Results for 'sociohistorical analysis of the Bible'

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  1.  16
    Translation hermeneutics of the 1933/1953, 1983 and 2020 Afrikaans Bibles.Morné Joubert - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    The official Afrikaans Bible translations, published in 1933/1953, 1983 and 2020, influenced Reformed theology, sociopolitical perceptions and the role of the church in society. These issues bled through in the translations via the hermeneutical scope of the different eras. This study focuses on the influence of the hermeneutic foundations of the translators on the content, style and linguistic choices in these translations. The differences between the translations are quite obvious to the reader and a reflection of the fact that (...)
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  2. Pedagogy of the Bible: An Analysis and Proposal.Dale Martin - 2008
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    Sociohistorical Analysis of Normative Standards of Masculinity in the Pandemic of COVID-19: Impacts on Men’s Health/Mental Health.Anderson Reis de Sousa, Wanderson Carneiro Moreira, Thiago da Silva Santana, Isabella Félix Meira Araújo, Cléa Conceição Leal Borges, Éric Santos Almeida, Magno Conceição das Mercês, Richardson Augusto Rosendo da Silva, Jules Ramon Brito Teixeira, Luciano Garcia Lourenção, Nadirlene Pereira Gomes, Evanilda Souza de Santana Carvalho, Álvaro Francisco Lopes de Sousa, Lílian Conceição Guimarães de Almeida, Larissa Vanessa Machado Viana & Álvaro Pereira - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThis study aims to analyze sociohistorically how the normative patterns of hegemonic masculinity produced impacts on men’s health/mental health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsA qualitative study from a socio-historical perspective was conducted with 50 men based on an online survey. A semistructured form was applied. The data were analyzed by the Collective Subject Discourse method, interpreted in the light of the context of epidemic disease and hegemonic masculinity.ResultsThe experience of the pandemic exposed the normative patterns of masculinities from (...)
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    Contemporary evolutionary theory as a new heuristic model for the socioscientific method in biblical studies.Robert Gnuse - 1990 - Zygon 25 (4):405-431.
    Notions of uniform and gradual evolution have been replaced in some circles by biological and paleontological models that postulate that periods of rapid change punctuate long periods of evolutionary stasis. This new theory, called punctuated equilibria (or PE for short), may have implications for paradigms in scholarly disciplines other than the sciences. Whereas old evolutionary models exerted great influence upon historians, sociologists, anthropologists, and students of religion for more than a century, the new model may provide heuristic paradigms for research (...)
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    The Union Chinese Version of the Bible and Its Hermeneutical Analysis.Yang Huilin - 2004 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 36 (1):85-99.
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    Philosophical Analysis of the Structure of Christian Knowledge.V. Meshkov - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 47:124-135.
    The structural abstract discusses the features of modern post-non-classical scientific discourse, according to which all kinds of scientific and religious knowledge are simplified mental construction of a complex objective reality. All accumulated religious knowledge is a combination of various theoretical models of divine reality, the performance of which was checked by centuries of experience of mystical connection with the Lord. According to the requirements of scientific and religious discourse on incompleteness of knowledge, all religious texts of the Bible, the (...)
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  7.  46
    O espírito mau de Yahweh/Deus – análise histórico-social de 1 Sm 16,14-23 (The evil spirit of Yahweh/God – sociohistorical analysis of 1 Sm 16,14-23) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2014v12n34p486. [REVIEW]Osvaldo Luiz Ribeiro - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (34):486-509.
    Analisa-se o sentido histórico-social das expressões rûªH yhwh (“espírito de Yahweh”), rûªH-rä`â më´ët yhwh (“espírito mau desde junto de Yahweh”), rûªH-´élöhîm rä`â (“espírito mau de Deus”), rûªH-´élöhîm (“espírito de Deus”) e rûªH härä`â (“espírito mau”), de e em 1 Sm 16,14-23. Postula-se a identidade comum de todos esses personagens noológicos. Guiado por um exercício de crítica aplicada a versões da passagem, bem como pela consulta crítica por amostragem de comentários internacionais, aplica-se análise retórica e histórico-social à narrativa. Conclui-se que, no (...)
