Results for 'kapitalmud, grinko, marx, gramsci, levi-strauss, feuerabend, russia'

948 found
  1. Capitalmud, or Akyn's Song about the Nibelungs, paradigms and simulacra.Valentin Grinko - manuscript
    ...If, in some places, backward science determines the remaining period by the lack of optimism only by the number 123456789, then our progressive science expands it to 987654321, which is eight times more advanced than theirs. However, due to the inherent caution of scientists, both sides do not specify the measuring unit of reference — year, day, hour or minute are meant. Leonid Leonov. Collected Op. in ten volumes. Volume ten. M.: IHL, 1984, p.583. -/- The modern men being as (...)
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  2. John M. Cuddihy, "The Ordeal of Civility. Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss".George L. Mosse - 1975 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 25:221.
  3.  21
    The Ordeal of Civility, Freud, Marx, Levi-Strauss, Jewish Struggle with Modernity.G. L. Mosse - 1975 - Télos 1975 (25):221-223.
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    Marxism.Margaret Levi - 1991 - Edward Elgar.
    This major two volume reference work focuses on the works of contemporary Marxism which take as their inspiration the classical Marxian political economy, especially that of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg and Gramsci. The authors reprinted here are engaged in the common enterprise of attempting to understand the world in a manner that might facilitate its transformation for the better, or at least help prevent the worst outcomes from predictable and inevitable changes. Committed to the critical, scientific and explanatory project of (...)
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    L' oeuvre de Claude Lévi-Strauss.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1982 - Editions Gallimard.
    Enth.: Race et histoire / Claude Lévi-Strauss. suivi de: L'oeuvre de Claude Lévi-Strauss / par Jean Pouillon.
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    Conversations with Claude Lévi-Strauss.Claude Lévi-Strauss & Didier Eribon - 1991
    At the age of eighty, one of the most influential yet reclusive intellectuals of the twentieth century consented to his first interviews in nearly thirty years. Hailed by Le Figaro as "an event," the resulting conversations between Claude Lévi-Strauss and Didier Eribon (a correspondent for Le Nouvel Observateur) reveal the great anthropologist speaking of his life and work with ease and humor. Now available in English, the conversations are rich in Lévi-Strauss's candid appraisals of some of the best-known figures of (...)
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    The Problem of the Revolution in Gramsci (Between Kant and Marx).Giuseppe Cospito - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (1):147-170.
    Reconstructing the evolution of Gramsci’s judgement about the Russian Revolution implies an overall rethinking of his own relation to Marx as well as to Kant. Already in the spring of 1917, Gramsci foresaw that the February Revolution could become a proletarian revolution and that this would realise in fact Kant’s moral: only a society completely freed from oppression and exploitation would allow people to be free and autonomous. After the fall of the Winter Palace, Gramsci wrote that the revolution happened (...)
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  8. Entrevista a Claude Lévi-Strauss un film de Pierre Beuchot.Claude Lévi-Strauss & Pierre Beuchot - 2009 - A Parte Rei 61.
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    Interview: Claude Lévi-StraussInterview: Claude Levi-Strauss.Claude Lévi-Strauss, Peter B. Kussell & Claude Levi-Strauss - 1971 - Diacritics 1 (1):44.
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  10. ¿quién Soy Yo?", Por Claude Lévi-strauss.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 2010 - A Parte Rei 70.
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  11. Claude Lévi-Strauss Une Anthropologie "Bonne À Penser". Claude Lévi-Strauss Et Paul Ricœr : L'Entretien de 1963. Structuralisme Et Phénoménologie : Pour de Nouvelles Approches. L'anthropologie Structurale À l'Épreuve de L'Europe.Claude Lévi-Strauss & Jean Cuisenier - 2004 - Esprit.
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  12. The Elementary Structures of Kinship... Revised Edition Translated... By James Harle Bell, John Richard von Sturmer and Rodney Needham, Editor.Claude Levi-Strauss - 1969 - Beacon Press.
    'At last one of the most famous generalizing works in anthropology by the field's most stimulating and controversial contemporary figure has been translated, beautifully, and with the enlightening preface of the second French edition.
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  13. The structuralists: from Marx to Lévi-Strauss.Richard T. De George - 1972 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books. Edited by Fernande M. De George.
