Results for 'standpoint theory'

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  1. Is Standpoint Theory a Resource for Feminist Epistemology? An Introduction.Sharon Crasnow - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):189 - 192.
    Introduction to cluster of papers on feminist standpoint theory.
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  2. Standpoint Theory, in Science.Alison Wylie & Sergio Sismondo - 2001 - In James Wright (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition). Elsevier. pp. 324-330.
    Standpoint theory is based on the insight that those who are marginalized or oppressed have distinctive epistemic resources with which to understand social structures. Inasmuch as these structures shape our understanding of the natural and lifeworlds, standpoint theorists extend this principle to a range of biological and physical as well as social sciences. Standpoint theory has been articulated as a social epistemology and as an aligned methodological stance. It provides the rationale for ‘starting research from (...)
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    Standpoint Theory and the Psy Sciences: Can Marginalization and Critical Engagement Lead to an Epistemic Advantage?Phoebe Friesen & Jordan Goldstein - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (4):659-687.
    As participatory research practices are increasingly taken up in health research, claims related to experiential authority and expertise are frequently made. Here, in an exploration of what grounds such claims, we consider how feminist standpoint theory might apply to the psy sciences (psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and so on). Standpoint theory claims that experiences of marginalization and critical engagement can lead to a standpoint that offers an epistemic advantage within a domain of knowledge. We examine (...)
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  4. Feminist Standpoint Theory vs. the Identitarian Ideology of the New Right.Johannes Steizinger & Natalie Alana Ashton - 2024 - Social Theory and Practice 50 (1):127-155.
    The term ‘identity politics’ is used to refer to a wide range of political movements. In this paper, we look at the theoretical ideas underpinning two strongly, mutually opposed forms of identity politics, and identify some crucial differences between them. We critically compare the identitarian ideology of the New Right with feminist standpoint theory, focusing on two issues: relativism and essentialism. In carrying out this critical comparison we illuminate under-theorized aspects of both new right identitarianism and standpoint (...)
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    Standpoint theory, situated knowledge and the situated imagination.Nira Yuval-Davis & Marcel Stoetzler - 2002 - Feminist Theory 3 (3):315-333.
    The aim of the article is to further assess and develop feminist standpoint theory by introducing the notion of the `situated imagination' as constituting an important part of this theory as well as that of `situated knowledge'. The article argues that the faculty of the imagination constructs as well as transforms, challenges and supersedes both existing knowledge and social reality. However, like knowledge, it is crucial to theorize the imagination as situated, that is, as shaped and conditioned (...)
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  6. The feminist standpoint theory reader: intellectual and political controversies.Sandra G. Harding (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    In the mid-1970s and early 1980s, several feminist theorists began developing alternatives to the traditional methods of scientific research. The result was a new theory, now recognized as Standpoint Theory, which caused heated debate and radically altered the way research is conducted. The Feminist Standpoint Theory Reader is the first anthology to collect the most important essays on the subject as well as more recent works that bring the topic up-to-date. Leading feminist scholar and one (...)
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  7. Standpoint Theory.Alison Wylie - 1995 - In Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. New York City: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1021-1022.
    Standpoint theory is an explicitly political as well as social epistemology. It’s distinctive features are commitment to understand the social locations that shape the epistemic capacities and resources of individuals in structural terms, and a recognition that those who are marginalized within hierarchically structured systems of social differentiation are often epistemically advantaged. In some crucial domains they know more and know better as a contingent function of their situated experience and knowledge. This “inversion thesis” counters the alignment of (...)
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  8. Standpoint theory then and now.Alessandra Tanesini - 2019 - In Miranda Fricker, Peter Graham, David Henderson & Nikolaj Jang Pedersen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, USA: Routledge.
  9. Standpoint Theories: Productively Controversial.Sandra Harding - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):192 - 200.
  10. Introduction: Standpoint theory as a site of political, philosophic, and scientific debate.Sandra Harding - 2001 - In Sandra G. Harding (ed.), The feminist standpoint theory reader: intellectual and political controversies. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--15.
  11. Feminist standpoint theory, Hegel and the dialectical self: Shifting the foundations.Nadine Changfoot - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (4):477-502.
    The claim that theoretical foundations are historically contingent does not draw the same intensity of fire as it did one or especially two decades ago. The aftermath of debates on the political boundaries created by foundations allows for a deeper exploration of the foundations of feminist theory. This article re-examines the (anti)-Hegelian foundations of the feminist standpoint put forward by Nancy Hartsock and argues that the Hegelian subject of the early Phenomenology of Spirit resists gender codification in its (...)