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    Modern Philosophy, the Subject, and the God of the Bible.Brayton Polka - 2015 - Sophia 54 (4):563-576.
    In my paper, I undertake to show that the God of the Bible is the subject of modern philosophy, i.e., that philosophy is biblical and that the Bible is philosophical. Central to the argument of my paper is an analysis of the fundamental difference between the philosophy of Aristotle, as based on the law of contradiction and thus on the contradictory opposition between necessity and existence, and the philosophy of, in particular, Spinoza and Kant, as based on (...)
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  9.  24
    The Bible in the Works of I. Franko.Svitlana B. Kapran - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:67-73.
    Many scholars have already considered the interpretation of the Bible in the works of I. Franko, including Vera Sulim, Larisa Bondar, Oksana Zabuzhko and others. However, these studies touch upon some aspects of Frank's vision of the Bible, or consider individual works of thinkers written on biblical subjects, such as "Moses," "The Death of Cain," "The Legend of Pilate," etc. Let us try here to show that the work of Ivan Franko demonstrates not only a deep philosophical understanding (...)
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  10.  23
    The Bible, culture and ethics: Trickery in the narrative of Judah and Tamar.Leonore Pietersen & Willem Fourie - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    Using the Bible in Christian ethics is often not as simple as many would expect it to be. This is particularly the case for the use of the Old Testament. Part of the challenge is the complexity of grasping the customs and norms that are reflected in the Old Testament. They are often at odds with what is acceptable in contemporary thinking. In this article, we examine the difficulty of using the Old Testament in Christian ethics by using the (...)
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  11.  30
    A Sociohistorical View of Addiction and Alcoholism.Jen Royce Severns - 2004 - Janus Head 7 (1):149-166.
    This essay is framed by the work of Edward Sampson (1993), and is a sociohistorical analysis of the institutional vicissitudes in American history that have formed the ground of our current version of the “truth” about drugs, alcohol, the drug addict and the alcoholic. The drug and alcohol discourse has been used throughout American history to institute and maintain normative ideals. These ideals are contoured by Western individualistic understandings of human being. They revolve around a theme of freedom (...)
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  12.  12
    τὸ δικαίωμα ἔμπροσθεν ἐν τῷ Ἰσραήλ (Ruth 4:7): An analysis of the Greek rendering of the Hebrew legal aspects in Ruth 4:7 for characterising the Greek translator’s translation technique. [REVIEW]Beatrice Bonanno - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):6.
    Being a literal and relatively precise translation of the Hebrew text, the Septuagint (LXX) of the book of Ruth attests divergences or variants in relation to the Masoretic text (MT) in the details of the text. These variants, if not inconsistent or linked to a different Hebrew Vorlage, could be explained as a translator’s choice to promote clarity, add a particular nuance or introduce innovation at the narrative level of the text. This is, for instance, the case in the legal (...)
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  13.  40
    Roel Nicolai. The Enigma of the Origin of Portolan Charts: A Geodetic Analysis of the Hypothesis of a Medieval Origin. xxv + 544 pp., figs., tables, apps., bibl., index. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2016. €168 . ISBN 9789004282971. [REVIEW]Lesley B. Cormack - 2019 - Isis 110 (2):394-395.
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    The Bible, religious storytelling, and revolution: The case of Solentiname, Nicaragua.Jean-Pierre Reed - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (3):227-250.
    Building on the storytelling, political storytelling, and religious storytelling literatures, I examined the role religious stories play in the formation of revolutionary convictions. This study’s primary sources of data are volumes I, II, and III of The Gospel in Solentiname, a historical record of religious discussions that took place in an isolated campesino community at a seminary-like setting under a growing national revolutionary scenario in 1970s Nicaragua. My analysis of these discussions reveals that religious discourse based on stories of (...)
