Results for 'radical left'

962 found
  1.  18
    Radical Left in Albania and Kosovo: Differences and Similarities.Klejd Këlliçi & Emira Danaj - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):7-26.
    The main research question for this paper is: Are there radical left wing movements in Albania and Kosovo and what are their main traits? Through answering this question, we will explore the development of radical left wing movements. With radical left we intend movements that reject the underlying socio-economic structure of contemporary capitalism and its values and practices without opposing democracy. Through a thorough desk research and several interviews with experts and activists both in (...)
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    Radical Left Populism in Contemporary Greece: Syriza's Trajectory from Minoritarian Opposition to Power.Giorgos Katsambekis - 2016 - Constellations 23 (3):391-403.
  3.  53
    "The Radical Left in Britain 1931-1941," by James Jupp. [REVIEW]Jay P. Corrin - 1984 - The Chesterton Review 10 (4):448-451.
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    “Linke Leute von rechts”: Thomas Mann’s Naphta and the Ideological Confluence of Radical Right and Radical Left in the Early Years of the Weimar Republic.Anthony Grenville - 1985 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 59 (4):651-675.
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  5. Unfit/Unwilling to Govern: The Radical Left in Europe since 1989.Roberta Pasquarè (ed.) - 2015
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    Confronting the Triple Crisis of the Radical Left.Darren Roso - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (1):37-67.
    Daniel Bensaïd’s theoretical and political framework deserves to be habitually known in the English-speaking world. His philosophical work has a universal dimension, but because it was also the product of particular political upsurges and downturns, it is necessary to understand these particular political moments to thoroughly understand the universal scope and significance of his work. This paper will look at these political developments and pay particular attention to the crisis of the workers’ movement, strategy and Marxism.
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    Varieties of Leninism and human-rights interventionism: ruminations on the causes of the rise and fall of the radical left.Gerd-Rainer Horn - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1469-1475.
    It is always a great pleasure to read a book which presents itself not solely as a solid academic exercise, but which also firmly places itself within direly needed discussions within the activist...
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    Radical Hope: Truth, Virtue, and Hope for What Is Left in Extinction Rebellion.Diana Stuart - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (3-6):487-504.
    This paper examines expressed hopelessness among environmental activists in Extinction Rebellion. While activists claim that they have lost all hope for a future without global warming and species extinction, through despair emerges a new hope for saving what can still be saved—a hope for what is left. This radical hope, emerging from despair, may make Extinction Rebellion even more effective. Drawing from personal interviews with 25 Extinction Rebellion activists in the United Kingdom and the published work of other (...)
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    Radical democracy and left populism after the squares: ‘Social Movement’ (Ukraine), Podemos (Spain), and the question of organization.Seongcheol Kim - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (2):211-232.
    This article begins with a theoretical tension. Radical democracy, in the joint work of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, can be understood as a joint articulation of a post-foundational ontology of contingency and a politics of autonomy of ‘democratic struggles’ within a hegemonic bloc as loci of antagonisms in their own right, while Laclau’s theory of populism marks a shift from the autonomy of struggles to the representative function of the empty signifier as a constitutive dimension. This tension between (...)
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  10.  20
    The First Darwinian Left: Radical and Socialist Responses to Darwin, 1859-1914.D. A. Stack - 2000 - History of Political Thought 21 (4):682-710.
    Myths, misunderstanding and neglect have combined to obscure our understanding of the relationship between left-wing politics and Darwinian science. This article seeks to redress the balance by studying how radical and socialist thinkers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, desperate to legitimate their work with scientific authority, wrestled with the paradoxical challenges Darwinism posed for their politics. By studying eight leading radical and socialist thinkers — ranging from the co-founder of the theory of evolution by (...)
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  11. Radical philosophy conference philosophies of the left since'68.Jean Grimshaw - 1984 - Radical Philosophy 36:62.
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    Jean Baudrillard and radical education theory: turning right to go left.Kip Kline - 2021 - Leiden: Brill | Sense. Edited by Kristopher J. Holland.
