Results for 'responsa literature'

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  1.  23
    The image of the non-Jew in Judaism: the idea of Noahide law.David Novak - 1983 - Portland, OR: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization. Edited by Matthew Lagrone.
    Throughout history the image of the non-Jew in Judaism has profoundly influenced the way in which Jews interact with non-Jews. It has also shaped the understanding that Jews have of their own identity, as it determines just what distinguishes them from the non-Jews around them. A crucial element in this is the concept of Noahide law, understood by the ancient rabbis and subsequent Jewish thinkers as incumbent upon all humankind, unlike the full 613 divine commandments of the Torah, which are (...)
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    Committing to endangerment: medical teams in the age of corona in Jewish ethics.Tsuriel Rashi - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):27-34.
    Doctors have been treating infectious diseases for hundreds of years, but the risk they and other medical professionals are exposed to in an epidemic has always been high. At the front line of the present war against COVID-19, medical teams are endangering their lives as they continue to treat patients suffering from the disease. What is the degree of danger that a medical team must accept in the face of a pandemic? What are the theoretical justifications for these risks? This (...)
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  3. Maimonides and the Convert.James A. Diamond - 2003 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 11 (2):125-146.
    Within the long tradition of halakhic stares decisis, or Jewish responsa literature, one can find no more intricate a weave of law and philosophy than that crafted by the twelfth century Jewish jurist and philosopher, Moses Maimonides, in response to an existential query by Ovadyah, a Muslim convert to Judaism. Ovadyah's conversion raised particular concerns within the realm of institutionalized prayer and the rabbinically standardized texts that were its mainstay. The liturgy that had evolved was replete with ethnocentric (...)
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    “Doing the Right and the Good”: Thinking Against Mass Incarceration.Aryeh Cohen - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (1):21-39.
    Journal of Religious Ethics, Volume 50, Issue 1, Page 21-39, March 2022.
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    Waste not: a Jewish environmental ethic.Tanhum S. Yoreh - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press, State University of New York Press.
    Classical rabbinic texts -- Bible and biblical commentaries -- Codes and their cognates -- Responsa.
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  6. After BIOETHICSLINE: Online Searching of the Bioethics Literature.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (4):389-390.
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    Literature and the Question of Philosophy.Anthony J. Cascardi & Comparative Literature Rhetroric & Spanish Anthony J. Cascardi - 1989 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    A distinguished group of authors reflects on problems currently enlivening the space shared by philosophy and literary theory in a series of chapters that range in scope from Plato to postmodernism.
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    Bioethics Resources on the Web.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (2):175-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10.2 (2000) 175-188 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 38 Bioethics Resources on the Web * Once described as an "enormous used book store with volumes stacked on shelves and tables and overflowing onto the floor" (Pool, Robert. 1994. Turning an Info-Glut into a Library. Science 266 (7 October): 20-22, p. 20), Internet resources now receive numerous levels of organization, from basic directory listings (...)
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    Naming the Principles in Democritus: An Epistemological Problem.Literature Enrico PiergiacomiCorresponding authorDepartement of - forthcoming - Apeiron.
    Objective Apeiron was founded in 1966 and has developed into one of the oldest and most distinguished journals dedicated to the study of ancient philosophy, ancient science, and, in particular, of problems that concern both fields. Apeiron is committed to publishing high-quality research papers in these areas of ancient Greco-Roman intellectual history; it also welcomes submission of articles dealing with the reception of ancient philosophical and scientific ideas in the later western tradition. The journal appears quarterly. Articles are peer-reviewed on (...)
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  10. “Susanna and the Elders”: On the visual semiotic of shame.Literature Alexander KozinCorresponding authorCentre for - forthcoming - Semiotica.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  11. Basic resources in bioethics: 1996-1999.National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (1):81-102.
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    Culture, Genre, and Literary Vocation: Selected Essays on American Literature.J. Leland Miller Professor of American History Literature and Eloquence Michael Davitt Bell & Michael Davitt Bell - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    In Culture, Genre, and Literary Vocation, Michael Davitt Bell charts the important and often overlooked connection between literary culture and authors' careers. Bell's influential essays on nineteenth-century American writers—originally written for such landmark projects as The Columbia Literary History of the United States and The Cambridge History of American Literature—are gathered here with a major new essay on Richard Wright. Throughout, Bell revisits issues of genre with an eye toward the unexpected details of authors' lives, and invites us to (...)
