Results for 'mahā-sammata, Mahāsammata, Mahāvihāra, Pāli texts, Theravāda'

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  1.  14
    The Advent of a Religious King to Sri Lankan Theravāda Tradition. 김경래 - 2015 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (44):223-247.
    This article examines the semantic changes of the term ‘mahā-sammata’ in the later Pāli texts and inscriptions, focusing on the legitimation of the Mahāvihāra’s authority in the isle of Laṅkā. (In this paper, ‘later’ does not have any chronological meaning. It only means the texts, which are philosophically based on the Tipiṭaka.) In the Buddhist Canon, the combination of ‘mahā’ with ‘sammata’ tells us that one was chosen by the people based on their needs. In this manner, (...)
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    Pāli Grammar: The Language of the Canonical Texts of Theravāda Buddhism (Volume I), by Thomas Oberlies.Matthew Spencer - 2020 - Buddhist Studies Review 37 (1):117-126.
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    The Case of the Sārasaṅgaha: Reflections on the Reuse of Texts in Medieval Sinhalese Pāli Literature.Chiara Neri - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):335-388.
    The Sārasaṅgaha is a Pāli text of XIIth–XIIIth century by the Sinhalese monk Siddhattha Thera. Its themes include the aspiration to become a Buddha, shrines, meditation, theories on rain, wind, gender and more. The main body consists of citations from the Nikāyas, the Jātakas, the Visuddhimagga and above all, from commentarial literature. By analysing the way the Sārasaṅgaha refers to and establishes a dialogue with the quoted works, this paper promotes a new assessment of the cultural and textual tendencies (...)
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    Manipulating Meaning: Daniel Gogerly's Nineteenth Century Translations of the Theravada Texts.Elizabeth J. Harris - 2011 - Buddhist Studies Review 27 (2):177-195.
    Daniel John Gogerly, a British Wesleyan Methodist missionary, served in Sri Lanka from 1818 until his death. He learnt P?li in M?tara in the 1830s and was one of the first British translators of the P?li texts into English. Praised by fellow orientalist, T.W. Rhys Davis, as ‘the greatest Pali scholar of his age’ and hailed by his missionary colleagues as the expert who showed them how to attack Buddhism, his work was both pioneering and deeply flawed. This paper first (...)
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    Pali Buddhism.Frank J. Hoffman & Deegalle Mahinda (eds.) - 1996 - Curzon Press.
    And the Bactrian King, a possible convert to Buddhism, responds at this point, " Well said, Nagasena! So it is, and as such I accept it." Conclusion Between the times of these two apparently contradictory texts about nirvana, the Mahavagga and ...
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    Phra Payutto and Debates ‘On the Very Idea of the Pali Canon’ in Thai Buddhism.Martin Seeger - 2009 - Buddhist Studies Review 26 (1):1-31.
    In this paper I investigate a number of public intellectual debates in current Thai Theravada Buddhism that are related to several fundamental questions regarding the meaning and function of the Pali canon. The focal point of this investigation will be debates in which the Thai scholar monk Phra Payutto (b. 1939) has been playing a significant role. In these debates, the Pali canon is regarded as a central text endowed with special normative and formative authority. I will look at contestations (...)
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    Significance of the Phitsanulok Dhammakaya Inscription for the Dating and Character of Boran (Ancient) Practices in Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhism.Phibul Choompolpaisal & Andrew Skilton - 2022 - Buddhist Studies Review 39 (1):11-47.
    This article examines the Phitsanulok Dhammakaya inscription of 1549 and other sources for the anonymous post-canonical recitation text called Dhammakaya. It discusses the significance of their paratextual framing and the conclusions that can be drawn from it. An annotated transcription and translation of the text is provided. We argue that the inscription provides the earliest objectively verifiable date for the traditional or non-reform type of Theravada practices elsewhere called boran (ancient) practices. These practices include a specific pre-modern form of boran (...)
