Peter Remnant [19]P. Remnant [1]
  1.  94
    (1 other version)Incongruent counterparts and absolute space.Peter Remnant - 1963 - Mind 72 (287):393-399.
  2. (1 other version)How Matter Might First be Made.Jonathan Bennett & Peter Remnant - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 4:1.
    In the fourth book of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Locke hints that he could explain how God may have created matter ex nihilo, but refrains from doing so. Leibniz, when he came upon this passage, pricked up his ears. There ensued a sequence of personal events which are not without charm and piquancy, and a sequence of philosophical events which are of some interest. In this paper we tell the tale.
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  3.  39
    Behind the Geometrical Method: A Reading of Spinoza's Ethics.Peter Remnant - 1992 - Noûs 26 (3):371-373.
  4. Peter Damian: Could God Change the Past?Peter Remnant - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):259 - 268.
    Histories of philosophy frequently depict the later eleventh century as the scene of a series of bouts between dialecticians and anti-dialecticians — Berengar vs. Lanfranc, Roscelin vs. Anselm — preliminaries to the twelfth century welterweight contest between Abelard and St. Bernard and — dare one say? — the thirteenth century heavy-weight championship between St. Thomas and St. Bonaventure.The bouts took place — no question about that — but whether the contestants can properly be characterized as dialecticians and anti-dialecticians is less (...)
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  5. Professor Rynin on the autonomy of morals.Peter Remnant - 1959 - Mind 68 (270):252-255.
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  6.  62
    Leibniz: New Essays on Human Understanding.Peter Remnant & Jonathan Bennett (eds.) - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    In the New Essays on Human Understanding, Leibniz argues chapter by chapter with John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, challenging his views about knowledge, personal identity, God, morality, mind and matter, nature versus nurture, logic and language, and a host of other topics. The work is a series of sharp, deep discussions by one great philosopher of the work of another. Leibniz's references to his contemporaries and his discussions of the ideas and institutions of the age make this a fascinating (...)
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    Leibniz and Locke: A Study of the New Essays on Human Understanding.Peter Remnant - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (2):297.
  8.  49
    Red and Green All over Again.Peter Remnant - 1960 - Analysis 21 (4):93 - 95.
    ‘… the shortness that is in us declines ever to become or be tall; nor will any other quality, while still remaining what it was, at the same time become or be the opposite quality; in such a situation it either withdraws or ceases to exist.’ Plato: Phaedo.
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    Descartes: Body and Soul.Peter Remnant - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):377 - 386.
    Leibniz says that descartes maintains that a human soul brings about voluntary acts by changing the direction of motion of parts of its body without changing the total quantity of motion. Most subsequent commentators have endorsed this interpretation. But descartes does not say this anywhere, And says things inconsistent with this interpretation. The present paper attributes to descartes a complementarity doctrine, According to which the cartesian laws of motion do not apply to the behaviour of animated bodies, And argues that (...)
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    Leibniz's New Essays: The Remnant-Bennett Version.P. Remnant & J. Bennett - 1994 - Locke Studies 25.
    In his New Essays on Human Understanding, Leibniz presents an extended critical commentary on Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Leibniz read some of Locke’s work in English and then, a few years later, the whole of it in French, a language in which he was more comfortable. Over a period of about two further years, on and off, he wrote his New Essays, which he finished at about the time Locke died and which was not published until about half a (...)
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  11.  41
    Moral Facts.Peter Remnant - 1957 - Philosophy 32 (121):148 - 157.
    An important part of ethics consists in the attempt to find a theoretical framework for the sincere moral discourse of ordinary people; to present, if possible, a consistent account of the ways in which such terms as “good,” “right,” “duty,” “obligation” are used in moral contexts. It is surprising that it should ever have been thought possible to account for such utterances as expressions of emotion. For the most part nothing could be less like the sighs, groans, shouts, and chuckles (...)
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  12.  59
    A new letter by Kant.Peter Remnant & Christoph E. Schweitzer - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):243.
  13.  27
    Alexander Parfenievich Maslow 1891-1968.Peter Remnant - 1968 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 42:172 -.
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    Critical notice.Peter Remnant - 1975 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):561-571.
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  15.  56
    Kant and the cosmological argument.Peter Remnant - 1959 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 37 (2):152 – 155.
    The author states kant's cosmological argument and its connection to the ontological argument. He discusses different criticisms of kant's argument, None of which he finds convincing. (staff).
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  16.  9
    New Essays on Human Understanding Abridged Edition.Peter Remnant & Jonathan Bennett (eds.) - 1982 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is an abridgement of the complete translation of the New Essays, first published in 1981, designed for use as a study text. The material extraneous to philosophy - more than a third of the original - and the glossary of notes have been cut and a philosophical introduction and bibliography of work on Leibniz have been provided by the translators. The marginal pagination has been retained for ease of cross-reference to the full edition. The work itself is an acknowledged (...)
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  17.  43
    The Natural Philosophy of Leibniz Kathleen Okruhlik and James Robert Brown, editors The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, vol. 29 Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1985. Pp. viii, 342. $49.50. [REVIEW]Peter Remnant - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (3):557.
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  18.  37
    The Problem of The Unity of Science: Bacon to Kant. By Robert McRae. University of Toronto Press, 1961. Pp. xii, 148. $4.50. [REVIEW]Peter Remnant - 1962 - Dialogue 1 (1):97-98.