Results for 'sapere aude'

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    Sapere Aude?Gregg Lambert - 2006 - Symploke 14 (1):55-67.
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    Sapere aude!: esztétikai és művelődéstörténeti írások.László Kisbali - 2009 - Budapest: L'Harmattan. Edited by Endre Szécsényi & András Anghy.
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    Sapere aude revisited and revised.Anders Buch & Joakim Juhl - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1506-1507.
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    Sapere aude!Anja Steinbauer - 2005 - Philosophy Now 49:7-9.
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    Sapere aude! The importance of a moral education in Kant's doctrine of virtue.Lee Anne Peck - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (2-3):208 – 214.
    The misunderstanding of philosopher Immanuel Kant's principle of morality - the categorical imperative - by journalism professionals, professors, and students comes in many forms. To better understand Kant's ethical theory, however, one must go beyond Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals and study his Doctrine of Virtue: Part 2 of The Metaphysics of Morals; to apply the categorical imperative, one must also understand the importance Kant placed on moral education.
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    Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude: Cartesian Meditation as Kantian Enlightenment.Suma Rajiva - 2015 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1:261-279.
    Recently Samuel Fleischacker has developed Kant’s model of enlightenment as a “minimalist enlightenment” in the tradition of a relatively thin proceduralism focused on the form of public debate and interaction. I want to discuss the possibility that such a minimalism, endorsed by Fleischacker, Habermas, Rawls, and others, benefits from a metaphysics of critical individual subjectivity as a prerequisite for the social proceduralism of the minimalist enlightenment. I argue that Kant’s enlightenment, metaphysically thicker than much contemporary proceduralism, constitutes a recovery and (...)
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  7. Back to Kant’s ‘Sapere aude!’.Stefano Gattei - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (4):115-121.
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    JAUME, Andrés Luis: Educación, Ciudadanía y Libertad, Sapere Aude, Asturias, 2019, 138p.Pablo Vera Vega - 2021 - Agora 41 (1).
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    Qi meng, dui hua yu zhuan hua: jiao shi cheng zhang zhi lu = ENLIGHTENMENT DIALOGUE TRANSFORMATION SAPERE AUDE TEACHING AWARENESS CHALLENGE ACTION CHANGE.Fengqi Lin - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Xue fu wen hua shi ye you xian gong si. Edited by Renjin Hong.
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    Parra, Lisímaco. Estética y Modernidad. Un estudio sobre la teoría de la belleza de Immanuel Kant. Bogotá: Colección Sapere Aude-Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2007. [REVIEW]David Jiménez - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (136):153-162.
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    A Resposta Kantiana À Pergunta: Que É Esclarecimento?Joel Thiago Klein - 2009 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 8 (2):211-227.
    Diante do lema “sapere aude”, com o qual Kant apresenta sua caracterização de esclarecimento, colocaseimediatamente a questão: o que signifi ca pensar por si mesmo? Apesar de Kant procurar respondera isso ao longo do texto, muitas difi culdades permanecem enquanto as teses ali defendidas não foremintegradas no horizonte da fi losofi a crítico-transcendental. Em primeiro lugar, mostra-se como o esclarecimentoé uma noção ambivalente, por um lado se refere ao indivíduo, por outro, se refere a uma época.Em segundo lugar, (...)
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    Enlightenment Fundamentals: Rights, Responsibilities & Republicanism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2014 - Diametros 40:176-200.
    This essay re-examines some key fundamentals of the Enlightenment regarding individual rights, responsibilities and republicanism which deserve and require re-emphasis today, insofar as they underscore the character and fundamental importance of mature judgment, and how developing and fostering mature judgment is a fundamental aim of education. These fundamentals have been clouded or eroded by various recent developments, including mis-guided educational policy and not a little scholarly bickering. Clarity about these fundamentals is more important today than ever. Sapere aude!
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    Ernst Cassirer: culture et totalitarisme.Angèle Rouillaux Martin - 2016 - Fontaine: Éditions ThoT.
