Results for 'religious ethics'

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  1.  12
    Ocr Religious Ethics for as and A2.Jon Mayled (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    _OCR Religious Ethics for AS and A2_ is a textbook for students of Advanced Subsidiary or Advanced Level courses, endorsed by OCR for use with the OCR GCE Religious Studies specification. The book covers all the topics of the Religious Ethics component of the A Level specification in an enjoyable and student-friendly fashion. This second edition has been restructured for the revised specification and now includes a section on business ethics. Each chapter includes: a (...)
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    The religious ethic and mercantile spirit in early modern China.Yingshi Yu - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Charles Yim-tze Kwong & Hoyt Cleveland Tillman.
    Argues that during the late Imperial period, all three main religious strains in China embraced an ethic that everyone should engage in labor as a crucial component to their personal enlightenment and their duty to society. This is what brings together new Chan (Zen in Japanese) Buddhism; new religious Daoism; and new Confucianism. All three new religions had to overcome traditional elitist biases and moral concerns about working for individual material results. To overcome traditional assumptions and practices, as (...)
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    Evolutionary Religious Ethics: Christianity.John Teehan - 2010-03-19 - In Michael Boylan, In the Name of God. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 104–143.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Setting the Task Constructing the Christ Setting the Boundaries: Christian and/or Jew? The Third Race: Christians as In‐Group Putting on Christ: Christianity's Signals of Commitment Loving Your Neighbor and Turning the Other Cheek.
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    Religious Ethics and the Human Dignity Revolution.Simeon O. Ilesanmi - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):652-672.
    Human dignity, even when analyzed through the lens of human rights, has received surprisingly little attention in the Journal of Religious Ethics, in contrast to a resurgent global interest in it. This article examines some possible reasons for this diminutive interest and makes a case for dignity's integration into the mainstream of religious ethics scholarship. A social conception of human dignity understands it as a conferment that entitles its holder to certain respectful treatments unavailable to those (...)
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    Religious ethics in Africa.Peter Kasenene - 1998 - Kampala, Uganda: Fountain Publishers.
    Africa is a religiously plural society with interaction between people of different religions and diverse value systems. The author, Professor of Comparative Religion in Uganda, describes and compares the position of traditional African religion, Christianity, Islam and Baha'i Faith on selected moral issues relevant to Africa today. His central argument is that in order to maintain their identity, African people must rediscover their ethical and moral heritage. He also argues that the new African ethical and moral systems must take into (...)
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    Comparative Religious Ethics.Charles Mathewes, Matthew Puffer & Mark Storslee (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE! No collection of this sort has yet been conceived of, let alone accomplished, in this field. In part that may well be due to the extraordinarily nascent character of the field of comparative religious ethics, described as that. Yet the aim is not simply to gather together a number of pieces, but -- with the appropriate modesty and tentativeness -- to offer one picture of how the field ought to understand itself: its past, present, and (...)
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  7.  37
    Religious Ethics and Empirical Ethics.Ross Moret - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (1):33-67.
    In recent decades, cognitive and behavioral scientists have learned a great deal about how people think and behave. On the most general level, there is a basic consensus that many judgments, including ethical judgments, are made by intuitive, even unconscious, impulses. This basic insight has opened the door to a wide variety of more particular studies that investigate how judgments are influenced by group identity, self-conception, emotions, perceptions of risk, and many other factors. When these forms of research engage ethical (...)
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    Comparative Religious Ethics Among the Ruins.Jung Lee - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (3):571-584.
    This is a response to the recent essay by Elizabeth M. Bucar and Aaron Stalnaker on “Comparative Religious Ethics as a Field of Study.” I clarify my earlier positions on method and virtue in comparative religious ethics and try to respond to some of the issues that Bucar and Stalnaker raise in regard to my arguments specifically and the field more generally. I argue that while we need not measure the practical impact of scholarly work in (...)
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  9.  11
    Religious ethics: meaning and method.William Schweiker - 2019 - Hoboken: Wiley.
