Results for 'political possibility'

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  1.  13
    Post-modern art's political possibility in the age of the technological reproduction - Through the semiology of Saussure. 장문정 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 83:27-54.
    This thesis is to make sure the art's political possibility especially in the age of the technological reproduction. Since Benjamin declared the death of the 'aura' in the modern art, the concept of the art has been criticized and changed, that of the simulacre which Plato had blamed in his 'republics' newly appeared passing through the post-modern application of Baudrillard. But the simulacre is not negative any more here, even though it was the side effect of the mimesis(the (...)
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    The political possibility of sound: fragments of listening.Salomé Voegelin - 2019 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Light song (a text score) -- Introduction : writing fragments -- The political possibility of sound -- Hearing volumes : architecture, light and words -- Geographies of sound : performing impossible territories -- Morality of the invisible, ethics of the inaudible -- Hearing subjectivities : bodies, forms and formlessness -- Sonic materialism : a philosophy of digging -- Reading fragments of listening, hearing vertical lines of words -- Putting on lipstick (a text score).
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    Affective Atmospheres of Coloniality and the Decolonisation of Peace Education: Theoretical Insights and Political Possibilities.Frans Kruger & Michalinos Zembylas - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (6):691-707.
    Two recent lines of inquiry that have emerged in educational philosophy and research are the turn to affect theory and the call for decolonising education. Although there have been some efforts to bring these two lines of inquiry together and inform educational philosophy and research, there is still important conceptual work to be done, especially in the context of peace education, our focus in this paper. To initiate this work, we consider the concepts of affective atmospheres and atmospheric attunements that (...)
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    José Ortega y Gasset—Spaniard and European.Krzysztof Polit - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (6-7):47-58.
    José Ortega y Gasset not only expressed his views on subjects such as art or mass culture but he was also one of the promoters and founders of a United Europe which he considered a cultural unity. However, his view on the proper functioning of multicultural societies was as skeptical as his attitude towards the possibility of constructing an unified world that could be based on cultural coexistence of the Western World societies.
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    Racial Experience as Bioculturally Embodied Difference and Political Possibilities for Resisting Racism.Gabriel A. Torres Colón - 2018 - The Pluralist 13 (1):131-142.
    In 1903, W. E. B. Du Bois addressed the question "How does it feel to be a social problem?". In 2008, Moustafa Bayoumi answered the same question for Muslims in the United States. Both Du Bois and Bayoumi provide powerful critiques against any notion that racialized minorities are inherently problematic. Both men generally argue that one cannot blame racialized minorities for the ill treatment they endure under systematic oppression. Du Bois and Bayoumi are two of many voices fighting against the (...)
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  6. Shared Musical Experiences.Brandon Polite - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (4):429-447.
    In ‘Listening to Music Together’, Nick Zangwill offers three arguments which aim to establish that listening to music can never be a joint activity. If any of these arguments were sound, then our experiences of music, qua object of aesthetic attention, would be essentially private. In this paper, I argue that Zangwill’s arguments are unsound and I develop an account of shared musical experience that defends three main conclusions. First, joint listening is not merely possible but a common feature of (...)
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  7. On familial and socio-political possibilities. [REVIEW]Douglas Ficek - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (8):947-954.
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    How Do Houses Make the Political Possible?Joshua Mousie, Gabriel Eisen & Mahaa Mahmood - 2021 - Environmental Philosophy 18 (1):123-149.
    We develop the concept “political residency” in this essay to highlight both the foundational role of built environments in our political life as well as how access to, and displacement from, built environments is therefore a central feature of political harms and goods. The example of housing and housing displacement is instructive for developing our concept because it is central to most people’s everyday life, yet residential security and stability—having control with other inhabitants over shared, built spaces—is (...)
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    Prelude to a Theory of Musical Representation.Brandon Polite - 2017 - Revista Música 17 (1):89-108.
    In this paper, I present the beginnings of a resemblance theory of representation. I start by surveying the contemporary philosophical debate surrounding musical representation and reveal that its main interlocutors share a conception of artistic representation as a mode of meaningful communication. I then show how conceiving of artistic representation in this way severely limits music’s possibilities as a medium for representation. Next, I propose an alternative conception of representation that, despite its widespread acceptance outside of the philosophy of art, (...)
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  10. Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes.Moral Justification of Political Power - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 149.
