Results for 'literature of Nicaragua'

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  1.  12
    Giving advice in nicaragua and panama.Ryan Platz - 2014 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 10 (1):89-116.
    While empirical pragmatic research in the Spanish-speaking world has covered most of the Hispanosphere, Central America remains a very underrepresented region. This study serves to fill this gap in the literature by analyzing data collected from eighteen role-plays in Masaya, Nicaragua and Panama City, Panama. In the role-play situation, the interlocutor requests advice from the participant regarding a serious issue in her marriage. The advice-giving strategies are classified according to a categorization adapted from Blum-Kulka’s request strategy taxonomy, allowing (...)
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  2. Basic resources in bioethics: 1996-1999.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (1):81-102.
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    Bioethics Resources on the Web.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (2):175-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10.2 (2000) 175-188 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 38 Bioethics Resources on the Web * Once described as an "enormous used book store with volumes stacked on shelves and tables and overflowing onto the floor" (Pool, Robert. 1994. Turning an Info-Glut into a Library. Science 266 (7 October): 20-22, p. 20), Internet resources now receive numerous levels of organization, from basic directory listings (...)
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  4. After BIOETHICSLINE: Online Searching of the Bioethics Literature.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (4):389-390.
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  5. Literature and Reality.Derek Allan - 2001 - Journal of European Studies 31 (122):143-156.
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  6. Literature and Ethics in the Chinese Confucian Tradition.Philip J. Ivanhoe - 2007 - In Brad K. Wilburn, Moral Cultivation: Essays on the Development of Character and Virtue. Lexington Books.
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    Ana Ilce Gómez: poetry asided to the mysterious silence.Alexander Zosa-Cano - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (34):113-118.
    Ana Ilce Gómez Ortega es a todas luces la poeta lírica mayor de Nicaragua. Su poesía no es el naufragio, sino que es el velero donde se entrecruzan la soledad y la cotidianeidad de la vida femenina. Una muestra de la poesía de Gómez Ortega, autora de Las ceremonias del silencio (dos ediciones: 1975 y 1989) y Poemas de lo humano cotidiano (2004), es compilada de manera breve para presentarlo a un público centroamericano. Su obra es la manifestación de (...)
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    Teaching Literature.Richard Smith - 2003 - In Randall Curren, A Companion to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 384–393.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Search for Objectivity Literature and Moral Education Content, Form, and Reference How We Are Moved by Literature Destabilizing Meaning.
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  9. “Susanna and the Elders”: On the visual semiotic of shame.Literature Alexander KozinCorresponding authorCentre for - forthcoming - Semiotica.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Literature, ethics, and aesthetics: applied Deleuze and Guattari.Sabrina Achilles - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book is a conceptualization of the literary aesthetic in relation to ethics, in particular, an ethics for a concern for the Self. Bringing Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's constructivist thinking into a practical domain, Sabrina Achilles rethinks the ways in which literature is understood and taught. Through an interdisciplinary approach, literature is viewed from the position of a problem without any pre-given frame.
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  11. Tribal literature: Constructing the value-oriented education.Prakash C. Pattanaik & I. Sibei Santara - 2002 - In Kireet Joshi, Philosophy of value-oriented education: theory and practice: proceedings of the National Seminar, 18-20 January, 2002. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research. pp. 285.
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    Sandinista Nicaragua as a Deweyan Social Experiment.Joseph Betz - 2000 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 36 (1):25 - 47.
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    Nicaragua: Evangelicals, Sandinistas and the Elections.Gustavo Parajón - 1985 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 2 (1):4-6.
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    Literature and truth: imaginative writing as a medium for ideas.Richard Lansdown - 2018 - Boston: Brill Rodopi.
    In Literature and Truth Richard Lansdown continues a discussion concerning the truth-bearing status of imaginative literature that pre-dates Plato. The book opens with a general survey of contemporary approaches in philosophical aesthetics, and a discussion of the contribution to the question made by British philosopher R. G. Collingwood in particular, in his Speculum Mentis. It then offers six case-studies from the Romantic era to the contemporary one as to how imaginative authors have variously dealt with bodies of discursive (...)
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    Philippine Literature: A Twofold Renaissance.Miguel A. Bernad - 2002 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 5 (3 6.1):35-59.
  16. Literature.Paisley Livingston - 2003 - In Jerrold Levinson, The Oxford handbook of aesthetics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)What is Literature?Jean-Paul Sartre - 1949 - London: Routledge.
    Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the most important philosophical and political thinkers of the twentieth century. His writings had a potency that was irresistible to the intellectual scene that swept post-war Europe, and have left a vital inheritance to contemporary thought. The central tenet of the Existentialist movement which he helped to found, whereby God is replaced by an ethical self, proved hugely attractive to a generation that had seen the horrors of Nazism, and provoked a revolution in post-war thought (...)
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    "Literature, medical ethics, and" epiphanic knowledge".Anne Hunsaker Hawkins - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (4):283-290.