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    Buddhism, Aryan Discourse, Racism, and the Influence of Christianity in Colonial Ceylon.Elizabeth Harris - 2024 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 44 (1):89-103.
    abstract: Evidence from the Pali texts suggests that the Buddha opposed judging people on the grounds of their place of birth, their ethnic identity, or their skin color. In practice, however, Buddhist traditions have not been and are not free of such judgments. This article illustrates this through a case study of Buddhism in colonial and postcolonial Ceylon, with particular reference to the Aryan theory. It argues that the language of race and nation that emerged among Buddhists in this context (...)
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    Review of Bradley S. Clough, Early Indian and Theravāda Buddhism: Soteriological Controversy and Diversity: Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2012, ISBN: 978-1604978292, 286pp. [REVIEW]Hugh Nicholson - 2014 - Sophia 53 (4):581-583.
    Bradley S. Clough’s Early Indian and Theravāda Buddhism seeks to retrieve the soteriological diversity of early Buddhism that has been masked by the systematizing efforts of the Theravāda commentarial tradition. Deliberately breaking from the custom of reading the Pali Canon through the systematizing lens of the great fifth-century CE commentator Buddhaghosa, his monumental Visuddhimagga in particular, Clough points to evidence in the canonical texts for a variety of paths to liberation that resist efforts at harmonization and integration. Chapter (...)
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    The Buddha through Christian Eyes.Elizabeth J. Harris - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):101-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Buddha through Christian EyesElizabeth J. HarrisIt was in Sri Lanka in 1984 that I had my first ‘encounter’ with the Buddha. When at the ancient city of Anuradhapura, I stole away from the group I was with to return for a few minutes to the shrine room adjacent to the sacred bo tree, the one believed to have grown from a cutting of the original tree under which (...)
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    Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XXVII. Edited by O. von Hinüber and R.F. Gombrich.K. R. Norman - 2003 - Buddhist Studies Review 20 (1):84-85.
    Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XXVII. Edited by O. von Hinüber and R.F. Gombrich. Pali Text Society, Oxford 2002. 183 pp. £18.75. ISBN 0 86013 407 5.
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    Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XXVI. Edited by O. von Hinüber and R.F. Gombrich.K. R. Norman - 2001 - Buddhist Studies Review 18 (2):250-252.
    Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XXVI. Edited by O. von Hinüber and R.F. Gombrich. Pali Text Society, Oxford 2000. 234 pp. £15.00. ISBN 0 86013 391 5.
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    Journal of the Pali Text Society. Volumes XIX-XXI.K. R. Norman - 1997 - Buddhist Studies Review 14 (1):70-72.
    Journal of the Pali Text Society. Volumes XIX-XXI, Pali Text Society, Oxford 1993, 1994, 1995. £17.25 each.
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    Journal of the Pali Text Society. IX. Ed. by K. R. Norman.Phra Khantipalo Thera - 1981 - Buddhist Studies Review 6 (1):53-56.
    Journal of the Pali Text Society. IX. Ed. by K. R. Norman. PTS and distributed by Routledge, Kegan Paul Ltd, London 1981. viii + 207 pp. £10.
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  15.  10
    Pali Text Society.Russell Webb - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 1 (1):51-52.
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  16.  8
    Mettā: the philosophy and practice of Universal Love.Acharya Buddharakkhita - 2021 - [Onalaska, WA]: BPE, BPS Pariyatti Editions.
    The Pāli word mettā is a multi-significant term meaning loving kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pāli commentators define mettā as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahita-parasukha-karana). Essentially mettā is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based on self-interest. Through mettā one refuses to be offensive and renounces bitterness, resentment and animosity of every kind, developing instead a mind of friendliness, accommodativeness and (...)
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  17.  31
    Kathāvatthu (“Points of Controversy”) as a Primary Source of Early Buddhist Philosophy.Anastasiya V. Lozhkina - 2021 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (12):81-101.
