Results for 'negative judgment of taste'

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  1.  4
    The Method of the Cultivation of Taste and the Possibility of the Edification of Personality & the Cultural Development through it : The Approach to Analyzing the Examples of the Judgment of Negative Taste in Kant’s Critique of Judgment(§§32-33). [REVIEW] 양희진 - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 117:139-167.
    본 논문은 취미의 자발적인 도야가 어떻게 가능하고, 도야된 취미를 갖는 것이 왜 성품의 교화와 문화 발전을 위해 필요한지 그 이유를 밝힌다. 이는 취미가 자신의 판정을 항상 ‘쾌’로 반성하는 것과 관련이 있다. 취미는 자신의 판정의 타당성을 검사할 때마다 보편타당한 근거를 발견하는데, 이러한 ‘발견의 기쁨’이 취미를 자발적으로 도야하게 만드는 것이다. 도덕적 성품을 갖기 위해서는 자신의 행위의 도덕성을 스스로 평가해 보는 훈련이 필요하고, 시대를 대표해 계승할 만한 작품을 선별하기 위해서는 높은 안목이 필요하다. 그러나 우리는 작품의 미를 평가하면서 이러한 자율적 사고를 즐겁게 습관화할 수 (...)
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    The Negative Judgment of Separation.Leonard J. Eslick - 1966 - Modern Schoolman 44 (1):35-46.
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    The Judgment of Taste in a Cosmopolitan Sense.Laura Quintana - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 203-214.
  4. Rethinking the History of the Productive Imagination in Relation to Common Sense.John Krummel - 2019 - In Suzi Adams & Jeremy C. A. Smith (eds.), Social Imaginaries: Critical Interventions. New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 45-75.
    The imagination—Einbildung—as its German makes clear is the faculty of formation. But this formative activity in various ways through the history of its concept has been intimately related to the concept of common sense, whether understood as the sense that gathers, orders, and makes coherent the various sense, or as the sensibility of the community. This contribution seeks to unfold that history of the concept of the creative or productive imagination while also tracing the parallel history of the concept of (...)
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    Do Negative Judgments of Taste Have a priori Grounds in Kant?Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2012 - Kant Studien 103 (4):472-493.
    When contrasting something with its opposite, such as positive numbers with negative numbers, repulsion with attraction, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, Kant some-times says the latter are not merely cases of negation or privation of the former, but that they have their own, independent grounds. But do negative judgments of taste really have a priori grounds? There are two kinds of negative judgments of taste: “This is not beautiful” and “This is ugly.” Can they (...)
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  6. The pure judgement of taste as an aesthetic reflective judgement.Malcolm Budd - 2001 - British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (3):247-260.
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    Living Freedom: The Heautonomy of the Judgement of Taste.Zhengmi Zhouhuang - 2024 - Kantian Review 29 (1):81-102.
    Different from the autonomy of understanding in cognition and the autonomy of practical reason in praxis, the heautonomy in the judgement of taste is reflexive. The reflexivity consists not only in the fact that the power of judgement legislates to its own usage but also, and more importantly, it legislates to itself through its own operative process. This normativity, based on the self-referential structure of pure aesthetic judgement and the a priori principle of subjective, internal purposiveness, can be regarded (...)
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    What is a Judgment of Taste?Anthony Savile - 1989 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress 2 (2):383-395.
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    The Evidence for the Negative Judgment of Separation.Jean-Marc Laporte - 1963 - Modern Schoolman 41 (1):17-43.
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    The Salonnieres and the Philosophes in Old Regime France: The Authority of Aesthetic Judgment.Jolanta T. Pekacz - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (2):277.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Salonnières and the Philosophes in Old Regime France: The Authority of Aesthetic Judgment*Jolanta T. PekaczDuring the eighteenth century a significant shift occurred in the perception of the authority of aesthetic judgment in France, from a group usually referred to as “polite society” and widely considered the exclusive source of taste (goût) to various competing groups arrogating to themselves the right to judge artistic matters. 1 (...)
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  11. Beauty as a Symbol of Morality.Zhengmi Zhouhuang - 2019 - In Das Selbst und die Welt - Denken, Handeln und Hoffen in der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie. pp. 113-134.
    Kant uses the concept of the symbol to show the complicated relationship between the autonomy of beauty and its systematic function as a transition from nature to freedom, which are the two most important topics in the third Critique. Beauty’s symbolism of morality lies in the analog between aesthetic reflection and moral disposition; concretely, it lies in the purity or disinterestedness and self-legislation as negative and positive freedom in both subjective states of mind. In this scenario, beauty’s symbolism does (...)
