Results for 'judgment of beauty'

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  1.  44
    The Topic of the Judgement of Beauty.Richard Moran - 2016 - British Journal of Aesthetics 56 (4):397-400.
    A short critical response to Hannah Ginsborg’s book, The Normativity of Nature, in which I raise some questions about how to understand the idea that calling something beautiful is a form of praise of that thing.
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    Is there an "I" of the Beholder? Remarks on Kant's First Condition for a Judgment of Beauty.Olivia Custer - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 391-399.
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    Are beautiful theories better theories?: Devon Brickhouse-Bryson: Judgements of beauty in theory evaluation. Maryland: Lexington Books, The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 148 pp, $90 HB. [REVIEW]Alice Murphy - 2021 - Metascience 31 (1):37-40.
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    Kant and the Disinterested Judgment of the Beautiful.Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden - 2008 - In Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden (eds.), Law and Peace in Kant's Philosophy/Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Proceedings of the 10th International Kant Congress/Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Walter de Gruyter.
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    In Defense of Beauty: Gao Ertai's Aesthetics of Resistance.Maciej Kurzynski - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (4):994-1013.
    What Immanuel Kant considered "a mere appendage to the aesthetic judgment," "far less important and rich in consequences" than the judgment of beauty,1 was in fact to play a crucial role in the formation of ideologies of the twentieth century, as demonstrated by a number of studies revealing the ways in which political regimes generated sublime experiences to exercise mass control.2 Analyses of the aesthetic side of politics invariably point to the fact that the kind of aesthetic (...)
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  6. Beauty as an encounter between freedom and nature: A romantic interpretation of Kant's critique of judgment.María Rosario Acosta Lópedelz - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):63-92.
    This essay presents a possible interpretation of the concept of beauty in Kant’s Critique of Judgment, which was itself suggested by Kant in the two introductionsto the text and gained force among the Early German Romantics and Idealists, introducing an alternative point of view into the concept of beauty and the role it plays in the relationship between reason and sensibility, man and world. Through the analysis of the four moments of the Analytic of the Beautiful, (...) will manifest itself as the realm in which a special encounter between human freedom and nature takes place. Therefore, and as an alternative to some traditional interpretations of Kant’s aesthetic investigation, which understand Kant’s judgment of taste exclusively on the basis of its subjective conditions, the judgment of beauty will present itself also in the relationship it establishes with the objects of nature. (shrink)
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    On the Necessity of Beauty.Linda Palmer - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (3):350-366.
    In the Critique of Judgment Kant argues that we may assume a certain ‘common inner sense’ on pain of skepticism. I present an interpretation of this argument, which holds that its skeptical threat involves the threat of a regress for judgment, that it argues for a principle underlying both empirical cognition and judgments of beauty, and that no ‘everything is beautiful problem’ results. This principle is essentially ‘epistemologically normative’ rather than moral, although in the end the moral (...)
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    The logic of aesthetic judgment and metaphysical significance of beauty in Kant's thought.Jens Kulenkampff - 1992 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 19:7.
  9.  59
    Subjectivity and Sociality in Kant’s Theory of Beauty.Brent Kalar - 2018 - Kantian Review 23 (2):205-227.
    Kant holds that it is possible to quarrel about judgements of beauty and cultivate taste, but these possibilities have not been adequately accounted for in the dominant interpretations of his aesthetics. They can be better explained if we combine a more subjectivist interpretation of the free harmony of the faculties and aesthetic form with a type of social constructivism. On this ‘subjectivist-constructivist’ reading, quarrelling over and cultivating taste are not attempts to conform to some matter of fact, but rather (...)
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    Values of Beauty: Historical Essays in Aesthetics (review).Dabney Townsend - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):422-425.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Values of Beauty: Historical Essays in AestheticsDabney TownsendValues of Beauty: Historical Essays in Aesthetics, by Paul Guyer; 359 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, $75.00, $27.99 paper.This volume collects thirteen essays that range over topics from the eighteenth century to the twentieth century. The earliest was published in 1986, the last in 2004, and three appear here for the first time. They are grouped topically by (...)