    In Jean Baudrillard and Radical Education Theory: Turning Right to Go Left, the authors argue that Baudrillard has been underappreciated in philosophical and theoretical work in education. They introduce him here as an important figure in radical thought who has something to add to theoretical lines of inquiry in education. The book does not offer an introduction to Baudrillard. Rather, his corpus is mined in order to describe how it functions as a counter to the code of (...)
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    Left-Wing Radical Politics and Emergency Powers in Interwar Europe.Corneliu Pintilescu & Cosmin Cercel - 2024 - History of Communism in Europe 14:7-16.
    This argument aims to provide an overview of the historical context and main factors shaping the relation between left-wing radical politics and emergency powers in interwar Europe. It also brings to the fore how left-wing radical movements fuelled, reacted to and were connected with the multiple crises of the time span between the two world wars. The main argument is that emergency powers had the potential and were turned into a vehicle for an authoritarian drive, as (...)
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  14.  12
    New lefts: the making of a radical tradition New lefts: the making of a radical tradition, by Terence Renaud, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2021, 343 pp., £25(pb), ISBN 978-0-691-22081-9. [REVIEW]Emile Chabal - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (4):782-784.
    Anyone who has a passing familiarity with left-wing activism will recognise the dilemma that Terence Renaud outlines in the first few pages of his book: “how does one sustain the dynamism of a gras...
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    Solar sacrifice: Bataille and Poplavsky on friendship.Culture Isabel Jacobs Comparative Literature, Culture UKIsabel Jacobs is A. PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature, Aesthetics An Interest in Socialist Ecologies, the History of Science Her Dissertation on Alexandre Kojève is Funded by the London Arts Political Theology, E. -Flux Humanities Partnershipher Writings Appeared in Radical Philosophy, Studies in East European Thought Aeon & Others She Co-Founded the Soviet Temporalities Study Group - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-16.
    This article reconstructs the forgotten friendship between Georges Bataille and the Russian émigré poet and philosopher Boris Poplavsky. Comparing their solar metaphysics, I focus on conceptions of friendship, sacrifice and depersonalisation. First, I retrace Bataille’s relationship to early Surrealis and Russian circles in interwar Paris, with a focus on his friendship with Irina Odoevtseva. I then offer a novel reading of Poplavsky’s poetry through the lens of Bataille’s philosophy, analysing a recurring motif that I call ‘dark solarity’. Uncovering a hidden (...)
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  16.  27
    Left populism, commons and radical democracy: counter-hegemonic alliances in our times.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (3):411-432.
    This paper advances the thesis that democratic populism and the commons can and should complement each other in counter-hegemonic interventions promoting egalitarian and ecological democracy in our times. After elucidating its key terms, the article makes, first, a theoretical case for the combination of egalitarian, inclusionary populism and the commons by debunking arguments which highlight the conflicts between them and by explaining the political significance of their conjugation. Subsequently, discussion builds an empirical argument for the real possibility and the democratic (...)
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  17.  12
    Left Universalism, Africacentric Essays.Ato Sekyi-Otu - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Left Universalism, Africacentric Essays presents a defense of universalism as the foundation of moral and political arguments and commitments. Consisting of five intertwined essays, the book claims that centering such arguments and commitments on a particular place, in this instance the African world, is entirely compatible with that foundational universalism. Ato Sekyi-Otu thus proposes a less conventional mode of Africacentrism, one that rejects the usual hostility to universalism as an imperialist Eurocentric hoax. Sekyi-Otu argues that universalism is an inescapable (...)
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  18.  21
    The making of an Argentine fascist. Leopoldo Lugones: from revolutionary left to radical nationalism.Alberto Spektorowski - 1996 - History of Political Thought 17 (1):79-108.
    This analysis seeks to contribute to the understanding of the development of fascism by studying the ideological left-to-right evolution of an intellectual from a peripheral country. I suggest that this intellectual evolution proves the universality of the ideological developments that preceded fascism, and sheds new light on the ideological interaction between fascism as a European political culture and local nationalist uprisings against liberal democracy and dependence on foreign financial power.
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  19. The Frankfurt School and the Social Conceptions of the Contemporary Petty-Bourgeois Left-Radical Movement.B. N. Bessonov - 1986 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 24 (4):3-46.