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  12. Kant's Feeling: Why a Judgment of Taste is De Dicto Necessary.José Luis Fernández - 2020 - Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 43 (3):141-48.
    Necessity can be ascribed not only to propositions, but also to feelings. In the Critique of Judgment (KdU), Immanuel Kant argues that a feeling of beauty is the necessary satisfaction instantiated by the ‘free play’ of the cognitive faculties, which provides the grounds for a judgment of taste (KdU 5:196, 217-19). In contradistinction to the theoretical necessity of the Critique of Pure Reason and the moral necessity of the Critique of Practical Reason, the necessity assigned to a (...)
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  13. The Method of In-between in the Grotesque and the Works of Leif Lage.Henrik Lübker - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):170-181.
    “Artworks are not being but a process of becoming” —Theodor W. Adorno, Aesthetic Theory In the everyday use of the concept, saying that something is grotesque rarely implies anything other than saying that something is a bit outside of the normal structure of language or meaning – that something is a peculiarity. But in its historical use the concept has often had more far reaching connotations. In different phases of history the grotesque has manifested its forms as a means of (...)
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    Kant on Negative Judgments of Taste.Kenneth F. Rogerson - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 215-224.
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    The way it makes us feel: The subsumption model of the Kantian judgement of taste.Larissa Berger - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):1473-1487.
    In his theory of beauty, Kant introduces the free and harmonious play of the faculties as a kind of judging. This judging should precede the pleasure in the beautiful. But being the determining ground of the judgement of taste, the pleasure should precede the judgement. Regarding this problem, two opposing models have been proposed: Paul Guyer's ‘two-acts model’ and Hannah Ginsborg's ‘one-act model’. I propose a third model that, I argue, resolves the difficulty and does not fall prey to (...)
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    Political Ramifications of Formal Ugliness in Kant’s Aesthetics.Christopher Buckman - 2018 - Idealistic Studies 48 (3):195-209.
    Kant’s theory of taste supports his political theory by providing the judgment of beauty as a symbol of the good and example of teleological experience, allowing us to imagine the otherwise obscure movement of nature and history toward the ideal human community. If interpreters are correct in believing that Kant should make room for pure judgments of ugliness in his theory of taste, we will have to consider the implications of such judgments for Kant’s political theory. It (...)
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    Common Sense, Judgment of Taste and Imagination -Focusing on Kant’s and Arendt’s Thought-. 공병혜 - 2022 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 93:1-34.
    본 논문은 칸트의 ‘선험적 의도에서의 취미 비판’의 핵심을 이루는 공통감과 상상력의 활동이 아렌트의 정치적 판단이론에 어떻게 적용되었는지를 고찰해 보고자 한다. 칸트는 ‘미의 분석론’에서 누구에게나 보편적으로 소통과 동의를 요구하고 기대할 수 있는 취미 판단의 주관적 필연적 조건이 공통감의 이념이며, 이에 따른 판단의 사례로서 각 각의 취미판단은 예증적 타당성을 지닌다고 하였다. 아렌트는 이러한 칸트의 공통감을 복수로 존재하는 공적인 공간에서 세계 관찰자의 관점으로 사유방식을 확장시킬 수 있는 정치적 판단능력으로 해석하고, 진정한 취미판단이 이루어지는 정치적 공간에서 “보편적 소통 가능성”에 대한 희망을 지닐 수 있다고 말한다. (...)
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  18. Kant on the Possibility of Ugliness.Alix Cohen - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (2):199-209.
    In the recent literature on the issue, a number of commentators have argued that Kant’s aesthetic theory commits him to the position that nothing is ugly. For instance, in ‘Why Kant finds nothing ugly’, Shier argues that ‘within Kant’s aesthetics, there cannot be any negative judgments of taste’ (Shier (1998): 413). And in ‘Kant’s problems with ugliness’, Thomson claims that ‘Kant’s aesthetic theory precludes […] ugliness’ (Thomson (1992): 107). In other words, as it is presented in some of (...)
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    Universality Without Normativity: Interpreting the Demand of Kantian Judgements of Taste.R. Kathleen Harbin - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (4):589-612.
    RÉSUMÉKant affirme que nous exigeons l'accord des autres quand nous rendons des jugements de goût. Je soutiens que cette affirmation fait partie d'une explication de la façon dont la phénoménologie des jugements esthétiques familiers appuie son affirmation selon laquelle les jugements de goût sont universels. La théorie esthétique de Kant n'est plausible que si nous rejetons l'affirmation répandue selon laquelle cette exigence est normative. Je propose une lecture non normative des jugements de goût kantiens basée sur une étude des textes, (...)