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  12. Standpoint Theory as a Methodology for the Study of Power Relations.Kristina Rolin - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):218 - 226.
  13. Feminist Standpoint Theory as a Form of Naturalist Epistemology.Catherine Hundleby - 2001 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
    In this dissertation I argue that naturalist epistemology would benefit if it were recognized to include feminist standpoint theory, a theory of knowledge that is based on the feminist critiques of science. Naturalists such as W. O. Quine argue that normative epistemology can be developed on the basis of science. However, they have mostly rested content with descriptions of how knowledge seems to work. Naturalists need to evaluate our epistemic practices against competing alternatives if they are to (...)
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    Critical Standpoint Theory and Deep Democracy: Focusing on Strong Objectivity and Partial Connection. 이현재 - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 138:87-109.
    최근 온/오프라인에서 자주 등장하는 페미니즘에 대한 공격은 페미니즘을 주관주의나 특권주의로 간주하는 경향을 갖는다. 이에 이 글에서 나는 페미니즘에 대한 적대시가 페미니즘 입장론에 대한 오해나 무지에서 비롯된 것임을 보여주고자 한다.BR이를 논증하기 위해 나는 이 글에서 1991년도에 『누구의 과학이며 누구의 지식인가?』에서 정식화된 샌드라 하딩(Sandra Harding)의 “지적으로 강력한 페미니스트 입장론”과 도나 해러웨이(Donna Haraway)의 『유인원, 사이보그 그리고 여자』에서 논의되는 “상황적 지식들”을 분석하는 가운데 이들의 입장을 “비판적 입장론”으로 수렴시키고자 한다. 페미니스트 비판적 입장론은 무위치나 상대적 위치에서 출발하는 인식론을 비판하는 가운데 여성의 삶이라는 체현된 위치에서 시작하는 인식론이 (...)
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  15. Merleau-Ponty and Standpoint Theory.Rebecca Harrison - 2023 - In Patrick Londen, Jeffrey Yoshimi & Philip Walsh (eds.), Horizons of Phenomenology: Essays on the State of the Field and Its Applications. Springer Verlag.
    Feminist standpoint theory is a variety of feminist epistemology that has been active since the 1980s. Its two central tenets are (1) that knowledge is necessarily situated within a socio-political context, and (2) that certain socio-political positions or standpoints are epistemically privileged when it comes to “reveal[ing] the truth of social reality” (Hekman 1997). Over the course of its history, standpoint theory has encountered a number of problems which have revealed divisions among its supporters over certain (...)
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    A representação de mulheres nos espaços de poder e a standpoint theory: contribuições de uma epistemologia feminista.Marina França Santos - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (3):904-933.
    O presente trabalho objetiva discutir e analisar criticamente a representação de mulheres nos espaços de poder. O estudo adota como ferramenta analítica a standpoint theory, epistemologia feminista crítica às concepções tradicionais da teoria do conhecimento, e tem por marco teórico as reflexões trazidas pela teoria democrática sobre inclusão social nos espaços de poder.
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  17. Thinking Outside-In: Feminist Standpoint Theory As Epistemology, Methodology, And Philosophy Of Science.Catherine Hundleby - 2020 - In Kristen Intemann & Sharon Crasnow (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 89-103.
    A feminist standpoint addresses the ideals or norms and attendant practices involved in science and knowledge with a mind to lived experiences of oppression. That such matters of social context and awareness of that context influence the ability of individual people to know their worlds constitutes the Situated Knowledge Thesis (Intemann 2016; Wylie 2003). Situated knowledges provide the evidence and inspiration for the central epistemological tenet of feminist standpoint theory. Individuals and liberatory communities obtain the epistemic advantage (...)
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  18. Feminist standpoint theory.Sharon Crasnow - 2014 - In Nancy Cartwright & Eleonora Montuschi (eds.), Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 145-161.
  19. Problems with Feminist Standpoint Theory in Science Education.Iddo Landau - 2008 - Science & Education 17:1081-1088.
    Feminist standpoint theory has important implications for science education. The paper focuses on difficulties in standpoint theory, mostly regarding the assumptions that different social positions produce different types of knowledge, and that epistemic advantages that women might enjoy are always effective and significant. I conclude that the difficulties in standpoint theory render it too problematic to accept. Various implications for science education are indicated: we should return to the kind of science education that instructs (...)