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  11. Two Feelings in the Beautiful: Kant on the Structure of Judgments of Beauty.Janum Sethi - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19 (34):1-17.
    In this paper, I propose a solution to a notorious puzzle that lies at the heart of Kant’s Critique of Judgment. The puzzle arises because Kant asserts two apparently conflicting claims: (1) F→J: A judgment of beauty is aesthetic, i.e., grounded in feeling. (2) J→F: A judgment of beauty could not be based on and must ground the feeling of pleasure in the beautiful. I argue that (1) and (2) are consistent. Kant’s text indicates that (...)
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  12.  39
    Beauty and the Behest: Distinguishing Legal Judgment and Aesthetic Judgment in the Context of 21st Century Street Art and Graffiti.Andrea Baldini - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:91-106.
    Street art and graffiti are on the rise and their problematic relationship with the law is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. This paper considers a series of high profile street art controversies involving famous street artists Banksy and Alice Pasquini as cases studies for illuminating such a relationship. First, by discussing the “Banksy’s Law” – a “law” protecting street artworks in the style of Banksy while condemning graffiti – and its perceived arbitrariness, I investigate what I call the structural differences (...)
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  13.  16
    The Politics of Beauty: A Study of Kant's Critique of Taste.Susan Meld Shell - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element examines the entirety of Kant's Critique of Taste with particular emphasis on its political and moral aims. Kant's critical treatment of aesthetic judgment is both an extended theoretical response to influential predecessors and contemporaries, including Rousseau and Herder, and a practical intervention in its own right meant to nudge history forward at a time of civilizational crisis. Attention to these themes helps resolve a number of puzzles, both textual and philosophic, including the normative force and meaning of (...)
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  14. Eros, Beauty, and Phon-Aesthetic Judgements of Language Sound. We Like It Flat and Fast, but Not Melodious. Comparing Phonetic and Acoustic Features of 16 European Languages.Vita V. Kogan & Susanne M. Reiterer - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:578594.
    This article concerns sound aesthetic preferences for European foreign languages. We investigated the phonetic-acoustic dimension of the linguistic aesthetic pleasure to describe the “music” found in European languages. The Romance languages, French, Italian, and Spanish, take a lead when people talk about melodious language – the music-like effects in the language (a.k.a., phonetic chill). On the other end of the melodiousness spectrum are German and Arabic that are often considered sounding harsh and un-attractive. Despite the public interest, limited research has (...)
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  15. Beauty Makes Humanity: The Application of Kant’s Aesthetic Power of Judgment in Value Choice.Zhengmi Zhouhuang - 2022 - Kant Studien 113 (4):689-724.
    In this paper, I use Kant’s theory of the aesthetic power of judgment to solve the problem of nonmoral value choice, which Kant himself did not deal with, and prove that my reconstruction can fit into Kant’s philosophy and function as a harmonization and unification of morality and happiness. First, I revisit Kant’s early view of intellectualized happiness to establish the feasibility of this project in Kant’s ethics. Second, by analogy with the contemplative judgment of taste and practical (...)
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  16.  56
    The Resistance of Beauty.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2016 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1):235-249.
    In this article I address Schiller’s first response in his Kallias Briefe or Concerning the Beautiful, Letters to Gottfried Körner to Kant’s analysis of the beautiful in the first part of the Critique of Judgment. My main intention in the paper is to investigate Schiller’s emphasis on the notion of resistance (Widerstand) in his reading of Kant’s concept of beauty, and to ask how does this relate to Schiller’s own approach to aesthetics as an ethico-political realm. I am (...)
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  17.  97
    The Beautiful Shape of the Good: Platonic and Pythagorean Themes in Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment.Mihaela C. Fistioc - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
  18. Kant, Proust, and the Appeal of Beauty.Richard Moran - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (2):298-329.
    Beauty is a contested concept insofar as it seeks to mark a categorical distinction among the sources of pleasure, typically in terms of oppositions such as objective/subjective, universal/particular, necessity/contingency. Kant represents a culmination of this tradition in defining the judgment of beauty in terms of the requirement for universal agreement, modeling the judgment of beauty as closely as possible to ordinary factual judgments. A different tradition of thinking about beauty, however, while still seeking to (...)