    This article focuses on the under-researched Buddhist textKathāvatthu(“Points of Controversy”) and aims to better determine its place within Indian philosophy. We consider how the text was compiled, its contents, and main characteristics (such as its genre, its classification lists –mātika). To understand some of those characteristics, we suggest viewing them as shared with the whole Pali Canon (a large body of heterogeneous texts, of which theKathāvatthuis part). This article also illustrates the issues of translating religious and philosophical texts from the (...)
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  18.  16
    Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XXV. Ed. by O. von Hinuber & R. F. Gombrich.K. R. Norman - 2000 - Buddhist Studies Review 17 (2):221-222.
    Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XXV. Ed. by O. von Hinuber & R. F. Gombrich. Oxford 1999. £17.25. ISBN 0 86013 372 9.
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    Journal of the Pali Text Society. Volumes XXII-XXIV. Ed. O. von Hinüber ad R. F. Gombrich.K. R. Norman - 1999 - Buddhist Studies Review 16 (2):232-235.
    Journal of the Pali Text Society. Volumes XXII-XXIV. Ed. O. von Hinüber ad R. F. Gombrich. Pali Text Society, Oxford 1996, 1997, 1998. £17.25 each. ISBN 086013 333 8; 0 86013 356 7; 0 86913 364 8.
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    Journal of the Pali Text Society. Vols XIV-XVIII.K. R. Norman - 1993 - Buddhist Studies Review 10 (1):109-112.
    Journal of the Pali Text Society. Vols XIV-XVIII, PTS, Oxford 1990, 1990, 1992, 1992, 1993. £13.50 each.
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  21.  21
    Journal of the Pali Text Society XII.K. R. Norman - 1991 - Buddhist Studies Review 8 (1-2):181-183.
    Journal of the Pali Text Society XII. Pali Text Society, Oxford 1988. v, 217 pp. £12.25.
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    Buddhist Path, Buddhist Teachings: Studies in Memory of L.S. Cousins, edited by Naomi Appleton and Peter Harvey.Olivia Porter - 2021 - Buddhist Studies Review 38 (1):109-112.
    Buddhist Path, Buddhist Teachings: Studies in Memory of L.S. Cousins, edited by Naomi Appleton and Peter Harvey. Equinox Publishing, 2019. 324pp. Hb. $53, ISBN-13: 9781781798928.
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  23.  10
    Pali Text Society's Centenary.Ven Dr H. Saddhatissa - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 4 (1-2):25-27.
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  24.  16
    Liquid Language: The Art of Bitextual Sermons in Middle Cambodia.Trent Walker - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (4):705-723.
    Theravada Buddhist sermons in palm-leaf manuscript collections in South and Southeast Asia are frequently bilingual, including portions in the classical language of Pali and a local vernacular, such as Burmese, Sinhala, or Thai. These bilingual sermons prove to be ideal subjects for exploring how Buddhist scriptures function as kinetic, interactive processes of performance and reception. This paper draws on three examples of Pali-Khmer sermons composed in Cambodia between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. The three bilingual texts or “bitexts” analyzed in (...)
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  25. Bhagavatpādīyaprayogavaiśiṣṭyam.Ji Mahābaleśvara Bhaṭṭa - 2016 - Sr̥ṅgagiriḥ: Śrīśaṅkara Advaitaśodhakendram.
    Text explaining in accordance to Sanskrit grammar; select usage of words in commentary of Brahmasūtra by Śaṅkarācārya.
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    Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XIII.K. R. Norman - 1992 - Buddhist Studies Review 9 (1):88-90.
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    Journal of the Pali Text Society. Volumes X and XI.K. R. Norman - 1988 - Buddhist Studies Review 5 (2):187-188.
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    Experiential Meaning Analysis of the Plaintiff and Defendant Language Tactics: An SF-MDA of Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Defamation Trial.Maha Abdulaziz Alwusaidy & Hesham Suleiman Alyousef - 2025 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 38 (2):567-586.
