Results for 'reconstruction in philosophy'

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  1.  58
    (1 other version)Reconstruction in philosophy.John Dewey - 1920 - New York,: H. Holt and Company.
    The esteemed psychologist and thinker John Dewey headed for previously unexplored philosophical territory with this influential work. Written shortly after World War I, it embodies Dewey's system of pragmatic humanism and maintains that individuals can attain "a more ordered and intelligent happiness" by reconsidering the ultimate effects of their deepest beliefs and feelings. With its promise of achieving an understanding of the past and attaining a brighter future, Reconstruction in Philosophy remains ever relevant. "A modern classic." — (...) and Phenomenological Research. (shrink)
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  2. Reconstruction in philosophy education: The community of inquiry as a basis for knowledge and learning.Gilbert Burgh - 2009 - In Australasia Philosophy of Education Society of (ed.), The Ownership and Dissemination of Knowledge, 36th Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 4–7 December 2008. Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA). pp. 1-12.
    The ‘community of inquiry’ as formulated by CS Peirce is grounded in the notion of communities of disciplinary-based inquiry engaged in the construction of knowledge. The phrase ‘converting the classroom into a community of inquiry’ is commonly understood as a pedagogical activity with a philosophical focus to guide classroom discussion. But it has a broader application, to transform the classroom into a community of inquiry. The literature is not clear on what this means for reconstructing education and how it translates (...)
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    Reconstruction in Philosophy.Sholom J. Kahn - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (2):303-305.
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  4. Reconstruction in philosophy.John Dewey - 1923 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 30 (1):10-11.
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    Reconstruction in Philosophy[REVIEW]George P. Adams - 1921 - Philosophical Review 30 (5):519-23.
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  6. Reconstruction in Philosophy of Mathematics.Davide Rizza - 2018 - Dewey Studies 2 (2):31-53.
    Throughout his work, John Dewey seeks to emancipate philosophical reflection from the influence of the classical tradition he traces back to Plato and Aristotle. For Dewey, this tradition rests upon a conception of knowledge based on the separation between theory and practice, which is incompatible with the structure of scientific inquiry. Philosophical work can make progress only if it is freed from its traditional heritage, i.e. only if it undergoes reconstruction. In this study I show that implicit appeals to (...)
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    Reconstruction in Philosophy.W. M. Sibley - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (2):270.
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    Tradition, Revolt and Reconstruction in Philosophy of Religion.Samuel Thompson - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (2):305 - 319.
    The problem of faith and knowledge is one form of this basic problem which has been especially congenial and troublesome to the Western mind since the beginning of the Christian era. For Western civilization is a marriage of two very different outlooks on life, Hebrew fideism and Greek rationalism. Neither has absorbed the other and neither has been able to dispense with the other. Like an unstable chemical bond, our society is a synthesis which is constantly threatened by unpredictable imbalances. (...)
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    Reconstruction in Philosophy.H. H. Williams - 1921 - The Monist 31 (2):297-304.
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  10. (1 other version)The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 12, 1899 - 1924: 1920, Reconstruction in Philosophy and Essays.Jo Ann Boydston (ed.) - 1982 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    A collection of all of Dewey’s writings_ _for 1920_ _with the excep­tion of _Letters from China and Japan. A Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions textual edition._ The nineteen items collected here, including his major work, _Reconstruction in Philosophy, _evolved in the main from Dewey’s travel, touring, lecturing, and teaching in Japan and China. Ralph Ross notes in his Introduction to this volume that _Recon­struction in Philosophy _is_ _“a radical book... a pugnacious book by a gentle man.” (...)
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    Reconstructing Professional Philosophy: Lessons from Philosophy as a Way of Life During a Time of Crises.Eli Kramer & Marta Faustino - 2021 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 77 (2-3):513-546.
    This article reflects on the way the Covid-19 hecatomb has disclosed and unraveled the ongoing crisis of professional philosophy, and suggests some lessons that might be taken from the pandemic, urging academic philosophers to take action regarding the future of their work in philosophy departments and institutions. In the first section of the article, we highlight some lasting criticisms to academic philosophy and explore one particular nasty thorn in the side of philosophers doing the kind of work (...)