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    The origins of the transcendental justification of taste: Kant’s several views on the status of beauty.Esther Pedersen - 2018 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 26 (54).
    The article follows Kant’s different views on aesthetics ranging from the pre-critical period to the Critique of the Power of Judgement. It argues that John Zammito’s psychological explanation of why Kant in the third Critique developed an argument for the transcendental justification of judgements of taste is unconvincing. As an alternative, the article shows how Kant in his published pre-critical discussions of aesthetics was relying upon empiricist sources while he in private comments turned to consider the culture critique of Rousseau. (...)
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  20.  5
    Urban Preservation and the Judgment of Solomon.Avner De Shalit - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 11 (1):3-13.
    ABSTRACT Facing heretofore unknown waves of new immigrants, the Israeli Government and the mayor of Jerusalem issued a comprehensive development programme, including rapid and massive construction. Cities with historical and aesthetic uniqueness, particularly Jerusalem, are likely to lose their special features and beauty. A question is raised: how can an argument in favour of conservation of the special beauties of such cities be advanced in light of the urgent need to supply shelter and jobs for their inhabitants? The paper (...)
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  21.  26
    The Time of the Beautiful in Kant’s Critique of Judgment.Khafiz Kerimov - 2019 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (1):71-93.
    The present article considers the problem of the preservation of pleasure in Kant’s Critique of Judgment. The problem stems from the fact that the Critique of Judgment contains not one but two distinct definitions of pleasure. In the definition of pleasure in §10 of the Analytic of the Beautiful Kant emphasizes that all pleasure is characterized by the tendency to preserve itself. On the other hand, in the definition of §VII of the unpublished Introduction Kant makes a sharp (...)
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  22. Functional Beauty, Perception, and Aesthetic Judgements.Andrea Sauchelli - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (1):41-53.
    The concept of functional beauty is analysed in terms of the role played by beliefs, in particular expectations, in our perceptions. After finding various theories of functional beauty unsatisfying, I introduce a novel approach which explains how aesthetic judgements on a variety of different kinds of functional objects (chairs, buildings, cars, etc.) can be grounded in perceptions influenced by beliefs.
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    Towards a Kantian Moral Psychology or the Practical Effects of Self-Predicating Judgements of Sublimity.Aaron Jaffe - 2015 - Critical Horizons 16 (1):88-106.
    This essay develops an account of the link between Kant's aesthetics and his ethics. It does so by articulating a Kantian account of moral psychology by way of aesthetic reflective judgements of sublimity. Since judgements of sublimity enrich the picture of a Kantian subject by forcefully revealing the unbounded power of the faculty of reason, I investigate the possibility that judgements of this kind could serve as a basis for moral motivation. The paper first shows how judgements of sublimity help (...)
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  24. Beauty and Duty in Kant's Critique of Judgement.Henry E. Allison - 1997 - Kantian Review 1:53-81.
    At the end of §40 of the Critique of Judgement, after a discussion of the sensus communis and its connection with taste, Kant writes:If we could assume that the mere universal communicability as such of our feeling must already carry with it an interest for us , then we could explain how it is that we require from everyone as a duty, as it were , the feeling in a judgment of taste.
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  25. Review of The Significance of Beauty: Kant on Feeling and the System of the Mind. [REVIEW]Jennifer A. McMahon - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19 (2):122-124.
    Matthews discusses the role of our ability to make a judgment of taste (judgment of beauty) within Kant's notion of the structure of the mind. In doing this she does not simply rely upon what we can learn from the first part of the third critique, the 'Critique of Aesthetic Judgment', but draws upon Kant's philosophy as a whole, including the first two critiques and the second part of The Critique of Judgment, the 'Critique of (...)
