Results for 'magna grecia'

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  1.  36
    El "temenos" de Apolo y Aristeas en Metaponto. Una aproximación a la influencia de Delfos sobre la Magna Grecia.David Hernández Castro - 2018 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 23:111-128.
    Durante la transición del siglo VI al siglo V a.C. la Magna Grecia experimentó grandes transformaciones sociales y políticas. El ascenso de la tiranía y los primeros avances democráticos produjeron una erosión del poder de la aristocracia y la consagración del Santuario de Delfos como la principal fuente de legitimidad de esta nueva centralidad política. El caso de Metaponto nos ofrece una oportunidad privilegiada para observar este proceso, ya que disponemos de varias fuentes, incluido un relato de Heródoto, (...)
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    IV. 1. Artemis nella Magna Grecia: il caso delle colonie achee.Massimo Osanna & S. M. Bertesago - 2010 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 134 (2):440-454.
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  3. Animales marinos en la iconografía de la Magna Grecia: vehículos y guías en un tránsito existencial.Paloma Cabrera - 2022 - In María Flores Rivas, Inmaculada Hernández-Tejero Larrea & Soraya Planchas (eds.), Animalia: estudios sobre animales en la Antigüedad mediterránea. Madrid: Ediciones Antígona.
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    Il Canto Bucolico in Sicilia e nella Magna Grecia. Eugenio Della Valle. Pp. 72. Naples: A. Morano. 10 lire.A. S. F. Gow - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (06):239-.
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  5. Per una carta archeologica della zona confinaria tra Reghion e Lokroi Epizephyrioi in Magna Grecia.Giuseppe Cordiano - 2000 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 21:19-32.
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    La filosofia prima della filosofia: Creta, XX secolo a.C. - Magna Grecia, VIII secolo a.C.Luca Grecchi - 2022 - Brescia: Scholé.
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    IV. 2. Offerte votive nei santuari della Magna Grecia: dal contesto archeologico al sistema rituale.V. Parisi - 2010 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 134 (2):454-463.
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  8. Recensione di AA. VV., La cultura filosofica della Magna Grecia.Francesco Aronadio - 1989 - Elenchos 10 (2):449-451.
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    M. Intrieri – S. Ribichini (Hgg.), Fenici e Italici, Cartagine e la Magna Grecia.Salvatore De Vincenzo - 2014 - Klio 96 (1):273-282.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 96 Heft: 1 Seiten: 273-282.
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  10.  23
    The nature of greek democracy. M. giangiulio democrazie greche. Atene, sicilia, magna grecia. Pp. 182. Rome: Carocci editore, 2015. Paper, €17. Isbn: 978-88-430-7830-1. [REVIEW]James Kierstead - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):146-148.
  11.  43
    Campanian cults S. Adamo muscetola, G. Greco, L. licala (edd.): I Culti Della campania antica. Atti Del convegno internazionale di studi in recordo di nazarena Valenza Mele . (Pubblicazioni scientifiche Del centro di studi Della magna grecia Dell'università degli studi di Napoli «federico II», 3.) pp. XVIII + 302, ills. Rome: Giorgio bretschneider, 1998. Paper, L. 280,000. Isbn: 88-7689-133-. [REVIEW]Angela Poulter - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (01):128-.
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    Archaic italian roofs P. S. lulof, E. M. moormann (edd.): Deliciae fictiles II. proceedings of the second international conference on archaic architectural terracottas from italy, held at the netherlands institute in Rome, 12–13 June 1996 . (Scrinium 12.) pp. VIII + 266, many figs. Amsterdam: Thesis publishers, 1997. Hfl. 170/us$113.50. Isbn: 90-5170-441-0; issn: 0929-6980. C. rescigno: Tetti campani. Età arcaica. Cuma, pitecusa E gli altri contesti . (Pubblicazioni scientifiche Del centro di studi Della magna grecia Dell'università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, 3a serie vol. 4.) pp. 414, 37 pls (drawings), 205 figs (halftone). Rome: Giorgio bretschneider editore, 1998. Paper, L. 300,000. Isbn: 88-7689-137-. [REVIEW]F. R. Serra Ridgway - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (02):560-.
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    Sicilies of the Mind G. Avezzù, E. Pianezzola (edd.): Sicilia e Magna Grecia. Spazio reale e spazio immaginario nella letteratura greca e latina . (Studi Testi Documenti 10.) Pp. x + 238. Padova: Imprimitur, 1999. Paper. [REVIEW]Graham Anderson - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (01):182-.
