Results for 'pseudo-Bonaventure'

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  1.  28
    The Pseudo-Bonaventure Meditaciones vite Christi: Opus Integrum.C. Mary Stallings-Taney - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):253-280.
  2.  31
    "Dominus cuidam devotae suae": A Source for Pseudo-Bonaventure.Edmund Colledge - 1976 - Franciscan Studies 36 (1):105-107.
  3. Saint Bonaventure's Illumination Theory of Knowledge. The Reconciliation of Aristotle, Pseudo-Dionysius and Augustine.Tony Overton - 1988 - Miscellanea Francescana 88 (1-2):108-121.
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    Saint Bonaventure: études sur les sources de sa pensée.Jacques Guy Bougerol - 1989 - Northampton: Routledge.
    In the history of Christian thought, St Bonaventure stands out as the pre-eminent Franciscan philosopher of the 13th century and as a key figure in the development of the spiritual theology of the Church. The four studies which constitute this volume present detailed investigations into some of the principal sources from which Bonaventure drew his inspiration, from Antiquity through to St Bernard in the century before his own. Proceeding from a careful analysis of the quotations he makes from (...)
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    L’élaboration de la notion de totalité dans les textes théologiques de Bonaventure et de Thomas d’Aquin : vers un sens transcendant.Chirine Raveton - 2016 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 53:95-114.
    Dans leurs textes théologiques trinitaires, Bonaventure et Thomas d’Aquin excluent que Dieu – Père, Fils et Saint-Esprit – soit une totalité, au nom de sa simplicité absolue. Alors que le créé est soit composé de parties, soit la partie d’un tout, l’incréé échappe à cette structure tout / parties. Toutefois Bonaventure et Thomas d’Aquin doivent justifier l’application à Dieu, par Augustin ou le Pseudo-Denys, du vocabulaire de la totalité, dont ils mettent alors à jour un sens transcendant. (...)
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    De la théologie symbolique comme bon usage du sensible chez saint Bonaventure.Laure Solignac - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 95 (2):413-428.
  7.  13
    “Per modum quietis”: Mary’s Knowledge between "raptus” and “ecstasis” in 'Sermo VI de Assumptione Beatae Virgini Mariae' attributed to Bonaventura.Elisa Chiti - 2023 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 29 (2):25-43.
    An analysis of the boundary between “raptus”, “ecstasis” and “excessus mentis” allows us to draw a line that unites theology and speculative mysticism, with interesting results. The mystical state described with regard to the co-redemptrix Virgin in sermo VI de assumptione beatae Virginis Mariae constitutes a good starting point. I will analyze the fundamental characteristics of the peculiar charism of the Virgin Mary “in via”, which overcomes the knowledge of the prophets and makes it deiform, perfectly coinciding in knowledge with (...)
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    Szkotyzm na tle paryskich kierunków filozoficznych i teologicznych przełomu XIII i XIV wieku.Mieczysław Markowski - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 56 (2):185-197.
    The article discusses the philosophical and theological currents that made their appearance at the university of Paris in the thirteenth century and prepared the rise of the philosophy and theology of John Duns Scotus. The principal rival orientations were newly the introduced Aristotelianism, as represented by Roland of Cremona, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and his Dominican pupils, Siger of Brabant, and Boethius of Dacia, and the traditional and conservative Augustinianism, which found its defenders above all within the Franciscan order, (...)
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    Juraj Dragišić and Christian Writers in De natura caelestium spirituum quos angelos vocamus.Natali Hrbud - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (2):359-379.
    In dialogue De natura caelestium spirituum quos angelos vocamus, published in 1499 in Florence, Juraj Dragišić mentioned different philosophical and theological authors and their works. Croatian scientists in their papers dedicated to Juraj Dragišić mention these authors and their work. This paper intends to commit the majority of its attention to Christian authors mentioned by Dragišić in his dialogue, to list most of the referred names and show who does he mention the most. Thus, in this paper in the context (...)