    The ideas and conceptions of the Frankfurt philosophical-sociological school, above all the "critical theory of society," the principles of "negative dialectics" and the "great refusal," the utopia of "pacified existence," occupy an important place in the contemporary ideological struggle between the world systems of socialism and capitalism, and comprise a significant ideological and theoretical arsenal of bourgeois ideology and revisionism. And this is not accidental. The "critical theory of society" formulated and argued for by T. Adorno, M. Horkheimer, H. Marcuse, (...)
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  20. The Left-wing Populist Revolt in Europe: SYRIZA in Power.G. Markou - 2017 - Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture 14 (1):148-154.
    SYRIZA is the first radical left party in Europe which managed to seize power through a strong inclusionary populist and anti-austerity discourse. In this paper, we examine the political discourse articulated by SYRIZA in power (2015-17) through Laclau’s theory and “Populismus” approach and we utilize the lexicometric tool of “Populismus Observatory” to search the frequently appeared words in Alexis Tsipra’s discourse. “Populismus” is a research project and an open access web-based Observatory at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (School (...)
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  21.  14
    Radical intellectuals and the subversion of progressive politics: the betrayal of politics.Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker & Michael Thompson (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Radical Intellectuals and the Subversion of Progressive Politics is a challenge to contemporary radical politics and political thought. This collection of essays critiques the dominant trends and figures on the left that have distorted the legacy of progressive politics, arguing that they have moved politics away from issues of class and economic power toward a preoccupation with culture and identity. The contributors discuss this new radicalism from the perspective of a more rational form of leftism capable of (...)
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  22.  11
    Book Review: Looking Left of Karl Marx To (Re)Claim a Pioneer of Radical Black, Anti-Racist, Anti-Imperialist, Transnational Feminism: Carole Boyce Davies Left of Karl Marx: The Political Life of Black Communist Claudia Jones Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007, xxvii + 311 pp., ISBN 13-978-0-8223-4096-6. [REVIEW]Madeleine Kennedy-Macfoy - 2009 - European Journal of Women's Studies 16 (1):81-84.
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    The Anatomy of Antiliberalism, by Stephen Holmes; The Undoing of Conservatism, by John Gray; Beyond Left and Right: The Future of Radical Politics by Anthony Giddens; Consumer Culture Reborn: The Cultural Politics of Consumption by Martyn J. Lee.Stratford Caldecott - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (3):367-374.
  24. Left-wing Populism and Anti-imperialism: The Paradigm of SYRIZA.G. Markou - 2020 - Kairos: A Journal of Critical Symposium 5 (1):32-46.
    The global economic crisis, the popular discontent against traditional parties and post-democratic forms of governance, as well as the sharp increase in migrant and refugee arrivals have led to the resurgence of populist parties around the world. Left-wing parties usually express an inclusionary populist discourse with patriotic features, while right-wing parties utilize an exclusionary populism with strong nationalist and xenophobic characteristics. In Greece in recent years, the radical left party of SYRIZA rose to power through a (...)-wing populist and anti-imperialist discourse. Alexis Tsipras formed a paradox coalition government with the radical right party of ANEL to reach an agreement that would lessen the effects of austerity policies. However, once in office, SYRIZA transformed some features of its political style and began to follow a type of "pragmatic populism". This paper examines the relationship between populism and anti-imperialism, while analyzing SYRIZA's discourse in opposition and in power. The questions that it attempts to answer are: does Tsipras express an anti-imperialist discourse both in opposition and in power? What forces are considered imperialist by SYRIZA? Can the notion of "crypto-colonialism" explain the rise of left-wing populism in Greece? (shrink)
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  25.  38
    The Left After May 1968 and the Longing for Total Revolution.Luc Boltanski - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 69 (1):1-20.
    In various European countries, the relation between `the left' and `the right' presents itself today in paradoxical form: the attenuation of the differences at the level of policy making is accompanied by the persistence, if not even strengthening, of the polarisation in terms of verbal position taking and of partisan self-description. To understand this situation, one needs to return to that which constitutes the ideological core of the opposition between left and right. The left remains marked, though (...)
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  26.  19
    Radical Cartesianism: The French Reception of Descartes (review).Richard A. Watson - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):415-416.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 415-416 [Access article in PDF] Tad M. Schmaltz. Radical Cartesianism: The French Reception of Descartes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xiv + 288. Cloth, $65.00.More than fifty years ago Richard H. Popkin urged historians of philosophy to work on secondary figures in philosophy, in part for their own sake, but also because the true shape of philosophy and the (...)