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  20. Incorporating Feminist Standpoint Theory.Kristoffer Ahlström - 2005 - SATS 6 (2):79-92.
    As has been noted by Alvin Goldman, there are some very interesting similarities between his Veritistic Social Epistemology (VSE) and Sandra Harding's Feminist Standpoint Theory (FST). In the present paper, it is argued that these similarities are so significant as to motivate an incorporation of FST into VSE, considering that (i) a substantial common ground can be found; (ii) the claims that go beyond this common ground are logically compatible; and (Hi) the generality of VSE not only does (...)
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  21. Feminist Standpoint Theory.T. Bowell - 2011 - In James Fieser & Bradley Dowden (eds.), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge.
  22. Standpoint Theories Reconsidered.Joseph Rouse - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):200 - 209.
  23. Phenomenological Sociology and Standpoint Theory: On the Critical Use of Alfred Schutz’s American Writings in the Feminist Sociologies of Dorothy E. Smith and Patricia Hill Collins.Hanne Jacobs - 2025 - In Sander Verhaegh (ed.), American Philosophy and the Intellectual Migration: Pragmatism, Logical Empiricism, Phenomenology, Critical Theory. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This chapter provides a historical reconstruction of how Alfred Schutz’s American writings were critically engaged by the feminist sociologists Dorothy E. Smith and Patricia Hill Collins. Schutz’s articulation of a phenomenological sociology in relation to, among others, the sociology of Talcott Parsons and the philosophies of science of Ernest Nagel and Carl G. Hempel proved fruitful to Smith in the development of her feminist standpoint theory in her 1987 The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology. Collins likewise (...)
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  24. Merleau-Ponty and Standpoint Theory.Rebecca Harrison - 2023 - In Patrick Londen, Jeffrey Yoshimi & Philip Walsh (eds.), Horizons of Phenomenology: Essays on the State of the Field and Its Applications. Springer Verlag. pp. 231-244.
    Over the course of its history, feminist standpoint theory has encountered a number of problems which reveal divisions among its supporters over certain fundamental philosophical commitments. This chapter sketches a phenomenological account of perception that can begin to address these problems, drawn largely from Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception. Merleau-Ponty can help us resolve these issues by providing an account of perspectival perception wherein a multiplicity of different perceptual standpoints all nonetheless put us in touch with a single (...)
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  25. Standpoint theory and the possibility of justice: A Lyotardian critique of the democratization of knowledge.Margret Grebowicz - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (4):16-29.
    : Grebowicz argues from the perspective of Jean-François Lyotard's critique of deliberative democracy that the project of democratizing knowledge may bring us closer to terror than to justice. The successful formulation of a critical standpoint requires that we figure the political as itself a contested site, and incorporate this into our theorizing about the role of dissent in the production of knowledges. This essay contrasts Lyotard's notion of the differend with Chantal Mouffe's agonistic model.
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  26. Evidence, relativism and feminist standpoint theory.Natalie Ashton - 2023 - In Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Resisting the ‘civilising mission’. Analysing Hungarian conspiracy theories through standpoint theory.Attila Kustán Magyari & Robert Imre - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Hungarian right-wing populists have been applying decolonial rhetoric in their conspiracy theories over the past three decades. Understanding their resistance against the ‘civilising' mission of ‘the West' – or recently ‘Brussels' – needs specific tools. By applying standpoint theory, our interest is in the domestication of globally existing conspiracy theories. Instead of imposing an external rationale upon conspiracy theory thinking, we seek to understand the conspiracy thinking from its' own epistemological standpoint/positioning. Extending our analysis of the (...)
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  28. (1 other version)On the Epistemological Similarities of Market Liberalism and Standpoint Theory.Raimund Pils & Philipp Schoenegger - 2021 - Episteme:1-21.
    In this paper, we draw attention to the epistemological assumptions of market liberalism and standpoint theory and argue that they have more in common than previously thought. We show that both traditions draw on a similar epistemological bedrock, specifically relating to the fragmentation of knowledge in society and the fact that some of this knowledge cannot easily be shared between agents. We go on to investigate how market liberals and standpoint theorists argue with recourse to these similar (...)
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    Revisiting standpoint theory.Kathy Rudy - 1999 - Theory and Event 3 (3).
  30. A Socially Relevant Philosophy of Science? Resources from Standpoint Theory's Controversiality.Sandra Harding - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (1):25-47.