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  15.  42
    The bible, knowledge of God and Dei verbum.Anthony Baxter - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (2):173–191.
    How may an inquiring person fittingly look upon the Bible? In what manner can a person's attention to the Bible assist them to knowledge? For a Catholic Christian analysis, what ideas are suitable about the place of the Bible in relations between God and humans, and in appropriation by a person today of whatever divine disclosure or revelation is at hand? This article outlines reflections on these matters. Links are apparent with key points in Vatican II’s (...)
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  16.  17
    The archeological operation. A sociohistorical perspective on a discipline faced with developments in automatics and mathematics. France, Spain, Italy, in the second half of the 20th century (L'opération archéologique. Sociologie historique d'une discipline aux prises avec l'automatique et les mathématiques. France, Espagne, Italie, 2e moitié du XXe siècle).Sébastien Plutniak - 2017 - Dissertation, Ehess
    During the second half of the 20th century, attempts were made to operationally redefine various social activities, including those related to science, the military, administration and industry. These attempts were aided by scientific and technical innovations developed in the Second World War, and subsequently by the increase in use of automation in various domains. This Ph.D. thesis addresses these attempts from a sociohistorical perspective, focusing on the specific case of archaeology. During this period, the domain of archaeology underwent a (...)
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  17.  22
    The Bible and Modernity: Reflections on Leo Strauss.John Ranieri - 2004 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 11 (1):55-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE BIBLE AND MODERNITY: REFLECTIONS ON LEO STRAUSS John Ranieri Seton Hall University espondingto the criticisms made by Eric Voegelin and Alexandre Lojeve ofhis book On Tyranny, Leo Strauss wonders whether the attempt to restore classical social science is not, perhaps, Utopian, "since it implies that the classical orientation has not been made obsolete by the triumph ofthe biblical orientation" (Strauss 1991, 177-178). In similar fashion Strauss remarks (...)
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  18.  12
    Ethical Ambiguity in the Hebrew Bible : Philosophical Analysis of Scriptural Narrative.Shira Weiss - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Shira Weiss elucidates the moral tradition of the Hebrew Bible by subjecting ethically challenging biblical texts to moral philosophical analysis. Examining the most essential questions of Jewish Thought, she uses contemporary philosophy to decipher Scriptural ethics as uncovered from a variety of biblical stories. Aided by ancient, medieval, and contemporary resources, Weiss presents a comprehensive discussion of enduring ethical questions that arise from biblical narrative and continue to be contested in modern times. She shows how (...)
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  19.  24
    John B. Hearnshaw. The Analysis of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Spectroscopy. xvi + 367 pp., illus., tables, apps., bibls., index. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. $120. [REVIEW]Barbara J. Becker - 2015 - Isis 106 (4):953-954.
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    An analysis of Maimonides's The guide of the perplexed.Mark William Scarlata - 2017 - London: Macat International.
    Written by the great medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed attempts to explain the perplexities of biblical language--and apparent inconsistencies in the text--in the light of philosophy and scientific reason. Composed as a letter to a student, The Guide aims to harmonize Aristotelian principles with the Hebrew Bible and argues that God must be understood as both unified and incorporeal. Engaging both contemporary and ancient scholars, Maimonides fluidly moves from cosmology to the problem of evil to (...)
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  21. Canon and Canonicity in the Bibles of Samuil Micu and Andrei Șaguna: Resemblances, Differences and Controversies.Ion Reșceanu - 2020 - Romanian Orthodox Old Testament Studies 4 (2):57-66.
    The present study aims to carry out an analysis of the relation between the Bibles of Samuil Micu and Andrei Șaguna from an isagogic perspective, with a particular focus on the canon and canonicity of the books of the Holy Scripture. We believe that, through such an analysis, we can observe what they have in common, but also what differentiates the two Transylvanian editions of the Holy Scripture so that we can help those interested in understanding the reasons (...)