    Marx, K. Preface to A contribution to the critique of political economy. From Capital.--Freud, S. From The psychopathology of everyday life.--De Saussure, F. From Course in general linguistics.--Tynianov, Y. and Jakobson, R. Problems in the study of language and literature.--Jakobson, R. Linguistics and poetics.--Jakobson R. and Lévi-Strauss, C. Charles Baudelaire's "Les chats."--Barthes, R. The structuralist activity. To write: an intransitive verb?--Lévi-Strauss, C. The structural study of myth. Four winnebago myths. History and dialectic.--Althusser, L. Marx's immense theoretical revolution.--Foucault, M. The human (...)
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  14.  21
    Myth and Meaning.Claude Levi-Strauss - 2013 - Routledge.
    The anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss was one of the greatest intellectuals of the twentieth century. His work has had a profound impact not only within anthropology but also linguistics, sociology and philosophy. In this short book he examines the nature and role of myth in human history, distilling a lifetime of writing into a few sharp insights. It is a crystalline overview of many of the basic ideas underlying his work, including the theory of structuralism and the difference between 'primitive' (...)
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  15. Tristes Tropiques.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (4):554-554.
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  16. Anthropologie structurale.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (4):553-554.
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  17. Totemism.C. Lévi-Strauss - 1963
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  18. Les structures élémentaires de la parenté.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:581-585.
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  19. (1 other version)La pensée sauvage.Claude Levi-Strauss - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (1):104-105.
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  20. Le totémisme aujourd'hui.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1964 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 154:504-508.
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    Unesco at 60.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (3):5-10.
    This paper reports the text of the intervention pronounced by Claude Lévi-Strauss for the 60th anniversary of Unesco in 2006. Lévi-Strauss recalls the intersections between his activity in the field of anthropology and ethnology and Unesco since its foundation, and the role Unesco can play nowadays in the preservation of cultural diversity and biodiversity.
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    Unesco at 60.Levi-Strauss Claude - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (3):5-10.
    This paper reports the text of the intervention pronounced by Claude Lévi-Strauss for the 60th anniversary of Unesco in 2006. Lévi-Strauss recalls the intersections between his activity in the field of anthropology and ethnology and Unesco since its foundation, and the role Unesco can play nowadays in the preservation of cultural diversity and biodiversity.
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    De près et de loin.Claude Lévi-Strauss & Didier Eribon - 1988 - Odile Jacob.
    Le bilan d'une vie marquée par la littérature, la peinture et la musique, et une introduction à l'oeuvre de l'anthropologue. Il évoque son itinéraire intellectuel, ses voyages et ses rencontres, ses goûts et ses aversions. Publié à l'occasion de son centenaire.
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  24. De Près Et de Loin Suivi d'Un Entretien Inédit "Deux Ans Après".Claude Lévi-Strauss & Didier Eribon - 1991
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  25. The Savage Mind.Alasdair MacIntyre & Claude Levi-Strauss - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (69):372.
    "Every word, like a sacred object, has its place. No _précis_ is possible. This extraordinary book must be read."—Edmund Carpenter, _New York Times Book Review _ "No outline is possible; I can only say that reading this book is a most exciting intellectual exercise in which dialectic, wit, and imagination combine to stimulate and provoke at every page."—Edmund Leach, _Man _ "Lévi-Strauss's books are tough: very scholarly, very dense, very rapid in argument. But once you have mastered him, human history (...)
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  26. Sociologie et Anthropologie.Marcel Mauss & Cl Lévi-Strauss - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:576-577.
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  27. Du miel aux cendres.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1973 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:78-80.
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    Histoire et ethnologie.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1949 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 54 (3/4):363 - 391.
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    Structural Anthropology. Vol. II.Claude Levi-Strauss & Monique Layton - 1979 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 40 (1):142-144.
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    Levi-Strauss and the Protocols of DistanceMythologiques I: Le cru et le CuitMythologiques II: Du Miel aux CendresMythologiques III: L'Origine des Manieres de TableMythologiques IV: L'Homme nu. [REVIEW]Eugenio Donato & Claude Levi-Strauss - 1975 - Diacritics 5 (3):2.
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    Diogène couché.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 2020 - Cités 81 (1):137-168.
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  32. Strukturale Anthropologie.Claude Lêvi-Strauss - 1969 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 23 (4):659-661.
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  33. Structuralism and ecology.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1978 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 7 (2):153-178.
