Results for 'rasa, rasizm, współczesna filozofia amerykańska, realizm, antyrealizm, eliminatywizm, konserwatyzm, krytyka metafizyki rasy'

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  1.  29
    American metaphysics of race.Mieczysław Jagłowski - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 61:67-88.
    American metaphysics of race In the 1990s, a debate about the race began in the United States, in which many philosophers are involved. In philosophy, this debate has become known as the metaphysics of race. The aim of this article is to outline positions that have formed in the area of the metaphysics of race as a separate, mainly American, current of philosophical thought - realism (naturalistic and constructivist) and anti-realism - and to indicate the most important arguments invoked by (...)
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    Współczesna antropologia a kantowska krytyka metafizyki.André Stanguennec - 1995 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 11:89-96.
    The author of the paper analyses different varieties of Kantianism – sometimes more true to the spirit than to the letter of Kant’s – which appear in the 20th century anthropology. Thus he allows us to see that the thought which looks back to Kant is able to remove "complexes" and overcome the "inner contradictions" of modern anthropology.
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  3. Współczesna filozofia japońska.Robert Szuksztul - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 12 (12):225-230.
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  4. Współczesna katolicka krytyka liberalizmu.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2001 - In Ryszard Paradowski & Paweł Załęcki, Kulturowe instrumentarium panowania. Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek. pp. 237-251.
    Artykuł prezentuje współczesną katolicką krytykę liberalizmu.
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  5.  40
    Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti-Hindistan Sınır Sorunlarının Yerel, Bölgesel ve Küresel Faktörler Bağlamında Analizi Doğu Ladakh Örneği.Ahmet ÜÇAĞAÇ & Duygu Kalkan - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (2):285-307.
    Küresel güç mücadelesinde ağırlık merkezinin son yıllarda Asya-Pasifik’e kaymasıyla birlikte, 21. yüzyılın yükselen iki gücü olan Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti (ÇHC) ile Hindistan arasındaki rekabet de önemli ölçüde arttı. Hindistan’ın 1947’de İngiltere’den bağımsızlığını kazanması ile Çin’in Komünist bir Halk Cumhuriyeti olarak 1949’da kurulmasından günümüze dek aralarında süregelen sınır anlaşmazlıkları, iki ülke arasındaki ilişkiyi belirleyen en önemli konuların başında gelmektedir. İki ülkenin de geçmişinde Batı’nın aşağılayıcı müdahalelerine maruz kalmış olmasının yanında bu dönemde uluslararası siyasete hâkim olan iki kutupluluğun dünya barışına hizmet etmeyeceğine (...)
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  6. Philosophical hispanism-reflections on historico-cultural foundations of the hispanic community.Jl Abellan - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (4):211-217.
  7.  14
    Wszystko otwarte na nowo: teoria Aktora-Sieci i filozofia kultury.Krzysztof Abriszewski - 2010 - Toruń: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
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  8. Co wiemy o wartościach?Eugeniusz Żabski - 2005 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    An axiomatic theory of values is presented in this article. The basis of this theory is Czeżowski's idea of values.
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  9. Próba aksjomatycznego ujęcia jaźni.Eugeniusz Żabski - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (3).
    Psychologists use identity’s and Ego’s conceptions. The first conception is not clear, the second one from logical point of view is not correct. The aim of this article is to provide the definition of these two conceptions.
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  10.  13
    S. Krymskyi: Philosopher of Transitional Period.Abysova Maria - 2016 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (4):107-118.
    The article investigates the evolution of views of a prominent Ukrainian philosopher S. Krymskyi proceeding from logics and methodology of science to philosophy of culture and spirituality.
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  11. Kant i Husserl a problem materialnego a priori.Piotr Łaciak - 2005 - Nowa Krytyka 18.
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  12. Pojęcie horyzontu w fenomenologii Edmunda Husserla.Piotr Łaciak - 2000 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 18:254.
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  13.  10
    Rasio sebagai pedoman, rasa sebagai acuan: konseptualisasi dan aktualisasi filsafat kawruh jiwa Ki Ageng Suryomentaram.Afthonul Afif (ed.) - 2019 - Sorowajan Baru, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta: Basabasi.