    This book is the result of years of collaboration between the authors on work in religious ethics. The collaboration started when we published the first edition of The Blackwell Companion to Religious Ethics with William Schweiker as editor and David Clairmont as project assistant. Through the encouragement of our publisher, Rebecca Harkin of Wiley-Blackwell, it was decided that a basic text was needed on the meaning and method of religious ethics, and, further, a book (...)
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  10.  20
    Religious Ethics as a Social Practice.Alda Balthrop-Lewis - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (3):386-405.
    The Journal of Religious Ethics (JRE) was established at a particular moment in the United States in the early 1970s. This article investigates how that moment—in the institutional milieu of academic theology and religious studies in which the (JRE) emerged—influenced its founding. It does this through attention to three main sources: (1) the original charter and bylaws of the JRE, (2) publications from the JRE and other scholarly outlets in the period, and (3) a collection of interviews (...)
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  11.  52
    (2 other versions)Religious ethics for AS and A2.Jill Oliphant - 2007 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Jon Mayled.
    Structured directly around the OCR specification, this book covers all necessary topics of the Religious Ethics A-level course in an enjoyable student-friendly fashion. Split into four parts – What is Ethics?; AS Ethics; A2 Ethics; and Connections in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics – each chapter includes: a list of key issues, to introduce students to the topic OCR syllabus checklist explanations of key terminology exam practice questions using actual examples from previous years self-test (...)
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  12.  84
    Comparative religious ethics and the problem of “human nature”.Aaron Stalnaker - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (2):187-224.
    Comparative religious ethics is a complicated scholarly endeavor, striving to harmonize intellectual goals that are frequently conceived as quite different, or even intrinsically opposed. Against commonly voiced suspicions of comparative work, this essay argues that descriptive, comparative, and normative interests may support rather than conflict with each other, depending on the comparison in question, and how it is pursued. On the basis of a brief comparison of the early Christian Augustine of Hippo and the early Confucians Mencius and (...)
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  13.  14
    Religious ethics in a time of globalism: shaping a third wave of comparative analysis.Elizabeth M. Bucar & Aaron Stalnaker (eds.) - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This selection of new approaches to the comparative study of religious ethics provides an accessible introduction to the most current research in the field. The essays in this book show that a variety of approaches to religious ethics are worth pursuing in our contemporary, profusely interconnected world. They also demonstrate that many sorts of analysis are shaped by comparison and comparative interests, even when they focus on a single topic or question, as long as they are (...)
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  14.  26
    Religious Ethics and the Spirit of Undomesticated Dissent.Keri Day - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (1):44-65.
    The field of religious ethics contributes to practices of resistance and hope in broader society. In advancing my claim that religious ethics contributes to practices of resistance and hope today, I first tell a story about the changing demographics in the field of religious ethics and why this demographic shift is important. I next focus on womanist religious scholarship as an exemplary discourse in religious ethics and how it has contributed to (...)
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  15. Comparative religious ethics: a narrative approach to global ethics.Darrell J. Fasching - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Dell deChant & David M. Lantigua.
    This popular textbook has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect recent global developments, whilst retaining its unique and compelling narrative-style approach. Using ancient stories from diverse religions, it explores a broad range of important and complex moral issues, resulting in a truly reader-friendly and comparative introduction to religious ethics. A thoroughly revised and expanded new edition of this popular textbook, yet retains the unique narrative-style approach which has proved so successful with students Considers the ways in which (...)
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  16. African Metaphysics and Religious Ethics.Motsamai Molefe - 2018 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 7 (3):19 - 37.
    Scholars of African moral thought reject the possibility of an African religious ethics by invoking at least three major reasons. The first objection to ‘ethical supernaturalism’ argues that it is part of those aspects of African culture that are ‘anachronistic’ insofar as they are superstitious rather than rational; as such, they should be jettisoned. The second objection points out that ethical supernaturalism is incompatible with the utilitarian approach to religion that typically characterises some African peoples’ orientation to it. (...)
