Results for 'jeremiad'

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  1.  20
    Mohini, Jérémiade pour les débris d’étoiles.Karthika Naïr & Laetitia Zecchini - 2022 - Multitudes 87 (2):94-98.
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    The Jeremiad’s Promise: Cyborg Wetlands and Vampiric Practices.Ingrid Bartsch, Carolyn DiPalma & Laura Sells - 1999 - Intertexts 3 (2):180-191.
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  3. The American Jeremiad.Sacvan Bercovitch - 1980 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 13 (4):289-291.
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    Senator Bill Frist and the Medical Jeremiad.Benjamin R. Bates - 2005 - Journal of Medical Humanities 26 (4):259-272.
    This essay analyzes Senator Bill Frist's 2001 address to the American Society of Thoracic Surgeons. The author argues that the address represents an attempt to reframe physicians' political identity to authorize more active participation by them. Frist authorizes and demands such participation through the construction of a medical jeremiad. He argues that American physicians must have greater involvement to preserve the health of the body politic and to reassert physician control over the biomedical system. Although Frist's arguments are built (...)
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    An American Jeremiad: John C. Burnham and the History of Science Popularization.Nancy Tomes - 2019 - Isis 110 (4):788-791.
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    Cavell and the American Jeremiad.Richard Eldridge - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Research 39:377-391.
    Building on remarks by Dewey, Brandom, and Wittgenstein among others, this paper characterizes and defends a general style of philosophy as elucidatory analysis of concepts in circulation within a culture. The presence of this general style is then traced briefly in Quine and Beardsley. I then raise the question whether there is anything distinctively American about this general style. Drawing on work by Sacvan Bercovitch, I argue that use of this style is motivated by America’s distinctive religious history and that (...)
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    Social Theory as Jeremiad.Michael T. Gibbons - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (1):93-100.
  8.  19
    A Modern, Rational Jeremiad.David H. Smith - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (5):45-47.
    I have been a Daniel Callahan reader for over thirty years. My first published review was of Abortion: Law, Choice, and Morality. Callahan's latest book, The Five Horsemen of the Modern World: Climate, Food, Water, Disease, and Obesity, is a sustained and detailed explanation of a series of challenges facing humankind in this century. Callahan's prognosis is bleak, his analyses credible, and while hope is not lost, the moral of the story is that we had better get our act together (...)
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  9. Prodigal nation : September 11 and the American Jeremiad.Andrew R. Murphy - 2009 - In Matthew J. Morgan (ed.), The Impact of 9/11 on Religion and Philosophy: The Day that Changed Everything? Palgrave-Macmillan.
  10.  28
    Debate, Prophecy, and Revolution: Notes on Cathleen Kaveny's Prophecy Without Contempt.William David Hart - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (1):173-180.
    In Prophecy without Contempt, Cathleen Kaveny argues that prevailing scholarly approaches to religious and public discourse misunderstand the actual complexity of moral rhetoric in America. She endeavors to provide a better account through study of the role the Puritan jeremiad has played. Kaveny then offers a normative case for deliberative public moral discourse and the limited exercise of prophetic denunciation. I argue that Kaveny's distinction between deliberation and prophetic denunciation is overdrawn. They are ideal types that elide other rhetorical (...)
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    What Does a Prophet Know?Martin Kavka - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (1):181-189.
    This essay on Cathleen Kaveny's Prophecy Without Contempt challenges her argument from two opposing sides. First, it critiques all jeremiads. It asks how a person uttering prophetic indictments, whether in the form of a classical jeremiad or the more moderate form that Kaveny argues for, can possibly know of what she speaks, given the otherness of God. Second, it calls for more jeremiads. It asks whether a person, whether religious or not, might indeed know enough to offer withering jeremiads, (...)
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  12.  33
    Edith Stein’s Critique of Sociality in the Early Heidegger.James Orr - 2013 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 55 (3):379-396.
    Summary Heidegger’s jeremiads against metaphysics are amongst the most influential and iconoclastic in the annals of continental philosophy; and none is more trenchant than the Destruktion of Descartes’ ontology of self with which Sein und Zeit begins. Yet for all the intellectual energy he expends on attempting to uncover the social texture of Dasein’s being-in-the-world, many remain convinced that Heidegger simply transposes the Cartesian ego into a phenomenological key. One of the first thinkers to arouse these suspicions was an erstwhile (...)