    Ernst Cassirer est un philosophe juif allemand, contemporain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Auteur majeur pour l'histoire de la pensée occidentale, il est cependant resté dans l'ombre de Heidegger pendant de nombreuses années. Sa philosophie, centrée sur la question de la culture et du politique, trouve dans la forme symbolique du mythe une explication à la naissance du totalitarisme. Dans une démarche critique, Cassirer analyse l'apparition du mythe totalitaire en Allemagne comme une crise culturelle ayant engendré par la suite une (...)
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    Kant y la Ilustración.Claudio La Rocca - 2006 - Isegoría 35:107-127.
    Este trabajo se propone discutir el concepto kantiano de Ilustración en un triple aspecto: 1) la noción de saber implícita en el uso del lema sapere aude, referida no al conocimiento , sino a una noción de razón que culmina en la sabiduría (Weisheit.
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  15. Kant's politics of enlightenment.Ciaran Cronin - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (1):51-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.1 (2003) 51-80 [Access article in PDF] Kant's Politics of Enlightenment Ciaran Cronin THE ENDURING RESONANCE OF Kant's brief essay "An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?" (henceforth "WE") can be traced in large part to the connection it makes between two ideas central to the self-understanding of European modernity. The first is the idea of autonomy implicit in its famous definition (...)
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  16. Kant on Enlightenment.Ian Proops - 2024 - In Andrew Stephenson & Anil Gomes (eds.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Kant defines ‘enlightenment’ as ‘humankind’s emergence from its self-imposed immaturity’. This essay considers the meaning, role, and novelty of this definition, while also examining its relation to the Enlightenment slogans: ‘sapere aude’ (‘Dare to be wise!’) and ‘Think for yourself’. It is argued that there are two subtly different aspects to the ‘immaturity’ from which Kant, insofar as he endorses the transformative process of enlightenment, is urging us to ‘emerge’. These aspects correspond to his two images of immaturity: (...)
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    The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy.Mark D. Gedney - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 7:13-23.
    It can be little disputed that modern philosophy, as it is generally understood, stands under the broader tradition of the Enlightenment—and, for the most part, consciously and vigorously so! Despite the nuances and important distinctions of style and substance found in the great thinkers of this tradition, one can see clearly a general commitment to the fostering of the natural capacity of human beings to know their world and to interact with it and with other rational creatures in increasingly productive (...)
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    Filosofía de la ilustración.Ernst Cassirer - 1943 - México,: Fondo de cultura económica. Edited by Eugenio Imaz.
    Cuando se habla del Siglo de las Luces se ha rebasado toda indicación secular o centenaria, y se ha caracterizado con precisión una época histórica del pensamiento y la acción occidental. Kant, en sus últimos años, le coloca el colofón con su ensayo ¿Qué es la Ilustración?,descubriendo la raíz de la época en el ¡Sapere aude! (¡Atrévete a saber!) Es la historia de este atrevimiento la que nos cuenta Ernst Cassirer.
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    Ensino da filosofia.Leandro Cisneros - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 13:19-30.
    No presente trabalho propõe-se continuar o diálogo sugerido por Alejandro Cerletti (2008), frisando o eixo kantiano e salientando suas implicações políticas. O Sapere aude (KANT, 1999) aparece como proposta para a irrupção do pensamento do outro, o que não se limita ao mero conhecimento, pois a Aufklärung é também um projeto filosófico-político (Kant, 1989). Esse é o primeiro ponto de discussão, pois entendo que esse singular projeto é o modo proposto por Kant tanto para o exercício do pensar (...)
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    The institutionalization of reason.Frederick Rauscher - 2005 - Kantian Review 9:95-104.
    Kant's description of an enlightened society as involving the free use of reason in public debate has received due attention in recent work on Kant. When thinking of Kant's view of Enlightenment, one now conjures up the image of free persons speaking their mind in what is now often called the ‘public sphere’. Jürgen Habermas is well known for taking Kant to be committed to wide participation of individuals in public debate. Kant's own suggestion for a motto for the Enlightenment, (...)
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    A philosophical and critical analysis of the european convention of bioethics.Gilbert Hottois - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (2):133 – 146.
    The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with Regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine is now one of the most important bioethics texts from the point of view of international policy and law. It is the result of five years of discussions and negotiations between the different instances of the Council of Europe. In this article I analyze several problems. First, there are problems of articulation between the Convention and the joint (...)