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  13. Responsum on Equal Pay.Rabbi Jonathan Cohen, D. Ph & on Behalf of the Ccar Responsa Committee - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson, The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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    On the Dissemination of Realism.Harry Levin & International Comparative Literature Association - 1969 - Université de Belgrade Swets & Zeitlinger.
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    Origins of Narrative: The Romantic Appropriation of the Bible.Stephen Prickett & Regius Professor of English Literature Stephen Prickett - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    During the late eighteenth century the Bible underwent a shift in interpretation so radical as to make it virtually a different book from what it had been a hundred years earlier. Even as its text was being revealed as neither stable nor original, the new notion of the Bible as a cultural artefact became a paradigm for all literature. In Origins of Narrative one of the world's leading scholars in biblical interpretation, criticism and theory describes how, while formal religion (...)
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    Taste and Ideology in Seventeenth-Century France.Michael Moriarty & Centenary Professor of French Literature and Thought Michael Moriarty - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book analyses the use of the crucial concept of 'taste' in the works of five major seventeenth-century French authors, Méré, Saint Evremond, La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyère and Boileau. It combines close readings of important texts with a thoroughgoing political analysis of seventeenth-century French society in terms of class and gender. Dr Moriarty shows that far from being timeless and universal, the term 'taste' is culture-specific, shifting according to the needs of a writer and his social group. The notion of (...)
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    Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition.Barbara K. Gold, Barbara H. Gold, Carolina Distinguished Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature Paul Allen Miller, Paul Allen Miller & Charles Platter - 1997 - SUNY Press.
    Examines interrelated topics in Medieval and Renaissance Latin literature: the status of women as writers, the status of women as rhetorical figures, and the status of women in society from the fifth to the early seventeenth century.
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    The Victorians and the Visual Imagination.Kate Flint & Reader in Victorian and Modern English Literature and Fellow Kate Flint - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    Richly illustrated study drawing on art, literature and science to explore Victorian attitudes towards sight.
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    The Power of Contestation: Perspectives on Maurice Blanchot.Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature Kevin Hart, Kevin Hart, Geoffrey H. Hartman & Professor Geoffrey H. Hartman - 2004 - JHU Press.
    "Kevin Hart and Geoffrey H. Hartman bring together essays by prominent scholars from a range of disciplines to focus on Blanchot's diverse concerns: literature, art, community, politics, ethics, spirituality, and the Holocaust."--Jacket.
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    Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftsbegriff.Gerhard Funke, Erhard Scheibe & Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur - 1983
    Enthält: Gesichtspunkte zur Beurteilung von Wissenschaftsbegriffen / von Gerhard Funke. Kriterien zur Beurteilung der Naturwissenschaften / von Erhard Scheibe.
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    The Humanities in Dispute: A Dialogue in Letters.Ronald W. Sousa, Professor of Portuguese Spanish and Comparative Literature Ronald W. Sousa & Joel Weinsheimer - 1998
    Disturbed by these acrimonious arguments, the authors - former colleagues and university-press board members - embarked on an ambitious project to reexamine a number of major literary and philosophical works dealing with the liberal arts and education. With their discussions ranging from Plato to Rousseau, from Cicero to Vico, from Erasmus to Matthew Arnold, Sousa and Weinsheimer offer not a history of education philosophy but an examination of the present.
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    Petri Gassendi Disquisitio metaphysica: Seu dubitationes et instantiae adversus Renati Cartesii Metaphysicam, & responsa.Pierre Gassendi, René Descartes & Joan Blaeu - 1694 - Apud Iohannem Blaeu.
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    Aging and the aged in Jewish law: essays and responsa.Walter Jacob & Moshe Zemer (eds.) - 1998 - Pittsburgh: Rodef Shalom Press.
    THE FREEHOF INSTITUTE OF PROGRESSIVE HALAKHAH The Freehof Institute of Progressive Halakhah is a creative research center devoted to studying and defining the progressive character of the halakhah in accordance with the principles and theology of Reform Judaism. It seeks to establish the ideological basis of Progressive halakhah, and its application to daily life. The Institute fosters serious studies, and helps scholars in various portions of the world to work together for a common cause. It provides an ongoing forum through (...)
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  24.  26
    Two passages of Hilary's apologetica responsa rediscovered.P. Smulders - 1978 - Bijdragen 39 (3):234-243.
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    Literature and truth: imaginative writing as a medium for ideas.Richard Lansdown - 2018 - Boston: Brill Rodopi.
