Results for 'rationalism, Buddhism, modernization, postmodernity, globalization, McDonaldization'

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  1.  40
    Institutional globalization as a system of integration the phenomenon of the postmodern development.Viktor Zinchenko - 2015 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 8:74-85.
    Purpose. Institutionalism is gaining strength as a dominant point of view on the world. Its philosophical basis is the postulate of the uncertainty of the development, which comes to replace the neoclassical certainty characteristic of industrial society. The postulate of uncertainty is closely connected with the idea of subjectivization and individualization of post-industrial society. All these were very important components of the new paradigm, although they do not exhaust the problem. In the heart of postmodernism is a mass identity as (...)
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    Max Weber: From Modernity to Globality – a Personal Memoir.Martin Albrow - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):315-327.
    Lighting upon Weber as a history student in the late 1950s led to all round engagement with his work to the present day, beginning with rationality and bureaucracy, passing through appreciation of his synoptic vision of modernity, and arguing for the continuing relevance of his rationalization thesis. This emphasis on Weber’s contribution to understanding the course of modernity led in the 1990s to pointing out that his approach to epochal shift provides the basis for understanding the global age. The ever-developing (...)
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    Gamechangers and the meaningfulness of difference in the sporting world – a postmodern outlook.Anders McDonald Sookermany - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (3):325-342.
    The aim of this paper has been to contribute to the ongoing discourse on skill, know-how, and expertise in the sporting world by posting an alternative view, one that explores the meaningfulness of difference from the outlook of difference. Hence, my ambition was to put focus on how we look at difference in the sporting world and, subsequently, to set the stage for expanding the analytical framework we use in exploring sports today. Essentially, my argument is based on an assumption (...)
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    International Conference on Religion and Globalization.Ruben L. F. Habito - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):241-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 24.1 (2004) 241-243 [Access article in PDF] International Conference on Religion and Globalization Ruben Habito Perkins School of Theology The International Conference on Religion and Globalization, with over two hundred participants from thirty-one countries, was hosted by Payap University and its Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 27 July to 2 August 2003, with the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies among (...)
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    Establishing a Pure Land on Earth: The Foguang Buddhist Perspective on Modernization and Globalization.Stuart Chandler - 2004 - University of Hawaii Press.
    "Based on direct observations, private interviews, and careful textual and historical analysis, Stuart Chandler looks at the challenges faced by Master Xingyun and his followers as they try to adhere to traditional practices and values while tapping into the advantages afforded by modern, global society." "Anyone with an interest in modern Buddhism or Chinese religion and culture will find Establishing a Pure Land on Earth an accessible, in-depth study of one of the most important Buddhist movements of the twenty-first century."--BOOK (...)
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    Beyond Compare: St. Francis de Sales and Srı Vedanta Desika on Loving Surrender to God. By Francis X. Clooney, SJ. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2008. Pp. xiii+ 271. Paper $34.95,£ 20.75. Buddhism and Postmodernity: Zen, Huayan, and the Possibility of Buddhist Post-modern Ethics. By Jin Y. Park. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2008. Pp. [REVIEW]Sthaneshwar Timalsina London & Cynics By William Desmond Berkeley - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (4):574-575.
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  7. Part V: Southeast Asian Aesthetics. Introduction to the Aesthetics of Southeast Asia / David Chou-Shulin ; Traditional Thai Buddhist Art and Modern Challenges / Suwanna Satha-Anand ; Poetry, Identity, and Social Modernisation / Lin Sheng-Bin ; Southeast Asia: Modern, Postmodern, or Premodern?David Chou-Shulin - 2010 - In Ken-Ichi Sasaki (ed.), Asian Aesthetics. Singapore: National Univeristy of Singapore Press.
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    Linajes budistas en Uruguay.Ismael Apud, Mauro Clara & Paul Ruiz - 2013 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 18:9-25.
