenon unveiled by an information-theoretic approach to randomness and recent developments in quantum computing.
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    An incomplete relevant modal logic.Lou Goble - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (1):103-119.
    The relevant modal logic G is a simple extension of the logic RT, the relevant counterpart of the familiar classically based system T. Using the Routley-Meyer semantics for relevant modal logics, this paper proves three main results regarding G: (i) G is semantically complete, but only with a non-standard interpretation of necessity. From this, however, other nice properties follow. (ii) With a standard interpretation of necessity, G is semantically incomplete; there is no class of frames that characterizes G. (iii) The (...)
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    Mathematical Incompleteness Results in First-Order Peano Arithmetic: A Revisionist View of the Early History.Saul A. Kripke - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (2):175-182.
    In the Handbook of Mathematical Logic, the Paris-Harrington variant of Ramsey's theorem is celebrated as the first result of a long ‘search’ for a purely mathematical incompleteness result in first-order Peano arithmetic. This paper questions the existence of any such search and the status of the Paris-Harrington result as the first mathematical incompleteness result. In fact, I argue that Gentzen gave the first such result, and that it was restated by Goodstein in a number-theoretic form.
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    Incomplete descriptions and indistinguishable participants.Paul Elbourne - 2016 - Natural Language Semantics 24 (1):1-43.
    The implicit content associated with incomplete definite descriptions is contributed in the form of definite descriptions of situations. A definite description of this kind is contributed by a small structure in the syntax, which is interpreted, in general terms, as ‘the situation that bears R to s’.
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  10.  48
    Incompleteness of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Respect to Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Thomas Piecha & Peter Schroeder-Heister - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (1):233-246.
    Prawitz proposed certain notions of proof-theoretic validity and conjectured that intuitionistic logic is complete for them [11, 12]. Considering propositional logic, we present a general framework of five abstract conditions which any proof-theoretic semantics should obey. Then we formulate several more specific conditions under which the intuitionistic propositional calculus turns out to be semantically incomplete. Here a crucial role is played by the generalized disjunction principle. Turning to concrete semantics, we show that prominent proposals, including Prawitz’s, satisfy at least one (...)
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    Multimodal Incompleteness Under Weak Negations.Juliana Bueno-Soler - 2013 - Logica Universalis 7 (1):21-31.
    This paper shows that some classes of multimodal paraconsistent logics endowed with weak forms of negation are incompletable with respect to Kripke semantics. The reach of such incompleteness is discussed, and we argue that this shortcoming, more than just a logical predicament, may be relevant for attempts to characterize quantum logics and to handle quantum information and quantum computation.
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  12. The incompleteness of theories of games.Marcelo Tsuji, Newton C. A. Costa & Francisco A. Doria - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (6):553-568.
    We first state a few previously obtained results that lead to general undecidability and incompleteness theorems in axiomatized theories that range from the theory of finite sets to classical elementary analysis. Out of those results we prove several incompleteness theorems for axiomatic versions of the theory of noncooperative games with Nash equilibria; in particular, we show the existence of finite games whose equilibria cannot be proven to be computable.
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    Hierarchical Incompleteness Results for Arithmetically Definable Extensions of Fragments of Arithmetic.Rasmus Blanck - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):624-644.
    There has been a recent interest in hierarchical generalizations of classic incompleteness results. This paper provides evidence that such generalizations are readily obtainable from suitably formulated hierarchical versions of the principles used in the original proofs. By collecting such principles, we prove hierarchical versions of Mostowski’s theorem on independent formulae, Kripke’s theorem on flexible formulae, Woodin’s theorem on the universal algorithm, and a few related results. As a corollary, we obtain the expected result that the formula expressing “$\mathrm {T}$is$\Sigma (...)
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  14. Incomplete Descriptions and the Underdetermination Problem.Andrei Moldovan - 2015 - Research in Language 13 (4):352–367.
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss two phenomena related to the semantics of definite descriptions: that of incomplete uses of descriptions, and that of the underdetermination of referential uses of descriptions. The Russellian theorist has a way of accounting for incomplete uses of descriptions by appealing to an account of quantifier domain restriction, such as the one proposed in Stanley and Szabó (2000a). But, I argue, the Russellian is not the only one in a position to appeal to (...)
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    Definable incompleteness and Friedberg splittings.Russell Miller - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):679-696.
