Results for 'learning, professional competence, comparison approach, theory, practice'

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  1.  22
    L’apprentissage professionnel par compétence.Zoualfakar Jammoul - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (4):18-36.
    In the 1980, the introduction of the concept of competence in learning programs has been an experimental attempt to cope with changing business. This concept was applied once in the late 1960s by companies to increase their production efficiency. Today, we observe that many centers of research and learning as well as researchers continue to work to improve the learning process based on the concept of competence. The question is what are the adequacy limits of the theoretical approach to practical (...)
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    Competency-Based Approaches: Linking theory and practice in professional education with particular reference to health education.Andrew Gonczi - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (12):1290-1306.
    Paul Hager and I worked on a large number of research projects and publications throughout the 1990s. The focus of this work was on developing a competency-based approach to professional education and assessment. I review this work and its impact over the years. Notwithstanding the fact that most professional associations today have a competency framework and that most university courses use them in their courses for initial professional education, they still have a relatively naïve view of the (...)
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    The ethical component of professional competence in nursing: An analysis.Maria Cristina Paganini & Emiko Yoshikawa Egry - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (4):571-582.
    The purpose of this article is to initiate a philosophical discussion about the ethical component of professional competence in nursing from the perspective of Brazilian nurses. Specifically, this article discusses professional competence in nursing practice in the Brazilian health context, based on two different conceptual frameworks. The first framework is derived from the idealistic and traditional approach while the second views professional competence through the lens of historical and dialectical materialism theory. The philosophical analyses show that (...)
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    Should professional competence be taught as ethical?Douglas Birkhead - 1997 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 12 (4):211 – 220.
    Every instructor who teaches media ethics faces the challenge of balancing theory and practice i n the classroom. A typical approach involves training students i n theories of ethical deliberation applied to moral dilemmas presented i n case studies and decision-making exercises. This article callsfor more philosophical inquiry into the basic assumptions of media ethics. Based on a writing assignment that asked students to ponder a philosophical paradox, this article not only tackles the paradox involving ethical competence, but discusses (...)
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    Teaching ethics in the clinic. The theory and practice of moral case deliberation.A. C. Molewijk, T. Abma, M. Stolper & G. Widdershoven - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (2):120-124.
    A traditional approach to teaching medical ethics aims to provide knowledge about ethics. This is in line with an epistemological view on ethics in which moral expertise is assumed to be located in theoretical knowledge and not in the moral experience of healthcare professionals. The aim of this paper is to present an alternative, contextual approach to teaching ethics, which is grounded in a pragmatic-hermeneutical and dialogical ethics. This approach is called moral case deliberation. Within moral case deliberation, healthcare professionals (...)
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    The Cost of Competence: Why Inequality Causes Depression, Eating Disorders, and Illness in Women.Brett Silverstein & Deborah Perlick - 1985 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Since the advent of the women's movement, women have made unprecedented gains in almost every field, from politics to the professions. Paradoxically, doctors and mental health professionals have also seen a staggering increase in the numbers of young women suffering from an epidemic of depression, eating disorders, and other physical and psychological problems. In The Cost of Competence, authors Brett Silverstein and Deborah Perlick argue that rather than simply labeling individual women as, say, anorexic or depressed, it is time to (...)
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    Bioethics education in clinical settings: theory and practice of the dilemma method of moral case deliberation.Margreet Stolper, Bert Molewijk & Guy Widdershoven - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):45.
    BackgroundMoral Case Deliberation is a specific form of bioethics education fostering professionals’ moral competence in order to deal with their moral questions. So far, few studies focus in detail on Moral Case Deliberation methodologies and their didactic principles. The dilemma method is a structured and frequently used method in Moral Case Deliberation that stimulates methodological reflection and reasoning through a systematic dialogue on an ethical issue experienced in practice.MethodsIn this paper we present a case-study of a Moral Case Deliberation (...)
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    Роль інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у системі формування професійних компетенцій інженерів.T. H. Vasilenko & O. H. Dobrovolska - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:110-121.