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    On the disenchantment of medicine: Abraham Joshua Heschel’s 1964 address to the American Medical Association.Alan B. Astrow - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (6):483-497.
    In 1964, the American Medical Association invited liberal theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel to address its annual meeting in a program entitled “The Patient as a Person” [1]. Unsurprisingly, in light of Heschel’s reputation for outspokenness, he launched a jeremiad against physicians, claiming: “The admiration for medical science is increasing, the respect for its practitioners is decreasing. The depreciation of the image of the doctor is bound to disseminate disenchantment and to affect the state of medicine itself” [1, p. 35]. (...)
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  14. The Necessity of Hope in Dystopian Times: A Critical Reflection.Tom Moylan - 2020 - Utopian Studies 31 (1):164-193.
    Dystopias matter because they make us think. They help us to imagine and envisage how the present can change into something very nasty. … Dystopias thus interrogate the now and offer warnings and sometimes prophecies about the future; they are often the jeremiads of utopianism. But sometimes they offer glimmers of hope.One way of being anti-anti-utopian is to be utopian. It's crucial to keep imagining that things could get better, and furthermore to imagine how they might get better. … So (...)
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    As if: idealization and ideals.Anthony Appiah - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Idealization is a central feature of human thought. We build ideal models in the sciences, our politics is guided by pictures of impossible utopias, and our thinking about the arts and moral life is guided by images of how things might have been. In all these cases we sometimes proceed with a representation of the world that we know is not true or aim at a world we accept we cannot realize. This is the world of the "as if," which (...)
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    Love and work: a reading of John Williams’ Stoner.Jeff Frank - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (2):233-242.
    This article offers a close reading of the novel Stoner by John Williams. Stoner, and not the countless reports and jeremiads on teaching, helps us find what we are searching for: a way to live – and talk about – teaching in a dignified and artful way. We need to seek out voices that remind, recall and reveal teaching for the beautifully lovingly difficult work that it is. We need more voices like the one Williams provides in Stoner as we (...)
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  17. Awful patriotism: Richard Rorty and the politics of knowing.David Palumbo-Liu - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (1):37-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Awful Patriotism: Richard Rorty and the Politics of KnowingDavid Palumbo-Liu* (bio)Richard Rorty. Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1998.This essay addresses the current debates surrounding what some have labeled the Two Lefts: a “cultural left” and an activist left. 1 Debate over this “divide” has made many strange bedfellows, but perhaps none quite so unheimlich as “liberal leftist” Richard Rorty and cultural conservative Harold (...)
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  18. The Brutalization of the World: Achille Mbembe, Brutalism.Gabriel O. Apata - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    Achille Mbembe’s latest book addresses some of the existential concerns of the modern age and the power structures that have shaped them. Modernity’s allure has created a false belief in the idea of progress while concealing a destructive streak in human activities. He warns that there is trouble ahead unless humans chart a different course. But is this the lamentation of a Jeremiad or a timely intervention in the current state of the world?
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    The Problem of Ideology in American Literary History.Sacvan Bercovitch - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (4):631-653.
    For my present purposes, and in terms of my immediate concerns, the problem of ideology in American literary history has three different though closely related aspects: first, the multivolume American literary history I have begun to edit; then, the concept of ideology as a constituent part of literary study, and, finally, the current revaluation of the American Renaissance. I select this period because it has been widely regarded as both the source and the epitome of our literary tradition; because it (...)
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    Thinking educational controversies through evil and prophetic indictment: Conversation versus conversion.Kevin J. Burke & Cathryn van Kessel - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (1):90-100.
    This article is about evil and its function in educational discourse. The research posits, using work in postsecularism and particularly through an historical, legal, and theological read of prophetic indictment and the function of the jeremiad in educational policy, that the terms of educational debate are rendered in a legal rather than a deliberative discursive framework. This lends itself, then, to the creation of evil others opposed to one’s own preferred policy prescriptions and renders much of the discussion about (...)
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    The Christian Consumer: Living Faithfully in a Fragile World by Laura M. Hartman.David Cloutier - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):247-248.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Christian Consumer: Living Faithfully in a Fragile World by Laura M. HartmanDavid CloutierThe Christian Consumer: Living Faithfully in a Fragile World LAURA M. HARTMAN New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 256 pp. $29.95Laura Hartman has written an elegant, graceful, and gentle book about a topic often inspiring jeremiads: consumer society. Setting out to provide “an effective and explicitly practical ethics of consumption” (5), she develops an ethical (...)