    On Ki Ageng Suryamentaram and his thoughts on Javanese philosophy and ethics; collection of articles.
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  14. Rasio sebagai pedoman, rasa sebagai acuan.Afthonul Afif - 2012 - In Matahari dari Mataram: menyelami spiritualitas Jawa rasional Ki Ageng Suryomentaram. Depok: Kepik.
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  15. Nové podnety V sociálnej psychológii.V. S. Agejeva - 1984 - Filozofia 39 (1):121.
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    Religious Non-Realism as a Border Zone? Reflecting on Feuerbach’s Anthropological Theology.Peter šajda - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (9):711-718.
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  17. Majmūʻ thalāth rasāʼil fī al-sulūk: Bawāriq al-fiṭānah li-taqwīyat al-baṭānah, Mīzān ṭabaqāt ahl al-ḥaythīyāt wa-tanbīh li-maʻrifat rijāl ahl al-diyānāt wa-al-murūʼāt, al-Fuyūḍāt al-ilāhīyah wa-al-anwār al-Nabawīyah.Faḍl ibn ʻAlawī - 2018 - al-Kuwayt: Dār al-Ḍiyāʼ lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Anwar ibn ʻAbd Allāh Sālim Bā ʻUmar, al-Sayyid ʻAlawī ibn Muḥammad ʻAqīl al-Kāf & al-Sayyid ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn.
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  18. Rasāʼil falsafīyah lī-Abī Bakr Ibn Bājjah: nuṣūṣ falsafīyah ghayr manshūrah.Jamal al-din Alawi & Avempace - 1983 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ, al-Maghrib: Dār al-Nashr al-Maghribīyah. Edited by Avempace.
  19. Sharḥ khuṭbat zawrā.Muḥammad ibn Asad al-Dawwānī] - 2002 - In Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawwānī, Sabʻ rasāiʼl. Tihrān: Mīrās̲-i Maktūb.
  20. Apriority and necessity in kripke'naming and necessity'.E. Andreansky - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (5):319-330.
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  21. Criteria of Identity and Procedures of Individuation.Adam Andrzejewski - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4):23.
  22. Humanity on the threshold of ecological revolution.Z. Androvicova - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (2):118-120.
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  23. Kryteria identyczności a procedury indywidualizacyjne.Adam Andrzejewski - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4).
    The main subject of the article is a critical analysis of the functions of the criteria of identity. The author presents a methodological stance called criterialism which claims that the criteria of identity play an important role and have a vast application in both science and philosophy. A set of arguments is presented then to show a polemic stance that the criteria of identity are not responsible for individuation. The author nevertheless acknowledges a positive function of the criteria of identity, (...)
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  24.  3
    Probleme de logică dialectică în filozofia lui G. W. F. Hegel.Pavel Apostol - 1957 - [București]: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne.
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  25. Filozofia polityki i społeczeństwo ponowoczesne.Magdalena Żardecka-Nowak - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:11-20.
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  26. Konserwatyzm polityczny – główne cechy, centralne idee.Magdalena Żardecka-Nowak - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 74 (1):297-304.
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  27. The theater of the absurd: Does modern physics need it?R. A. Aronov - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (2):103-113.
  28.  7
    Wolność w jedności?: Borys Wyszesławcew i rosyjska filozofia sobornosti = Freedom in unity?: Boris Vysheslavtsev and Russian philosophy of "sobornost'" = [Svoboda v edinstve?: Boris Vysheslavt︠s︡ev i russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ sobornosti].Leszek Augustyn - 2012 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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  29.  18
    Zła polityka albo kłopot z diabłem. Rozważania wokół demonologii politycznej Leszka Kołakowskiego.Leszek Augustyn - 2022 - Principia 69 (Tom 69, Polityka i zło):77-105.
    Wychodząc od metaforycznego (figuralnego) ujęcia problemu zła, w oparciu o wybrane przemyślenia Leszka Kołakowskiego, rozważania składające się na artykuł zmierzają do namysłu nad „złem w polityce” w sensie niedomagań i nadużyć wolności: pokus władzy autokratycznej i totalitarnej. Dotyczą antropologicznego i politycznego przekraczania granic wolności kosztem (aż do zniesienia) wolności innych. Evil Politics or Trouble with the Devil. Reflections on the Political Demonology of Leszek Kołakowski Proceeding from a metaphorical (figurative) account of the problem of evil, and based on Leszek Kołakowski’s (...)