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  22.  38
    The United Nations and the Bible.Jason Tatlock - 2012 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 22 (2):49-72.
    State dignitaries and United Nations delegates draw inspiration from a diverse body of philosophical, political, and religious sources as they attempt to produce substantive change throughout the world, or, less altruistically, to further the agendas of their respective nations. The Bible is no stranger to the international body; indeed, it is frequently referenced by U.N. delegates and visiting dignitaries. Its incorporation into monumental architecture near the New York headquarters and its appearance upon artwork at the U.N. complex causes one (...)
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  23. Pressure on Enlightenment. Criticizing the Bible and Philosophy. From Nogarola to Du Châtelet.Ruth Edith Hagengruber - 2020 - Dianoia: Rivista di filosofia 31:341-351.
    The Enlightenment is well known for its critical analysis of the Bible. Though the Renaissance sources have been acknowledged as an inspiration of this movement, the Querelle des femmes and its critique of the Bible has never been considered as a possible catalyst for the enlightened philosophical discourse. For centuries women have fought against interpretations of the Bible. This paper argues that the Querelle des femmes criticized the Bible not only because of its patriarchal content (...)
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  24.  3
    An analysis of nursing students’ ethical conflicts in a hospital.Margit Eckardt & Mikael Lindfelt - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2413-2426.
    Background: Education can be taken as a key factor in transmission of a value tradition in healthcare. In professional and educational contexts, transmission of values appears to be a kind of guarantee for an occupational group’s professional identity, awareness and ethical integrity. Given the positives of such transmission of value traditions, one can also pay attention to conflicts between the professional tradition and individuals who are brought into that tradition. Objectives: How does mediation of value tradition in healthcare education appear (...)
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  25.  18
    On Reading the Bible as Scripture, Encountering the Church.Steven Nemes - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (5):67-86.
    As an exercise in the ‘theology of disclosure’, the present essay proposes a kind of phenomenological analysis of the act of reading the Bible as Scripture with the goal of bringing to light the theoretical commitments which it implicitly demands. This sort of analysis can prove helpful for the continuing disputes among Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox insofar as it is relevant for one of the principal points of controversy between them: namely, the relationship between Scripture, Tradition, and (...)
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  26.  17
    A missiology of progress: Assessing advancement in the Bible translation movement.Kirk J. Franklin - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):9.
    Statistical analysis has been a common method for determining progress in missional activity. In the case of Bible translation, measurable statistics have been readily available showing progress. However, there have been gaps such as biblical, sociological, theological and missiological factors. The aim of this study is to consider broader factors than just quantifiable measurements that could be used to develop a missiological foundation for missional progress, especially for Bible translation. The setting was to analyse inputs from leaders (...)
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  27.  27
    Ulrike May. Freud at Work: On the History of Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice, with an Analysis of Freud’s Patient Record Books. Translated by Daniela Haller, Bettina Mathes, Michael Molnar, Philip Slotkin, and Deirdre Winter. xxvii + 366 pp., bibl., index. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2018. £35.99 . ISBN 9781782205012. [REVIEW]Andreas Mayer - 2019 - Isis 110 (4):847-848.
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  28. The gamer’s dilemma: An analysis of the arguments for the moral distinction between virtual murder and virtual paedophilia.Morgan Luck - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (1):31-36.
    Most people agree that murder is wrong. Yet, within computer games virtual murder scarcely raises an eyebrow. In one respect this is hardly surprising, as no one is actually murdered within a computer game. A virtual murder, some might argue, is no more unethical than taking a pawn in a game of chess. However, if no actual children are abused in acts of virtual paedophilia (life-like simulations of the actual practice), does that mean we should disregard these acts with the (...)