    The arrival of Buddhism to Uruguay is related to various historical and cultural factors, such as the democratic opening at eighties, the progressive globalization in the country, the break of post (modernism) with a hegemonic rationalist-positivist model, the emergence of so-called New Religious Movements and opening of goods symbolic-religious markets, generally aimed at middle and upper social strata with economic and cultural capital is conducive to the proposed use of existential and introspective way of life. In this paper we analyze (...)
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    Towards a new religious dialogue: Buddhism and postmodern theology.Gavin Hyman - 1998 - Heythrop Journal 39 (4):394–412.
    This paper proffers an example of a new form of religious dialogue. It subverts, rather than assumes the philosophical tradition of universal reason, upon which religious dialogue has traditionally proceeded. To this end, I call into question the frequently perceived affinity between Buddhism and radical postmodern a/theology. Whereas the latter works within a framework of oppositions inherited from the modern philosophical tradition, Buddhism is innocent of such a framework, and jettisons its ‘either‐or’ antinomies. In this respect, I argue that there (...)
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  10. A modern scientific insight of Soonya Vaada of Buddhism: Its implications to delineate origin and role of rationalism in shaping Buddhist Thought and life.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - 2013 - Http://Www.Srilankaguardian.Org/2013/04/Soonya-Vaada-of-Buddhism.Html.
    Soonya Vaada, the prime and significant contribution to Indian philosophical thought from Buddhism will be scientifically developed and presented. How this scientific understanding helped to sow seeds of origin of rationalism and its development in Buddhist thought and life will be delineated. Its role in the shaping of Buddhist and other Indian philosophical systems will be discussed. Its relevance and use in the field of cognitive science and development of theories of human consciousness and mind will be put forward. The (...)
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  11. The rationalist tendency in modern buddhist scholarship: A reevaluation.Sungtaek Cho - 2002 - Philosophy East and West 52 (4):426-440.
    : Contemporary Buddhist studies has been strongly affected by its origins in the Victorian era, when Western religious scholars sought to rationalize and historicize the study of religion. Modern Asian scholars, trained within the Western scholarly paradigm, share this prejudice in avor of the rational. The result is a skewed understanding of Buddhism, emphasizing its philosophical and theoretical aspects at the expense of seemingly "irrational" religious elements based on the direct experience of meditation practice.
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    Saint Francis versus McDonald's? Contemporary globalization critique and Hans Urs Von balthasar's theological aesthetics.Yves De Maeseneer - 2003 - Heythrop Journal 44 (1):1–14.
    Seattle, Prague, Quebec, Nice, Gothenburg, Genoa, Brussels, Barcelona, ≡ All these cities formed the setting of mass globalization protests. In most mass media reports, the presence of thousands of peaceful demonstrators has been outshone by the pictures of radical activists smashing McDonald's and Niketown. In the search for an adequate theological response to today's context of globalization, this article takes precisely this radical activism as a starting–point. In line with those postmodern iconoclasts’ own legitimation, a theological approach to this case (...)
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    Postmodernity or Late Modernity? Ambiguities in Richard Rorty's Thought.Louis Dupré - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (2):277 - 295.
    IS POSTMODERNISM A NEW, perhaps decisive stage that completes the unfinished project of modernity, as Jürgen Habermas and, in some respects, Jean-François Lyotard claim? Or does it intend to break with that project altogether, as Derrida and Rorty maintain? The latter, more radical thesis tends to go hand in hand with the assumption of an essential continuity between modern and premodern thinking. Among those who defend the latter thesis we find Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida, and Rorty. Rorty's position has become somewhat (...)
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  14.  17
    Modernization, Rationalization and Globalization.Raymond Boudon - 2011 - ProtoSociology 27:21-36.
    Is moral evolution a mere illusion, as postmodern thinkers state or a more or less permanent feature of history though it can be thwarted by unfavorable conjunctures, as Weber or Durkheim thought? The question is tentatively answered by a reanalysis of data drawn from the World Values Survey conducted under the lead of the University of Michigan. The data on seven Western countries show, when comparing the answers of younger to older respondents and of more to less educated respondents, that (...)