    We define a property R(A 0 , A 1 ) in the partial order E of computably enumerable sets under inclusion, and prove that R implies that A 0 is noncomputable and incomplete. Moreover, the property is nonvacuous, and the A 0 and A 1 which we build satisfying R form a Friedberg splitting of their union A, with A 1 prompt and A promptly simple. We conclude that A 0 and A 1 lie in distinct orbits under automorphisms of (...)
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    The Incomplete Universe: Totality, Knowledge, and Truth.Patrick Grim - 1991 - Cambridge: Mass.: Mit Press.
    This is an exploration of a cluster of related logical results. Taken together these seem to have something philosophically important to teach us: something about knowledge and truth and something about the logical impossibility of totalities of knowledge and truth. The book includes explorations of new forms of the ancient and venerable paradox of the :Liar, applications and extensions of Kaplan and Montague's paradox of the Knower, generalizations of Godel's work on incompleteness, and new uses of Cantorian diagonalization. Throughout, (...)
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  17. Incomplete descriptions and (reverse) Sobel sequences.Mirja Annalena Holst - 2013 - Analysis 73 (1):26-32.
    A challenge for theories of incomplete descriptions is to capture the consistency of ‘Sobel sequences’ and to account for an asymmetry in the acceptability of utterances of Sobel sequences and ‘reverse Sobel sequences’. David Lewis’s theory of incomplete descriptions answers, unlike many other theories, the challenge from Sobel sequences, but it does not answer the challenge from reverse Sobel sequences. This article presents another asymmetry in the availability of anaphoric readings of Sobel sequences and reverse Sobel sequences, and proposes an (...)
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  18. Incomplete descriptions.Marga Reimer - 1992 - Erkenntnis 37 (3):347 - 363.
    Standard attempts to defend Russell's Theory of Descriptions against the problem posed by incomplete descriptions, are discussed and dismissed as inadequate. It is then suggested that one such attempt, one which exploits the notion of a contextually delimited domain of quantification, may be applicable to incomplete quantifier expressions which are typically treated as quantificational: expressions of the form AllF's, NoF's, SomeF's, Exactly eightF's, etc. In this way, one is able to retain the plausible claim that such expressions ought to receive (...)
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    The incompleteness theorems.Hendrik Pieter Barendregt - 1976 - Utrecht: Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Mathematisch Instituut.
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  20.  76
    Incompleteness in the Finite Domain.Pavel Pudlák - 2017 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 23 (4):405-441.
    Motivated by the problem of finding finite versions of classical incompleteness theorems, we present some conjectures that go beyond NP ≠ coNP. These conjectures formally connect computational complexity with the difficulty of proving some sentences, which means that high computational complexity of a problem associated with a sentence implies that the sentence is not provable in a weak theory, or requires a long proof. Another reason for putting forward these conjectures is that some results in proof complexity seem to (...)
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  21.  43
    Incomplete stimulus representations and the loss of cognitive access in cerebral achromatopsia.Robert William Kentridge - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (5-6):508-509.
    When processing of stimuli occurs without attention, phenomenal experience, as well as cognitive access, may be lost. Sensory representations are, however, constructed by neural machinery extending far beyond sensory receptors. In conditions such as cerebral achromatopsia incomplete sensory representations may still elicit phenomenal experience but these representations might be too aberrant to be integrated into the wider cognitive workspace.
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  22. Incompletely Theorized Agreements in Constitutional Law.Cass R. Sunstein - 2007 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 74 (1):1-24.
    How is constitutionalism possible, when people disagree on so many questions about what is good and what is right? The answer lies in two kinds of incompletely theorized agreement - both reached amidst the sharpest disagreements about the fundamental issues in social life. The first consist of agreements on abstract formulations ; these agreements are crucial to constitution-making as a social practice. The second consist of agreements on particular doctrines and practices; these agreements are crucial to life and law under (...)
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  23.  36
    Incomplete Worlds, Ritual Emotions.Thomas G. Pavel - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):48-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thomas G. Pavel INCOMPLETE WORLDS, RITUAL EMOTIONS' IN recent years, the notion of "fictional world" has enjoyed a considerable rise in fortune. The expression, however, is not entirely new. To refer to the world of a literary work, of a novel or of a play, has always been a favorite way of speaking for literary critics and aestheticians. In most cases, these were informal worlds. A discussion of the (...)