    The analysis of courtroom trials has attracted considerable scholarly attention. However, studies performing SFL analysis of legal texts and speeches are rare. The up-to-date published studies handled criminal cases; yet, there is a lack of SFL studies examining civil cases like divorce and defamation. The present qualitative study utilized systemic functional multimodal discourse analysis (SF-MDA) of the 2022 defamation trial sued by Johnny Depp’s lawyer (the plaintiff) against Amber Heard (the defendant). The SF-MDA of the transitivity system aimed to examine (...)
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    Authenticity in authorship: the Writer’s Integrity framework for verifying human-generated text.Sanad Aburass & Maha Abu Rumman - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (3):1-12.
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    The Creative Erudition of Chapaṭa Saddhammajotipāla, a 15th-Century Grammarian and Philosopher from Burma.Aleix Ruiz-Falqués - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):389-426.
    This paper focuses on the scholastic technique of the Theravāda scholar-monk Chapaṭa Saddhammajotipāla. Chapaṭa is the author of several scholastic treatises in Pāli, the most voluminous of which is the Suttaniddesa, a commentary on the Pāli grammar of Kaccāyana. I offer a general introduction to the Pāli grammatical tradition and especially to the Pāli grammatical tradition of Burma, together with an introduction to the life and works of Chapaṭa. I also offer the first annotated translation (...)
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  31.  22
    Buddhist Meditation.Charles Goodman - 2013 - In Steven M. Emmanuel, A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 553–571.
    Most forms of Buddhist meditation do not require any particular doctrinal commitments, metaphysical assumptions, or leaps of faith in order to work as advertised. According to Buddhists meditation can be helpful to people in general, whether they currently find other aspects of Buddhist teaching plausible or not. This chapter explains how to do three major forms of meditation widely practiced in Buddhism, being shared in common by a number of lineages, including both Theravāda and Tibetan Buddhism. Drawing on the (...)
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    Nyāyakallolinī: Saṃskr̥tā'ṅgalasamanvitā.Mahānanda Jhā - 2019 - Delhi: Bhāratīya Dārśanika Anusandhāna Pariṣada evaṃ Motīlāla Banārasīdāsa Pabliśarsa Prāiveṭa Limiṭeḍa.. Edited by Mahānanda Jhā.
    On Nyaya philosophy; Sanskrit text with English translation.
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    Tattvānusandhānam: Advaitavedāntaprakaraṇagranthaḥ. Mahādevānandasarasvatī - 2012 - Naī Dillī: Rāṣṭrīya Pāṇḍulipi Miśana tathā Nyū Bhāratīya Buka Kôrapareśana, Dillī. Edited by Udayabhaṭṭa & ṬiVi Satyanārāyaṇa.
    On Advaita Vedanta philosophy; critically edited text, based on rare manuscripts.
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    Sangharakkhita's Vuttodaya: a study of Pali metre. Pali text and translated into English by R. Siddartha. Preface by Professor J. W. de Jong. [REVIEW]K. R. Norman - 1981 - Buddhist Studies Review 6 (2):123-125.
    Sangharakkhita's Vuttodaya: a study of Pali metre. Pali text and translated into English by R. Siddhartha. Preface by Professor J. W. de Jong. Sri Satguru Publications, India 1981. Distributed by Indian Books Centre, Delhi. v + 54pp. Rs. 50.
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    The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha.Bhikkhu Bodhi - 2010 - Wisdom.
    Drawn from the Anguttara Nikaya, Numerical Discourses of the Buddha brings together teachings of the Buddha ranging from basic ethical observances recommended to the busy man or woman of the world, to the more rigorous instructions on mental training prescribed for the monks and nuns. The Anguttara Nikaya is a part of the Pali Canon, the authorized recension of the Buddha's Word for followers of Theravada Buddhism, the form of Buddhism prevailing in the Buddhist countries of southern Asia. These discourses (...)