    Actuality of the conducted research is practically oriented character. Without the use of information and communication technologies in the field of higher education, it is impossible to carry out qualitative training of specialists in engineering, the results of which are necessary for the implementation of a national strategy for modernizing the economy and forming a progressive state of European type. Formulation of the task - the specificity of the use of ICT in the system of higher education has not been (...)
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    The continuing formation of relational caring professionals.Guus Timmerman & Andries Baart - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):587-602.
    Learning to work as a relational caring professional in healthcare and social welfare, is foremost a process of transformative learning, of Building, of professional subjectification. In this article we contribute to the design of such a process of formation by presenting a structured map of five domains of formational goals. It is mainly informed by many years of care-ethical research and training of professionals in healthcare and social work. The five formational domains are:Relational Caring Approach,Perception,Knowledge,Interpretation, andPractical Wisdom. (...)
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    Professional Associations as Communities of Practice: Exploring the Boundaries of Ethics and Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility.Angeli Weller - 2017 - Business and Society Review 122 (3):359-392.
    For more than a decade, scholars and practitioners have noted the disconnection between E&C and CSR practices in US corporations and called for their alignment. There is scant literature on why this lack of alignment persists. This article applies communities of practice theory to illuminate the separate learning trajectories that the E&C and CSR fields in the US have taken over the past twenty five years, anchored by their respective professional associations. This article provides an important perspective on (...)
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    Reconstructing undergraduate education: using learning science to design effective courses.Robert B. Innes - 2004 - Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
    This book is designed to introduce professors and administrators in higher education to the philosophical, theoretical, and research support for using a constructivist perspective on learning to guide the reconstruction of undergraduate education. It presents an original framework for systematically linking educational philosophy and learning theories to their implications for teaching practice. In this volume, Innes summarizes the sources he found most useful in developing his own set of teaching principles and course development process, and makes an argument for (...)
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    Healthcare providers' advocacy approaches and ethical challenges in delivering healthcare to undocumented migrants: a scoping review.Fayez Abdulrazeq, Julian März, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Chris Gastmans - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (4):579-606.
    Delivering healthcare to undocumented migrants presents a complex challenge for healthcare providers. Integrating advocacy efforts into their daily practices can be ambiguous in practical terms, stemming from the intricate task of addressing the health needs of this population while simultaneously advocating for their health rights within the constraints imposed on them. This study seeks to consolidate findings from literature regarding the advocacy approaches employed by healthcare providers and the correlated ethical challenges. We conducted a scoping review of qualitative literature by (...)
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    Toward a better understanding of dentists’ professional learning using complexity theory.Adeline Yuen Sze Goh & Alistair Daniel Lim - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (5):479-487.
    Like other health care practices, the increasing complexity in dentistry signals the need for a reconceptualisation of dentist professional learning. Professional dental bodies, at large, still privilege formal continuing professional development (CPD) provisions focusing on off-the-job activities despite growing evidence that much invaluable learning occurs through and at work. In exploring the two common dentist CPD approaches, this article critiques the narrow conceptions of learning inscribed in these frameworks, which are individualistic and acquisition oriented. Drawing on a (...)
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  14.  31
    Reflective based learning for nursing ethical competency during clinical practices.Isabel Font Jiménez, Laura Ortega Sanz, Juan Luis González Pascual, Pilar González Sanz, Maria Jesús Aguarón García & María F. Jiménez-Herrera - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):598-613.
    Background A combination of theoretical and practical approaches is required to learn and acquire ethical competencies in caring. Occasionally, reflection on practical action differs from theoretical learning. In the context of reflective learning, issues such as ethical values can be discussed since they evoke conflict among nursing students. Aim To identify ethical conflicts encountered by nursing students during clinical placements and to determine their cooperation strategies. Research design Qualitative study with a content analysis according to Elo and Kinglas framework. Participants (...)
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  15.  19
    The helping professional's guide to ethics: theory in practice.Valerie Bryan - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Scott Sanders & Laura Kaplan.
