Results for 'plein air painting'

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  1.  11
    Together, We Can Design Utopia!Roma Madan Soni - 2024 - Ethics and the Environment 29 (1):49-88.
    At REUSE 2019, ecofeminist art, like a plein-air extension of minimalism, mostly 'Oceanic' explorations, interventions, installations, and performance art, celebrated a clear break from traditional practices of art making, art appreciation, and art theory. Unlike landscape painting, nature photography, and outdoor sculpture parks, as an ecofeminist movement, REUSE 2019 incorporated the oceans not merely as a subject or setting for the artwork but as an integral part of our trans-species co-existence. The exhibits were organized in an open, elongated (...)
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    Kant, Einstein y Picasso: la filosofía y "las cuatro dimensiones" en la ciencia estética moderna.Esteban Lisa & Buenos Aires - 1956 - Escuela de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires "Las Cuatro Dimensiones.
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  3. Portraits in painting and photography.Cynthia Freeland - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 135 (1):95 - 109.
    This article addresses the portrait as a philosophical form of art. Portraits seek to render the subjective objectively visible. In portraiture two fundamental aims come into conflict: the revelatory aim of faithfulness to the subject, and the creative aim of artistic expression. In the first part of my paper, studying works by Rembrandt, I develop a typology of four different things that can be meant when speaking of an image’s power to show a person: accuracy, testimony of presence, emotional characterization, (...)
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    The Air of Liberty: A Transatlantic Perspective.Kieran M. Murphy - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):200-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Air of Liberty:A Transatlantic PerspectiveKieran M. Murphy (bio)"En somme le rôle du critique serait sans cesse de faire de l'air dans le plein du monde mais non pas forcement de faire du vide."—Roland Barthes"Dèyè mòn, gen mòn" ["Behind mountains, there are mountains"]—Haitian proverbThe phrase "I can't breathe" has become a worldwide rallying cry against injustice. Ben Okri deems "I can't breathe" the "mantra of oppression" that should (...)
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    Animal Experimentation in 18th-Century Art: Joseph Wright of Derby: An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump.Linda Johnson - 2016 - Journal of Animal Ethics 6 (2):164-176.
    Despite Robert Boyle’s enthusiasm as a leading chemist in the early years of the Royal Society, his experiments on animals raised acute moral and theological issues in regard to animal suffering. Many years after Boyle’s experiments in the scientific field of pneumatics, Joseph Wright of Derby painted a complex representation of Boyle’s early experiment called An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump. I use an art historical methodology to resituate Wright’s imagined painting of group performance as a (...)
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    Mirages and visions in the air.Per Faxneld - 2021 - Approaching Religion 11 (1):63-76.
    Around the year 1900, European discourse on art was becoming increasingly ‘esotericized’. The 1890s saw esoteric art salons create a sensation in Paris, and art critics and theorists painted a picture of the true artist and the esotericist as overlapping figures. There was also at the time a conflict regarding mediumistic art, a phenomenon initially made popular through Spiritualist mediums. This debate, as we shall see, had interesting gendered dimensions. In what follows, I will discuss how the Swedish female esotericist (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: patience de l'action.Jordi Carmona Hurtado - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce livre est une tentative de remémoration d'une situation politique précise, celle qui se déclencha à Madrid, le 15 mai 2011, situation qui demeure incompréhensible tant qu'on ne la relie pas à une séquence plus large, celle des révoltes et révolutions dans plusieurs pays arabes, suivies, de par le monde, par les différentes vagues à d'Occupy. Cet essai voudrait constituer un témoignage, attentif aux faits, de ce monde d'assemblées et d'occupations des places en référence à l'oeuvre d'Hannah Arendt. De cette (...)
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  8. Political Poetry: A Few Notes. Poetics for N30.Jeroen Mettes - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):29-35.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 29–35. Translated by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei from Jeroen Mettes. "Politieke Poëzie: Enige aantekeningen, Poëtica bij N30 (versie 2006)." In Weerstandbeleid: Nieuwe kritiek . Amsterdam: De wereldbibliotheek, 2011. Published with permission of Uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam. L’égalité veut d’autres lois . —Eugène Pottier The modern poem does not have form but consistency (that is sensed), no content but a problem (that is developed). Consistency + problem = composition. The problem of modern poetry is capitalism. Capitalism—which has no (...)