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    A correspondence theory of musical representation.Brandon E. Polite - 2010 - Dissertation, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    This dissertation defends the place of representation in music. Music’s status as a representational art has been hotly debated since the War of the Romantics, which pitted the Weimar progressives (Liszt, Wagner, &co.) against the Leipzig conservatives (the Schumanns, Brahms, &co.) in an intellectual struggle for what each side took to be the very future of music as an art. I side with the progressives, and argue that music can be and often is a representational medium. Correspondence (or resemblance) theories (...)
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    The possibility of an ethical politics: From peace to liturgy.John Drabinski - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (4):49-73.
    This essay examines the possibility of developing an ethical politics out of the work of Emmanuel Levinas. Levinas' own work does not accomplish this kind of politics. He opts instead for a politics of peace, which, as this essay argues, falls short of the demands of the ethical. Thus, this essay both provides an account of Levinas' own politics and develops resources from within Levinas' own work for thinking beyond that politics. An alternative, liturgical politics is sketched out. In (...)
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    The Possibility of Cooperation.Michael Taylor - 1987 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 1987 book offers a critique of the liberal theory of the state, focusing on a detailed study of cooperation in the absence of the state and of other kinds of coercion. The discussion includes an analysis of collective action and of the Prisoners' Dilemma supergame. It is a revised and expanded edition of the author's classic work of rational choice theory Anarchy and Cooperation, originally published with John Wiley in 1976. The analysis has been recast and developed here to (...)
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    Political fatalism and the (im)possibility of social transformation.Lukas Slothuus - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-19.
    How can the world be improved if the people inhabiting it do not believe they can transform it? A belief in such political fatalism is an important obstacle to social transformation, yet underexplored in the contemporary political theory literature. Political fatalism can be understood as a commitment to the belief that human agency cannot effectuate social transformation. In this article, I provide a typology of such political fatalism, considering its two main forms: fatalism of inevitability as (...)
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  15.  34
    On political theology and the possibility of superseding it.Paulina Ochoa Espejo - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (4):475-494.
    The analogies between religious and secular juridical arguments interest political theorists because they suggest a hidden link between religion and politics. However, merely describing analogies does not show that the link is significant. Why are there such analogies? The question matters because answering is a prerequisite for determining whether there can be a neutral political background to religion. This paper argues that there are such analogies because arguments in theology and arguments in the juridical theory of the state (...)
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  16.  54
    Receptivity, possibility, and democratic politics.Nikolas Kompridis - 2011 - Ethics and Global Politics 4 (4):255-272.
    In this paper I present a model of receptivity that is composed of ontological and normative dimensions, which I argue answer to the critical-diagnostic and to the possibility-disclosing needs of democratic politics. I distinguish between ‘pre-reflective receptivity,’ understood ontologically as a condition of intelligibility, and ‘reflective receptivity,’ understood normatively as a condition of disclosing new possibilities. Keywords: receptivity; change; possibility; critique; reflective disclosure (Published: 23 December 2011) Citation: Ethics & Global Politics, Vol. 4 , No. 4, 2011, pp. (...)
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  17. Bernard Williams and the possibility of a realist political theory.Matt Sleat - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (4):485-503.
    This article explores the prospects for developing a realist political theory via an analysis of the work of Bernard Williams. It begins by setting out Williams’s theory of political realism and placing it in the wider context of a realist challenge in the literature that rightly identifies several deficiencies in the liberal view of politics and legitimacy. The central argument of the article is, however, that Williams’s political realism shares common features with liberal theory, including familiar normative (...)
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  18.  9
    Postdemos : Possibility of a New Political Subject. 박성진, 김현주, 윤비 & 김동일 - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 90:23-47.
    본 연구의 목적은 시대적 변화에 따른 새로운 정치적 주체의 가능성을 ‘포스트데모스’라는 개념을 통해 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 우선 인공지능을 핵심으로 하는 포스트데모스가 공적 영역에서 존재하며 정치적 행위자로 인식될 수 있는지 알아보고, 포스트데모스가 정치적 행위자일 뿐만 아니라 정치적 주체가 될 수 있는 조건을 검토한 뒤, 정치적 주체로 발전할 수 있는 가능성을 민(民)의 역사적 발전 경험을 통해서 조망한다. 포스트데모스가 새로운 정치적 주체로 탄생할 수 있는 가능성을 당위적이 아니라 현실적인 차원에서 검토하는 본 연구는 정치 영역에 4차 산업 혁명이 가져올 변화를 직시하고 그 대응책을 (...)