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    La nouvelle Renaissance et ses problèmes.Riccardo Pozzo - 2022 - Diogène n° 275-276 (3):130-142.
    L’énorme besoin incarné par la pandémie et la double transition verte et numérique rend trois scénarios crédibles. Si le premier consiste à se résigner à l’accélération vers le bas de la communauté mondiale, et si le second voit la Chine en position prédominante, il existe un troisième scénario qui vaut la peine d’être considéré, à savoir la Nouvelle Renaissance. Nous voyons d’abord le premier problème que pose l’idée d’une Nouvelle Renaissance : elle reste centrée sur l’Europe. L’invention de nouvelles matières (...)
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    El Sentido de la “Ilustración” Para Kant.William Betancourt - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 18.
    Nuestro propósito actual es mostrar cómo un pensar filosófico concreto, el de Kant, enfrenta la problemática de una época histórica también concreta, la Ilustración, desde un punto de vista determinado: la ciencia, y cómo Kant pretende con ello posibilitar una toma de conciencia por parte de la sociedad a la que pertenece frente a su valor y a las limitaciones políticas de su época. En otras palabras, tratamos de recuperar la reflexión kantiana en torno a la función que en una (...)
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    7 Kant on the Public Sphere and Some Reflections on Hannah Arendt and the Contemporary Intercultural Discussion.Andrea Marlen Esser - 2016 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2016 (1):69-83.
    Kant’s famous motto of enlightenment, “Sapere aude!”, is inseparably entwined with the demand for the “public use of reason”. There is no doubt that this also embraces the notion of a free and unrestricted exchange of ideas and indicates the potential beginning of a process in which “subjects” of the state and passive citizens are capable of developing into citizens of the world, and in which nation states are capable of developing into a kind of world community. This (...)
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    Etik og patientinddragelse.Jan B. W. Pedersen (ed.) - 2022 - Copenhagen, Denmark: FADLs Forlag.
    Dette kapitel fokuserer på ’etik og patientinddragelse’, men søger med afsæt i devisen ‘sapere aude’ også at skabe interesse for filosofi og etik blandt sygeplejestuderende. Kapitlet er en opfordring til sygeplejestuderende om at betjene sig af egen forstand og finde mod til at filosofere over problematikker i forbindelse med patientinddragelse frem for at falde tilbage i umyndighedens bekvemmelighed og vente på at andre træder til. Kapitlet starter med at se nærmere på, hvordan patientinddragelse italesættes i vor tid efterfulgt (...)
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    Natura, cultura e induzione nell'età delle scienze: fatti e idee del movimento scientifico in Francia e Inghilterra.Guglielmo Rinzivillo - 2015 - Roma: Edizioni Nuova cultura.
    Il testo vuole testimoniare della piena partecipazione delle scienze sociali alla storia delle scienze, in un quadro di sviluppo che prevede la ricezione in Europa della riforma della filosofia naturale attuata da Francesco Bacone nel XVII secolo e recepita nel principio dell’induzione da Auguste Comte in Francia e da Herbert Spencer in Inghilterra. I temi della fondazione delle scienze sono quindi al centro dell’opera di ricostruzione di eventi cruciali. L’investigazione della natura e del mondo empirico da parte dell’uomo sociale si (...)
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    Review of Issues in Military Ethics Series. [REVIEW]Edward Erwin - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 22 (2):145-154.
    Immanuel Kant adopted the imperative sapere aude (dare to reason, know, or be wise) as the guiding principle for his writings, and this maxim became recognized as the hallmark of the Enlightenment...
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  28. Humor, common sense and the future of metaphysics in the Prolegomena.Melissa Merritt - 2021 - In Peter Thielke (ed.), Kant's Prolegomena: A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant’s _Prolegomena_ is a piece of philosophical advertising: it exists to convince the open-minded “future teacher” of metaphysics that the true critical philosophy — i.e., the first _Critique_ — provides the only viable solution to the problem of metaphysics (i.e. its failure to make any genuine progress). To be effective, a piece of advertising needs to know its audience. This chapter argues that Kant takes his reader to have some default sympathies for the common-sense challenge to metaphysics originating from Thomas (...)