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    Incompleteness Via Paradox and Completeness.Walter Dean - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):541-592.
    This paper explores the relationship borne by the traditional paradoxes of set theory and semantics to formal incompleteness phenomena. A central tool is the application of the Arithmetized Completeness Theorem to systems of second-order arithmetic and set theory in which various “paradoxical notions” for first-order languages can be formalized. I will first discuss the setting in which this result was originally presented by Hilbert & Bernays (1939) and also how it was later adapted by Kreisel (1950) and Wang (1955) (...)
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  25. Gödel Incompleteness and Turing Completeness.Ramón Casares - manuscript
    Following Post program, we will propose a linguistic and empirical interpretation of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem and related ones on unsolvability by Church and Turing. All these theorems use the diagonal argument by Cantor in order to find limitations in finitary systems, as human language, which can make “infinite use of finite means”. The linguistic version of the incompleteness theorem says that every Turing complete language is Gödel incomplete. We conclude that the incompleteness and unsolvability theorems find limitations (...)
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    The incompleteness theorems after 70 years.Henryk Kotlarski - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):125-138.
    We give some information about new proofs of the incompleteness theorems, found in 1990s. Some of them do not require the diagonal lemma as a method of construction of an independent statement.
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  27.  31
    Incomplete Secularization of History: Ethan Kleinberg and Hayden White.Torbjörn Gustafsson Chorell - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (1):27-46.
    According to the displacement model of secularization, religious-theological concepts, themes, and values have been reinterpreted in non-religious contexts without fully dispensing with the religious content. Secularization is thus incomplete. The incomplete secularization argument can be used as a lens through which to read Ethan Kleinberg’s deconstructive approach to the past. In his narrative, as reconstructed here, deconstruction promises to bring us closer to a secular relationship to the past than the ontological realism Kleinberg says still dominates contemporary historical theory. By (...)
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  28.  60
    Incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity: is there a microRNA connection?Jasmine K. Ahluwalia, Manoj Hariharan, Rhishikesh Bargaje, Beena Pillai & Vani Brahmachari - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (9):981-992.
    Incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity are non‐Mendelian phenomena resulting in the lack of correlation between genotype and phenotype. Not withstanding the diversity in mechanisms, differential expression of homologous alleles within cells manifests as variations in penetrance and expressivity of mutations between individuals of the same genotype. These phenomena are seen most often in dominantly inherited diseases, implying that they are sensitive to concentration of the gene product. In this framework and the advances in understanding the role of microRNA (miRNA) in (...)
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  29.  37
    Incompleteness, constructivism and truth.Fabrice Pataut - 1998 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 6:63.
    Although G¨odel proved the first incompleteness theorem by intuitionistically respectable means, G¨odel’s formula, true although undecidable,seems to offer a counter-example to the general constructivist or anti-realistclaim that truth may not transcend recognizability in principle. It is arguedhere that our understanding of the formula consists in a knowledge of itstruth-conditions, that it is true in a minimal sense and, finally, that it is recognized as such given the consistencyand ω-consistency of P. The philosophical lesson to be drawn from G¨odel’sproof is (...)
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    Incompleteness and jump hierarchies.James Walsh & Patrick Lutz - 2020 - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148 (11):4997--5006.
    This paper is an investigation of the relationship between G\"odel's second incompleteness theorem and the well-foundedness of jump hierarchies. It follows from a classic theorem of Spector's that the relation $\{(A,B) \in \mathbb{R}^2 : \mathcal{O}^A \leq_H B\}$ is well-founded. We provide an alternative proof of this fact that uses G\"odel's second incompleteness theorem instead of the theory of admissible ordinals. We then derive a semantic version of the second incompleteness theorem, originally due to Mummert and Simpson, from (...)
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  31.  17
    Incomplete utterances as critical assessments.Jacob Kline & Innhwa Park - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (4):441-459.
    Using video recordings of draft meetings conducted as part of an intramural basketball program as data, this conversation analytic study examines the use of an incomplete utterance in a joint evaluative activity. In particular, we focus on how the participants, volunteer coaches, who meet to draft players for their respective teams, produce a syntactically incomplete utterance as a means to critically assess a player, a non-present third party to the interaction. Analysis reveals that the participants use an incomplete utterance as (...)