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    Siris L. Moscati Castelnuovo: Siris. Tradizione storiografica e momenti della storia di una citta delta Magna Grecia. (Collection Latomus, 207.) Pp. 175; 3 maps. Brussels: Latomus, 1989. Paper, fo1 B.frs. 900. [REVIEW]N. K. Rutter - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):156-157.
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  15.  95
    Temesa - Gianfranco Maddoli : Temesa e il suo territorio. Pp. 232; 21 plates , 19 figs. in text. Taranto: Istituto per la Storia e l'Archeologia della Magna Grecia, 1982. Paper, L. 30,000. [REVIEW]David Ridgway - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (2):278-280.
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  16.  48
    Italian Mercenaries and Social Migration G. Tagliamonte: I figli di Marte: mobilità, mercenari e mercenariato italici in Magna Grecia e Sicilia . Pp. 294, ills. Rome: Giorgio Bretschneider, 1994. ISBN: 88-7689-118-. [REVIEW]John Serrati - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (01):170-.
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    E. M. De Juliis: Greci e Italici in Magna Grecia: un rapporto difficile. Pp. 142, map. Rome and Bari: Laterza, 2004. Paper, £10. ISBN: 88-420-7175-7. - M. Kleibrink Maaskant: Dalla lana all’acqua. Culto e identità nel santuario di Atena a Lagaria, Francavilla Marittima . Pp. 125, ills. Rossano: Grafosud, 2003. Paper. ISBN: 90-367-1972-0. [REVIEW]David Ridgway - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (2):700-700.
  18.  55
    Frammenti delta Commedia Greca e del Mimo nella Sicilia e nella Magna Grecia. Testo e Commento di Alessandro Olivieri. Pp. iv + 261 ; 14 figures in text. Napoli: Luigi Loffredo, 1930. Paper, L. 40. [REVIEW]A. W. Pickard-Cambridge - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (4):149-150.
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  19. Amigos todos en Magnesia.Luis López - 2009 - Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 22:14-34.
    La pretensión de esto texto es mostrar que la condición de ‘amigos’ ha marcado la diferencia para la Academia de Platón, gracias al acercamiento que tiene el filosofo en sus viajes a la Magna Grecia, incluzo con la experiéncia del pitagorismo y su circulo selectivo. También Aristoteles ha tenido el pensamiento sobre los lazos de amistad mas allá de las emociones, al privilegiar la comunidad como hace Platón en las Leyes.
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  20.  8
    Donne e scienza nel mondo antico (Women and science in the ancient world).Ernesta De Masi, Adele De Santis & Maria Serra - 2024 - Science and Philosophy 12 (1).
    L’articolo ricostruisce le biografie delle prime donne di cui si hanno notizie nella storia della matematica, filosofia e scienza. Sono descritte le vite e, per quel che permettono le fonti a noi giunte, le opere delle donne pitagoriche (in questo intervento si fa riferimento alle donne vissute dal VI al IV secolo a.C., nelle prime comunità pitagoriche della Magna Grecia), di Maria l’Ebrea alchimista alessandrina, per alcuni storici vissuta tra il I e il III secolo, per altri prima (...)
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  21.  44
    Leonidas of Tarentum.A. S. F. Gow - 1958 - Classical Quarterly 8 (3-4):113-.
    THE surviving century of epigrams by this tedious writer was edited with a commentary by J. Geffcken in 1896, and they were included in A. Veniero's Poeti de l'Antol. Pal. and A. Olivieri's Epigrammatisti Gr. d. Magna Grecia , but the inquirer who is not content with Geffcken's explanations or with his frequent silences will rarely find satisfaction in Veniero, and Olivieri's comments are almost exclusively translated from Geffcken. I have not a great deal to offer by way (...)
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  22.  35
    Orfeo en los Infiernos. Imágenes apulias del destino del alma.Paloma Cabrera - 2018 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 23:31-56.
    Un pequeño grupo de vasos apulios de la segunda mitad del siglo IV a.C. representan el descenso de Orfeo a los Infiernos, su llegada ante el palacio de Hades y Perséfone, donde logró con su canto conmover a los dioses infernales. El programa iconográfico de estos vasos, pleno de relatos míticos y de enseñanzas religiosas destinadas a proporcionar consuelo y esperanza de vida más allá de la muerte, nos permite conocer el imaginario del reino subterráneo y a esta figura religiosa (...)