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    Bertrand de Jouvenel and the Revolt Against the State in Post-War America.Annelien de Dijn - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):371.
    This paper focuses on the reception of Bertrand de Jouvenel’s Du Pouvoir in post-war America. I show how Jouvenel drew on a firmly established tradition of ‘aristocratic liberalism’ in French political thought, which in turn allowed him to develop a pessimistic outlook on modern Western political culture as inherently conducive to totalitarianism. This profound pessimism allowed Du Pouvoir, which fell relatively flat in France itself, to become a critical success in the Anglophone world. Jouvenel’s jeremiad resonated in particular with (...)
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    Profane’ rather than ‘secular.Eduardo de la Fuente - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 118 (1):105-115.
    Daniel Bell’s writings are often cast as offering a contemporary jeremiad regarding the corrosive effects of culture upon the modern economic and social order. In this paper, I take the opposite approach and argue that Bell is a sensitive cultural analyst who is claiming that human experience ought not to be deprived of culture – understood as symbol and myth that tap into the felt need for human transcendence. Bell could therefore be seen as a strong advocate for the (...)
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    Wege zur Politischen Philosophie.Ulrich Diehl & Gabriele von Sivers (eds.) - 2005 - Königshausen und Neumann.
    Der Laureatus dieser Schrift hatte 1986 Hans Jonas eröffnet, daß er an einer Politischen Philosophie arbeite, aus der, wie die Autoren dieses Bandes wissen, nichts geworden ist und von der man auch sonst nicht viel vernommen hat. Jonas wandte damals ein: "Wie wollen Sie der Politischen Vernunft auf die Beine helfen? Das Wissen über die politischen Bewußtseinsvoraussetzungen in uns und ihre Struktur in Gesellschaften ist in esoterische Teilbestände und exoterische politische Religionen, Ideologien und Denkschulen zerfallen. Diese Angelegenheit müßte einer umfassenden (...)
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    Prophecy without Contempt: Religious Discourse in the Public Square by Cathleen Kaveny.Kyle Lambelet - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):195-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Prophecy without Contempt: Religious Discourse in the Public Square by Cathleen KavenyKyle LambeletProphecy without Contempt: Religious Discourse in the Public Square Cathleen Kaveny CAMBRIDGE, MA: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2016. 464 PP. $49.95"The American public square is not a seminar room" (419). This being the case, Cathleen Kaveny's Prophecy without Contempt challenges ethicists, among others, to reconsider the rhetoric of moral address. Rather than a narrow focus on deliberation, (...)
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    Prodigal Nation: Moral Decline and Divine Punishment From New England to 9/11.Andrew R. Murphy - 2010 - Oup Usa.
    America's supposed moral decline from an imagined golden age, and the threat of divine punishment for the sin of straying from the path of righteousness, have been consistent themes in its political and religious rhetoric. In Prodigal Nation, Andrew Murphy investigates the jeremiad's historical roots and probes the ways in which it continues to illuminate themes and tensions in American social and political life.
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  27. Liberalism, Republicanism And The Spirit Of American Politics: A Critique Of Sandel.David Peddle - 1997 - Animus 2:166-188.
    Michael Sandel sees Rawls' liberal theory of justice as abstractly uncomprehensive of another, republican view of the essential relation of political life to moral culture. But, as reference to the debates of the Civil War and the New Deal show, his own jeremiadic account of American history equally misrepresents the dialectical interplay of liberal and republican moments that is essential in American freedom.
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    Recycled Realities.John Willis, Tom Young & Martha A. Sandweiss - 2006 - Center for American Places.
    Near the homes of photographers John Willis and Tom Young is a paper mill that sits in the otherwise pristine and picturesque climes of western Massachusetts. For Willis and Young, this site is one of both aesthetic and philosophical contradictions: despite its verdant locale, the mill—with its ominous smoke stacks and countless bales of discarded paper—brings to mind the dreariness of industrialization and the impermanence of life itself. But the factory is actually one where such litter is reborn as reusable (...)