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  19. Jazz Literature and the African American Aesthetic.George L. Starks Jr - 1993 - In Kariamu Welsh-Asante, The African aesthetic: keeper of the traditions. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    Literature: an introduction to theory and analysis.Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Lasse Horne Kjældgaard, Lis Møller, Dan Ringgaard, Lilian Munk Rösing & Peter Simonsen (eds.) - 2017 - London ; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Covering definitions of key terms, important debates about literature and the world and the many forms of literature today, this is a comprehensive introduction to key topics in the study of literature, criticism and theory.
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  21. Literature, knowledge, worldview.Gisèle Sapiro - 2024 - In Stefanos Geroulanos & Gisèle Sapiro, The Routledge handbook in the history and sociology of ideas. New York: Routledge.
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    Literature and the Islamic Court: Cultural Life under al-Ṣāḥib Ibn ʿAbbād. By Erez Naaman.Jocelyn Sharlet - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (4).
    Literature and the Islamic Court: Cultural Life under al-Ṣāḥib Ibn ʿAbbād. By Erez Naaman. Culture and Civilization in the Middle East, vol. 52. London: Routledge, 2016. Pp. xv + 315. $155, £115.
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  23. Literature, the world, and you.Djelal Kadir - 2016 - In Thomas Claviez, The common growl: toward a poetics of precarious community. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Embodying literature.Ellen Esrock - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (5-6):5-6.
    Walt Disney’s movie, The Pagemaster (1994) begins on a dark and stormy night, with a young boy stumbling into an immense, gothic-styled library for refuge from the rain. Once inside, he is soon carried away by a tumultuous river of coloured paints, transformed into an animated characterization of himself, and thrust into an animated world of literature, where he battles Captain Hook, flees Moby Dick, and participates in other classic tales of adventure, horror, and fantasy. -/- Adults might understand (...)
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    Literature as Colonial Loot?Irene Albers & Andreas Schmid - 2023 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 97 (4):1003-1018.
    This article proposes a method for philological provenance research that allows us to examine the transfer of »oral literatures« from colonised areas to Europe. This transfer has received little scholarly attention but is present in contemporary postcolonial narratives. It was substantial not only in consolidating the poetics of the historical avant-gardes and informing literary and linguistic theory, but also in sustaining a market for gift-books still flourishing today. To disrupt these exclusively Western cycles of exploitation, we propose to return the (...)
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    Food sovereignty policies and the quest to democratize food system governance in Nicaragua.Wendy Godek - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):91-105.
    This article explores the question of the efficacy of state-level food sovereignty projects for democratizing local control over food systems by examining the case of Nicaragua, where the Ortega administration adopted food sovereignty into policy. The main task of food sovereignty is to transform the power relations that govern food systems. This article builds on the previous work of food sovereignty scholars by arguing that devolving power to local territories is necessary but insufficient for deepening democracy, and rather must (...)
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    Law, Literature, and Sublimated Scripts: David Gurnham: Crime, Desire and Law’s Unconscious, Routledge, 2014, paperback edn 2015, 148 pp, ISBN: 978-0-415-51660-0 , 978-1-138-10023-7.Benjamin Woodring - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (3):709-715.
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    Comparative Literature -Searching History And Method-.Nezahat Özteki̇n - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:671-679.
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    Literature, Philosophy, and the Imagination.Herbert L. Carson - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (1):86-86.
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  30. Iv. literature.R. J. Quinones - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 2--122.
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    Japanese Literature, a Historical outline.Roy Andrew Miller, Edward Putzar & Hisamatsu Sen'ichi - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (2):237.
  32. A Literature Review on Digital Ethics from a Humanistic and Sustainable Perspective.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Luis Teran, Jhonny Pincay & Edy Portmann - 2021 - In Euripidis Loukis, Marie Anne Macadar, Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen & Mário Peixoto, 14th International Conference on Theory. pp. 57-64.
    The rapid technological transition requires the adoptive approach to the digital conduct of public and private institutions. Countries and companies strive to integrate a balanced understanding of digital ethics and sustainability concepts from various standpoints, which results in a dispersed and uncategorized knowledge base. This work presents a literature review on digital ethics published from 2010 to 2020 in three technical libraries and one library maintained by the community of philosophers. The investigation process integrates a thorough review of digital (...)
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    Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory.Hans-Georg Gadamer & Robert H. Paslick (eds.) - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer, the major proponent of philosophical hermeneutics, reveals himself here as a highly sensitive reader and critic of the German literary tradition. This is not the work of a specialist as narrowly defined in the typical literary study. Although he is a master of the techniques of criticism, Gadamer always sees the study of literature as a fundamentally human activity where human beings, generation after generation, pose their questions to an encroaching darkness that threatens to rob them of (...)
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    Philosophy, Literature, and Emotional Engagement: A Response to Nanay.Robbie Kubala - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73 (2):196-200.
    In a recent paper, Bence Nanay has argued against what he calls the Discontinuity Thesis: the claim that literature (along with all other nonabstract art forms) can never count as genuine philosophizing. I first claim that Nanay’s argument either proves too much or rests on heavy-duty premises that he does not adequately defend. I then present my own strategy for resisting Discontinuity, which argues that the proper response to both literature and philosophy can include emotional engagement coupled with (...)