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    Laura Lee Downs. Histoire des colonies de vacances de 1860 à nos jours | Susan B. Whitney,Mobilizing Youth: Communists and Catholics in Interwar France.Rebecca Rogers - 2011 - Clio 34:12-12.
    Les images en couverture de ces deux livres saisissent de manière remarquable certains des grands thèmes dont ils traitent : pour l’étude des colonies de vacances de Laura Lee Downs,on a choisi une série de clichés où garçons et filles s’embarquent dans le train pour les colonies ou jouent allègrement en plein air.Le livre de Susan B. Whitney sur les mouvements de jeunesse reproduit une affiche du comité de liaison des jeunes du Front populaire, où l’on voit de jeunes (...)
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    À toutes voiles vers la vérité: une autre histoire de la philosophie au temps des Lumières.Stéphane van Damme - 2014 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    Comment comprendre l'omniprésence de la philosophie dans les sociétés des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles? L'histoire des idées et des concepts y suffit-elle? En s'intéressant à la vie matérielle des philosophes, à leurs amitiés, à leurs voyages, à la transmission de leurs écrits et de leurs archives, en les suivant dans les salons, les cours, les académies, les salles de spectacle et les jardins botaniques, de Paris à Edimbourg et de Rome à New York, Stéphane Van Damme fait revivre une philosophie (...)
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  11. Introducción a los materiales y tecnologías de producción.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa (ed.) - 2009 - La Plata: National University of La Plata.
    In this first edition of Introduction to materials and production technologies, the reader will find a practical guide to agile a conceptual approach to materials and processing technologies. The text is organized into seven main chapters: ceramics, composites, wood and derivatives, metal alloys, paints, plastics and glass. Through alphabetic tables, various commercial types are listed. Each chapter culminates with picture and analytical development of various technologies applicable in each case. Moreover, the text is supplemented with photos, explanatory images, spreadsheets and (...)
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  12. Ways of Looking at Prehistoric Rock Art.Paul G. Bahn - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (193):88-93.
    Rock art - paintings, and pecked or engraved images on rocks, whether in caves, shelters, or in the open-air - exists in all but a couple of countries of the world [Bahn, 1998], It spans a period from at least 35,000 years ago to historic times, comprises many millions of images from hundreds of thousands of sites, and thus constitutes the vast majority of the world's art, and art history. It is a phenomenon that has seen a huge upsurge of (...)
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    Two Poems.Josephine Balmer - 2019 - Arion 27 (2):135-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Two Poems JOSEPHINE BALMER The House Opposite (Walbrook, London, 78 CE) Give this note to the cooper Junius, just opposite the house of Catullus... —Bloomberg Writing Tablets, 14 I unpack my treasures of Syrian glass, plates sourced from the slopes of Vesuvius. The walls I paint with frail shoots of grass and a poppy—my own hidden message for those who know the poet, my namesake: a flower fallen at (...)
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    From How Do You Do, Dolores.Yoel Hoffmann & Michael Shkodnikov - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):213-223.
    Sometimes I think: I'm flying. And why am I flying? Because of the dress. The flesh, I think, is multiplying itself. Here are the children, I think, going away from me and coming to me. If all is one, I think, why this split?My body of thought is likewise made of a womb of wombs. Whatever it begets begets its own body [in this sense I may be said to be multiparous].I am beautiful like a snip of ivory. My face (...)
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    A Tale of Two Anteaters: Madrid 1776 and London 1853.Helen Cowie - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (3):591-614.
    In 1776, the first living giant anteater to reach Europe arrived in Madrid from Buenos Aires. It survived 6 months in the Real Sitio del Buen Retiro before being transferred to the newly founded Real Gabinete de Historia Natural. In 1853, 77 years later, a second anteater was brought to London by two German showmen and exhibited at a shop in Bloomsbury, where it was visited by the novelist Charles Dickens. The animal was subsequently purchased by the Zoological Society of (...)
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    Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture.Barry Blesser & Linda-Ruth Salter - 2006 - MIT Press.