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  29. Humor, Common Sense and the Future of Metaphysics in the Prolegomena.Melissa Merritt - 2021 - In Peter Thielke (ed.), Kant's Prolegomena: A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 9-26.
    Kant’s Prolegomena is a piece of philosophical advertising: it exists to convince the open-minded “future teacher” of metaphysics that the true critical philosophy — i.e., the Critique — provides the only viable solution to the problem of metaphysics (i.e. its failure to make any genuine progress). To be effective, a piece of advertising needs to know its audience. This chapter argues that Kant takes his reader to have some default sympathies for the common-sense challenge to metaphysics originating from Thomas Reid (...)
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  30. Gist of the scene.Aude Oliva - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press. pp. 696--64.
  31. Meaning and the Emergence of Normativity.Aude Bandini - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (3):415-431.
    Linguistic meaning has an essential normative dimension that prima facie cannot be reduced to descriptive, non-normative, terms. Taking this point for granted, this paper however aims at proposing a naturalist view of semantics - inspired by Wilfrid Sellars' original works - focused on the way the constitutive normative aspects of meaning might be properly explained and accounted for, rather than eliminated.
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    Faire barrage au virus et s’en arranger.Aude Béliard, Maina Le Helley, Noémie Rapegno, Livia Velpry & Pierre A. Vidal-Naquet - 2021 - Alter- European Journal of Disability Research 15-1 (15-1):99-106.
    Les mesures qui ont été prises pour répondre à la pandémie de COVID-19 ont fortement mis en avant les impératifs de sécurité individuelle et collective et de santé publique, faisant passer au second plan un certain nombre de principes et de droits qui guident aujourd’hui les politiques publiques. L’impératif d’autonomie et d’accessibilité qui structure les politiques sociales, mais aussi la participation et l’adhésion des usagers qui sont aujourd’hui promues, ont de ce fait été mis – provisoi...
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    L’identité européenne : un débat qui met en lumière les difficultés conceptuelles de l’identité.Aude-Emmanuelle Fleurant - 2001 - Horizons Philosophiques 11 (2):58-89.
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    De la rationalité éclatée à la rationalité réunifiée : l’économie comportementale, un nouveau paradigme?Aude Lambert - 2022 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 22 (1):107-128.
    Notre travail se donne pour objectif de montrer que le point de rupture entre l’économie néoclassique et l’économie comportementale réside dans la manière dont chacune définit la rationalité. Cette dernière était parfaitement unifiée par la maximisation. Mais Simon pose les fondements de l’économie comportementale en critiquant précisément le concept néoclassique de rationalité et en suggérant que l’agent suit des modes de raisonnement alternatifs. Bien que Kahneman et Tversky proposent une typologie de ces modes de raisonnements, ils les réunifient ultimement dans (...)
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    L’élargissement de l’assistance médicale à la procréation.Aude Mirkovic - 2018 - Médecine et Droit 2018 (148):1-4.
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    La spécificité du fraternel en Villages d'enfants SOS.Aude Poittevin - 2008 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 179 (1):9-19.
    La recherche sociologique réalisée auprès de 23 jeunes résidents de villages d’accueil de l’association SOS Villages d’Enfants, qui a pour vocation l’accueil d’enfants placés en fratries, a été un cadre spécifique pour examiner la diversité des expériences, de liens et de sentiments fraternels. Au-delà d’un état de la question du fraternel, une réflexion a pu être menée sur les attentes et l’idéalisation à l’égard de leurs germains, de leurs demis et/ou des enfants avec qui ils vivent au quotidien. C’est aussi (...)
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    The Ecstasies of Roland Barthes.Craig Saper - 1992 - Substance 21 (2):147.
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    La fin du droit?: actes du colloque des 5 et 6 décembre 2013.Aude Zaradny, Nathalie Wolff, Thibaut Fleury Graff & Mouloud Boumghar (eds.) - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
    A l'heure de l'inflation normative, une réflexion sur la fin du droit peut paraître paradoxale, voire aller à contre-courant des mutations contemporaines du droit. En outre, les nombreux travaux relatifs à ces mêmes mutations et aux transformations du droit ces dernières années laissent penser que le droit ne peut connaître de fin, se renouvelant en permanence pour ne jamais laisser d'espace de non droit. Sans à coup, sans coupe nette, le droit poursuivrait sa progression sans heurt. Le droit n'aurait-il donc (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty and the Measuring Body.Aud Sissel Hoel & Annamaria Carusi - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (1):45-70.
