Results for 'sinophone'

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  1.  10
    A study in scarlet: cultural memory of the tropes related to the color red, female countenance, and onstage makeup in the Sinophone world.Victoria Bogushevskaya - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (261):209-225.
    In a high-context culture like Chinese, the linguistic code encompasses only part of the message and is incomplete without context. One of the implicit codes embedded in high-context communication is color tropes. Highly recognizable in the Sinophone world, color tropes often manifest themselves in the forms of metaphor, metonymy, allusions, and similes and are often related to the conveyance of emotional content. This paper provides a selection and discussion of such color tropes, demonstrates that color in a language inspires (...)
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  2.  19
    Moyens de persuasion utilisés par les apprenants sinophones du FLE dans les lettres familières.Qianyun Aleksandrova Li - 2022 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 20.
    Cet article étudie les moyens d’argumentation dans les lettres familières rédigées par les apprenants sinophones du français langue étrangère de niveau B2. Les lettres sont contrastées à celles des francophones et des sinophones natifs représentant un groupe de contrôle. Les résultats montrent certains contrastes entre les groupes des natifs. Quant aux apprenants, on voit qu’ils utilisent en partie les mêmes stratégies argumentatives que les francophones, mais on atteste également des influences de leur langue maternelle dans le choix des procédés persuasifs.
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  3.  19
    Towards a Sinophone Insect Humanities: A Review Essay. [REVIEW]Daniel Burton-Rose - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (4):667-678.
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  4.  11
    Transnational Chinese literature and Sinopolyphony.Yinde Zhang - forthcoming - Diogenes:1-9.
    The unprecedented power of China and its cultural expansion are increasing the need to examine its hegemonic impact in the field of literature. The new concept of ‘sinophone’, inspired by postcolonial criticism, reveals vigorous protests against Mainland’s centrality by advocating Chinese Diaspora literature, which has been too long relegated to a peripheral status. This study seeks to reconsider such debates through investigations of historical reasons, ideological issues, and perspectives they have widened. The sinophone literature is thus set up (...)
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  5.  22
    Translating culture and psychiatry across the Pacific: How koro became culture-bound.Howard Chiang - 2015 - History of Science 53 (1):102-119.
    This article examines the development of koro’s epistemic status as a paradigm for understanding culture-specific disorders in modern psychiatry. Koro entered the DSM-IV as a culture-bound syndrome in 1994, and it refers to a person’s overpowering belief that his (or her) genitalia is retracting and even disappearing. I focus in particular on mental health professionals’ competing views of koro in the 1960s—as an object of psychoanalysis, a Chinese disease, and a condition predisposed by culture. At that critical juncture, transcultural psychiatrists (...)
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  6.  30
    The State of the Field Report XII: Contemporary Chinese Studies of the Philosophy of Language in the Gongsun Longzi.Qiao Huang - 2024 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 23 (2):283-307.
    The philosophy of language in the Gongsun Longzi 公孫龍子 has been a hot topic since the 20th century, but there is still controversy about what point Gongsun Long 公孫龍 is making. This article reviews representative studies of the philosophy of language in the Gongsun Longzi in Sinophone academia since 2000. Some studies (especially in journal articles) conceive that one or two of the discourses are on the philosophy of language, while the other discourses concern ontology, epistemology, semiotics, or logic. (...)
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  7.  39
    Democracy in Contemporary Confucian Philosophy by David Elstein.R. A. Carleo Iii - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (2):1-5.
    Opening Democracy in Contemporary Confucian Philosophy, David Elstein identifies himself, correctly, to be filling a gap in English-language scholarship. That gap, as the title partly suggests, is a lack of Anglophone accounts of contemporary Sinophone Confucian views of democracy. We have in English a robust discussion of the relationship between Confucianism and democracy, but there is very little connection between that discourse and the same discussion occurring amongst scholars in Chinese. Thus one of the main aims here is to (...)
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  8.  31
    The Lacanian Imaginary and Modern Chinese Intellectuality.Guanjun Wu - 2016 - Social Imaginaries 2 (1):71-94.
    Jacques Lacan’s theorization of the imaginary has been regarded generally as an organic part of the crucial development of psychoanalytic theory in its post-Freudian stage. This article situates the Lacanian imaginary in the context of contemporary discussions of ‘theory after poststructuralism’, arguing that it moves radically beyond the poststructuralist terrains of deconstruction and discourse-analysis, and is able to off er new insights on various studies. Especially, it can help (re)examine some aporias in the field of Sinology. This article devotes its (...)
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  9.  29
    The State of the Field Report IX*: Contemporary Chinese Studies of Zhuangzian Wang (Forgetting).Hong-ki Lam - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2):297-317.
    The use of the character _wang_ 忘 (forgetting) in the _Zhuangzi_ 莊子 has been widely recognized in traditional and contemporary Chinese scholarship, but its meaning remains unclear. This article reviews some notable studies in Sinophone academia concerning the notion of _wang_ in the _Zhuangzi_. The studies, though not necessarily focused on _wang_, shed light on different aspects of the concept, including its relation to self-cultivation, aesthetics, ethics, and ontology. While some scholars see _wang_ as a form of elimination, others (...)
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  10.  25
    Two models of Confucian democracy: A contrastive analysis of Tang Junyi’s and Mou Zongsan’s political philosophy.Jana S. Rošker - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (3):350-363.
    In the final decades of the 20th century, the majority of modern Sinophone scholars believed that Confucianism was an outdated and obsolete ideology that was not only unsuitable for the development...
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