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    Another Politics of Life is Possible.Didier Fassin - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (5):44-60.
    Although it is usually assumed that in Michel Foucault’s work biopolitics is a politics which has life for its object, a closer analysis of the courses he gave at the Collège de France on this topic, as well as of the other seminars and papers of this period, shows that he took a quite different direction, restricting it to the regulation of population. The aim of this article is to return to the origins of the concept and to confront the (...)
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    The Political Heritage of the Olympic Games: Relevance, Risks, and Possible Rewards.Heather L. Reid - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (2):108-122.
    The Olympic movement sometimes claims that sport has nothing to do with politics, yet its goal of promoting peace is explicitly political. The Olympics' association with peace, furthermore, is inherited from the ancient version of the festival which took place in a very distant time and place. This essay examines the ancient political heritage of the Olympic Games and questions its relevance to such modern Olympic challenges as globalisation, cultural hegemony, social discrimination and environmental degradation. It suggests that (...)
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  21. Multiculturalism and the possibility of transcultural educational and philosophical ideals.Harvey Siegel - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (3):387-409.
    How should we think about the interrelationships that obtain among Philosophy, Education, and Culture? In this paper I explore the contours of one such interrelationship: namely, the way in which educational and (other) philosophical ideals transcend individual cultures. I do so by considering the contemporary educational and philosophical commitment to multiculturalism. Consideration of multiculturalism, I argue, reveals important aspects of the character of both educational and philosophical ideals. Specifically, I advance the following claims: i) We are obliged to embrace the (...)
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    Christianity and Contemporary Politics: The Conditions and Possibilities of Faithful Witness, and: Migrations of the Holy: God, State, and the Political Meaning of the Church.Abbylynn Helgevold - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):215-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Christianity and Contemporary Politics: The Conditions and Possibilities of Faithful Witness, and: Migrations of the Holy: God, State, and the Political Meaning of the ChurchAbbylynn HelgevoldChristianity and Contemporary Politics: The Conditions and Possibilities of Faithful Witness Luke Bretherton Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. 272 pp. $41.95.Migrations of the Holy: God, State, and the Political Meaning of the Church William T. Cavanaugh Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2011. 206 (...)
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  23. Dangers, Possibilities: Ethico-Political Choices In The Work Of Michel Foucault.Frank Pignatelli - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    Ethics, politics and the transformative possibilities of the self in Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault.Lenka Ucnik - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (2):200-225.
    A wave of interest in Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault as bio-political thinkers was initiated by publication of Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer. The intellectual connection of these two figures is, however, broader than their bio-political considerations. Arendt and Foucault both offer detailed accounts of an ethico-political self. Both Arendt’s and Foucault’s later work explores the meaning of living ethically and politically. By examining the relationship between self, ethics and politics, I suggest there are two general points of (...)
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  25.  8
    The Political Path to a Dual Earner/dual Carer Society: Pitfalls and Possibilities.Kimberly J. Morgan - 2008 - Politics and Society 36 (3):403-420.
    What are the political pathways to the dual earner/dual caregiver model? Are most countries likely to attain only a partial transformation of policies and societies, rather than a full embrace of this model? This article examines the development of work-family policies in Western Europe to probe the politics and consequences of these programs. In many countries, the political context frustrates efforts to enact a unified, comprehensive vision like the dual earner/dual caregiver model. Rather than achieving gender-egalitarian arrangements for (...)
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    Hope in a Democratic age: philosophy, religion, and political theory.Alan Mittleman - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    How and why should hope play a key role in a twenty-first century democratic politics? Alan Mittleman offers a philosophical exploration of the theme, contending that a modern construction of hope as an emotion is deficient. He revives the medieval understanding of hope as a virtue, reconstructing this in a contemporary philosophical idiom. In this framework, hope is less a spontaneous reaction than it is a choice against despair; a decision to live with confidence and expectation, based on a rational (...)
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  27. Is Education at the End of a Sovereign Story or at the Beginning of Another? Cultural-Political Possibilities and Lyotard.Barry Kanpol - 1995 - In Michael Peters (ed.), Education and the Postmodern Condition. Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey.
