Results for 'logic of explanation'

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  1. The Logic of Explanation in Psychoanalysis.M. SHERWOOD - 1969
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    The logic of explanation in molecular biology: historical-processual and logical-procedural aspects.Giovanni Boniolo & Raffaella Campaner - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-24.
    This work addresses biological explanations and aims to provide a philosophical account which brings together logical-procedural and historical-processual aspects when considering molecular pathways. It is argued that, having molecular features as explananda, a particular non-classical logical language – Zsyntax – can be used to formally represent, in terms of logical theorems, types of molecular processes, and to grasp how we get from one molecular interaction to another, hence explaining why a given outcome occurs. Expressing types of molecular biology processes in (...)
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    The logic of explanation in malinowskian anthropology.Leon J. Goldstein - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (2):156-166.
    In a contribution to a symposium on “Causality in the Social Sciences,” Lewis Feuer remarks in passing that “Functionalism, in the form which Malinowski gave it, affirms that culture is an ‘organic unity’; it is the principle that in every culture, each custom, belief, and behavioral form ‘represents an indespensible part within a working whole.’” That culture is an integrated and organic unity is a view found quite often in the writings of Malinowski, though he does not maintain it with (...)
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    The logic of explanation in the social sciences.Enzo Di Nuoscio - 2018 - Oxford: The Bardwell Press. Edited by Alessandro De Renzis.
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    Some Remarks on the Logic of Explanation.Lars Skarsgård - 1958 - Philosophy of Science 25 (3):199 - 207.
    These considerations on Carl G. Hempel's and Paul Oppenheim's lucid article “Studies in the Logic of Explanation'”—LE for short—are an attempt to exploit some of the considerable advances made there. I wish to show how these advances may be incorporated into a technique for the investigation of problems of the philosophy of science, which has been called discourse-analytic. This discipline consists essentially in a technique of examining actual texts provided by specialists, such as physicists, psychologists, historians, etc., the (...)
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    The Logic of Explanation in Psychoanalysis. [REVIEW]P. K. H. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):566-567.
    This book about philosophical and methodological problems in psychoanalytic theory is surely one of the best pieces of literature on this subject of recent vintage. The author, a psychiatrist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School, displays considerable logical skill and philosophical sophistication, in addition to the expected familiarity with the psychoanalytic literature. The major purport of the book is a logical and philosophical defense of the claim that psychoanalytic explanations of human behavior--if constructed with proper and adequate regard for (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Studies in the logic of explanation.Carl Gustav Hempel & Paul Oppenheim - 1948 - Philosophy of Science 15 (2):135-175.
    To explain the phenomena in the world of our experience, to answer the question “why?” rather than only the question “what?”, is one of the foremost objectives of all rational inquiry; and especially, scientific research in its various branches strives to go beyond a mere description of its subject matter by providing an explanation of the phenomena it investigates. While there is rather general agreement about this chief objective of science, there exists considerable difference of opinion as to the (...)
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    The logic of explanation in anthropology.S. T. Goh - 1970 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 13 (1-4):339 – 359.
    This paper is about the problem of explanation in anthropology. There are, broadly speaking, three theories of explanation, namely, the scientific theory, the historical theory, and finally what I have decided to call the phenomenological theory, after M. Natanson. The author argues that none of the three theories is adequate by itself to encompass the complex nature of anthropological science. The three theories correspond roughly to at least three different types of questions raised by anthropologists, and this being (...)
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    (1 other version)Some Remarks on the Logic of Explanation in the Social Sciences.Albrecht Wellmer - 1970 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 4:64-81.
    If one were to write a history of the philosophy of science in the spirit of T. S. Kuhn, one would have to consider the model of scientific explanation which Popper proposed and Hempel and Oppenheim developed to be one of the great paradigms of contemporary analytical philosophy of science. This analogue to the historically important paradigms of the individual sciences seems to me to be justifiable for the following reasons: first, the Hempel—Oppenheim model claims universal methodological validity; second, (...)