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  26. Kant on Beauty and Biology: An Interpretation of the 'Critique of Judgment'.Rachel Zuckert - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant's Critique of Judgment has often been interpreted by scholars as comprising separate treatments of three uneasily connected topics: beauty, biology, and empirical knowledge. Rachel Zuckert's book interprets the Critique as a unified argument concerning all three domains. She argues that on Kant's view, human beings demonstrate a distinctive cognitive ability in appreciating beauty and understanding organic life: an ability to anticipate a whole that we do not completely understand according to preconceived categories. This ability is necessary, (...)
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  27. Boring Beauty and Universal Morality: Kant on the Ideal of Beauty.Rachel Zuckert - 2005 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 48 (2):107 – 130.
    This paper argues that Kant 's account of the "ideal of beauty " in paragraph 17 of the Critique of Judgment is not only a plausible account of one kind of beauty, but also that it can address some of our moral qualms concerning the aesthetic evaluation of persons, including our psychological propensity to take a person's beauty to represent her moral character.
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    The way it makes us feel: The subsumption model of the Kantian judgement of taste.Larissa Berger - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):1473-1487.
    In his theory of beauty, Kant introduces the free and harmonious play of the faculties as a kind of judging. This judging should precede the pleasure in the beautiful. But being the determining ground of the judgement of taste, the pleasure should precede the judgement. Regarding this problem, two opposing models have been proposed: Paul Guyer's ‘two-acts model’ and Hannah Ginsborg's ‘one-act model’. I propose a third model that, I argue, resolves the difficulty and does not fall prey to (...)
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  29. Kant's Feeling: Why a Judgment of Taste is De Dicto Necessary.José Luis Fernández - 2020 - Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 43 (3):141-48.
    Necessity can be ascribed not only to propositions, but also to feelings. In the Critique of Judgment (KdU), Immanuel Kant argues that a feeling of beauty is the necessary satisfaction instantiated by the ‘free play’ of the cognitive faculties, which provides the grounds for a judgment of taste (KdU 5:196, 217-19). In contradistinction to the theoretical necessity of the Critique of Pure Reason and the moral necessity of the Critique of Practical Reason, the necessity assigned to a (...)
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    Kant on the Aesthetic Ideas of Beautiful Nature.Aviv Reiter - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (4):403-419.
    For Kant the definitive end of art is the expression of aesthetic ideas that are sensible counterparts of rational ideas. But there is another type of aesthetic idea: ‘Beauty can in general be called the _expression_ of aesthetic ideas: only in beautiful nature the mere reflection on a given intuition, without a concept of what the object ought to be, is sufficient for arousing and communicating the idea of which that object is considered as the _expression_.’ What are these (...)
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  31. On beauty-preliminary remarks on a phenomenological aesthetics as a critique of kant'critique of judgment'.G. Rompp - 1989 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 96 (2):254-275.
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    On the Epigenesis of the Aesthetic Mind. The Sense of Beauty from Survival to Supervenience.Fabrizio Desideri - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 54:63-82.
    What is the origin and meaning of our aesthetic sense? Is it genetically encoded or is it culturally inherited? The aim of the essay is to answer to such issues by defining the emergent and meta-functional character of the aesthetic attitude. First, I propose to include the faculty of desire in the free play of the cognitive faculties at the center of Kant’s Critique of Judgment. The following step is given by a brief analysis of Darwin’s controversial remarks on (...)
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  33. Aesthetic judgements, artworks and functional beauty.Stephen Davies - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (223):224-241.
    I offer an analysis of the role played by consideration of an item's functions when it is judged aesthetically. The account applies also to artworks, of which some serve extrinsic functions (such as the glorification of God and the communication of religious lore) and others have the function of being contemplated for their own sake alone. Along the way, I deny that aesthetic judgements fit the model of judgements either of free beauty or of dependent beauty, given how (...)
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  34. Aesthetic experience of beautiful and ugly persons: a critique.Mika Suojanen - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 8 (1).
    The question of whether or not beauty exists in nature is a philosophical problem. In particular, there is the question of whether artworks, persons, or nature has aesthetic qualities. Most people say that they care about their own beauty. Moreover, they judge another person's appearance from an aesthetic point of view using aesthetic concepts. However, aesthetic judgements are not objective in the sense that the experience justifies their objectivity. By analysing Monroe C. Beardsley's theory of the objectivity of (...)