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  27.  33
    Left melodrama.Elisabeth Anker - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (2):130-152.
    Left melodrama’ is a form of contemporary political critique that combines thematic elements and narrative structures of the melodramatic genre with a political perspective grounded in a left theoretical tradition, fusing them to dramatically interrogate oppressive social structures and unequal relations of power. It is also a new form of what Walter Benjamin called ‘left melancholy’, a critique that deadens what it examines by employing outdated and insufficient analyses to current exploitations. Left melodrama is melancholic insofar (...)
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  28.  17
    The New Left and the 1960s: Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Volume 3.Herbert Marcuse - 2004 - Routledge.
    The New Left and the 1960s is the third volume of Herbert Marcuse's collected papers. In 1964, Marcuse published a major study of advanced industrial society, One Dimensional Man , which was an important influence on the young radicals who formed the New Left. Marcuse embodied many of the defining political impulses of the New Left in his thought and politics - hence a younger generation of political activists looked up to him for theoretical and political guidance. (...)
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  29. The New Left and the 1960s: Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Volume 3.Douglas Kellner (ed.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    _The New Left and the 1960s _is the third volume of Herbert Marcuse's collected papers. In 1964, Marcuse published a major study of advanced industrial society, _One Dimensional Man_, which was an important influence on the young radicals who formed the New Left. Marcuse embodied many of the defining political impulses of the New Left in his thought and politics - hence a younger generation of political activists looked up to him for theoretical and political guidance. The (...)
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  30.  32
    Conceiving Politics? Women's Activism and Democracy in a Time of RetrenchmentGrassroots Warriors: Activist Mothering, Community Work, and the War on PovertyCommunity Activism and Feminist Politics: Organizing across Race, Class, and GenderNo Middle Ground: Women and Radical ProtestThe Politics of Motherhood: Activist Voices from Left to RightCrazy for Democracy: Women in Grassroots MovementsCultures of Politics, Politics of Cultures: Re-Visioning Latin American Social Movements.Martha Ackelsberg, Nancy A. Naples, Kathleen Blee, Alexis Jetter, Annelise Orleck, Diana Taylor, Temma Kaplan, Sonia E. Alvarez, Evelina Dagnino & Arturo Escobar - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (2):391.
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    The Left and Humanitarian Intervention as Solidarity.Harry van der Linden - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 3:111-127.
    Although the author concedes that much criticism from the left alleging ulterior imperialist motives of missions for “humanitarian intervention” is valid; nevertheless, the author argues that it would be wrong to rule out the concept of humanitarian intervention, even when conducted by imperialist powers for imperialist motives. The concept of “rescue” remains a valid humanitarian concept, and a logical foundation for solidarity with populations who find themselves under assault and defenseless. The author considers various regulative principles that may guide (...)
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  32.  16
    And What of the Left? Žižek’s Refusal of the Current Leftist Parable Introduction to Special Issue of Žižek and the Left.Cindy Zehier - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (2).
    Recent events concerning Žižek at the Left Forum in New York have revealed much about the state of the Left. It appears that the Left is weaker than ever before and Žižek’s appeal to return to radical roots, yet also break some Leftist taboos, situates the liberal Left as anxious, insecure and reactionary. It also appears that Žižek is deliberately and steadily undertaking what many have accused him of failing to attain – of not going (...)
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    Historicising the Left in the Middle East: On Agency, Archives and Anti-capitalism.Sara Salem - 2017 - Historical Materialism 25 (4):230-240.
    This article is a review of Ilham Khuri-Makdisi’s bookThe Eastern Mediterranean and the Making of Global Capitalism, 1860–1914. I argue that this book is a valuable contribution to historiographies of the Left in the Middle East, a field that remains under-represented given the importance of labour to the nationalist movements as well as broader worker-activism in the region throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. I review the main debates of the book, and raise critical questions about aspects that could (...)
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  34.  18
    The religious left: How the left lost its argument and fell into a moral abyss.Brad Evans & Julian Reid - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (5):622-633.