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    The vision of the soul: truth, goodness, and beauty in the western tradition.James Matthew Wilson - 2017 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Ours is an age full of desires but impoverished in its understanding of where those desires lead—an age that claims mastery over the world but also claims to find the world as a whole absurd or unintelligible. In The Vision of the Soul, James Matthew Wilson seeks to conserve the great insights of the western tradition by giving us a new account of them responsive to modern discontents. The western— or Christian Platonist—tradition, he argues, tells us that man is an (...)
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    Rhetoric and anger.Kenneth S. Zagacki & Patrick A. Boleyn-Fitzgerald - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (4):290-309.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetoric and AngerKenneth S. Zagacki and Patrick A. Boleyn-FitzgeraldSince most believe anger can be either good or bad, rhetors face a moral problem of determining when anger is appropriate and when it is not. They face a corresponding rhetorical problem in deciding when and how to express anger and determining the role that it might play in public discourse, with specific audiences and in particular rhetorical situations. Rhetorical scholars (...)
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    The Demise of the Aesthetic in Literary Study.Eugene Goodheart - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):139-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Demise of the Aesthetic in Literary StudyEugene GoodheartAnumber of years ago at an MLA convention I was on a search committee interviewing candidates for a position in Victorian literature in our department. One of the candidates had done a dissertation on Christina Rossetti in which “Goblin Market” played a prominent role. As I recall, the candidate was putting forth a New Historicist or feminist argument about the poem, (...)
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    Poverty Knowledge, Coercion, and Social Rights: A Discourse Ethical Contribution to Social Epistemology.David Ingram - unknown
    In today’s America the persistence of crushing poverty in the midst of staggering affluence no longer incites the righteous jeremiads it once did. Resigned acceptance of this paradox is fueled by a sense that poverty lies beyond the moral and technical scope of government remediation. The failure of experts to reach agreement on the causes of poverty merely exacerbates our despair. Are the causes internal to the poor – reflecting their more or less voluntary choices? Or do they emanate from (...)
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    The text of pliny, hn 19.4–5.John Jacobs - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):276-285.
    In the passage about the flax plant, lini natura et miracula at the beginning of Book 19 of his Naturalis historia, Pliny launches into a moralizing diatribe on man's assault against Nature, fulminating against the evils which man brings upon himself by taking to the high seas in ships with sails. The passage culminates in the rhetorical outburst audax uita, scelerumque plena, which serves as something of a moral aphorism for the jeremiad as a whole. Although it has been (...)
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    Historians Against History: The Frontier Thesis and the National Covenant in American Historical Writing Since 1830.David W. Noble - 1965 - U of Minnesota Press.
    Historians Against History was first published in 1967. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. Professor Noble examines the basic philosophy and writing of six American historians, George Bancroft, Frederick Jackson, Charles A. Beard, Carl Becker, Vernon Louis Parrington, and Daniel J. Boorstin, and finds in them a common tradition which he calls anti-historical. He argues that this viewpoint is founded in the (...)
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    Edmund Burke: Selected Writings and Speeches.Peter Stanlis - 1963 - Routledge.
    In this unique book, Peter J. Stanlis, the leading Burke scholar in America, has collected all the most important works and speeches of Edmund Burke, British statesman, political philosopher, and founder of modern conservative thought and, with due care to preserve the beauty of Burke's prose, edited them down to their essentials. "The main purpose of these selections," Stanlis explains, "is to present extensive and in the main unbroken samples of Burke's most representative thought in his most characteristic style, on (...)
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    A rhetoric of ruins: exploring landscapes of abandoned modernity.Andrew F. Wood - 2021 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    A Rhetoric of Ruins combines conceptual and theoretical frameworks to explore ghost towns, disaster sites, and environmental badlands as remnants of modernity. Methods of analysis include Jeremiadic, hauntological, psychogeographic, and heterotopian ways of reading U.S. and international sites.
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    Prophecy, Ethical Constraints, and Unjust Silence.Alda Balthrop-Lewis - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (1):157-166.
    Cathleen Kaveny's Prophecy Without Contempt seeks to reorient the conversation among religious ethicists and political theorists about religion in public life. Rather than focus on religious speech in general, Kaveny distinguishes deliberation and indictment as forms of discourse, and she subjects indictment to ethical evaluation. She aims to constrain the public exercise of inordinate indictment, while encouraging prophetic indictment that meets the demands of justice. While the book is a much-needed corrective, Kaveny's focus on the powerful rhetoric of prophetic indictment (...)
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