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  17.  18
    Religious Ethics and its Publics.Aaron Stalnaker - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (3):446-457.
    Past discussions of the public role of religious ethics scholarship have tended to focus on the propriety of religious argumentation in the public square. Rather than critiquing or vindicating such public engagement by explicitly religious thinkers, this essay recommends broader public engagement by scholars of comparatively oriented religious ethics, exploring why this goal is worthwhile, some possible objections, and various models of how it might be accomplished.
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  18.  22
    Religious Ethics and Public Policy: On Doing Public Bioethics.James F. Childress - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (3):406-424.
    In response to theJournal of Religious Ethics(JRE) editors' request for reflections on “how religious ethicists have interacted with, and ought to interact with, public policy decision makers,” this essay focuses on doing religious ethics in the context of doing public bioethics, especially through participating in public bioethics bodies (PBBs) established to provide advice to public policymakers in what might be called “mediated advocacy.” Drawing heavily on the author's experience as a member of and a consultant (...)
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    Religious Ethics and the Environment.Kusumita P. Pedersen - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (3):558-585.
    This essay discusses three recent books which each offer an integrative account of religious ethics and the environment. Religious environmental ethics is an area of inquiry within the larger field of religion and ecology. After a narrative that contextualizes the development of religious environmental ethics in relation to the environmental social movement, I describe the formation of the field including its focus on worldview, the “cosmological turn,” and its engagement with science, the “cosmic turn.” (...)
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  20.  65
    Understanding religious ethics.Charles T. Mathewes - 2010 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    God and morality -- Jewish ethics -- Christian ethics -- Islamic ethics -- Friendship -- Sexuality -- Marriage and family -- Lying -- Forgiveness -- Love and justice -- Duty, law, conscience -- Capital punishment -- War (I) : towards war -- War (II) : in war -- Religion and the environment -- Pursuits of happiness : labor, leisure, and life -- Good and evil.
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    Revisiting Religious Ethics as Field and Discipline.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (1):32-43.
    Returning to John P. Reeder's 1978 essay on “Religious Ethics as a Field and Discipline,” this essay explores debates surrounding the original intentions for the Journal of Religious Ethics (JRE) and for the field of religious ethics, as these have played out over the decades among an influential group of scholars involved with the JRE since its inception: Arthur Dyck, Ronald Green, Stanley Hauerwas, and Jeffrey Stout. While the JRE and its founding mission are (...)
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  22.  38
    Comparative religious ethics: a narrative approach.Darrell J. Fasching - 2001 - Oxford ; Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. Edited by Dell deChant.
    The text places special emphasis on the ethical co-operation that emerged between religious traditions during the civil right-Vietnam war era.
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  23.  30
    Comparative Religious Ethics and the Politics of Christian Identity.Jung H. Lee - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (4):781-788.
    I present a brief historical narrative of the legacy of Christian ethics in comparative religious ethics (CRE) that attempts to make sense of the tensions within the field from the perspective of the politics of identity with reference to its changing content and practices—its internal history—and what might be called the background conditions—its external history—that shaped not only the content and methods of CRE but also its self‐understanding. Given the politics of Christian identity and the historical development (...)
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  24. Religious Ethics and the Moral Foundations of Marital Property Rights: A Philosophical Analysis of Spousal Ownership and the Marriage Law.Jiaxu Wei - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):210-226.
    The ethical and philosophical foundations of marital property rights have profound implications not only for legal structures but also for religious and moral frameworks governing marriage and family life. In many religious traditions, the joint property of spouses is not merely a legal matter but is deeply intertwined with theological understandings of marital unity, stewardship, and moral responsibility. This study examines the ethical logic underpinning the right to dispose of joint marital property in the context of the Marriage (...)
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  25.  19
    Religious Ethics and Contemporary Society [J].Wang Xiaochao - 2003 - Modern Philosophy 2:013.