    How we experience space by listening: the concepts of aural architecture, with examples ranging from Gothic cathedrals to surround sound home theater. We experience spaces not only by seeing but also by listening. We can navigate a room in the dark, and "hear" the emptiness of a house without furniture. Our experience of music in a concert hall depends on whether we sit in the front row or under the balcony. The unique acoustics of religious spaces acquire symbolic meaning. Social (...)
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    The moral importance of dirty hands.Anthony P. Cunningham - 1992 - Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (2):239-250.
    This understanding of dirty hands should dispell the air of paradox so often associated with it. Dirty hands is a genuine moral problem, but not a conceptual one. The temptation to see it as a conceptual one arises from a hasty acceptance of these assumptions:Moral criticism is appropriate if and only if we can always do what is right. If we cannot do X or avoid doing Y, we cannot be criticized for failing to do X or for doing Y.We (...)
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    Embodying literature.Ellen Esrock - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (5-6):5-6.
    Walt Disney’s movie, The Pagemaster (1994) begins on a dark and stormy night, with a young boy stumbling into an immense, gothic-styled library for refuge from the rain. Once inside, he is soon carried away by a tumultuous river of coloured paints, transformed into an animated characterization of himself, and thrust into an animated world of literature, where he battles Captain Hook, flees Moby Dick, and participates in other classic tales of adventure, horror, and fantasy. -/- Adults might understand the (...)
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  19. From Trust to Body. Artspace, Prestige, Sensitivity.Filippo Fimiani - 2017 - In Felice Masi & Maria Catena, The Changing Faces of Space. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 277-288.
    What happens to artist and to viewer when painting or sculpture emancipates itself from all physical mediums? What happens to art-world experts and to museum goers and amateurs when the piece of art turns immaterial, becoming indiscernible within its surrounding empty space and within the parergonal apparatus of the exposition site? What type of verbal depiction, of critical understanding and specific knowledge is attempted under these programmed and fabricated conditions? What kind of aesthetic experience–namely embodied and sensitive–is expected when (...)
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  20. Cultural Encounters and the Orient: A Study in the Politics of Knowledge.Shiv Visvanathan - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):69-81.
    Johann Galtung in one of his lectures talks of a painting that hung in the ante-room of the late Ghanaian leader Kwame Nkrumah. It was a giant picture of Nkrumah himself struggling loose from his chains. There is thunder and lightning in the air, and in one corner of the picture are three men, three white men. The first is a capitalist and he carries a briefcase. The second is a missionary and he clutches a Bible. The third, the (...)
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  21. İstanbul II. B'yezid Cami Haziresi Mezar Taşlarında Meyve Motifleri ( Batı Etkisi, Dini Hoşgörü, Ku.Gültekin Erdal - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):351-351.
    It will be a wrong judgment to consider grave stones as an ordinary tradition. When it is viewed in terms of history, art and culture, it can be seen that especially Turkish grave stones are record drawings that include many types of arts and artists’ labor, shed our culture and history and that is precious and unique. Grave stones are the documents that transfer not only the national culture but also transfer people’s beliefs, problems, fears, sadness and different feelings, who (...)
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    Ode to Unsavory Lesbians; To My Kidneys; Topanga Canyon.Tatiana de la Tierra - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (2):418.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:418 Feminist Studies 43, no. 2. © 2017 by the estate of tatiana de la tierra. Ode to Unsavory Lesbians i love an ugly lesbian one who walks with a limp talks with a lisp leaves her dentures out overnight by the bathroom sink wears polyester pants and men’s cologne, the cheap kind has a beard so long she steps on it sprouts warts on her toes, all twelve (...)
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    B Flach! B Flach!Myroslav Laiuk & Ali Kinsella - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):1-20.
    Don't tell terrible stories—everyone here has enough of their own. Everyone here has a whole bloody sack of terrible stories, and at the bottom of the sack is a hammer the narrator uses to pound you on the skull the instant you dare not believe your ears. Or to pound you when you do believe. Not long ago I saw a tomboyish girl on Khreshchatyk Street demand money of an elderly woman, threatening to bite her and infect her with syphilis. (...)
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    Wittgenstein, Theory and the Arts.[author unknown] - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (3):299-314.