    Feminist standpoint theory remains highly controversial: it is widely advocated, used to guide research and justify its results, and yet is also vigorously denounced. This essay argues that three such sites of controversy reveal the value of engaging with standpoint theory as a way of reflecting on and debating some of the most anxiety-producing issues in contemporary Western intellectual and political life. Engaging with standpoint theory enables a socially relevant philosophy of science.
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    Fugitive freedom and radical care: Towards a standpoint theory of normativity.Daniel Loick - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Epistemic standpoint theories have elaborated the effects of social situatedness on epistemic competence: Dominant groups are regularly subject to epistemic blockages that limit the possibility of cognition and knowledge production. Oppressed groups, on the other hand, have access to perceptions and insights that dominant groups lack. This diagnosis can be generalized: Not only our epistemic, but also our normative relation to the world is socially situated, that is, our values, virtues, moral sentiments are shaped by relations of domination. In (...)
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  32. Social Structure and Epistemic Privilege. Reconstructing Lukács’s Standpoint Theory.Titus Stahl - 2023 - Análisis 10 (2):319-349.
    Lukács is widely recognized as being the first critical theorist to have explicitly developed the idea of a “standpoint theory”. According to such a theory, members of oppressed groups enjoy an epistemic privilege regarding the nature of their oppression. However, there is no agreement regarding what precise argument Lukács offers for his claims regarding the alleged epistemic privilege of the working class. Additionally, it remains unclear whether later feminist standpoint theories share any continuity with Lukács’s argument. (...)
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  33. Years of Feminist Empiricism and Standpoint Theory: Where Are We Now?Kristen Intemann - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (4):778-796.
    Over the past twenty-five years, numerous articles in Hypatia have clarified, revised, and defended increasingly more nuanced views of both feminist empiricism and standpoint feminism. Feminist empiricists have argued that scientific knowledge is contextual and socially situated (Longino 1990; Nelson 1990; Anderson 1995), and standpoint feminists have begun to endorse virtues of theory choice that have been traditionally empiricist (Wylie 2003). In fact, it is unclear whether substantive differences remain. I demonstrate that current versions of feminist empiricism (...)
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  34. The Place of Standpoint Theory in Feminist Science Studies.Janet A. Kourany - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):209 - 218.
  35. From Popper to Standpoint Theory: Reason and the Canon.Lydia Patton - 2023 - In Sandra Lapointe & Erich Reck (eds.), Historiography and the Formation of Philosophical Canons. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In a famous debate between Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper, Popper accused Kuhn and Quine of propagating the “Myth of the Framework”: that some broad set of specific background commitments are required for interlocutors to be able to have a fruitful conversation. The Myth of the Framework could be used to argue for a beneficial version of the canon: that training in these shared background commitments allows for the growth of a robust community of inquiry. Popper argues, however, that the (...)
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    Who Knows? Reflexivity in Feminist Standpoint Theory and Bourdieu.Paige L. Sweet - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (6):922-950.
    Though the invocation to be “reflexive” is widespread in feminist sociology, many questions remain about what it means to “turn back” and resituate our work—about how to engage with research subjects’ visions of the world and with our own theoretical models. Rather than a superficial rehearsal of researcher and interlocutor standpoints, I argue that “reflexivity” should help researchers theorize the social world in relational ways. To make this claim, I draw together the insights of feminist standpoint theory and (...)
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  37. Identity politics and the democratization of democracy: Oscillations between power and reason in radical democratic and standpoint theory.Karsten Schubert - 2023 - Constellations 1 (4):563-579.
    Identity politics is commonly criticized as endangering democracy by undermining community, rational communication, and solidarity. Drawing on both radical democratic theory and standpoint theory, this article posits the opposite thesis: identity politics is pivotal for the democratization of democracy. Democratization through identity politics is achieved by disrupting hegemonic discourse and is, therefore, a matter of power, while such forms of power politics are reasonable when following minority standpoints generated through identity politics. The article develops this approach by (...)
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    Non‐ideal theory and critical theory and their relationship to standpoint theory.Hilkje C. Hänel - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  39. The Genesis and Justification of Feminist Standpoint Theory in Hegel and Lukács.W. Scott Cameron - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (3-4):19-41.
    Feminist standpoint epistemology suggests that women are cognitively privileged, since gender-specific forms of oppression produce insights systematically denied to men. Yet if many forms of oppression exist, what happens when they overlap? Some reject such theories as irredeemably essentialist, triumphalist, and relativist, but I argue that their original versions in Hegel and Lukács as supplemented by Sabina Lovibond generate both the strongest arguments for standpoint theories and a way through their deepest difficulties.