    In Literature and Truth Richard Lansdown continues a discussion concerning the truth-bearing status of imaginative literature that pre-dates Plato. The book opens with a general survey of contemporary approaches in philosophical aesthetics, and a discussion of the contribution to the question made by British philosopher R. G. Collingwood in particular, in his Speculum Mentis. It then offers six case-studies from the Romantic era to the contemporary one as to how imaginative authors have variously dealt with bodies of discursive (...)
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    World literature as discovery: expanding the world literary canon.Longxi Zhang - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The rise of world literature is the most noticeable phenomenon in literary studies in the twenty-first century. However, truly well-known and globally circulating works are all canonical works of European or Western literature, while non-European and even "minor" European literatures remain largely unknown beyond their culture of origin. World Literature as Discovery: Expanding the World Literary Canon argues that world literature for our time must go beyond Eurocentrism and expand the canon to include great works from (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Holocaust responsa in the Kovno Ghetto (1941-1944).Ephraim Kaye - 1995 - Jerusalem: Yad Vashem.
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  28.  9
    Literatur-machen: Literatur und ihre Vermittler.Erwin Krottenthaler & José F. A. Oliver (eds.) - 2013 - Dresden: Voland & Quist.
    Die Schreibwerkstätten am Literaturhaus in Stuttgart haben in Deutschland Massstäbe gesetzt. Was vor über 10 Jahren als ein Angebot für Schülerinnen und Schüler begonnen hatte, mündete konsequenterweise auch in ein innovatives Programm zur Lehrerfortbildung: die Gesprächsreihe "Literatur und ihre Vermittler". Zehn Autorinnen und Autoren äusserten sich zu wesentlichen Fragen des literarischen Schreibens und gewährten einen sehr persönlichen Blick hinter die Kulissen. Wo und wann beginnt Literatur? Ist Schreiben erlernbar? Wann wird Sprache literarisch? Ist Scheitern die Voraussetzung für etwas Neues? Wer (...)
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    Literature, ethics, and aesthetics: applied Deleuze and Guattari.Sabrina Achilles - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book is a conceptualization of the literary aesthetic in relation to ethics, in particular, an ethics for a concern for the Self. Bringing Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's constructivist thinking into a practical domain, Sabrina Achilles rethinks the ways in which literature is understood and taught. Through an interdisciplinary approach, literature is viewed from the position of a problem without any pre-given frame.
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    Literatur und praktische vernunft.Frieder von Ammon, Cornelia Rémi, Gideon Stiening & Friedrich Vollhardt (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    Der Band versammelt Studien, die sich dem von Friedrich Vollhardt intensiv erforschten Verhältnis von Literatur und Formen der praktischen Vernunft widmen. Dazu zählen neben Rechts- und Morallehren auch Theorien der Politik und der Religion. Ihre Bedeutung für die Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart leuchten die Beiträge dieser Festschrift aus.
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    Literature: an introduction to theory and analysis.Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Lasse Horne Kjældgaard, Lis Møller, Dan Ringgaard, Lilian Munk Rösing & Peter Simonsen (eds.) - 2017 - London ; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Covering definitions of key terms, important debates about literature and the world and the many forms of literature today, this is a comprehensive introduction to key topics in the study of literature, criticism and theory.
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    Literature and weak thought.Andrzej Zawadzki - 2013 - New York: PL Academic Research.
    This book reconstructs fundamental assumptions on weak thought, a crucial tendency in contemporary hermeneutics. Some motifs of weak thought serve to reinterpret the concept of mimesis and that of the textual subject as a trace. The book also describes tendencies in modern literature in which weak being is expressed by the motif of the trace.
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    Comparative Literature, Variation Theory, and a New Construction of World Literature.Chao Wang - 2021 - Cultura 18 (1):7-22.
    In "Comparative Literature, Variation Theory, and a New Construction of World Literature" Wang Chao discusses Shunqing Cao's "variation theory" as a framework in the discipline of comparative literature and its applicability for a new construction of world literature. Wang argues that Goethe's concept of world literature can be expanded and developed for a new construction of the idea of world literature. Wang's principal argument is that comparative literature in today's heterogeneity and cross-cultural variabilities (...)
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  34. Literature and Thought Experiments.David Egan - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (2):139-150.