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    The Logic of Historical Explanation.Clayton Roberts - 1995 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Ever since 1942, when Carl Hempel declared that historical events are explained by subsuming them under laws governing the occurrence of similar events, philosophers have debated the validity of explanations based on "covering laws." In _The Logic of Historical Explanation_, Clayton Roberts provides a key to understanding the role of covering laws in historical explanation. He does so by distinguishing between their use at the macro- and micro- levels, a distinction that no other scholar has made. Roberts contends (...)
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    Logics of critical explanation in social and political theory.Jason Glynos - 2007 - New York: Routledge. Edited by David R. Howarth.
    Retroduction -- Contextualized self-interpretations -- Causal mechanisms -- Ontology -- Logics -- Articulation.
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  12. New issues in the logic of explanation.Michael Scriven - 1963 - In Sidney Hook (ed.), Philosophy and history. [New York]: New York University Press.
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    Conduction: A Logic of Explanation in the Behavioral and Social Sciences.Paul Kurtz - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 5:533-544.
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  14. The logic of psychoanalytic explanations: A reply to Nussbaum.Edward Erwin - 1994 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 20 (3):103-108.
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    Comments on "studies in the logic of explanation".David L. Miller - 1948 - Philosophy of Science 15 (4):348-349.
    I want to commend the article, “Studies in the Logic of Explanation,” Philosophy of Science, April, 1948, by Hempel and Oppenheim. However, there are two points in the article that have been treated in a manner incompatible with the general attitude taken by the authors and, I believe, they are mistaken in these two rather essential matters. The first concerns the relationship between emergents and prediction. The second concerns the relationship between “evidence” or sense data and law.
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    The Logic of Action Explanation ‒ A Critique of Jaegwon Kim and an Alternative Simulationist Approach ‒. 원치욱 - 2017 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 130:207-238.
    김재권은 여러 편의 논문을 통해 행위 설명에 대한 규범적 접근을 옹호해왔으며, 그의 최근 저작에서 심적 시뮬레이션에 기반한 행위 설명 이론을 내놓았다. 본 논문의 목적은 김재권의 이론을 비판적으로 검토하고 필자 자신의 대안적 규범적 접근의 기본 골자를 제시하는 것이다. 논문은 먼저 김재권의 입장을 가능한 한 분명하고 그럴듯한 형태로 제시하고, 그의 접근이 어떤 심각한 문제에 직면하는지 논의한다. 난점의 요지는 김재권 식의 접근 내에서는 참된 행위 설명과 거짓된 설명을 구분하기 위한 이론적 자원이 존재하지 않기에, 그의 이론은 행위 설명의 논리에 대한 적절한 분석일 수 없다는 (...)
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    Theories of explanation.Joseph C. Pitt (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Since the publication of Carl Hempel and Paul Oppenheim's ground-breaking work "Studies in the Logic of Explanation," the theory of explanation has remained a major topic in the philosophy of science. This valuable collection provides readers with the opportunity to study some of the classic essays on the theory of explanation along with the best examples of the most recent work being done on the topic. In addition to the original Hempel and Oppenheim paper, the volume (...)
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    The logic of causal explanation an axiomatization.Robert C. Koons - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (3):325 - 354.
    Three-valued (strong-Kleene) modal logic provides the foundation for a new approach to formalizing causal explanation as a relation between partial situations. The approach makes fine-grained distinctions between aspects of events, even between aspects that are equivalent in classical logic. The framework can accommodate a variety of ontologies concerning the relata of causal explanation. I argue, however, for a tripartite ontology of objects corresponding to sentential nominals: facts, tropes (or facta or states of affairs), and situations (or (...)
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  19. Anomalous experience and delusional thinking: The logic of explanations.Brendan A. Maher - 1988 - In T. F. Oltmanns & B. A. Maher (eds.), Delusional Beliefs. John Wiley. pp. 15–33.
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    On the logic of causal explanation.Vladimir Lifschitz - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 96 (2):451-465.
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    (1 other version)The Logic of Life: Hegel's Philosophical Defense of Teleological Explanation of Living Beings.James Kreines - 2008 - In Frederick C. Beiser (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hegel and Nineteenth-Century Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel accords great philosophical importance to Kant’s discussions of teleology and biology in the Critique of the Power of Judgment, and yet also disagrees with Kant’s central conclusions there. More specifically, Kant argues for a generally skeptical view of teleological explanation of living beings; Hegel responds that Kant should instead defend such explanation—and that the defense of teleology should lead Kant to different conclusions throughout his theoretical philosophy. I aim to avoid the sort of interpretive charity that would (...)