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  40. Role Epistemology: Confucian Resources for Feminist Standpoint Theory.Kevin DeLapp - 2016 - In Mathew Foust & Sor-Hoon Tan (eds.), Feminist Encounters with Confucius. Boston, USA: Brill. pp. 121-140.
    Defends a role-based theory of epistemic justification, integrating feminist and Confucian frameworks.
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  41. Why standpoint matters.Alison Wylie - 2003 - In Robert Figueroa & Sandra G. Harding (eds.), Science and other cultures: issues in philosophies of science and technology. New York: Routledge. pp. 26--48.
    Feminist standpoint theory has been marginal to mainstream philosophical analyses of science–indeed, it has been marginal to science studies generally–and it has had an uneasy reception among feminist theorists. Critics of standpoint theory have attributed to it untenable foundationalist assumptions about the social identities that can underpin an epistemically salient standpoint, and implausible claims about the epistemic privilege that should be accorded to those who occupy subdominant social locations. I disentangle what I take to be (...)
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    From Wonder to Anger: Rethinking The Showman and the Slave Through Standpoint Theory.Benjamin Reiss - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (4):577-587.
    Wonder exalts its object. Can it also degrade? This question was a central interpretive tension guiding the author’s archival research and analysis when he set out to write his first book almost 30 years ago, about a 19th-century woman who was simultaneously degraded—for her race, her disability, her old age, and her enslavement—and lionized for the stories she had to tell and for the symbolism of her very existence. The author reflects on how his fascination with the story he was (...)
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    10 The Will Not to Believe Pragmatism, Oppression, and Standpoint Theory.José Medina - 2015 - In Erin C. Tarver & Shannon Sullivan (eds.), Feminist interpretations of William James. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 235-260.
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    Circulus Vitiosus Deus? The Dialectical Logic of Feminist Standpoint Theory.Daniel W. Conway - 1997 - Journal of Social Philosophy 28 (1):62-76.
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    Identity politics and the democratization of democracy: Oscillations between power and reason in radical democratic and standpoint theory.Karsten Schubert - 2024 - Constellations 31 (4):563-579.
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    Comments on Josué Piñeiro’s “Epistemic Peerhood and Standpoint Theory.Deborah K. Heikes - 2021 - Southwest Philosophy Review 37 (2):13-16.
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  47. Feminist Philosophy of Science: Standpoint Matters.Alison Wylie - 2012 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophy Association 86 (2):47-76.
    Standpoint theory is an explicitly political as well as social epistemology. Its central insight is that epistemic advantage may accrue to those who are oppressed by structures of domination and discounted as knowers. Feminist standpoint theorists hold that gender is one dimension of social differentiation that can make such a difference. In response to two longstanding objections I argue that epistemically consequential standpoints need not be conceptualized in essentialist terms, and that they do not confer automatic or (...)
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    Setting Expectations for Ethics Theory from the Standpoint of the User.Eric Racine - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (3):348-369.
    Ethics theory is highly valued to the point that some commentators have claimed that it has taken on a life of its own, with too much focus on the justification of moral judgment and not enough on the needs of users of such theory. Building from various personal experiences of interdisciplinary ethics collaborative developments and empirical research projects, the wisdom gleaned by others, as well as insights from pragmatist theory, this article offers five (non-exhaustive) expectations for ethics (...)
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  49. Privileged standpoints/reliable processes.Kourken Michaelian - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (1):65-98.
    : This article attempts to reconcile Sandra Harding's postmodernist standpoint theory with process reliabilism in first-order epistemology and naturalism in metaepistemology. Postmodernist standpoint theory is best understood as consisting of an applied epistemological component and a metaepistemological component. Naturalist metaepistemology and the metaepistemological component of postmodernist standpoint theory have produced complementary views of knowledge as a socially and naturally located phenomenon and have converged on a common concept of objectivity. The applied epistemological claims of (...)
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  50. Scientific Perspectives, Feminist Standpoints, and Non-Silly Relativism.Natalie Ashton - 2019 - In Michela Massimi (ed.), Knowledge From a Human Point of View. Springer Verlag.
    Defences of perspectival realism are motivated, in part, by an attempt to find a middle ground between the realist intuition that science seems to tell us a true story about the world, and the Kuhnian intuition that scientific knowledge is historically and culturally situated. The first intuition pulls us towards a traditional, absolutist scientific picture, and the second towards a relativist one. Thus, perspectival realism can be seen as an attempt to secure situated knowledge without entailing epistemic relativism. A very (...)
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