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  29.  20
    Jeremy Gray. The Real and the Complex: A History of Analysis in the Nineteenth Century. xvi + 350 pp., figs., illus., apps., bibl., index. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2015. €36. [REVIEW]Craig Fraser - 2017 - Isis 108 (2):455-456.
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    An analysis of COVID-19 and spirituality among African Christian women.Benson O. Igboin - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):9.
    There has been increasing research into the COVID-19 pandemic and the theological responses to it. However, not much research has been done on the COVID-19 and how women, particularly in Africa, utilised spiritual resources to respond to the pandemic. This article sought to bridge this gap. The article utilised both descriptive and analytical methods, and argued that many African women were more concerned about the health of the community than their male counterparts who concentrated more on arguments about the pandemic. (...)
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  31.  31
    ‘The people divided by a common language’: The orthography of Sesotho in Lesotho, South Africa, and the implications for Bible translation.Tshokolo J. Makutoane - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):9.
    The Basotho of Lesotho and South Africa speak the same language, namely Sesotho. However, the two countries do not use the same orthography when writing Sesotho. This orthographic representation and its variations pose a significant challenge when Bible translators translate it into Sesotho. It also presents difficulties to readers of the Bible in South Africa when they have to read the Bible written in Lesotho orthography for the first time or to Lesotho readers who encounter Sesotho written (...)
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  32.  24
    Karl‐Eugen Kurrer. The History of the Theory of Structures: From Arch Analysis to Computational Mechanics. 848 pp., illus., bibl., indexes. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 2008. €119. [REVIEW]Thomas Boothby - 2009 - Isis 100 (3):639-640.
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  33. Love: Plato, the Bible, and Freud. [REVIEW]R. H. T. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):595-595.
    Professor Morgan styles himself an amateur in his investigation of the theme of love and in this work he lives up to this role in the best senses of the term. With an inspiring enthusiasm for the theme, he brings to bear a critical analysis of the central concepts in each area. In Plato's assimilation of love to moral and intellectual striving, in the Bible's orientation of the law around love, and in Freud's genetic account of personal and (...)
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  34. Guide to the Bible, Vol. I. [REVIEW]O. P. Wilfrid J. Harrington - 1960 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 10:292-292.
    The Initiation Biblique of Robert-Tricot was first published in 1939, with an enlarged edition in 1948, and was made available to a wider public in 1951 when it appeared in English translation as Guide to the Bible. The third French edition was a thorough-going revision—some chapters were entirely re-written. The most important change was, beyond all question, the chapter on Inspiration by Father P. Benoit. As an exegete and a theologian, keenly aware both of the doctrinal principles involved and (...)
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  35.  8
    Comparative Analysis of Concepts of War and Peace in Muslim and Christian Traditions.K. Semchynskiy - 2003 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 27:32-40.
    Theologians have repeatedly addressed the issues of the common and different in Islam and Christianity. With respect to the concepts of war and peace, despite some differences, there is a great deal in common in how they view conflict with violence and how they limit the harmful effects of such a conflict. Both religious traditions rate war as evil. Emphasis is placed on the need for peace as a basis for human existence. The commandment "do not kill" in one form (...)
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    Greening Paul: Rereading the Apostle in a Time of Ecological Crisis, and: The Bible and Ecology: Rediscovering the Community of Creation.Kristel Clayville - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):200-203.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Greening Paul: Rereading the Apostle in a Time of Ecological Crisis, and: The Bible and Ecology: Rediscovering the Community of CreationKristel ClayvilleGreening Paul: Rereading the Apostle in a Time of Ecological Crisis David G. Horrell, Cheryl Hunt, and Christopher Southgate Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2010. 333 pp. $34.95The Bible and Ecology: Rediscovering the Community of Creation Richard Bauckham Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2010. 226 (...)
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  37. Verbal medium and narrative art in Homer and the bible.Robert S. Kawashima - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (1):103-117.