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    Maxwell on the logic of dynamical explanation.Joseph Turner - 1956 - Philosophy of Science 23 (1):36-47.
    In the course of his researches in electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases, James Clerk Maxwell gave some thought to the nature of science itself. His observations in this field are of interest today not only because they are his, but because they are still instructive. Maxwell's views are to be found in the many asides with which he enlivened his scientific papers and treatises and in the various articles and reviews which he prepared for more popular consumption. The (...)
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    (1 other version)Erotetic Logic and Explanation by Abnormic Hypotheses.Andrzej Wisniewski - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 8:143-152.
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    Studies in the logic of induction and in the logic of explanation: containing a new theory of meaning relations.Diderik Batens - 1975 - Brugge: De Tempel.
  25. Anomalous experience and delusional thinking: The logic of explanations.Brendan A. Maher - 1988 - In T. F. Oltmanns & B. A. Maher (eds.), Delusional Beliefs. John Wiley. pp. 15–33.
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    Explanation and the logic of support.B. D. Ellis - 1970 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 48 (2):177 – 189.
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    The logic of functional explanations.Harold Greenstein - 1973 - Philosophia 3 (2-3):247-264.
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    A Contextual Account of Explanation in Logic.Evelyn Erickson - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (2):187-208.
    Recent approaches to the epistemology of logic, under the title of “anti-exceptionalism about logic”, explicitly adopt what is asserted to be the method of theory choice and the correct account of explanation in the sciences. Without embracing such a doctrine, but still keeping within a broad anti-exceptional trend, the current discussion proposes a contextual theory of explanation in logic, based on Bas van Fraassen’s framework of why-questions, which neither claims that logic is a science, (...)
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    The Ends of Explanation.Bryan Magee - 1997 - In The philosophy of Schopenhauer. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Investigates the contents of Schopenhauer's first book On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason. This is devoted to the nature of explanation. It concludes that all events in the empirical world fall under one or more of four forms of explanation: scientific, mathematical, logical, and motivational. Since all meaningful empirical concepts are derived from experience, and no valid deductive argument can add to the content of its own premises, the only fully satisfactory empirical knowledge is (...)
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  30. Miller David L.. Comments on “Studies in the logic of explanation.” Philosophy of science, vol. 15 , pp. 348–349.Thomas Storer - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):133-133.
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    Aspects of the logic of history-of-science explanation.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1985 - Synthese 62 (3):429 - 454.
    The topic of history-of-science explanation is first briefly introduced as a generally important one for the light it may shed on action theory, on the logic of discovery, and on philosophy''s relations with historiography of science, intellectual history, and the sociology of knowledge. Then some problems and some conclusions are formulated by reference to some recent relevant literature: a critical analysis of Laudan''s views on the role of normative evaluations in rational explanations occasions the result that one must (...)
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    The nature of explanation in social sciences.Rajesh Ranjan Tiwari - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the nature of explanations as given in both natural and social sciences. It discusses models of explanation adopted in natural and social sciences. The author also elaborates upon naturalistic and anti-naturalistic views and other types of explanations such as functional, purposive, etc in social science. The volume elaborates upon themes like bridge principle; functional explanation; purposive explanation; teleological explanation; prediction; methodological individualism; methodological collectivism; illocutionary redescription; principle of action; and (...)
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  33. (1 other version)The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation.Ernest Nagel - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (142):372-374.
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    7 The logic of mechanistic explanations in the social sciences.Michael Schmid - 2011 - In Pierre Demeulenaere (ed.), Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms. Cambridge University Press. pp. 136.
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    On the logical conditions of deductive explanation.Jaegwon Kim - 1963 - Philosophy of Science 30 (3):286-291.
    Hempel and Oppenheim have stated in Part III of their paper “Studies in the Logic of Explanation” [2] a set of conditions for deductive explanation. However, their analysis has come under damaging systematic criticisms in a recent paper by Eberle, Kaplan and Montague [1], The principal aim of the present paper is to review the Hempel-Oppenheim analysis and propose a strengthened version of it that avoids the recent criticisms.