    The essay addresses the rise of what we elect to call ‘the religious left’. Documenting the collapse between radicality and religiosity as identity politics embraces moral absolutism, the essay offers a critique of the culture wars and the ensuing flight from political confrontation. Attending in particular to the failures of the left, which we recognise as being a failure of the political imagination, so we turn a critical eye on claims of authenticity and the accelerated embrace of narratives (...)
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  35.  22
    Left Populism and the Education of Desire.Callum McGregor - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (1):73-90.
    This paper mobilises the psychoanalytic concepts of desire and enjoyment to better understand how processes of education aimed at extending and defending democratic life might respond to and engage with populist politics. I approach this task by engaging with a particular vector of Mouffe and Laclau’s political philosophy, moving from a critique of liberal democracy’s rationalist pretensions to their insistence that left populism and its passionate construction of a ‘people’ is the central task facing radical politics. This attention (...)
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  36.  36
    What’s Left After Rights?Daniel Loick - 2015 - Law and Critique 26 (2):105-115.
    Recent thinking on human rights, at least among the left, has divided along lines that have become familiar from other contemporary political debates. There are those who ground the discourse of rights in an ethical responsibility to fellow human beings in situations of suffering and oppression; for others, suspicion with respect to just such an ethical stance is their point of departure. They see in the ethical perspective at best a radical depoliticization of the struggle for human rights—its (...)
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  37.  25
    Lines Left to Cross: Deglobalization and the Domestic Western in Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite.Joseph Jonghyun Jeon - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 49 (4):557-580.
    This article situates Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite (2019) within the historical logics of the Washington Consensus. In this broad context, we might think of the film’s much-heralded class critique as not quite so domestically contained as may initially appear in a film staged primarily in the confines of a single household. Instead, it opens onto a global political economic framework, which it explores through a nested structure in which class dynamics are also mobilized to explore cold-war and trade-war logics, both of (...)
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  38.  8
    Xenophobia and Left Voting.Henning Finseraas & Kåre Vernby - 2010 - Politics and Society 38 (4):490-516.
    In this article, the authors set out to evaluate two competing mechanisms that may account for the negative relationship between xenophobia and left voting. Xenophobia may reduce left voting because parties of the right are more conservative on issues relating to immigration and ethnic relations, or it may reduce left voting because many potential left voters lack sympathy with the groups to whom redistribution is thought to be directed. These two mechanisms imply radically different scenarios for (...)
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  39.  19
    And What of the Left? Žižek’s Refusal of the Current Leftist Parable Introduction to Special Issue of Žižek and the Left.Cindy Zeiher - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (2).
    Recent events concerning Žižek at the Left Forum in New York have revealed much about the state of the Left. It appears that the Left is weaker than ever before and Žižek’s appeal to return to radical roots, yet also break some Leftist taboos, situates the liberal Left as anxious, insecure and reactionary. It also appears that Žižek is deliberately and steadily undertaking what many have accused him of failing to attain – of not going (...)
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    Radically Invested: Laclau’s Discursive Ontology andthe Universality of Hegemony.Min Seong Kim - 2022 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):262-280.
    This paper attempts to provide a concise but systematic presentation of the discursive ontology of the social that underpins the thought of the Argentinian political theorist Ernesto Laclau. First articulated by Laclau and his collaborator Chantal Mouffe at the historical conjuncture of the late twentieth century that witnessed the disintegration of established leftist political visions and the rise of a plurality of new social movements, the post-structuralist discursive ontology on which Laclau bases his theorization of hegemony as the paradigm of (...)
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    Risk Matrix for Violent Radicalization: A Machine Learning Approach.Krisztián Ivaskevics & József Haller - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Hypothesis-driven approaches identified important characteristics that differentiate violent from non-violent radicals. However, they produced a mosaic of explanations as they investigated a restricted number of preselected variables. Here we analyzed without a priory assumption all the variables of the “Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States” database by a machine learning approach. Out of the 79 variables considered, 19 proved critical, and predicted the emergence of violence with an accuracy of 86.3%. Typically, violent extremists came from criminal but not (...)