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  23.  11
    Giovanni Casadio, Patricia A. Johnston.Ilaria Battiloro - 2014 - Kernos 27:462-465.
    Il volume collettaneo presenta diciassette studi raccolti per sezioni tematiche, incentrati su una selezione di culti misterici della Magna Grecia. I contributi costituiscono i proceedings di un simposio sponsorizzato dalla Società Virgiliana e dalla Brandeis University, tenutosi nella Villa Virgiliana di Cuma nel 2002. Il libro è corredato da una eccellente introduzione (p. 1–29), in cui Giovanni Casadio e Patricia A. Johnston, organizzatori del convegno cumano e curatori del volume, offrono...
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    Collezioni e collezionisti di reperti archeologici in Basilicata tra il XVIII e gli inizi del XX secolo.Fabio Donnici - 2022 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 74 (2):41-94.
    Ad oggi non esistono in letteratura studi specificatamente dedicati al collezionismo privato di antichità in Basilicata, al contrario di quanto avvenuto in altre regioni limitrofe del Meridione d’Italia. Eppure, ad un’attenta disamina delle fonti bibliografiche e archivistiche – queste ultime per lo più inedite – disponibili, appare evidente come questo territorio molto ricco sotto il profilo archeologico abbia in realtà conosciuto, tra il XVIII e gli inizi del XX secolo, numerose ed importanti esperienze collezionistiche a livello locale. Nel presente contributo (...)
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  25.  20
    Política, dieta y salud: el análogon médico en la Carta VII.Jorge Cano Cuenca - 2014 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 26 (2):187-205.
    This article pretends to provide a reading of the Seventh Letter focused on the role that medical terminology plays in it. Leaving aside the unsolvable enigma of Plato’s authorship, the letter shows evident connections with fundamental topics from the “last” Plato, particularly in its political aspects. In many passages of the Seventh Letter, the figure of the philosopher as an educator appears covered with medical aspects, and the political situation is defined as a pathology that we must treat according to (...)
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  26. Authors before 1 9oo.Magna Moralia - 2008 - In Tobias Hoffmann (ed.), Weakness of Will from Plato to the Present. Catholic University of America Press. pp. 49--293.
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  27. Aristotle as Modern Moral Philosopher.Magna Moralia - 1997 - Phronesis 42:3.
  28.  14
    La configuración de la “prisionera de guerra” en Nunca estuve sola (1988), de Nidia Díaz.Grecia Samai Cuamatzin Nieves - 2024 - Escritos 32 (68):1-16.
    Si se tiene en cuenta que una de las renovaciones de la “nueva historia” consistió en cuestionar el concepto de fuente, así como incorporar al análisis histórico otros registros (diarios, cartas, memorias, novelas, fotografías) que no expresaran el punto de vista oficial, el escrutinio del testimonio de la exguerrillera Nidia Díaz resulta capital para indagar en la representación discursiva de la guerrilla en El Salvador. Por ello, merece la pena atender cómo es que Díaz contribuye, desde la escritura, a registrar (...)
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  29.  29
    Index locorum.Magna Moralia - 2008 - In Brad Inwood (ed.), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy Xxxv: Winter 2008. Oxford University Press. pp. 35--4.
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    Emotions and Reactions to the Confinement by COVID-19 of Children and Adolescents With High Abilities and Community Samples: A Mixed Methods Research Study.María de los Dolores Valadez, Gabriela López-Aymes, Norma Alicia Ruvalcaba, Francisco Flores, Grecia Ortíz, Celia Rodríguez & África Borges - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The goal of this research is to know and compare the emotions and reactions to confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic in children and adolescents with high abilities and community samples. This is a mixed study with an exploratory reach that is descriptive, and which combines survey and qualitative methodologies to examine the emotions and reactions to confinement experiences of children and adolescents aged between 5 and 14 years. An online poll was designed with 46 questions, grouped into three sections: (...)