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  32.  35
    Incomplete Contracts and Stakeholder Theory.Xiaohe Lu - 2019 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 38 (3):321-338.
    If market transactions are optimal, why do so many transactions occur within firms themselves? Ronald H. Coase explains this phenomenon by arguing that market transaction costs differ from intra-company transaction costs and that clear intra-intra-firm property rights have the effect of reducing transaction costs. But what exactly are the relevant transaction costs, and what factors determine them? Oliver Hart argues that market contracts are incomplete, and that the key to improving efficiency is putting the power to deal with these unspecified (...)
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  33.  76
    The Incompleteness of Theories of Games.Marcelo Tsuji, Newton C. A. Da Costa & Francisco A. Doria - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (6):553 - 568.
    We first state a few previously obtained results that lead to general undecidability and incompleteness theorems in axiomatized theories that range from the theory of finite sets to classical elementary analysis. Out of those results we prove several incompleteness theorems for axiomatic versions of the theory of noncooperative games with Nash equilibria; in particular, we show the existence of finite games whose equilibria cannot be proven to be computable.
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  34. Incompleteness, Independence, and Negative Dominance.Harvey Lederman - manuscript
    This paper introduces the axiom of Negative Dominance, stating that if a lottery f is strictly preferred to a lottery g, then some outcome in the support of f is strictly preferred to some outcome in the support of g. It is shown that if preferences are incomplete on a sufficiently rich domain, then this plausible axiom, which holds for complete preferences, is incompatible with an array of otherwise plausible axioms for choice under uncertainty. In particular, in this setting, Negative (...)
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  35. Is Incompleteness A Serious Problem?G. Lolli & U. Pagallo - unknown
    whole numbers that manages to assert that it itself is unprovable (from a given finite set F of axioms using formal logic). (Gödel's paper is included in the well-known anthology [1].) GF : ``GF cannot be proved from the finite set of axioms F.'' This assertion GF is therefore true if and only if it is unprovable, and the formal axiomatic system F in question either proves falsehoods (because it enables us to prove GF) or fails to prove a true (...)
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  36. An incompleteness theorem for β n -models.Carl Mummert & Stephen G. Simpson - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (2):612-616.
    Let n be a positive integer. By a $\beta_{n}-model$ we mean an $\omega-model$ which is elementary with respect to $\sigma_{n}^{1}$ formulas. We prove the following $\beta_{n}-model$ version of $G\ddot{o}del's$ Second Incompleteness Theorem. For any recursively axiomatized theory S in the language of second order arithmetic, if there exists a $\beta_{n}-model$ of S, then there exists a $\beta_{n}-model$ of S + "there is no countable $\beta_{n}-model$ of S". We also prove a $\beta_{n}-model$ version of $L\ddot{o}b's$ Theorem. As a corollary, we (...)
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  37.  81
    The Incompletability of Metaphysics.James Blachowicz - 2010 - Idealistic Studies 40 (3):257-273.
    If a metaphysics identifies transcendental principles with formal principles, the inevitable result will be a reductionist collapse, that is, a theory of the nature of reality that will exclude as inessential significant differences among existing things. To avoid this result, we must take some such material differences (those, for example, that distinguish physical, biological and mental phenomena from one another) as transcendental in nature. This produces a metaphysics in which the concept of ontological emergence is central—a metaphysics that will depend (...)
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  38.  43
    Incomplete Symbols and Russell's Proof.W. Kent Wilson - 1980 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):233 - 250.
    Russell urged that some phrases having no meaning in isolation could nonetheless, Contribute to the meaning of sentences in which they occur. In the case of definite descriptive phrases, A proof is offered. It is argued that russell's proof is valid, Contrary to some commentators. Proper understanding of the notion of "incomplete symbol" plays a key role in the assessment of the argument, As well as in full appreciation of the radical departure of russell's analysis from "surface" grammar.
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  39.  25
    Incomplete reduction of reward and the frustration effect with hunger constant.Lawrence A. Hall & John N. Marr - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):493.