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  26. Religious Ethics and Global Governance: Theological Perspectives on International Cooperation and Conflict Resolution.Genghua Zhu - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):456-470.
    This study explores the ethical and religious dimensions of international cooperation and conflict resolution within the framework of global governance, emphasizing the role of moral philosophy and theological perspectives in shaping diplomatic strategies. By integrating religious ethics with global political discourse, the research examines how faith traditions, including Confucianism, Christianity, and Islamic thought, contribute to peacebuilding, multilateral engagement, and the pursuit of global justice. Focusing on China’s approach to international governance, this study highlights the influence of _Confucian (...)
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  27.  42
    On Comparative Religious Ethics as a Field of Study.Elizabeth M. Bucar & Aaron Stalnaker - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (2):358-384.
    This essay is a critical engagement with recent assessments of comparative religious ethics by John Kelsay and Jung Lee. Contra Kelsay's proposal to return to a neo-Weberian sociology of religious norm elaboration and justification, the authors argue that comparative religious ethics is and should be practiced as a field of study in active conversation with other fields that consider human flourishing, employing a variety of methods that have their roots in multiple disciplines. Cross-pollination from a (...)
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  28.  23
    Religious Ethics: An Antidote for Religious Nationalism.Prabhir Vishnu Poruthiyil - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):1035-1061.
    Social movements driven by a combination of religious nationalism and economic fundamentalism are globally grabbing the levers of political, economic, and intellectual control. The consequence is a policy climate premised on polarization in which inequality and destruction of the natural environment are condoned. This creates demands on key academic institutions like business schools, with stakeholders who are complicit in the sustenance of these social movements. Scholars in these schools have an opportunity to respond through curricula that facilitate reflection on (...)
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  29.  16
    Comparative Religious Ethics: Everyday Decisions for Our Everyday Lives by Christine Gudorf.Fred Glennon - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):236-237.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Comparative Religious Ethics: Everyday Decisions for Our Everyday Lives by Christine GudorfFred GlennonReview of Comparative Religious Ethics: Everyday Decisions for Our Everyday Lives CHRISTINE GUDORF Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2013. 256 pp. $49.00In Comparative Religious Ethics, Christine Gudorf identifies her primary audience as those “seeker-skeptical students” who see value in the study of religion but who eschew organized religion. She contends that a (...)
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    Religious Ethics and Digital Fairness: Theological Reflections on Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Online Advertising Blocking.Xinhe Lu - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):110-125.
    The rise of unfair competition in the digital marketplace presents profound ethical and philosophical challenges, particularly in light of religious perspectives on justice, fairness, and economic morality. In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, digitalization, and artificial intelligence, traditional business ethics and market regulations face unprecedented transformations. While the expansion of Internet technology has facilitated economic growth and improved human life, it has also introduced new forms of competitive behavior that raise ethical concerns regarding fairness, transparency, and (...)
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  31.  19
    Evolutionary Religious Ethics: Judaism.John Teehan - 2010-03-19 - In Michael Boylan, In the Name of God. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 72–103.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Setting the Task Constructing Yahweh The Ten Commandments: An Evolutionary Interpretation Conclusion: The Evolved Law.
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  32. Encyclopedia of religious ethics.William Schweiker & Maria Antonaccio (eds.) - 2022 - Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The Encyclopedia of Religious Ethics introduces readers to basic issues in moral inquiry, a selection of moral traditions, and surveys a range of moral issues. Each of the three volumes covers one of these three elements of religious ethics, with Volume I focusing on moral inquiry. What distinguishes "religious" ethics from other approaches to ethics is, first and foremost, its connection to the religions. While there is much debate in modern scholarship about the (...)
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  33. Comparative religious ethics: critical concepts in religious studies.Charles T. Mathewes (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
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  34.  14
    What is religious ethics?: an introduction.Irene Oh - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    What is Religious Ethics? An Introduction is an accessible and informative overview to major themes and methods in religious ethics. This short and lively book demonstrates the relevance and importance of ethics based in religious traditions and describes how scholars of religious ethics think through moral problems. Combining an issues-based approach with a model of studying ethics religion-by-religion, this volume examines pressing topics through a variety of belief systems - Hinduism, Buddhism, (...)