  34. Anthropology: Preliminary Definition: Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnography.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1975 - Diogenes 23 (90):1-25.
    Anthropology cannot be distinguished from other social and human sciences by its own particular object of study. Apparently concerned with the so-called “primitive” peoples, or peoples “without writing,” it developed into a science at the same time that these peoples were declining, or at least losing their distinctive characteristics. For the last ten years or so, some anthropologists have turned to studying the so-called civilized societies. Clearly, then, anthropology issues less from the existence of a specific object of study than (...)
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  35. The Art of Deciphering Symbols (in Four Lessons, to be Followed or not to be Followed).Claude Levi-Strauss - 1954 - Diogenes 2 (5):101-108.
    These four volumes, reviewed together solely because of their respective publication dates and their vaguely related subject matter, represent, for the reader interested in myths and symbols, just so many exercises in style that are not equally commendable. In each we find a different lesson which, for the sake of simplification, we will designate respectively as a lesson in innocence, a lesson in impudence, a lesson in science, and a lesson in imagination. This is perhaps the proper order to follow, (...)
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    Regarder, écouter, lire.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1993
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  37. Panorama of Ethnology I950-I952.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1953 - Diogenes 1 (2):69-92.
    A panorama of ethnological studies during the last two or three years must cover considerations as apparently remote as the margin of error in estimating the age of radio-active elements on the one hand and, on the other, the question of whether ethnology originates from the sciences of Man or the sciences of Nature. This widening of the scope of ethnological studies is matched by the widening of public interest in ethnological problems, or, to put it more precisely, in problems (...)
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  38. The Problem of Invariance in Anthropology.Claude Lévi-Strauss & James H. Labadie - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (31):19-28.
    In Iroquois and Algonquin legend there is the story of a girl who submits in the dark of night to a man she believes to be her brother. Every detail seems to identify him: physical appearance, clothing, a scratched cheek attesting to the heroine's virtue. When formally accused by her, the brother reveals that he has a second self (Sosie) or, more precisely, a double; the bond between them is so strong that everything befalling the one is automatically transmitted to (...)
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    Philosophies of Marxism: Gramsci, Lukacs, Benjamin, Althusser.Michael Kelly - unknown
    Table of contents : 1. The beginnings of phenomenology: Husserl and his predecessors Richard Cobb-Stevens, Boston College 2. Philosophy of existence 1: Heidegger Jacques Taminiaux, University of Louvain, Belgium 3. Philosophy of existence 2: Sartre Thomas Flynn, Emory University 4. Philosophy of existence 3: Merleau-Ponty Bernard Cullen, Queen's University, Belfast 5. Philosophies of religion: Jaspers, Marcel, Levinas William Desmond, Loyola College 6. Philosophies of science: Mach, Duhem, Bachelard Babette Babich, Fordham University 7. Philosophies of Marxism: Gramsci, Lukacs, Benjamin, Althusser Michael (...)
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  40. Paul Bouissac.Claude Levi-Strauss - 1982 - In Ino Rossi, The Logic of culture: advances in structural theory and methods. South Hadley, Mass.: J.F. Bergin Publishers. pp. 199.
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  41. Struktura mitov.Claude Levi-Strauss - 2003 - Problemi 4.
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  42. The Work of Edward Westermarck.Claude Levi-Strauss - 1982 - In Timothy Stroup, Edward Westermarck: essays on his life and works. Helsinki: Akateeminen kirjakauppa. pp. 181-194.
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    Values Undermining Values.Claude Levi-Strauss - 1990 - Between the Species 6 (4).
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  44. Le cru et le cuit, « Mythologiques ».Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1966 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 21 (3):417-418.
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    Les Limites De La Notion De Structure En Ethnologie.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1972 - In Roger Bastide, Sens Et Usages du Terme Structure Dans les Sciences Humaines Et Sociales. De Gruyter. pp. 40-45.
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    Nota necrológica.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 2009 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 58 (141):277-280.
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    On Merleau-ponty.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1978 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 7 (2):179-188.
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    Pour le 60e anniversaire de l'unesco.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 2006 - Diogène 215 (3):3-10.
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  49. Sur Les rapports entre la mythologie et le rituel: Exposé.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1956 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 50 (3).
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  50. Une petite énigme mythico-littéraire.Claude Lévi-Strauss - 1980 - The Temps de la Réflexion 1:133.
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