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    Why Buddhism and the Modern World Need Each Other: A Buddhist Perspective.David R. Loy - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:39-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Why Buddhism and the Modern World Need Each Other:A Buddhist PerspectiveDavid R. LoyThe mercy of the West has been social revolution. The mercy of the East has been individual insight into the basic self/void. We need both.—Gary Snyder1Another way to make Snyder’s point would be: The highest ideal of the Western tradition has been the concern to restructure our societies so that they are more socially just. The most (...)
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  16.  14
    Studies in Bahá'í philosophy: selected articles.Mikhail Sergeev (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: M-Graphics Publishing.
    Depending upon their epistemological foundations philosophical systems can be divided into five types: empiricist (Locke), rationalist (Descartes), intuitivist (Bergson), traditionalist (Confucius), and scriptural (Aquinas). In the history of philosophy there were five major waves of scriptural reasoning-Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim. In this context Bah ' philosophy represents the sixth wave, and it finds itself in a fruitful dialogue not only with the traditional forms of religious philosophy but also with modern Western thought which is based solely on reason (...)
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  17.  28
    Ethiek : Modern en postmodern.Frans De Wachter - 1990 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 52 (2):207-229.
    In celebration of the centennial of the Institute of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Leuven, a series of lectures was organized to outline the evolution of various philosophical disciplines in the time span 1889-1989. The lcture on ethics was an attempt to depict the transition from foundational and universalist ethics into a hermeneutical type of ethics that is anti-foundational and particularistic. Such can be interpreted as a transition from modernity into post-modernity,or from ethics into post-ethics : it is the (...)
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  18.  27
    Reading feminist theory: from modernity to postmodernity.Susan Archer Mann & Ashly Suzanne Patterson (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Reading Feminist Theory: From Modernity to Postmodernity interweaves classical and contemporary writings from the social sciences and the humanities to represent feminist thought from the late eighteenth century to the present. Editors Susan Archer Mann and Ashly Suzanne Patterson pay close attention to the multiplicity and diversity of feminist voices, visions, and vantage points by race, class, gender, sexuality, and global location. Along with more conventional forms of theorizing, this anthology points to multiple sites of theory production--both inside and outside (...)
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  19.  12
    Globalization and the posthuman.William S. Haney - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Globalization and the Posthuman argues that by globalizing posthumanism through biotechnology, particularly through the invasive interface of humans and machines, we may well interfere with and even undermine the innate quality of human psycho-physiology and the experience of the internal observer, the non-socially constructed self or pure consciousness. Furthermore, many features of globalization in-and-of itselfâ "such as the fall of public man, the exterritorialization of capital, the loss of an impersonal public world to localized communities based on emotively shared interestsâ (...)
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    Gandhi's Hope: Learning from Other Religions as a Path to Peace (review).Christopher Chapple - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):237-240.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Gandhi's Hope: Learning from Other Religions as a Path to PeaceChristopher Key ChappleGandhi's Hope: Learning from Other Religions as a Path to Peace. By Jay McDaniel. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2005. 134 + viii pp.This book by prominent Protestant theologian Jay McDaniel suggests that Mahatma Gandhi challenged the modern world by publicly revealing that which he learned from other faith traditions and advocating this path as a way (...)
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    Religious epistemology through Schillebeeckx and Tibetan Buddhism: reimagining authority amidst modern uncertainty.Jason M. VonWachenfeldt - 2021 - New York: T&T Clark.
    This study investigates how a comparison between the Catholic theologian Edward Schillebeeckx's controversial reading of Thomist philosophy and the Tibetan Buddhist Gendun Chopel's challenge to the standard Geluk teaching of Tsongkhapa's Madhyamaka philosophy might assist in rethinking conceptions of religious knowledge. Jason M. VonWachenfeldt shows how Gendun Chopel's Madhyamaka approach to the questions of knowledge in light of cultural conventionality and historical contingency can possibly better inform a Christian theological response to similar questions of modern society. Utilizing a wide variety (...)