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  12.  14
    EWEY'S Reconstruction in Philosophy[REVIEW]Kahn Kahn - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10:303.
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    The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 12, 1899 - 1924: Essays, Miscellany, and Reconstruction in Philosophy Published During 1920.Jo Ann Boydston (ed.) - 2008 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Volume 11 brings together all of Dewey's writings for 1918 and 1919. A Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions textual edition. Dewey's dominant theme in these pages is war and its after-math. In the Introduction, Oscar and Lilian Handlin discuss his philosophy within the historical context: The First World War slowly ground to its costly conclusion; and the immensely more difficult task of making peace got painfully under way. The armi-stice that some expected would permit a return to (...)
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    John Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy (1920).Chandra Kumar - 2009 - Philosophical Papers 38 (1):111-128.
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  15. (2 other versions)Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science.Mary Hesse - 1980 - Philosophy 56 (217):430-431.
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    Philosophy and Culture: Modern Revaluation and Reconstruction in Philosophy—from Nietzsche to Heidegger by Alexandru Boboc. [REVIEW]Cristian-Ion Popa - 2015 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):85-90.
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    Revolutions & Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science. Mary Hesse.Robert Bunn - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (4):657-659.
  18.  15
    Reconstructing Public Philosophy.William M. Sullivan - 1982 - University of California Press.
    This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1986.
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    Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science: Mary Hesse.Margareta Hallberg - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (2):161-171.
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    The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 12, 1899 - 1924: Essays, Miscellany, and Reconstruction in Philosophy Published During 1920.John Dewey & Ralph Ross - 2008 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Volume 11 brings together all of Dewey's writings for 1918 and 1919. A Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions textual edition. Dewey's dominant theme in these pages is war and its after-math. In the Introduction, Oscar and Lilian Handlin discuss his philosophy within the historical context: The First World War slowly ground to its costly conclusion; and the immensely more difficult task of making peace got painfully under way. The armi-stice that some expected would permit a return to (...)
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  21.  16
    Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of ScienceMary Hesse.Edward Manier - 1982 - Isis 73 (1):113-114.
  22.  68
    Preludes to Pragmatism: Toward a Reconstruction of Philosophy.Philip Kitcher - 2012 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    In these essays, distinguished philosopher Philip Kitcher argues for a reconstruction of philosophy along the lines of classical Pragmatism.
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  23. A flawed argument reconstruction in political philosophy.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    There are some premise-by-premise reconstructions in political philosophy which are flawed, because they omit at least one premise or misword at least one premise. This paper focuses on a reconstruction by Richard Child. The original argument is by Andrea Sangiovanni and is about whether egalitarian values of distributive justice apply both within a state and globally. Child’s reconstruction has been reproduced in a paper by Ian Davis, who approves of it. But I point out five logical problems (...)
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  24. The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 12, 1899 - 1924: 1920, Reconstruction in Philosophy and Essays.John Dewey & Ralph Ross - 1982 - Southern Illinois University Press.
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  25. Reconstructive hermeneutical philosophy: Return ticket to the human condition.Alison Scott-Baumann - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (6):703-727.
    Making meaning out of life requires effort, sustained thought and action. It can be difficult to reassert our responsibility for solving real life problems from within social science research or current trends, such as extremely deconstructivist text, and postmodernism in its cheerfully nihilistic guise. Hermeneutical philosophy, of the Ricoeurian reconstructive mode, rehabilitates text as a powerful device for influencing others and offers us courage to proceed with the human project by developing a way of writing, thinking and behaving that (...)
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  26.  53
    Preludes to Pragmatism: Toward a Reconstruction of Philosophy By Philip Kitcher.John Capps - 2013 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 49 (3):443.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Preludes to Pragmatism: Toward a Reconstruction of Philosophy by Philip KitcherJohn CappsPhilip Kitcher. Preludes to Pragmatism: Toward a Reconstruction of Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, 456 pp with index.Reading Philip Kitcher's new collection Preludes to Pragmatism: Toward a Reconstruction of Philosophy, one can't help but think "well, we're all pragmatists now." Indeed, the list of prominent philosophers who've embraced some (...)
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  27.  23
    Philosophy and Social Reconstruction in Africa.Olusegun Oladipo - 2009 - Hope Publications.