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    Utopophobia: On the Limits (If Any) of Political Philosophy.David M. Estlund - 2019 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    A leading political theorist’s groundbreaking defense of ideal conceptions of justice in political philosophy Throughout the history of political philosophy and politics, there has been continual debate about the roles of idealism versus realism. For contemporary political philosophy, this debate manifests in notions of ideal theory versus nonideal theory. Nonideal thinkers shift their focus from theorizing about full social justice, asking instead which feasible institutional and political changes would make a society more just. Ideal thinkers, (...)
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    The Possibility of Rational Politics.Jon Elster - 1986 - Critica 18 (54):17-62.
  30.  55
    Living Without Domination: The Possibility of an Anarchist Utopia.Samuel Clark - 2007 - Routledge.
    The book is distinctive in bringing the rigour of analytic political philosophy to anarchism, which is all too often dismissed out of hand or skated over in ...
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    Commerce and the Philadelphia Constitution: Neo-Mercantalism in Federalist and Anti-Federalist Political Economy.J. E. Crowley - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (1):73.
    This article shows how attention to a third political discourse -- mercantilist thought -- provides a direct understanding of the issues of commerce and market relations in the framing and ratification of the constitution drafted at the Philadelphia convention in 1787. Mercantilist political discourse was readily employable alongside the republican, liberal and other political languages already studied at greater length. In contrast to the vagueness of classical republican references to �commerce�, which made it a metaphor for entire (...)
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  32. Paula Allman, Revolutionary Social Transformation: Democratic Hopes, Political Possibilities and Critical Education Reviewed by.Stella Gaon - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (3):159-160.
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    Globalisation, neoliberalism and the trajectories of public policy: closing political possibilities.Steve Tombs - 2007 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2 (4):299.
  34. Between Form and Event: The Foundation of Political Freedom in Modernity.Miguel E. Vatter - 1998 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation advances the thesis that modern political freedom has an aporetical relation to the possibility of its own foundation. In the first volume, I examine how Machiavelli establishes the internal relation between political freedom and historical contingency that gives rise to the non-foundational concept of political freedom in early modernity. Far from reducing politics to the activity of providing secure foundations for the state, Machiavelli elaborates a conception of politics torn by the antinomical tasks of (...)
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  35.  34
    Unequal Political Engagement and the Possible Risks to Democracy.Christine Hobden - 2018 - Theoria 65 (156):1-26.
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    (1 other version)The lived revolution: solidarity with the body in pain as the new political universal.Katerina Kolozova - 2010 - Skopje: Evro-Balkan press.
    The book explores the themes of a) “radical concepts” in politics (inspired by François Laruelle’s “non-Marxism” and “non-philosophy,” developed in accordance with Badiouan and Žižekian “realism”); b) politically relevant and applicable epistemologies of “Thought’s Correlating with the Real” (Laruelle), inspired by Laruelle, Badiou and Žižek and c) the possibility of hybridization of the epistemic stance of “radical concept” with the politics of grief and “identification with the suffering itself” proposed by Judith Butler. Radical concepts, the political vision and (...)
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  37. The Possibility of Contractual Slavery.Danny Frederick - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (262):47-64.
    In contrast to eminent historical philosophers, almost all contemporary philosophers maintain that slavery is impermissible. In the enthusiasm of the Enlightenment, a number of arguments gained currency which were intended to show that contractual slavery is not merely impermissible but impossible. Those arguments are influential today in moral, legal and political philosophy, even in discussions that go beyond the issue of contractual slavery. I explain what slavery is, giving historical and other illustrations. I examine the arguments for the impossibility (...)
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    Fascism as a recurring possibility: Zeev Sternhell, the anti-Enlightenment, and the intellectual history of European modernity.Tommaso Giordani - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (5):854-869.
    The article offers an overview and a critical assessment of the work of Zeev Sternhell, focussing on the questions of fascism and of the anti-Enlightenment tradition. It claims that the career of the Israeli historian revolves around the intuition of a history of European modernity marked by a central opposition: that between the Enlightenment and the anti-Enlightenment. I show how the idea is already present in his initial works, and argue that it produces a specific kind of intellectual history, concerned (...)
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    The Possibility of Post-Socialist Politics.James Bohman - 1993 - Modern Schoolman 70 (3):217-224.
  40. Epistemic Foundations of Political Liberalism.Fabienne Peter - 2013 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (5):598-620.