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    How Beauty Disrupts Space, Time and Thought: Purposiveness Without a Purpose in Kant's Critique of Judgment.Stuart Dalton - 2015 - E-Logos 22 (1):5-14.
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    The true judge of beauty and the paradox of taste.Jason Gaiger - 2000 - European Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):1–19.
    This paper addresses two key works in the eighteenth‐century debate on the problem of taste: the Abbé Du Bos's Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture and David Hume's ‘Of the Standard of Taste’ . A successful solution to the ‘paradox of taste’ should sustain the democratising impulse behind Du Bos's appeal to the judgment of the ‘public’ whilst, at the same time, acknowledging the role of learning and discovery which underpins Hume's recourse to the opinion of (...)
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  37. Perceptual principles as the basis for genuine judgments of beauty.Jennifer A. McMahon - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (8-9):8-9.
    This paper comments on an article by V.S. Ramachandran and William Hirstein (JCS,1999) in which they purport to be identifying the neurological principles of beauty. I draw attention to the way the problem of beauty is construed in the philosophical literature by Mary Mothersill (1984) and Immanuel Kant (Critique of Judgment). I argue that Ramachandran and Hirsteins' principles do not address the problem of beauty because they do not differentiate between the experience of beauty and (...)
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    (1 other version)Hegel and Heidegger on the Essence of Beauty.James Phillips - 2015 - Philosophy Today 59 (1):23-36.
    Heidegger’s discussions of beauty in the 1930s and ’40s arguably have more to do with a confrontation with Hegel than with a revisiting of the question of how best to analyse our experience of the beautiful. Beauty, for Heidegger as for Hegel, takes its definition from truth. At issue is a forcible rewriting of the harmony of the faculties to which Kant appeals in his defence of pure aesthetic judgements. The highest truth, and the truth of beauty, (...)
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    What Kind of Normativity is the Normativity of Grammar?Hanne Appelqvist - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (1-2):123-145.
    The overall goal of this article is to show that aesthetics plays a major role in a debate at the very center of philosophy. Drawing on the work of David Bell, the article spells out how Kant and Wittgenstein use reflective judgment, epitomized by a judgment of beauty, as a key in their respective solutions to the rule-following problem they share. The more specific goal is to offer a Kantian account of semantic normativity as understood by Wittgenstein. (...)
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  40. Observations on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime.Immanuel Kant - 1960 - Berkeley,: University of California Press. Edited by Immanuel Kant.
    Kant's only aesthetic work apart from the Critique of Judgment , Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime gives the reader a sense of the personality and character of its author as he sifts through the range of human responses to the concept of beauty and human manifestations of the beautiful and sublime. Kant was fifty-eight when the first of his great Critical trilogy, the Critique of Pure Reason , was published. Observations offers a view into (...)
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    Reflections on How Young Children Develop a Sense of Beauty and Should Be Guided in Doing So.Tony Eaude - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (6):663-678.
    This article explores tentatively how young children develop a sense of beauty and should be guided in doing so. Beauty is partly a matter of personal preference, but it implies a more profound and considered idea than what is pleasing or attractive. Beauty contributes to well-being and a flourishing life. Since ideas of beauty vary over time and are transmitted through culture and socialization, these are affected by socio-cultural factors such as gender, ethnicity, class and age. (...)
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    Rethinking Kant 's distinction between the beauty of art and the beauty of nature.Aaron Halper - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (4):857-875.
    This paper argues that Kant presents two different accounts of beauty, one that applies properly to art and one that applies properly to nature. The judgment of beauty that applies properly to nature can be free and thus judged without concepts. The work of art, however, is judged beautiful when it expresses aesthetic ideas. This distinction then enables me to explain several problematic passages in Kant's text: those that serve to distinguish these two conceptions of beauty (...)
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    Beautiful or Agreeable? Humour and Wit in The Origins of Kant’s Aesthetics.Melissa Zinkin - forthcoming - Kantian Review:1-8.