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  36.  18
    Reading Rate and Comprehension for Text Presented on Tablet and Paper: Evidence from Arabic.Ehab W. Hermena, Mercedes Sheen, Maryam AlJassmi, Khulood AlFalasi, Maha AlMatroushi & Timothy R. Jordan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  37. Early Buddhist metaphysics: the making of a philosophical tradition.Noa Ronkin - 2005 - New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
    Early Buddhist Metaphysics provides a philosophical account of the major doctrinal shift in the history of early Theravada tradition in India: the transition from the earliest stratum of Buddhist thought to the systematic and allegedly scholastic philosophy of the Pali Abhidhamma movement. Entwining comparative philosophy and Buddhology, the author probes the Abhidhamma's metaphysical transition in terms of the Aristotelian tradition and vis-à-vis modern philosophy, exploits Western philosophical literature from Plato to contemporary texts in the fields of philosophy of mind and (...)
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  38. Amr̥tānubhava vivaraṇa.RaṅGanāTha MahāRāJa[From Old Catalog] - 1970 - [Sonapeṭha?]: [Jilhā Parabhaṇī]. Edited by Muralidhar Bastiram Dhut & Jñānadeva.
    Commentary on Amr̥tānubhava, verse work in Old Marathi, by Jñānadeva, fl. 1290, on the Hindu philosophy of Advaita Vedanta; includes text.
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    Tattvacintāmaṇidīdhitiprakāśasarvopakāriṇī: Gaṅgeśopādhyāyaviracitā Tattvacintāmaṇisahitā, Raghunāthaśiromaṇiviracitā Dīdhitiṭīkāsahitā, Bhavānandaviracitā Prakāśaṭīkāsahitā, Ācāryamahādevapaṇḍitaviracitā Sarvopakāriṇīvyākhyā.Mahādeva Puṇatāmbekara - 2016 - Naī Dillī: Deva Pabliśarsa eṇḍa Ḍisṭrībyūṭarsa. Edited by Gaṅgeśa, Raghunātha Śiromaṇi, Bhavānanda Siddhāntavāgīśa Bhaṭṭācāryya & Harerāma Tripāṭhī.
    Supercommentary on Tattvacintāmaṇi, classical work on Navya Nyaya philosophy by Gaṅgeśa, active 13th century and its commentaries Didhiti by Raghunātha Śiromaṇi and Tattvacintāmaṇidīdhitiprakāśa by Bhavānanda Siddhāntavāgīśa with complete text.
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    The Dhammapada: With Introductory Essays, Pāli Text, English Translation and Notes.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (ed.) - 1996 - Oxford University Press India.
    This is an internationally acclaimed translation of a classic Buddhist text, presented in both Pali and English by one of India's foremost philosophers and religious authorities. S. Radhakrishan provides full explanatory notes to the text, as well as an introductory essay about Gautama Buddha, who, from very early times, was believed to have uttered the verses of the Dhammapada.
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    Automated classification of psychotherapy note text: implications for quality assessment in PTSD care.Brian Shiner, Leonard W. D'Avolio, Thien M. Nguyen, Maha H. Zayed, Bradley V. Watts & Louis Fiore - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):698-701.
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    Abhidhamma Studies at the British Buddhist Association, London, and a Review of A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma. The Abhidhammattha Sangaha. Pali Text, Translation & Explanatory Guide, Bhikkhu Bodhi, General Editor. [REVIEW]A. Haviland-Nye - 1998 - Buddhist Studies Review 15 (1):81-99.
    Abhidhamma Studies at the British Buddhist Association, London, and a Review of A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma. The Abhidhammattha Sangaha. Pali Text, Translation & Explanatory Guide, Bhikkhu Bodhi, General Editor. Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy 1993, 432 pp. $20.00.
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    Moral theory in Śāntideva's Śikṣāsamuccaya: cultivating the fruits of virtue.Barbra R. Clayton - 2006 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Śāntideva.
    This book analyses the moral theory of the seventh century Indian Mahayana master, Santideva. Santideva is the author of the well-known religious poem the Bodhicaryavatara (Entering the Path of Enlightenment) , as well as the significant, but relatively overlooked, Siksasamuccaya (Compendium of Teachings) . Both of these works describe the nature and path of the bodhisattva, the altruistic spiritual ideal especially exalted in Mahayana literature. With particular focus on the Siksasamuccaya , this work offers a response to three questions: What (...)