    The Helping Professional's Guide to Ethics, Second Edition develops a comprehensive framework for ethics based on Bernard Gert's theory of common morality. Moving beyond codes of ethics, Bryan, Sanders, and Kaplan encourage students to develop a cohesive sense of ethical reasoning that both validates their moral intuition and challenges moral assumptions. Part I of the text introduces basic moral theory, provides an overview to moral development, and introduces the common morality framework. Part II focuses on common ethical issues faced (...)
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  16.  5
    Learning to Learn Together: Cooperation, Theory, and Practice.Wendy Jolliffe (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    This book brings together a range of international studies to support the implementation of cooperative group work in the classroom. In spite of extensive research into the benefits of this approach, in many countries, it is not widely used, largely due to a lack of understanding of how to put this into practice in the classroom. Starting from an exploration of the theoretical perspectives that underpin this pedagogy, the challenges for including pupils with special educational needs and related status (...)
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    Development of students' multilingual competence in primary education from the perspective of language teachers, professional associates, and school principals.Željka Knežević, Ana Šenjug Krleža & Ana Petravić - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):203-228.
    The concept of a comprehensive language curriculum provides an important basis for the development of student's plurilingual competence. It ensures the inclusion of all students' language skills in language education, the creation of cross-linguistic connections, and the development of language awareness and awareness of language learning. Factors that influence the implementation of this concept at the school level are, amongst others: school leadership, collaboration among school staff, appropriate teaching methods, and beliefs and attitudes of all members of the school as (...)
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  18. La compétence de contextualisation au coeur de la situation d’enseignement-apprentissage.Laetitia Sauvage Luntadi & Frédéric Tupin - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):102-117.
    The notion of «professional situation,» as we propose to examine it, entails questioning simultaneously the place of contexts and the role of actors in teaching-learning situations. We propose to examine the contextualization of the teaching process in light of the groups welcomed and the conditions in which the teacher’s profession is practiced. Defining contextualization as «an art of doing» in line with a professional competency thus means postulating the legitimacy of the «context(s)» as an explanatory medium or media. (...)
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  19.  30
    Professional Development and Competence‐based Education.Terry Hyland - 1993 - Educational Studies 19 (1):123-132.
    The rapid expansion of competence‐based education through the work of the National Council for Vocational Qualifications has now, thanks to generous public funding and official endorsement by the Department for Education, penetrated the theory and practice of professional studies in teacher education at both school and post‐school levels. The NCVQ model of CBE is criticised and alternatives described. The current NCVQ approach is neither the only nor necessarily the most appropriate model of occupational development on offer. Models of (...)
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  20.  11
    Academic bildung in net-based higher education: moving beyond learning.Trine Fossland (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    The explosive emergence of net-based learning in higher education brings with it new possibilities and constraints in teaching and learning environments. This edited collection considers how the concept of Academic Bildung - a term suggesting a personal educational process beyond actual educational learning - can be applied to net-based higher education, drawing on Scandinavian research to address the topic from both a theoretical and practical standpoint. Chapters explore the facilitation of online courses and argue how and why universities should involve (...)
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  21.  52
    Droit comparé pour traducteurs : de la théorie à la didactique de la traduction juridique.Valérie Dullion - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (1):91-106.
    Theorists of legal translation generally describe it as an interdisciplinary activity whose methodology draws deeply upon comparative law. In practice, how can we apply this theoretical paradigm to translator training? This article examines methods of integrating comparative law with the acquisition of knowledge and know-how that constitute the translator’s core competences, emphasizing the resolution of legal terminology problems resulting from incongruencies between legal systems. Given that the goal is to compare law for the purposes of translation, it is useful (...)
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  22.  5
    The performative triangle of tact as a professional “action competence”.Thomas Senkbeil - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (3):408-429.
    My reflections direct a performativity-theoretical perspective on the pedagogical tact, which in its systematic breadth should consider both the application approach for practice and the connectivity to theory. Regarding these dimensions, terms such as ’context sensitivity“ and ”reflective competence“ oscillate around the nature of tact. I will focus on the specific expertise of teachers in early childhood education and why the embodiment of pedagogical tact is particularly important for teachers in this target grade. Furthermore, the question arises how student (...)