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    Remedying Globalization and Consumerism: Joining the Inner and Outer Journeys in "Perfect Balance".Judith Simmer-Brown - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):31-46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 31-46 [Access article in PDF] Remedying Globalization and Consumerism: Joining the Inner and Outer Journeys in "Perfect Balance" Judith Simmer-Brown Naropa University One hundred forty years ago, Abraham Lincoln wrote in a prophetic voice: I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country.... Corporations have been enthroned and an era of (...)
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    Subject to Ourselves: Social Theory, Psychoanalysis and Postmodernity.Anthony Elliott - 1996 - Polity Press.
    The revised edition of Subject to Ourselves, a lively and provocative book that was a leader on its topic in England, uses psychoanalytic theory as the basis for a fresh reassessment of the nature of modernity and postmodernism. Analyzing changing experiences of selfhood, desire, interpersonal relations, culture and globalization, the author develops a novel account of postmodernity that supplants current understandings of "fragmented selves." Subject to Ourselves includes a diverse set of case studies, including the power of fantasy in military (...)
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  24.  20
    Rationalism and fideism in the discourse of Ukrainian Protestantism.Tetyana Levchenko - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:151-172.
    The article analyzes the forms of rationalism and fideism proposed by Ukrainian Protestant theologians at the beginning of the XXI century. It turns out that these forms of rationalism and fideism were made possible by overcoming the anti-intellectualism that was characteristic of Protestantism in Soviet times. The opposition of tendencies to rationalism and fideism is connected with the positioning of Ukrainian Protestants in the postmodern times. Proponents of de facto rationalism propose to reconstruct the modern religious worldview, re-synthesizing elements of (...)
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    Engaged Buddhism as Human Rights Ethos: the Constructivist Quest for Cosmopolitanism.Alison Brysk - 2020 - Human Rights Review 21 (1):1-20.
    As the fundamental authority of universal rights claims are contested in a declining liberal international order, constructivists seek to transcend the limits of the Western, rationalist rights ethos and explore humanistic spiritual alternatives. This essay will evaluate the promise of a leading non-Western cosmopolitan ethos: engaged Buddhism. Buddhism offers a vision of universal compassion and moral responsibility that has shaped influential global advocacy efforts, with the potential to address a significant sector of the world community. But the Buddhist ethos has (...)
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  26. Consciousness and salvation - the conversation between Buddhism and Christianity.Vincent Shen - 1996 - Philosophy and Culture 24 (1):2-19.
    In the end of the century atmosphere in which the whole world is entering the valley of nihilism. It seems from a human dilemma, Buddhist and Christian spiritual resources should be jointly developed through conversation, contribute their ideas, values ​​and practices, to promote recovery of people's lives meaning. This article deals Christianity and Buddhism way of talking, is to use my "comparative philosophy." This is a basic way of thinking and practice, must be differences in the surface or the opposite (...)
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    A Buddhist History of the West: Studies in Lack (review).Brian Karafin - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):170-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 170-174 [Access article in PDF] A Buddhist History of the West: Studies In Lack. By David R. Loy. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. 244 pp. The religious and philosophical situation of our time seems polarized between resurgent fundamentalisms and a cosmopolitan awareness bridging heretofore separated traditions. Even a few decades ago the notion of a dialogue between East and West was a (...)
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    Postmodern Platos: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer, Strauss, Derrida.Catherine H. Zuckert - 1996 - University of Chicago Press.
    Catherine Zuckert examines the work of five key philosophical figures from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries through the lens of their own decidedly postmodern readings of Plato. She argues that Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer, Strauss, and Derrida, convinced that modern rationalism had exhausted its possibilities, all turned to Plato in order to rediscover the original character of philosophy and to reconceive the Western tradition as a whole. Zuckert's artful juxtaposition of these seemingly disparate bodies of thought furnishes a synoptic view, not (...)
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    Postmodernism and Globalization.Omar Lizardo & Michael Strand - 2009 - ProtoSociology 26:36-70.