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    Religious ethics and ethics of Thirukkural: a comparative study focussing Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Christian & Islamic ethics.S. Muthu Kumar - 2018 - New Delhi: Christian World Imprints.
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    The religious ethics implicit in Schleiermacher's doctrine of creation.John P. Crossley - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (4):585-608.
    There is a religious ethics implicit in Schleiermacher's doctrine of creation based on the universal feeling of absolute dependence "prior to" its being informed by any historical tradition. The "highest good" which fundamentally characterizes his religious ethics is found at the intersection of God and the World. The "original perfection of man" and the "original perfection of the world" come together when human life in the world is fully informed by the feeling of absolute dependence. Although (...)
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  37.  15
    On Doing Religious Ethics.June O'connor - 1979 - Journal of Religious Ethics 7 (1):81-96.
    To study and to do religious ethics is to be engaged in a three-tieres task which is likened to the process of climbing a three-step ladder. The climber is free to move both up and down depending on the need at hand, depending upon what it is that is to be reached for. The first step refers to the concrete-experiential level where we address conflicting value claims and engage in decision-making procedures; the second refers to the theological-philosophical level (...)
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  38.  16
    Secular Morality and Religious Ethics: Convergence and Divergence in Modern Society.Ana Björnsson - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):140-155.
    Comparing and contrasting nonreligious and religious perspectives on ethics and morals has perhaps attracted the greatest attention of any secular study area. There are indeed negative preconceptions about seculars that express worries about how morality can be preserved without the influence of religion. The research begins with definitions and categories of morality, along with current views on how they came to be and how to evaluate them. Examined are secular attitudes and actions in areas including prosociality, violence, criminal (...)
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  39. Religious Ethics as a Field and Discipline.[author unknown] - 1978 - Journal of Religious Ethics 6 (1):32-53.
    The field or object of study in religious ethics is presented as the moral elements of a religious ethos. Its methodology or discipline is interpreted as a combination of moral philosophy and religious thought- supplemented by socio-scientific and historical studies-which takes the form of three interrelated endeavors: descriptive ethics, meta-ethics, and normative ethics.
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  40. Aqa Religious Ethics for as and A2.Jon Mayled & Anne Tunley (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    Structured directly around the specification of the AQA, this is the definitive textbook for students of Advanced Subsidiary or Advanced Level courses. It covers all the necessary topics for Religious Ethics in an enjoyable student-friendly fashion. Each chapter includes: a list of key issues AQA specification checklist explanations of key terminology helpful summaries self-test review questions exam practice questions. To maximise students' chances of exam success, the book contains a section dedicated to answering examination questions. It comes complete (...)
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    American Indian Traditions and Religious Ethics.James W. Waters - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (2):239-272.
    TheJournal of Religious Ethicshas published only two full‐length articles focusing on American Indian religious ethics in the last decade. This may signal that the field is uneasy about integrating American Indian religious ethics into its broader discourse. To fill this research lacuna and take a step toward normalizing religious‐ethical engagement with American Indian ethics, this article argues that the field needs an intentionally anticolonial, self‐aware approach to understanding American Indian religious ethics—one (...)
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  42.  9
    Moral struggle and religious ethics: on the person as classic in comparative theological contexts.David A. Clairmont - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Moral Struggle and Religious Ethics offers a comparative discussion of the challenges of living a moral religious life. This is illustrated with a study of two key thinkers, Bonaventure and Buddhaghosa, who influenced the development of moral thinking in Christianity and Buddhism respectively. Provides an important and original contribution to the comparative study and practice of religious ethics Moves away from a comparison of theories by discussing the shared human problem of moral weakness Offers an (...)
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    Religious Ethics and Economic Inequality.Paul Weithman - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (2):223-231.