  40. Revising incomplete attitudes.Richard Bradley - 2009 - Synthese 171 (2):235 - 256.
    Bayesian models typically assume that agents are rational, logically omniscient and opinionated. The last of these has little descriptive or normative appeal, however, and limits our ability to describe how agents make up their minds (as opposed to changing them) or how they can suspend or withdraw their opinions. To address these limitations this paper represents the attitudinal states of non-opinionated agents by sets of (permissible) probability and desirability functions. Several basic ways in which such states of mind can be (...)
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    An incomplete decidable modal logic.M. J. Cresswell - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):520-527.
    The most common way of proving decidability in propositional modal logic is to shew that the system in question has the finite model property. This is not however the only way. Gabbay in [4] proves the decidability of many modal systems using Rabin's result in [8] on the decidability of the second-order theory of successor functions. In particular [4, pp. 258-265] he is able to prove the decidability of a system which lacks the finite model property. Gabbay's system is however (...)
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    Kripke incompleteness of predicate extensions of the modal logics axiomatized by a canonical formula for a frame with a nontrivial cluster.Tatsuya Shimura - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (2):237-247.
    We generalize the incompleteness proof of the modal predicate logic Q-S4+ p p + BF described in Hughes-Cresswell [6]. As a corollary, we show that, for every subframe logic Lcontaining S4, Kripke completeness of Q-L+ BF implies the finite embedding property of L.
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    Incompleteness results in Kripke semantics.Silvio Ghilardi - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (2):517-538.
    By means of models in toposes of C-sets (where C is a small category), necessary conditions are found for the minimum quantified extension of a propositional (intermediate, modal) logic to be complete with respect to Kripke semantics; in particular, many well-known systems turn out to be incomplete.
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    Incompleteness and the Halting Problem.Cristian S. Calude - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (5):1159-1169.
    We present an abstract framework in which we give simple proofs for Gödel’s First and Second Incompleteness Theorems and obtain, as consequences, Davis’, Chaitin’s and Kritchman-Raz’s Theorems.
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  45. Incompleteness – the very idea.Peter Smith - unknown
    Why these notes? After all, I’ve written An Introduction to Gödel’s Theorems. Surely that’s more than enough to be going on with? Ah, but there’s the snag. It is more than enough. In the writing, as is the way with these things, the book grew far beyond the scope of the lecture notes from which it started. And while I hope the result is still pretty accessible to someone prepared to put in the time and effort, there’s a lot more (...)
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    Incomplete knowledge and the chances of a constructive mastering.Dieter Gernert - 2004 - World Futures 60 (8):547 – 565.
    In spite of incomplete knowledge we are permanently forced to act in complex real-life situations. First, a modern concept of information, the non-trivial transition from information to knowledge, patterns of missing knowledge, and the concept of perspective notions are studied. The main sections review some guidelines for action under incomplete information. A modern view of the concepts of holism and wholeness reveals that (in contrast to some critics) general system theory does not require any metaphysical assumption or previously accepted worldview. (...)
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  47. Incomplete Symbols — Definite Descriptions Revisited.Norbert Gratzl - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (5):489-506.
    We investigate incomplete symbols, i.e. definite descriptions with scope-operators. Russell famously introduced definite descriptions by contextual definitions; in this article definite descriptions are introduced by rules in a specific calculus that is very well suited for proof-theoretic investigations. That is to say, the phrase ‘incomplete symbols’ is formally interpreted as to the existence of an elimination procedure. The last section offers semantical tools for interpreting the phrase ‘no meaning in isolation’ in a formal way.
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    Incomplete risk attitudes and random choice behavior: an elicitation mechanism.Edi Karni - 2021 - Theory and Decision 92 (3-4):677-687.
    In the presence of incomplete risk attitudes, choices between noncomparable risky prospects are random. A random choice model advanced by Karni, 2021) includes the hypothesis that choices among noncomparable risky prospects are prompted by signals drawn from personal distributions. This paper introduces a scheme designed to elicit subjects’ assessments of their personal likelihoods of choices among noncomparable risky prospects and describes experiments designed to test the aforementioned hypothesis.
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  49. An incompleteness theorem in modal logic.S. K. Thomason - 1974 - Theoria 40 (1):30-34.
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    The Incomplete Marx.Felton C. Shortall - 1994 - Brookfield, USA: Avebury.
    By demostrating how Kapital is incomplete, The Incomplete Marx provides the basis for a re-interpretation of Marx that looks beyond the Marx of Kapital.
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