    Interest in postmodernity has stagnated over the past decade and has come to be partially replaced by a concern with globalization. While the two terms are often considered to be divergent there is continuity as theoretical discourse transfers from one to the other. In what follows, we first distill the heuristic models employed by various knowledge-geographical traditions of social thought in conceptualizing postmodernism. We then transpose these models into recent debates on globalization. Globalization theory has become the provenance of British (...)
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    Practical implications of 'postmodern philosophy'.Mile V. Savić - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):21-38.
    U ovom clanku autor razmatra prakticne implikacije diskursa o postmoderni. On analizira postmodernu kao slozenu diskurzivnu figuru. U okviru diskursa o postmodern on razlikuje postmoderno stanje, postmodernizam i refleksiju postmodernog stanja. Poseban predmet o tome se raspravlja u ovom clanku jeste globalizacija i problem primene modernih projekta u istocnoevropskim drustvima, posebno u Srbiji. Ova drustva autor naziva objekt-drustvima, a njihovu varijantu moderne - istmoderna. Autorov odgovor na slozenost postmodernog stanja predstavlja koncept politike opstanka.
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  31. Theorizing/Resisting McDonaldization: A Multiperspectivist Approach.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    George Ritzer's The McDonaldization of Society has generated an unprecedented number of sales and scholarly interest, as demonstrated by highly impressive sales figures, new editions of the book, and the growing critical literature dedicated to the phenomenon of which this book is a part (see also Alfino, Caputo and Wynard 1998 and Kincheloe and Shelton, forthcoming). Ritzer's popularization of Max Weber's theory of rationalization and its application to a study of the processes of McDonaldization presents a concrete example (...)
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  32.  19
    The Postmodern Adventure: Science, Technology, and Cultural Studies at the Third Millennium.Steven Best & Douglas Kellner - 2001 - Guilford Press.
    Massive geopolitical shifts and dramatic developments in computerization and biotechnology are heralding the transformation from the modern to the postmodern age. We are confronted with altered modes of work, communication, and entertainment; new postindustrial and political networks; novel approaches to warfare; genetic engineering; and even cloning. This compelling book explores the challenges to theory, politics, and human identity that we face on the threshold of the third millennium. It follows on the success of Best and Kellner s two previous books: (...)
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    Buddhism and Science: Breaking New Ground (review).Amos Yong - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):176-180.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Buddhism and Science: Breaking New GroundAmos YongBuddhism and Science: Breaking New Ground. Edited by B. Alan Wallace. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003. 444+ xvi pp.Increasingly, the world's religious traditions are making their presence felt in the science and religion dialogue that has been dominated for a long time by Christian voices. The essays collected in this volume not only provide an introductory overview of Buddhist engagements with (...)
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  34. After Postmodernity.Peter Baofu - 1998 - Nova Science Publishers.
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    Modernity and Post Modernity Debate: Related Issues and Challenges.Sanjay Kumar Shukla - 2014 - New Delhi: Satyam Publishing House.
    The present work- "MODERNITY AND POSTMODERNITY DEBATE" Related Issues and Challenges- is an outcome of reflections and deliberations over recent trends of Western philosophy. It is after contemplating seriously about the project of modernity, the attempt is made to arrange the debate between modernity and postmodernity having vital metaphysical epistemological and ethical implications. It not only discusses about ethics of globalization but also establishes the close nexus of globalization with terrorism and multiculturalism. The problematic issue of identity formation and clash (...)
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    The Influence of Zen Buddhism on the Formation of Realism in Japanese Culture: From Simplicity to Universality.Анатолій МЕЛЕЩУК - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):40-48.
    This article explores the profound influence of Zen Buddhism on the formation of Japanese aesthetics, focusing on key concepts such as simplicity (kanso), naturalness (shibumi), and impermanence (mujo). Zen realism, characterized by the acceptance of reality without subjective embellishments, is examined as a foundational principle that shaped not only Japanese cultural identity but also a universal aesthetic language. The study highlights the philosophical tenets of Zen, including the principles of «non-duality» (fuju) and «direct intuition» (jikan), which guide the perception of (...)