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    Book in Review: Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory, by Jason Glynos and David Howarth. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2007. 288 pp. $150.00 (cloth), $41.95 (paper). [REVIEW]Keith Topper - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (5):731-734.
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    Anti-Exceptionalism about Logic and the Burden of Explanation.Ben Martin - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (8):602-618.
    Considerable attention recently has been paid to anti-exceptionalism about logic, the thesis that logic is more similar to the sciences in important respects than traditionally thought. One of AEL’s prominent claims is that logic’s methodology is similar to that of the recognised sciences, with part of this proposal being that logics provide explanations in some sense. However, insufficient attention has been given to what this proposal amounts to, and the challenges that arise in providing an account of (...)
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    The Therapeutic vs. Constructive Approach to the Transformative Character of Collective Intentionality. The Interpersonal Level of Explanation.Daniel Żuromski - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
    In their article, Andrea Kern and Henrike Moll (2017) argue in support of a certain vision of shared/collective intentionality and its role in understanding our cognitive capacities. This vision is based on two aspects: a negative one, i.e. a theoretical diagnosis of the contemporary debate on shared/collective intentionality, and a positive one, referring to the proposals for shared/collective intentionality. As regards the negative aspect, the main thesis concerns the arbitrary assumptions underlying the whole debate on shared/collective intentionality. According to Kern (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Lucretius, Epicurus, and the Logic of Multiple Explanations.R. J. Hankinson - 2013 - In Daryn Lehoux, A. D. Morrison & Alison Sharrock (eds.), Lucretius: Poetry, Philosophy, Science. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 69.
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    Batens Diderik. Studies in the logic of induction and in the logic of explanation, containing a new theory of meaning relations. Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, Werken uitgegeven door de faculteit van de letteren en wijsbegeerte, no. 161. “De Tempel,” Bruges 1975, 310 pp. [REVIEW]Henry E. Kyburg - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (2):309-310.
  41. The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation.Ernest Nagel - 1961 - New York, NY, USA: Harcourt, Brace & World.
    Introduction: Science and Common Sense Long before the beginnings of modern civilization, men ac- quired vast funds of information about their environment. ...
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  42. The PSR and the Nature of Explanation: An Underrated Response to Modal Fatalism.Joseph Blado - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 53 (5).
    The principle of sufficient reason (PSR) says every fact has an explanation. But van Inwagen argues the PSR is false—otherwise all facts are necessary facts. Consider the conjunction of all contingent facts, which we can call the Big Contingent Conjunction. If every fact has an explanation, then presumably the Big Contingent Conjunction had better have an explanation too. But what fact could explain its truth—is the Big Contingent Conjunction explained by a necessary fact or a contingent one? (...)
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    The Logic of Historical Explanation[REVIEW]William H. Dray - 2004 - International Studies in Philosophy 36 (1):268-269.
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    What is the Problem of Explanation and Modeling?Raphael van Riel - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (3):263-275.
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    The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation[REVIEW]Charles E. Caton - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (1):104-106.
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    On the logic of historical explanation.Sten Sparre Nilson - 1970 - Theoria 36 (2):65-81.
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    II. The rationality principle and action explanations: Koertge's reconstruction of popper's logic of action explanations.Peter Glück & Michael Schmid - 1977 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 20 (1-4):72-81.
    Reconstructing Popper's research programme for the Human Sciences, Noretta Koertge (Inquiry, Vol. 18 [1975]) has given a deductive?nomological account of explanations of actions by means of a Rationality Principle. It is argued here that such a Rationality Principle is fundamentally redundant. Neither is it logically necessary in order to deduce a cognitive action?explanandum, nor can it be given a semantic non?empty interpretation, at least not within Koertge's own syllogism. Any attempt to save the Rationality Principle as unfalsifiablc but nevertheless indispensable (...)
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    Remarks on Nilson's paper “On the logic of historical explanation”.K. Marc-Wogau - 1971 - Theoria 37 (1):15-20.
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    Two additional remarks on the logic of historical explanation.Sten Sparre Nilson - 1974 - Theoria 40 (1):1-8.
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    What is the Problem of Explanation and Modeling?Raphael Riel - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (3):263-275.
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