    Books reviewed in this article:Allen Richard and Malcolm Turvey (eds.), Wittgenstein, Theory and the ArtsBrady Emily and Jerrold Levinson (eds.), Aesthetic Concepts: Essays after SibleyRob Van Gerwen (ed.), Richard Wollheim on the Art of Painting: Art as Expression and RepresentationKeith Moxey, The Practice of Persuasion: Paradox & Power in Art HistoryJames J. Sheehan, Museums in the German Art World from the End of the Old Regime to the Rise of ModernismTheodore Gracyk, I Wanna Be Me: Rock Music and the (...)
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    The Buddha through Christian Eyes.Elizabeth J. Harris - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):101-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Buddha through Christian EyesElizabeth J. HarrisIt was in Sri Lanka in 1984 that I had my first ‘encounter’ with the Buddha. When at the ancient city of Anuradhapura, I stole away from the group I was with to return for a few minutes to the shrine room adjacent to the sacred bo tree, the one believed to have grown from a cutting of the original tree under which (...)
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    El arte entre la tecnología y la rebelión: en torno al 68'.Luis Felipe Noé - 2020 - Buenos Aires: Argonauta. Edited by Juan Pablo Pérez.
    In 1967 I began writing this book in New York as an analysis of what had been enunciated in the visual arts, conditioned between technology and rebellion. When I return to Buenos Aires I continued to write (until 1972) in a different context where rebellion had revolutionary cravings for the prevailing dictatorship. In the early 1970s, very tough times began in our country (Argentina) and in Latin America in general. For that reason, I didn't publish it. It is now unquestionable (...)
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    Asylum: Inside the Closed World of State Mental Hospitals.Christopher Payne - 2009 - MIT Press.
    Powerful photographs of the grand exteriors and crumbling interiors of America's abandoned state mental hospitals. For more than half the nation's history, vast mental hospitals were a prominent feature of the American landscape. From the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth, over 250 institutions for the insane were built throughout the United States; by 1948, they housed more than a half million patients. The blueprint for these hospitals was set by Pennsylvania hospital superintendant Thomas Story Kirkbride: a central administration building (...)
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    Séduire, C'est Tout.Paul Sharma - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):205-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Séduire, C'est ToutFrancis Bacon, Lucian Freud, and the Struggle of InfluencePaul Sharma (bio)One of the painter Francis Bacon's favorite bon mots was "séduire, c'est tout."1 With such a worldview, it is unsurprising that Bacon's work and life can be understood using René Girard's insights regarding the desire to influence or be influenced by the envied model, be it a person, a crowd, or even a country, resulting in mimetic (...)
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    The Opinion of Teachers of Religious Culture and Ethics Course About Subject-Based Classroom Application.Şefika Mutlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1209-1234.
    This study aims to determine the opinions of teachers of Religious Culture and Ethics Course (DKAB) about subject-based classroom application in-depth. The research has been carried from qualitative research methods with a case study design. In order to determine the working group of the study, criteria sampling was used in the first stage, and the maximum diversity sampling method was used in the next step. The sample of this research consists of 8 DKAB teachers working in Ankara province. A semi-structured (...)
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  30.  11
    Fantasy Travel: Vintage People on Photo Postcards.Tom Phillips - 2012 - Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.
    This series celebrates the Bodleian Library's acquisition of Tom Phillips's archive of over 50,000 photographic postcards dating from the first half of the twentieth century, a period in which, thanks to the ever cheaper medium of photography, 'ordinary' people could afford to own their portraits. Each title in this series is thematically assembled and designed by the artist, the covers featuring a linked painting specially created for each title from Tom Phillips's signature work, A Humument.Fantasy Travel shows people sitting (...)
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    The Problem with Breath.Églantine Colon - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):237-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Problem with BreathÉglantine Colon (bio)On day 1, when my comrades and I talked about it, we couldn't quite figure out how it happened. It just seemed as though we had suddenly been incited not to communicate or enact our love for each other. This time, no policy had been formulated, no law had been issued. It was harder than usual to locate where, to which parts of the (...)
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    Об общих графических закономерностях восприятия живописи и балета.Мария Гольцман - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (2):393-419.