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    Performing Antagonism: Theatre, Performance & Radical Democracy.Tony Fisher & Eve Katsouraki (eds.) - 2017 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book combines performance analysis with contemporary political philosophy to advance new ways of understanding both political performance and the performativity of the politics of the street. Our times are pre-eminently political times and have drawn radical responses from many theatre and performance practitioners. However, a decade of conflict in the Middle East and Afghanistan, the eruption of new social movements around the world, the growth of anti-capitalist and anti-globalisation struggles, the upsurge of protests against the blockades of neoliberalism, (...)
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  43. Left on the Road to Utopia: Social Imaginary in the Age of Democracy.Farhang Erfani - 2003 - Dissertation, Villanova University
    In this dissertation, I address the role of the social imaginary in the age of democracy. I first show that we live in the "age of democracy" by looking at the works of modern thinkers such as Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau and de Tocqueville. They see democracy as an overcoming of what I called "epistemocracy." Then I turn my attention to the debate that occurred in the early and the mid-twentieth century on "the End of Ideology." This debate that still influences (...)
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    The Radical Will: Selected Writings 1911-1918.Olaf Hansen (ed.) - 1992 - University of California Press.
    Randolph Bourne was only thirty-two when he died in 1918, but he left a legacy of astonishingly mature and incisive writings on politics, literature, and culture, which were of enormous influence in shaping the American intellectual climate of the 1920s and 1930s. This definitive collection, back in print at last, includes such noted essays as "The War and the Intellectuals," "The Fragment of the State," "The Development of Public Opinion," and "John Dewey's Philosophy." Bourne's critique of militarism and advocacy (...)
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  45.  24
    A radical philosophy.Agnes Heller - 1984 - New York, N.Y.: Blackwell.
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    Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism, Citizenship, Community.Chantal Mouffe - 1992 - Verso.
    The themes of citizenship and community are today at the center of a fierce debate as both left and right try to mobilize them for their cause. For the left such notions are crucial in all the current attempts to redefine political struggle through extending and deepening democracy. But, argue the contributors to this volume, these concepts need to be made compatible with the pluralism that marks modern democracy. Rather than reject the liberal tradition, they argue, the aim (...)
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    Radical pragmatism: an alternative.Robert J. Roth - 1998 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Robert Roth, among the first few Catholics to write favorably, even if critically, about American pragmatism, presents here a creative piece of comparative philosophy in which he achieves a long-term goal of attempting a reconciliation between pragmatism and a classical spiritual and religious perspective. The title, Radical Pragmatism, is an adaptation of William James’s "radical empiricism." James had argues that the classical empiricists, Locke and Hume, did not go far enough in their account of experience. They missed some (...)
  48.  39
    Populism and the New Radical Right: A Necessary Distinction.Francesco Maria Scanni - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    In current political analysis, as well as in discourse, the term populism has become an ‘umbrella term’, embracing a large number of concepts and phenomena. One risk underlying this conceptual stretching is that the term falls into the trap of ‘all-nothing’ and becomes so elastic that populism is used to improperly describe a wide and unrelated variety of phenomena. Some political phenomena might share some characteristics with populist movements but are nevertheless characterised by ideological elements and political projects that are (...)
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    Beyond Right and Left: Democratic Elitism in Mosca and Gramsci. [REVIEW]Riccardo Pozzo - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (4):915-916.
    This book has appeared in the Italian Literature and Thought Series of Yale University Press, and not by chance the cover bears the green, white, and red of the Italian flag. The book is on political philosophy, although its subject matter is restricted to the role of culture. Finocchiaro investigates two Italian thinkers: the conservative Gaetano Mosca, author of The Ruling Class, and the communist Antonio Gramsci, founding father of the Italian Communist Party and author of the Prison Notebooks. While (...)
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    Inoperative learning: a radical rewriting of educational potentialities.Tyson E. Lewis - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Business.
    Inoperative Learning draws upon the movement towards a weak philosophy that is currently gaining ground in educational philosophy: this weak philosophy does not offer a set of solutions or guidelines for improving educational outcomes, but rather renders assumptions about the theory-practice coupling that is so popular in contemporary education inoperative. By arguing that such logic reduces education to merely instrumental ends, which can only be assessed in terms of predefined measurement tools, this book presents a challenge to contemporary notions of (...)
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