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  23.  9
    Living educational theory research as an epistemology for practice: the role of values in practitioners' professional development.Jack Whitehead - 2024 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Marie Huxtable.
    This book explores a value-based research methodology, Living Educational Theory Research (LETR), which aligns a values-based approach with key tenets of professional development to inform and inspire future educators' practice. Written by the world-leading scholars in the field of LETR, chapters are global in reach and promote the evolving and dynamic nature of the methodology and its application with real-world professional training within higher education. Through discussion and dialogue on the evolution of Living Educational Theory Research, chapters (...)
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    The ethics of machine learning-based clinical decision support: an analysis through the lens of professionalisation theory.Sabine Salloch & Nils B. Heyen - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundMachine learning-based clinical decision support systems (ML_CDSS) are increasingly employed in various sectors of health care aiming at supporting clinicians’ practice by matching the characteristics of individual patients with a computerised clinical knowledge base. Some studies even indicate that ML_CDSS may surpass physicians’ competencies regarding specific isolated tasks. From an ethical perspective, however, the usage of ML_CDSS in medical practice touches on a range of fundamental normative issues. This article aims to add to the ethical discussion by using (...)
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  25.  50
    Learning to Become Youth. An Action Theory Approach.Sven Mørch - 2006 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 8 (1):3-18.
    Youth is a historical construction and an answer to a specific challenge of individualisation in biography. And, as a historical and social construction, youth has to be learned. This article focuses on youth development from an action or activity theory perspective and as a learning process. It demonstrates how different youth problems and forms of youth differentiation follow forms of youth learning. Moreover, it shows how late modern development creates the demand for a new non-formal learning perspective to secure the (...)
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  26.  43
    Does Practice Enhance Adaptability? The Role of Personality Trait, Supervisor Behavior, and Career Development Training.Mei Mei, Fu Yang & Mingfeng Tang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Drawing upon career construction theory, we examined the mediating effect of deliberate practice on career adaptability and the effects of learning goal orientation and supervisor incompetence accusations as well as career development training on DP. Using data collected from 204 Chinese PhD students in three waves over a period of 2 months, we found that individuals who were inclined to learn new skills and obtain new knowledge were more likely to deliberately practice professional activities in their fields. (...)
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  27.  73
    Cultural Foundations of the Idea and Practice of the Teaching Profession in Africa: Indigenous roots, colonial intrusion, and post‐colonial reality.N'dri T. Assie-Lumumba - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (s2):21-36.
    In this article I analyze some of the cultural factors that have determined and influenced the teaching profession and its evolution in African countries. Firstly, I use an historical approach to review conceptual issues on teachers, teaching and learning; secondly, I examine salient features of the idea and practices of teachers and teaching in the pre-colonial and less Westernized contemporary African contexts and elements of Quranic schools; thirdly, I offer an account of how teachers were introduced to formal learning of (...)
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  28.  54
    Passing theories through topical heuristics: Donald Davidson, Aristotle, and the conditions of discursive competence.Stephen R. Yarbrough - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (1):72-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 37.1 (2004) 72-91 [Access article in PDF] Passing Theories through Topical Heuristics: Donald Davidson, Aristotle, and the Conditions of Discursive Competence Stephen R. Yarbrough Department of English The University of North Carolina at Greensboro What are the conditions of discursive competence? In "A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs" Donald Davidson explains how it is possible that in practice we can, with little effort, understand and appropriately (...)
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    Practical application of innovative technologies in foreign language classes for engineering students.Olga Aleksandrovna Filonchik, Svetlana Valerievna Ryzhova & Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Kokorina - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):311-316.
    The purpose of the study is to consider the theoretical aspects of innovative education, as well as to analyze the practical application of innovative technologies in foreign language classes for students of engineering specialties. The article notes that innovative educational technologies are based on three interrelated components: competence-based approach; modern teaching methods; modern learning infrastructure. Scientific novelty lies in an attempt to analyze the innovative practice of teachers and determine the main advantages of innovative technologies in teaching a foreign (...)