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    Correlations in Condensed Matter under Extreme Conditions: A tribute to Renato Pucci on the occasion of his 70th birthday.G. G. N. Angilella & Antonino La Magna (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book addresses a wide range of topics relating to the properties and behavior of condensed matter under extreme conditions such as intense magnetic and electric fields, high pressures, heat and cold, and mechanical stresses. It is divided into four sections devoted to condensed matter theory, molecular chemistry, theoretical physics, and the philosophy and history of science. The main themes include electronic correlations in material systems under extreme pressure and temperature conditions, surface physics, the transport properties of low-dimensional electronic systems, (...)
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  32. Abbreviations of Aristotle's works.Ath Athenian Constitution, Aud de Audibilibus, Cael de Caelo, G. A. de Generatione Animalium, H. A. Historia Animalium, Interp de Interpretatione, M. M. Magna Moralia, Mem de Memoria et Reminiscentia, Met Metaphisics & Meteor Meterology - 1996 - Topoi 15 (1).
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    impacto de la despenalización del aborto en la mortalidad materna en México.Martha Tarasco Michel, José Manuel Madrazo Cabo, Edith Jocelyn Hernández Sánchez, Grecia Ana León Durán, Mariana Azari Reyes Cruz & Jesús Luzuriaga Galicia - 2019 - Medicina y Ética 31 (1):91-115.
    Antecedentes. En el 2007 se legalizó el aborto en la Ciudad de México, acusando una elevada mortalidad materna por aborto.Objetivo. Analizar los datos generales de la mortalidad materna y por aborto en el país y en la capital.Metodología. Estudio retrospectivo, con datos obtenidos del INEGI. Cálculo de la razón de mortalidad materna general y por aborto. Análisis de correlación de Pearson y regresión lineal de los resultados. Análisis de tendencias de incremento y decremento anual. Desglose de muertes maternas.Resultado. Regresión lineal (...)
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  34. Formação inicial de professores para a educação básica no brasil.Helena Machado de Paula Albuquerque, Celia Maria Haas & Regina Magna Bonifácio Araujo - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (2):p - 251.
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    Logica Magna.Paul of Venice - 1900 - Oxford, England: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press.
    Logica Magna Part 1 Fasc 1 Tractatus de Terminis.
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    La Magna Carta e lo jus commune: il difficile “dialogo” tra common law e diritto continentale.Dolores Freda - 2016 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 28 (55).
    The authoress questions the historiographic dogma that, tracing back to F.W. Maitland, gave the pure «Englishry» of English law for granted, thus building its history on its exceptionality with respect to European tradition, from which it would not have been contaminated at all. The Anglo-Saxon historiographical analysis of the most important English constitutional document aims at answering to the provocative question: how English is Magna Carta? What role did jus commune play in its drafting? What is its relationship with (...)
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  37.  19
    Magna Carta And The Roman Law Tradition.Sami Mehmeti - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):139-144.
    Magna Carta is one of the most important illustrations of the exceptionalism of English common law. Within a completely feudal framework it gave the clearest possible articulation to the concept of the rule of law and at the same time it also showed that there were certain basic rights which every freeman enjoyed without any specific conferment by the king. From English perspective, continental European law after the process of the reception of Roman law was commonly regarded to be (...)
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  38. Da Grécia À China, Ida E Volta.François Jullien - 2002 - Ethic@ 9 (1-2):85-98.
    Sabemos que a filosofia está ancorada em suas questões, e mesmo sujeita a fossilizar-se periodicamente em sua tradição. Para tentar encontrar uma margem de manobra - ou, dito de outro modo, para tentar recuperar uma iniciativa teórica - escolhi afastar-me da terra natal da filosofia - a Grécia - e ir para a China: um desvio estratégico com o objetivo de reinterrogar os pressupostos ocultos da razão européia e de remontar ao nosso impensado.
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    From Magna Carta To The Contemporary System Of Financial Penalties In The Criminal Law.Aleksandra Deanoska – Trendafilova - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):40-47.
    Magna Carta Libertatum or the Great Charter of the Liberties is a historical document of great significance for the constitutional history and human rights and liberties development. Although at its initial version it addressed a limited number of liberties and principles, it represented a solid foundation for the evolution of the principles of the rule of law, right to justice, right to a fair trial, just and reasonable sentencing, limitation of powers, etc. Namely, article 20 of the Charter states: (...)
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  40.  22
    La Magna Carta dans les œuvres de Hume et de Bentham.Jean-Pierre Cléro - 2022 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 21.