    : Erich Auerbach's famous comparative study of Homer and the Bible, "Odysseus' Scar," argues that their contrastive styles derive from the different possibilities available to oral tradition and literature. In support of this thesis, I invoke two theories of verbal art: Walter Benjamin's description of the storyteller's craft, and Victor Shklovsky's definition of art as "defamiliarization." Through a comparative analysis of the use of type-scenes in Homer and in biblical narrative, I demonstrate how Homer is a traditional storyteller, (...)
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  38.  23
    José van Dijck. The Transparent Body: A Cultural Analysis of Medical Imaging. xii + 193 pp., illus., bibl., index. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2005. $24.95. [REVIEW]David Serlin - 2006 - Isis 97 (4):804-804.
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    Skepticism of Aenesidemus - Focused on Analysis of PH, DL, Bibl and Prae. Evang. -. 박규철 - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 90:213-238.
    피론주의를 부활시켰던 아이네시데모스는 고대 회의주의 역사에서 독특한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 처음에는 아카데미 학파의 일원이었으나, 독단주의로 경도된 아카데미학파를 떠나 회의주의자인 피론에게서 새로운 철학의 가능성을 찾았기 때문이다. 그가 부활시킨 피론주의는 크게 다음 3가지 특징을 가진다.BR 첫째, 아이네시데모스의 주저는 『피론의 담화』이나 현존하지는 않는다. 그 대신, 디오게네스 라에르티오스의 『철학자 열전』, 섹스투스의 『피론주의 개요』, 에우세비오스의 『복음의 준비』에 등장하는 아리스토클레스의 언급 그리고 포티우스의 『도서관』등에 이 책의 단편적인 내용들이 존재한다. 섹스투스와 라에르티오스의 보고는 정당하나, 아리스토클레스와 포티우스의 보고는 많은 문제점을 안고 있다. 특히, 후자들은 그의 회의주의를 소개하면서 그의 철학적 (...)
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    Japanese Christianity in the Meiji Era: An Analysis of Ebina Danjo's Perspective on Shintoistic Christianity.Shuma Iwai - 2008 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 25 (4):195-204.
    This paper examines the perspective of Shintoistic Christianity of Ebina Danjo, a Japanese theologian, during the Meiji period, and how his view influences Japanese churches today. Based on the review of literature, this paper investigates the historical background of Christianity in Japan during that period, followed by key issues of Ebina's thoughts on Christianity with respect to his Bible interpretation, nationalism, and view of the Logos. Through the analysis of his perspective of Shintoistic Christianity, this paper presents some (...)
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    The Immeasurably Creative Politics of Job: Antonio Negri and the Bible.Roland Boer - 2012 - Substance 41 (3):93-108.
    What a sublime and, at the same time, sordid vocation this theological discipline has. My major concern is an unfamiliar Antonio Negri, one who engages in some biblical criticism in his recently translated The Labor of Job (2009), a detailed philosophical exegesis of the “marvelous” biblical book of Job.1 Two features of Negri’s analysis stand out: the oppositions of kairós and ákairos, and measure and immeasure. However, before I explore those oppositions in some detail, two preliminary comments are needed. (...)
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    The Impossibility of the Public.Hsin-I. Liu - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 2:119-124.
    This paper critically evaluates Habermas's social-philosophical exploration of the public sphere in the age of mass communication, which addresses a key question: "Is the public possible in the sociohistorical formation of the mass public sphere?" In his genealogical analysis of different public spheres from feudal to modern times, Habermas indicates that the emergence of inter-subjectivity is historically based upon the dichotomy of private / public (subjective/objective). He emphasizes the opposition of the "subjective side" of rationality to its "objective (...)
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    Searching for shalom: Transformation in the mission of God and the Bible translation movement.Kirk J. Franklin - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):1-10.
    The background of this study was to explore the Old Testament vision of shalom and determine how it was relevant to its holistic mission, Bible translation, transformational development and the world’s challenges and trends. The aim of this research was to create a framework to serve practitioners and theorists associated with the Bible translation movement and its intersection with transformational development. The setting for the study was the consideration of factors affecting Bible translation and transformational development in (...)