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    Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science.Mary B. Hesse - 1980 - Harvester Press.
  29. Reconstruction in Moral Philosophy?Matthew Braddock & Alexander Rosenberg - 2012 - Analyse & Kritik 34 (1):63-80.
    We raise three issues for Philip Kitcher's "Ethical Project" (2011): First, we argue that the genealogy of morals starts well before the advent of altruism-failures and the need to remedy them, which Kitcher dates at about 50K years ago. Second, we challenge the likelihood of long term moral progress of the sort Kitcher requires to establish objectivity while circumventing Hume's challenge to avoid trying to derive normative conclusions from positive ones--'ought' from 'is'. Third, we sketch ways in which Kitcher's metaethical (...)
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  30.  74
    Philosophy for Children and the Reconstruction of Philosophy.David Kennedy - 1999 - Metaphilosophy 30 (4):338-359.
    In this paper I trace the dialogical and narrative dimensions of the philosophical tradition and explore how they are reconfigured in the notion of community of philosophical inquiry (CPI), the mainstay of the collection of novels and discussion plans known as Philosophy for Children. After considering the ontology and epistemology of dialogue, I argue that narrative has replaced exposition in our understanding of philosophical discourse and that CPI represents a narrative context in which truth comes to represent the best (...)
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  31.  13
    Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science. [REVIEW]R. S. Woolhouse - 1981 - Philosophical Books 22 (1):64-64.
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    Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science By Mary Hesse Brighton: Harvester Press, 1980, xxvi + 271 pp., £20. [REVIEW]Roger Trigg - 1981 - Philosophy 56 (217):430-.
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    Mary Hesse, Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science. Brighton, The Harvester Press, 1980. 13,5 × 22, 271 p. [REVIEW]Gad Freudenthal - 1981 - Revue de Synthèse 102 (101-102):178-179.
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    On Dewey: The Reconstruction of Philosophy.Robert B. Talisse - 2000 - Cengage Learning.
    This brief text assists students in understanding Dewey's philosophy and thinking so that they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Like other books in the series, this concise book offers sufficient insight into the thinking of a notable philosopher better enabling students to engage in the reading and to discuss the material in class and on paper.
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    First Edition of the Lullius Lectures: Kitcher’s Reconstruction in the Philosophy of Science.María José Frapolli & Jesús Vega Encabo - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (2):181-184.
    This monographic section contains the three papers delivered by Philip Kitcher as Raimundus Lullius Lectures during the VII Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, that took place in Santiago de Compostela (July 18th-20th, 2012). It also includes three of the contributions presented to the Symposium on Kitcher’s work in the same Conference.
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    Phenomenological philosophy: and reconstruction in western theism.Allan M. Savage - 2010 - Bloomington, IN: WestBow Press.
    This book is a contribution to the existing body of philosophical and theological thought. It is a personal account, not a historical or chronological one. The approach taken reflects the metamorphosis from a classical to a contemporary view of theology. The book is an excellent teaching tool, one, which faithfully reflects the word of God. It stresses that through personal engagement with the Spirit of God one may begin to understand religious experience, thereby enabling one's personal faith conviction. The primary (...)
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    Philip Kitcher , Preludes to Pragmatism: Toward a Reconstruction of Philosophy . Reviewed by.Robert Piercey - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (6):472-475.
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  38. Mary Hesse: "Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science". [REVIEW]Paul T. Durbin - 1983 - The Thomist 47 (1):148.
  39.  25
    The problem of value reconstruction in chinese philosophy under the impact from european thought.Shu-Hsien Liu - 1993 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 20 (1):45-55.
  40. First Edition of the Lullius Lectures: Kitcher's reconstruction in the philosophy of science.María José Frápolli Sanz & Jesús Vega Encabo - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (2):181-184.
    La sección monográfica contiene las tres conferencias que Philip Kitcher impartió en el marco de la Primera Edición de las Conferencias Raimundus Lullius patrocinadas por la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia de España, el VII Congreso de la Sociedad, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela, del 18-20 de julio de 2012. Incluye también tres de los trabajos que se presentaron en el Symposium dedicado a la obra del Prof. Kitcher en ese congreso.