    Maria Goltsman. On some graphic regularities of perception in painting and dance: Mnemonic form of dance. The present article handles some problems of the mechanisms of visual perception in painting and classical ballet. It proceeds from the assumption that the interaction between those arts is based on the similarity of their formal languages. The main attention focuses on the questions of how and why does the classical ballet use the code of painting? The interaction between pictorial art (...)
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  33.  22
    Seeing cultural conflicts.David Carrier - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):115-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 39.3 (2005) 115-120 [Access article in PDF] Commentary Seeing Cultural Conflicts Some years ago the great intellectual historian Isaiah Berlin made an important statement about what has become known as multiculturalism: We are urged to look upon life as affording a plurality of values, equally genuine, equally ultimate, above all equally objective; incapable, therefore, of being ordered in a timeless hierarchy, or judged in (...)
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    Asphyxiations.Steven Connor - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):74-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AsphyxiationsSteven Connor (bio)Recent events and sociorhetorical expatiations upon them have reaffirmed breathing as the ideal form of free and unimpeded life, that struggles against the throttlings of oppression. The root meaning of oppression, from the past participle of Latin opprimere, is to press, crush or bear down upon, and the word oppression has commonly been used to signify the feeling of the difficulty of breathing, through some constriction or (...)
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    Anthony Powell and the Aesthetic Life.Marcia Muelder Eaton - 1985 - Philosophy and Literature 9 (2):166-183.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Marcia Muelder Eaton ANTHONY POWELL AND THE AESTHETIC LIFE Anthony POWELL'S work has been looked at carefully by relatively few critical scholars, in spite of the fact that he has been called "the most elegant writer presently working in the English language." ' I am surprised at how little he is read — at least in the United States. He is a splendid writer, often entertaining, always a skilled (...)
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    pandemic daydreams: Artist's Statement.Callie Danae Hirsch - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):327-344.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 327 Callie Danae Hirsch pandemic daydreams Artist’s Statement I am a painter who works in oils and acrylics on canvas and found objects. I am also a photographer as part of my daily practice. My work is an exploration of everything that surrounds me in my daily life, observing the overlooked, honing in and reimagining it. I seek (...)
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    La esquiva huella del futurismo en el Rio de la Plata: a cien años del primer manifiesto de Marinetti.May Lorenzo Alcalá - 2009 - [Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Patricia Rizzo Editora. Edited by Jorge Cordonet.
    A major study of Futurist movement of Marinetti in the Rio de la Plata region (Argentina, Uruguay and the qualities that unite two cultures, in this case, beween Italian Futurism, and the vanguard of the Rio de la Plata (Buenos Aires and Montevideo). With a wide variety of reproductions of photographs, paintings, magazine covers and books and documents in general, the author shows what was meant in this movement and what were their influences and impacts on the Rio de la (...)
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    When little girls become junior connoisseurs: A cautionary tale of art museum education in the hyperreal.Melinda M. Mayer - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (3):48-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When Little Girls Become Junior Connoisseurs:A Cautionary Tale of Art Museum Education in the HyperrealMelinda M. Mayer (bio)Introducing the TaleA young girl about eleven years old appeared on the TV screen. She stood in an art museum expounding upon the painting hanging behind her. She talked about the artist and what the image portrayed. With an air of elitist prissiness that suited the museum environment, the girl delivered (...)
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    Remembering Beauty: Reflections on Kant and Cartier-Bresson for Aspiring Photographers.Stuart Richmond - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (1):78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.1 (2004) 78-88 [Access article in PDF] Remembering Beauty:Reflections on Kant and Cartier-Bresson for Aspiring Photographers Stuart Richmond In the past few decades beauty has become something of an endangered species in the Western art world. Indeed, beauty has never been a central aim of contemporary art, which has tended to focus on meaning and politics rather than formal values, conceptual art being a (...)
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    Avicenna's Metaphysics in Context (review).Taneli Kukkonen - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):112-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Avicenna’s Metaphysics in ContextTaneli KukkonenRobert Wisnovsky. Avicenna’s Metaphysics in Context. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003. Pp. ix + 305. Cloth, $65.00.The challenges facing the contemporary writer on Arabic philosophy are many, but none more daunting than that of striking a satisfying balance between faithfully reproducing what is there in the text (alongside a lineage of likely sources, perhaps), and actively engaging the materials philosophically. From among the (...)