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    Women’s voices of renewal within tradition: The women of the wall of jerusalem.Kim Treiger-Bar-Am - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):163-181.
    Women’s voices are widely expressed in current movements of rejuvenation of Jewish traditions. These moves raise tensions within the religious world and the civil legal realm. In focus here is a much-debated instance: the nearly thirty-year effort by Jewish women to pray in a group in song and read from the Bible at the holy site of the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The group is called the Women of the Wall (WoW). In addition to the women's rights of speech, (...)
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    The “Emotional Side” of Entrepreneurship: A Meta-Analysis of the Relation between Positive and Negative Affect and Entrepreneurial Performance.Oana C. Fodor & Sebastian Pintea - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    ‘Metaphysics of the Exodus’: Debating Platonic Versus Christian Traces in St Thomas’ Concept of Being.Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez - 2024 - Sophia 63 (4):637-657.
    This paper critically analyzes the deconstructive tendency that some authors have shown against the so-called Metaphysics of Exodus, promoted by philosophers such as Étienne Gilson. The most original notion in Thomas Aquinas’s philosophy is that being (esse) is said to derive not from the Bible as Gilson claims, but from Neoplatonic sources of pagan ambience, such as the author of the De causis (Proclus) or the Dionysius Areopagite. We carry out an analysis of the status quaestionis by showing, (...)
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    Evelyn Fox Keller. The Century of the Gene. ii + 186 pp., illus., figs., bibl., index.Cambridge, Mass./London: Harvard University Press, 2000. $22.95. [REVIEW]Nathaniel Comfort - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):162-163.
    “Evolvability,” writes Evelyn Fox Keller, “refers to the capacity to generate any kind of heritable phenotypic variation upon which selection can act” . Whether one considers genes or organisms, the potential to adapt and evolve, to respond flexibly to a changing environment, is now recognized by many biologists as itself a trait actively favored by natural selection. Keller correctly presents this idea as an antidote to an old notion of genetic stability. She seems not to appreciate how well it applies (...)
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    Comparative analysis of Ludwig wittgenstein’s and Martin heidegger’s views on the nature of human.A. S. Synytsia - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:132-143.
    Purpose. The paper is aimed at analyzing in a comparative way the philosophical conceptions of the human, proposed by Ludwig Wittgenstein and Martin Heidegger as the main representatives of the analytic and continental tradition of philosophizing in the XXth century. The theoretical basis of the study is determined by Wittgenstein’s legacy in the field of logical and linguistic analysis, as well as Heidegger’s existential, hermeneutical, and phenomenological ideas. Originality. Based on the analysis of the philosophical works of Wittgenstein (...)
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    The Ethics of Price Gouging.Shira Weiss - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (1):142-163.
    An analysis of the contemporary moral debate over price gouging can advance multiple readings of the challenging biblical episode which depicts Jacob's purchase of the birthright. Ethical considerations, such as the maximization of welfare, preservation of choice, and promotion of virtue are evaluated and then applied to the biblical text recounting the sale of Esau's birthright. Did Jacob act ethically in his purchase of ravenous Esau's birthright, or did he seize a propitious opportunity to exploit Esau's predicament? Is Esau (...)
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    The propaganda war on terrorism: An analysis of the united states' "shared values" public-diplomacy campaign after september 11, 2001.Patrick Lee Plaisance - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (4):250 – 268.
    Drawing from midcentury and contemporary theoretical work on propaganda, this study provides an analysis of the propagandistic properties of the "Shared Values" initiative developed by Charlotte Beers, former chief of public diplomacy under U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell. The campaign was broadcast in several Muslim countries before it was abandoned in 2003. The campaign's utilization of truth, its treatment of Muslim audiences as means to serve broader policy objectives rather than as a population to be engaged on its (...)
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