    At the core of political liberalism is the claim that political institutions must be publicly justified or justifiable to be legitimate. What explains the significance of public justification? The main argument that defenders of political liberalism present is an argument from disagreement: the irreducible pluralism that is characteristic of democratic societies requires a mode of justification that lies in between a narrowly political solution based on actual acceptance and a traditional moral solution based on justification from (...)
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  41. The Possibility of Thick Libertarianism.Billy Christmas - unknown - Libertarian Papers 8.
    The scope of libertarian law is normally limited to the application of the non-aggression principle (NAP), nothing more and nothing less. However, judging when the NAP has been violated requires not only a conception of praxeological notions such as aggression, but also interpretive understanding of what synthetic events count as the relevant praxeological types. Interpretive understanding—or verstehen—can be extremely heterogeneous between agents. The particular verständnis taken by a judge has considerable moral and political implications. Since selecting a verständnis is (...)
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    Political theology: Possibility of comparison of the usage of death in theology and politics.Todor Kuljic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (1):208-218.
    This paper considers the epistemological value of the concept of political theology in thanatopolitics. The concept can be useful if one wants to interpret political usage of death. In addition to blurred boundaries between politics and theology, there is a more general and deeper socially integrative affinity between the two. In addition, there have been various politicizations of salvation in the past and in the present. Every political theology accentuates obedience as an immanent condition of salvation, although (...)
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    Tongue-tied: Rawls, political philosophy and metalinguistic awareness.Yael Peled & Matteo Bonotti - unknown
    Is our moral cognition “colored” by the language(s) that we speak? Despite the centrality of language to political life and agency, limited attempts have been made thus far in contemporary political philosophy to consider this possibility. We therefore set out to explore the possible influence of linguistic relativity effects on political thinking in linguistically diverse societies. We begin by introducing the facts and fallacies of the “linguistic relativity” principle, and explore the various ways in which they (...)
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  44. The Possibility of a Fair Play Account of Legitimacy.Justin Tosi - 2015 - Ratio 30 (1):88-99.
    The philosophical literature on state legitimacy has recently seen a significant conceptual revision. Several philosophers have argued that the state's right to rule is better characterized not as a claim right to obedience, but as a power right. There have been few attempts to show that traditional justifications for the claim right might also be used to justify a power right, and there have been no such attempts involving the principle of fair play, which is widely regarded as the most (...)
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    The Possibilities for Political Change.Michael Parenti - 1970 - Politics and Society 1 (1):79-90.
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  46. On Poetry, Philosophy, and the Political: Wozu Hermeneutik?Dennis Schmidt - 2006 - Phainomena 55:193-208.
    The purpose of this paper is to ask about the relation of language to the possibility of community and to do so in the context of Heidegger and Gadamer's reflections on the privileged status of poetic speech for any understanding of language. In his most extensive treatment of the notion of the polis, Plato takes up this question of the relation of poetic speech to the city. He comes to the conclusion that such forms of speaking are risky and (...)
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    Expert Assistance in Security Politics: Problems and Possibilities.Marina A. Glaser, Anton V. Polyachenkov & Nikolay N. Novik - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (6):33-54.
    The article examines the problem of correlation between the “knowledge society” and “knowledge practice,” based on analysis of the phenomenon of security expertise as a part of political expertise. In the article, we consider the relationship between politics and security and demonstrate under what circumstances security becomes politics. It is noted that at present the concept of security has become very multifaceted and includes various spheres, from military-political to informational and humanitarian. We defines security expertise, list its key (...)
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    Imagining the Possible: Radical Politics for Conservative Times.Stephen Eric Bronner - 2002 - Routledge.
    Jean-Paul Sartre originally made the term engagement a part of the existentialist vocabulary following WWII. It imples the responsibility of intervening in social or political conflicts in the hope of fostering freedom. Imagining the Possible opens different windows upon this particular engagement.
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  49. The politics of ultimacy: Possibilities for the integration of conflicting ideological positions.Ronald Glasberg - 2009 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 32 (2-4):217-236.
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    Making Political Anger Possible: A Task for Civic Education.Patricia White - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (1):1-13.
    The article asks whether political anger has a legitimate place in a democracy, as this is a political system designed to resolve conflicts by peaceful negotiation. It distinguishes personal from social anger and political anger, to focus explicitly on the latter. It argues that both the feeling and expression of political anger are subject to normative constraints, often specific to social status and gender. The article examines arguments, including those of Seneca, in favour of an anger-free (...)
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