Results for 'rhetor'

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  1.  43
    Does rhetoric, as Plato had Gorgias claim, have other areas of knowledge under its control? Or, as his Socrates claimed, does rhetoric have no use for knowledge at all? Gorgias seems to concede the point but counts it an advantage rather than a deficiency of rhetoric:“But is this not a great comfort, Socrates, to be able without learning any other arts but this one to prove in no way inferior to the specialists?”(Plato, trans. 1961, p. 459c). This critique of rhetoric mounted in the early part of the ...Disciplinarity Rhetoric - 2009 - In Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson & Rosa A. Eberly (eds.), SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. SAGE. pp. 167.
  2. Rhetoric and Pedagogy.Rhetoric as Pedagogy - 2009 - In Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson & Rosa A. Eberly (eds.), SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. SAGE.
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  3. FRom “motheRs oF the nation” to “motheRs oF the Race”.Eugenic Rhetoric - 2012 - In Elizabeth A. Flynn, Patricia Sotirin & Ann Brady (eds.), Feminist rhetorical resilience. Logan: Utah State University Press. pp. 181.
  4.  8
    Stephen Sallaever.Politics Rhetoric - 2009 - In Stephen G. Salkever (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 209.
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    Nec rhetor neque philosophus: fonti, lingua e stile nelle prime opere latine di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1484-87).Francesco Bausi - 1996 - [Florence]: L.S. Olschki.
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  6. Robert litteral.Rhetorical Predicates & Time Topology In Anggor - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8:391.
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    Menander Rhetor.D. C. Innes - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (01):23-.
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    Menander Rhetor D. A. Russell and N. G. Wilson. Menander Rhetor. Pp. xlvii + 391. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981. £35.Robert Browning - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (02):148-149.
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  9. Executive's Speech.Revealing Rhetoric An - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2:187-199.
  10. Recte dixtt quondam sapiens ille Solon rhetorische ubungsstücke Von schülern Von ubbo emmius.William Shaksperes Small Latin & Renaissance Rhetoric - 1993 - In Fokke Akkerman, Gerda C. Huisman & Arie Johan Vanderjagt (eds.), Wessel Gansfort (1419-1489) and northern humanism. New York: E.J. Brill. pp. 245.
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  11. Gregory of Nazianzus: Rhetor and Philosopher.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 1974 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 7 (2):111-113.
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    Der exemplarische Rhetor: Über Anti-Philosophie und Sophistik bei Alain Badiou.Alexander Stagnell - 2023 - Distinctio 2 (2):85-110.
    Dieser Artikel untersucht den zweideutigen Status der Rhetorik, der zwischen echter Philosophie und bloßer Sophisterei angesiedelt ist, anhand von Alan Badious drei exemplarischen Denkfiguren: dem Philosophen, dem Anti-Philosophen und dem Sophisten. Mit der jüngsten Rückkehr des Sophisten in die Politik in Form populistischer Politiker hat die zeitgenössische Rhetorikforschung die Notwendigkeit zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass die Disziplin ihr Bündnis mit der relativistischen Sophistik überdenkt. Indem Badious drei exemplarische Figuren untersucht und sie mit seinem Verständnis der drei Formen der Negation in Beziehung (...)
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  13.  9
    Notes on Seneca 'Rhetor'.W. S. Watt - 1983 - American Journal of Philology 104 (1):83.
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  14.  24
    Fulvia and the Cheeky Rhetor (Suet. Rhet. 5).J. Lea Beness & Tom Hillard - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):928-932.
    This paper concerns the translation and interpretation of a succinct quip of Sextus Clodius, a rhetorician in Antony's entourage, on the subject of Fulvia's swollen cheek. The jest is often interpreted as having suggested that she tempted Clodius’ pen, and various double meanings have been proposed. Contextualization may supply a key. The remark could mean that Fulvia seemed to be testing the point of her stylus, and the dark allusion might then be to reports of the manner in which Fulvia (...)
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    Some manuscript notes by F. Jacobs on the text of menander rhetor.Felipe G. Hernández Muñoz - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):752-768.
    In 2007 I published the first part of some manuscript notes on the text of Menander Rhetor, which I attributed to F. Jacobs. I now present the second part of these notes, alongside a global assessment of all the coniectanea and corrections by F. Jacobs on the text of this rhetor.
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  16.  22
    Nec rhetor neque philosophus: Fonti, lingua e stile nelle prime opere latine di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. [REVIEW]Charles Trinkaus - 1999 - Speculum 74 (1):117-119.
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    3. Seneca der rhetor.F. Haase - 1851 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 6 (1-4):173-176.
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    Gregory of nazianzus: Rhetor and philosopher.Mary-Barbara Zeldin - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (1):87-89.