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    Ethical Coffee Room: An international collaboration in learning ethics digitally.Katri Manninen, Gunilla Björling, Jelena Kuznecova & Riitta-Liisa Lakanmaa - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (8):1655-1668.
    Background: Ethics is a fundamental part of health care professionals’ competence and one of the major quality factors in good nursing care. Research shows challenges in learning and applying ethics. Ethical Coffee Room (ECR) is an electronic platform, where the students, nurses and teachers discuss anonymously ethical issues during students’ clinical practice. ECR offers 1 credit (27 working hours) for the students. This work included reading theoretical material, contributions for discussion of ethical dilemmas and reflection of one’s own learning. (...)
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    There be dragons: effects of unexplored religion on nurses’ competence in spiritual care.Barbara Pesut - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (3):191-199.
    On ancient maps unexplored lands were simply labeled ‘there be dragons’ indicating the fear that attends the unknown. Despite three decades of theoretical and empirical work on spirituality in nursing, evidence still suggests that nurses do not feel competent to engage in spiritual care. In this paper I propose that one of the reasons for this is a theory–theory gap between religion and spirituality. Generalized anxiety about the role of religion in society has led to under‐theorizing in nursing about religious (...)
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  32.  24
    Enhancing students’ moral competence in practice.Eva Merethe Solum, Veronica Mary Maluwa, Bodil Tveit & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (6):685-697.
    Background: Nurses and student nurses in Malawi often encounter challenges in taking a moral course of action. Several studies have demonstrated a need for increased awareness of ethical issues in the nursing education. Objective: To explore the challenges experienced by nurse teachers in Malawi in their efforts to enhance students’ moral competence in clinical practice. Research design: A qualitative hermeneutic approach was employed to interpret the teachers’ experiences. Participants and research context: Individual interviews (N = 8) and a focus (...)
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  33.  16
    The phenomenological heart of teaching and learning: theory, research, and practice in higher education.Katherine H. Greeberg - 2018 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Brian K. Sohn & Neil B. Greenberg.
    The lifeworld of the classroom -- Getting deep : the integrative biology of teaching and learning -- Preparation for teaching : "what can they experience in class?" -- Teaching as improvisational jazz : "to go somewhere to answer a big question" -- Free to learn : a radical aspect of our approach -- Student experiences of other students : "all together in this space" -- Transcending the classroom : student reports of personal and professional change -- Messing up and (...)
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    Forum Play as a method for learning ethical practice: A qualitative study among Swedish health-care staff.Anke Zbikowski, Kristin Zeiler & Katarina Swahnberg - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (1):9-18.
    Background In Scandinavia 13–28% of gynecology patients have experienced abuse in health care in their life time, which contradicts the ethical obligations not to harm the patient and to protect the patient's dignity. Concerning learning to act ethically, scholars have emphasized the importance of combining theoretical and practical dimensions. This article explores Forum Play as a way of learning to act ethically in abusive situations in health care. Method Ten health-care workers participating in a Forum Play course took part in (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Learning Professional Ways of Being: Ambiguities of becoming.Gloria Dall’Alba - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (1):34-45.
    The purpose of professional education programs is to prepare aspiring professionals for the challenges of practice within a particular profession. These programs typically seek to ensure the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills, as well as providing opportunities for their application. While not denying the importance of knowledge and skills, this paper reconfigures professional education as a process of becoming. Learning to become a professional involves not only what we know and can do, but also who (...)
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    Care and Education in Early Childhood: A Student's Guide to Theory and Practice.Audrey Curtis & Maureen O'Hagan - 2003 - Routledge.
    The authors draw on their extensive early years experience to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the key issues in the field of early childhood care and education. In this fully updated and revised new edition, rewritten to include the new Early Years Foundation Stage, students will find that this text now meets the needs of students on Foundation degrees, Early Childhood Degrees and the new Early Years Professional qualification. Topics covered in this essential textbook include: an overview (...)