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  10.  36
    Kant en de eeuwigheid van de wereld -Kant and the Eternity of the World.Peter Van Veldhuijsen - 1995 - Bijdragen 56 (1):19-39.
    The land of truth, 'ein reizender Name', is according to Kant 'umgeben von einem weiten und stürmischen Ozeane, dem eigentlichen Sitze des Scheins, wo manche Nebelbank, und manches bald wegschmelzendes Eis neue Länder lügt, und indem es den auf Entdeckungen herumschwärmenden Seefahrer unaufhörlich mit leeren Hoffungen täuscht, ihn in Abenteuer verflechtet, von denen er niemals ablassen, und sie doch auch niemals zu Ende bringen kann'. The geographer of human reason has made it his task to set bounds to this island (...)
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  11.  14
    Elementos esenciales de lo bello en la Summa de Bono de Ulrico de Estrasburgo / Essential Elements of the Beautiful in the Summa de Bono of Ulrich of Strasbourg.Hugo Costarelli Brandi - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22:205.
    Within the deep philosophical reflection of the thirteenth century are commonly heard names such as Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure. However, little is said of those disciples of lesser brilliance who spread the thought of their teachers. Such is the case of Ulrich of Strasbourg. This Dominican friar, a fellow student of Thomas Aquinas in Cologne, studied under Albertus Magnus the De Divinis nominibus of Pseudo-Dionysius. Years later, Ulrich wrote a work called Summa de bono where, in (...)
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    The Other Side of Nothingness: Toward a Theology of Radical Openness (review).Paul O. Ingram - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):306-309.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Other Side of Nothingness: Toward a Theology of Radical OpennessPaul O. IngramThe Other Side of Nothingness: Toward a Theology of Radical Openness. By Beverly J. Lanzetta. Albany: State University of New York, 2001. 182 pp.The central thesis of The Other Side of Nothingness is that apophatic mystical experience offers Christians a theology of humility sensitive to religious pluralism, which in turn is a means of overcoming the (...)
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  13.  35
    The Seventh Sense: Francis Hutcheson and Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetics. [REVIEW]Virgil Nemoianu - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (2):445-446.
    Although nowadays aesthetics tends to be marginalized, all the great philosophers of the world, from Plato and Aristotle on, through St. Bonaventure and Pseudo-Dionysus the Areopagite, to Kant and Hegel clearly thought that the Beautiful ought to be in close companionship with the True and the Good. The only open question remains when, specifically, aesthetics came to be recognized as an autonomous or self-controlled discipline. Kivy is the first who makes a solid and eloquent argument for the paternity (...)
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  14.  53
    Disputed Questions on the Mystery of the Trinity. [REVIEW]B. W. A. - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (1):117-118.
    The present volume is welcome for a dual reason; one that it marks the resumption, after a period of over twenty years, of the scholarly translations of St. Bonaventure, begun under Boehner; the second is the intrinsic value of the translation and lengthy introduction, almost a third of the book. Since the Saint Anthony Guild and Franciscan Herald Presses have published some of the shorter and more popular writings of the saint, it is fitting that the Franciscan Institute, noted (...)
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  15.  12
    Bonaventure on the Eucharist: (commentary on the Sentences, book IV, dist. 8-13).Saint Bonaventure - 2017 - Leuven: Peeters. Edited by Junius Johnson & Bonaventure.
    Since Bonaventure never wrote a treatise dedicated to the Eucharist, his extensive treatment in the fourth book of his commentary on Peter Lombard's Sentences, which covers many of the topics that would have comprised such a work, stands as his most extensive discussion. In it the Seraphic Doctor considers, among other things, the symbolism of the Eucharist, its connection to the imagery of the Old Testament, the metaphysics of transubstantiation, and the efficacy of the sacrament in the heart of (...)