  19.  31
    Menander Rhetor J. Soffel: Die Regeln Menanders für die Leichenrede. (Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie, 57.) Pp. 295. Meisenheim am Glan: Anton Hain, 1974. Cloth, DM. 42. [REVIEW]D. C. Innes - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (01):23-24.
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    It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It.I. Kierkegaard’S. Rhetorical Irony - 2013 - In John Lippitt & George Pattison (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Kierkegaard. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 344.
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  21.  19
    Julianus of Laodicea: rhetor or trader?Graham Anderson - 1982 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 102:202.
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  22. Kritische Blätter zum Rhetor Seneca.Emil Thomas - 1886 - Hermes 21 (1):41-64.
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  23.  14
    Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?Michel Meyer & Perelman Professor of Rhetoric and Argumentation Michel Meyer - 1997 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    La question de ce petit livre est simple : peut-on aller au-delà du constat de crise et d'impuissance dont le philosophe se fait le prophète depuis plus d'un siècle? Peut-on parler de la science sans complexe d'infériorité, de Dieu sans obscurantisme, d'existence sans tomber dans la banalité du café du commerce, de politique sans consacrer le cynisme, de morale sans faire dans le sermon? Bref, la philosophie peut-elle aider à faire comprendre et à dépasser les apories du temps présent qu'elle (...)
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  24.  8
    Who is Afraid of the Rhētōr? An Analysis and Exegesis of Socrates and Gorgias' Conversation in Plato's Gorgias.Yosef Z. Liebersohn - 2014 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
  25. More Evidence of the Earliest Translation of Menander Rhetor on the Monody.Pernille Harsting - 1999 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 70:3-12.
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    Calvin L. Troup, ed., Augustine for the Philosophers: The Rhetor of Hippo, the Confessions, and the Continentals.Thomas McNulty - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):174-178.
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    Augustine for the philosophers: the rhetor of Hippo, the confessions, and the continentals.Calvin L. Troup (ed.) - 2014 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
  28.  81
    Sopatros the Rhetor Doreen Innes, Michael Winterbottom: Sopatros the Rhetor: Studies in the Text of the Διαཷρεσις Ζητημτων. (Bulletin Suppl., 48.) Pp. xii + 330. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 1989. Paper, £30. [REVIEW]Ian Rutherford - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (01):20-22.
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  29.  52
    A Late Rhetor of Asia Rudolf Keydell: Agathiae Myrinaei Historiarum libri quinque. (Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, ii.). Pp. xl+232. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1967. Cloth, DM.82. [REVIEW]Ronald C. McCail - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (01):51-53.
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  30.  38
    Menander (A) Rhetor M. Heath: Menander. A Rhetor in Context . Pp. xviii + 374. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Cased, £65. ISBN: 0-19-925920-. [REVIEW]Charles Weiss - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (02):469-.
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    VII. Verbesserungen einiger stellen der briefe des rhetor Alkiphron.Ch P. Metropulos - 1855 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 10 (1-4):134-144.
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    IV. Weiteres zur Kritik des Rhetor Seneca.Richard Opitz - 1889 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 48 (1-4):67-75.
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  33. Subjects/titles.Madhava Prasad, Stanley Fish, Doing What Comes Naturally & Rhetoric Change - forthcoming - Diacritics.
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  34. Modus in principio. Il logos rhètor: l''interrogazione inutile.Nunzio Incardona - 1998 - Giornale di Metafisica 20 (1):151-162.
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  35.  14
    Cicero and the reformation - (c.P.e.) Springer cicero in heaven. The Roman rhetor and Luther's reformation. Pp. XXII + 291. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2018. Cased, €125, us$144. Isbn: 978-90-04-35515-6. [REVIEW]Kai Bremer - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):451-453.
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    Joanne McWilliam (ed.) Augustine, from rhetor to theologian. [REVIEW]Angelo di Berardino - 1992 - Augustinianum 32 (2):460-461.
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    Rhetoric and philosophy in Renaissance humanism.Jerrold E. Seigel - 1968 - Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press.
    The combination of rhetoric and philosophy appeared in the ancient world through Cicero, and revived as an ideal in the Renaissance. By a careful and precise analysis of the views of four major humanists-Petrarch, Salutati, Bruni, and Valla—Professor Seigel seeks to establish that they were first of all professional rhetoricians, completely committed to the relation between philosophy and rhetoric. He then explores the broader problem of the "external history" of humanism, and reopens basic questions about Renaissance culture. He departs from (...)
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  38.  16
    Rosemary Radford Ruether, "Gregory of Nazianzus: Rhetor and Philosopher". [REVIEW]Mary Barbara Zeldin - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (1):87.
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    Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science.Alan G. Gross & William M. Keith - 1997 - SUNY Press.
    Examines the nature of rhetorical theory and criticism, the rhetoric of science, and the impact of poststructuralism and postmodernism on contemporary accounts of rhetoric.