    This essay serves as an introduction to five papers on economic inequality in this issue of the Journal of Religious Ethics. In addition to introducing the articles individually, the essay also gives a brief overview of recent economic developments that have led religious ethicists to call attention to the issue of inequality.
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    Between Christian Ethics and Religious Ethics: How Should Graduate Students be Trained?Stanley Hauerwas - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (3):399 - 412.
    By focusing on questions concerning what kind of training graduate students in theology and ethics and religious ethics should receive, I try to initiate a conversation we need to have about the kind of work the JRE should foster.
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    Religious ethics, history, and the rise of modern moral philosophy - Focus introduction.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2000 - Journal of Religious Ethics 28 (2):167-188.
    In this introduction to a cluster of three articles on eighteenth-century ethics written by Mark Larrimore, John Bowlin, and Mark Cladis, the author maintains that although the broad narrative tracing the emergence of a religiously neutral or naturalistic moral language in the eighteenth century is a familiar one, many central questions concerning this development remain unanswered and require further historical study. Against those who contend that historical study is antecedent to, but not part of, the proper substance of (...) ethics, the author argues that historical and normative studies are interdependent, each helping to define the questions central to the other. The introduction concludes with an overview of the three articles and suggests ways in which religious ethicists can, in the future, make a distinctive contribution to the history of ethics. (shrink)
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  46. Religious Ethics and Active Euthanasia in a Pluralistic Society.Courtney S. Campbell - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (3):253-277.
    This article sets out a descriptive typology of religious perspectives on legalized euthanasia—political advocacy, individual conscience, silence, embedded opposition, and formal public opposition—and then examines the normative basis for these perspectives through the themes of sovereignty, stewardship, and the self. It also explores the public relevance of these religious perspectives for debates over legalized euthanasia, particularly in the realm of public policy. Ironically, the moral discourse of religious traditions on euthanasia may gain public relevance at the expense (...)
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  47. An African Religious Ethics and the Euthyphro Problem.Motsamai Molefe - 2017 - Acta Academica 49 (1):22-38.
    Supposing that an African metaphysics grounded on the notion and/or value of vitality is true, can it do a better job in terms of informing an African religious ethics than its Western counterparts, specifically, the Divine Command theory (DCT)? By ‘religious ethics’, in this article, I have in a mind a meta-ethical theory i.e., an account of moral properties whether they are best understood in spiritual rather than physical terms. In this article, I articulate an under-explored (...)
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    The Religious Ethics of Labor.Fred Glennon & Vincent Lloyd - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (2):217-229.
    While unionization rates have steadily declined in the United States, there has been a renewal of grassroots labor organizing—in many cases connected in some way with religious communities. Attending to such organizing efforts holds the potential to deepen religious-ethical reflection on questions of labor, and these religious-ethical reflections hold the potential to enrich on-the-ground organizing efforts. These opportunities have largely been overlooked. On the one hand, while scholars have recently explored connections between religious ideas and economic (...)
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    Agency Is Ecological: Comparative Religious Ethics and the Greening of Moral Theory.William A. Barbieri - 2025 - Journal of Religious Ethics 52 (4):496-519.
    Developments along various epistemic fronts have been gradually modifying our ethical conception of what constitutes agency. For several reasons, we should acknowledge in particular that there is an irremediably ecological character to moral action, in a number of respects. After providing a broad analysis of the ecological turn in moral theory, I reflect on some of its implications for our understanding of the historicity of morals. I then comment on ways in which the field of comparative religious ethics (...)
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    Putting Religion Back Into Religious Ethics.Eric Gregory - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (1):166-179.
    This essay on Richard Miller’s Friends and Other Strangers (2016) locates its arguments in the context of how the practice of religious ethics bears upon debates about normativity in the study of religion and the cultural turn in the humanities. After reviewing its main claims about identity and otherness, I focus on three areas. First, while commending Miller’s effort to analogize virtuous empathy with Augustine’s ethics of rightly ordered love, I raise questions about his use of Augustine (...)
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