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    Practice Theory: Viewing leadership as leading.Jane Wilkinson & Stephen Kemmis - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (4):342-358.
    Inspired by Theodore Schatzki’s ‘societist’ approach—in which he advocates a notion of ‘site ontologies’—in this article, we outline our theory of practice architectures and ecologies of practices. Drawing on case studies of four Australian primary schools, we examine how practices of leading relate to other educational practices: professional learning, teaching, student learning, and researching and reflecting. We find ‘leading’ not only in the work of principals and other formal leadership positions, but also in the activities of teachers and (...)
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    An emotionally vulnerable profession? professional values and emotions within legal practice.Emma Jones - 2023 - Legal Ethics 26 (2):238-257.
    Applying Fineman’s vulnerability theory, this paper will explore the role of emotions within the legal profession and the specific vulnerabilities that arise from their traditional and contemporary treatment within law. It will consider how the notion of professionalism in law has traditionally disregarded or excluded emotions as irrelevant or even dangerous in a manner which is philosophically and psychologically flawed as well as damaging to mental health and wellbeing. This approach has created longstanding unacknowledged vulnerabilities for the profession as a (...)
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    An emotionally vulnerable profession? professional values and emotions within legal practice.U. K. Sheffield - 2024 - Legal Ethics 26 (2):238-257.
    Applying Fineman’s vulnerability theory, this paper will explore the role of emotions within the legal profession and the specific vulnerabilities that arise from their traditional and contemporary treatment within law. It will consider how the notion of professionalism in law has traditionally disregarded or excluded emotions as irrelevant or even dangerous in a manner which is philosophically and psychologically flawed as well as damaging to mental health and wellbeing. This approach has created longstanding unacknowledged vulnerabilities for the profession as a (...)
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    Reflexivity and habitus: opportunities and constraints on transformative learning.Stuart Nairn, Derek Chambers, Susan Thompson, Julie McGarry & Kristian Chambers - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (3):189-201.
    This paper will explore the relationship between Mezirow's concept of reflexivity and Bourdieu's theory of habitus in order to develop a more robust framework within which critical reflection can take place. Nurse educators have sought to close the theory practice gap through the use of critical reflection. However, we are not convinced that this has produced the depth and quality of reflection required. Furthermore, the contexts in which critical reflection takes place is often sidelined or erased so that the (...)
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    Leadership in Ethical Practice: Students Learning Outcomes.Caitlyn Blaich, Belinda Kenny & Yobelli Jimenez - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (4):719-741.
    Health science students frequently experience ethical dilemmas on clinical placements, yet ethics education rarely prepares students with the ethical leadership skills required. The Leadership in Ethical Practice (LEP) program is an ethics education resource designed to enhance health science students’ knowledge and skills in ethical leadership to prepare them for clinical placements and future professional practice. This qualitative study aimed: to explore the nature of students’ ethical leadership goals; determine whether a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (...)
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  42. Teaching clinical ethics as a professional skill: bridging the gap between knowledge about ethics and its use in clinical practice.Catherine Myser, Ian H. Kerridge & Kenneth R. Mitchell - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (2):97-103.
    Ethical reasoning and decision-making may be thought of as 'professional skills', and in this sense are as relevant to efficient clinical practice as the biomedical and clinical sciences are to the diagnosis of a patient's problem. Despite this, however, undergraduate medical programmes in ethics tend to focus on the teaching of bioethical theories, concepts and/or prominent ethical issues such as IVF and euthanasia, rather than the use of such ethics knowledge (theories, principles, concepts, rules) to clinical practice. (...)
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    The regional component of university courses of ‘Russian language and culture of speech‘ at the national branch.A. S. Makhmutova & G. G. Khisamova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (2):152-159.
    The article is devoted to the formation of linguistic, communicative and cultural competence among students bilinguals in teaching Russian language and speech culture. The authors put forward the thesis that the training of specialists in the conditions of bilingualism re quires not only a higher level of learning a second language, but also a qualitatively different level of comprehension. It is proved that the discipline ‘Russian and the culture of speech‘ assumes formation of communicative and culturological competence of the higher (...)