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    Fashion and the Judgment of Taste.Kenneth L. Brewer - 2019 - Southwest Philosophy Review 35 (1):131-137.
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    Das Problem der Subjektiven Allgemeingültigkeit des Geschmacksurteils Bei Kant (The Problem of Subjective Universality of the Judgment of Taste in Kant).Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2000 - Walter de Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren damit den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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    Notes on the Judgment of Taste.Louise Nisbet Roberts - 1954 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 3:123-132.
  23. What is claimed in a Kantian judgment of taste?Miles Rind - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):63-85.
    Against interpretations of Kant that would assimilate the universality claim in judgments of taste either to moral demands or to theoretical assertions, I argue that it is for Kant a normative requirement shared with ordinary empirical judgments. This raises the question of why the universal agreement required by a judgment of taste should consist in the sharing of a feeling, rather than simply in the sharing of a thought. Kant’s answer is that in a judgment of (...)
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    (1 other version)New Views on Kant’s Judgment of Taste.Karl Ameriks - 1998 - In Herman Parret (ed.), Kants Ästhetik · Kant's Aesthetics · L'esthétique de Kant. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 431-447.
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    The Lawless Demand of Judgements of Taste: Response to Dunn.R. Kathleen Harbin - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (4):621-626.
    RÉSUMÉJe réponds à l'affirmation de Dunn selon laquelle les jugements esthétiques doivent être normatifs pour Kant. Pour ce faire, je clarifie ma position : je ne soutiens nullement que la force du sentiment de plaisir implique que les autres doivent être d'accord avec mon jugement; c'est plutôt la nature désintéressée du sentiment qui est la base de l'accord; je m'oppose à la proposition selon laquelle le système kantien, dans son ensemble, nécessite les jugements normatifs de goût; et je m'oppose à (...)
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  26. Ethical dimensions of the pure judgement of taste in Kant's aesthetics.O. Bakos - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (3):147-154.
    The paper deals with pure judgments of taste in Kant's aesthetics regarding the meaning they achieve due to the presence of the other subject. In his Critique of Judgment Kant defines the subject as a physical individual endowed with feelings, related not only to objects, but rather expanding this relation on the community of others. Therefore, the aesthetic relation to an object, which is the precondition of the pure judgment of taste, involves implicitly a recquirement on (...)
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  27. Kant's theory of the relation of imagination and understanding in aesthetic judgements of taste.Harry Blocker - 1965 - British Journal of Aesthetics 5 (1):37-45.
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    Educational Implications of Critique of Judgement : An Examination of Judgement of Taste.Youngtae Cho - 2011 - The Journal of Moral Education 23 (2):1.
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  29. Kann aus dem Urteil über das Angenehme ein Geschmacksurteil ähnlich wie aus dem Wahrnehmungsurteil ein Erfahrungsurteil werden? (Can a Judgment About the Agreeable Become a Judgment of Taste, As a Judgment of Perception Can Become a Judgment of Experience?).Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung. Akten des IX. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 468-476.
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    Distinction: A social critique of the judgement of taste.Pierre Bourdieu - 1984 - Harvard University Press.
    Examines differences in taste between modern French classes, discusses the relationship between culture and politics, and outlines the strategies of pretension.
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    Systematicity and Symbolisation in Kant's Deduction of Judgements of Taste.Alexander Rueger - 2011 - Hegel Bulletin 32 (1-2):232-251.
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    The Subjective Basis of Kant's Judgment of Taste.Brian Watkins - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):315-336.
    Abstract Kant claims that the basis of a judgment of taste is a merely subjective representation and that the only merely subjective representations are feelings of pleasure or displeasure. Commentators disagree over how to interpret this claim. Some take it to mean that judgments about the beauty of an object depend only on the state of the judging subject. Others argue instead that, for Kant, the pleasure we take in a beautiful object is best understood as a response (...)
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    (1 other version)Literary genres and judgements of taste: some remarks on Aristotle's remarks about the poetry of Empedocles.Catherine Rowett - 2013 - In M. Erler & J. E. Heßler (eds.), Argument und literarische Form in antiker Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 305-314.
    In this paper I review four texts in which Aristotle comments on Empedocles ' writing style. I show that Aristotle thought that Empedocles was a fine poet. That is fine, if a poet is what you want.