    In recent years a growing number of scholars in science studies and related fields are developing new ontologies to displace entrenched dualisms. These efforts often go together with a renewed interest in the roles played by symbolisms and tools in knowledge and being. This article brings Maurice Merleau-Ponty into these conversations, positioning him as a precursor of today’s innovative recastings of technoscience. While Merleau-Ponty is often invoked in relation to his early work on the body and embodiment, this article focuses (...)
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    Le réel, inconnu à cette adresse.Aude Bandini - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (1):249.
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    Apollon: dieu des anciens et prophète du Christ.Aude Busine - 2004 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 22 (1):29-38.
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    The Making of Exile Cultures: Iranian Television in Los Angeles.Craig Saper & Hamid Naficy - 1995 - Substance 24 (3):141.
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    The Telephone Book: Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech.Craig Saper & Avital Ronell - 1991 - Substance 20 (1):134.
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    Ernst Cassirer on Form and Technology: Contemporary Readings.Aud Sissel Hoel & Ingvild Folkvord (eds.) - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Cassirer's thought-provoking essay Form and Technology (1930) considers the theoretical work performed by material instruments and, in so doing, it ascribes to technology a new dignity as a genuine tool of the mind in equal company with language and art. Germinating in this essay, we find an ambitious program for a new kind of philosophy of technology that resonates with contemporary approaches focusing on material apparatuses, relational and performative processes, and the embodied, embedded, and enacted nature of perception and cognition. (...)
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    Projet Babel Fish : Introduction.Aude Bandini & Nancy Salay - 2022 - Dialogue 61 (2):197-201.
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    for learning by imitation Computational modeling.Aude Billard & Michael Arbib - 2002 - In Maxim I. Stamenov & Vittorio Gallese (eds.), Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language. John Benjamins. pp. 42--343.
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    L'écriture dramatique d'Arthur Schnitzler, Paul Claudel et Marguerite Duras : trois incarnations du temps bergsonien ?Aude Crétien - 2013 - Temporalités 18.
    Trois auteurs dramatiques, Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931) dans Au Grand Guignol, Paul Claudel (1868-1955) dans Le Soulier de Satin, et Marguerite Duras (1914-1996) dans Savannah Bay, nous placent au cœur même du processus de la représentation théâtrale, fait d’imprévus, d’incertitudes et d’accidents. Cette écriture rend sensible un temps dynamique, vivant et jaillissant, qui n’est pas sans rappeler la conception bergsonienne du temps comme « création continue d’imprévisible nouveauté ». Ces œuvres, dans leur mouvement de dépassement du caractère construit et fini du (...)
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    Les principes directeurs garantissant un règlement des litiges extrajudiciaire et équitable.Aude Denizot - 2019 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 61 (1):147-158.
    La médiation équitable doit-elle être à l’image du procès équitable? Il semble de prime abord naturel de transposer, avec quelques retouches, le droit du procès équitable aux règlements extrajudiciaires. À l’examen cependant, cette greffe paraît bien hasardeuse car le procès et la médiation, malgré leur parenté, n’ont pas les mêmes racines. De même, n’est-il pas vain de puiser du côté du droit des contrats, dont les contours s’harmonisent assez mal à ceux de la médiation? Garantir une médiation de qualité suppose (...)
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    La prison républicaine.Aude Lapoyade Deschamps - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (2):304-305.
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    Études de Philosophie Antique et Médiévale. Dossier Thomas d'Aquin.Aude Engel - 2009 - Chôra 7:9-19.
    The investigation of the famous riddle of the «boneless one» gives a new solution: the «boneless one» is man, placed in the conditions of hisorigins, when he belonged to the silver race and woman was just being created. The «boneless» occurs in a long passage about winter, a cosmic deluge that reproduces the conditions in which mankind fell from the golden age. This happens when Zeus fights the Titans, in a war that almost causes a return to the original Chaos. (...)
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