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    Ethical and legal issues for mental health professionals: a comprehensive handbook of principles and standards.Steven F. Bucky, Joanne E. Callan & George Stricker (eds.) - 2005 - Binghamton, NY: Haworth Maltreatment&Trauma Press.
    Stay up-to-date on the ethical and legal issues that affect your clinical and professional decisions! Ethical and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals: A Comprehensive Handbook of Principles and Standards details the ethical and legal issues that involve mental health professionals. Respected authorities with diverse backgrounds, expertise, and professional experience discuss contemporary theories emphasizing professional ethics, the ramifications of professional actions and decisions, and ethical standards on teaching, training, research, and publication. This informative handbook provides invaluable (...)
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    Cultivating Community-Responsive Future Healthcare Professionals: Using Service-Learning in Pre-Health Humanities Education.Casey Kayser - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (4):385-395.
    This essay argues that service-learning pedagogy is an important tool in pre-health humanities education that provides benefits to the community and produces more compassionate, culturally competent, and community-responsive future healthcare professionals. Further, beginning this approach at the baccalaureate level instills democratic and collaborative values at an earlier, crucial time in the career socialization process. The discussion focuses on learning outcomes and reciprocity between the university and community in a Medical Humanities course for junior and senior premedical students, an elective in (...)
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  46.  64
    Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology: An Ethical Framework for Graduate Education, Clinical Training, and Maintaining Professional Competence.Joseph M. Babione - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (6):443-453.
    Evidence-based practice is often acknowledged as the future state of psychology, yet those graduate students who will soon be applying such practices tend to hold several misconceptions about the major components within this framework. This review highlights implications for graduate education, clinical training, and professional competence in light of the movement toward evidence-based practice in psychology. These implications are discussed in relation to the close parallel between the major components of the evidence-based framework and the current Ethical (...)
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    Learning and Teaching in the Early Years.Jane Page & Collette Tayler (eds.) - 2016 - Port Melbourne, Vic.: Cambridge University Press.
    Learning and Teaching in the Early Years provides a comprehensive, contemporary and practical introduction to early childhood teaching in Australia. A strong focus on the links between theory, policy and practice firmly aligns this text with the Early Years Learning Framework. Written for students of early childhood programs, this book covers learning and development, as well as professional practice in teaching children from birth to eight years. In recognition of the evolving role of educators, topic areas include (...)
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    Professional Norms.Wade Robison - 2016 - Teaching Ethics 16 (2):185-194.
    It is unfortunate that it is all too easy to find examples of professional misconduct. Professionals are distinguished from the rest of us, and from each other, by learning the special skills and knowledge essential to the practice of their profession, by coming to think in different and distinct ways, and by taking on a special set of moral relations, including furthering the social purpose for which the state recognizes the profession. A professional can thus go wrong (...)
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    A Change Laboratory Professional Development Intervention to Motivate University Teachers to Identify and Overcome Barriers to the Integration of ICT.Willy Castro Guzmán - 2018 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 19 (1):67-90.
    Change is one of the central aims of professional development for information and communication technologies integration in education. Studies on the use of ICT in education highlights the large investments in infrastructure and professional development, and the limited results in students learning. Teachers’ professional development for ICT integration in education has evolved from the development of technical skills to pedagogical skills and content-related knowledge. The gold standard and design-based approaches have dominated TDP-ICT. This study presents the Change (...)
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    Learning through obstacles in an interprofessional team meeting.Jenny Ros & Michèle Grossen - 2020 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 21 (2):29-59.
    Drawing both on cultural-historical activity theory and on a dialogical approach to discourse, this article expands a method of analysis developed by Engeström & Sannino to capture discursive manifestations of contradictions in an activity system. The data consist of recorded meetings of an interprofessional team working with persons living with both a mental handicap and psychiatric disorders. The mission of this team is to coordinate socio-educative and psychiatric work. A sequence taken from one of these meetings was submitted to a (...)
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