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    Is Kant's Deduction of Judgement of Taste Free from the Two Criticisms Raised about It?Ji Young Kang - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 60:43-73.
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    Latin Poetry and the Judgment of Taste. An Essay in Aesthetics.S. Stern-Gillet - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (3):319-322.
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  36. Kant’s Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment.Henry E. Allison - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book constitutes one of the most important contributions to recent Kant scholarship. In it, one of the pre-eminent interpreters of Kant, Henry Allison, offers a comprehensive, systematic, and philosophically astute account of all aspects of Kant's views on aesthetics. The first part of the book analyses Kant's conception of reflective judgment and its connections with both empirical knowledge and judgments of taste. The second and third parts treat two questions that Allison insists must be kept distinct: the (...)
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    The unity of a theme: The subject of judgements of taste.Melissa Zinkin - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (3):469 – 488.
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    Are Kant’s “Aesthetic Judgment” and “Judgment of Taste” Synonymous?Theodore A. Gracyk - 1990 - International Philosophical Quarterly 30 (2):159-172.
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    Comment on Kenneth Brewer’s “Fashion and the Judgment of Taste”.E. M. Dadlez - 2019 - Southwest Philosophy Review 35 (2):23-26.
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  40. "Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste": Pierre Bourdieu. [REVIEW]T. J. Diffey - 1988 - British Journal of Aesthetics 28 (3):291.
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    Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste: Pierre Bourdieu , xiv + 613pp., $29.50 cloth, $12.95 paper. [REVIEW]Peter Burke - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (1):98-99.
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    Martindale Latin Poetry and the Judgement of Taste. An Essay in Aesthetics. Pp. x + 265. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £50. ISBN: 0-19-924040-X. [REVIEW]Richard Jenkyns - 2006 - The Classical Review 56 (1):102-104.
  43. Kant’s Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment.Anthony Savile - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):355-360.
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    Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste.Ioana Boghian - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (3):374-375.
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    “The Key to the Critique of Taste”: Interpreting §9 of Kant’s Critique of Judgment.Daniel Wilson - 2013 - Parrhesia (18):125-138.
    In this paper I aim to defend a consistent interpretation of §9 of Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment. In this section, Kant describes the relation between pleasure in the beautiful and the judgment of taste. I present my case in three parts. In the first section, I provide some background to Kant’s aesthetic theory and introduce the interpretative issue that is central to this paper. In part two, I defend the “sensation-precedes-pleasure” interpretation of §9 that (...)
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  46. The practical significance of taste in Kant's "Critique of Judgment": Love of natural beauty as a mark of moral character.Anne Margaret Baxley - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (1):33–45.
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    Picasso and pate de foie gras: Pierre Bourdieu's Sociology of CultureDistinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste[REVIEW]Elizabeth Wilson, Pierre Bourdieu & Richard Nice - 1988 - Diacritics 18 (2):47.
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    Kant’s Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment[REVIEW]Allen W. Wood - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (3):633-634.
    Allison begins this book by observing that although the eighteenth century is often called the “age of reason,” it has also been called the “century of taste.” There is a clear enough connection, however, between the two names, for anyone with eyes open enough to see it. For the phenomenon of taste—of likings and dislikings conforming to sharable standards, and invited or sought from others precisely for the sake of sharing them universally—was recognized by eighteenth-century rationalists, and certainly (...)
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  49. The significance of taste: Kant, aesthetic and reflective judgment.Robert B. Pippin - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (4):549-569.
    The Significance of Taste: Kant, Aesthetic and Reflective Judgment ROBERT B. PIPPIN 1? THE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION of the "Analytic of the Beautiful" in the "Critique of Aesthetic Judgment" is easy enough to identify. On what basis, if any, could one claim some sort of universal a priori validity for judgments of the form, "This is beautiful"? In Kant's well-known analysis of this question, the issue is reformulated as: By what right could one claim that another person ought (...)
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  50. The conclusion of the deduction of taste in the dialectic of the power of judgment aesthetic in Kant.Manuel Sánchez - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (2):45-62.
    In this paper, it is argued that only in the section on dialectic in the Critique of Judgment does Kant reach a definitive and conclusive version of deduction, after discovering the concept of the supersensible. In the section on the deduction of pure aesthetic judgments, Kant does not satisfactorily explain the critical distinction between the sensible nature of humanity and the supersensible nature of human reason presupposed in the concept of universal communicability. While the concept of the supersensible illustrates (...)
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