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  30. Rasāʼil-i Ibn Sīnā. Avicenna - 1939 - [Tehran?]: Chāpkānah va Kitābkhānah-i Markazī. Edited by Z̤iyāʼ al-Dīn Darrī.
    1. Ḥikmat-i ʻarshīyah -- 2. Sirr al-Qadr -- 3. Fayz̤-i Ilāhī -- 4. Risālah-ʼi ʻishq.
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  31.  37
    Analysis of Legal Realism From an Islamic Law Perspective.A. K. Ayhan - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):717-741.
    In this article, the essential claims and approaches seen in American and Scandinavian legal realism are presented and compared with Islamic law. The uncertainty on which it is based constitutes the essence of legal realism; In terms of Islamic law, there is no possibility of an uncertainty approach as seen in legal realism. The agreed points became clear and fixed. On the other hand, there are different appearances of clarification, not ambiguity in ijtihad issues. Even though realists reject the understanding (...)
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  32.  1
    Filozofia istoriei: orientări și tendințe contemporane.Marin Badea & Pamfil Nichițelea - 1982 - București: Editura Politică. Edited by Pamfil Nichițelea.
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  33. The Scope of the Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa'.Carmela Baffioni - 2008 - In Nader El-Bizri, Epistles of the Brethren of Purity: the Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ and their Rasāʾil: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  34.  26
    Childism: Confronting Prejudice against Children by Elisabeth Young-Bruehl: Yale University Press, 2012. [REVIEW]Rasa Baločkaitė - 2012 - Human Rights Review 13 (4):517-519.
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  35.  5
    Rewizja Manifestu komunistycznego.Étienne Balibar - 2017 - Nowa Krytyka 39:11-40.
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  36. \"Tekst jak okiem sięgnąć\". Gramatologiczna dekonstrukcja zachodniej metafizyki.Bogdan Banasiak - 1988 - Colloquia Communia 36 (1-3):317-342.
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  37. Arcimboldo lub Retor i Magik.Roland Barthes - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):225-239.
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  38.  20
    Around Oskar Lange’s welfare economics.Mariusz Baranowski - 2014 - Nowa Krytyka 34:39-50.
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  39. Ironia jako estetyczna herezja w "Doktorze Faustusie".Jarosław Barański - 1998 - Nowa Krytyka 9.
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  40. Justice as a Relational Concept.Eduard Barany - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (9):845-855.
    Among the ideas implicitly present and generally accepted in legal theory we can find claims, such as: 1. Justice concerns distribution of goods and burdens. 2. It is connected with the relationship between law and morality. 3. Justice has an existential dimension and is rooted partially in irrational attitudes and intuitions. The first two prepositions make it possible to characterize justice as the conformity with that part of morality which concerns the distribution and exchange of goods and burdens. Justice connects (...)
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  41.  20
    Journal for Philosophy English menu.Giorgio Baruchello - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (2):170-183.
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  42. Piękno matematyczne.John Barker - 2009 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 35.
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  43. Paul Ricoeur – ku metaforze żywej.Błażej Baszczak - 2009 - Nowa Krytyka 22.
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  44. Rozprawa o metodzie posybilistycznej (L. Ostasz \\\"Homo methodicus. Między filozofią, humanistyką i naukami ścisłymi\\\", Olsztyn 1999).Adam Bastek - 2000 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 6.
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  45. W poszukiwaniu Innego: Jacques'a Derridy filozofia podmiotu.Błażej Baszczak - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:123-138.
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  46.  17
    Wobec pytania o sens ludzkiej egzystencji.Marek Błaszczyk - 2021 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (9):377-384.
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  47.  13
    The Question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Revisited.Frederick Beiser - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (7):699-721.
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  48. Kant ethics and historicity.L. Belas - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (5):266-273.
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  49. Social consequences of Kant's ethic.L. Belas - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (4):254-268.
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  50. The problem of peace in Kant's philosophy of history.L. Belas - 2001 - Filozofia 56 (2):75-81.
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