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  16.  3
    The Franciscan vision: translation of St. Bonaventure's Itinerarium mentis in Deum.Saint Bonaventure - 1937 - London: Burns, Oates and Washbourne. Edited by James E. O'Mahony.
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    The mind's road to God.St Bonaventure - 1953 - New York,: Liberal Arts Press.
    Prologue 1. To begin with, the first principle from Whom all illumination descends as from the Father of Light, by Whom are given all the best and perfect gifts, the eternal Father do I call upon through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that by the intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, mother of God Himself and of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and of the blessed Francis, our father and leader, He may enlighten the eyes of our mind to (...)
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  18. Bonaventure Commentary on the Sentences [of Peter Lombard]: Prologue.Saint Bonaventure & Oleg Bychkov - 2008 - Franciscan Studies 66:75-83.
  19.  41
    Writings of st. Bonaventure.Bonaventure - unknown
  20. Pseudo-Johannis Philoponi Expositiones in omnes XIV Aristotelis Libros metaphysicos.Pseudo-Johannes Philoponus - 1583 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Francesco Patrizi & Charles H. Lohr.
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  21.  8
    The Journey of the Mind to God.Saint Bonaventure - 1993 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The Hackett edition of this classic of medieval philosophy and mysticism--a plan of pilgrimage for the learned Franciscan wishing to reach the apex of the mystical experience--combines the highly regarded Boehner translation with a new introduction by Stephen Brown focusing on St. Francis as a model of the contemplative life, the meaning of the Itinerarium, its place in Bonaventure’s mystical theology, and the plan of the work. Boehner’s Latin Notes, as well as Latin texts from other works of (...) included in the Franciscan Institute Edition, are rendered here in English, making this the edition of choice for the beginning student. (shrink)
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  22. Commentaria in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum.St Bonaventure - 1252
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  23. Pseudo-Archytas über die Kategorien.Pseudo-Archytas - 1972 - New York,: De Gruyter. Edited by Pseudo-Archytas & Thomas Alexander Szlezák.
  24.  34
    The Division of Human Knowledge in the Writings of Saint Bonaventure.Bonaventure Hinwood - 1978 - Franciscan Studies 38 (1):220-259.
  25. De Reductione Artium ad Theologiam.St Bonaventure - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51:93.
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    Discoveries at St. John's, 'Ein Karim, 1941-1942 by Fr. Sylvester J. Sailer, O.F.M'.Bonaventure Brown - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (2):252-253.
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  27. Noms divins: Les sources de saint thomas au XIIIe siècle (II).C. Bonaventure - 2005 - Revue Thomiste 105 (4):551-593.
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  28.  8
    Quelle science pour quel développement en Afrique?Bonaventure Mvé Ondo - 2004 - Hermes 40:210.
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  29. Disputed Questions on the Mystery of the Trinity.SAINT BONAVENTURE - 1979
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    Commentary on the sentences: philosophy of God.Saint Bonaventure - 2013 - Saint Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications, The Franciscan Institute, Saint Bonaventure University. Edited by R. E. Houser & Timothy B. Noone.
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  31. Psicologia e vida mística: contribuição para uma psicologia cristã.Léon Bonaventure - 1975 - Petrópolis, Brasil: Editora Vozes.
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  32.  6
    Wisdom and Initiation in Gabon: A Philosophical Analysis of Fang Tales, Myths and Legends.Bonaventure Mve Ondo - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    In Wisdom and Initiation in Gabon, Bonaventure Mvé Ondo argues that Fang tales, myths, and legends are components of the foundation of a worldview that sustains and protects a unique, historical Fang identity. The lessons transmitted from generation to generation by these marvelous stories are, Mvé Ondo argues, central to living lives that reflect and perpetuate the eternal truths of the Fang experience.
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  33. Mélanges.L. E. Pseudo-Ignace - 1900 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 1:61.