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  44.  16
    The beginnings of Czechoslovak Buddhism.Jan Lípa, Ladislav Rozenský, Josef Dolista & Petr Ondrušák - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):725-742.
    The 2500-year-old teachings of the Buddha Dharma penetrated Europe during the nineteenth century. These teachings came to the Lands of the Czech Crown in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, and subsequently Czechoslovakia, mainly due to the Theosophical Society as Neobuddhism, which had an esoteric character. In 1891, Gustav Meyrink, a world-famous writer of Austrian origin, became the first practitioner. In addition, original Buddhism in the Czech Republic became an object of academic study. Other influences were attributed to personalities such as Helena Petrovna (...)
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    Observations on the Term Bhavaṅga as Described in the Jié tuō dào lùn : Its Proper English Translation and Understanding.Kyungrae Kim - 2018 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (4):753-771.
    The term bhavaṅga is regarded as a unique technical term of Theravāda abhidhamma tradition, and the text Jié tuō dào lùn, i.e. the Chinese translation of *Vimuttimagga, mentions yŏufēnxīn the Chinese counterpart of bhavaṅga eleven times. These occurrences are found in the section of the text on the cognitive process. The text is, however, too abstruse to understand the term easily, and the existing translations of it are imperfect. Subsequently, the term in the Jié tuō dào lùn has been (...)
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    Dasakathāvatthu: An Alternative Path of Practice Leading to Liberation.Ven Sajal Barua - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (3):499-521.
    Dasakathāvatthu appears to be a unique, but less known course of training in the Buddhist spiritual practice of the Theravāda tradition. Though the importance of the practice is highlighted, it is discussed with very little information in the Pāli Nikāya literature. But a well-informed discussion of the practice is found in the commentarial texts. One specific feature of the practice is that the path factors are defined as kathā suggesting that the practice is dialogical. This is in connection (...)
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    The Dhammapada: A New English Translation, with the Pali Text and First English Translation of the Commentary's Explanation of the Verses.George D. Bond, John Ross Carter & Mahinda Palihawadana - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):171.
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    Readings of the Vessantara Jataka.Steven Collins (ed.) - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    The _Vessantara Jataka_ is one of the most popular and influential Theravada Buddhist texts and the final and longest scripture in the Pali Canon. It tells the story of Prince Vessantara, who attained the Perfection of Giving by giving away his fortune, his children, and his wife. Prince Vessantara was the penultimate rebirth as a human of the future Gotama Buddha, and his extreme charity is frequently portrayed in the sermons, rituals, and art of South and Southeast Asia. This anthology (...)
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    Is Buddhism Indispensable in the Cross-Cultural Appropriation of Christianity in Burma?La Seng Dingrin - 2009 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 29:3-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Is Buddhism Indispensable in the Cross-Cultural Appropriation of Christianity in Burma?La Seng Dingrin, Former Faculty MemberIs Burmese Theravāda Buddhism dispensable for the cross-cultural appropriation and mission of Christianity in Burma?1 According to the traditionally held Burmese2 Protestant Christian assumption—inherited from Adoniram Judson—the answer is yes,3 for the simple reason that Burmese Buddhism and Christianity are totally different from one another, and there is "no point of contact" between (...)
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  50.  67
    No-Self, Dōgen, the Senika Doctrine, and Western Views of Soul.Gerhard Faden - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:41-54.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:No-Self, Dōgen, the Senika Doctrine, and Western Views of SoulGerhard FadenNo-Self Versus SoulFrom the very beginning of Buddhism, the concept of no-self (P. anattā, J. muga) has been at the heart of Buddhist thought. Based on this concept, Buddhist apologetics rejected the concept of Atman in the Upanishads as well as Western concepts of soul. Christian authors, on the other hand, see an unbridgeable abyss between what they call (...)
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