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    "The Middle Works 1899-1924, Vol. 11: Journal Articles, Essays, and Miscellany Published in the 1918-1919 Period," by John Dewey, edited by Jo Ann Boydston; "The Middle Works 1899-1924, Vol. 12: Essays, Miscellany, and Reconstruction in Philosophy Published During 1920," by John Dewey, edited by Jo Ann Boydston; "John Dewey's Personal and Professional Library: A Checklist," compiled by Jo Ann Boydston. [REVIEW]James Collins - 1984 - Modern Schoolman 61 (3):199-200.
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    Whitehead's Metaphysics of Power: Reconstructing Modern Philosophy.Pierfrancesco Basile - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    At the beginning of his magnum opus, Process and Reality (1929), Whitehead lists a series of beliefs which he thinks are widely held by contemporary philosophers. They are all condemned as dangerously mistaken. What are these myths? Why are they rejected? In the works of which modern thinker did they arise? What precisely went wrong? At what stage in the development of Western thought did this happen? By tackling these questions, Pierfrancesco Basile makes it possible to grasp the main concepts (...)
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  43.  25
    Reconstructing Public Philosophy[REVIEW]Ken Masugi - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (2):407-408.
    William M. Sullivan wishes to restore the themes of civic republicanism, responsibility, and human dignity to their high place in public life. The first two-thirds of the book makes familiar criticisms of selfish, individualistic liberalism in its political, philosophic, and psychological dimensions. The remainder presents the author's own alternatives. Surveying contemporary economic and social analysis, Sullivan maintains that "the present crisis of government is a general crisis of the liberal capitalist form of society". Due to its "contradictions" liberal capitalism can (...)
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  44. Confucian dialogue and the reconstruction of the community of inquiry in philosophy for children.Zhenyu Gao - 2019 - In Chi-Ming Lam (ed.), Philosophy for Children in Confucian Societies: In Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge.
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    Experience, interpretation, and community: themes in John E. Smith's reconstruction of philosophy.Vincent Michael Colapietro (ed.) - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    No philosopher in the second half of the twentieth century or the opening decade of the twenty-first did more to recover the voice of philosophy in the conversation of humankind than John Edwin Smith (1921-2009). From The Social Infinite (1950), his landmark study of Josiah Royce, to "Niebuhr's Prophetic Voice" (2009), he has shown in compelling detail how philosophical reflection is relevant to contemporary life. Indeed, virtually all of the eventual developments within contemporary philosophy in recent decades worthy (...)
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  46. Imprecision and indeterminacy's contribution to the pragmatist reconstruction of philosophy.Joseph Margolis - 2020 - In Meike Kricke & Stefan Neubert (eds.), New Studies in Deweyan Education: Democracy and Education Revisted. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  47. Black Reconstruction in Aesthetics.Paul C. Taylor - 2020 - Debates in Aesthetics 15 (2):9-47.
    This essay uses the concept of reconstruction to make an argument and an intervention in relation to the practice and study of black aesthetics. The argument will have to do with the parochialism of John Dewey, the institutional inertia of professional philosophy, the aesthetic dimensions of the US politics of reconstruction, the centrality of reconstructionist politics to the black aesthetic tradition, and the staging of a reconstructionist argument in the film, Black Panther (Coogler 2018). The intervention aims (...)
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  48.  65
    Social philosophy: A reconstructive or deconstructive discipline?Jørgen Pedersen - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (6):619-643.
    Social philosophy is a somewhat broad and imprecise term. In this article I discuss the social philosophy of Habermas, Foucault and Honneth, arguing that the latter’s work is an interesting, but not unproblematic, conception of the discipline. Following Habermas and Honneth, I argue that social philosophy should be reconstructive, but incorporate insights from Foucault. Specifically, reconstructive social philosophy can be both normative and descriptive, and at the same time establish a dialectical relationship between philosophy and (...)
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  49.  36
    Reconstruction in mental tests.Beardsley Ruml - 1921 - Journal of Philosophy 18 (7):181-185.
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  50. Reconstruction in moral conceptions.John Dewey - 1972 - In John Martin Rich (ed.), Readings in the philosophy of education. Belmont, Calif.,: Wadsworth Pub. Co..
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