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  34.  8
    On Descartes' Passive Thought by Jean-Luc Marion.Bonaventure Chapman - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (3):616-618.
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    Commentary on the sentences: sacraments.Saint Bonaventure, J. A. Wayne Hellmann, Timothy LeCroy & Luke Townsend - 2016 - St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications. Edited by J. A. Wayne Hellmann, Timothy LeCroy & Luke Townsend.
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  36. Itinerário do cosmo ao ômega.Bonaventure - 1968 - Petrópolis,: Ed. Vozes. Edited by Jerkovic', Jerônimo & [From Old Catalog].
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    Itinerario della mente in Dio e Riduzione delle arti alla teologia.Augusto Bonaventure & Hermet - 1969 - Bologna,: Pàtron. Edited by Martignoni, Silvana, [From Old Catalog] & Bonaventure.
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    Itinerario della mente a Dio.Bonaventure - 1943 - [Padova]: CEDAM Casa editrice dott. A. Milani. Edited by Diomede Scaramuzzi.
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  39. Itinerarium mentis in Deum: Latin text from the Quaracchi edition.Bonaventure - 2002 - St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, Saint Bonaventure University. Edited by Philotheus Boehner & Zachary Hayes.
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    Itinerarium mentis in deum.Saint Bonaventure & St Bonaventure - 1970 - München,: W. Fink. Edited by Werner Höver.
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  41. Philosophia s. Bonaventurae.Bonaventure - 1933 - Monasterii,: typis Aschendorff. Edited by Bernhard Rosenmöller.
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  42.  8
    À chacun sa raison: raison occidentale et raison africaine.Bonaventure Mve Ondo - 2013 - [Dakar]: IFAN.
    Le mode de penser constitue depuis des siècles le critère principal qui permet de spécifier une culture, une civilisation, et donc de la distinguer des autres. Une telle logique a conduit tout d'abord à établir des hiérarchies entre elles. Il s'ensuivit un développement sans précédent des cristallisations identitaires et des conflits de tous ordres, qui naissent le plus souvent de la peur et de l'ignorance. En proposant un cadre théorique dans lequel le logocentrisme occidental et l'onto-mythologie africaine peuvent se rencontrer, (...)
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  43.  15
    Rationalité scientifique et diversité culturelle.Bonaventure Mvé Ondo - 2007 - Diogène 219 (3):118-129.
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    Scientific Rationality and Cultural Diversity.Mve-Ondo Bonaventure - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (3):97-105.
    This paper examines the dynamics between scientific reason and cultural diversity by: a) analyzing the epistemic structure of 'universalism' as conceived by science, both theoretically and through its historical determination; and b) focusing on the situation of science in Africa, presenting its limits and challenges. It calls for a coconstruction of science at an international scale, which represents a key factor of development and cultural transmission, in particular, transmission of scientific scholarship.
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  45.  10
    Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophy of Measure and the International System of Units (SI).Charles Bonaventure Crowley - 1996 - Lanham: University Press of America.
    This work provides the means for re-establishing the unity of science by interpreting the whole of modern experimental science from the perspective of analogous transfer of the metaphysical principle of unity rather than in terms of efficient causality.
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  46.  30
    The teaching of Latin in later Medieval England.Brother Bonaventure - 1961 - Mediaeval Studies 23 (1):1-20.
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    Moral Theology By the Rev. Heribert Jone, O.F.M. Cap., J.C.D.Bonaventure A. Brown - 1964 - Franciscan Studies 6 (1):118-119.
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    The Life and Works of Bartholomew Mastrius, O.F.M. Conv. 1602-1673.Bonaventure Crowley - 1948 - Franciscan Studies 8 (2):iii-152.
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  49.  14
    Definicijos.Pseudo - Platonas - 2016 - Problemos 89:172.
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  50.  12
    Systèmes fracturés, libertés et innovations retrouvées.Bonaventure Mve-Ondo - 2006 - Hermes 45:173.
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