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    Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Thomas Hobbes.Timothy Raylor - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Thomas Hobbes claimed to have founded the discipline of civil philosophy. This book offers a new reading of his intellectual development, arguing that he was dubious about the place of rhetoric in civil society and came to see it as a pernicious presence within philosophy - a position from which he did not retreat.
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  41.  30
    Recognizing rhetoric in science policy arguments.Nancy L. Green - 2020 - Argument and Computation 11 (3):257-268.
    Diligent citizens must critically analyze arguments for science policy recommendations, such as cutting greenhouse gas emissions or growing genetically modified food crops. Science policy articles present arguments for and against such recommendations using scientific evidence and rhetorical devices. In this paper we present an in-depth analysis of argumentation and rhetorical devices in two journal articles on climate change issues. One objective was to gain a better understanding of use of rhetorical devices in this genre, as a prerequisite for designing and (...)
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  42.  70
    The Rhetoric of Science.Alan G. Gross - 1996
    Alan Gross applies the principles of rhetoric to the interpretation of classical and contemporary scientific texts to show how they persuade both author and audience. This invigorating consideration of the ways in which scientists--from Copernicus to Darwin to Newton to James Watson--establish authority and convince one another and us of the truth they describe may very well lead to a remodeling of our understanding of science and its place in society.
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  43.  91
    Rhetoric, paideia and the old idea of a liberal education.Alistair Miller - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (2):183–206.
    This paper argues that the modern curriculum of academic subject disciplines embodies a rationalist conception of pure, universal knowledge that does little to cultivate, humanise or form the self. A liberal education in the classical humanist tradition, by contrast, develops a personal culture or paideia, an understanding of the self as a social, political and cultural being, and the practical wisdom needed to make judgements in practical, political and human affairs. The paper concludes by asking whether the old liberal curriculum, (...)
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  44.  60
    Rhetoric and Philosophy in Conflict: An Historical Survey.Samuel IJsseling - 1976 - M. Nijhoff.
    I THE REHABILITATION OF RHETORIC The ancients denned rhetoric as the art of speaking and writing both well and convincingly: ars bene dicendi and ars ...
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  45.  20
    The rhetorical dimension of images: identity building and management on social networks.Enzo D’Armenio - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (246):87-115.
    This article proposes a semio-rhetorical epistemology for visual documents, one capable of accounting for both their internal configuration, which we shall call the compositional dimension, and their persuasive force within public space, or their rhetorical dimension. The field of reference will be that of identity-related images on social networks, because compared to other kinds of images, such as artistic or professional ones, they adopt new compositional solutions and new dynamics of circulation. To test this theoretical framework, we will conduct an (...)
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  46.  96
    Rhetoric. Aristotle & C. D. C. Reeve - 2018 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _Rhetoric_ is the sixth volume in The New Hackett Aristotle series, a series featuring translations, with Introductions and Notes, by C. D. C. Reeve, Delta Kappa Epsilon Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The series will eventually include all of Aristotle's works.
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  47.  85
    Rhetoric as Critique: Towards a Rhetorical Philosophy.Gerald Posselt & Andreas Hetzel - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (3):41-61.
    While philosophy has been defined as a critical endeavour since Plato, the critical potential of rhetoric has been mostly overlooked. In recent years, critique itself – as a means of enlightenment and emancipation – has come under attack. While there have been various attempts to renew and strengthen critical theory and practice, rhetoric has not yet played a part in these attempts. Addressing this lacuna, the article argues that rhetoric can function as a critical force within philosophy. The rhetorical perspective (...)
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  48.  15
    The rhetorical sense of philosophy.Donald Phillip Verene - 2021 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    This work approaches texts in the history of philosophy as the repository of a kind of literature that brings together rational thought and rhetorical principles.
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  49. Rhetoric and Public Reasoning.Bernard Yack - 2006 - Political Theory 34 (4):417-438.
    This essay asks why Aristotle, certainly no friend to unlimited democracy, seems so much more comfortable with unconstrained rhetoric in political deliberation than current defenders of deliberative democracy. It answers this question by reconstructing and defending a distinctly Aristotelian understanding of political deliberation, one that can be pieced together out of a series of separate arguments made in the Rhetoric, the Politics, and the Nicomachean Ethics.
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  50.  23
    Rhetoric in the Light of Plato's Epistemological Criticisms.Dana R. Miller - 2012 - Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric 30 (2):109-133.
    Plato’s chief argument against rhetoric is epistemological. Plato claims that rhetoric accomplishes what it does on the basis of experience,not knowledge. In this article I examine Plato’s criticisms of rhetoric in the Gorgias and the Phaedrus. I argue that Plato is right to identify rhetoric’s empirical basis, but that having this epistemic basis does not constitute an argument against rhetoric. On the contrary, Plato’s criticism of rhetoric serves to give us an epistemological explanation of rhetoric’s success.
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