    Dans L’Histoire d’Angleterre, Hume consacre de nombreuses pages aux événements qui conduisirent à la rédaction de la Grande Charte et aux remous qui en résultèrent. Certes, il ne s’agit pas de faire de ce texte une sorte de contrat qui aurait régi la vie politique anglaise pendant plus de cinq siècles. La conception contractualiste que les Whigs ont de l’histoire ne saurait tirer argument d’un tel document ; mais l’événement ne fut tout de même pas sans conséquences ; et il (...)
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  41.  41
    «Magna est disceptatio tam inter Philosophos quam inter Theologos». Pererius e la questione della distinzione reale fra essenza ed esistenza.Giovanni Ventimiglia - 2014 - Quaestio 14:167-194.
    The article analyses in detail, for the first time amongst the philosophical literature on Pererius, the “magna disceptatio” on the distinction, in every creature, between essence and existence as it arises in his work De communibus omnium rerum naturalium principijs et affectionibus. The Jesuit philosopher criticizes the opinion of the Thomists, whom were defending the distinctio realis between essence and existence. His reasoning strategy presents seven arguments against the distinctio realis and five argued answers to the Thomists’ arguments. The (...)
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    Becoming Κλεινοσ in Crete and Magna Graecia: Dionysiac Mysteries and Maturation Rituals Revisited.Mark F. McClay - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (1):108-118.
    This article reconsiders the historical and typological relation between Greek maturation rituals and Greek mystery religion. Particular attention is given to the word κλεινός (‘illustrious’) and its ritual uses in two roughly contemporary Late Classical sources: an Orphic-Bacchic funerary gold leaf from Hipponion in Magna Graecia and Ephorus’ account of a Cretan pederastic age-transition rite. In both contexts, κλεινός marks an elevated status conferred by initiation. (This usage finds antecedents in Alcman'sPartheneia.) Without positing direct development between puberty rites and (...)
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    Energeia in the Magna Moralia.Daniel Wolt - 2021 - Mnemosyne 74:1-30.
    There is no clear consensus among scholars about the authenticity of the Magna Moralia. Here I present a new case for thinking that the work was composed by a later Peripatetic, and is not, either directly or indirectly, the work of Aristotle. My argument rests on an analysis of the author’s usage of ἐνέργεια, which is a fruitful way to investigate the date of the work: the term was apparently coined by Aristotle but in later antiquity came to be (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Magna Moralia 1187a29-1187b20: The Early Reception of Aristotles Notion of Voluntary Action.E. Eliasson - 2009 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 37:213 - 244.
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    Los alástores en la Grecia clásica: revisión y consideraciones sintáctico-semánticas.Daniel Ayora Estevan - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e81598.
    Los alástores (ἀλάστορες) en la Grecia Antigua eran unas divinidades encargadas de vengar los crímenes cruentos. El propósito de este trabajo es revisar las hipótesis etimológicas propuestas, recoger la información ritual que les copete y aportar un análisis novedoso desde la sintaxis y la semántica para establecer cuál era la consideración que los griegos daban a estos seres.
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    Logica Magna[REVIEW]M. K. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (2):362-362.
    Paul of Venice’s tract on reference, a brief excerpt from his lengthy Logica Magna, deals with material, simple, and personal supposition. His treatment of these standard subjects of late medieval logic is significant because it defends the use of material signs to indicate that a term is being used in material supposition and because of its critique of Peter of Mantua’s reduction of all reference to personal reference. Paul also defends against several challenges to the common notions that terms (...)
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    The Magna Carta of Women as the Philippine Translation of the CEDAW: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis.Gay Marie Manalo Francisco - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (3):294-305.
    ABSTRACT Republic Act 9710, or the Magna Carta of Women (MCW), is considered the Philippine version or national law translation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Using the concept of impact translation as a framework and the Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis (FCDA) approach, this article examines the MCW and the minutes of committee meetings, particularly the bicameral conference committee meeting where lawmakers agreed on the finalized version of the bill. It applies (...)
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    The Magna Moralia and Aristotle's Moral Philosophy.John M. Cooper - 1973 - American Journal of Philology 94 (4):327.
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    Une Magna Carta pour Internet, 20 ans après.Stéphane Marchand & Michel Bourdeau - 2015 - Cahiers Philosophiques 141 (2):104-110.
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  50. (2 other versions)Logica Magna. Part II Fascicule 6.Francesco del Punta & Marilyn Mccord Adams - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (1):142-143.
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