    Like works of literature, thought experiments present fictional narratives that prompt reflection in their readers. Because of these and other similarities, a number of philosophers have argued for a strong analogy between works of literary fiction and thought experiments, some going so far as to say that works of literary fiction are a species of thought experiment. These arguments are often used in defending a cognitivist position with regard to literature: thought experiments produce knowledge, so works of literary (...)
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  35.  17
    The Literature of Personalists (Pudgalavadins) of early Buddhism. Bhikshu Thích Thien Ch'u (English translation by Sara Boin-Webb).Fernando Toda & Carmen Dragonetti - 1999 - Buddhist Studies Review 16 (2):238-239.
    The Literature of Personalists of early Buddhism. Bhikshu Thích Thien Châu. Vietnam Buddhist Research Institute, Ho Chí Minh City 1996. xii, 241 pp. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1999. xiv, 242 pp. Rs 295. ISBN 81-208-1622-6.
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  36. Literature and moral understanding: a philosophical essay on ethics, aesthetics, education, and culture.Frank Palmer - 1992 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Recent philosophical discussion about the relation between fiction and reality pays little attention to our moral involvement with literature. Frank Palmer's purpose is to investigate how our appreciation of literary works calls upon and develops our capacity for moral understanding. He explores a wide range of philosophical questions about the relation of art to morality, and challenges theories that he regards as incompatible with a humane view of literary art. Palmer considers, in particular, the extent to which the values (...)
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  37.  9
    From Literature to Biterature: Lem, Turing, Darwin, and Explorations in Computer Literature, Philosophy of Mind, and Cultural Evolution.Peter Swirski - 2013 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    From Literature to Biterature is based on the premise that in the foreseeable future computers will become capable of creating works of literature. Among hundreds of other questions, it considers: Under which conditions would machines become capable of creative writing? Given that computer evolution will exceed the pace of natural evolution a million-fold, what will such a state of affairs entail in terms of art, culture, social life, and even nonhuman rights? Drawing a map of impending literary, cultural, (...)
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  38.  6
    Sprache, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft, Medien: Beiträge zum Sprachdenken und zur Sprachkritik.Helmut Arntzen - 2009 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
    Die 22 Beiträge dieses Bandes begreifen Sprache als Fundamentalkategorie des Menschen. Alles Sprachliche ist nicht zeichentheoretisch zu verstehen, sondern als Ausdruck eines notwendigen Verhältnisses von Wort und Sache. Dies wird am Kritischen der Sprache selbst, am Sprachdenken und am Metaphorischen zu zeigen versucht. Wichtige Erscheinungen des deutschen Sprachdenkens werden vorgestellt. Die problematische Entwicklung des Sprachbegriffs seit dem 19. Jahrhundert erscheint im Tatsachenbegriff, in der Vorstellung der öffentlichen Rede und in der Tendenz zur Mediensprache. Die Stellung der bedeutenden Literatur innerhalb dieser (...)
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    Ritual und Literatur.Wolfgang Braungart - 1996 - Tübingen: de Gruyter.
    Literatur ist nicht nur vieldeutig und rätselhaft, wie dies das leitende literaturtheoretische Paradigma behauptet. Literatur wird noch immer, unbeschadet ihrer Vieldeutigkeit, als sinnhaft und bedeutsam erfahren, weil sie bestimmt, ästhetisch herausgehoben und geregelt ist. In dieser Hinsicht läßt sie sich als eine dem Ritual analoge, ja als selbst rituelle Handlung beschreiben. Denn das Ritual ist eine ästhetisch ausgezeichnete, symbolische Wiederholungshandlung, die für das menschliche Leben bis heute elementare Bedeutung hat.
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    Literatur & Lebenswelt.Alexander Löck & Dirk Oschmann (eds.) - 2012 - Wien: Böhlau.
    Welchen besonderen Zugang zur Welt bieten literarische Texte? Wie nehmen wir unsere Lebenswelt mit Hilfe von Texten wahr? Und was bedeutet sie uns in dieser Perspektive? Der vorliegende Sammelband geht diesen Fragen systematisch wie historisch nach. Neben Beiträgen zum Verhältnis von lebensweltlichem Wahrnehmen und literarischem Darstellen bietet er eine Reihe von Studien, die dieses Verhältnis an konkreten Beispieltexten von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart untersuchen. Er fragt dabei auch, welche Formen eines Konflikts zwischen lebensweltlicher Wahrnehmung durch Individuen und kulturell-gesellschaftlichen Normen (...)