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    Entitling.John Fisher - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (2):286-298.
    For the moment, I assume that we have some rough idea of what “title” is supposed to mean: the large letters on the spine of a book, the words on the center of the first page of a musical score, or the little plate on the museum wall to the right of the painting . Thus examples of titles would be The Taming of the Shrew, “Mapleleaf Rag,” or The Birth of Venus, but that generates a rather complex set (...)
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  42. Replies to Critics.Terrance Macmullan - 2025 - The Pluralist 20 (1):124-129.
    Gregory Pappas faced a difficult task in offering a critical response to this book, as he is not only the current philosopher who is most cited in the book, but the book frequently acknowledges his work as being the single greatest intellectual bridge between the various filosofías vivas (living philosophies) of the Americas. I am humbled by Goyo's (Pappas's) kind words and thankful for his critiques.Pappas's most significant critique concerns Part II of the book, the part that investigates the danger (...)
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    Figuring Myself out: Certainty, Injury, and the Poststructuralist Repositioning of Bodies of Identity.James Haywood Rolling - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (4):46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Figuring Myself Out:Certainty, Injury, and the Poststructuralist Repositioning of Bodies of IdentityJames Haywood Rolling Jr. (bio)CertaintyI have been attempting to figure myself out. Out of chaos and incompletion, toward increased certainty. I have been at this task of construction for quite some time now. I have just proposed my dissertation and my intentions are once again uncertain. My dissertation is to be a self-study. It is also a story (...)
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    Penser global: l'homme et son univers.Edgar Morin - 2015 - Paris: Éditions de la maison des sciences de l'homme.
    Nos connaissances sur l'humain, sur la vie, sur l'univers, sont en pleine expansion. Elles sont aussi séparées et dispersées. Comment les relier? Comment affronter des problèmes qui sont tout à la fois complexes, fondamentaux, intellectuels et vitaux? Comment nous situer dans l'aventure de la vie et dans celle de l'univers, en tenant compte du fait que l'humain est intérieur à l'univers et que l'univers est intérieur à l'humain? La réponse d'Edgar Morin, avec ce livre, est lumineuse d'intelligence et accessible à (...)
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    The Sense of Emptiness in the Art of Installation of Yasuaki Onishi.Hyeon-Suk Kim - 2020 - Iris 40.
    Lorsque nous parlons généralement d’un espace vide, ce vide n’est pas réellement vide physiquement. L’espace vide est rempli d’air, de matière invisible, mais il ne peut pas être vu ou capturé. Pourtant, nous savons bien que l’air, élément indispensable pour tous les êtres vivants, est également présent autour de nous. Devrions-nous alors considérer différemment l’espace vide et l’air dans l’installation? Pour Yasuaki Onishi, sculpteur et installateur in situ, l’espace vide est un lieu essentiel pour l’installation et l’inspiration. Il s’intéresse à (...)
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    La norme comme instrument d'accès au savoir en ligne : Fractures dans la société de la connaissance.Jacques Perriault - 2006 - Hermes 45:77.
    Du fait de la mondialisation, notre histoire présente est pleine de nouveaux enjeux culturels, éducatifs, économiques, et technologiques, qu'accompagnent un cortège de problèmes. Les différentes aires culturelles et linguistiques produisent de plus en plus de savoirs en ligne sur toute une variété de supports. Il semble que la normalisation des accès à ces savoirs soit une condition essentielle et incontournable pour, à la fois, faciliter la circulation de ces données et respecter la diversité de leurs sources. Cette normalisation devrait contribuer (...)
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  47. 30,000 bc: Painting animality. Deleuze & Prehistoric Painting - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (2):137 – 152.
  48. By dw Masterson.Sport in Modern Painting - 1974 - In Harold Thomas Anthony Whiting & D. W. Masterson, Readings in the aesthetics of sport. London: Lepus Books : [Distributed by] Kimpton.
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  49. 129 Jean-franqois Lyotard.Experience Painting-Monory - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery, Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 129.
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    Freiheit, Wille, Willensfreiheit: Jürgen-Eckardt Pleines zum 75. Geburtstag.Jürgen Eckardt Pleines, Lutz Koch & Sascha Löwenstein (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: WVB, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin.
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