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    Literature as Exploration.Walter H. Clark & Louise M. Rosenblatt - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (2):150.
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  36. Literature and moral understanding: a philosophical essay on ethics, aesthetics, education, and culture.Frank Palmer - 1992 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Recent philosophical discussion about the relation between fiction and reality pays little attention to our moral involvement with literature. Frank Palmer's purpose is to investigate how our appreciation of literary works calls upon and develops our capacity for moral understanding. He explores a wide range of philosophical questions about the relation of art to morality, and challenges theories that he regards as incompatible with a humane view of literary art. Palmer considers, in particular, the extent to which the values (...)
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    Literature and Politics.Peter Marks (ed.) - 2012
    George Orwell argued that one of the four great motives for a prose writer was the desire â ~to push the world in a certain direction, to alter other peopleâ (TM)s idea of the kind of society that they should strive afterâ (TM). This book contains exciting new work by established and emerging scholars that explores political literature over the last century and a half. It shows how, from The Communist Manifesto to the dystopian future of Margaret Atwoodâ (TM)s (...)
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  38. Philosophy, Literature and Science. Bergson on Poetics.Michel Dalissier - forthcoming - Journal of Comparative Literature and Culture.
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    Renegotiating ethics in literature, philosophy, and theory.Jane Adamson, Richard Freadman & David Parker (eds.) - 1998 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Is it possible for postmodernism to offer viable, coherent accounts of ethics? Or are our social and intellectual worlds too fragmented for any broad consensus about the moral life? These issues have emerged as some of the most contentious in literary and philosophical studies. In Renegotiating Ethics in Literature, Philosophy, and Theory a distinguished international gathering of philosophers and literary scholars address the reconceptualisations involved in this 'turn towards ethics'. An important feature of this has been a renewed interest (...)
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    “Si Nicaragua venció, el Salvador vencerá y Guatemala seguirá”: relaciones entre el FSLN, el FMLN y la URNG en la década de los ochenta del siglo xx.Fernando Harto de Vera & Abelardo Morales Gamboa - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (50).
    The triumph of the Sandinista Revolution on July 19, 1979 marked the beginning of a period of intensification of the struggle of the insurgent movements in El Salvador and Guatemala that, encouraged by the victory of their Sandinista comrades, tried to emulate the defeat of the oligarchy in their respective countries. Nicaragua acquired a relevant role as it had not had in the region until then, becoming one of the actors that would mark the course of the isthmus during (...)
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  41. Literature and Thought Experiments.David Egan - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (2):139-150.
    Like works of literature, thought experiments present fictional narratives that prompt reflection in their readers. Because of these and other similarities, a number of philosophers have argued for a strong analogy between works of literary fiction and thought experiments, some going so far as to say that works of literary fiction are a species of thought experiment. These arguments are often used in defending a cognitivist position with regard to literature: thought experiments produce knowledge, so works of literary (...)
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    Rancière and literature.Grace Hellyer & Julian Murphet (eds.) - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Analyses the concepts that underpin Ranciere's thought on literature, scrutinising his interpretations of particular works This collection of original essays engages with Ranciere's accounts of literature from across his body of work, putting his conceptual apparatus to work in acts of literary criticism. From his archival investigations of the literary efforts of 19th-century workers to his engagements with specific novelists and poets, and from his concept of 'literarity' to his central positioning of the novel in his account of (...)
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    Tamil Literature.David W. McAlpin, K. V. Zvelebil & Kamil Veith Zvelebil - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (2):254.
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    Literature, philosophy & the imagination.Albert William Levi - 1962 - Bloomington,: Indiana University Press.
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    From Text to Literature: New Analytic and Pragmatic Approaches.Stein Haugom Olsen & Anders Pettersson (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
    The articles in this collection focus attention on the concept of literature and on the relationship between this concept and the concepts of a literary work and a literary text. Adopting an analytic approach, the articles attempt to clarify how these concepts govern our thinking about the phenomenon of literature in various ways, exploring the issues which arise when these concepts are employed as theoretical instruments for describing and analyzing the phenomenon of literature.
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    Literature and Psychoanalysis.Robert Con Davis - 1984 - American Journal of Semiotics 3 (2):109 - 112.
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    Reviewing Literature in Bioethics Research: Increasing Rigour in Non‐Systematic Reviews.Rosalind McDougall - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (7):523-528.
    The recent interest in systematic review methods in bioethics has highlighted the need for greater transparency in all literature review processes undertaken in bioethics projects. In this article, I articulate features of a good bioethics literature review that does not aim to be systematic, but rather to capture and analyse the key ideas relevant to a research question. I call this a critical interpretive literature review. I begin by sketching and comparing three different types of literature (...)
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  48. Literature as thought experiment (on aiding and abetting the muse.Edward A. Davenport - 1983 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 13 (3):279-306.
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    Europaische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter.Leo Spitzer & Ernst Robert Curtius - 1949 - American Journal of Philology 70 (4):425.
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    Literature and Moral Understanding: A Philosophical Essay on Ethics, Aesthetics, Education, and Culture.Victor Yelverton Haines - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 52 (2):257-259.
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