    In this paper, I explore what Robert Clewis, in The Origins of Kant’s Aesthetics, suggests is an ‘analogy’ between humour and beauty. I do this by focusing on Kant’s concept of wit (Witz), which is central to both reflective judgement and humour. By exploring the concept of Witz as a distinctive kind of cognitive activity, I believe a case can be made that the origin of Kant’s mature aesthetic theory in the Critique of the Power of Judgement and his (...)
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  44. The significance of Plato's notions of beauty and pleasure in the philosophy of Kant.Jennifer A. McMahon - 2007 - Greek Research in Australia: Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of Greek Studies 2005 6:27-34.
    Plato conceived of the Form of Beauty as quite distinct from the Form of the Good. Beauty was a means to the Good. The ascent theory of the Symposium has suggested to some commentators that Plato envisaged two kinds of beauty, the sensuous and the intellectual, and that to reach the Good we must transcend our sensuous desires and cultivate an appreciation of intellectual beauty. However, in the Laws Plato presents us with a third notion of (...)
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    The Subjective Basis of Kant's Judgment of Taste.Brian Watkins - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):315-336.
    Abstract Kant claims that the basis of a judgment of taste is a merely subjective representation and that the only merely subjective representations are feelings of pleasure or displeasure. Commentators disagree over how to interpret this claim. Some take it to mean that judgments about the beauty of an object depend only on the state of the judging subject. Others argue instead that, for Kant, the pleasure we take in a beautiful object is best understood as a response (...)
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  46. The Senses of the Sublime: Possibilities for a Non-Ocular Sublime in Kant's Critique of Judgment.C. E. Emmer - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 512-519.
    It might at first seem that the senses (the five traditionally recognized conduits of outer sense) would have very little to contribute to an investigation of Kant's aesthetics. Is not Kant's aesthetic theory based on a relation of the higher cognitive faculties? Much however can be revealed by asking to what degree sight is essential to aesthetic judgment (of beauty and the sublime) as Kant describes it in the 'Critique of Judgment.' Here the sublime receives particular attention.
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  47. Aesthetic representation of purposiveness and the concept of beauty in Kant’s aesthetics. The solution of the ‘everything is beautiful’ problem.Mojca Küplen - 2016 - Philosophical Inquiries 4 (2):69-88.
    In the Critique of the Power of Judgment, Kant introduces the notion of the reflective judgment and the a priori principle of purposiveness or systematicity of nature. He claims that the ability to judge objects by means of this principle underlies empirical concept acquisition and it is therefore necessary for cognition in general. In addition, he suggests that there is a connection between this principle and judgments of taste. Kant’s account of this connection has been criticized by several (...)
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  48. Kant on Recognizing Beauty.Katalin Makkai - 2009 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):385-413.
    Abstract: Kant declares the judgment of beauty to be neither ‘objective’ nor ‘merely subjective’. This essay takes up the question of what this might mean and whether it can be taken seriously. It is often supposed that Kant's denials of ‘objectivity’ to the judgment of beauty express a rejection of realism about beauty. I suggest that Kant's thought is not to be understood in these terms—that it does not properly belong in the arena of debates (...)
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    Natural Beauty, Reflective Judgment and Kant’s Aesthetic Humanism.Anthony Savile - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):199-211.
    Kant’s concern for the universal validity of aesthetic judgment turns on its providing a needed bridge between our understanding of the world as governed by mechanical laws and our ability freely to realize our true humanity. That obliges us to find beauty in nature that is expressive of our ethical and moral values. It shapes the way we should understand aesthetic judgment itself.
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    Groundless beauty: feminism and the aesthetics of uncertainty.Janet Wolff - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (2):143-158.
    The ‘return to beauty’ raises a number of questions for feminism. This paper begins by suggesting that there is no real reason for a feminist distrust either of beauty or of the discourses of beauty. The more difficult question is how to comprehend the bases of aesthetic judgement more generally, given feminist and other critiques of aesthetics and art criticism. The paper proposes looking at the cognate ‘value’ fields of ethics and political philosophy, in order to develop (...)
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