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    Buddhism and Deconstruction: Toward a Comparative Semiotics (review). [REVIEW]Youru Wang - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (3):486-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Buddhism and Deconstruction: Toward a Comparative SemioticsYouru WangBuddhism and Deconstruction: Toward a Comparative Semiotics. By Youxuan Wang. London: Curzon Press, 2001. Pp. xiv + 242. Hardcover $65.00.Youxuan Wang's Buddhism and Deconstruction: Toward a Comparative Semiotics is a full-length study comparing Derridean and Buddhist discourse, especially their deconstruction of the notion of sign. Since Robert Magliola's 1984 publication Derrida on the Mend, which involved his pioneering comparison of Derrida (...)
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    Socially Engaged Buddhism (review).Brian Karafin - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:215-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Socially Engaged BuddhismBrian KarafinSocially Engaged Buddhism. By Sallie B. King. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2009. 192 pp.In a chapter on the philosophical and ethical foundations of the socially engaged Buddhist movement, Sallie King retells a story from the Burmese liberation struggle against military dictatorship. The story was originally told by Aung San Suu Kyi (b. 1945), the Burmese Buddhist activist who is one of the several representative (...)
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    Global Transformations of Postmodern Christianity.Serhii Viktorovych Svystunov - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 35:54-68.
    Globalization is a manifestation of total scientific and technological progress, which, given the development of communication, liberalization of all spheres of social and economic life, gives its participants the opportunity to maximize profits, as well as imitate the convergence of people, standardization of life, transformation of national cultures and denominations. Globalization, as a modern complex phenomenon, has certainly many precursors. The holders of great empires and many political adventurers sought the global, global, comprehensive power.
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    Religion and Modernization in Theology Faculty Students -The Case of Sivas Cumhuriyet University-.Şaban Erdi̇ç - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):1021-1035.
    In the context of the main principles, modernity has affected the relationship of individuals with society in two ways; either by promoting a comprehensive individualization or by paradoxically surrendering individual freedoms to new relations due to the many risks it carries. In the modernization process, religion has been affected not only in the context of traditional and everyday patterns; but also, it has been significantly influenced in terms of its dimensions corresponding to the public space. This study examined the relationship (...)
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    Identity Discourse in Postmodern Eastern Orthodoxy.Nina Dimitrova - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 66 (1).
    This text will comment on some of the important aspects of the connection between Eastern Orthodoxy and contemporary civilization, the historical development of which has been designated as post-modernity. Being neither modern, nor postmodern, nor anti-modern, Orthodoxy has to answer the question as to whether globalization is analogous to the “cosmic liturgy” sought by the Christian religion as a whole, or to the contrary, is moving away from it. The other basic problem of Orthodoxy – especially in what were formerly (...)
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    Postmodernity as the unmasking of objectivity: Identifying the positive essence of postmodernity as a distinct new era in the history of philosophy.John Deely - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (183):31-57.
    The aim of this article is to show clearly what the terms “object” and “objectivity” as used over the centuries of modern philosophy — from the time of Descartes down to the time of Wittgenstein and Husserl, i.e., from early modern Rationalism and Empiricism to late modern Phenomenology and Analytic philosophy — have obscured. Objectivity, far from being “the ability to consider or represent facts, information, etc., without being influenced by personal feelings or opinions; impartiality; detachment,” as the OED would (...)
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    Two critical theories about modernity in the Latin American context: Bolívar Echeverría and Enrique Dussel.Dante Ramaglia - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):215-244.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of the thesis developed in the context of the Latin American critical thought in order to address the question of the crisis of modernity. We particularly consider the theories of two contemporary authors: Bolívar Echeverría and Enrique Dussel. Their theoretical positons are clearly different from the critique that had occurred in the postmodern discourse and they intend to account for the meaning of modernity in relation with certain phenomena that characterize it (...)
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    The Abyss of Representation: Marxism and the Postmodern Sublime.George Hartley - 2003 - Duke University Press.