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    Rabbinic Literature and the History of Judaism in Late Antiquity: Challenges, Methodologies and New Approaches.Moshe Lavee - 2011 - In Lavee Moshe, Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine. pp. 319.
    This chapter examines the methodologies, new approaches, and challenges in the use of rabbinic literature to study the history of Judaism in late antiquity. It provides some examples that demonstrate some of the issues concerning the applicability of rabbinic literature to the study of Judaism in late-Roman Palestine. It concludes that rabbinic literature can serve as a historical source, especially when read indirectly and through the lens of well-defined theoretical frameworks, and when perceived as a rabbinic cultural (...)
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    Literature and the Philosophy of Intention.Patrick Swinden - 1999 - St. Martin's Press.
    In what sense is a consideration of a writer's intentions relevant to the reading and appreciation of his work? In the past half century, powerful arguments have been advanced that they are not relevant at all. Patrick Swinden examines the conduct of the anti-intentionalist argument by exponents of Anglo-American new criticism, European structuralism and various kinds of post-modernist theory, and finds it wanting. He enlists the aid of Kantian aesthetics and contemporary philosophy of language and action in an attempt to (...)
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    Badiou and Deleuze read literature.Jean-Jacques Lecercle - 2010 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Why do philosophers read literature? How do they read it? And to what extent does their philosophy derive from their reading of literature? Anyone who has read contemporary European philosophers has had to ask such questions. This book is an attempt to answer them, by considering the ‘strong readings’ Alain Badiou and Gilles Deleuze impose on the texts they read. The author demonstrates that philosophers need literature as much as literary critics need philosophy: it is an exercise (...)
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    Light Literature and Philosophy of East Asia: An Abridgment of the Subjects.Don Y. Lee - 1982 - Eastern Press.
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    Literature and Philosophy Between Two World Wars: The Problem of Alienation in a War Culture.Harry Slochower - 1964 - Citadel Press.
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    Hegel, Literature, and the Problem of Agency.Allen Speight - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit has attracted much attention recently from philosophers, but none of the existing English-language books on the text addresses one of the most difficult questions the book raises: Why does the Phenomenology make such rich and provocative use of literary works and genres? Allen Speight's bold contribution to the debate on the work of Hegel argues that behind Hegel's extraordinary appeal to literature in the Phenomenology lies a philosophical project concerned with understanding human agency in the (...)
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    Reviewing Literature in Bioethics Research: Increasing Rigour in Non‐Systematic Reviews.Rosalind McDougall - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (7):523-528.
    The recent interest in systematic review methods in bioethics has highlighted the need for greater transparency in all literature review processes undertaken in bioethics projects. In this article, I articulate features of a good bioethics literature review that does not aim to be systematic, but rather to capture and analyse the key ideas relevant to a research question. I call this a critical interpretive literature review. I begin by sketching and comparing three different types of literature (...)
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    Bringing Literature to Life for Urban Adolescents: Artistic, Dramatic Instruction and Live Theater.Janine Certo & Wayne Brinda - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 45 (3):22-37.
    The abilities to read, to write, and to compute are of crucial importance. Students who cannot read, write, or compute are in deep trouble. But important though these skills are, they do not encompass all of what people know or the ways in which what they know. An innovative literacy/theater project implemented in two sixth-grade classrooms of a high-poverty, urban, western Pennsylvania middle school was designed to help urban teachers address aliteracy by engaging their students in the discovery of three (...)
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    Literature, Moral Reflection and Ambiguity.Craig Taylor - 2011 - Philosophy 86 (1):75-93.
    While a number of philosophers have argued recently that it is through our emotional response to certain literary works that we might achieve particular moral understanding, what has not been discussed in detail in this connection are works which generate conflicting responses in the reader; which is to say literary works in which there is significant element of ambiguity. Consider Joseph Conrad's novel Lord Jim. I argue that in making sense of our potentially conflicting responses to this novel, and specifically (...)
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  50. Truth, fiction, and literature: a philosophical perspective.Peter Lamarque & Stein Haugom Olsen - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Stein Haugom Olsen.
    This book examines the complex and varied ways in which fictions relate to the real world, and offers a precise account of how imaginative works of literature can use fictional content to explore matters of universal human interest. While rejecting the traditional view that literature is important for the truths that it imparts, the authors also reject attempts to cut literature off altogether from real human concerns. Their detailed account of fictionality, mimesis, and cognitive value, founded on (...)
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