    From the Copernican revolution of Immanuel Kant to the cognitive mapping of Fredric Jameson to the postcolonial politics of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, representation has been posed as both indispensable and impossible. In his pathbreaking work, _The Abyss of Representation_, George Hartley traces the development of this impossible necessity from its German Idealist roots through Marxist theories of postmodernism, arguing that in this period of skepticism and globalization we are still grappling with issues brought forth during the age of romanticism and (...)
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    Global Market Cultures and the Construction of Modernity in Southeast Asia.Hans-Dieter Evers & Solvay Gerke - 1997 - Thesis Eleven 50 (1):1-14.
    Belief in the benevolence of free markets has become a fundamental credo of professional experts, economists, business people and politicians. We regard this discourse as part of a new culture of markets, which has also taken root in Southeast Asia. Expanding markets and using high-tech devices of communication are interpreted as cultural systems that are used in the construction of modernity. An `unbridled romanticism of productivity' (Baudrillard) and a `romance of capitalism' are the meta-narratives underlying the culture of markets. This (...)
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    Book review: Postmodern Theory and Biblical Theology: Vanquishing God's Shadow. [REVIEW]Walter L. Reed - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):184-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Postmodern Theory and Biblical Theology: Vanquishing God’s ShadowWalter L. ReedPostmodern Theory and Biblical Theology: Vanquishing God’s Shadow, by Brian D. Ingraffia; xvi & 284 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, $59.95 cloth, $17.95 paper.At the beginning of John Updike’s new novel In the Beauty of the Lilies, a Presbyterian minister, trained by the Princeton Fundamentalists in the early years of the 20th century, is reading a book by (...)
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  47. Modernity, Post-Modernity and Proto-Historicism: Reorienting Humanity Through a New Sense of Narrative Emplotment.Andrew Kirkpatrick - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (2):22-77.
    As a grand narrative of progress, the utopian project of modernity is primarily concerned with notions of rationalism, universalism, and the development of a metalanguage. The triumph of the Moderate Enlightenment has seen logics of domination, accumulation and individualism incorporated into the project of modernity, with these logics giving rise to globalised capitalism as the metalanguage of modernity and neoliberal economics as the grand narrative of rational progress. The project of modernity is all but complete, requiring only the formality of (...)
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    Le crépuscule de l'universel: l'Occident postmoderne et ses adversaires, un conflit mondial des paradigmes.Chantal Delsol - 2020 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la chute du mur de Berlin, nous avons cru à la victoire définitive de notre vision du monde, caractérisée par l'individualisme libéral, le cosmopolitisme et la démocratie des droits de l'homme. Mais depuis le tournant du siècle, plusieurs cultures mondiales s'opposent clairement et fermement aux principes occidentaux considérés jusque-là comme universels. La démocratie est décriée ou dégradée, et l'autocratie nommément défendue, en Chine et à Singapour, dans certains pays musulmans, en Russie. En outre, apparaissent (...)
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    Four Ages of Understanding: The first Postmodern Survey of Philosophy from Ancient Times to the Turn of the Twenty-First Century.John Deely - 2001 - University of Toronto Press.
    This book redraws the intellectual map and sets the agenda in philosophy for the next fifty or so years. By making the theory of signs the dominant theme in Four Ages of Understanding, John Deely has produced a history of philosophy that is innovative, original, and complete. The first full-scale demonstration of the centrality of the theory of signs to the history of philosophy, Four Ages of Understanding provides a new vantage point from which to review and reinterpret the development (...)
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    “A Legal Pluralist World”… Or the Black Hole for Modern Legal Positivism.Mauro Zamboni - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (2):185-204.
    In addition to the traditional attacks from competing legal theories (from natural law to postmodern approach), modern legal positivism seems to be placed at a point of no return when looking at the effects of globalization upon the legal phenomenon. The reality offers to legal positivists countless examples of soft-law, i. e. law which is not law but is perceived and applied by the vast majority of the legal actors as law. Faced with this radically changed reality, most contemporary legal (...)
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